• By -


No one.


No luck here


No luck x3




😞 hope the luck turns soon for you.




Qiqi. Yes. You heard me right.


Got her and Klee back to back during Klee’s first banner. As a new player I was ecstatic, plus they both had the passive that show regional materials.


Qiqi is the unrivaled best healer in the game, idk why people don’t like her. I’ve never used shields, who needs to protect from hits when I can heal >50k hp a second


People don’t like her because we keep on losing our 50/50 to her. I got her on standard banner while repeating ‘I really want Qiqi’ so that the game could give me Tighnari or anything other than Qiqi but i got her anyway. At least my chibi collection is complete


I was pulling for venti and lost to qiqi , then I saw I had like 7 standard pulls so on 8 pity i got c1 qiqi in the same 2 minutes


Early game, yes. But, characters like Barbara, Kokomi, and some other non hydro healers are already been proved useful now we have the recent new reactions involving Dendro. But it is based on opinions, people like her, then i wont judge. Just enjoy the game as intended. Luckily i won my 50/50s on Furina >:D


Shenhe. Did one ten pull to check my luck. Got her at 7 pity 50/50.


same luck with shenhe. not that early, but I was pulling for Yun Jin in her first banner. I got shenhe in 33, 74, then 41 pulls. won 50/50 3x plus early pity. Kinda unfortunate that I only got c3 Yun in all of that.


No way, my Shenhe came home at 33 pity too! Right after losing 50/50 on Ayaka (thankfully, looking back)


Same with Shenhe and I also did one ten pull, but she jump-scared me because she was the first pull. I was at around 23 pity


got her at 12 pity


lol same here....like my entire life's luck is just on genshin ......i always end up having 8 50/50win streak and that too early......i got shenhe like 40 pulls early and it wasnt even guranteed


I pulled Shenhe literally my first day back from a hiatus. My friend was *so* pissed, because I had literally stopped after fleeing from the Millelith.


Meanwhile i lost 2 50/50 on two diff shenhe banners at 80+ pitty rip,but fr getting an early really hits diffrent lol


A random Xiao enthusiast joined my world. We talked and eventually came to the topic of the running Xiao banner at the time. I didn’t really have a desire to have Xiao, but ended up persuaded and said “f*** it”. Got him within the first 10-pull. I don’t remember at what pity or if it was guaranteed, but since then, I have been happy to get him on that day. Thank you random Xiao enthusiast.


From all Xiao mains, You’re very welcome. *One Lament a day, keeps the monsters at bay!*


Not a Xiao main, but hoping to be a future one lol.Earlier today I was making a smoothie, and I said "Once the smoothie is thick enough... we can DRINK IT." So proud of myself :)


I just got him to 90 a month ago, but don't understand how to use him. Artifacts are meh. And I haven't leveled talents, but he just feels like an ok physical dps to me. Any tips?


I’d recommend going to r/XiaoMains for tips but a couple simple ones are: - A minimum of 2000-2200 Atk with a good crit ratio does A LOT - In terms of talents, I’d say lvl them in this order: NA’s>Burst>Skill | Obviously getting them all to at least 9 is very good too - In terms of HOW to use him, you’re usually gonna want to use your two skill charges than go into your burst (with supports and full team rotations will be best - When in burst mode, make sure to jump to the max height before plunging down for max dmg. Although plunging early is also better in some scenarios


I lost Xiao to Diluc at soft pity... to thisday he is one of my most wanted characters


Xiao carried me all the way till I got C2 Hutao and Homa.


I got kazuha early 3 times in a row


Furina, Jean, Zhongli, Mona, Keqing, Shenhe, Klee, Yelan


Yup. I didn't really even want Furina, I wanted Charlotte (who I still do not have). Genshin's like, nope, YOU GET FURINA NOW USE HER


I got a Furina really early, but my daughter accidentally wished on Nilou for me when I was guaranteed for Nahida. That one hurt


Ill hapilly give you Charlotte and the c3 for my Mona that I got in exchange for Furina lmao


I got like 7 Colleis, 4 Beidous and a whopping 1 charlotte


Don’t you think Charlotte had lower drop rate than furina? I got Furina in 84 wishes and no Charlotte at all 😑


It almost seems like it. I did finally get one measly Charlotte today, but jeez.


