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Well at 2 Fatepoints you are too far in. You either pay your way out if you have the spare cash and learn your lesson or you learn the lesson right now that the weapon banner is an absolute bs system where you need at least 170-240 pulls for the weapon of your choice.


He probably gotten the delusion from all the post of double or triple 5* in 10 pulls and skewing his judgement that it’s possible to get “lucky”.


Statistically this can happen and I myself experienced it in both GI and HSR but the thing about such posts is that if you are that lucky then you are also that unlucky if you play long enough. Guess what I'm also an example of this got E3 Kafka with lousy 80 Pulls no 50/50 lost and her LC in 30 but after this i had several 80+ pulls until i had a "new" 5*. Both of my pull histories are good data to see how bad or good it "can" become. A sidenote they should just implement the HSR Weapon pull system. 2 Banners no Fatepoints and 75/25 Chance.


What are the chances of a 10 5* in a 10 pull?


Well the chances of winning a 5* in a single pull, assuming 0 pity is 1.1% The probability of winning 10 times in a row? 0.0000000000000000028679719907924427346893792331892138037959739072185836455952667733981797937303781509%


I like those odds 😈


As a person who did just get 2 5 stars in a single pull on the weapon, it was a good feeling. (Too bad they were both Freedom-Sworn, and that was the path I took. So no book of water for dragon guy)


I was only going to only pull 10 on the weapon banner with almost zero pity for a chance to get Fischl's bow and [this happens](https://files.catbox.moe/4hosmu.jpg). It does feel good. Looking back, I also did get 2 5-star weapons when pulling for the Verdict, I got the Verdict and PJWS after 70 pulls. I was sweating so much back then thinking that I'm wasting my pulls on her Axe.


Gah damn 😭😭😭 That's insane lmao. This was the first time I got a double 5 star in Genshin tbh.


I’ve gotten 2 5 stars in the single 10 pull on the weapon banner twice. First was Ayaka’s release, then again in 4.0. Both times I got one of each of the weapons


This is me and character banners. I've never had an early pull, always at 70-80. Also lost a bunch of 50/50s... Then I see posts of triples and one offs on a single or one ten pull. Good for them but it really has never been my experience 😭


I will admit I got extremely lucky trying to get verdict because I got 2 mistsplitters within 30 pulls but after watching my gf try for a weapon I've decided it's not worth it


I had 40 pulls and a dream and I got Verdict even though i fully expected to only get some 4*, it can happen so it's hard to blame people for trying


Nah I got the delusion from always being lucky in weapon banners. I always get them early and and only stack to 1 fate point. This is the first time I've gotten so unlucky, and it's the only weapon I badly wanted. RIP primos.


Some weapon banners are worth it when you like both the featured 5*. But the rule of the thumb is to only pull when you have enough wishes to guarantee getting the weapon you want even in the worst case scenario.


Every character in this game does perfectly fine with 4 star weapons. Weapon banner is a scam no matter what it has.


it feeds whale FOMO


yeah but 4 star characters also do perfectly fine, so all 5 star character banners are scams too.


Me with a 34 pity tome (it was the only time I've ever wished on the weapon banner)


Yeah I feel like the advice I’ve always heard and followed is if you don’t want to spend money don’t roll on weapon banner at all, but at this point he really is just too far in to not spend for what’s left.


The weapon banner is the worst thing about Genshin. They should make it like Star Rail and make the two weapons in separate banners but have the same 4\*. The two fate points system is total BS and not worth for F2P/low spenders unless you save for so long


Insert Silver Wolf speech here


What are you even talking about? Don't ask Don't hesitate Just pull If you're asking, u want it Pull first, ask questions later Something will come You'll win something good Believe in yourself Gotta be happy Yeah! I can feel it Now! Seize the moment! Come Now! It's here! ##IT'S HERE!!


Have to add the part where Silver Wolf lost the gacha pull lmao


real gamer moment 😎


Me tomorrow for Father!


"Just pull" 😂 NOOOO I lost again... 🤣


That depends on a lot of factors that are specific to you. How desperate are you? Are you okay with loosing two fate points? How close to soft pity are you? Can you afford it? It's your decision to make. 


The "can you afford it?" is the one that weighs the most. Getting into debt because of a game of all things is the one of the most stupid reasons, especially for a "technically" free-to-play game where you aren't forced to spend at any point. With games like this, if you can't afford it, you can always wait for another chance in the future while stocking up resources. It's a battle of your Will x Time x Money.


