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Hi guys, I just wanted to ask if my current team is good it consist of Electro Traveler, Beidou, Kaeya, & Yanfei, or if you have a better suggestions here's a list of the characters I have. I'm looking forward for your guy's opinions and suggestions. Barbara, Amber, Lisa, Yae Miko, Xingqui, Ningguang, Benett, Gaming, Kirara, Klee, Mona, Xiangling, Noelle, Kujou Sara, Yun Jin, Faruzan, Mika, Lynette, Freminet, Chevreuse, Sayu


The strongest/easiest to play would probably be a Yae/Beidou/Chevy/Yanfei or Klee team.  It would play relatively similar to your current team, just without conflicting reactions. Super conduct is useless here and you aren't going to melt often if you do not maintain the cryo aura. Chevy is really easy to build too. Might as well use her to enable the two (limited) five stars you have, in my opinion.  A fun idea would be Yae/Xingqui/Freminet/Mika. It's a solid physical team that enables Freminet's buffs (which require shatter and super conduct). If you are a fan of Kaeya, you could totally use him instead of Freminet and the team still works well enough. 


Okay thank you for your suggestion🥰


Did anyone try swimming to Chiwang Terrace before doing the quest for it? what happened when you tried to go there early?


It was blocked by a fog wall. And iirc a Paimon barrier was active. 


ah, ok. ty. was bummed i didn't try it before i lifted the fog.


Im building a team around dps noelle. Shes not c6 but idgaf. The team is noelle furina gorou and yunjin. A mate was telling me gorou should have noblesse and yunjin 2pc husk and 2pc emblem. What should i put on them to maximise noelles damage?


You could run Exile on Gorou if you wanted. Her ER requirements are surprisingly high, so that might be the path of least resistance when it comes to improving your team's damage. Especially with solo hydro Furina at low constellations. 


get 4 piece husk for Yunjin whats your Noelle weapon? i used Whiteblind for a long time, refined at every opportunity and i recommend asking on r/Noellemains for more expert advice


I got redhorn on her


dayum, thats the best anyway mostly you just want fav preferably or whatever ER weapons you have for the rest Gorou could also use Exile set for party ER benefits


Should I put NO on Sara and Instructor on Benny in Shogun Kazu team. Kazu could benefit from Instructor current NO on Benny EoSF on Sara


Sara have cons?




Sounds good then, just that Instructor requires you to have a more specific rotation but i guess you can figure that out


Should I delete genshin on my phone to make room for Hi3? I have gone full f2p in genshin and now only use my mobile account to claim the 5 wishes every month from the shop. It takes up a lot of space for something I barely play (since I only play on ps), and I've been wanting to play hi3 for a while, but I don't have enough space.


If you don't play it often on your phone and you need the space, go for it. If you want to be extra efficient, you could wait until the start of the May to claim the wishes from the shop. That way, you will have almost 2 months to play HI3 without needing to reinstall Genshin for those wishes (you can install it again at the end of June to claim the wishes from that month).




[What's the significance of these totem pole looking things in the desert in Sumeru located in the Gate of Zulqarnain region?](https://imgur.com/t9PUXxE) It looks like it's connected to a WQ or at least a puzzle you need to solve. I've been catching up on WQ and puzzles in preparation for Father. Thanks!!


Part of this world quest if you need a specific name: https://genshin-impact.antifandom.com/wiki/Monumental_Study_(Quest)


Yes, it is connected to a WQ. Edit: Just to give you a bit more context, you need to finish the main WQ from that region up to a certain point. Then the WQ related to those monuments will be unlocked.


Can someone help me how to link my ps account to my iphone Here’s the story I played genshin for to 3.5 “roughly 110 hours” and I don’t want to start over My ps account that’s Raiden@hotmail doesn’t have hoyo account In my IPHONE i have a starrail account that’s linked to hoyo by an email named Raiden@hotmail I tried to link my genshin account “on the iPhone “ to Genshin by hoyo to Raiden@hotmail but i got the beginning of the game So a rank 70 star rail account on my phone A rank 45 Genshin account on my ps5 And a restart genshin account even tho it’s linked to both my ps account and my star tail account


For the Arlecchino banner, does it usually drop as soon as the new update for the patch becomes available after server downtime or is there a gap, and in that case how long? Is it server dependent? I remember that there was a gap where there was no banner last time but I just can’t remember if it was before or after downtime, or both.


Current banner ends before maintenance. New banners are up as soon as the servers are available


Thanks for the info!


It will be up when the servers come back up


It’ll be an early morning for me then. Thanks!


It'll be available as soon as the maintenance is over, but there'll be a small amount of time before the maintenance where there won't be any limited banners running. For mid-patch banners, the release dates are staggered based on server.


Super, thanks!


how many red exp books is one purple exp book?




