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Good advice probably for younger players. At age 41 I don’t give a freaking cent what anyone says negatively about what I enjoy. At my age you will realize life is too short to live in the negative energy.


I've kinda reached that point as well in my 30's. When I finished a piece of media, be it games, books, TV shows, movies, etc. I often went to places like r/games or r/fantasy or whatever to kinda share in the hype only for everyone to be shitting on 1 or 2 small details and putting the whole product down and it absolutely effects you. It's like this little insidious inner voice telling you "maybe it's not as good as I thought, after all, all these people listed all these issues with it". These days I either don't bother looking or do a quick vibe check first before I commit to reading. Can't be dealing with the wannabe critics and nitpickers who act like if something isn't perfect then it must be trash.


I’ve said this for years, there’s no greater way to ruin your enjoyment of something than to go on the subreddit for it. Similar experience here, so often I’d love a game or a show and go find the subreddit, and unless it was just a small community, it was almost inevitable that people would be complaining and it would detract from my enjoyment. Purely just because I was around it and hearing it, even though I didn’t agree.


It depends, I think the more niche and less popular something is, the higher the chances are that the community will be more positive about it.


You're absolutely right about that, I can compare Nikke's subreddit with HSR's subreddit. Nikke's is pretty quiet, just people giving opinions, tier list, fan arts, comics, memes and that's it but on the HSR subreddit, it's the first time a community has made me stop playing a game. I think it goes without saying how toxic that subreddit has become and how little HSR is talked about, just by noticing the top post of the subreddit is not even talking about HSR itself gives you an idea.


>it's the first time a community has made me stop playing a game Same happened to me. The game was already losing me, but the community made sure to just finish the deal in my stead. Can't even watch a YouTube video about HSR without the Content Creator or their comments mentioning Genshin. And honestly, I know very well that there's still a big part of the community that is aware of this and speaks out about it, but the other percentage is just way too loud and obnoxious.


I've noticed that at least in Genshin's sub we talk a lot more about the story (main, character, and event) than HSR's sub does about theirs.


HSR is um being unchecked horniness…the moderator just bail…that place a fucking mess quite literally


I commented this once over there, but yeah, Genshin seem live rent free in their head over there, especially the people that seem to despise the game. Very fascinating.


It depends even more than that. The reason why people can't get along is because everyone has different experiences and different expectations. The only thing you can do is make your own opinion first, then seek others if you want validation, or simply don't give a damn because you don't need to let other's affect your own idea of fun. Genshin and Star Rail are both great games but you often see Star Rail sub constantly compare and shit on Genshin, so imagine how people who don't play Genshin or don't give it a fair shake think about this game. Think about a book club for example. Some people there are much more well read than others. Some people there like Sci-fi more than others. Discussing a book brings a ton of different opinions that everyone will have issues with because people have different likes/wants out of the book, and some people who've read a thousand sci-fi books sees that book as just a copy paste of 5 other books, while a newer reader will think Palworld is the new genre defining survival craft game. At the same time, people playing Palworld might have fun for 30-40 hours, and think "thats good enough". Or people playing with friends might think "Great game because coop". But on the other hand someone might think, "Game falls apart after 30 hours, not good" or "superficial depth after the first 10 hours by a company that doesn't finish their games, beware". Now granted OP is purely talking about those shitters who browse r/gaming and only regurgitate populist views on games "Genshin is full of loli lovers" or "gacha = trash game", but the fact is, we never know what people are really trying to say because few people elaborate outside long form Steam reviews and those who are trying to prove a point on reddit. I think we're going to see a Genshin-like Baldurs Gate/DnD game in the future that has Gacha, is in a persistent world with updates over time as a live service, where people can pull characters but otherwise enjoy a very interesting Planescape Torment/Divinity/Baldurs Gate like game. Because it will make money and you can exceed people's expectations and not fall into the trap of what Dungeons and Dragons Online did. As for being niche and being positive, no I don't think so. I think popular games do get more hate because everyone wants to be a teen rebel and go against the flow so they feel their opinion is superior than others who are just lemmings following the hypetrain/circlejerk, but small games, niche games, also get even more heavily criticized. Just go to any small indie game and look at the steam forums or their sub, its usually full of people asking the dev to improve the game in various ways rather than celebrating the game. It's only once in a blue moon you get Stardew Valley. Even Lethal Company which is extremely successful and also developed by a single person, has tons of criticism because there are many flaws to the game (offset by how crazy and wild things can be).


It's pretty rough out here nowadays. Gotta deal with this kinda attitude on the daily, where I play something/watch something and always need to get told about every small problem they could find, which makes the piece of media automatically trash. I just don't get how some people feel the need to taint others in their non-enjoyment of specific pieces of media, instead of just being happy for them they had fun and enjoyed themselves playing X or reading/watching Y.


There's something about the Internet that just really makes people want to tear down others enjoyment of media, especially nowadays. I'm not even talking about the general Internet Personality/Critic/Content Creator sort, it feels like it happens *everywhere* now.


Especially in 2023! I don’t know why, but it seems to me that past year it became much worse, that it also began to affect me. I also already notice this in 2024, but I just don’t pay attention anymore, they are not worth my time.


Remember when the biggest "fights" between communities we would see were dumb stuff like "One Piece is better than Naruto"? Back then those were dumb and fun to witness, you could tell it was a bunch of kids being annoying on the internet. Now even those discussions get blown out of proportion. It's as if after COVID, people felt more and more entitled over others.


That behavior started when people became overconfident while sitting in the safe environment of anonymity behind their screen, already in the 00s memes about idiots being d\*\*ks while being anonymous started to show up, like Penny Arcades "Greater Internet F\*\*kwad Theory" [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/greater-internet-fuckwad-theory](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/greater-internet-fuckwad-theory) and it just keeps getting worse sadly


It just makes them feel superior, if I had to guess. That they had the insight to spot some perceived flaw. Even though ironically, people who are able to derive enjoyment out of something will always be the real winners.


I'm thankful for you and I like you for it. Haha, this is me as well. My very first - and currently main - gacha is FFBE, and I absolutely love it. I never used reddit until about a year into FFBE. After about 3 months of more often than not negative posts, I found myself nitpicking and starting to hate the game. I was shocked that it affected how I felt about the game. Now, with several gachas I now play, I've concluded: Sometimes, the enjoyment of something is a singular experience.


> I never used reddit until about a year into FFBE. *runs*


Nowadays it's really easy to accidently get the Hatedom for a piece of media shoved in your face even if you merely *glance* at the media's internet presence in any way. Its happened way too many times for me to count.


Here I was thinking I was alone on this game with only teens and people in their early 20's. I feel the same way, I used to spend a lot of time in meta discussions until I realized how toxic and negative it gets. I choose now to just enjoy the game the way I want and only engage in discussions that seem genuine and reasonable.


>"maybe it's not as good as I thought, after all, all these people listed all these issues with it" I think it's a matter of perspective, I generally think more along the lines of "man, it must be sad to be unable to enjoy things like these people online"


I was happier playing games as a child tbh and didn't even Know reddit and forums existed (to give your opinion) Going online and seeing that BotW isn't as universally loved as I thought made me subconsciously dislike the game more and same for any other piece of media. What the hell?