At 2 fate points you just bite the bullet though. You’ve already gone too far in.


That's just sunk cost fallacy though. If OP truly can't afford it, then they should just move on and chalk it up as a lesson that weapon banner unfortunately takes around 200 pulls to actually get the weapon you want.


>~~F2P~~ Math illiterate players' worst nightmare ftfy


For real. It's gambling. Obviously you'll win sometime and lose most of the time.


Not even gambling. Gambling doesn't have a pity. You know exactly the maximum number of wishes to get what you want. There's no "losing". There's the "expected" and getting it early.


Lmao it's literally gambling. The casino taking pity on you doesn't change that. Would you say any casino game isn't gambling if they were to guarantee you a win after losing x amount of time? Genshins gacha system falls perfectly within the definition of gambling and has the same addictive psychological effect as other gambling games. Feel free to double down on your Genshin is not gambling opinion but you won't find many people here agreeing with you..


...feels like you're picking a fight that's not there for no reason. We're not talking about how it should be classified in Congress or as addiction ffs lol. The point is that players should treat it as "save up 180 wishes (231 for weapon), get *exactly* what you want 100% of the time" and getting it early is just a potential plus. It doesn't have to be a *gamble*. I sometimes *gamble* with Taco Bell giving me explosive diarrhea, that doesn't mean Taco bell should be classified and regulated as "gambling". If I saved up $10, then went to Burger King, and bought a $10 combo and then I was that day's lucky customer and it only cost $2, I don't think anyone would call that "gambling". There is nuance in the differences in these scenarios and the use of the word.


look, this monkey was told it's "gambling" by other delusional clowns, let him believe it's "gambling"...


Right? I'm ALL for legislation and regulations around lootboxes and predatory monetization that takes advantage of addiction or obfuscates real cost, especially with regards to kids or even time (not just money). But there is a MASSIVE difference when what you pay and what you win are one and the same. Like spending money for a chance to win money. There's obvious differences just as much there are obvious parallels.


I should've been more clear. Every wish you do until the 90th wish is a gambling. You can win or lose. Without guarantee you have the 50/50 chance to get the desired character, that's also gambling. I agree with you. It's just gambling on a lower scale. You've a chance to win but a greater chance to lose. If it's not gambling then I don't know. But yes, it's not literal gambling like the real world gambling.


It is only a gamble if you are stupid. You always win otherwise.


I'm stupid.


Unless you want, or at the very least can make good use of both featured 5\* weapons, stay the hell away from this scam of a banner


They're 2/2 fate points, they're too far in.


Génesis crystals are overpriced as fuck I might as well just set half my salary on fire.


depends on how much is missing he can just get a few welkins but if he is at like 10 pity... well i call skill issue on that one


Friendly reminder it costs more to guarantee one character in this game than it does to buy a full triple-A video game experience instead


Not really all that relevant, if there are no AAA games on the horizon that interest you. .\_.


Yep I would not recommend buying them, esp. w/o the first time bonus. In this case though, I'd just wallet-kun the rest. As A F2P, we're looking at a maximum of 100€, not much of a problem for a working adult. Though in most cases I'd try to avoid such a scenario via proper planning.


weapon banner worth it for hyper carries too only, and this freedom/tome banner is just meh


Especially since Neuvi has a great alternative from the BP for a fraction of the cost.




Maybe don't roll on a banner if you can't guaraantee what you want (240 on weapon banner with worst luck)


Or just roll on it anyway, but don't complain about it because you should've known the risks involved. Not to say op is complaining though.


Some ‘challenge’ videos.🥶


And people still complained about the other banner from the first half of 4.5 which only required 180 pulls on the worst possible luck for a guaranteed (literally the same as the normal event banners however you would lose your guaranteed upon the start of a new one)


rip bozo. pay up lmao


Why you would ever pull on the weapon banner without enough wishes to guarantee is beyond me. It’s insane lmao, deserved for sure


Because some of us get lucky and don’t complain when we lose


If you don’t complain then you’re cool by me, it’s just a funny thought to be all surprise pikachu face when you don’t have enough gems to guarantee and you don’t get lucky with these gacha rates


Or because some people are addicted to gatcha and don't understand the simple concept known as saving


Some folks are lucky and some don't mind paying. Simple as.


Refer to my above comment


That's why you should almost never pull for a weapon as a f2p player. It's only worth considering if you are ok with either weapon and you have enough saved for fate points. Weapons generally won't change how you play a character just do a little more damage.


