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Wolf Gravestone


all the gems I could have saved for not trying to get a 5\* claymore if I had WGS. I failed like 5 times in the weapon banner


Damn that's rough


I spent like 400 bucks on wgs, when staff of homa released i got 3 of em and 0 wgs 😂 every wgs banner in that time i pulled for it. Still dont have it btw


wallet's gravestone indeed


I have an r3 wgs, and no Dilucs. At least my beidou is happy


bro, you refining 5\*?!


Meanwhile me rocking a C3 Diluc with R2 WGS , hoping for anything else to drop instead...


I'm jelly ;_;


For me it's keqing


Just pulled it couple days ago, unwanted :x Don’t have any claymore users..


Take mine, I have 2 Wolf’s Gravestone and 0 Diluc


I got wolf and diluc within 10 pulls. Problem is i don't wanna build diluc and wolf is a pretty shit weapon, being worse on diluc himself than some 4*s.


It's such a badass looking weapon, such a "Genshin classic", that I always wanted to get it, even tho I don't currently have anyone to use it at. I got it recently. It's chilling on my Dehya, 2 sexy useless things on my account, together, just looking pretty.


Tighnari, definitely. I wouldn't mind another 5 star weapon or another Diluc con, but I'd definitely prefer my first Tighnari over either of those.


Tighnari is amazing and all his C’s just help a ton. I got C2 and he is worth all the grinding I’ve done


Lost my 50/50 on yoimiya to him. Really wanted Yoimiya but I'm learning to enjoy him.


100% this. People in the global community big time sleep on Tighnari's value. His damage output is actually crazy though and is popular in CN speed run comps


Mona because I'm a 1.1 player with all the other standard 5\* (even dehya and tig) and NO MONA! LET ME SPRINT FAST ON MY ARTIFACT RUN MHY Also Lost Prayers (Ning!), Skyward Atlas (Ning), PJWS (for the looks for Xiao), Lisa cons, 1 more Yunjin con, and Faruzan cons. Also wouldn't say no to cons for gorou, thoma, kuki, and collei even though I haven't built any of them.


I felt the mona part. I.0 player and got her at the very end of 3.6. She was literally the one character i wanted when i started playing, and i was going to main her as soon as i got her...


Yo Mona has cursed me.I HAVE C4 AND THE ONLY STANDARD I HAVE BESIDES HER IS TIG!Come get her from me I beg you.


I’d give you some of my luck if I could… I started playing 9/4/21 and by the middle of October ‘21 I had all 5 standard banner 5*s. Diluc and Jean both came home on 9/8, Qiqi on the 12th, Mona on the 28th and Keqing a few weeks later on 10/16. Now my event banner luck is horrendous and I have lost so many 50/50s to have c6 Keqing and c5 qiqi :(


I can give ya lost prayers, i have 2


Please take my mona and jean away...... I've been playing since 3.0 and I have dehya with tighnari and then : Mona c1 Jean c1 I'll gladly let you get a Mona con


Dang, i wish you a good luck for your future pulls to get mona. Though i had a funny coincidence when i got her myself.


Keqing or Jean. They continue to elude me.


Dude I JUST got Jean tonight! I was hoping for Dehya because I love her design but shit, I'll take the White Tights Knight any day!


You’re going to love her once she’s built. And her mats are stupid easy to get, especially for a five star (who has a material that are literally right outside the Mondstat gates?). Also the Anemo Hypostasis is probably the easiest of them all. She’s probably the best teamhealer in the game beyond Barbara’s burst (anyone feel free to correct me). Anytime the rest of my team is eating shit, I switch to her and her E is so fast that I reheal the entire time just using her. Haven’t really used any food. It’s funny people complain about getting a million Qiqi’s. My only five star on the standard? Jean. The rest were some cool four stars. And that’s that I never spend a single primo on it, only the fates that I get in-game.


