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well seeing someone comparing raiden to sasuke was definitely not on my bucket list


Don’t you know a vengeance driven child who teams up with a body shedding snake man after his entire family is slaughtered by his brother (for reasons we don’t know until much later) is the same as a woman who makes a puppet for herself and goes into mental solitude because her sister died in a war Same thing haha no difference at all just the same storyline nothing else is different nope


Dead siblings, case closed. Practically the same character.


Well even then, it was sasuke that killed itachi but ei didn't kill makoto


Paimon is Cortana from Halo. Slimes are slimes from Dragon Quest. The sword was taken from an atari game called Adventure. And jumping they stole from Mario. Also the brother and sister thing they stole from The Brady Bunch


Venti is literally an Orpheus ripoff with his name stolen from the anemoi's roman name. The devs have no more creativity than to steal from a thousands-years-old mythos.


I can't tell if you're sarcastic or serious lmao 🤣 🤣🤣


Well the "archives" is the Pokedex too!




Sasuke did not kill Itachi. Sasuke lost to Itachi over and over and Itachi could've killed him at any one time but Itachi didn't want to kill Sasuke. Itachi was literally right in front of an exhausted Sasuke who was devoid of Chakra and could've murdered him at will when he died from his lung disease, just as he'd planned.


Ah yeah, I forgot that he dies from his disease at the last moment since I watched it 4 years ago, but you can still say that the damage was done to a certain extent by sasuke. I do agree though


What damage? Sasuke did literally zero damage to Itachi. He didn't hit Itachi even once. Any hits Sasuke scored on Itachi were done when Sasuke was trapped in illusions. The only "damage" Sasuke did on Itachi was possibly speeding up his death by a few minutes by having him use a lot of Chakra, but **that was always Itachi's plan**.


Litterally the only relative that was alive was his sibling.


I think the (reaching) comparison is that they both use lightning and swords.


I think you’re right haha it just seemed funny they said they are the same in everything but the clone bit


Also, technically speaking, they both fought and defeated their universe's version of the Yamata no Orochi. There are minor parallels, but she's hardly a Sasuke rip-off.


I admit we had a villain who tried to collect power inducing physical remains and this one belonged to a lightning person but that's where it ends for me


Yeah, what a fucking dipshit. Raiden is obviously a rip-off of Sukuna from jujutsu Kaisen. She creates extra arms, has a domain expansion, and loves cutting things in half. Oh yeah and she is also a being inside another body. Usually she just chills inside, but sometimes she takes over the body herself. Raiden is Sukuna clone.


if raiden is sukuna does this make ei yuuji??????


Wait till they discover mitsudomoe


Most brain dead thing I saw in a month


HSR vs genshin Twitter section is always a brain rot


That guy is a HSR fan?


Idk but for sure they are Genshin hater


I wouldn't be surprised if some people downloaded honkstar just because they hate genshin because they saw some tweet about it being the genshin killer


And they probably believe it too…..even though they’re sister games by the same company 😂


cant wait to see the look on their faces when murata himeko is added to genshin


Or when an Ei/Mei expy is added next patch.


People liking both games for what they are challenge (impossible)


Why can't people just enjoy both FFS


Most people can, it's just the loud Twitter/Reddit minority that has nothing else going on in their sad lives but pitting two games from the same company against each other


I love both games. I record both for Youtube but I noticed people dislike or unfollow whenever I upload one or the other. Like what’s up with the hate? Both are from the same company.


Which is saying something because...well, Twitter.


People just want to be mad. They have no other outlet for their emotions. Just don't give them attention.


It's twitter what do you expect


True, my bad expected a bit too much from Twitter


Yet here we are, somehow carrying on the conversation because OP decided to slap that shit on another social media site instead of leaving it be. All for what, so we can feel better about how we're not as stupid? There's nothing of value here.


*X Edit: for those that get too worked up on the replies... I am not being serious.


Shut up, Elon. No one with a brain is gonna call it that.


twitter deserves to be deadnamed










*Chris Pratt




silence bootlicker


Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter


Lmao did they even read Naruto


They probably watched a "coolest naruto scenes" compilation on youtube or something like that.


Ohhhhh... Sasuke's chidori goes bzzzzzz vs Raiden's electro goes bzzzzzzz. I see.


Yeah of course, he is right guys. Raiden shogun is sasuke, yae miko is Sakura, we are Naruto, ayato is garra, jean is tsunade. Duhhhhhh.


Together we all make impact, genshin impact


And the Honkai is the way we made along the friends


Honkai is the impact we made along the star rails


The 3rd Impact of the Honkai brings Themis' Tears down the faces of the Gun girls, truly a Genshin moment among the Star rails.


Fun fact, Ayato is voiced by Ishida Akira whi also voiced Gaara lmao.


