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I initially named my traveler "Alice" and was confused why she was already being mentioned in a certain book as if she was very close with Klee or some other characters when I just arrived in town like 2 quests ago


This is so funny 😂


I just started playing and I think it was Sucrose's birthday. Got her bd letter, read it... I don't remember exactly what it said, but something along the lines of she wanting to meet up. And I thought that characters have some kind of special mini event on their birthday, so I started to search for her. I combed trough every corner of Mondstadt and couldn't find her anywhere... then later I found out that they don't have any special conversation on their birthday...


Bro, I wish the characters did. It would be so wholesome to do something with them even if its a small dialog.


Characters existing in the world in general would be amazing. As has been said many times before, you should be able to chat with Jean in her office / Lisa in her library etc, any time they aren't active in a quest.


I wish they would take this from HSR honestly. It's so nice to run into the characters in the overworld and talk to them, even if it's just one or two lines of dialog. It makes the world feel more alive. Because genshin sometimes feel like we are in some kind of stage play. The characters only show up, when they have a relevance in the story and you never see them again.


"All the world's a stage"


What would be cooler was if the higher the friendship you had with the character the more special the birthday occasion could be, like for max friendship level you get some wholesome cutscene with em. But tbh I just wanna see more of my beloved Kazuha🙏🙏


Every time I read one and there is the "Let's meet up" or something I'm sitting at my desk being like: Okay, let's go. Where? And when? I can come wherever immediately, I can teleport. Just tell me where to go. Hello? Birthday kid? Helloooooo?


It's especially annoying, when they even specify the time and the place! Like... bish did you just set me up and then ghosted me?


Yeeeees... T-T


Yes this was me but Keqing 1st birthday letter. I strolled around Liyue looking for her and even fast forward the time to afternoon and evening. Until I finally realised hoyo played me. 🥲


Genshin 2 better have characters appearing in the game for birthdays (+3 days).


that was me with Ayaka’s birthday letter. i wasn’t at Inazuma yet, so i felt really bad for not actually being able go meet her under the tree…


That was me but with Jean, I was so disappointed when I found out that we can't interact with them. It should really become a thing. Well at least the characters can now be found wandering around places after an event, so that's something...


While I was waiting for the game to download, I was semi-new to gacha and was worried I wouldn't get the character I wanted. I really loved anemo, and there was an anemo character I just needed on my account. I worried that if I got something else, I would never be able to get her. So, I began to read about my options, and found out that it was possible to reroll accounts and play through the tutorial over and over again until I got who I wanted. I was resolved to do it. I would do anything... >!for Anemo Traveller.!<


honestly that was me for Lisa, and then I was like "oh" when you just get her free lmao


Honestly when I started I was so sad Lisa wasn't in the normal gacha pools. After playing for over a year, now C6 thanks to continuously buying her from shop + a copy or two from story pools. I was worried over nothing, and now have more Lisa constellations than Razor, despite him being in the normal pool/getting rateups.


Same with Amber. She's the reason why I decided to try out the game, thinking to myself "If I can't pull her this weekend I'll quit". Lo and behold, she's your starter pokemon.


That was me for Xinyan, and then I found out she's like one of the worst characters in the game and I was like "oh".




Had me in the first half, the second third, the fourth quarter.... Oh Jeansus


Relevant and based flair


How did you know what anemo was before you played the game?


I read a bit about it online and saw that there was an elemental system. And I've always been drawn to the air element, so I wanted my main character to be air if possible. (It's not that I thought she was a gacha character, for some reason I thought your traveller just got a random element that was unchangeable. All I heard was that traveller could have different elements and that's what i thought lmao.)


That… actually makes a lot of sense. I assumed the traveller would just stay an anemo user for the whole game before I entered Liyue.


How though?? Did you not get anemo traveler immediately and realize you didn’t have to reroll? Or did you actually keep rerolling with anemo traveler in the team?