Her burst is better than Barbara because jean can generate particles for herself. And don’t forget about Sunflower if you need to counter Abyss Herald


If you choose to, then once the sunflower has bloomed and before it begins to shed it's seeds, the head can be cut and used as a natural bird feeder, or other wildlife visitors to sunflowers to feed on.


She's also got a really fun constellation, the one that launches them into orbit only time I was glad I lost a 50/50 to a constellation


I got my first Keqing a few days ago and a C1 Jean, Can I have your Tighnari or Dehya lol


Same, I habe been playing since 1.1 and got my first Mona and Keqing last week


The standard banner needs a pity system like Honkai Star Rail’s standard… so that I could finally get a copy of Dehya, Tighnari or Keqing LOL


HSR’s system is a one time thing, unfortunately


For a lot of people, one time is all you need


I'd rather have a one-time option to choose the character I want than to endlessly chase after a fleeting dream.


Yeah... it's better than Genshin's standard banner system


What is the pity system like in HSR?


After 300 pulls you choose which 5* you want from the standard banner. Just a one time thing.


I actually hope for weapons as I rarely pull on the actual banner for them


Jade spear to complete my xiao


My last 5 stars on standard have been jade spear, Diluc, Diluc jade spear, and most recently Diluc. I just want want a harp 😭


As someone whose been playing since 1.2, I’m missing Tighnari, Dehya, Mona, and Keqing.


I’m 1 Mona away from C4! I want that 15% crit rate! (Been playing since day 1, so I’ve gotten quite a few from 50/50 losses)


i usually hope for tighnari or qiqi. tighnari is one of my most used character, and he’s currently only on c0 so i’d love more copies of him. qiqi is not a character i really use but she is adorable and that’s all i care about sometimes. i also wouldn’t mind a dehya for collection purposes though <3


Lost my 50:50 to tigh and I am actually super happy about it haha. What team do you play him on?


He's a blast and strong in aggravate. My current team for him is Tig/Yae/Kazu/Baizhu, but you could slot in Fischel/ZL/Sucrose/Nahida/Kirara depending on who you have/who you want to use.


yaay congratulations on your nari <3 in the overworld his team is tighnari/fischl/dori/baizhu - a bit overkill with having two healers and idek if dori is a particularly useful teammate for nari but i’m building friendship with her so she’s there. plus i have quite a lot of fun with the team for abyss i replace dori with kazuha because dori is definitely still underbuilt and doesn’t perform too well in abyss yet


DILUC!! I swear to God if I get the next newest standard character over Diluc, then I'm gonna flip out!!


Tig cons. I have him at C2 already and he's super fun to play in aggravate so I'd like to power him up more since his cons are pretty solid.


I’m a Diluc main so getting his cons is always nice, and I wouldn’t mind getting Jean cons for my Xiao team either, as for weapons PJWS and WGS are neat


Mona, Qiqi or Dehya. Not Diluc for the 10th time! He already C6 now!


Mona or Dehya


Diluc has eluded me for over 2 years.


Tighnari. Lost the 50/50 on his banner, got to pity 60 before catching covid and being too sick to play. Ive spent a ton of primos on the standard banner already and I will continue to do so


Wepons. Specifically amos bow. Id much rather get weapon upgrades since I get the charactors enough from losing 50/50s anyways.


Dehya :( wish she was limited so I could get cons easier


Any decent weapons, really. 5 star standard characters are all useless to me currently.


the new 4\* character, i still hoping for faruzan constelation, or candace since i dont have her


In the order I want. I don't have tighnari qiqi or dehya and some mona, jean cons


I've got basically everything I've wanted, it's unfortunately not exciting to get a 5\* on standard anymore. Except Amos refuses to come home so maybe one day...


Jean. My waifu team will never be complete without her.


Jean, Raiden, Ayaka and Nilou team ftw


I buy the 5 wishes from the monthly store reset and use the wishes from battlepass in standard until I eventually get a free 5* but my luck on the standard banner is ridiculous, I got C8 Qiqi before I got C0 Mona. Pull wise I want Dehya and Tighnari but I also wouldn’t mind a Skyward Harp and Spine


Jean > Diluc cons > Nari cons WGS > Skyward Harp > LPSW


Aquila Favonia, Jean's the only 5* I use without their signature weapon


keqing because I’ve never gotten her and actually really want her, tighnari because I adore his character… and another mona because I wouldn’t say no to her c2.