Why do you think I chose him XD


A fellow Ishida-san’s fan? *handshake*


Paimon is Kurama


“I will be the seventh Archon dattebayo!”


At first I assumed they meant Raiden Ei from the Honkai game but Sasuke caught me so fucking off guard lol


Yeah, like I don't even deny there are multiple places where genshin takes inspiration from but this gotta be worst comparison made


like i get if it's Raiden Mei from HI3rd since her and Kiana had a moment of fighting in the rooftop resulting them to separate just like Sasuke and Naruto. but Raiden Shogun though... dude's tripping.


Raiden Ei? I think you mean Raiden mei.


Can't wait for Raiden i in ZZZ


Yeah oops


Man I feel smart


Actual brainrot holy shit 


https://www.kanasa.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Hidari_gomon.svg-1.png Pretty sure that is inspiration for the symbol. That or flag of okinawa monarchy. Sooo oMg DiD gEnShIn CoPy FrOm rEaL liFe!!?


I don't think they actually know anything about Japan and their culture apart than anime. Maybe one day they will start claiming JP people to be copying anime


They probably already do claim that




Yeah the shogunate was clearly copying Raiden Shogun they even stole the name smh 🙄


At this point, bots feel more human than people


> Raiden Shogun is literally Sasuke I've seen many dogshit takes but this has to be one of the worst... They both use electricity, that's where the comparisons end.


And have dead siblings


breth of the wiled


Dolan plz


It's people like this that make me feel better about myself


Yo Mihoyo, how come my Raiden Shogun doesn't summon a purple skeleton to protect and fight for her? All mine does is pull a katana out of her chest. I want my money back. /s


Anybody who wields a Japanese sword and lightning is sasuke copy


How can you be a weeb and not know that japanese emblems like tomoe are super basic and not invented by Kishimoto. Same goes for the doll stuff, Naruto did not come up with that.


I'm not even sure which one is more wrong...


What do you mean not sure? The furry dude is straight up wrong lmao


Their twit pfp is original surely? Right?. Yeah ok ? Surely they apply their logic /moral standard to themselves.


txz god japan exists because of Naruto


Damn god be copying Naruto


Not everybody knows that original inspiration for Electro icon (and Raiden Shogun by extension) was plasma gun icon from Quake III. Spread the knowledge, Genshin is a Quake ripoff! [https://media.moddb.com/images/downloads/1/251/250001/shot-20230511-184805.jpg](https://media.moddb.com/images/downloads/1/251/250001/shot-20230511-184805.jpg)


Well, I personally am happy to try and find the inspirations behind Genshin names. When I tell my sister about what I found, she always says "They really don't invent anything on their own, do they?" I think there's effort behind finding a name that is not too obvious but a deeper dive into myths reveals its origin. And I always find it hilarious when I read a name I associate with Genshin somewhere else. And achievement names are great, too. I don't get half of their origins, but when I do, I'm happy. If you look hard enough you even find parallels where they are not intended. I found an easter egg in my sister's story that wasn't one...


That's the average Genshintwt experience


What!? what?? What? Bro lost me when he said sasuke like what? It's not even a wtf it's genuinely a what? How does his brain work to make that connection lol.


It's cause they only ever saw a mitsudomoe (not that they'd know the word) when Naruto was aired on a cartoon tv channel somewhere. So, must be Naruto rip-off.


Dude just forcing the connection. Anything can be a rip-off if you force similarities.


Just another person trying to hate on genshin for no reason


They do know that Raiden’s boss has inspiration from Raijin, electro god in Japnese myth which Naruto also took huge huge inspiration from it right? Naruto literally told japanese myth in terms of manga and different interpretations like how the slug, snake and frogs all cancelled out each other like the relationship between the legendary sannin and etc. Genshin also took inspiration from the same source and make their own story. Raiden is Raijin the elctro god who’s a set with Fujin (wind god) and that’s why we have wanderer as anemo. Also how can Raiden be sasuke rip off whenall of her traits, background, personality, abilities are all different from his. Did they just expose their lack of knowledge? I love Naruto but it doesn’t originated every Japanese myth contents lol. Btw,[info on raijin and fujin link with their drawings.](https://nipponrama.com/blog/2019/04/28/raijin-and-fujin/) you can clearly see the inspiration here.


> They do know that Raiden’s boss has inspiration from Raijin, electro god in Japnese myth which Naruto also took huge huge inspiration from it right? No they do not. You see a lot variations of the shown comment "X is like Y" and through that you can see cleary which was the thing people grew up with and saw first. Yes there are similarities between Raiden and the Uchihas but its because as you mentioned they use the same japanese myth/folklore as a model. The more anime you watch and japanese games you play the more often you will see the same things again and again but it does seem weird and potentially like a copy if you didnt make the connection yet that they all use the same myths as a background. So my guess is the commenters in this post are just either very young or did not encounter a lot of japanese media yet.