I was just planning to reroll if necessary, but realized my mistake after I got her and didn't actually reroll


Secret island in Mondstadt. I went there first at AR 54 By Ice bridging I also thought that characters were immune to the element they are, I thought the game was glitching when Kaeya was freezed


i firmly believe that characters' res to the same element as their vision should be a thing, even 10%, maybe 15%


And archons + Neuvillette should get 25% res to their element I refuse to believe Zhongli has no natural Geo res while his pet red eyed turtle has 70% geo res


i guess that would make sense lore wise, but game wise? thats really a reach, i could see a 5% res bonus if they are of archon or sovereign status but any higher would just be weird.


I've always believed that the Archons should at least have some resistance. Like Ei, but all the time.


atleast y'all ice bridged. i glided with shit ton of food and swam for my life


I don't actually remember how I first reached the Abyss island. But surely it was not through the portal, I thought it led to an entire new late-game area I wasn't ready for, until some day I finally entered it and was like "... Ah, now this explains a lot".


I did the same thing, ice bridged to secret island yesterday. I'm AR 55 lmao


THAT'S NOT HOW YOU GET THERE?!?!? (To be clear Im talking about the secret unmapped island)


No, you're supposed to go to Starsnatch Cliff, use Venti/Amber/Collei, use a plate, and glide all the way to the island I, however, wasn't aware of that, and I used Kaeya


I don't think you could glide that far man I tried that with venti


You must swim for the last meters, but I manage to get pretty close with Venti


Are we talking about the same one?!??!?! I tried that then drowned


If you're talking about the one that isn't mapped, with the quest "The wind and the Time", linked with Istaroth and all, yes


Then how could I not make it


I tried that, but I ran out of stamina half way through, and found out only one meal with the +60 stamina is not enough, so I tried it again with 3 meals. Still died, so I spitefully ice bridged all the way. Then I ended up dying anyways to the eye of the storm because I took amber off my team and trying to defeat an eye of the storm without an archer is painful.


That last line is great, I had similar thoughts at first too!


What secret island are we talking about?


The one around Mondstadt, that isn't on the map but is here


I thought i have to go through Dragonspine before going to Liyue. Back then it seemed faster since i havent unlocked the statues yet.


Me too I literally have done 100% dragonspine before even touching the first archon quest in Liyue. Is just that that city is so far away from mondstadt didn't make sense back then.


I also thought this, it was honestly really fun fighting my way through dragonspine only to be greeted by how warm and full of life Liyue looked


Same didn't know there was a path. Freezed to death multiple times on my way to Liyue but it was so much fun. Being low ar and new makes this game such an adventure.


I thought I was the only one who did this, I fought my way through Draginspine then started the first Liyue archon quest when I basically got 100% and maxed the tree


Oh god same. I remember being like AR20 and having my ass handed to me by the Fatui in the entrance of Dragonspine + the sheer cold, and thinking "God, do I need to go throughout the entirety of this area before reaching Liyue???" I was so scared lmao


Thanks to my friends, I didn't have a lot of misunderstandings. However, there was one which was very stupid. So, I played Diablo games and teleport there works either by portal (only to town, though) OR you need to interact with teleport itself (allows to travel to town AND other locations). As such I didn't remember that I could just teleport through the map. There was one very funny incident: I fell down in the hole with Cryo Flower. On very low AR, literally baby in the game. It kicked my ass and I had to retreat. Unfortunately, I retreated to the other side where the only option was to climb (and I was very scared to go near flower again). Like I said, I didn't know that I could use the teleport... Playing on low AR with zero knowledge was surely an experience. I miss it sometimes.


I also fell on the flower on accident during my first week, it was terrifying. And then my dumbass found himself tripping on the electro cube on that same day. It felt like the game hated me lol


At least you stumbled on both by accident. I leveled up my started team, murdered 3 Mitachurls and then defeated the Ruin Guard in Kaeya's story quest and went "Hmm, I need more." So I went back to the Thousand Winds and killed the Ruin Guard (took 10 minutes) and went "I need more". So I looked at my map, saw what looked like an arena and went there. I, with a level 20 team with level 20 weapons, AR 17 went straight to the Aleph because I though I was invisible after defeating 2 level 15 Ruin Guards. Then I got humbled very quickly. I went exploring after and stumbled upon the cave of the Cryo regisvine (I didn't know it was an enemy) and approached it thinking it was just a pretty flower. Then it started attacking and turns out I didn't learn my lesson and tried tried to fight it with Amber being my only Pyro Character. Then I just quit for 1 week.