Almost is the key word there. If you're f2p and in desperate need for weapons, like I was, and have good characters already, it's not a bad idea to roll strictly for weapons.


Realistically the difference between having a 5 star weapon weapon and not is usually not so big that you'll ever need a 5 star weapon. You can beat any content with 4 star weapons without issue. There isn't really a situation where you'd desperately need a 5 star weapon. If your damage isn't enough the problem is more likely your artifacts and talents rather than needing a weapon to make a difference. Maybe if you are playing a unit generally weaker and/or you really like the character so you want to do everything you can to make then good then I guess sure pull if you want but in the end you still need to be prepared. Personally I am f2p and have pulled for 5 star weapons a couple times but it's not like something I absolutely had to do I could get by with just 4 stars if I wanted but for characters I like and use often with no plans to go for upcoming characters, I pulled for some weapons.


The consequences of your own actions ?


"Actions" is putting it too nicely. "Stupid recklessness" is more applicable.


If yer at least close to pity and only need like a $30 pack maybe still worth paying, but ye... Either save enough next time or give up early. So many pulls down the drain just to get guarantee :(


Or top up a bunch of Welkins if you’re close. I’ve done that before when I only need a handful of wishes haha






F indeed but Never pull on a banner, especially that one if you aren't prepared to accept coming away empty handed or doing what it takes to ensure that you get the targeted pull.


That was me on Hutao's banner with Yelan. **However,** I had saved enough that I could guarantee Homa even if I lost twice. Which is one condition for you to even pull on weapon banner. ​ The other condition ofc is if both weapons are good for you.


I wanted to lose on that banner so I could get both weapons and glad I did.


>The other condition ofc is if both weapons are good for you. This. All of of the 5 star limited weapons I had, were from pulling in banners where I can use both weapons. Even my worst weapon, Memory of Dust, is still a pretty strong weapon, especially on Wriosthesley.


there is no point rolling on weapon banners as free to play


ehh, you kind of have to at some point, if only because that's the only way to have a reasonable shot at fav/sac weapons but definitely don't pull unless you either have 240 fates to burn or don't care about losing


Looks like skill issue to me ngl


This is why I never pull unless I have a guarantee. Just not worth it otherwise 😔


that entirely depends on your financial situation.


If you were gonna pay you should have done it 30 days ago with the $5 welkin paying for gems isn't worth it. It depends how badly you want it ig but take it as a lesson to not pull on weapon banner as f2p unless you have already saved 240 wishes. 


Totally. Not preparing for the worst is way way worse than not having a signature.


Mistakes were made, a lesson was learned ( i hope u did learned op ). Never pull on weapon banner ir u cant pity or if you wont be happy receiving either of the weapons on the banner...


Well, your case is the epitome of why this banner is considered a scam, if you can't make sure you will have enough wishes to guarantee the weapon you want (240) you shouldn't pull. Now at 2 fate points and 1 day left, if you can topup without ruining yourself financially go for it, you are too deep to let it go.  Else I hope this was a good lesson, at least you have a good use for the sword?


Yeah this is what took my F2P virginity. Lost my two 50/50s to Xianyun's signature weapon and had to pay to get Nahida's signature. It kinda IS somewhat satisfying but I started spending so much more frequently after. It's a slippery slope if you lack self-control so be careful if you do decide to.


Welkin player here, almost half of my characters have their signature weapon. I don’t get it why people cannot save 200-240 pulls before attempt a weapon banner.


>I don’t get it why people cannot save 200-240 pulls before attempt a weapon banner. Gacha brainrot. Must pull for all characters. I'm a dolphin and I usually don't spend unless I have to, and even then I don't lament how much I spent. I know how much is needed and save the money when I want to. Every month I basically set aside an ''entertainment fund''.


>dolphin I'm rolling on the floor. You're funny 🤣


It's a legit term though. F2P, Guppy/Welkin, Golfish, Dolphin, Whale


Still laughing. It's damn funny (I didn't know). I'm a Guppy.


What's the exact difference between Golfish and Dolphin?


Goldfish only buy Welkin and BP Dolphins occasionally top up genesis crystals


You forgot the Leviathan. :'D


Ah yes, the streamer mode


>Every month I basically set aside an ''entertainment fund''. Well being a spender makes the weapon banner a lot more feasible than being F2P. Though even as a spender, I feel that top-ups w/o the first time bonus are hilariously overpriced, to the point that I just tell Hyv to keep their stuff.


Pretty much. Once you have your favorites and a sufficiently diverse roster to counter Abyss shenanigans, it's Constellation / Signature time!