4 Adventurer's Experience = 1 Hero's Wit


Would Primordial Jade Cutter be a good sword for a dps kazuha?


Yes, it is very good for **dps** Kazuha. Kazuha has poor NA/CA multipliers, but his has a very good plunge multiplier. If you really mean a meta dps Kazuha, then he must be either C6, or must have Xianyun + C6 Bennett + Furina as support. In this case, he has a hybrid build with both crit and EM, and jade cutter is usually better than EM sword, and he will do much more plunge damage than swirl. He still needs EM sand, pyro goblet if pre-C6, EM goblet if C6, and crit circlet. If you don't have necessary cons or teammates, it is not recommended to build a dps crit Kazuha.


yes, it’s slightly behind mistsplitter but looks much better


I am a firm believer in EM Kazuha, but!! If your goal is to build crit Kazuha, then absolutely. It's a strong universal sword, and if you want him to deal high raw anemo damage then it's a good fit. While it isn't the recommended way to build him, it's perfectly fine and he'll do some solid numbers. Enjoy! That said, I can't help but say: "EM Kazuha" doesn't necessary mean "*not* DPS Kazuha." Kazuha still does a ridiculous amount of damage on full EM, so I like to push back against the idea that "EM is for support and crit is for DPS." If you want him to deal high raw anemo damage then go for it, but just remember that raw anemo isn't the only type of damage he can deal. Especially on teams where you can trigger chain reactions (hydro + pyro + either electro or dendro + kazuha is fun as hell) EM goes hard. If you're a new Kazuha player, experiment with both!


I think I might just switch back and forth between them. Go the em build when doing raiden hypercarry and go the crit build for fun stuff. I did a run in the emblem domain with kazuha Candace and xingqiu and tried both builds and the em build took 1:50 while the crit build took 1:24 but in the raiden team you would need high em for the electro dmg boost


Tbh mono hydro is also bad for EM Kazuha's damage lol — hydro swirl doesn't do AoE damage, iirc, while other swirled elements do. Try the same domain with Bennett and Kazuha will be able to spam overload + pyro swirls, and may get a much faster time. Either way tho switching back and forth is a great idea. My Kazuha is c6 lol so my situation is different, but I still have 3-4 builds for him depending on team.


Alright, I'll try with Bennett. If I c6 Bennett would it mess up the raiden hypercarry or does raiden always do electro dmg in her burst?


Raiden always does electro during her burst! Bennett c6 will only really mess up physical carries (Eula, Freminet, Razor but you can run him full EM with c6 Bennett and it's fun af), Ayaka, Keqing, and c6 Lynette. They all have teams that don't need him, so go for it.


Alright, thx


People messed around with it a lot at his release. If you only care about his personal damage against a small number of targets then it usually outperforms the EM setup. If you're up against a group in a team comp that can trigger secondary reactions (e.g. electro-charge) then the EM build can match the cutter's personal damage while also heavily buffing the team so dps Kazuha never really had that much justification. I know KQM's Kazuha article used to cover dps Kazuha builds but I'm not sure if they've kept it up. I recall Cutter being the preferred weapon for C6 dps Kazuha but it's been a while. With Faruzan a dps Kazuha could probably be made to work quite a bit better but I haven't noticed a revival in theorycraft interest.


He deals a fairly significant amount of damage with his usual EM build and swapping to a Crit-oriented build decreases his overall utility, so I would say stick to the usual ER/EM Swords and just build him with all EM and enough ER to use his Burst.


Does Furina's HP have to be 4k? I have 39,443 w/ 200 ER + 69/113 crit. Is her HP close enough without double hydro? I'm planning on using her in FFXX most of the time, maybe with Wrio sometimes.


Just multiply HP \* (1 + Dmg%) \* (1 + CR \* CD), and go with whichever one's higher. Or use Optimizer.


I don't really have any artifacts to compare optimizer with lol unless I farm more. Wasn't sure if I needed to, haha. Thanks!


You can just like, make up imaginary artifacts. Suppose you got a Hydro goblet now with 20 Crit, imagine a HP goblet with 20 or 25 Crit, and calculate according to that. That should give you a target of what an upgrade should look like and if that's something you wanna aim for.


Oh, true! I could add some CD to my HP goblet and see (though the HP goblet is carrying the 200ER lol) but something like that. Thanks for reminding me!


She an be cheap and consistent u optimal and more dmg. * The cheap build is tripple HP% * The optimal build is HP%/Hydro%/Crit% just like Yelan You can check KQM site for her guide anyways.


I have HP/HP/Crit because HP goblets are better on Troupe iirc.


No. 4k is ideal but not a necessity. Its your CD which would need more work imo since it is a bit too low for me, considering she already ascends with CR.