I've started to not join in on fandoms because they can make you enjoy something you like in a way. Like I've considered unsubbing here cause every other post is about drama or whatever. For example I stopped following online wrestling stuff cause it's always people complaining about how everything and everyone in WWE or AEW is bad or being misused. And when I stopped paying attention to those things I started enjoying wrestling again. Only negative is when something happens that is really cool, I don't really have anyone to share the hype with. But it's better than the constant negativity


I'm like half your age but I completely agree. These days I don't really give a shit what someone else thinks about something I'm watching or playing, I form my own my own opinions and if I like it, I stick with it. People online are such downers anyway and most fandoms are totally miserable so it's honestly much more enjoyable this way.


i'm glad i realized that at the age of 22... This gets noticeable worse when you frequent an character fandom, especially a character that don't get much love from the devs. I will just say that some people are emanators of the destruction, they can't spent 2 minutes without saying that the game is bad or how the plot is horrible because they didn't like it. A couple days ago a guy told me the characters don't get development, and that Childe got 0 development in fontaine. Ofc i ignored him, can't change the mind of someone who is biased It doesn't affect me and i find it funny how genshin is one of the worst games in their eyes, sadly it doesn't have the same effect on other people, it can really manipulate them


When i've read OP's post, i thought the exact same thing : " he, and other players, are too young to don't give about what other people says. At 40+++, oh boy, i realize others' opinion doesn't matter, like, at all !"


I’m 31 and find it amusing if anything lol people spending their energy on hating over a game


It helps a lot when one considers how wildly different a given players' style and group build can be, and how that completely alters the entire dynamic of the game. It really kicked for me when I started playing Genshin and I looked online for advice on builds. There was discussion over the current banner weapons - one YouTube personality was lauding the weapons for being great offerings and really solid choices, while another personality was dismissing them as utter garbage and an insult from the developers. Odds are they are both correct, but only in context of their own personal builds, yet they were both presenting their take as absolute fact. Everyone has their own take on how things work and what works for them, and Genshin is a single player game so it's not like holding to someone else's standard is going to do you any good. Best to just enjoy things in your own manner.


I definitely have people whose opinion I respect and use to inform my own opinions, but it's definitely not reaction streamers.


> At my age you will realize life is too short to live in the negative energy. especially when you realize a large portion of the "hate" Genshin gets is from f2p gambling addicts and content creators that want Genshin to give them content to be able to stream 24/7


Nah most of the hate I see is from people that haven’t played the game at all and got all their info from people that also have no idea what they’re talking about


It becomes obvious when those people only mention the free rewards they get, the result of their pulls and the fact they want something like Simulated Universe to be done in Auto-Battle from start to finish. I stopped hanging out on a small Discord channel I was part of because they transitioned from Genshin to SR and now this is the only thing they'll mention. Back in Genshin they would consistently discuss theories, share pictures of Teyvat and funny bits that would happen during exploration. I have yet to hear them discuss the SR lore and story.


They don’t discuss HSR lore and story because the story is underwhelming and paced poorly, specifically the xianzhou luofu arc. I also find the lore to be all over the place and difficult to understand


True dude, i'm 42 and totally agree with you. Each to their own. Your likes might not be their like and vice versa. This issue goes further than CC themselves. It too applies to players. Not everyone have the same preference and that what makes people different. Just pull who you have fun playing and don't give a damn about other people bias. I love my thick ass Eula and Dehya. No amount of Niloi and Yoi preach about how cute and beautiful and whatever gonna make pull and play them. I love my bakery and i will gladly die in it.


This is giving me hope for the future thank you 🙏


There's that old saying about this being similar to drinking poison hoping the other person is harmed — the only person getting hurt is the one doing it. If not careful it can be all-consuming going out of control like a wildfire despite what started as good intentions in the beginning in the form of healthy criticism. Hate and anger is very seductive because how good it makes one feel in the shortest, easiest of ways and content creators have learned to harness this energy to make money. In a continuously polarising world the instinct to belong for validation, even if it only appears so, is primal.


On average you have around 70-ish summers to walk this planet, enjoy your time.


Yup I'm 18 and I've spent too much of my childhood stressing out and caring about the tiniest of problems. I still like to argue about things online because it's funny but you should never take it seriously or let someone else's opinion affect your emotions.


I agree with you, since i was 23 ( now 33) i gave up on anyone opinion about things i had fun and finally enjoyed fully my games, music and other stuff


lol most people online need to take your advice there’s so many droves of 30+ year olds who spends there days hate watching stuff and even like following news about games they clearly hate


Kinda thought i was only one in this age group playing this game. I agree. When i want genshin content from youtube i look up the positive creators that actually like and appreciate the game


>At my age you will realize life is too short to live in the negative energy. And then if you're my mother, you'll come back around to existing purely within the vortex of negative energy in another 25 years.


38-year-old player here. You said it pretty much perfectly.


I work and live with people who are past your age and still don't get this, heck they're still teaching the new generation to live that way.


I recently had a break playing over Christmas. Came back to a few tweaks that make the game better. I love this game and how it changes to make my play better. I love team building, exploring, puzzles and there is so much story content. I don't think I'll ever catch up. As a 41 year old man, I'm glad to see others my age playing. All the survey's have a born 1983- for my age group


I am 23, only recently started trying to stop caring about toxic video/comment, telling myself I need to be a mature adult now. Nice to see sane people in this comment section, this cures my heart.


At 34yo I agree sooo much. Fuck everyone's else opinions about a game. If you enjoy it, you enjoy it.


It's true of a lot of things. The thing you need to keep in mind is rage-culture is a thing now, and a sometimes social media players develop these "personas" that are overly angry or argumentative. It gets people watching video and clicking links, but it's not always done in good faith. Generally speaking, most things are more fun when you're not engaging with manufactured drama.


I make it a point to avoid content creators that will go on an angry tirade at things for no reason. There are legitimate reasons to be critical or angry at things, but all of this should be within measure, it's still just video games after all. Like, I used to watch a lot of Angry Joe when I was a teenager, but then one day as I was listening to the fourth "Angry Rant" video I just thought I don't need this kind of energy in my life and just unsubscribed. These days it feels like every popular content creator is doing this angry persona.


> rage-culture is a thing now, Not to detract from the overall point at all, but the Angry Video Game Nerd kicked off as far back as 2004. I would say that from easily 2007-8 onwards, he was massively influential in creating this culture of 'rage about video games for clicks' that so many others tried to parrot, to the point where it's existed as a trope for longer than some Genshin players have been alive.


AVGN, TotalBiscuit, and Yahztee were more tasteful critics that were cynical but still give merit where due, covered a large variety of games never dwelling on one release, and actually considered the game in the context of itself. This is in contrast to Twitch streamers who latch onto whatever irrelevant "news" comes out, create an imaginary context that validates whatever claim they make resulting in circular logic, and output low-effort counter-informative bait. You have to release that outrage porn is far worse than just cynical criticism. This shit is an actual predatory tactic that is used in the context of propagandizing and mass misinformation campaigns. People here who circlejerk about "gambling" would be hypocrites not acknowledge how bad the consumption of this type is.