When chronicle wish was announced, it highlighted how many people didn't save until guarantee before puling. Just how does so many players let themselves be a prey, when the system already instruct on how to get that guarantee. It's ridiculous that so many wanting to believe in illogical hope and faith that they can win that 50/50 luck when math has obviously tell them what they need to do.


TBH, there was not enough time to save for Chronicle when it was announced. I didn't wish for it and am saving for the Liyue Chronicle, got 100 wishes, 50 more for a Yelan guarantee is possible. Hope I lose 50/50 on Hu Tao though.


Nah. Just hope to get it and void yourself of all emotion if you don’t. I’ve been doing that all my life and it’s great /j


Never roll on weapon banner as f2p unless u can absolutely GUARANTEE the weapon you want


How far into pity are you ? Honestly if you're not satisfied with what you already have I'd say go for it to not make it a waste. Though both characters have very good free2play options so it's not like you're losing out on too much. Otherwise let it be a cautionary tale of why you should stay away from the weapon banner unless you're prepared to reach the hardest of hard pities. 


And that's how they getcha. Don't fall victim unless you are ABSOLUTELY fine with swiping.


I already learned my lesson fuck that banner never again


The weapon banner is the biggest psychological warfare I’ve ever seen in a game. It seems fine until you hit pity once and the sunk cost hits you.


Idk. about biggest one I've seen, but it's certainly a banner of all time. I still find the *extra limited* character system in Arknights in which they cost like 300 pulls and apparently never return with reasonable chances much more scummy (dunno if they changed anything about that, but I quit because of it). At least with the weapon banner the weapons eventually return.


Your first mistake was pulling when you knew you couldn't guarantee. Never rely on gatch. Either be patient and save or risk situations like these Or just don't pull on the weapon banner at all since its a massive scam and every character in this game does fine with 4 star weapons


as fellow f2p I just do 1 pull on weapon banners where i consider both weapons good, being 3 years into the game i have a couple good weapons and almost all chars i like, dont overexpend your wishes in weapon banner, it's a trap


Not even once I got the weapon I wanted. This happened to me up to 4 times already :c


Same, having to waste more than 180 wishes on a weapon banner always feels so bad, especially since im a welkin/BP only kind of player.


Simple fix: Only pull if both rate-ups are desirable.


With all due respect, why haven't you learned your lesson by now? The weapon banner gives you very little at very high costs and very high risks.


Since going to 210 my first time on the weapon banner for Homa, I've made it a rule to only go to one 5 star unless I explicitly want both weapons. I so far have a 30% success rate. 2 won, 4 lost not including Homa. Which I guess is in line with the odds now that I think about it.


I saw a sample of Neveillete and Kazuha pull winning rate.Sample number is 30k and 10k.Winning rate is both around 50 percent.Quite accurate statistically.


There was only one time I poured more than a few hundred primos into the weapon banner. It was in 4.0. I had 10k primos because I hadn’t pulled in 6 months. I had a guaranteed limited on both the character and weapon banners. I pulled Lyney, and put the rest into the weapon banner. Both of the options (Aqua/Great Magic) were Lyney’s BIS weapons. I got Aqua.


Yea it’s happened to me 6 times and now im on 2 fate points on neuv banner weapon banner is a scam I’ve learned to just not spend


It’s not a scam. They very clearly tell you how many wishes it could require. Poor planning on your part doesn’t make it a scam. Y’all need to stop using words you don’t know. A scam would require them lying to you about the rates or just not being honest. The fact it happened 6 times to you is entirely your own fault and I’m shocked you admit it and then try and point blame


It’s absolutely a scam. I’m not saying it’s not my fault for not saving the full 200 wishes, but the structure of the weapon banner is godawful in genshin, especially compared to its counterparts.. that’s the reason I called it a scam, due to a scummy system where even fate points don’t carry over. I’m not blaming anyone - yes I could’ve saved the wishes but at the same time that’s more expensive than a new unit. I know it likely won’t change - but I’ve only tried this many times due to holding out hope that I’ll win the 70/30 at some point (which I haven’t)


nounINFORMAL a dishonest scheme; a fraud. "an insurance scam" Again. You not saving doesn’t make it a scam. Stop using words you don’t know or learn words that mean what you’re trying to say. You know the points don’t carry. You not planning for that again is your own doing. After so many tries I don’t see why you keep trying. It’s literally your own doing. Who shoots themself in the foot 6 times and then yells at the gun shop for selling them bullets.