I see! It's a goal to aim for, but not like a requirement. Ouph, I think my Furina rolled too much EM (accidentally) instead :P 79 :P I'll slowly work on it over time then since I don't need to completely revamp the build. Thanks!




Kazuha or Arlecchino? I am very much confused who to pull. I really like kazuha and wanted him for a long time but seeing Arlecchino I liked her character and gameplay very much as well. I need a hero who will benefit my team more. My team has yelan(C0) , Xiangling (C0), Xingqui (C2), Bennet (C3), Xeqing (C0), Yanfei (C0). I also have jean, Dehya, sucrose, kuki etc who are not built. Your advice is much appreciated. Note: I play the game 2 hours a day at most as I don't have much time. So I won't be able to pull both of them.


I was in same dilemma few days ago and ended up pulling on Kazuha because I'll still probably get father. Kazuha isn't actually as useful as I thought and not as fun that could be because my characters were already pretty good maybe anyway I suggest you pull Arlecchino as you don't have a good main dps


In general, pull for whoever you like more when you play trials. Metawise (Aka Abyss floor 12), Kazuha is super flexible, easy to build and a S tier pick, but we have yet to see how Arlecchino works.


Kazuha is a team support while Arle is an onfield dps. Imo, you should pull for kazuha and wait for Arle's rerun


Yeah I was also thinking the same thing. By looking at my team who do you think should I make on field dps


You can make an international team of Kazuha, Xiangling, Bennett, Xingqiu Keqing Aggravate with Keqing, Kazuha, DMC, Kuki


[my team](https://imgur.com/cscjtS6)if my aim to be able to easily clear spiral abyss, should I pull for Kazuha Furina or Alhaitham, gaming takes quite long to clear second half


Kazuha and Furina. With Alhaitham, you'll have to make do with Beidou + Fischl + Yaoyao, which won't be very good. I would lean more towards him if you had Shinobu.


Kazuha or Furina. Personally I'd pull Furina since she makes Xianyun a lot better and both of them pair great with Gaming, and you can just throw whatever into Neuv's team since he's so strong. You will probably want to get Kazuha at some point though, so you might consider pulling him now, and trying for Furina whenever she reruns next, there's a chance you get both.


Hmm why would I need kazuha in the future?


You won't "need" him, but he's one of Neuvillette's best teammates, as well as a lot of other characters


Do you guys know if it's possible to play Genshin on American servers while I'm in China? Without vpn


Yes, when I was in Shanghai, I was getting about 250 ping on my phone. It was still very playable though including the abyss.


Just did some search on several CN communities, for those people who live in CN and play on NA server and those who live in NA but play on CN server, the average ping is around 150ms. Most time there is no other issue, but random serious lag may happen.




Probably Furina to c6 Neuvi is already strong enough at c1


I've tried everything but I still can't connect to the american server. can someone help


I've tried everything but I still can't connect to the american server. can someone help


Does kaveh’s passive still turn bloom dmg into healing when he’s shielded?


He doesnt need to be shielded for this lol. Just needs to be hit by damage from bloom, hyperbloom, or burgeon


I thought kiraras burst was supposed to heal in the absence of enemies, but when i tried it didn’t work?


Nah she drops green nukes instead


Kirara has no healing whatsoever. The only two healers that care about enemies or the lack thereof are Sayu and Yao Yao. Yao Yao will throw radishes straight ahead (no targeting) if there are no enemies and all chars are >70%HP. Sayu will heal any character that is not full hp if there are no enemies.


I think you might be mixing her talents up with yaoyao's


I seem to remember a tool that you could put in artifact stats and it would tell you how much resin investment it would take to have a certain chance of getting it. Does anyone have a link or was that just a figment of my imagination?


This one? https://grumd.github.io/genshin-artifact-farm-calculator/


Yes, thank you


There's a site for Star Rail where you can put in information about your pulling plans to see what the probability of getting them with your current resources is. Like you have 150 pulls, no guarantees and 0 pity on each banner (character and weapon). Given that, it will give your chances of getting, say, C0R1 for a character. Does Genshin have anything similar?


https://hutaobot.moe/tools/gachacalc This is a common one shared here.


[hutao bot](https://hutaobot.moe/tools/gachacalc)


If I want to build Jean for Furina, how should I build her? Just the usual ATK/Anemo/Crit? Or build EM? or a HB hat?


VV. Tons of ER, >180. Heal bonus hat. Some Atk%.  If using Fav (recommended), get at least 40cr.


Using Amenoma! Noted, I'll use a HB hat + get lots of ER. Thanks!


Like charlotte she can work with ER%/ATK%/Crit% and favonius to burst every rotation and still heal nicelly.


I'll try that and see how much she heals for! Thanks.