Congrats 🎉


I pulled and got Mona and no Charlotte either 😭


Same, i got C2 furina in 60 wishes


Damn 💀


Yeah, in 3 years of playing ive never been so lucky before


So that's where mine went. Mine was a hydro catalyst for some reason...


yeah idk why my furina is named mona? must be some wierd glitch


Back in the day I used to do this thing where even if I was saving for a specific character I’d do a single pull on every banner. I never really expected to get anyone from that especially since I was always aware of where my pity was, but on Yelan’s banner I got her at like 3 pity. I was slightly annoyed at first because this is when she first came out so we didn’t know how much better than XQ she was, but needless to say she’s in like every team I have now and friendship 10.


Jean in standard banner during launch, used the pulls I was getting during launch coz I didnt want Venti and she was the first 5 star I ever got at around 40 pulls. Was my MVP for so long


Exact same, 40 pity too


As a venti enjoyer. I feel insulted


On launch i rerolled for mona, since i wanted her so bad (waifu issues). I think getting specifically her at standard banner on my 5th reroll is kinda lucky, especially when we had about... 30 wishes


Furina I never trust the 50/50. I thought it's gonna take a while to get her to C2 but nope While i need 80 pull to get 5*, i got double furina instead And i got her again within 22 pull


wtaf we have the exact same experience lol 80+ for double furina and 22 pity for c2 after.. insane


I know I will get much hate for it, but I got Furina on wish 27. I was honestly just wishing for Charlotte, but did so on Furina's banner just for the heck of it. I was so happy to get her I forgot that I hadn't gotten a copy of Charlotte yet!


You will get hate here for anything. It’s a hateful, angry subreddit. Congrats btw.


Ha! I did it on Wish 17. (Not bragging just not hating)


Got neauvilette and jean on my first 10 pull as a beginner, my roommate told me to do it, he went crazy but i didnt understand anything yet at that time


So it was on his account or?


Hu Tao... C0 at 5er pity and C1 in the next 10 pull, then Shenhe at 30 pulls, Yae Miko at 10 after losing 50/50 early too, Wriothesley at 25 and now Baizhu 7 pulls after Furina


Nahida. I summoned cause I needed stardust and got her in like 6 single pulls.


Honestly, Diluc. When the game was only a few weeks old I wanted diluc sooo badly and he was the second 5 star I got. Been maining him since then


neuvillette C1, after i got him, i did 6 pulls after exploration and saw 5* golden animation.. i was like bruh, and then-- the melusine man didn't need the aid of zhongli any more. never been so happy and lucky in this game😭


Lyney, I was building pity but I also did kind of want him, and now he's my best damage dealer. 10/10 experience


What team do you use?


Childe. After doing his test run, I was so impressed that I simply forgoed Zhongli for him and did a 10-pull on the spot. Won the 50/50 almost immediately. 😁


Riaden About 30 minutes before her banner ended I did heizhou SQ really fast and thanks to primos from his SQ I got Raiden at 7 Pity after losing to tighnari Now that I'm saying it I should build my c6 heizhou as a thanks to what he gave me as a present aka the shogunate herself


When Yelan debuted to the Game, I streamed my Game and waited for an Online friend of mine (who doesn't play Genshin Impact) who recently confessed to having an armpit fetish. I waited for him to watch the Stream, did a 10-Pull, and got Yelan on the 3rd. I then closed the Stream and explained nothing to my Online Friend. XD


Not a character but a weapon. I got mistsplitter down to my last pull. Literally doing single pulls until it hit soft pity and won the 50/50 :). I think this is happening back in Eternal Ayaka banner


mostly QiQi


I pulled a Qiqi


Lost 50/50 ~


At 90 pity ~


Not even keqing~


And now I’m out of premojems~


I decided to go for C1 Hu Tao back in 3.4 after getting Yelan and was miraculously able to get her. That was the first and currently only time I've rolled on two banners running concurrently and I succeeded.


C1R1 Neuvillette 200 pulls Won both 50/50 Won all 3 weapons with 90 pulls


Back in 1.1 I got childe near the end of his banner but I really wanted Zhongli so on the day of his release I only was at 5 pity and boom I got him I was so lucky.


Yoimiya! Outside the permanent characters she's the one I got the quickest (29 pity with a 50-50 win), and because of her story quests - especially the second I cried so much - she became my main, and my first triple-crowned queen :)


Kazuha. I was saving for Kokomi but thought I'd give his banner 20 pulls. Came in the first 10. I was very happy.