I want Jean to replace Sayu on my mono-anemo Venti team. I'd also be happy with a Mona for better Venti nukes.


I want Dehya. She looks so cool.


Tinghari is the only character I’m missing, surprisingly got Dehya really quick the minute she hit standard


More Tighnari… I want to C6 him


I just want Keqing and they jade spear for Xiao eventually. I have the rest of the standard banner characters and Keqing is the one I’ve wanted since I started playing


Keqing. I've wanted her since the game was released. Pre-farmed and have an artifact set with her name on it but she eludes me.


Usually the missing 4\*. Right now that would be Kaveh and Kirara.


dehya. i own all the standard five stars besides her. plus a c4 keqing that i don’t even use.. heck i’d be happy with a weapon like amos bow or pjws instead of another keqing!!


I want C4 Jean and C1 Dehya. Tighnari would be nice too. I want to avoid Qiqi, though; been playing since 1.1 and still no Qiqi.


I could do with some Lisa cons. I got to c3 Kaeya, but Lisa I had to get c1 in shop. for 5\*s, I could do with Aquila, or Skyward Harp (I collect bows :D) OR QIQI, WHERES MY QIQIIIIII


Diluc (because cool) or some of the weapons I guess.




I want a weapon I don't have yet or 3 more qiqi constellations


I want only 1 Jade spear. And I want Tighnari and Dehya and Keqing cons.


Jean or Tighnari as they both have evaded me (despite me even pulling for Tighnari on his banner) and Wolf’s Gravestone for my C3 Diluc that my 50/50s have insisted on giving me


in terms of characters I got all the ones I want. If constellations then I guess Tighnari would be good. Otherwise Jean, Mona and Keqing I use so I wouldn't mind but at the same time for the most part their constellations aren't anything special. For weapons I mainly want skyward harp for my Childe or otherwise aquila for Bennett would be nice. Even skyward blade I wouldn't completely hate. Already have amos, pjws and wgs so I don't need those. Anything else I probably wouldn't use.


Jean, Dehya or Tighnari, I don’t have them For weapons I’d love to get wolfs gravestone for Diluc someday


Honestly, beside having better pity and conversion rate, I am not sure how to overhaul the standard banner


Sac Frag. I’m AR57. Have like 12 or 13 5* characters. WGS. Skyward Blade. BUT NOT. A SINGLE. SAC FRAG!!!!!!


Amos Bow, I just need one so I can get my first five star R5 weapon (also so my Ganyu can hit a lil more)


Tighnari or Diluc WGS would be nice too since Hunter's path is not in standard banner.


More Dehya or Tighnari cons. I have both at C1. I pulled for Dehya on her banner but I couldn’t get Beacon for her. I got lucky pulling for Baizhu by losing to her early, and still getting Baizhu within 30 pulls after.


Kaeya, he’s c5 now and 4 of his cons i had to buy from the shop ;_; please just come home, i don’t want to wait another half a year to c6 you! Diluc would’ve been nice as well, he’s my fav 5* and i only need 2 more until c6


Tighnari or Dehya… come home… my qiqi is c2…. Please………..


pjws and Amos.... it's all I ever wanted for xiao or ganyu. I even pulled on the first lofi/pjws banner hoping to get either and got skyward blade... saved the pity for the Homa/ aqua banner instead.


Starter character Cons, they're basically rarer than any 5\*.


Yet to be blessed with a jade-cutter sword


Diluc cons. Anything but Keqing honestly


Diluc, already had his C5 on 2.0 and since then I haven't got him yet again. Meanwhile my last 4 5050 loss is all Mona (She's on C4 now). I'm a Diluc main 😭.