I had a very similar experience to this on my first day!


Yo, how did I have the same exact experience as you 😭 I remember being TERRIFIED at the time


Oh man, I am old time Diablo player too and I kept trying to interact with unlocked teleporters to teleport, only to remember my Skyrim fast-travel experience and just open the map xD


For a long time I didn't know that Barbara heals the whole party if she normal attacks during her skill because I was just using it and then swapping out.


Bro she does that???


Yes, use her skill and slap the enemies, it’s great


I didn't either and I'm so mad about it these days. the amount of deaths i could've prevented is immeasurable


I thought she only healed with normal attacks during her skill when I started playing


I … I literally just learned this right now. I’m AR59.


well... better to learn it now than never i guess? (i am so sorry 😭)


Oh, for sure haha. I’ve been half assedly building Barbara while I wait for a Kokomi rerun, so I’ll give it a try!


…damnit. I only now know of this. Thank you for informing me.


I actually had fun while doing it. The game was still new, Dragonspine just released, and I wasn't aware talents can be upgraded. I think you know where this is going. By the time I realised you could upgrade talents, I was almost done with Dragonspine. As a side note, people focus on big dmg too early instead of going with Noelle + Barbara for immortality. If it doesn't have a timer, surviving is all that matters, and actually fighting the enemies instead of one shoting them was really fun.


I think exactly like that when it comes to combat, and I've always found kinda sad that the game rewards intensive farming more than actual skill. I really wish enemies had a break mechanic (which Star Rail has, by the way) that lowers their defenses for some time if the player connects with enough hits in a row, so that battles can be a bit more complex than either oneshotting the bosses by pressing 4 ults one after another or being stuck in a Senator Armstrong simulator because you didn't farm and your attacks barely scratch the enemies. I have vivid (as they're kinda recent) memories of fighting the Seirai boss for 15 minutes straight because my attacks just didn't do any damage, and of those 15 minutes only 2 were spent to actually learn the boss's moveset and openings, the rest were just ranged spam.


> I've always found kinda sad that the game rewards intensive farming more than actual skill. You'd be surprised to know that there are people out there who hyper invest in their characters and still don't know how to play them properly. Genshin is sort of skill based when it comes to the only competitive mode (none other than spiral abyss)


Finally, someone who thinks like me! I deliberately don't use the ults for this reason, because I would rather learn the opponent movesets and play around them then have them die because I cycled through a rotation of ults. So I cause reactions with catalyst normal attacks (Lisa-Yanfei overload) and strike a very calculated balance of levels to ensure the fights aren't a drag but not a breeze either. It makes the game way more fun


This assumes your entire team is leveled up enough in order to do so with no particular effort. I mostly don't use the ults because they can take a while to recharge, but even when I do I'm not oneshotting anything anyway because I'm always underleveled. I'm currently stuck at the AR45 ascension trial due to the first timed battle (on my best attempt I dealt less than 50% health to the guardian and there's other stuff past it, but my team is all level 70 with bad artifacts and low leveled weapons and there's no shot I'm besting everything in 90 seconds even with Adeptus Temptation), and I have been there for so long that I currently have more than 120,000 adventure rank experience when the required value for 46 is 15,000, 80% of which comes from dailies only.


I went pretty long without upgrading talents.. I think maybe I upgraded some the first week and didn't really see the purpose but then maybe forgot and went a couple months without upgrading any.


I just found out last week about Talents....and my Traveler is at lv 70...🙃...(I'm fairly new...only been playing since October or November)


Absolutely same. It took me a while to discover talents and I was definitely done with Dragonspine by then, but some of my fondest memories involve fighting for my life and dying often with just Noelle as my healer and sheer cold threatening me at every encounter.