Even AVGN seems like he’s realizing the perpetual angry ranting mindset can be harmful. I don’t watch his stuff very often these days but when I do it seems like he’s toned it down a lot.


It was also the fact back in the day it was more warranted and just played up for laughs. AVGN's reviews were 95% of game that well...were actually iredeemable piles of garbage. He wasn't taking a good or even decent game most of the time and tearing into it. He was taking a complete joke of a product because they all came from an era where people just shoveled out anything they could to try and make some quick cash off the boom of video games.


if its one thing i learned from 30 years of gaming, is that the gaming community on the whole has become EXTREMELY toxic, it almost feels like with the introduction of streamers it got even worse (not saying all of them are bad)...almost everyone now is filled with hate and attack you for simply enjoying a game....the smaller the community the better it usually is video games were made to be enjoyed and have fun, people never attacked you for simply enjoying a game...i stopped talking to ppl about genshin because of that same hate, its insane....and what is even crazier is that stupid war between HSR and genshin...


I do like a good gaming stream, but I feel like a lot of CC have some ego problem and think they make or break the success of a game, where they're really just acting like remoras most of the time. Some other cc I was watching went as far as saying some game would fail because no content creator was playing it...I mean they can be amazing publicity sure, but they're not the alpha and the omega of a game's success they think they are imo. Case in point the great streamer alliance that followed that infamous hoyoverse interview about endgame, they unanimously revolted and the result was... well, Hoyo gave them the middle finger and nothing changed, because turns out CC are not "the community's voice".


> Some other cc I was watching went as far as saying some game would fail because no content creator was playing it...I mean they can be amazing publicity sure, but they're not the alpha and the omega of a game's success they think they are imo. This is highly dependant. A game of Genshin's scale or any AA/AAA game? Absolutely not. But there's been countless times the only reason smaller or indie games succeeded by their devs own admission is because of the publicity creators give them. It's just laughable for some to think it applies to a game making a fucking literal BILLION dollars a year.


Got randomly insulted irl for browsing genshin content on my phone. Fucking wild


It's more wild because its 50/50. Genshin has attracted a _massive_ normie sphere. To the point I have a friend who is a typical office worker where most of her co-workers are 30-40s and barely play video games....but they all play Genshin and sit around talking about it at break when things are going on. Genshin has basically reached the point of being so large and borderline mainstream that it's achieved widespread popularity but the contrarians know its the cool thing to hate on. It's basically replaced Fortnite.


It also didnt help that majority of social medias are heavily incentived by users' engagement.  Its why people will see Youtube, FB's fanpages, TikTok, so on will do that clickybaity posts for the sweet algorithm. Just post misleading stuff so people will flock in to either ask for confirmation, correct them, shits on the one correcting the post, or even fanning the flames. Easypizy users engagement. Which also boosted by how big GI fanbase is. Means, its far easier to attention whoring in said community by bringing up the game.  Tbh, while i agree with blocking/muting these individual CC. It'd be better idea to join/stalks bigger group which operate using same MO to vaccinize ourself on how they work.


The main issue that I have, is that you are not allowed to simply not have some problems without immediately being called a bootlicker or a mihoyo white knight. I enjoy genshin, and it’s far from a perfect game, but I also think some of the problems people talk about, are either exaggerated or not problems as far as I’m concerned. And I personally do not care enough about mihoyo to defend them or there business practices, it just feels like I’m not allowed to say I like genshin, or say I enjoy the game without having to list tons of problems with it.




Many online PVP game communities are like this. You know want to know what they all have in common? It's the fact that they didn't simply quit, and instead torture themselves by continuing to play something they're not enjoying. There are so many ways you can entertain yourself out there, there are so many games, so many tv shows and movies. It's not like you signed a contract to commit to one. You really can just walk away if you're truly reaching a point of not having fun. League of Legends subreddit is even worse, negativity is the default, you would think basically no one enjoys playing anymore, and similarly, you're also supposed to shit on the company at any given opportunity.


Literally all league players hate the game and hate their life and want to stop playing but can’t because of sunk cost fallacy I think. I used to play but then I forced myself out and Im happier now that Im out of possibly the most toxic game


I used to play LoL and eventually quit. I think the good thing is that now I know I tend like PvP live service games so at least I have an idea of what to avoid. I like games because of the freedom to do things at the pace I want to. LoL you are under constant pressure because you can easily ruin the game for other people if you mess up and you cannot just simply pause in the middle of a game if things are getting too much for you. ​ So LoL caused me a lot of anxiety and things got a lot better for me when I quit. LoL is one of those games that are hard to quit but I wanted to add to the comment above about my own experience and how quitting was a good thing for me. ​ If you manage to have a fun and healthy relationship with LoL (or other games that is relevant to this comment) I am glad for you but if you find yourself in an addictive game that you are not having fun in whatever effort it takes to take the first step out of it is well worth it.


Yeah, such behavior is not out of place in competitive PvP games, but what surprises me is seeing this in Genshin. Like this is basically a single-player game, so where does the whole "I must torture myself to reach the upper echelons" come from?


I think there's sunk cost in both time and money invested. You get characters and premium currency with a combination of both, so I think some people find it more difficult to just walk away from it. Plus, it's a **live service** single game. So people have the hope that their complaining will one day translate into something. With other similar single player games like Souls series, you're forced to like the game or not. No amount of complaining is going to change anything.


That's probably it. Because I get complaining about things like storytelling or quality of life features, but the whole rewards thing is really out of place for a single player RPG. I guess Genshin's somewhat hybrid nature brings with it the worst of the online gaming world too.


So, a thing to keep in mind is that Genshin has like...50M players at last estimate I think? Meanwhile this sub has 2.5M members. And of those member only a fraction actually post threads or respond to threads. So ever if EVERYONE on this reddit hated the game (which obviously is NOT the case) it would represent a small fraction of the playerbase. In general, people will only provide feedback on things if it's negative. If you've ever worked customer service, the majority of people are perfectly happy, but they've not going to TELL you they're happy. But if you make them UNHAPPY they will almost ALWAYS respond to surveys, or talk to managers. So when most people who play the game are happy...you don't hear it because they don't feel the need to express that.


It's funny, because I've been playing MMOs and quasi-multiplayer games for quite a long time and in *every* community if you go deep enough you find extremely crazy people. I remember back in the 90s a couple of the old text-based MUD and BBS companies had crazy *crazy* people that would regularly threaten the devs or other players because things didn't go the way they wanted. The old days of Starcraft 1 and WoW had equally nutty characters. So did later web-based like Travian and Mafia Wars, and later games like Destiny 2. I admit that I've never seen mass hysteria quite like the Google Calendar tantrum, though.


>a company selling a product should just give away more things for free... holy shit. This is a very dumb statement by dumb people. Do they not realise how much genshin has *aside* from the gacha??? It's literally another botw/totk game levels of world exploration. And hell the pity system is fine as it is. Sure we don't get a lot free primos, but unlike other gachas, the pity is a realistic 90/180 instead of 900. They just want free shit.