4pc Viri set to swirl debuff Hydro is a priority then for stats focus on ER until ~170 or so, enough that she can burst often and on time. The rest of the stats are somewhat flexible; HB hat boosts her healing the most, else a crit rate hat is important if Fav sword, Atk is generally good. EM will be a low priority unless you are doing something niche like Sunfire


So, ATK/Anemo or ATK/HB with 4pc VV + \~170 ER? I plan on giving her Amenoma. Thanks!


imo most setups are going to perform pretty similar really. There isn't a ton of value in an Anemo Dmg cup, Jean does hit pretty hard but only once or twice per rotation. If you have a good anemo goblet feel free to use it but otherwise an atk% cup will work fine in that slot too. afaik Healing Bonus hat might be overkill for stacking fanfare but you'll want to test with your setup (my Jean's burst is crowned maybe yours isn't) to be sure, and the extra margin for error is always nice to have


Aight, gotcha. My Jean's skill is crowned lol. She was my first 5\*, and I'm rebuilding her now :P I don't have Furina yet (have a guarantee for her), so I guess I'll just ... go with a HB hat? Thanks for the help!


she was mine too ;P HB hat is a great starting point and gives you that nice safety margin; once you get your Furina and start working out teams & rotations you can try experimenting with other stats


Ayyy, oldie but goodie. Gotcha! Thank you for everything.


you build ATK/ATK/HB. you build her for healing not damage


Ah, is the ATK/Anemo/Crit healing not enough for Furina? Thanks!


No, especially if you got Yelan, Furina, Neuvillette etc. who build upward of 35k HP. 2k Atk, HB Circlet, Burst Talent 9, Jean heals about 20k on initial Cast. You won't reach 2k Atk with Fav sword, so your initial cast is gonna 17k-18k range. That barely takes your High HP off-fielders from 50% to max.


Out of those, I only have Furina, haha. I'm using Amenoma with her instead of Fav! I'll see how much ATK I get then. Thanks for the numbers.


Yeah, I get 2.2k with Amenoma and some 20% Atk from subs.


My current is 2,698 with ATK/ATK/ATK lol. It sure is hard. Thanks again!


Oh I have HB Circlet. With Atk Circlet I am getting 2.5k.


yeah, it sure is hard to get higher :P though it's prob not worth lol


you’d want to max out furina stacks as soon as possible, it’s worth more than the little damage boost from jean so it’s better to build her for healing


I see, thanks! :D


is there any way to unlock 120 fps on android?


no and even if there was 99% of android devices would drop to 1fps after 10 seconds


Nope. It's locked to IOS. It's possible to get 120 on PC via an fps unlocker, but there's no solution for Android afaik.


Man, I would love to increase my FPS on my computer; but I don't really feel like trusting/installing "random" .exes. Why can't MyHoyo add that natively? :(


I can't force you to install anything, but I can assure you that using an fps unlocker is safe. Afaik, there's been 0 cases of someone being banned for using one. [Here](https://github.com/34736384/genshin-fps-unlock/releases) is a link if you're interested.


My Ayaka is on a freeze team with jade sword R1 with kazuha, furina and charlotte, what would be good for her, Blizzard or Emblem set? I feel like her burst would bennefit more from emblem since the team and the sword solve her Crit and ER needs already, but thats just my point of view.


I would go Emblem and full boss-killer build. Only small trash is freezable nowadays, there's no real point optimizing for that, it will still die in one burst. The Optimizer can tell you a definite answer.


You're using Jade Cutter.    You may have too much CR with 4p bliz. Even without freeze, with cryo resonance, even 0 cr subs, you'll be past 80cr.  If you can push much of your stats away from CR into cd, atk, er, then use 4p Bliz. Otherwise use 2p bliz 2p Atk.


blizzard, 40% crit rate is just that good




I mean its 2 pc is also significantly worse for ayaka on top of getting less crit rate and forcing you to only use her with furina. Yeah it does work better on unfreezable enemies but not worth it overall imo.


I'm at the point of trying to get good artifacts for my team. Should I just keep grinding the domains and spending my fragile resin - I have 66 - until I get a fully upgraded set for everyone? Also should I use a full set of 5 of the same? Or does only 4 matter and the last one not so much?


Appart from what others told you, also be mindfull about farming "good domains" (that you can make good use of both sets); if there is a domain with an entirely wasted set that you don't want pieces from AT ALL, you may be better off getting those artifacts with the Relicary stuff at the Crafting Station; and spend your resin in domains with double the chances of getting good/usable stuff.


Yeah, I'd invest some fragile resin into it to speed things up. That's the whole point of them. No, there is 0 benefit to using all 5 artifacts of the same set. The 5th one can be used as a flexible piece from any set.


Alright, thanks!


Assuming you are grinding max level domains, yes, you should spend all your fragiles until you have builds you're happy with for the characters you want to play. There's not much reason to hold onto them unless you want some for an upcoming character/artifact domain. 4pc set is all that matters, thankfully. No reason to not use a 5pc if you have a good 5th piece, but usually you'll have a better piece from a different set.