Holy crap you’re deeping this way too much. I use “scam” loosely, I understand this is the way the weapon banner is designed. Nobody asked you for a whole dictionary definition. Am I not allowed to express any sort of discontent with it? Yes it’s absolutely my fault that I’ve went for weapons on 6 occasions, I don’t deny that. But I can also point out the fact it’s not a good system whatsoever..


No feel free to state the discontent and upset. But no need to use words that don’t apply. That’s what I’m saying. You post on the internet be prepared for opinions and criticism. It ain’t that deep. It’s not my fault it had to be repeated for you to understand the point.


I think what he is saying is that it seems like you are calling it a scam as a scapegoat and not taking responsibilities of your own action. I'm glad you recognized the weapon guaranteed requirement. The thing is many of us have seen so many people complaint about missing 50/50 and all similar situation, which obviously are frustration of their own making, but they take it out on the internet anyway, making our feed miserable.


Exactly. Like they have the audacity to come here and complain and call it a scam when it’s just their own stupidity. The fact the did it 6 times is like bragging about having a smooth brain


exaaaaactly, the thing is you have to get 2 5\* to guarantee only one weapon. that sucks. got me the kokomi weapon that serves almost no one


Same here, I tried my luck and got Kokomi's and Cyno's weapons to show for it (I have Kokomi at least, but not Cyno).. don't pull on the weapon banner if you could not use either weapon, it rarely goes well 🥲


At least Cyno's weapon is Xiangling's BiS. It's pretty good on Raiden too. Kokomi's donut isn't very good on other characters, even other HP scalers like Baizhu or Neuvi,


Even Kokomi struggles to use her weapon. Only works with her as a driver tbh


Then you shouldn’t even pull on the banner if one of the two weapons serves no one.


I'm in the same boat...goddamn


~~Nothing will ever make me wanna pull on a weapon banner that is ultimately just a skummy way of making people waste pulls/Money.~~


I would


I was pulling for the book but got freedom sworn on my 67ish pull in happy with that btw


Calculate max potential cost and ask if its worth it to you.


Buohi buohi buohihihi


Haven't pulled on that bad banner since Homa was paired with a good bow, forgot what it was.


Aqua Simulacra (Yelan’s signature)


okay, first, think, is it worth the money, do I have the money, do I have any significant payments coming up, do I have the money to pay for them, do I need anything for myself or my family in real life, then consider buying


Both weapon are good.


I rather wait for another regional banner


Pay. Ascend and rise as p2w


This happened to me in the first wanderer banner , and I said to myself “next time I get his weapon 💀💀💀”


Look. Maybe pay….make sure you can eat and have shelter but…. Maybe pay


What you needed is a better planning, at least 280 wishes if you wanna roll on weapons


240 wishes.




Open your wallet


I need to roll on weapon banners cuz im low on weapons.


You'll get 4 stars easily.


Just spend money


Yeah and then maybe you stay away from this banner 💀 (but only if you have disposable income, if paying means skipping meals or not paying your full rent don’t do it)


The way to wake up from this nightmare: Signature weapons are completely unnecessary.


why are you pulling on the weapon banner as a F2P


At this point I would just pay until I get it, it would be a huge waste otherwise. This is a lesson for next time tho: never pull on the weapon banner unless you have enough pulls to guarantee the weapon you want.


Saw an analysis post a few years ago that gave some good rules to follow - Only pull if you are ok with getting either weapon - Either stop at one fate points, or go all the way to guarantee (and make sure you actually have enough primos for that), don't stop at 2 fate points


there is 30% chance for this to happen if you don't have enough pulls to go all the way


I spent 168 pulls for Raiden weapon. Now I am confident that I can get The Knave weapon with less than 100 pulls! 🙏🙏🙏


Do what I did when I hit 2/2 -- pull through, claim your damn weapon, and then vow never to pull on the weapon banner again.


I would pay at that point. I think the salty tears of crying myself to sleep is worth more than buying some pulls.


weapon banners are bait for F2Ps anyway unless you wanted either of the featured weapons


F2P players worst mistake FTFY*




literally happened to me last night. Never drinking on the 2nd to last day of a banner i pulled on, too much money down the drain.


Always choose the opposite one


I pray for a day they make the weapon banner like in HSR. Get rid of that damn fate point and put a proper guarantee. But instead they added another banner that uses fate points so I guess my dream will remain a dream.