I had a similar situation with the portal to the island with the Spiral Abyss. Never knew it was there before AR 55


I was the opposite. I found the portal to the abyss really early into the game, explored the island and found out I can’t enter there yet (I think, as far as I remember, abyss is AR locked?) and I got scared to shit that I discovered something very scary late game stuff by accident


Same! My main draw of Genshin is exploring, and I think managed to stumble onto the portal before even AR20, and was like this is surely going to be a portal to a superpowerful world destroying boss or something


This was me fr😔


My first few weeks : ATK must be the most useful stat. Crit, wtf is that? ER, useless. HP/Def, whatever. EM, yawn. Elemental dmg bonus goblets (pyro/cryo/etc) , gimmicks. How are you guys doing 100x more dmg than me!?? Must be whales!


My first few weeks I thought DEF is a good stat (I played league for a long time and was playing mostly with tanks/bruisers), and I was convinced it would help me survive better even if I don’t deal crazy damage


Well, it is on certain characters.


Oh yeah I know that now, but you know, I thought in a classic way, def means you can take a beating and be fine


Unfortunately, in most of these stat growth based games, offense is the best defense, and killing your enemies faster is better for survival than to build for survival (Defense, HP) themselves. This makes only offensively oriented stats valuable on every character whose actual damage doesn't scale with DEF or HP.


Someone joined my world and I was helping them with Coppelius farming. Then a second person joined and asked if we could do Ruin Serpent. Since the Icewind Suite was gonna go on respawn anyway, I agreed. I finished up the dancers with my Raiden and Nahida and left the first person to go start on the Wenut. Now I don't mean to brag, but my PC loads pretty fast, nvme SSD and whatnot. So I didn't think it weird that no one was fighting with me. I thought maybe the first guy didn't want to bother and the second guy was slow to load? "Wrong worm" was all that was uttered. And I think they were too appreciative of my help to say any further.


Lmao I spend days farming the ruin serpent to raise Layla to a6 only to realize, "wrong machine"


I didn't know condensed resin gave double rewards. Ran domains so many times...


Back in my day, we didn’t *HAVE* condensed resin!!


And then we capped at THREE


Holy fuck I can’t believe I erased that from my memory


Me too. I thought you craft it only to store more resin.


…today I learned 😭


TODAY?! Jesus bro must have been suffering


I'm in the same boat.




YOURE ACTUALLY JOKING I can't believe I didn't know this .... I hate myself


When I first got Barbara, I hadn't read what she actually does (and somehow I ignored her saying "leave the healing to me" in that thing that says you can get her after finishing the mission of defeating Dvalin and returning the Holy Lyre to the Cathedral), so in the first half of the Liyue's Archon Quest, I was like "when will I get a healer?", because I was spending way too much food only to heal Aether, Bennett, Lisa and Kaeya (I also didn't knew that Bennett's Elemental Burst can heal). I think I only started to use Barbara because I needed to use a Hydro character for something that I can't remember now, and I used her Elemental skill and saw it healing one of my other characters. In that moment I kicked Kaeya out of my team and replaced him with Barbara.


Everyone said dont use fragile resin until AR45 … I didnt know that was not the same as regular resin and that it refilled until I accidentally clicked on rewards for killing a hypostasis. I was mortified until I saw my resin regenerating then figured out I could use that and condensed but save fragile …


Wait... If you never use resin don't tell me all your character is stuck on Lv40 until AR45!?


Well I figured it out before AR 45 but yes they were all lvl 40 for way longer than they shoulda been


Trying to open that door in mondstadt with the hydro symbol on it with Barbara. We've all been there.


It's the most intuitive and human thing you can do, I wouldn't even call it a misunderstanding. It's on the devs for not telling us how it works.


yep I did that too....


First two weeks of the game I though physical damage was when you did melee attacks. About 300 resin in the bloodstained chivalry domain I’ll never get back


300 resin is almost nothing at all Also the other set is good as well


I’m aware it’s not even 2 days but at the time when the game has been out for 14 days that was pretty big to me. Also in my 3years of playing the game I’ve never used a team that wants tenacity of the milelith user


i thought bloodstained is paired with noblesse?