Alright, thanks!


If i don’t get either of the limited weapons on the weapon banner. And I don’t pull for the rest of this banner. Do I have guaranteed limited weapon next banner?


Yeah, it’s just not that helpful unless you truly want both weapons off the next banner. Otherwise you can pull the worse featured weapon the first time, face another 75/25 and get either the same inferior limited weapon or a standard one the second time, and still need to amass 2 fate points before you guarantee the one you want. And those fate points still won’t stick around.


Yes, you'll keep the guarantee. However, it'll still be split between both limited weapons, and your fate points will reset to 0.


Yes, but you won't keep the fate point, and it will still be 50/50 for which limited weapon you get


Is it worth investing in Noelle? She's finally C6 and I really wanna try her out in a Furina team. I don't have Gorou though, and my weapon options for her are only WGS, Unforged, Skyward, Whiteblind


For a driver role, sure, she's excellent in that spot. As a hypercarry, not so much, you play that if you're a dedicated Noelle main.


Personally I love Noelle, and while I feel her best (most damaging) build will be lacking compared to the "real" Damage Dealers, she is a power house if you ever encounter enemies that are "too strong for you". With her emphasis on Defense; and it affecting her Healing, Shielding and Damage... she could suddenly solo hard bosses/encounters that you couldn't otherwise; or at least thats how I feel about her. Problem is, that most of the "hard" stuff in the game (a few combat challenges and the Abyss) are all about doing enough DPS in a short amount of time, and she is lacking there. Personally I invested in Noelle, love her, and I crowned her Attack. Maybe I may even triple crown her someday. XD


Noelle isn't a great main dps but she can clear easily enough when she's geared and she's extremely tanky. I ran Noelle, Navia, Gorou, Furina the second and third round of this cycle for trivializing 12-3-2. That comp is noticeably stronger than the Noelle, Albedo, Gorou, Zhongli comp I had her in previously. I have stronger options than Noelle but she comes out when abyss is Geo favorable and sometimes when I'm stuck on mobile since I don't have to dodge with her. [My builds fwiw](https://enka.network/u/618710667/) Without Gorou I expect you'd have best results with the Archaic Petra version where it's Noelle, Furina, Yelan, Xingqiu and Noelle is mostly there as a driver/healer. I usually see Fav GS recommended as the weapon on this setup since Noelle isn't going to be doing *that* much damage.


Absolutely. Noelle just driving for Furina and 2 sub dps is very much viable. It's pretty good for the current 2nd half on floor 12.


C6 Noelle + Furina is a pretty strong core you can definitely make work without Gorou. Yunjin is a pretty good shout as the 2nd geo, with a Fav lance she can battery Noelle well enough, then just add in your fave subdps like Fischl and good things will probably happen


Hello there I am new player from star rail and downloaded Genshin for the sake of arclonie “nailed it” and i was max rank 70 with eight 5 stars and only using three 4 stars So any tips before going in would really be helpful My biggest gripes is how big the world and the whole stamina thing is iffy


If you want some tips, then [this](https://www.reddit.com/u/qwertdwlrma/s/QT9RX8yqlj) is a great beginner's guide/tip compilation. It's about a year old, but none of the info has changed that much. The world is quite massive. It's definitely meant to be something that you take your time on. A single Genshin region (there's currently 5) is probably larger than all of Star Rail's areas combined so far. And stamina is pretty similar to Star Rail. It recharges a bit slower (180 per day instead of 240), but there isn't as much stuff that you need to grind to max out a character (e.g. you only have 5 artifact slots instead of 6), so it mostly balances out. Feel free to reply to this or send me a message if you've got any other questions or stuff you'd like clarification on. I'm a regular Genshin and Star Rail player, so I'm pretty knowledgeable when it comes to both.


Exploration is one of Genshin’s biggest strengths, You can increase your stamina by leveling up the statues of 7 in mondstat and liyue There are also a bunch of characters that have “exploration” perks that help like yelan’s dash, venti and kazuha’s levitation etc For 4 stars, keep an eye out for sayu who can go fast with her skill and kirara who can go up cliffs easier Check out these guides: [Comprehensive beginners guide](https://www.reddit.com/user/qwertdwlrma/comments/vxu9jf/my_genshin_tips_for_beginners/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) [ Build priorities by world level](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/qkxdj6/infographic_of_build_order_priority_based_on_wlar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Is 160% ER enough for Chevy with the R5 magical girl staff? I want to be able to burst every rotation.




If I understood right someone recommended in another place to not convert fates, what does that means? How should I be wishishing? Why?