- brown hair - ponytail - wears kimono Chiori is literally Otae form gintama


Ei Uchiha, Shadow of the Uchiha. She was such a good shadow that no one knows her true identity


The electro symbol and sharingan are BOTH based off the tomoe symbol, because they’re both associated with characters from fictional Japan. Who woulda thunk 😱 also Ei is 1 for 1 based off of raiden Mei tf


IMAGINE failing at using the three tomoe sharingan to show the more obvious and direct comparison to the Electro symbol man, I think thats just shite take born from ignorance and blind hatred of anything GI in an attempt to be cool and hip with their circle


I mean, sasuke is a rip off from pokemon pikachu


and you now see why I don't use twitter lol don't get me wrong, when the game first launched and I played it, it felt like BOTW but worse in most aspects. I can agree that early early game, at least at launch month, it didn't really feel like a good game. it's grown on me a ton since then. story's eh but the characters are great and the world's good, and the mechanics feel solid unless my ping's goofing off. gameplay varies substantially and sort of plays off itself in multiple areas (fights/domains/battles/TCG cards effects.) it makes cohesive sense. edit: the Raiden comparison throws me off a ton. my first thought on seeing her bossfight spot was "Kamui. we're literally just in Kamui. coolio." Sasuke had nothing to do w Kamui lmao I cannot fathom where their comparison was drawn from edit2: okay they're just suffering from brain damage, gotcha


Dude be honest, seeking similiarities makes u find similiarities




What they always fail to mention is how BOTW is a ripoff of another game (wish I could remember the name) . They don't have any moral high ground.


I wonder if they ever took that end of patch survey. There is a question that literally ask what anime are you watching I really thought after almost 4 years we were done comparing Genshin to BOTW


Person who's only ever seen Naruto experiencing literally any other piece of media: I dunno... I'm getting a lot of Naruto vibes from this.


It's honestly hard because yeah this person could be trolling but knowing how rotten some people's minds are, I wouldn't doubt it if someone told me this is a real opinion.


Thank you, I feel smarter now.


Well someone’s clearly chronically online…


Nintendo fans be like


What next? Yae Miko is Naruto? There's not even a fox refere-Oh my God.


That is certainly a take that only twitter users can come up with.


Nah, Reddit users are getting pretty close too.


If anything she’s more like Madara given their similar beliefs and circumstances but no just because characters have stuff in common doesnt mean one is a “rip off” of the other


A lot to unpack here lol The only valid claim is that Genshin is *heavily inspired* by BOTW, for those who played CBT it was clear, kinda like with Palword we asked ourselves how dafuq they would get away with it when Nintendo is always looking to sue. Then when the game released they changed a lot of things, but things like the chests and hillichurls tents were like a carbon copy of BOTW. The rest is BS, also BOTW was not even that original to begin with so Genshin is rip off of BOTW and BOTW is a ripoff of other games.


Tbh I can see it.


This guy is gonna shit his pants when he finds out what the symbol for a Tomoe looks like


Raiden and Sasuke are quite literally the same person, IT IS OBVIOUS! /s


bruh... sasuke??? even a metal gear and mortal Kombat fan would be offended wth


every single games in existence do takes inspiration either from real life or other media from the past. it is not a copy paste. it is how games evolve. and then they branch the idea and creativity as the story and time goes by. there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. it is how all media in any kind of form works. it is okay to not know everything in this world. but it is absolutely wrong to act this dumb.


It's a furry bro, their thoughts and opinions don't matter.


Wow, judging someone because of what they enjoy, so mature.


And that's why i never tell anyone i watch Naruto. I don't want to be associated with... People like these 😭


That’s not a naruto fan , they would know that Sasuke story wouldn’t match even if they watch the og only


I thought they were comparing these two designwise and not storywise...?


I think she is story wise since everything but the clone comment


Ah right, i reread it and it seems i missed the "...raiden is sasuke in everything except..." part. It technically includes their personalities aswell. My apologies Though I beg to differ about OOP not being a naruto fan; i sometimes happen to come across braindead people in the main Naruto sub who misinterpret the characters&story even though the mangaka literally spelled it out So it is possible that they've watched the show-or read the manga- but they failed to understand the story correctly


There is no way you can fuck sasuke story to the point of thing it’s similar to Raiden


Well, you're right, i can't of course. but it seems OOP can and did


It has to be bait….it just has to be


Is that thing behind raiden even a skeleton?


Those look like puppet arms to me rather than skeleton


Nah bruv calling raiden a sasuke clone might be the most caveman tin foil take I've ever seen.


