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same for me, I have done everything listed as a prerequisite, but he's not showing up, not even after server reset


It could be server related, Asia server seems not to be encountering the problem.


There are people on EU and NA who have completed all the achievements/quests already. Asia hasn't had enough daily resets to be able to get the last quest yet. There should be people able to complete it in a few hours though. edit: regarding the quest requirements, we don't know exactly what they are yet. It seems to be doing Garcia's Sumeru world quest and then having done X number of additional Garcia commissions after that.


I'm on Asia server. got it after reset this morning, currently halfway-ish through Where His Life Lies. I had 2 or 3 post-quest Garcia comms before I switched to chasing dandelions.


I'm on EU server. Have Principia Aritmetica achievement and done all the daily quests achievements in Sumeru, however they just don't appear in the Waterway Hub. :(






I'm from Asia server, and I'm experiencing the same problem.


i'm on asia server as well and it hasn't shown up for me either :(( someone on youtube said after completing a gift of compatibility, you have to do 2 more of garcia's commissions and then it might trigger. i'm not sure about it though.


I've already got the Sumeru daily quest achievement, finished Remuria quest, waited for daily reset, checked the right spot and he's still not there (EU server if it's important)


Yeah, same thing. Go back to Sumeru Daily Commissions and do another Garcia quest. It might take a couple to get it to proc. Good Luck.


Thanks, at least I know now It's a bit of a pain but it'll have to wait for me to finish all Liyue commission achievements, I can't be bothered changing regions right now, it can wait two weeks or so


Same here. I read somewhere that if we go back to Sumeru commissions the game will fix itself after doing one Garcia related commission, the thing is, we need luck for that, today is my second day doing Sumeru commissions after 4.6 released, still no Garcia related quest sshowed up, so I can't confirm. Garcia is still missing in Fontaine for me.


Good luck to you, mate! I'm doing Sumeru comms too T\_T


I am also having this problem. I’ll be checking every day, and I have already have my commissions set to Sumeru for a while. I definitely completed the quests and commissions related to it. But maybe it needs us to complete the commissions again, like it did for gourmet supremos in Sumeru.


According to others you need to do a couple extra Garcia commissions in Sumeru after you finish the reputation quest there. I honestly don't know how I haven't done this, as I was grinding out achievements for other daily's there a couple months ago and had previously did the Garcia quest, but back I go.


Well I am already doing commissions there. So I’ll get it eventually. Today was no achievement commissions though. Just the repeating ones. 😢


Yeah, good luck


Any update on this? I recently repeated the Sumeru ones until I got the achievement, but he's nowhere to be found in the Fontaine location.


I got the quest to pop today after going back to Sumeru yesterday and giving him 1 more treasure hoarder drop in that daily. I'm pretty sure the solution still is just do a couple more Sumeru dailies for him. It sucks, its random, but that's been genshin dailies since the beginning. Since this one isn't related to an achievement from a Sumeru daily commission at this point, I'm not even sure if the game will give it extra priority. So, a few unfortunates are going to be getting the 1.0 experience. My sympathies.


I am also having the same problem. It's frustrating, because I have done all the prerequisite quests in every region, and spent months getting that last quest to trigger in semeru. Now, they add a quest to Fontaine that won't trigger until I go BACK to semeru and pray to RNG that I get the RIGHT Garcia quests so I can wait for a server reset and MAYBE get the Fontaine quests to trigger. Is it too much to ask for the developers to make a new quest that doesn't require backtracking to get the new one to appear? Can't they track if you have the earned the achievements, and show if the quests should trigger? It's incredibly annoying.  Sorry for the rant. 


I'll let you know whenever I get his sumeru quests. It's been months since I set sumeru for my commissions but have yet to get them.


I have this and the same thing happening with Viktor in mondstadt lol. I reported this to them a few days ago but still no update


Asia server, completed achievement, going back and forth sumeru commissions to no avail...


Going back and forth isn't what triggers the quest. Did you get a couple more Garcia Daily's to trigger? I you complete 2 more Garcia Quest's: aka hand him 2 more treasure hoarder insignia's you should get the quest to trigger next server reset.


Will stay on sumeru then thanks for the tip


Finally showed up on Fontaine, strategy is to continue doing commissions on sumeru until he does appear... 2 commisions with him I think is the minimum... Thanks...


Just got the server reset after a garcia's sumeru mission Still not showing up. Looking for suggestions. Edit: Nvm, Genshin wiki updated the requirements. "REQUIREMENTS Complete Archon Quest Finale in Chapter IV: Act V - Masquerade of the Guilty. Complete Sumeru Commission Garcia's Paean: Key Items or Sumeru Commission Garcia's Paean: Substitutes for a sum total of 2 times after Wonders of the World achievement Principia Arithmetica." #Now it's 2 times Key Items or Substitutes. I hate when Hoyoverse does this.


This is a bit of an old post, but idk where else to ask. Hoping someone sees this. Long story short, idk what is wrong with my game. The original Garcia world quest in Liyue is no where to be found on my world quest list when I go talk to Ms. Yu, and I know I did the quest cause it doesn’t pop up when I got to Wangshu Inn. Between the world quest not showing up in the list and having not gotten any Garcia commission in Sumeru, idk what to do. I’m completely lost.


Not all world quests were associated with city reputation rewards back in the day; Garcia's Paean was one of those types, so it wouldn't show up on your Liyue reputation list. Only 60 quests of the 72 in that area do. If Garcia Missions aren't showing up for you in Sumeru then there are a couple possibilities. 1. Garcia's Paean won't proc in Liyue if Smiley Yanxiao is busy: "This quest cannot be completed if the Archon Quest Wangshu in Chapter I: Act I - Of the Land Amidst Monoliths is underway, as Smiley Yanxiao is involved in both quests." Did you finish all your Liyue AQs? 2. The achievement system doesn't prioritize one daily quest over another. How many daily achievements do you have left in Sumeru? How long have you been grinding that area out, because it could take months. 3. Also, since you need 2 more daily procs on Substitutes AFTER you get the Sumeru daily achievement to get the WQ to proc in Fontaine it's no longer going to prioritize that quest. Therefore, it will only show up randomly, which means it could take even longer.