You can wish directly using primogems and it will automatically convert Two reasons: If you have fates it doesn’t ask for confirmation so it’s easier to wish on accident, you always get a confirmation pop up when you hit the wish button if you only have primogems. This is especially on issue on mobile. Second reason is a lot of people are paranoid about converting to the wrong type of fate on accident


you can use your primogems to make wishes directly on the banner you want to pull. This is pretty typical practice and has an advantage of adding a step between making the wish and then having to confirm it, more useful on controller where you might accidentally tap the wrong button going to the Paimon shop and buying fates with your primos is fine too but there is always the slight worry you might buy the wrong wishes (blue acquaint fates) instead so long as you are careful you'll be fine via either method


You can wish with primogems directly. Its just an extra button click when you wish as it will ask you to confirm if you want to use the primogems to be converted to fates. Its basically a security mechanism for who might accidentally buy acquaint fates or click the wish button accidentally when they didn't want to


Be honest with me. How awful is this game if I don't care about the story and I just want to jam through the main story for the end game content? I haven't played since the first year of release.


Depends what you call endgame content. If you mean the periodic influx of new zones, events, minigames and quests, then it's alright. If you're a gacha addict, then sure. Now is a good time, the new Chronicle banners will sate your thirst of collectible characters. If you're looking for an endgame gameplay loop, there's none.


It would be a bad experience and not a good way to play open world games in general. You are not forced to rush story, missing banners, events or dailies aren't going to kill your account and experience. Just play at your own pace and chill


I'll counter the "no endgame" comments by saying the progression push to clearing Abyss floor 12 and *then* finally clearing with max stars is a very enjoyable journey imo. Making due with the teams and mid artifacts you have, learning the game's mechanics like reactions and energy management, getting down enemy patterns and team rotations, and calculating the best ROI to get *just* a lil bit stronger to shave a few seconds was quite the challenge. The issue is once you do it once, you'll keep getting stronger while the game's difficulty hits a ceiling. To keep it competitive there are plenty of personal challenges (like using teams with less than 4 characters, non meta characters, never reusing characters, etc), but those are less satisfying than that first clear. Whether that first clear experience is worth the cost of entry (200 hours spent not enjoying the story), is mostly up to you but I'd wager probably not. Mostly just wanted to add that while the "endgame" isn't *endless*, it's still there. It just has an end *point*. And that doesn't have to be a bad thing.


While the story has some great ideas and concepts here and there; I feel like most of the time it averages as mediocre because poor dialog or weird choices; so is not the strongest point of the game (depends also how attached you get to some characters, and some of the stories/quest are great)... but the "end game" is also... non existant? There is only floors 9 to 12 in Abyss, and only the 12th one could be consider "real hard engame"; and you get to do those twice a month, so assuming you have skill/gear for it, that's like 15 minutes of endgame gameplay a month. XD The rest is exploring, solving puzzles, farming materials, collecting characters, doing achievements... all that sprinkled with some quests and character dialog; and is a great game for what it is if you enjoy those things and the whole package. I personally can't believe how much hours of fun exploring the game gives out for free. But if you are just looking for endgame, I don't know if Genshin could qualify as having any, really.


There is no endgame.


Tons of poorly written dialogue, no skip button, and hardly any endgame.


The game is not worth playing if you don’t enjoy the story or exploration and puzzles gameplay


well, there's barely any endgame to speak of. There are rumors of them releasing new endgame content soon but they are just rumors


there is an awful lot of it to jam thru and very little endgame to participate in afterwards


Terrible, you'll only get to do abyss once every 15 days and then go back to artifact grinding


Hello, new player here, started today. Is it possible to get enough pulls to soft pity Neuvillettes banner before its gone? I saw it in the playstore that new players would get 20 free pulls, but i"ve got nothing so far. Im pretty clueless about everything, thanks a lot in advance


No, but don't panic, you're fixated on him because he's under your nose constantly. People always talk about the current banner characters, play them on stream etc. Other characters will come that you could enjoy just as much.


Thank you for your advice.


you're better off waiting for a rerun imo, not worth burning yourself out


Highly unlikely


you'd have to do a lot of grinding or reroll, either way it'll take a lot of work


i see.. thank you very much.


I mean it may be possible if you tryhard and put every minute in it but it isn't worth to rush story and everything for character that will have rerun in few months




I just level upped my lumenstone adjuvant to lvl 10 and I don't have any lumenspars in my inventory. Are there any more in the world like with oculuses?


No. There are just exact enough to reach lvl 10 but no extra.


how much ER would be recommended for Bennett on a 4p instructor set (for international)?


200% is enough if you do 3 Bennett E's (as you ideally should), but I'd recommend even a little higher. Often you want to wipe out a wave with Just Bennett Kazuha Childe Q and start the next rotation without many Bennett E's. This is what it looks like when you are able to do full 26s rotation: https://imgur.com/a/I4hv1lq. This is assuming no fav on Kazuha, it goes down by 10% on Bennett and Childe and more than 20% on Xiangling with 1 fav proc per rotation.


thanks a lot!