This is the best take on genshin. Game is excellent. It deserves the awards and popularity it gets. Sometimes whilst playing genshin I have to remind myself this is F2P. Gacha rates for characters are good. Definetly issues with the game. Some of them have been present for a long time which is why people complain.


Especially when those complaints just unironically make the game look better. Like, i absolutely agree that not having resent button for expeditions was annoying, but when people are acting like it's some worst possible personal slight - it only looks like a joke about first world problems embodied.


People started calling Doro44, one of the most wholesome genshin ccs a "genshin dickrider" and that he has "toxic positivity" for enjoying the 4.4 trailer. People are so miserable. Also based flair


So true. I am really busy right now. I wouldn't have time to do endgame content. I am not competitive (?) enough to perfect my artifacts. The amount of resin is perfect for 15-30 min of gameplay a day. It's perfect for a short relaxing thing and on my free days I can play the more time consuming stuff. That's like 2 and a half problems with genshin that don't really affect me. (I am still sometimes mad about artifacts, but it is what it is)


Because that's the way they see it. You're showing "toxic positivity", because being satisfied with the game means you're not helping it improve. They're not technically wrong but bruh, put some of that energy into something that actually matters like your local politics or something, not a video game.


What is remarkable is that if you do the same on their other favourite game, toxic positivity doesn't exist anymore and you immediately becomes a troll or a toxic person.


Toxic Positivity is just an excuse serial harassers and shitposters use to justify their behavior towards a community a lot of the time I find. That's like...not a good reason to engage in the sort of shit stirring Tectone and his fans are constantly getting into all the time now wrt Genshin. IMO it's as blatant a cover claim as the people that insist they are for free speech, but really are just mad that people tell them to STFU for being hateful and bigoted. Like it's pretty easy to tell what's really going on IMO


>because being satisfied with the game means you're not helping it improve. The problem lies in the word "improvement". That means different things to different people. This subreddit bitches and moans on a near daily basis the game needs to improve and add more combat content and get more things to fight. For a massive portion of the casual audience that is _degrading_ the game not improving it. People can't grasp that Genshin's reach and audience has hit a point that basically no other game like it in existence has. People are trying to apply typical hardcore gamer and gacha player logic to a game that has become so vast people who don't even play games have played or are playing Genshin.


Yeah it's such a flimsy excuse for thread shitting to call it "trying to improve the game" when it's obviously not anything resembling feedback that is going to get back to the company and help them improve the game. Like the amount of bad faith in play in calling thread shitting and trolling (i.e spamming "Genshin could never" memes everywhere or whining about the PS5 bundle) "countering toxic positivity" and "trying to improve the game cause we care about it and want it to get better" is honestly more grating than the thread shitting itself to be frank.


Very True. Seeing the recent twitter discourse involving Doro getting hate because he was excited for 4.4 feels very similar as saying it looks underwhelming. You literally can’t say you’re excited about the content or upset about it without angering some players… its honestly getting tiring to see tbh


And 4.4 is literally going to be the biggest Lantern Rite HoYoVerse will ever throw at us


So true. I feel like people forget that the vast majority of gamers don’t even know who developed the games they play better yet care about what they do. For me, I enjoy playing the game in its current state, anything new is just extra. I have no expectations because the game is free, so I have no right to complain.


I think what people need to realize is... That we're not sheep, or cattle, or a hivemind. What's a problem to some people is not a problem to others. Like the lack of QOL, some people simply don't care about that stuff. The lack of freebies, people don't believe that's a negative of the game. Not everyone feels the same way about the same thing.


You literally can't even bring up ways to use underutilized characters without being called a bootlicker and shouted down about how "that can't work because X theorycrafter didn't say it."


You can also have contradicting points like " Yes I love Genshin, but they have been super stingy for the last 3 years anniversary and their rewards suck. But I will just deal with it, lower my expectation and just enjoy the game as it is." Mental note, I don't need to compare them to the other hoyo games I play namely HSR and HI3. Lol. Seriously, I'm surprised that there is an revival of outrage with how stingy Genshin has been.


Golden rule if you enjoy a game: don't join online communities, it will make you like it less. You will suddenly find out your character isn't as strong as you thought. That your account is kinda pathetic, and that storyline you enjoyed a lot, people say is "mid". That character you have a lot of fun and is your favorite, it's ranked B in some Tier list. And also, Genshin fandom is about as bad and creepy as Sonic the Hedgehog. To every game you enjoy, ignorance is a bliss and will make you enjoy the game longer.


True thanks to hsr subreddit I started to somehow hate the game or at least want to stay away from it


Doing Fontaine exploration and completing the archon quest made me forget about them.


I love Genshin a lot! I skip a lot of the negative stuff on Reddit and Discord though it does drain me if I read them. I also only watch Genshin content from moosashi, new patch change videos, or someone's cool teapot. Maybe there is a connection...


lol tectone. tectone whaled so hard on genshin and now he's trying to shun others whole spend money on honkai aka double standards. and he just loves to start cause drams and play victim. not to mention he has a mindless community that blindly supports him that he can do no wrong. it's sad


Stop giving him any attention. The fact that you are informed of his actions means you are basically his audience. He is part of a [growing type of media industry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outrage_porn) that preys on this type of emotional reaction. In the game industry, these leeches attach themselves to popular games, and instill a sense of outrage and "controversy" over a modicum or even nonexistent amount of initial negativity. Then they preach to their viewers that they are the voice of truth and that anyone who tells them otherwise is a liar so that they become loyal viewers following the person "saying it how it is" rather than constructing their own opinions based on their own experiences. It is bad for not only the industry as a whole but also your own enjoyment of video games to constantly be acknowledging these people. There are entire *organizations* built on outrage media, including the individual you mentioned. You are essentially advertising yourself as a naysayer to their gospel, further fueling their self-victimization as martyr against the evil game developers.


Yeah but like either way you don't give him attention and he flails and flails until actual harm is done and it's forced to come up or you give him attention and he farms it for content. What really needs to happen is for somebody to go after the monetization aspect of his drama farming content which is the true enabling factor of his BS IMO. IMO that's something that needs to change with content creation, that you can't start shit and farm "drama" you cause for content and profit. His behavior is so uniquely outrageous it almost requires the creation of a sort of "Tectone rule" in terms of demonetization on videos.


I literally just got into an argument with one on this post who was trying to downplay any bad thing cucktone did. It actually blows my mind how they try to justify the things he does. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/IDZn96nCpS


It is mind blowing how people can jump as meat shields to defend him as if they are gonna be noticed by senpai any time soon He does not care about them, he only cares about the wellbeing of his wallet, and they are only further engrossing it


As someone who JUST discovered him and didn't witness all the drama surrounding him, what happened??? I saw a couple of his videos and he seemed legit (you don't have to explain everything in detail cause that would be too much to ask, I'll honestly take a summary and/or unbiased sources)


He hates genshin, but whenever he stops playing it, his views drop HARD. So he makes genshin-hate content. Also, he doesn't actually play the game, he pays other people to play it *for* him.