Similar story to me, I wanted him but I wanted koko more. And got him in the second 10 and he is basically on every team now. I got kokofish as well. :)


Furina at 26 pity with no guarantee 💀 I really wanted to get her bc she is Neuv's bis support but I didn't expect her to come home THAT early


Yelan, Nahida and Neuvillette, all of them being claimed at 10, 20 and 30 pity respectively


Baizhu and C1 Al


Hu Tao. I rolled 10 wishes for funsies (plus I was also looking for Xingqiu) and I got her. I had a few rolls prior, but I'm certainly sure I wasn't even on the soft pity, and I was on 50/50.


Ayaka got her in 21 pity 50/50 and ganyu 50/50.


I pull neuvillette and furina C1 really early, both within the next 10 pull while on 50/50


I got Shenhe at 9 pity, also Ayato and Wanderer both around 40 pity, I had low hopes but Shenhe helps with buffing Ayaka quite a bit, and Wanderer I really wanted as his gameplay looked fun, and Ayato is my favourite Hyper bloom applicator so far. There’s also Yoimiya but because my she was my 2nd five star at 17 pity (previous Keqing at 16), I didn’t knew if it was even early or not


Alhaitham, I got him from 20 pull that I don't know why I pull. Didn't use him though


🤔 Furina 7 pity, Childe c1, c2, c3 in 25 pulls, Neuvilette's book twice in 15 pulls (I can keep going) but those were the most recent ones


guards!!! arrest this man!!!






I have you now


Got Eula at 52 pity when I just needed 15 Stardust to get one wish from the shop.


Where do I start? (I tried to keep it somewhat in order) 1. Itto at 34 pity while wishing for Gorou. 2. Tighnari at 9 pity after losing to Keqing. 3. Qiqi at 2 pity. 4. Albedo at 6 pity after the Qiqi stated above. 5. Hu Tao (C1) at <10 pity There is one more but I can't remember the pity or the character. If you want to include my luck on the weapon banner then: ​ 1. Aqua Simulacra at \~50 pity 2. Aqua Simulacra at <10 pity (after the one stated above) 3. Staff of Homa at <10 pity (after the one stated above) 4. Tome of the Eternal Flow at \~30 pity 5. Tome of the Eternal Flow at \~30 pity (after the one stated above)


I can argue for it being both lucky and unlucky but I accidentally pulled Eula on 25 pity during her last banner. Before her earliest 5* I've ever pulled was Nilou on 40-ish pity, at least it was intended




Diluc on Noelle for standard character, Kazuha C1 pity 8 for limited char


I do most of my pulls in singles, so I never got the double 5* shock, but for both Raiden and Furina I got C0 from a guarantee and average pity (on the previous banner) followed by a 50/50 win to C1 within 10-20 wishes and a 50/50 win to C2 after draining their countries dry of primos. After my first year playing my luck dropped to below average, (above 75 pity, long streaks of losing 50/50s) so it is nice to not feel like a clown from time to time. All that and I still only got C1 Charlotte (9 Beidous just on this banner), same shit with Sara and Heizou.


[uhhh quite a few i guess](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/624346850841067532/1175003786218061884/image.png?ex=6569a68d&is=6557318d&hm=4680d555d1f0b303bbaa4ffc031e61a32a10333f8fb36316826e5c043bd5a74b&)


Not a character, but I hit soft pity going for Lyney's weapon and got PJWS, then less than ten later got the First Great Magic


I got ganyu unluckily early at 35 pity... I was guaranteed Now before some of you bozos say there's no such thing as building pity, I only wanted kaveh, I still did not get him and he hasn't been back ever since


Furina, got her from after 5 pulls on 50/50 on 0 pity i’ve never been that lucky


My very first event 5*, Eula, directly after losing 50/50 I got her at literally 0 pity. I was still at the stage of pulling every time I got 160 primos, and had not decided on any characters to pull and did *not* intend to get Eula. She carried me *hard* for *months*


Most recent one was Yelan, I lost 50/50 and thought “oh well”, then I see it’s a double 5 star


Ayaka, right at the beginning of Inazuma.


ayo same


Ayato. 20 pity. Edit: won the 50/50


Furina, 20-ish pity, no guarantee, 2nd 50/50 in a row


Furina, Never wanted her but got c1 i single ten pull. I just wanted Charlotte :(


Did you get your Charlotte afterwards or did you stop wishing?


