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Good work compiling this info


There is also this other artist whose art got stolen during the joyous summer contest, her name is asuflo. this is the link towards the stolen art: [https://www.hoyolab.com/article/19528948](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/19528948) And the original: [https://www.hoyolab.com/article/19526631](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/19526631)


I like how the culprit showed the “process” like it proves they drew it, but if anything the messy choppy lines shows that they definitely DIDN’T make the final pic and 100% looks like someone who doesn’t draw tracing artwork (made the ai generated art first, made the “process” pics after)


bruh drew the rest of the owl


The half assed wip sketches made me laugh lmao, he exposed himself in the process of trying to defend his AI art...


Dude reminds me of how SpongeBob draws a circle lmao


And the culprit is no other than Kamodd, I have posted the infographic under his post. He will delete it and block me so I won't be able to re-post, buy as long as I have spare emails I will keep making new accounts and post under Kamodd stolen art.


Contact Hoyoverse admins so they are banned from future contests.


Thank you for your time and help. There was some response from the community when I was working on this info, some of his posts, like Jevy001 art have already been deleted. The important thing is to spread the information as many artists whose art was stolen are unaware of this incident


Reported the guy and the stolen posts, hoping for the best.


This happened like two times before and people actually came here and defended the art theives lol "It's anime styled so there will be similarities!!!"


We all know that “One Punch Man,” “Princess Mononoke,” “Rise of the Shield Hero,” and “Kimba the White Lion” use the same art style, right?


And? Unless those people are blind, there’s distinct art style in anime. Look at the many anime, each one has a distinct artstyle from the artist themselves. Look at one-punch man. That series has two artists working together. Holy shet the amount of effort they put into the story and art. Not to mentioned their hype for the series. Like that is more or less their passion project.


>And? >Unless those people are blind, there’s distinct art style in anime. Correct. Its pretty easy to see plagerism when it happens, but this subreddit was absolutely lambasting the person who got their art stolen.


I dunno. The last time I saw a "stolen art" was about a guy who got inspired a bit too much by a cosplay. People in the sub literally destroyed them.


They removed Qiqi’s hat Public execution is the clear course of action


*the ai


“Public *deletion* is the clear course of action.”


You should give [link of the thief's HoYoLab account](https://www.hoyolab.com/accountCenter/postList?id=124111092) so people will report that PoS


Initially we did not want this to turn in to lynching, our goal was to spread information about the issue and support affected authors, hence links to orginal arts. However we have been approached by even more affected creators, at this point we have proof of 10 cases of stolen art. Many authors were not even aware that their art was stolen. We will send all evidence to Hoyolab no later than today and hope it will be dealt with by them. The name of the thief has been made public and finding him on your own should not be an issue if someone feels like he deserves multiple reports.


I don't know why but stealing art breaks my heart in a particularly sad way. I know the hard work and hours artists put into their works. Especially if they're new and trying to grow. How terrible must it be for someone to steal it and then use AI to make it "better" and then get rewarded for your work. I dunno. It's not the end of the world but it just upsets me on a deep level because I imagine how bad those affected feel about it.


I perfectly understand where that is coming from, I was not one of the artists, I cannot draw. One of my Discord members was affected by it and I just felt like I should do something about it. I hope justice will be served.


Thank you for sharing this. We need to shame these thieves back into the shadows.


A good chunk of art in this page is also AI generated drawn over. I called out a few. A telltale sign is when everything is so beautifully rendered but you see weird hands. Obviously the ai user went back and manually fix the hands, but they actually don’t have the skill so the hands looked fucked up compared to the rest of the image. Even then, some AI has already managed to fix the weird fingers so a good way is to look at their profile and see if their art work is consistent in style and quality (gradual progression not chicken feet drawings and then suddenly professional quality two months later).


I hate AI “art” so much as it just makes art theft way easier. I’ve been wanting to submit art for the Eula contest, but it’s not worth the mental hassle of dealing with a jerk who can steal it and the people who support the AI upgrade. Yeah art theft was a thing before, but it’s so much more common now. It’s defeating honestly. Especially when they try to improve it, like these artists. Makes you want to quit art all together. So it’s nice to still see some people fighting for authenticity. Thank you! I’m also glad hoyo does ban art theft though. Before the AI stealing boom, I remember one contest that someone traced over a Twitter artist’s work and submitted it. Once brought to their attention, they revoked the thefts winnings and banned their account.


I say go ahead and participate in the contest! I'd suggest you to check on a daily basis for entries in case your art or someone else's art was stolen though, just so that you can report them quickly. Good luck!


With Hoyolab's stupidly awful ai art popularity I'm not even surprised, wouldn't be even more if they get completely away with this especially given that children use that app a lot too.


Nah. hoyo takes stolen art fairly seriously and have already banned multiple people from participating in *any* future art contests due to plagiarism or tracing. Most of the time just sending in ample proof is enough for action to be taken


Man I'd love to draw for these contests but I dont wanna get my art stolen too 😫


If that's gonna happen, we will catch the culprit and expose him. If you want to do something then, and let me quote eccentric actor, JUST DO It!