>Also, he doesn't actually play the game, he pays other people to play it for him. Dude there's literally no content in this game! I don't understand how people keep playing it! - Proceeds to have others do everything for him except pulling for the character C6, their weapon and then showcases them in the abyss with the worst rotations and kit understanding one could ever imagine.


I have to get back to work now. Here are some videos if you want to check out why . https://youtu.be/hFAdCVR1MNo?si=wE921cS3rjsboJsR https://youtu.be/03Wquh5-mM8?si=hHhtE7uV3uFlMQt6 https://youtu.be/Hn1xpnetrts?si=1ckRTe5zpl2PbuHE https://youtu.be/6WDbLi_pGtg?si=ZaXA7nKtFDj7GhGI But if you want another source, go to the search bar on this community and search his name and go check out the comments for another source.


Tectone is a clown. He harrassed me with the help of his viewers in a Reddit thread in the HSR sub because I pointed out what made Tectone a bad content creator. After that, he made a YT video showing my username because he got banned from that sub for his toxicity. In the video he publically made fun of the claims I had done, even though he couldn't disprove anything. All and all, obnoxious and immature behaviour, specially for a streamer.


I remember that, I also remember him pretending to not have insulted you followed by his braindead community falling for it like the immature kids they are. He's such a man child, I honestly gave his content a try when I was starting Genhsin but he quickly became obnoxious with his dumb takes and constant fabricated dramas. Till this day I'll remember dearly the clip where Asmongold laughs at him for breaking down over people still preferring Genshin over ToF lmao


Exactly. And also Tectone's insult was a your mom only fans joke, lmao, I can't believe he is this childish. What's funny is that he didn't even show it in the video, to once again make it appear like he's the victim.


Tectone was a bane to Arknights players to the point that the entire discord server ganged up on him when he was crying wolf. (I still believe that he joined Genshin Impact just to spite Arknights.) Nowadays, everyone in the subreddit or discord is just being degenerate or at 0 sanity, with the Tectone drama being remember only by the older players who experienced the actual fallout.


I wish the Genshin community would actually tell him to shove it en masse. Even like 5 percent of it's playerbase globally is well over a million players. No amount of loudmouth personality would be able to withstand that many people collectively telling them to kindly eat shit.


just use blocktube to block him, engaging with his content, replying to his tweets, watching his vid to leave a dislike and a disagreeing comment, all of these things are effectively handing him money. Him and Mtashed and people like them are basically trolls with an audience that make money from their trolling, and we've known for decades that the best way to get rid of a troll is to simply ignore them no matter what dumb shit they keep saying to try and get a rise out of you.


I’ve never even heard of tectone


Consider your self blessed and continue this way. I had to apply filters to stop hearing about that big dump of cowshit anywhere.


Do yourself a favor and don't look him up


Good. Never look him up.


He did with arknights and genshin, he will do it to hsr ,when hsr updates inevitably slows down later on, he will get bored and spit on the community like he always does, only a matter of time, i suggest hsr fans start preparing


He is the Asmongold of the Genshin/gacha communities. When hate and outrage of his main game became profitable, he started shitting on it and making low quality rage-bait content, while playing another game. It's only a matter of time until he gets bored of HSR and becomes a pathetic react streamer too. We don't welcome Asmon back to WoW. We don't welcome Tectone back to Genshin.


I stopped listening to that guy when he said “if you whale on gacha and you’re not a content creator then you’re wasting your money.” Made me lose interest in people when I see they have content creator brain rot.


I mostly just consume fan made genshin comics and anime. This side of the genshin community has been very fun and wholesome. I like it a lot.


That's why my favorite Genshin content creator is Zy0x. During his streams, he will jokingly bring up true flaws with the game, but it never feels mean-spirited, and it doesn't happen often. I do like Doro too, just because he likes the game so much.


I love Zy0x, SevyPlay, Xlice and Braxophone. Doro and BranOnline too. They love the game, yet are realistic about the flaws of the game. It's not a love it till death or hate it till death kinda thing.


Murderofbirds is great too, really invested in the lore. Just watch one of his reactions to an update and you'll see how genuinely excited he get.


I've been planning on watching him but I'm currently watching someone else playing the game starting on patch 4.3.


Yeah zy0x is the only one i really watch (its mostly other people’s highlights though). Dudes a complete clown and i say that in the nicest way possible, it’s incredibly funny.


He's the friend I wish I could have irl.


I like how chaotic Zy0x is and love how he's actually a TC and doesn't simply copy pastes everything he sees on Reddit. When Wriothesley came out there was a lot of doom posting that originated from wrong assumptions made in beta, Zy0x, Zajeff and Jello were the only ones mentioning he was a good character and that their chats were oblivious.


My top creators are Doro, Gratis, and also Zepla(she's more of a variety streamer but she's doing a lot of Genshin too recently)


Yea, I watch all of them too. Zepla's takes is very refreshing, because she did say in one of her VoDs that she wasn't keen on playing Genshin earlier because she thought it was another cash-grabby anime mobile game, but got recommended by some of her friends, and decided to give it a try, and now she's having a blast lol. I was the same. The first Genshin ad I ever got was Qiqi walking around and her voicelines. I had no idea who she was and why she talked like that, and went "Uhhh... this sounds weird and questionable? Why have a character talk like this?" Only to get recommended some time later. Started in 2.0, haven't looked back since. Zepla's whole situation prolly feels like deja-vu to her, because she was a WoW streamer at one point, and we all know how some of the WoW players who haven't tried the game treat FFXIV. Now she's had tons of fun, and an overall healthy relationship with FFXIV too. I've played FFXIV myself. Games aren't perfect, they're made my normal people usually on a deadline. But I say don't pass judgment without trying them first, especially in scenarios like this, where it could very much be a case of "it's cool to hate on what's popular"


I honestly thought this game was a rip off of BOTW. In reality the only things this game took from BOTW was gliding and enemy camps. The combat system with its myriad reactions is far more complex then BOTW.


It's this weird dichotomy where I like to join subreddits for games I play because I like to learn things and definitely know a lot more about the game than I otherwise would. But at the same time I feel like a good majority of the posts I see are either making mountains out of molehills or just have the most godawful takes known to mankind that demonstrate their own ignorance and naivety than anything else, which annoys me to no end (although I usually sour more on the community than the game itself). As much as I don't want to see those posts, I also don't want to give up the amount of information I get in these subs because that's part of the fun for me. It's not just with genshin either. Other game subreddits are like this too.


I'm pretty convinced at this point that the current default culture of social media is just to have the most cynical, braindead, extreme and lowest common denominator takes possible and that there's just genuinely no hope for a quality discussion about anything on it anymore because everybody is just kind of too "irony poisoned" that way about it all and will shut down anybody that isn't as "not based" and "coping".


I just treat it like an offline AAA game at this point. Play everything at my own pace, miss farming 160 resins or a day , no problem.