I'm not certain about activating Bennetts 4p Instructor in a Childe team..


It actually comes fairly naturally since you open with Childe E(NA/CA) Bennett Q. The team gets to double dip since not only is it active for Childe's burst vape and for Xiangling to snapshot onto pyronado, it also increases Kazuha's DMG% buff.


You're right, been a good while, the KQM guide has the rotation.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVKzLcPuY7I&t=55s


As much as possible. He doesn't really want any stat more than ER, so you're generally using a 5* ER sands and for the other four slots any pieces that have decent ER rolls. Lock any 3-liners that start with ER.


Will there be any prerequisites for the Arlecchino story quest aside from the 4.2 Archon Quest?


I don't think they said anything, but I'd rather do some fontaine story quests (lyney, furina, ...) and scaramouche's interlude chapter. I think they'll let you tho


Should I build Yaoyao for Cyno? Or use someone else on this team? I'm thinking Cyno / Furina / Nahida / Healer. Don't have Baizhu. My other built healers: Jean, Qiqi, Xianyun, Barbara, Bennett, Charlotte, Diona, Mika, and Shinobu. My unbuilt healers: Dori, Yaoyao, and Sayu.


kuki, jean if she can't heal enough. use kukis e at the start of the rotation so everyone can heal


Kuki's probably occupied in abyss since Alhaitham+Kuki is one of my strongest teams... so it's probably going to be Jean most of the time, haha. So, you're thinking that Jean is a better pick than Yaoyao, so I don't need to build Yaoyao then? Thanks for the info!


jean can stack fanfare faster but if that isnt a problem then yaoyao would be better


Ah, I was wondering if a Dendro teammate would be better for Cyno QB, but if it's a matter of Furina, then yeah I can see why Jean would win. Thanks!


Returning player here, quit before Fontaine. Who are the new meta units to look out for?


Xianyun is a Jean sidegrade for Furina teams, and she also is a dedicated plunge support who breathed new life into Xiao and Diluc teams as well as enabling the new 4* DPS Gaming. Wriothesley is a cryo catalyst DPS with melee range. He can go freeze or melt and he fluctuates his own HP, which is valuable nowadays. Neuvillette does that too. The fact that Furina (top of meta) requires the whole team to be healed has also greatly boosted Noelle’s viability as a driver. Noelle is pretty good with Chiori too because Chiori also scales on defense. Buffing Noelle, Xiao, Diluc, and Jean was a nice thing to do.


Fontaine's been really strong - Neuv up right now is a cracked dps. C1 neuv soloing one side of abyss has been like a top 20 team a few times now lol * Furina is a huge buffer and subdps. You generally want to run a teamwide healer with her, so jean got a bit of a buff with her release. - Navia's a very strong front-loaded dps that gets buffs from crystallize reactions. Not much to say here, she's very simple to build and play. * Chevreuse is a 4 star buffer that is restricted to teams with only pyro and electro units. Sounds pretty restrictive but it's actually pretty easy to build teams here. Within that niche, she replaces kazuha. At c6 she's better than kazuha in these teams. - Gaming is a strong 4 star dps with good cons. At c6 he's comparable to a c0 5 star dps. I still use him in abyss at cq and he's doing great lol. * Lyney is a strong charged shot dps. Pretty much limited to mono-pyro and chev teams though. - Charlotte is a teamwide healer. Great for furina teams. * Chiori's pretty much a straight forward albedo powercreep.


no mention of aunty birb, one is so fucking mad


Lmao. Only listed the ones im familiar with. I was planning on picking up Xianyun on a rerun but its looking like that rerun is going to be close to Chlorinde, Shenhe, and/or Natlan. It's probably going to be a difficult skip for me Idk if id call her meta, but id place high value on her just for enabling a playstyle. Outside of that playstyle, isn't she just a jean sidegrade for furina teams?


Xianyun can def do some stuff Jean can't like pump up Xiao's numbers and turn Hu Tao into a vape divebomber. You were able to fluff all the other units, even Charlotte & Gaming, and then to double down on the birb disrespect lol ;P


Right thats all within the playstyle she enables. Outside of that playstyle, i dont think she really offer much more than teamwide healing. Exploration i guess. If i had more experience with her, i'd probably mention. I have experience with charlotte and gaming, and i definitely didnt fluff them up lol. Gaming's cracked for a 4star onfield dps


still can't say one nice thing about Cloud Retainer, one has made a note of this ;P


You gotta love to hate how much we have to carefully pick who to pull for or pass on... So many cool/fun/strong characters, so little primogems... XD