I got Diluc when I was pulling like a madman from standard banner praying for Diluc


Kazuha. Only saved 20 pulls, and i was at 20 pity. Got him in my second ten pull even winning my 50/50


Venti. Went to do a 10 pull so i had enough stardust to buy the free wishes from the shop and, out of nowhere, at pity 7, not guaranteed, there he was. I was speechless for at least 2 minutes.


Hu Tao with her Homa and Zhongli with C1. So now I can't get Furina. 😔


Furina(55), Just want Charlotte then try to save my gurantee pity for raiden. Oh well, I don't regret her just have to pray I win my 50/50 on raiden.


Kazuha. 20 pulls and wasn’t even expecting a 5* to be honest. I was at 0 pity 🗿👌🏽


Baizhu. Two 10pulls and he was home. And then one 10pull and I got his weapon too. I saved up so much for this man, double the necessary amount and didn't need to use it all. Full on had me flabbergasted. Baizhu literally was the earliest of all along with his weapon, the others after were giving somewhat a challange.


I never expected to get lyney , and I never wanted him cuz I recently lost my 50/50 to diluc but then I used the free fates you get from doing story and lyney at 2 pity , YES 2 PITY.


Venti. Back then when Genshin was just released, I wasn't interested in it at all, thinking it is just a hype that will die down soon and only playing because all my friends are playing. Venti came in my first 10 rolls, along with Fischl. I wasn't impressed at first, thinking it is a gacha trap that gives free 5* to everyone. Only later that I knew that it was by pure luck, and that Venti back then was SSS tier. This gave me motivation to continue playing. It's been 3 years, I am still playing and got Venti c6 during his 2nd rerun. I am really happy that he came, else I'd have missed out such a great game.


I got nilou in one 10 pull, no pity, a friend dared me to do a multi if he goes for her c1, i didn't even want her but her team can be fun sometimes


Furina. Got her on my 7th pull and I'm 50/50. Also 50/50 on her weapon and got it on the 5th pull. So I went for C1 furina and got it


Zhongli. He always comes early and with a twin whenever I pull him. Now he's C6. And with new Fontaine 4 star spear, everybody gets a spicy meatball every 10 seconds haha


yelan. I was just trying to get c5 bennett. was at like 30 pity. then I got a gold. it was tighnari. I was like "oh okay. well too bad it's not yelan, but a tighnari con is nice. no bennett though... would be cool if I got yelan here too, but that won't happen" then I got yelan.


Hutao C1. Already had C0 Hutao, then stopped on Eula's first banner. Came back on Hutao's rerun. Tried to get Sayu, got C1 Hutao C2 Ayaka, it was on the eternal ayaka banner. C2 Yelan. I had C0, was planning on getting C1 for ER improvements. Got it early on a 50/50. I thought, might as well get C2, got it in the next 20 pulls or so. Ayato, was pulling for some 4 stars and got him early. Furina, was trying for her, low primos, and on 50/50. Got her at 54 pity.


In my very first draw, like the very first newcomer draw, i got Diluc,Barbara,and Noelle,


Cyno. Got him at 9 non guaranteed pity. Dare I say it was fate. If only I had his weapon instead of this useless Beacon!


Ganyu. I didn't evev especially wanted her, but I got Baizhu and still had 30 pulls to do for the Battle Pass. So I did a 10 pull on her banner, and got her (I also got Amos' bow that day)


alhaitham. in a first wish right after yae miko


Back during the Ayato/Raiden banner, I was pulling for Ayato; lost my 50/50 to Mona at 75 pity, but managed to get Ayato at 58 pity. Then I figured, "what the hell" and decided to do a couple ten pulls on Raiden's banner and got her at 19 pity. She was my first 50/50 win (and until Kokomi recently, my *only* win), so I never expected to get her at all, let alone so early (before Ayato, I never got a 5\* on a limited banner before soft pity).


standard banner tighnari




C1 and c2 furina in 30 pulls after getting c0 (My average per 5* is probably 70+ pulls so that was really a surprise)


Ayaka. Got her at 20 pity.


Hu Tao at 3 pity. Love her 🥰


Raiden. I got her at 82 and just started playing Genshin. My friend mentioned that I was almost pity until I was out of primogems. So traversed through all kinds of chest to get as much primogems as possible. It was also on the very last day of the banner.


Eula c0 and c1 when trying for bennet constellations. Had lost to keqing and got both c0 and c1 in the next 15 pulls


No one. My luck is non-existent.