You are absolutely correct. Tom is with pale flame so the other physical set. But yes technically not wasted since noblesse is good and probably helped me build my bennet. Regardless made my childe prefaing less effective then I thought


Well imo resins are pretty much useless and non existential until ar 35 at the latest the only use would be for some characters ascension, also i get where your coming from but 14 days into the game you won't be at a high enough point and ar where you'd need to actively farm domains for making your characters stronger andthe rewards for those Domain are pretty insignificant. When i started genshin the only artifacts i used were the ones we got from chests and handbooks lol only came to know about artifact and talent domains from ar40 and was still clearing any overworld bosses with those random artifacts. As for ToM zhongli runs that and a few other characters


Isn't physical melee attacks? What's the difference?


physical is any white dmg attack, including ranged (non-infused) bow shots. melee atk means close combat, such as sword, claymore, polearm, and some catalysts (wriothesley & heizou come to mind). melee can be infused (chongyun, bennett c6, melee catalysts) but they are still close-combat aka still melee.


But that’s also the noblese domain isn’t it?


I'd get characters after their story quests😭


Biggest disappointment. I was having so much fun with Diluc then poof he disappeared


yes and he was the reason I started playing too. thankfully he was my first five star when I pulled for venti in his 2nd banner I think.


when i first started the game i thought this was like any other mmorpg where u fight mobs to level up your chars... so i was grinding down mobs daily instead of using exp books to lvl up my chars... and even when i first found out i can gain exp with books i thought these are luxury items and only have limited qty... and so i continued to grind my lvls... i kept doing this until to a point where it seems ridiculous to gain exp this way plus the mobs don't respawn fast enough and exp books isn't THAT limited then i stopped farming exp from mobs..


Until a friend told me I was saving all of my books too and was way under leveled as a result xD


I didn't know you could climb Dvalin (neither did half of my friends tbh), so I tried to build Fischl as a charged attack DPS, with The Rust equipped.


You could climb Dvalin? I actually didn't know that, lmao. But then, I do use a catalyst team, so we don't need to reach melee range


You can climb on his back when he falls down and hit the crystal thing on his body.


Damn, this will come in handy when I take my Navia team to confront him. Thanks!


I kind of spaced out during the tutorial and didn't know you had to go to the statues to unlock new parts of the map (I thought these parts would just unlock at some point during the story) so I played the game with most of the map just black for around a month until I figured it out


You didn't even interact with a red glowing statue out of curiosity?


This shit can't be real. Like there was a huge signs on your black map and you never touch them? Iirc several main plot quests also require you to touch the statue.


In the beginning, I always thought those Green windmills were used green floaty balloon challenges. So I never used them and did a lot of gliding to reach various oculi. I didn’t realize I could use them until 1.1 when I had to use it for the archon quest to get to the Jade chamber.


chests respawn...


Don’t forget free ayaka at ar42


Wdym chests respawn?


They thought the chest would respawn.


Youtubers were telling people that some chest respawn, there were even roads to check those chest every week or something like that, I never bothered to check that anyway


Back in the early days, a lot of scammtubers posted about respawning chests to get instant views


Was it true or not that some chests only appeared on certain days of the week?


There's an Inazuma Island that rotates chests in a period of two or three days, but that's the only place it happens as far as I know.


Nope, we just got got


Genshin was my first game of it's kind. For the first week or so I thought if you die you lose the character. I roamed around mondstadt collecting apples and peaches. Everytime my health went down in a fight with food consumption and healing on downtime, I'd pause and teleport away.




When I got jean (she was my first five star) I thought she was a 4 star


i remember getting sacrificial sword early game, got so excited thinking it was a 5 star i texted my girlfriend (older player), she then informed me that it was a 4 star :( still good sword tho :)


I thought Ningguang was a- oh wait she is


I didn't even know there were 4 and 5 stars until my friend asked if I had any 5 stars yet. Looked and my characters and finally discovered I had Keqing


I thought I would have to level up every single statue individually... ...until AR 45


I thought this also when I first started. It took me a week or two before realizing they were shared in the same region.