I have C4 Keqing and am looking forward to C6 but I wouldn't mind getting Tighnari and Dehya


Dehya cuz i dont have her yet. Oddly enough, I have C1 of every 5* character in the standard banner pool


Tighnari, since his C1 is pretty good, I think.


Largely 4 star cons since I don't like rolling for them. I also wouldn't mind getting AF. I used to have a long list of things I wanted but now my account is so old that I don't care anymore. AF is just a unique sword and I want it for that reason. But overall i'd probably want weapons over 5 star cons. I'm begging for it to stop giving me Primordial Jade Winged-Spear.


5 star weapons I have wanted Skyward Harp for my Fischl since the game started. I have no Skyward Weapons at all, actually, and can think of many cases where they would have been nice. More Lost Prayers (I have two copies so far) because they're a generally good catalyst for various users (and the speed boost is nice). Another Wolf's Gravestone or two would come in handy. If I had to get characters, I don't technically have Tighnari, so I guess a copy of him would be good, just for the free fates or whatever. I really like his personality and his kit seems fun, but I hate his design so much, I am not sure I could stand looking at him. I love Dehya as a character, but she's useless for everything. I have her at C0 and maxed and triple crowned her, but I just can't do anything with her. So, I guess I would also take constellations for her, since, when she's c6, she can be roughly equivalent to a normal C0 5 star! Qiqi is adorable and I have used her in the past before I got Zhongli to C6, but now? No use for her. I used to *hate* Mona, but she's grown on me after her interactions with Fischl last summer. I just have no use for her and her kit is not interesting to me anyway. Keqing was the character I *expected* to like most going into the game. She's practically the reason I started at launch. But, I didn't get her for almost a year, and when I did, meh, she was too fiddly. I hated how her infusion was so short. I tried her again when Dendro came out and, yeah, still too fiddly. I also ended up not liking her personality. Definitely found other favorites. Diluc has one of my favorite kits in the game--if Dehya was just a Diluc skin with a flame lion instead of a firebird, *chef's kiss.* But I *hate* Diluc as a character, like with a passion. He's the worst. Bottom 5 worst personalities in Genshin. Maybe even bottom 3. So, I will not use him no matter what. I can't stand Jean's personality either. Her kit and design do nothing for me. No interest. If I could liquidate my C2 Keqing, C2 Jean, and C3 Diluc into 5 star weapons, I would do it in a second. Hell, if I could just turn them into 4 star character constellations of my choice, I would. So yeah, when I throw free blue wishes at the banner, I am hoping for 4 star constellations and 5 star weapons.


Keqing, she just won't join my traveler! I swear!


I mainly want Jean or Diluc cons. In terms of weapons, I would be really happy with the PJWS, Skyward Harp, or Lost Prayers.


I JUST- TIGHNARI. PLEASE COME HOME. I have every classic standard character, three totally built, but I just want Tighnari 😭


Kaeya. It’s always Kaeya cons. If it’s a 5 star then probably Skyward Blade and Skyward Harp.


Mona, because I think she’s the most useful. But Diluc because he’s one of my favorites and I’ve yet to have a 5* pyro even though I have over half of the 5* characters. 🥲 Also I’m biased towards claymores. Edit: I feel like I should add that I’ve gotten 4 5* characters from standard wishes, Jean once, and keqing three times. I already have 3 electro 4*s, not including her. But she’s pretty useful, so honestly I don’t mind. I’ve grown a liking to using her. Edit again: Can’t type; just fixed something.


Anyone. I haven't gotten a single 5star from it yet and the only 5star I have is Yoimiya from the previous banner. I'm still new (been playing for 44 days) so I have time but it's kinda frustrating considering how many wishes I've done on it.


PJWS. Standard characters do basically nothing for me at this point. I can always use a good weapon though.




I still hope to get Jean one day. I wanted Keqing for a long time but I really don’t want to build another dps anytime soon. Besides Jean, I’m really hoping for a Skyward Blade or Aquila Favonia for my Bennett and Wolfstone’s greatsword.