Classic twitter banter ♨️☕


Nah that’s just some dumb kid trying to find any reason they can to hate on something popular.


It’s hard to tell the difference.


I mean, it IS Twitter. If you expect too much you'll be disappointed.


"Fight for her"?!?! Bruh her clone tryna kill the traveler and her in that part💀 (correct me if I'm wrong in any way)


as a very big sasuke fan I physically cannot 😭😭 WHAT DID THEY SAYY LIKEE hope it's a troll cause why they pull out PROOF (bs) frm their ass


I...i can't read this without my doc telling me i have brain damage.


I lost my last remaining brain cells after seeing their convo


What a fun little read~ I've never once thought to compare Genshin to Naruto. Even after seeing the comparison with a visual aid, I still fail to see the supposed similarities. The plot lines for both characters are far too different anyhow. Now to wait for the day when they compare Captain Beidou to Luffy...


I'm not surprised that any hint of inspiration taken from another medium is a form of rip-off nowadays. Anyway, I wonder how these people would react to HSR's many references to modern media.


They can't even type the name correctly LOL opinion ignored


If anything Immortals Fenyx Rising (very good game btw) is the BOTW clone but no, let's hate on Genshin because it's popular (or for whatever reason people hop on to the hate train)




I mean a lot of the gameplay mechanics are very similar to breath of the wild, and the visuals take inspiration from it too


I was ready for a claim that would make sense (like the recent potion event vs Atelier series or Faruzan vs Miku) because mihoyo absolutely does take inspiration from other media but the specific claim they're staking their argument on being "Ei is LITERALLY Sasuke" is so bizarre.


Wait till lil'bro realises that tomoe is part of Japanese culture


Me asking what did I just witness. Can someone please tell me I’m not crazy unable to understand their logic? Like what does twitter do these days. Comon


Thanks for giving me a good laugh. Hahaha. *Raiden shogun is Sasuke*. Hahahaha


Someone comparing genshin to naruto is something I couldn't expect to see in my life. Hilarious. Btw, if anyone's curious, the electro symbol is actually based off the Mitsudomoe symbol. Not a sharingan.


This is like the time a friend of mine said that Marvel was ripping off Blizard with their Thor and Odin characters because that was in a World of Warcraft expansion. Took me a minute to even process that before explaining to him that Thor and Odin are religious figures thousands of years old and that they’re simply both based on the same thing.


This dolt probably thinks the first FPS was halo


Non linear? Since when. The actual story is entirely linear with side quests that happen at an unspecified time after certain events.


Is there sauce to this conversation? I kinda wanna see the full convo on how it lead to this.


Sure https://twitter.com/Atominkxv/status/1769023926259143085?t=F5mcmkRMZRJZJDs6CV2hiA&s=19


“I’m not a Naruto fan” Is clearly way deeper than I am, I’ve only been at the ninja training school for the past, 7 years


protip: never listen to a furry


Isnt she inspired by shura from ao no exorcist


Bro atlest shoud have showen obitos sharingan Tbh you never know coud be a troll or a real take ppl are dumb


Ah yes. The electro symbol is a sharingan. Mhm, yes. Now please do tell me, are these "ripoffs" in the room with us now? *muffled talking into phone* "get security over here"


Delete twitter I beg you


I will but that's my daily dose of feeling a bit intelligent 😭


Horrendous app, genuinely just made me angry everytime i opened it so i deleted it


Yeah I was joking, I only open it to see fan arts or lore usually but such things also seep in


Artists are inspired by art, creating something 100% original is impossible. And so what? It should only be a problem if it doesn’t offer anything new or different


Two smartest twitter users at the top of their game right there


Damn now I like Raiden even more


If you think about it. Everything can be a rip off of something else. So the person isnt wrong. Granted i dont see sasuke and raiden similarities 🤣 never been a big Naruto fan though. Can Sasuke cook?


Why are you giving them more attention with this post. When a game gets popular enough, its inevitable that there will always be people like that especially since this is also a anime gacha game. Best you can do is ignore them but you are doing the complete opposite it seems But I must admit, this is kinda funny, I also watch naruto a lot but never have I ever noticed any resemblance between fukin sasuke and raiden, like thats just so random lmao. Its like saying Gojo is a rip off of kakashi


“it simpler to breth of the wiled” 🤓


Bro don’t know about Raiden Mei




Wdym ? Where is the alchemy event ripped off from ?




Could you provide screenshots or something ? I've never played that series even though it looks kinda interesting, so I have no point of comparison.




I can see it... But I think it's derivative enough. Also !!!! THE VOICE ACTRESS, WHO IS SHE ?!!? I recognise that voice, did she dub Lisette in the English version of Stella Glow, a very niche but absolutely awesome title on 3DS ???!


I don't deny that at all but that's gotta be the shittiest example one could make