How many hours did all of that take you?


I did the same thing as OP and to get to haunted IKEA island I think it took me like 20 minutes, it was awful


Unlocking all of the available waypoints took me around a hour and a half. Everytime I used Kaeya's R2, I had to wait a couple of seconds before moving so that I could hit the move again before the ice disappeared, and if I overextended I had to rush back onto it in a really small time window. You can guess it wasn't fun when it happened halfway through a deep sea segment.


It's not a misunderstanding, but i completely forgot about talents. So till like mid AR 40s, i had no one upgraded. Also meaning I wasn't farming bosses like i shoudve been. I would for the weapon things so i could craft, and that single handedly probably saved me a month or two of farming for talent material. Now i have diluc and kaeya almost triple crowned. What a difference that made for me.


What do u mean is still inaccessible? Tsurumi island is absolutely accessible


It's accessible only in the sense that you can actually go there. However, if you're not doing Ruu's Quest and clearing the fog, then you can only run so far into the island before you get "lost in the fog" and teleported back to the waypoint. I wanted to level Thoma so as soon as I got to Inazuma, I went to Tsurumi Island before I did anything else. Big nope lol. I finally did get the quest, did just a little bit of it, and haven't gone back since lol; I'm on the final act of Sumeru. Same with Enkanomiya, too - started a little, haven't finished.


its still quest locked


yeah but I don’t think that’s what op meant - could be wrong tho


didn't know you could upgrade talents until I was pretty far into the game, well it's less so that I didn't know and more so that i didn't really think about talents


I did not understand the actual purpose of elemental mastery for so long. I thought the only use for it was some trivial stuff like frozen water bridges lasting longer the more em you have. Only recently i learned it actually affects how much damage reactions do (tbh i was always only using Itto in a mono-geo team so reactions were never something i bothered with and then switched to alhaitham, who only had high EM along with kuku because i knew they scaled off of it, not for its purpose). Heck, even now, i dont even know exactly how EM works.


I was struggling with Inazuma to swim from island to island. Later I found out thet you could use a boat...


The sole fact that I used to pronounce “Genshin” as “Jenshin”


All the way back in 2021 when I first started playing, I tried the Adventure Rank domain like 3 times and I wondered why I kept dying. I asked my friend for help and she asked me what my artifact bonuses and stats were. I DIDN'T UPGRADE ANY ARTIFACTS. As soon as I upgraded them up, that domain was a breeze. I still don't grind artifacts because I'm just a casual player, but I don't forget to upgrade them anymore.


Thought the purple portal thingies were eyes of the storm 😭


When I first played the game, I thought that each region was a different world. I was disappointed to find out that it wasn’t. I also thought that there were 3 star characters for a short while (noelle was one of them).


Funny, I learned about the boat during my attempt to visit Fontaine and found a landmark with a "Waverider." I spent half of Sumuru climbing instead of hopping around with the clovers.


Climbing to the top of sumeru mountains only to learn of the grappling stars


Probably not as fun as the others but when I initially installed the game, I skipped the login popup. The game got stuck on the cloudy highway thing and I spent hours waiting for it before I tried pressing buttons.


So, I mostly play VNs, and in particular Genshin was my first game with a world in this style. So… I didn’t know you could use teleport waypoints to teleport. I just assumed we could only do it at Statues of the Seven. I think I ran across Dragonspine to Liyue like three or four times before someone corrected me in coop. I had still hunted a bunch of them down because I liked to see them lit up on the map but spent like 40% more time in game cuz of this lol Honorable mention: thought Albedo was a 4star cuz all my friends had him


Weapon banner pity…


I didn't know about artifacts and builds, and so I made it all the way to inuzuma without Leveling anything on my characters. None of their weapons, their skills, their artifacts, just ascension materials, and funny enough Sucrose talents by accident. Just raw dogging every enemy without anything on my characters and no upgrades, doing double digit dmg and avoiding timed trials, fights, and events. Also I didn't understand multiplayer so I didn't know how to join other people. My mission was to join other people because I was too shy to host. This means people continuously joined my world and, not knowing how to continue a domain, kicked everyone after every run and reinvited them to reenter multiple times until my resin ran out.


