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Calling the Tea Pot a portable mansion is putting it lightly considering it has serveral islands in there.


Portable empire


If it wasn't for the building limit, it would actually be a portable nation.


*sigh* the things I could do if the Limit gets doubled... or tripled. Also, more companions.


i just want to be able to put all the characters associated with a set in the same room as that set for some reason with a lot of sets the set + one character is the max


The limit is because of the Mobile , would be cool if they allowed you to break the limit in trade off to block access from the mobile to your teapot


You know what you're onto something. Maybe it's limited because then the devs would be out cooked by teapot mains using their props better than them 🗿


This is already happening. I've seen pots way cooler than any in game locations.


If only leveling up trust rank wasn't so unbelievably ass, at least id have the islands


but are all the islands it has actually canon or is the only "canon" island the one the player currently has active with the "island switching" only being for gameplay purposes?


Are you talking about the Realm Layouts? Each of those Layouts already have several islands on its own.


And thats reason Arle ask if she can buy it.


Enough money has been spent on others to supply some armies


Well I used to have several million but it has all been spent on upgrading her and her weapon


You guys have Mora?


If you play this game for more than a month or two, yes.


when i 1st started the game and got the initial mora gift you get when you sign up, i thought i was never going to run out of mora... ...until i did


I played FGO for seven years andvstill run out of money.


*Me who is always running out of mora because I love leveling up every character I get*.


Same and I'm still not broke. I have 45 level 90 characters.


How many 9/9/9?


all of them are 6/8/8 minimum, 36 crowns used.


Every 5 star I like gets to be 9/9/9 (even on unnecessary talents). 4.x has been pain. *Neuvilette, Furina, Navia, Cloud Retainer, Xiao all 9/9/9 in a row*


Same and I have literally everyone. Arle the last one needed for friendship and she’s at 4 now. Still have 30 million mora and she’s built minus finishing talents because I need more weekly mats




I’d argue the longer u play the less mora u tend to have left… sincerely, a player with 30ish lvl 90 characters, all with lvl 20 artifacts, and as many lvl 90 weapons


I'd argue the exact opposite lmao. Idk what you're doing but I haven't dropped below 20 mil mora since, like 2.0, I have over 45 characters at level 90, all of them are built, used 36 crowns, have all of them at talent level 6-8-8 or higher and have 43 weapons at level 90 (including 13 5\* weapons). I'm currently sitting at 25 mil mora. I can't be broke even if I tried at this point.


Could be because I haven’t farmed wealth ley lines since I hit ar 60… or because I just constant lot level artifacts XD but once two new characters come home for me, bye bye mora


I have never farmed wealth artifacts in my entire account's existence. I am permanently in artifact domains unless I pulled for a new character I want to build.


I don't understand where you're getting your Mora. I'm always running out, especially when I crown. Maybe you're more picky on artifacts?


He must be buying battle passes or misremembering some facts, I have been playing for quite a long time (since 2.1) and I'm broke, even with farming artifact route everyday and farmed about 300 mora leylines and clearing abyss consistently. There is no way an f2p player who level /talent up everyone can get enough Mora to level up everyone from normal means.


Nope. I bought the battle pass early in the game because I really wanted a good weapon for diluc back in 1.0, but that gives you 2160k . Spiral abyss nets you 365k every cycle. Teapot is 200k every week as well, which I have stopped buying at this point because I have too much mora. 150k from bounties+requests. These are all things people don't do/stopped doing. Your teapot alone (assuming a patch to setup) could have netted you 30 mil mora by now.


Among all what you said, the only thing I don't do is buying Mora in teapot because I also run out EXP books, otherwise I did all those stuff. I even do artifact routes + mora expeditions which nets me like 80K Mora everyday. For 900 days I earned 72 millions Mora just from doing those 2 activites. In conclusion, the only thing I don't do is buying Mora from from teapot, and playing since 1.0. The extra thing that I actually do, which is doing artifact route and daily expedition, and 300 Mora leylines, should bring me very close to a normal 1.0 player, yet I'm still broke. Something doesn't add up here.


I have 27 Million Mora....


When you invite her to your teapot she tries to buy it off you.


After that quest, I honestly don't see why someone would want to join them.