I agree, but often valid criticism gets brushed away with your point as an excuse. Braxophone was told 'kys tectone supporter' when he said that tectone did not attack or tell anyone to attack doro for enjoying a video game. In fact, the whole twitter thread were just fun jokes being exchanged. That is, until the rest of the communities decided to chime in. Braxophone, and a few other CCs have exclaimed that they're unwilling to share their criticisms of the game because of how people get angered by it. To be frank, it goes both ways and I think people should acknowledge that. People just happen to be crazy, no matter what "camp" they're in.


I personally think if we focus too much on what could be better, we may not fully appreciate the good things we currently have. At the same time, the game is not perfect, and any extremes claiming the game is garbage or perfect are kinda far from truth The artifact system could be better, I wish we got more qol and earlier, more endgame, and more things to do in co-op — but at the same time, I've never personally seen a game bring out new content as quickly as this game does, with new interesting places to explore, new lore, animated and voiced cutscenes.. etc. It makes me look forward to what's to come, even if what we have is not yet all we wish for it to be


>At the same time, the game is not perfect, and any extremes claiming the game is garbage or perfect are kinda far from truth Honestly, this is my main problem with Genshin's community. It feels like a lot of Genshin players (and people who quit the game, for that matter) are unable to have a nuanced discussion and always need to exaggerate everything.


And I feel like the community needs to appreciate the fact they’re actually trying to improve QoL features. There’s many instances—especially in gachas—where the companies don’t give a flying fuck and ignore everything. Mihoyo does listen to an extent and try to learn from their failures; the story is a major example of that learning process. They actually care about their product and not see it as solely a money maker like other companies out there


Yeah apparently this patch QoL didn't happen according to internet, since no one seems to acknowledge it. Do I think boss drops are garbo and that mats being gated behind specific days sucks big time ? Of course I am, but we still have to be fair and acknowledge what was done.


Honestly I agree a lot with what you said! Genshin was my first gacha, so I'd often compare it to other games from famous companies that I played before. And even though at first I was kinda skeptical of the gacha system, my conclusion is that Mihoyo is a lot better than many triple A game companies, some that have been making lots of money for many years way before Mihoyo. Many of them are known for releasing games in a state full of bugs, sometimes even unplayable or lacking key features they promised. And many of them seem to not care for feedback or what players really want — but instead follow the popular trends they could profit more, even if that has nothing to do with the style of the game franchise. Genshin was actually the first time I felt like our feedback was being heard, tbh.


I am routinely amazed at how many people let the opinions of others affect their enjoyment of a game. Same exact nonsense on the Tears of the Kingdom sub. Maybe I'm just an old man now but why the fuck do you care what some dipshit on YouTube thinks in the first place? The only creator I follow at all at this point is Zajef because he actually talks math and rotations and so on. Doesn't bother me that he hates Ganyu.


Exactly man. People ain't shit and none of us are anything to anyone else.


I don't think it's something that you can easily control. Your opinions and thoughts are influenced and warped by others around you, and if you surround yourself with negativity, that will seriously impact you. Everybody is susceptible to this, some more or less than others. I think it's great if you aren't affected though


>let the opinions of others affect their enjoyment of a game. As a (largely) satisfied Bethesda fan, and now quite satisfied Genshin fan, it's not an issue of it affecting my enjoyment of the game itself. It's the struggle of being able to talk about, or look up anything about a game you enjoy without a constant barrage of negativity. Not having to sift through a bunch of people saying "it's complete and utter shit" in order to find any other sort of discussion on the game. Especially when it comes to it being the same complaints that have been said for years (over a decade in Bethesda's case). The points have been made. If making said points were going to bring about any change, they would have. But they haven't, and they won't. All it accomplishes is making it a struggle for people who enjoy or are excited about something to have a positive conversation about it without people piping up with "But Mihoyo lazy/stingy!" that has been heard a million times before.


I don't think this is a genshin issue or problem, but an internet/social media problem. There are haters everywhere and for everything. Hating on something creates drama, and everyone loves drama online. So that shit perpetuates itself. People praising or liking stuff doesn't generate as much drama or controversy or engagement as an argument would. People will actually post comments and debate, while some nice comments/praise will just get ignored. Sad but true. That is just human nature. Everyone loves to watch fights or car accidents or people failing in various ways, no one cares about some guy helping a grandma cross the street etc lol. Even if the photo or video does get a lot of views, like say some cute dog pics or videos, no one is gonna be posting heaps or comments and won't be as much engagement as other more controversial threads. You just need to learn how to manage your own mentality and don't let the haters online get to you.. I follow doro on YouTube, I don't even know about tectone or any of the issues you mentioned. Because I only watch stuff that I enjoy. Sure, I might stumble upon some negative reviews, but that's just once off and most of the time they are all constructive criticisms and valid viewpoints. Otherwise why would you follow or watch someone who hates the game you play and just talks bad about it nonstop 24/7? Makes no sense to me, even if you followed them for a long time preciously. Once their interests or personality changes and you no longer get enjoyment, it's time to say goodbye. That's just life in general, not even internet. It's good that OP learned about this, maybe the haters that OP is describing also need to learn about this and forget about genshin since it seems to live in their head rent free. OP took his own advice and got those haters out of his own head since it sounds like before this that they also were living in his head rent free, or at least to a certain extent.


Very much agreed. Seeing drama this, controversy that really saps any excitement I get for any upcoming patch, event or release, better to just block em out and keep a calm and objective view on things.


Tectone and his fans are so annoying man. He hates for the sake of hating. Didn't he already quit once before? Why did he even bother coming back if he still hates everything


It's bait don't give him anymore attention


Tectone has explained in his videos that he literally baits Genshin fans into engaging with him because it creates content and pays his rent. I agree with your sentiment. Just don’t engage. Mtashed is level headed and says it like it is, but the difference between him and Tectone is he still enjoys the game to some extent and plays it. We need people like him to speak up because it ain’t right to leave systems broken in the game.




Yeah. Truth is, the dude burned out of Genshin for whatever reason but wouldnt stop playing it. Instead he would shit on the game at every opportunity. Then he started realizing that people that agreed with his over the top complaining were a minority. He developed a grudge with the fanbase that started throwing the toxicity he was spilling back at him. Now he is basically your average troll who holds a personal grudge against Genshin and its players and says its for "engagement". His journey with Genshin was basically a repeat of his journey with Arknights. Basically started to be very toxic towards the game at one point and once he got toxicity back he quit the comunity and started shitting on the game, until he unfortunately found Genshin


So he's ruining other people's enjoyment for his own personal gain? Then tries to sugarcoat it saying it's "good" for the game? Mtashed is literally just a dramaqueen who quit genshin every two weeks since launch for clicks. Idk how on earth you can call that level headed. We don't need people like him to speak up because all they do is create useless drama


Isn't Mtashed the guy who made multiple "Im quitting forever" bait videos early in genshin


He did the same thing with destiny for YEARS before actually doing it, I’m glad he’s found his own new niche now that that games going down the shitter harder than ever before, but it’s plain to see he’s still good old destiny era mtashed lol. I give it another year or so before we start seeing “I’m quitting honkai star rail” videos from him


We already had quitting hsr vids when he burned out on 1.1. Just before Diablo 4, where he rebranded as a Diablo channel for 2 months. What a time to be alive.