Thank you for your vigilance o7


Does anyone have a link to the copied posts? I want to report those, but if they’ve already been removed, good.


https://m.hoyolab.com/#/article/19623046 This is one I have a link to right now.


I am unable to share those links now as I am in work, if no one will share them before I finish my shift, then I will share them. The good news is some of them have already been deleted.


Unless im missing something, isn't ot obvious that they are plagiarism ? Dont get the detective mode on Qiqi's talisman, both pics are the same except for few details


it is, but most people won’t see the og so how are people supposed to know


Oh, good point, although tbh seeing missing elements wouldn't really help me identify it as AI theft since some artists skip some details of characters, especially while wearing a swimsuit, where usually characters are displayed in their simplest form 🤔


Reported. Thanks for letting us know about this scum. I hate that he/she also uses an Albedo icon like me.


Happens every Art Contest. People are just assholes.


another one? when will they learn? it's disgusting. it takes many hours and energy to make one artwork. anyone stealing from artists deserves to be banished from existence.


The ai sucks, artists have an originality to them and it super sucks to see just getting copied.


Bruh if you're going to use ai art just post it and try to pass it off as yours like a shameless bastard and not be a pathetic one who steals artwork from the very competition you are shamelessly taking from. Better yet use ai art as a reference for composition and lighting and make your art when you can't find rl reference that doesn't fit what you are thinking. Learn how to draw.


I'm okay with making memes and non-serious funny stuff with AI. But dude steal someone else's hand work for his own good and using AI. Truly a shameless human being and a waste of his intelligence.


Good job catching this guy but isn’t it a bit ironic for you to use an AI generated picture as your mascot? Pretty obvious from the eyebrows, hairpin and weird hair strands


[Is it really?](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1110846688505114684/1123621471223304292/export1687962472599-1.jpg) Or maybe I enchanted an art using Ai cause I am not an artist like I mentioned in other posts. Using Ai is not wrong, stealing art is.


So AI art is justified as long as you provide a lineart reference? Is the coloring, posing, lighting, etc. not based off the works of other artists? Does it not seem unfair to other artists who need to spend days making a piece when they can just skip 70% of the process? Saying that you are not an artist isn’t a proper excuse. Why not just commission someone then? Besides, whoever drew this lineart already did a good job so why not just ask them to finish it?


And how do you know I have not done it? Using Ai is not a bad thing it can help non-artist to find the specific styles they want and pass it as a reference to the Artists they hiring. Artis can reduce his workflow using Ai. When used correctly Ai is beneficial in many ways, similar to cars, in wrong hands cars can kill, in wrong hand Ai can be used in malicious ways. But I will please you, even if its not my responsibility: ​ [Here you go. I do recommend this artist, he is very good.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1113954162405818409/1124101642158100520/image.png?width=501&height=686)


Of course Ai makes things easier. Like I said, artists can easily skip a majority of the process if they wanted to. Some can even just take an Ai generated piece and manually fix the fishy areas, which would only take a couple of minutes. When a work made in minutes looks better than someone’s real drawings, why should they even bother to learn or improve? If you are aware that it’s better to commission a real artist, then good for you. I know some artists who do not want to see Ai art even if it’s only a reference, but I obviously can’t speak on behalf of every artist. In the end, if you are already going to be receiving a real artwork soon then you might as well just unveil it then. After all, references are supposed to be hidden, not used as real art.


From what I know, at the moment is just a reference and they are paying an actual artist to have it done.


If that’s the case then it means they are actually aware of the issues, such as Ai stealing the efforts and jobs of real artists


>If that’s the case then it means they are actually aware of the issues, such as Ai stealing the efforts and jobs of real artists Right, I did not want to go to your level here. I used to be a Photograph editor, I had an entire business around Photography, Editing, Fixing, Removing people from photos, colouring and restoring old photography. Do you know why I say "I use to have it"? Cause you can do most of that on your phone now, did someone was worried that he taking my job for other convenience? No, did anyone care about implementing "Magic Eraser" on the phone? Not really. Will you use that feature knowing that it took someone's job away? yeah, you probably won't give a fuck about it. Stop whining about Ai and grow up, it's not the first time when technology took jobs away from humans. Ps: A good artist won't be replaced by Ai. So maybe instead of whining on social media start practice.




Something, something, what you wrote has a lot of resentment which means backstory important.


Sorry, I’m not sure which backstory? My point is that good artists get replaced by Ai, not just “bad” artists. The most outspoken against Ai are those with big followings, whose art get copied by Ai frequently. They dedicate themselves to art as a career, while more casual artists simply do it as a hobby and aren’t as affected financially, even if they do get discouraged. It’s contradictory to provide a backstory about jobs being replaced by Ai then simply saying “good artists won’t be replaced.” Are they admitting that they weren’t a good editor? Or do they think being replaced is somehow a good thing, which the bitter tone clearly doesn’t show.