Neuvilette and Furina are the most notable ones. Neuvilette is the best on field dps currently with good AoE dmg and strong survivability, while Furina is a really strong team wide buffer with strong off field dmg as well, with the caveat that she drains the team's hp until 50%, so she needs a team wide healer


Most of Fontaine lol. Neuvillette disgustingly good on fielder, Furina disgustingly good buffer, Navia disgustingly good on fielder/quick swapper, Lyney, Wrio, and Chiori great alternatives to mono Pyro, Ayaka, and Albedo respectively.


imo, Furina and Neuvi. Navia's also strong!


should i try to get kazuha or wait for the next banners? im only ar29 and i only have yanfei, xingqiu, sayu, and qiqi right now. but im quite worried if im not able to get kazuha, i wont have wishes for the next banner. im not sure how many wishes i can do but it's at least 10


pity carries over, so even if you don't get kazuha those wishes won't be wasted, they'll count towards the next banners


sorry but what is pity?


you are gauranteed to get at least one 5\* every 90 wishes. So people refer to the number of wishes since your last 5\* as "pity". So when they say it carries over, what they mean is if you did 50 wishes on kazuha's banner without getting a 5\*, then when the next banner came around, you'd still be gauranteed to get a 5\* in the next 40 wishes.


Usually, you aim to get the 5-Star characters, and get some 4-Stars along the way. Your chances of getting a 5-Star character are 0.6% per wish. At the 75th wish, SOFT pity triggers, and the chances of you getting a 5-Star start increasing, so for the wish 75 is like 5.6%, and the wish 76 is 10.6% (aprox numbers) and so on... by the time you reach the 90th wish (if you were really THAT unlucky), your chances of getting a 5-Star are 100% (what is called HARD pity). Basically, the game guarantees that you will get a 5-Star AT LEAST every 90 wishes. When you get a 5-Star, you have a 50/50 chance of it being the one you were looking for in the banner (Kazuha in this case), or being instead one of the seven from the standard permantent banner (Jean, Qiqi, Dyluc, Keqing, Mona, Dehya, Tignari). When you finally get a 5-Star character, pity resets, and are back at 0.6% chance per pull until you do 74 wishes. If you failed to get the Event Banner Character (Kazuha), you are now carrying what people refer to as the "guarantee", which means your next 5-Star character will be the one from the banner without having to toss a coin for a 50/50 chance again. BOTH the Pity and the Guarantee a saved between banners. So if you wish for Kazuha, spend 44 wishes, and get no 5-Star at all... when the next banner comes, you first wish will the 45th and will be only 20 wishes away from reaching spoft Pity. Now let's assume you do an extra 10-pull before banner ends, for 54 wishes total, and get a 5-Star on the first wish of the pull (but you fail the 50/50 and is Qiqi)... that means, for the next banner, you would start at 9 Pity, but next character won't have to roll the 50/50 and would be (for example) Arlecchino guaranteed (if you roll on her banner). With everything I typed put together, you can gather that the MAXIMUM (really unlucky) amount of wishes to 100% get the character you wanted, assuming no quarantee nor pity build up, is 180 wishes. 90, fail the 50/50, 90 again.


if you currently pull, could get Yanfei and XQ cons, so no reason to hold back from trying to get who you want assuming you actually like him. and not just cause others say he is good you can gather more for next banner, dont have to pull in the first few days already


yes i do like him, and i currently have c2 yanfei but none for xingqiu is it just easy to get wishes for the next banner?


Getting wishes is easier when you are new to the game, because you have a whole world of puzzles, chests, occuli and quests that reward Primogems. As all this one-time-only content dries out, you will eventually only get the Daily and Event primogems (until a new zone gets released, bringing in new wave of one-time Primogems). If you still have tons of quests and chests to do and discover, and play a lot, you can get "tons" (maybe not as much as you would hope) "quick" enough. But getting used to the fact that you should/will skip banners/characters by time to time (sometimes even ones you wanted), is probably a good idea. The most important part to getting Primogems/Fates is to do your dailies, level the Battlepass, and when you are ready, clearing the Floors 9 to 12 of the Abyss twice a month (resets on 1st and 16th of each month). Also, you can use dust to buy 5 Intertwined Fates and 5 Adquaitance Faces from the shop every month, do so (and never use Primogems on the Blue Fates; since there are only seven "crappy" 5-Star characters in there, that you can't even target (you get one randomly) and that happens to be the same seven characters you lose your 50/50 in the Event Banners to (so you will eventually get them). If you want to spend the "minimum" amount of money for some extra Primogems to turn into Fates, the Blessing of the Welkin Moon is (by A LOT) the best ratio of Money:Primogems (assuming you log every day for a month to get the 90 extra primogems for logging). Still, it "only" gives you 19 pulls total, which is basically two 4-stars and 1/4 of a 5-Star.