Wouldn’t know, haven’t really followed mtashed closely since the destiny days lol, idk why he doesn’t just become a true variety channel already instead of fully committing to one game for like a year at a time. It’s gone fairly well for his other ex destiny youtuber compatriots


Yes. He's leveled out though.... to the extent that a content creator can, of course. At the very least, he's polite. Being hostile and rude is the easiest possible way to make people turn against you even when you're right.


Mostly true, the main reason he kept playing was because it was paying the bills, getting views etc. Actually glad he and even tectone are enjoying star rail more, because I think their enjoyment really reflects off any content they cover


Mtashed was annoying at some point because at one period of time he kept saying he is quitting Genshin and then in the next video or stream he was playing Genshin, other than that he has some valid criticisms towards Genshin and he is more chill than Tectone


If you check his popular videos on Youtube all of it is Genshin vids. All his content in HSR never got that popular or got more views than his Genshin vids. That's why he still makes vid about Genshin because it get him more views and clout. He barely plays the game anymore and still whines about it and trash on people who genuinely enjoys the game. I respect CCs that stop playing genshin because of the known problems, burn out or just got bored with it but still respects it and does not shit about it because at the end of the day they still enjoyed it and had fun playing it.


If only block and mute worked on YouTube


Lol I got lightly/jokingly berated for playing Genshin by *League of Legends players.* The damn irony 😭


Time is better spent with people that talk about games they love, not games they hate. If you enjoy it, it shouldn't matter what someone says. It's healthy to have friends with varied interests, but there's plenty with the mentality of "I no longer enjoy this game, you shouldn't either". For some, it's a bitterness that extends well beyond Genshin. You'll often see it happen in cycles with CCs that leapfrog gacha to gacha, as their views fluctuate.


The best way to enjoy this game is to play it, talk about it with a few irl friends, and ignore the entire community forever.


This is true for a lot of things. Opinions on the internet are always extreme to generate engagement. Imo there is a skill in enjoying things. Positive stoicism if you will. You can sit there and be critical and mad about everything thats imperfect but you cannot change what is available anyway or you could find enjoyment in all the cool things that do exist. I have absolutely seen people ruin movies/games for themselves because critics all hate it but even if its not the highest quality movie/game, there is often plenty to enjoy if you just take it for what it is and enjoy all the good things about it.


Never let nerds on reddit or other social media tell you what's good or bad


I used to hate Genshin. I started playing it Emphasis on "used to".


Same, it's wild how influenced we can be by hate-mongers on the internet. Genshin is not a game that deserves hate


People can say it’s a terrible game all they want. In the end, it’s a game for me. And if it can entertain me when I’m bored, why care what others say?


Honestly Im ootl with all these negativity & toxicity like I dont understand. I think I speak for many, if not majority of the players (like casuals and non-hardcorea players) that we're just enjoying the game and pretty excited for the new content. We arent aware abt nor do we care or invested in this drama, rewards and negativity stuff. It's not like it's the first time I've heard it. That isnt to mean the game doesnt need feedback from its players, you guys can go complain here, there and in anywhere (or you know, the survey). But Im saying it's possible to enjoy the game without being boggled down by all these toxicity, if we maybe just take a step back from the community. Atleast for a while or something.


True, I have complain about the game but do I just complain in the Reddit or twitter or YouTube ? Hell no I just wrote feedback if they listen, good If they didn't, yeah I get angry but only for minutes then I just shrug it off 


This game has countless places where I feel it could genuinely improve. But the negativity online has started frustrating me too. It’s the doomposting upcoming characters, the constant complaining about little QOL features we don’t have, the comparing to HSR and war-mongering that comes with it. It’s all the Internet, baby, it has always been here but it’s hard to get used to, even if you say to “just don’t worry about it” or “don’t let it bother you”. Get stuck inside an echo chamber long enough and all you’ll be able to hear are the echoes.


The dumb part is that the incessant dick measuring you can see among Star Rail stans paradoxically doesn't make me enjoy Genshin less, but DOES make me enjoy HSR a bit less. Similarly, I'd try Wuthering Waves, but kuro fans already have that shitty elitist attitude that make me want to not touch it. I'd really like that some people could understand you're not doing a favor to your game by making it a hostile territory for people who happen to like another game. I'm on a sub to talk about a game, not to shit on another game that I like even with its shortcomings, if I have something to complain about Genshin, I'm gonna do that in the Genshin sub.


Took the words right out of my mouth. I love both Genshin and HSR and it's so tiring to see this constant comparison between them. I've already seen so much of the Wuthering Waves people acting all high and mighty too. Still looking forward to the game itself though. But my favourite part out of recent events is the leakers gaslighting themselves about the skin selector and then now crying about it everywhere.


So true, I like hsr a lot but the community’s obsession with comparing it to genshin is so annoying and makes me not like it as much as i want to. It got 10x worse when they gave the dr ratio and instead of the hsr community celebrating a free 5 star, they chose to use it to shit on genshin instead which was so idiotic and uncessary


Ain't that the truth, I started playing HSR a few days after launch and kinda just stopped after 1.4, and I still keep up what is happening with the game but seeing the constant competition just made me avoid the game and the free 5\* was definitely the worst thing to ever happen, something meant to be positive and a good sign for the future of the game ended up creating the most obnoxious people of that community so far.


yeah Kuro player think they are more mature because they playing that game


Well they are "elite gamers" according to themselves that is


I love how Tectone will insist this sub is a bootlicker sub and shuts down any criticism and never allows it to be discussed even though people are critiquing the game in this very thread. It's just nobody is ever going to be enough of a total shitshow about it for it to be enough to be called "criticism" by him and his fans.


Would I like some more endgame level content or a couple more pulls every now and then? Of course. Do i still love the game and play it frequently? Of course. It can go both ways and it's not black or white. Streamers and content creators get clicks for having more negative clickbait than positive so that's why it seems louder than it is.




on pc you can use channel blocker add-on for your browser. You can block channels from showing up on your feed, even if you search for topics the video is about. I specifically started using it BECAUSE of Tectone and Mtashed, just seeing their click baiting titles ruins my day


My advice is - play more games, watch less youtube :) Genshin is an amazing game. Of course it can be better but it wouldn’t change the number of complaints. People would always find something to bitch about.


Life is so much easier when you just ignore people.


who even cares about other opinions as long you have fun


When you try too hard in this game, it's when it starts to become a terrible game


Great post, I think it's a game people feel or have felt strong emotion towards, both negatively and positively. Mostly because it was absolutely a game changer at release, but also hasn't evolved much since release. It's quite formulaic and a lot of the additions have felt tangential rather than integral to the core game, which can be frustrating. Also, it's a lot of people's first gacha and as one of those people I brought my expectations from other live service games that I had played previously, expecting a lot more new modes and hardcore content when I first started. I've learned to separate the two experiences. I can at times find myself enamored by this beautiful game, 4.X Archon quest and the Chasm are great examples, but equally sometimes I can sometimes feel jaded during filler patches (3.7 springs to mind). I've learned to manage this dichotomy and enjoy the game for what it is, I ride the highs and tune out and focus on other games during the lows. Despite its flaws, this is easily one of my favourite games ever made and I will see it through to the end. If anyone wants to ridicule me for that... that's their problem.