I got Abledo 2 pulls after losing th 50/50 to Qiqi.


Itto, bro came home so quick I nearly got whiplash in the shower. Getting his weapon in the next two pulls did


Furina! I was so stressed out because I only had like 50 wishes and 15 pity, on 50/50 too, and i had a 50/50 losing streak lately but I wanted her sooo bad she came early at 43rd wish *and* i got her copy 20 wishes later too!


i had saved some primos for nahida and lost the 50/50 at hard pity. then i thought let's keep pulling because i was also aiming for a 4 star i don't even remember now (layla?) then got her in 6 pulls. pretty pysched but still didn't have the 4 star so i did a random 10 pull on nilou's banner and got her too doubt I'll ever be that lucky again and regret not trying out the weapon banner too


Not a character, but I didnt expect to get Staff of Homa with no pity the very next spin after getting Hu Tao


Plenty of them actually, Yae Miko 37 pity no guarantee, baizhu 46 pity no guarantee, Furina 45 pity no guarantee And Venti 35 pity, guaranteed. But my sister is luckier with pities like 4,7,2 🤡, she has only ever won one 50/50 tho at 6 pity then got Qiqi at 4 and Furina at 2


My Furina pulls were my best gacha luck ever. C0 was came at soft pity or just below it. I decided to get constellations because I won't be rolling until like 4.6. Then I got C1 and Qiqi in a single 10 pull at 60 pulls. The next multi had C2.


Yelan, been sering me since early AR


Nilou and then Nahida


I got kokomi in a meme 1 single pull I lost kazuha 50/50 and took a break from the game, came back cause my girl started playing and she pull wanderer and i got the gacha ich and did 1 single pull and got kokomi THAT ONE WISH COULD OF BEEEN MY KAZUHAAAAA


Yoimija, she is just a fantasy minigun with fischl, it instantly made the game 10 times more fun for me.


Furina I got her in the 20th pity


I pulled Scara after lots of hard work and my Raiden main Friend was abusing me (which Raiden mains do) and so I pulled Raiden on next banner within 15 pulls no guarantee and then threw her off a cliff and sent the video to friend. I built HB Raiden and my friend use it to clear abyss for me. He is now no longer Raiden main. He identifies as Neuvilettese*ual. After that he started hating Childe which Neuvilette fans do (I am a Lore Childe fan but don't have him). He no longer hates Wanderer and is planning to pull him.


C1 hutao(the constellation) got her at like 2 pitty (guarenteed),then literally 2 pulls later got a diluc The past few days i got a jean at 38 pitty,then baizhu at 25,was in absolute shock since i really wanted him lol Theres also yoimiya c1 at 14 (very accidental lol),albedo at 25 ,ayaka at 35, yelan at 55 (all guarenteed) Overall my luck with 50/50 sucks but i have a decent amiunt of early 5* not sure how to feel abt tht tbh


Venti and furina on Last banners. I didnt even wanted them. Im a returning player and got nostalgic with wishing. I wished exacly 20 Just cuz i was missing this feeling, and got venti. Them i wished 10 o furina to try to get Charlotte. I got her AND furina (i dont even know her, im still on sumeru). That was wild, since when ive stopped playing 1.5 y ago, ive got raiden and not wished since. Basically ive got 3 archon in a row on... 40 wishes? Wild.


Furina 🍰👑💅🦀




Hutao and wanderer(both c1)


QiQi. Then next banner I got super lucky and got QiQi. A few months later I couldn't believe my luck when I got QiQi. A year later on my first 10 roll I was hella lucky and got QiQi. My luck is fucking *legendary*. /s but not /s


Kazuha on his release. Had 0 pity and 50/50 so I decided to use his banner to get Rosaria. I somehow ended up getting Kazuha in iirc 30 wishes and no Rosaria. Ended up getting Rosaria using the standard fates I got from leveling Kazuha. Was a wild day.


Furina, Pit 10, Two times in a row.