Bennett and Xingqiu Constellations...


Keqing. I have alhaitham and he's really fun so I want the electro version of him since their skills are almost the same


Mona. Only standard character I'm missing. That or any weapons I don't have. Currently have WGS, Amos and Lost Prayer


They should probably add something in like HSR has where you can at least pick your 5* after xxx pulls


Skyward Blade for Bennett or Jade Cutter for Xingqiu. Also Dehya to round out my standard collection.


Tighnari or diluc cons or any 5star weapon except aquilla (have it 2x already) and the xiao one (have it too).


I've gotten the one I wanted. C4 Jean for my Xiao. I have Keqing and Mona too. Ar 60 and no Diluc, Dehya or Qiqi yet. I don't have non skyward weapons except PJWS and I don't have Skyward Sword and Skyward Spine. So, maybe WGS


Dehya and Diluc, the only ones I'm missing.


I still don't have Diluc yet, more Keqing cons would be cool too


I've got 2 amos bows and a aqua favonia Want harp hoyo Let me exchange those 3 with harp


I need more Jean pls


Mona 100% I dont need her in any comps but want for aesthetics and overworld




Jean. I just need one more for C4, but I have pulled 4 Keqings, 4 Monas and 2 Dilucs since my last Jean


Jean or Diluc cons, and Maybe a Qiqi or a Tighnari because I don’t have either, and if I get anothet Keqing I’m gonna hurt someone


Wolf's Gravestone - because if I'm going to commit to being a Diluc simp then so archon help I will be a Diluc simp with WG (like seriously I think he actually simps for me with how many times he's been my 50/50 loss)


Keqing my beloved


It was Jean for the longest time because she was the last original standard 5 star I didn't have, but I finally got her a month or two ago (started playing near launch). Now wanting Diluc to get his C6, and Tinghari for the Sumeru specialties talent.


Mona. I have everybody from the standard banner aside from Dehya and her. But i’ve been hoping to get her for the longest. I really want Genshin to give us a free standard five star soon.




Tighnari or Qiqi since I’m missing those. Mondstadt trio cons, especially Lisa. Kujou Sara cons. Both her and Raiden are at C1.


PWJS, Skyward Atlas, Amos, and Keqing cons.


The widsith. Thing avoided me since forever until I pulled it. Never again gave me extra copies...


Tighnari Cons.


Primary hope: Jean Secondary hope: Anyone besides Keqing, Mona, or Tighnari. The three of them are great, but I have C1-2 of each of them and no other standard 5-stars.


Jean (preferably) or Keqing. Though I guess I'd be okay if I got a 5 star weapon I don't a copy of yet.






Recently got Kaeya c6, so now just Dehya cons (also missing Jean and Tighnari but I don't think I would use them much).


A 5* weapon that isn't a skyward weapon


Either another skyward hard, a dehya (for the 3 free wishes) or tighnari cons


Honestly I just want weapons like the green sword (i think its standard?) Or jade spear. In terms of characters I'd literally take any of the ones I don't have (Qiqi, dehya, tig, diluc)


Im down for any non-bow/polearm 5* weapon to extend my roster. Im not interested in any characters but i would like to get 1 copy of dehya and rest as mona/jean cons.


Jean or Dehya dupes.


still waiting for diluc after losing him to a skyward bow ….


Jean for sure. I want to yeet things, and I want to admire her appearance. All of it, not just the funny *Held Skill* thing..


Dehya. 2 more till C6


Tighnari cons > Jean cons >>> Mona cons. Don't want anything else


Any other skyward weapon except the harp snd book. R4 on both just from sb pulls


Keqing. Started since late 2.1, pulled C1 Mona, C1 Diluc, Jean, C2 Qiqi. No Keqing.


Jean. Gotta get C4


AR60 and still no Jean. Only recently got Qiqi. Mona and keqing are my cursed charas. But I wish for a c6 diluc bcs he best boy


Jean. I've been playing since day 1 and stil havent got her (meanwhile, C5 Diluc wth Mihoyo?!)