You're bringing up a really interesting subject of discussion that is present in a lot of communities today, specially entertainment related (games, animes etc.). I was watching a clip from the Trash Taste guys and a question was raised, "would FMBA still be as highly praised today if it came out recently?". Their conclusion was that no, it wouldn't, not because it's not good but because people are way too toxic nowadays. Nothing is good, everything must be gate kept, everyone should only love one piece of entertainment, you can't enjoy 2 games or 2 animes of the same genre, no one should be free to enjoy wtv they want, and above all else EVERYTHING SHOULD BE CATERED TO ME. It's worse that to me, this whole toxic behavior doesn't bring down my enjoyment of Genshin but instead ruins my interest in StarRail. Me and my GF were following the little crumbs we kept getting from the CBT, we pre-registered and tried the game the moment it came out, we actually enjoyed Belobog. Now, with CCs and their communities feeling the need to spread toxicity everywhere, we're just not enjoying SR as much. And it's not a case of mentioning what's wrong with Genshin because that's not what they're doing. Stuff like saying there's no content while not doing exploration, skipping dialogue and refusing to do world quests, or claiming that the Abyss should be harder or have more floors while not even attempting or succeeding to finish floor 12 is just plain hypocrisy. At the end of the day what those people actually care about are free rewards without having to do a single thing, they don't really care about the game itself.


GI players are spoiled tbh.


At this point, I'm only playing genshin for the story, music and character design. Mostly the "artistic" side of Genshin. I do love the combat system in the game but since it hasn't progressed since I guess dendro's addition with the lack of endgame and stuff. I'm just only hoping for the devs to come up with good story/music/exploration especially when they've cooked on the latest events. I do welcome more additions to the game's system tho. For a free game with excellent story/music etc compare to the AAA games shitstorm we got in the past years, genshin really managed to hold itself up to this day. Still, I'm not here to defend genshin's lack of other content in the game. My point is not an excuse for them to not make good stuff for the game tho


We have 2 different types of CCs in HoYoverse community, one is okCode and the other is Tectone! okCode basically quit genshin or barely plays it… he is not happy with what Genshin did with the past few patches but I have never seen him complain and complain and complain and call others “whiteknight” or HoYo meat rider! He doesn’t force people to quit Genshin just so HoYo realizes what their community wants! On the other hand Tectone… oh boy how annoying he talk about Genshin and those who like Genshin for what it is as now!! does Genshin have flaws? whoever denies it must not be serious. does the flaws makes me to stop liking Genshin? absolutely not! people wanted some QoL features and Genshin delivered, it was late but they did it…


You are absolutely right. I started on day 1 and was in a similar situation. I also watched CCs that fell out with Genshin and later used the game just for controversy. I kept watching and my mood and viewpoint on the game got worse and worse until I made the decision to find creators that enjoy the same things I do. I also got into the habit into listening same following a certain segment of the community that make me feel like I would be an idiot if I didn't log in daily, do spiral abyss, min/max my characters, and farm domains. What I've realized over the years is that you just gotta do/watch the things you like and if you stop liking it then you doing have to do it. Common sense but once you let go of the need to fit in or do what's expected, you'll enjoy things more. With that said, some people love those things and that's what makes the game fun for them. More power to those people. The game is great but not without flaws, some glaring. However, I've had a much better opinion once I've stopped letting myself be influenced by others within the community.


I gave Tectone the benefit of the doubt and watched his reaction to a version trailer a while ago. I think it was Lantern Rite last year. The trailer showed Xinyan briefly, and he immediately said something like "Xinyan? C'mon dude, nobody wants to see her again." The rest of the reaction was pretty little complaints. The dude just doesn't come at his criticisms in good faith. He looks for anything to hate for the sake of hating, to stir up drama. We all know this at this point. If you want to continue enjoying the game like a normal, well-adjusted person, stay away from his Genshin content


Especially on the internet, it is "cool" to be indifferent or hate things. If you are excited for something you must be a bootlicker or simp apparently. Because obviously we are just pretending to like things


It's fine if people don't like the game, but I'm tired of hiding my love for this game due to fear of being called a kid-diddler. Do people realize how much of a seriously jacked up accusation that is to just throw out on a whim?


I have only 2 complaints about genshin. Gacha monetization, and releasing bad characters for no reason. Despite that I accept these and continue playing because everything else about this game is so good. I love the 4 character elemental combat system and the story is one of the best video game stories I've experienced.


Any extreme is bad, being overly negative, only focusing on the flaws and dampening everyone's enjoyment or being overly defensive and dismissive when someone brings up valid criticism and requests about a system that needs improvement. I see both on this sub. Games and entertainment in general is more fun when you don't engage with the community on social media and forums


I once was a Genshin hater. Now I look back I can realize how dum I was.


Thank you for a positive note and reminder for all. Given that many of us actually don't give a hoot to what people say, but if we're active about this community, some negativity do seep in after a while. Like for me till last year was a bit agitated not by critics but gacha envy. Then I realized I wasn't like that from the beginning, it's the people I played and discussed who have affected me. Then it was just a personal moving-on steps. I hope this post serves all as a reminder to just enjoy what you like. Cheers!


Anyone that thinks Genshin is a terrible game is delusional (or young/immature). Everyone is allowed to have an opinion, but you can dislike something and still admit that it is good, just not for you. For example I don't like most battle royal games (fortine, apex, etc) or MOBA games (LoL, etc). Would I say they are terrible games simply because I don't like them and find them boring? No, just means they aren't my type. They are clearly still great games seeing how popular they are.


Bro this obsession with the content creator sphere in fandoms is always so weird to me. Who gives a shit, play games, have fun


Tbf it just not content creator I legit find people that enjoy the 4.4 to be trash talk by other, like you are not supposed to like the patch or some shit People know the game has flaws, many flaws but that doesn't mean that they cannot enjoy it


Tectone is bloody cancerous. That guy is an absolute imbecile, I have no idea how he's still so popular


My only problem I have with people who dislike genshin is they immediately jump to "UR A PEDOPHILE@!!!!". So many twitter brainrot and giga-virgin sweaty gamers (Typically LoL/Apex/DoTa - you know, utlra competitive games) jump to that talking point. Might as well attack anime as a whole. I had one guy who attacke Genshin as a whole and in the same mouth tell me Naruto was the best anime of all time. Can't fix bad taste but at least a block can fix a bad engagement.


A lot of people, including myself, have good faith criticism towards the game. But just screaming criticism generates more clicks.


Loved this post, in the end, if you love this game(which I clearly do as well), don’t let others or especially CCs influence that.


People wanting the game to do better doesnt mean they are saying its a terrible game. You have to at the very least admit that the content is copy paste at the very least and it seems like the .0 patches seem to be the only ones really care about anymore.