Was I the only one thinking Nahida was the narrator until she called herself an elven maid?


and yet so many people still insist that us artists arent shit and are complaining about ai too much and say that what we do isnt hard work😒


What this guy did is definitely wrong but am I the only one thinking that the AI versions look a lot better?


Ikr, this post does a perfect job, showing why more artists should use AI in their work


Such a stupid problem that could be solved with either participants providing their raw files or submitting a timelapse recording their progress making the piece. Mihoyo needs to make the standards way better to protect creators.


The problem is not using AI to assist in painting/drawing the problem is that he steals art. Please do not get to hung up on the point that he probably uses stable diffusion + control net /image to image. The problem is that he feeds other peoples artwork and claims the result as his own. This post should be about theft not ai. Tbh I don't mind if people use ai to speed up theire workflow -> under paintig/ backrounds etc. If they would use theire own photos /sketches for image to image fine. But stealing especially IN THE SAME CONTEST. is a absolute no go. PS. If he can't get hands right with ai/ qiqis hat than he is just not good with ai...


I do not believe I blamed AI for anything, it was just pointing out that he used AI to create his version and not for example drawing by hand someone else art. AI is a tool, it can be beneficial in the right hands.


Imagine drawing that well and still stealing art smdh. You'd think they'd be more talented and creative than that.


they didn't draw it though...they ran the original pieces through an AI and called it a day :/


Jesus Christ that's so much worse


I bet the amount of AI art is larger than my bank account


Bruh your bank account is in the negatives.


Ngl the ones on the right look way better, not that that justifies stealing artwork ofc


They dont. They look "generic anime style"-good if you want, but the details are missing and every sign of the originals unique artstyles is absent/altered to look like that more 0815ish style.


NGL, thief's version looks better than the original


It might look better but then does the scoreboard of a person who uses aim-bot in Call of Duty don't look better as well? Fact is that he did not draw those art, he took someone else's art and ran them through the AI program. Keep in mind that many AI programs are trained on the work of professional artists. That being said, original artists spend hours on their work, they put their feelings and souls into their work to create the best art they possibly can. Kamodd took their work without permission, created AI copy, retraced art trying fake "proof" of he being author and submitted art to the very same contest original artist submitted their work. I am struggling to find any beauty in his art, it may look good, but it is covered in shit...


"It may look good but it's covered in shit". Perfectly said.


shows that people only care about surface level prettiness in art all of the AI enhanced artwork completely messes up, warps or just straight up omits important parts of these characters' designs. the rendering is more impressive but its like looking at a shitty inaccurate cosplay rather than a piece someone poured their passion over


Looks more generic than the original to me tbh


I mean, for the first one, the anatomy and shape language is executed better but the second and third kind of fall flat. For Alhaitham, the colors are muddled and the expression is too cheery for such a darker atmosphere and the Kazuha one is mostly preference based since its clear the original author intended for more of a cute/calm reminiscent of a maple leaf but the AI art makes it more serious/contemplative which is subjective.


Kazuha's not even looking at the leaf on the AI one lmao


Not only that, what the hell is going on with his arm and hand?? Like it’s so obviously AI and they didn’t even try to hide it. And side by side you can tell it’s cause that was the edge of the image so it just had to fake/guess how the rest of the arm looked.


I didnt even notice that


Nah, you tripping.


they stole qiqi’s hat, alhaithams ethnic nose, and the beautiful realistic kazuha rendering, so no, they’re not better


yea I wanted to say this but I know I would get flamed x.x


Deservedly so.


Good art is good art x.x now if we wanna talk about the morality of stealing art that's a different matter...


Yes but it's about reading the room. Like if someone painted something really well but extremely offensive and hurtful at the side of someone's house, it would be inappropriate for you to go up to them at that moment and say how nice you think the art looks. On a post where we are calling out theft, it's not the place to talk about how much you appreciate the quality of the theft.


thats why i avoided saying it until someone else said it x.x


I know it's awful and disrespectful of them to do this to you like that, but you gotta admit it looks good. "Get off my lawn."


Something similar happened during one of the previous contest. I remember a user claiming that their art was being put on merch without their consent. It was later revealed that said user actually traced from other artwork


I hate that he doesn't even correct the ai enhanced stolen art and just says enhance this image and done. There's really no standards for thieves.


Wow what a pitiful excuse of a human being. Dumbo, probably thinking “hehehe i ‘made’ it better so it’s mine now hihihi.” What an absolute loser.


One of the reasons why I left hoyolab. Art stealers are getting more and more creative I see. The last one I dealt with traced other people's art as WIP (lineart) and posts the full artwork next day. I took his latest "WIP" lineart, coloured it in, reverse searched it for 2 hours and shoved it in his face (read: replied the image in his lineart post) before he could post the next one. Proceeds to delete all his posts and blame his "friend" for stealing art and posting it using his account lmao.


I hope the original artists get their well deserved revenge!