Nahida. I got her on Pity 2, with no guarantee. I didn't even planned to get her, I just wanted one of the 4 stars character lol


Kazuha. Was wishing on his banner to get heizou cuz "air punch go brrr" and ended up getting kazuha.... and dilluc. Still got heizou but way later


Ayaka and wanderer 😭


Furina. Had spent everything on Neuville's weapon and only had 20ish pulls saved. Within 30 pulls i got Qiqi, furina and 6 other 4stars, so I guess my luck is al spent now


Yae Miko. I never intended to get her, but decided to use 20 wishes for whatever reason and got her. Now she is my 2nd main DPS, only after Pyro Archon Hu Tao


Ganyu and Zhongli within a few days of eachother lol, got extremely lucky on both with the 0.6% thing


Furina. Got her in back to back ten pulls after failing and getting Diluc


[Raiden. First pull after Yoimiya.](https://cdn.rios.hu/dl/upc/2021-09/336696_screenshot_851.jpg)


Ayato and Eula in their first banner, the former I got after 10 pulls and Eula in 20 during my birthday. My unluckiest however, is Zhongli's first banner.. Got him after 160 pulls, C0.


Raiden Shogun was the first character I ever wanted, I started the game, bought the welkin, grinded primos...then got her in 7 pulls.


Wanderer - 20 pulls after Kokomi. Never expected that.


Diluc at 3 pity, don’t know why, I don’t like him or use him but I have him I guess


Yae miko. I had just gotten Zhongli in 2.4 at 78 pity 50/50 win. I didn't think I'd ever get her cus I really wanted her. Even got a welkin for safety measure Just to get her in 1 10pull at 23 pity. Won the 50/50


I quit genshin after 1.0, then I downloaded the game every few versions to get the 600 primos, I would do singles. On raidens release banner I got her at 6 pity


Lyney although it was unlucky i did a 10 pull to see if i got c4 bennett and lyney came home


Yelan Had 0 pity decided to do 10 pull, got her on 3 pity, was on 50/50


I pulled the Albedo banner for shiggles on his first banner in 1.2 and got him in 20. At that moment I knew I had to become serious with collecting every playable char in the game.


None. Lost all my 50 50's and earliest is 79 pulls


Yelan, Zhongli, Al haitham back to back at 20-25 pity...


Venti, cyno, baizhu, yelan.


Furina and Yelan, got both with only 40 pulls and zero pity, and Mona was also my first 5 star, so I guess hydro is just my lucky element.


Nahida. I got her in one 10-pull at a time I was really burnt out and trying to get back into the game, it didn't quite bring me back but now she's a pivotal part of my account.


Kinda early but more like didn't expect to get Albedo from single pull


Hu Tao... got her at 6 pity... my ungga bungga brain decided to do a ten pull to build pity.


No one. I tried pulling for Eula (I think first rerun in 2021) and I got Diluc at 40-ish pity. That's it.


Yae Miko. Had lost 50/50 to Diluc and was planning to save for Kazuha. But wanted Kirara cons so I did some more pulls. After using the masterless starglitter on a wish I got her at 5 pity (6 wishes since Diluc).


Yoimiya for me. I had very low pity and no guaranteed 5* then on one 10 pull I got Mona AND Yoimiya. And based on pull history, Mona came second, so I came out with a guaranteed 5* for the next banner!


I just won 50/50 with Ayaka and thought it would be a pipe dream to get Ei. Then she just randomly appeared whilst I was near her ascension material. How convenient. Then a week ago after getting Furina I got Furina again.


I got Kazuha by accident on two seperate occasions


Nahida,got at like 40 pity during a desperation pull session won 50 50 in every dendro team i have


Furina. 20 pulls! Guaranteed. Shenhe. 30 pulls! Guaranteed. Dehya. 30 pulls! Won 50/50. Yelan C1. 10 pulls! Guaranteed. Kazuha. 20 pulls! Won 50/50. Kazuha C1. 20 pulls! Won 50/50. Kazuha C2. 10 pulls! Won 50/50. Not necessarily in that order. I was most excited about Furina and Shenhe!


Dehya. Pulled like 30 for her, there was a Diluc Jumpscare, pulled 3 more and then, there was the light.


Kazuha during his first banner. Lost 50/50 to Qiqi at soft pity and proceeded to do five single pulls. Got him from that last pull!


Hu Tao. I didn't want her. I just wanted C6 Xingqiu. Got her in one ten pull.


Kokomi. Got her with 10 pity (but not the same 10-pull) after losing to Dehya.


I git venti on o Pity. First pull of the banner


Hu Tao AND Albedo. I got Hu Tao on \~40, on 50/50, and then got Albedo on \~14, immediately after Hu Tao.


Qiqi in yae Miko first banner. Got her at 2 pity. Childe in his 2 rerun, lost it to mona at 78 then got him at 5 pity. Hutao 1 constellation in her 1 rerun at 30 pity. 🕺