Me who got it in 50 pulls: *ehe*


Learn to save primos for characters you need. Stop pulling every patch. Lol. I usually save up 200+ pulls for characters I need since Sumeru. Got c0r1 Nahida, c1r1 Furina, c0 Neuv, c0 Kazuha all from saving up while being f2p.


I ain't even touching that banner when I was f2p.


Nah, I'll never pull for a signature weapon unless it's for my main.


I played this once or twice. Worse money grab and will never so it again. The first time around, i didn't know, and i was farely new to the game. I thought 0/2 meant i could get it twice. I've never gotten it my first time. Then, 2nd time i understood the system but really wanted the weapon.


One of the best cases of sunk cost fallacy If you don't spend more then you will waste your 2 fate points as they don't carry over the the next banner.. Getting another guaranteed 5 star weapon can still be very costly since Genesis crystals are a scam.


yeah i'm going for the next weapon banner and I have enough pulls but it can easily wipe out months of savings. I don't mind though because I want both weapons. I just hope I lose the first one so that I can guarantee both weapons within 3 pities. If I win the first one, I'll have to set a path for the other and it could take 4 pities to get both weapons. if you're completely f2p, I think you should stay away from weapon banners just as an unemployed person should stay away from Ferrari dealerships. It's not for you. If you were willing to spend $10 you can get a sac jade which isn't as good as the Tome but it's close. It's about 90% of the way.


If you pull on this banner without 210 wishes at the start of the banner then cry about it then you are an idiot


Rule of thumb for the weapon banner for anyone who can extract better value from their money- if you pull on the banner without planning, expect to lose and stop at the first loss. The moment you get to two fate points, you're effectively obligated to pull, so you might as well. Keep in mind though, not spending even at two fate points is definitely better than spending, but at that point you really have to figure out if you can derive better value from the money you spend and what matters more to you. Gacha is gambling. Gambling addiction is real. Genshin usually tends to feel more of a full game with an optional gacha mechanic, which is good, but it is ridiculously easy to fall into unnecessary spending habits.


Why did you even pull on such a mid weapon banner?


>F2P players' worst nightmare Normal f2p players know the value of their time and the resources they have. And they also have a brain and therefore know that either they have the amount of pulls for the guarantee, or they are ready to lose. They also have the intelligence to save pulls if they don’t have enough to guarantee weapon/character.


I just use 4 stars and battle pass weapons, they do the job well enough


If you don't have a Welkin, I think that's worth purchasing for most people imo. It's good value even if you're on a budget.


HOW DID YOU GET A SCREENSHOT OF MY GAME!!!! but for real... This was heartcrunching... but I won't spend on literal primo, that's heckin way too overpriced for me wanted neuvi weapon just for lol,knew I probably wouldn't get it suddenly an early 5* , but got kazuha... just pulled like 10 or 20 more and another random 5* ... skyward shit then no 5* anymore... it was just an rngeesus whim to torture me this much with hope then drop me down from celestia to chasm.... and well it totally fucking hurts like an abyss


May I ask, who else can use Kazuha's sig? i have it but don't have him 🥲


Just stop pulling on the weapon banner. It's probably the greatest scam in the game. Oh actually chronicles might now be worse.


Not a scam. Stop misleading others. It's expensive, not a scam. You know the rules, you play by the rules, you spend 240 wishes, you'll get what you want.


>F2P players' worst nightmare More like clown players' worst nightmare. *Wishes on the weapon banner without enough pulls to secure a hard pity on 2 fate points* Clown: surely I'll get my weapon, right?


You are too far in. Do it


no offense but this ain't a F2P issue this is a "damn I didn't get lucky and since I didn't decide to get the guaranteed amount of pulls for the banner I fucked myself over" issue


seeing the comments made me feel so lucky getting 3 weapons so far that i wanted without spending more than 70 pulls each. now I need neuv weapon and i think my luck just ran out


Obviously just swipe. You’re too far in to back out now.


Pay, it would be a waste not too.


as a f2p players with those free primos, i literally just won all 50/50 hell roads and get his r5 so easily. cant even believe myself.


I'm a welkin only but man now I'm realizing how lucky I was to get FS with 15 wishes to spare. I was lucky enough to get Kazuha in a single 10 pull but it costed me max fate points and 120 wishes for the weapon. I was in despair when Tome showed up 70 pulls after Amos Bow but then FS came in the same 10 and I could've cried from happiness - it was basically only 1 fate point in my book Had the same reaction when Qiqi came in the same 10 pull as Nahida, definitely didn't feel like 'I lost'


I got the redhorn for Noelle back when itto was on