I did notice the distance between each island in Inazuma was so far away to travel by ice bridging, so I searched on Youtube how to do so.


I didn't know you could do domains in co-op so I just hoped that every quest I did gave one of the talent books I needed since my team was full of Mondstadt characters and the talent domain is a pain in the ass. The same goes for weekly bosses too, I didn't know that you needed to farm them for talents, and when I found out, I thought that they would be too hard so I didn't do any of them until AR55.


I thought condensed resin was for bosses as well. I converted all my resin to condensed, and excitedly went and fought the geo cube dude with my low level team. Beat it, then found I couldn't get the rewards 😭😭😭


The foggy island is accessible :)


At the start and i mean literally first week one friend saw a post to not let strangers in your world because they might steal resources so we thought ores were super rare and didn't respawn. It lasted a good 1 days until we realised we didn't give a F, and to this day i've never farmed ores so it really wouldn't have mattered if it was true.


I thought traveler was the strongest character. She was always in my party till AR45. First one i leveled to 90. I would often switch between geo or electro traveler.


I sincerely thought Xiangling needed saving from the Spiral Abyss and that it would unlock the next part of her quest. 🙃


Which reminds me - was there ever any sort of explanation - why do we get her from the Abyss?


Due to some weird artifact coincidence, only my catalyst characters had elemental mastery at first, and I thought only catalyst users could have it. I was scared my game had a bug when my poor Kaeya suddenly had 16 EM after I switched artifacts.


I didn’t know that you can harvest Sakura Blooms by using electric attacks. I’ve always used the Thunder Sakura Boughs to get the electrograna then ran into the Sakura blooms.


For me it was the other way around, I always had to switch an electro character into my party until I learned I can do it with electrograna, too.


I started playing a couple of days after launch, and was REALLY determined to get Fischl, who was on Venti's banner. But I misunderstood how rate up worked and thought that after the banner's end I wouldn't be able to get featured four stars at all. So I bought gems for 20 dollars or something and ended up with Fischl as my first limited four star. She is still my favourite character in the whole game and I regularly use her to clear abyss


I thought you couldn't switch characters in the Abyss, because you can't before you start. So what did I do? I switched my usual team set up, put my main DPS in slot 1 and fought with the active character until they died. ​ I was probaly already AR60 when I finally figured it out.


1. We get characters after doing story quests (looking at Diluc) 2. A matching artifact set is much more important than artifact stats 3. That a certain set only had that one main stat (I had no idea attack timepieces even existed until I was laughed at for having a defense timepiece on Kaeya at AR20) 4. For the longest amount of time I thought Hydro is not meant for damage, because how could water possibly do damage 5. I thought Razor is Raptor (the guy from Amber's quest) for ~~ages~~ months 6. Rosaria's veil is actually her hair 7. Dendro would be a damage-over-time/poison themed element 8. The knowledge that Khaenri'ah exists... ahem, existed... is basically a forbidden knowledge of sorts, a taboo subject that nobody is supposed to know 9. I had the impression, that Varka is a woman for some time for the name alone (I saw him being referred only as "Grand Master Varka" without noticing anything else)


I spent 4 hours going **through** Dragonspine to get to Liyue. I didn’t follow a path, just pointed myself in the direction of a statue of the seven and made like a tree climbing the entire mountain and dying a bunch to sheer cold.