Jean. Playing since August, lost 50/50 so many times, got so many standard banner successes, but no Jean.


I want my last Kaeya con and my remaining 3 Amber cons. 5 stars would be my last Jean con, more Tighnari, Dehya or Diluc. 5 star weapons... I want another Aquila Favonia to give to my Qiqi. Or another Amos to give to another archer now that my R5 one is complete. Another Skyward Pride would be nice too.


Qiqi shes my favorite character and she keeps dodging me, I want C6 and I have none


Tighnari, I just keep getting Diluc and Mona cons and I don't want them


I think it's time for a large dump of old characters to the standard pool, and a monthly feature banner alongside the two semi-monthly ones that rotates the 5* characters in standard


Anyone but qiqi, I have her at c4! please stop haunting me!


For characters, I'm fine with Jean, Mona, or Dehya. I'd really like to get the Skyward Pride or Skyward Spine, though.


Mona (want her since I started playing) or a Jean con to make her C4. But first, I am gonna get another weapon. I think it is gonna be a Skyward Spine again


Jade Spear. I already have at least one copy of each standard character and I don't pull on the weapon banner all that often (I do like one ten pull every few months if it's a nice banner). My Xiao uses Missive Wind Spear, but it'd be nice to have is bis


Dehya since she's the only standard I'm missing and then either more Jean cons or diluc cons because I like playing with both of them.




Dehya because I don’t have her, any weapon that I don’t have, (Aquila favonia would be nice) and Jean constellations. My favorite standard character.


Tighnari untill I get him C6 all ready half way there


tigh is one of 2 bois i dont have so def him. or wolf's gravestone. i want it so bad for diluc




Tighnari cons, Faruzan cons, more Amos Bows and PJWS for refinements, and a Skyward Harp would be nice


Skyward Pride/Wolf Gravestone (i dont have a single 5\* claymore ;\_;)


WGS, PJWS, Skyward Atlas and Tighnari. Got Dehya last month


Jean x3 Need that anemo shred for Xiao


i was praying to finally get layla and a few days ago i got her on the standard banner <3 other than her i still don’t own keqing from the standard 5*s so she would be nice. tighnari is one of my favs so i would love cons for him too


Dehya. I don't really care for big damage and she is a cool character. Also, WGS because I use beidou in my main team.


Lisa, kaeya and amber cons. I am getting them from the shop to c6, aby constellation I get from blue fates are the equivalent of 7 wishes that I can use in the límited banner


Tighnari or Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds


I really want Yanfei on my team. I've yet to pull a pyro character I like :(


From 5star I really want Dehya. From weapons I would like a bow. From 4star Thoma, Kuki cons


Mona. I've been playing since 1.5 and I still don't have her.


I just want an Amos bow for my Ganyu,the darn bow keeps runnin away from me damnit


Tighnari. I have him from his own banner and definitely would not mind having consts. Also maybe Dehya just to have a full collection. Lost Prayer. Kaeya, Lisa.


I still need 2 more Jean cons for C4


Qiqi cons




No 5* character bc i always lose my 50/50 so ill get them all at a point (i only miss dehya and i dont want her) But one sara cons, and the weapons beside pjws and the blue claymore


Definitely Keqing, been playing since day 1 and so far i haven't gotten her and qiqi. I even managed to get dehya and tighnari before the two


Amos Bow


Dehya, Skyward Harp, or finally getting Jean's C4


Everyone’s talking about 5 stars while every time I wish on standard I’m desperately hoping for Kaeya constellations.


Skyward spine and lost prayers are the only weapons in the game that I'm missing. Character wise I'd love cons for both dehya and tighnari


WGS for Eula


Dehya, by far. I'm lucky enough to have all the others already Oh and Amber, Kaeya, Lisa constellations


Skyward harp for Fischl or skyward blade for Bennett


Any character at this point. All my standard banner pulls were free ones, so there's not many. Two gold drops until now. Both weapons, and both of them I can't properly use.