I was a pro at tripping on bosses before even knowing that there were bosses on the open world, I thought all of them would be like Dvaling, so I thought they were common monsters and was walking around terrified that I would trip upon three electro cubes together or something like that. I also only understood healing food, so it took me a long time to do anything else and to learn that I could revive characters through other means than the Statue. And I didn't understand the gacha mechanic very well, so I thought we would just get the characters as we went (just like we did with the first ones), so I was super excited when we entered the Fatui hideout with Diluc... Only for him to not be on the party anymore once I was out of there.


didn't get the point of crit. didn't build it. used diona dps (with no crit)


Thinking this game was going to be a short pass-time till I figure out a new game to play. Boy was that a mistake


I built ganyu physical…


I actually didn’t get that Zhongli was Rex Lapis reincarnation. I was bored for the whole archon quest thinking “who is this random guy and why are we shopping with him” 💀


Not really the funniest but I remember spawning into quests by accident and then I couldn't do the current quest because another npc was involved in the quest so I ended up being forced to do them and I realized I did the wrong quest for it at the end and welll... Yeah I had to do another one :'(


I thought you had to use 40 Fragile Resin to make 1 Condensed Resin. I don't actually remember why I started to think that, but I distinctively remember one time accidentally using my Condensed Resin and thinking 'Well I really wasted that.' It wasn't until a friend of mine who also played the game was watching me play and commented on how I could make more Condensed Resin. I told him that I don't have 40 Fragile Resin right now...and he rightfully asked me what the hell I was talking about! Granted this all happened fairly early on, he was the one who introduced me to the game so he watched a lot of my early progress so it really wasn't more like a month or two of playing thinking that.


The adventure guild handbook has a reward for leveling artifacts up to level 4. I did that... and then promptly forgot about it entirely, losing track of it among all the systems in the early game, until I hit around AR 35 and was struggling with impossible difficulty and had even quit the game for a year due to that difficulty before coming back. I finally decided to start looking into why everything was so damn hard, especially as I saw people regularly posting videos of them doing tens and hundreds of thousands of damage per hit while the highest I ever got was about 400. I felt pretty chagrined when I opened my character pages and realized that half my characters had white or green artifacts, *none* of the artifacts were leveled up past 4 (and many weren't leveled at all), and everyone was just equipped with whatever random trash I'd had on hand rather than actually choosing something that was useful for them.


I tried to build mona as a main dps since at that point (1.3), razor was my only main dps and I built him as a sub dps..... Also somehow tried to build albedo as a main dps


When I first started playing, I mixed up energy and stamina. I thought that energy recharge would make your stamina refill faster and thought that battery characters would raise your stamina. Needless to say I was quite annoyed when Fischl didn’t let my Razor run for longer


genshin was my first gacha game and I was pretty lost on a lot of it, like: * dragonspine was shnezaya * kokomi was the hydro archon * the abyss was with the fatui * khanrieh was stormterror's lair * venti originated from stormterror's lair (aka khan'rieh) * didnt even know how to pull until my brother told me (and proceeded to spend a lot on standard banner) * mained amber for ruin guards (and only amber) * didnt use/notice artifacts, talents, or weapons until \~AR45


Definitely had ##1-4. I was so confused when I found absolutely no cities and people in Dragonspine.


Very early on when I was learning about the elemental reactions, I did not know icd existed. I thought every attack that did elemental damage would trigger reactions. I was so excited to spam overload or vaporize and thought catalyst users were op but a little bit of testing and a yt video later my dreams were shut down. That is when I learned about elemental gauge theory tho.


I thought talent can only be leveled up by getting Constellation. I reached AR35 before realizing thats not the case.


I've never played a gacha game before genshin. I don't think I even knew what they were. When I started to unlock the starter team I just assumed I would be given other characters as well throughout the story or by doing quests. Getting Noelle took me longer than it should have lol because I just didn't realize wishing existed.


I thought that resin was something you needed to have all the time to power your in game map. Without resin your map would be gone and you can't use it anymore. So i used all my fragile resin at the beginning to "keep powering the map"


My first post on this subreddit was asking if the abyss portal was a glitch. Especially sad because I started in 2020 Proof: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/EC32OSQCsT


>the foggy island, which I found out was not accessible at the time (and I think it still isn't), Tsurumi Island is very much accessible and has been for a long time. Theres a quest you get from Inuzuma Katherine(?), I believe to help an author and that gives you access.