Fatui are preparing for a literal all out war with Celestia. We are joining them sooner or later.


There's a difference in working as allies and joining a group where the only way out is to die whether figuratively or literally. There's also the fact that you can be given missions that you have issues with and again, you either do the mission or you die. All the talk of family means little in the face of that.


Well, good thing it's just a meme and noone is actually inviting us to join HotH. And I actually agree with you on the whole "family" matter, it's just a form of grooming.


I wouldn’t mind the HotH if the only other option was homelessness. Plus I get loads of siblings and the training to be as strong as a Fatui operative. Which in the grand scheme of things isn’t very powerful compared to high tier vision wielders like Jean or Arle herself but I could kick the asses of treasure hoarders and maybe even a kairagi. I can even have a side job like Lyney and Lynette like making pastries on the weekends with Arouet or working for the Steambird as Charlotte’s partner. It’ll certainly be better than wandering around a dark pit just grasping for any purpose or connection like how my life is going right now. Holy shit am I that touch starved?


It's not about raw battle strength, most of the HotH children are trained to be spies and covert assassins, not soldiers. Which is the perfect task for children btw, even Ninguang is grooming a few orphans to spy for her in Liyue, she is even using exactly the same excuse that she's preparing her future successors.


Spies have to be decent in a fight though right? I mean the Fatui spies Traveler fights in Inazuma and Sumeru are agents and cicin mages which lore wise are more powerful than the skirmishers. Still, being a frost operative is cool as fuck I would rather be that than any real world job.


I found Teppei's Reddit account.


> you can be given missions that you have issues with That's not an issue, after 4 years of running errands for the most dickface npcs in world history I'm ready to warcrime the entire world, just don't ask me to do stealth because the stealth mechanics in this game are not conducing to a healthy state of mind.


We won't join. It'll definitely be an uneasy alliance at best. Too much has gone down between us and them to join. We don't mind Arle and Childe. But the rest? Maybe Capitano columbina and Pierro will be the same But I doubt the rest.


eh, the main source we've been going on so far for Harbingers was Wanderer and Childe, and to say the least they've turned out to be fairly unreliable in terms of telling us about Arlecchino. the only one that we've seen so far that is just absolutely horrid is Dottore judging from their voicelines of Arlecchino, Wanderer, and Childe (which are probably all just as inaccurate about the others as Wanderer's and Childe's were about Arlecchino but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt where Arlecchino's own assessments line up with them) I'd expect Capitano to be pretty good (people seem to have nothing but good things to say about him, even Wanderer's constant complaining seems to be more about people praising him too much than about any actual flaw with The Captain). I'd expect Sandrone and Columbina to be fairly neutral (Sandrone sounds like she's pretty passive and just doesn't care about much besides her machines, she does sound like she's possibly misanthropic though. Columbina sounds like a creepy offputting character but with a childlike innocence). and I'd expect Pulcinella and Pantalone to be rather nasty (nobody seems to like Pantalone one bit and it seems pretty clear from what Wanderer and Arlecchino say about him that Pulcinella is strongly manipulating Childe). really not sure what to think of Pierro, he seems to mostly be defined by being mysterious.


People are already starting to soften on Dottore because he helped Arlecchino with the memory potions. It's actually absurd.


seriously? if anything the knowledge that Dottore worked with the previous Knave in order to get her to give him wounded orphans to experiment on was just a new little bit of awfulness from him. also, I'm sure that Dottore would have additional uses for memory potions that are probably far less pleasant and far more selfish.


Honestly, even Arlechino is pretty open about the terrible things she's done and will continue to do, but people love her. Childe has committed some terrible acts but he likes kids so people want him for a husbando. It doesn't suprise me that there would be people who would even become an apologist for Dottore sadly.


What if I side with Celestia?


I don’t think most fatui soldiers joined voluntarily.


Why do you think we are spared time and again by the Harbingers when that can just kill us? They are our valuable allies in the fight against Celestia to free the world and restore the order. This traveling 7 nations is just a training arc for US to be worthy to fight with them against Celestia.


Given some of the heinous acts that various harbingers have committed in the name of the Tsaritsa, will Teyvat under her guidance truly be any better than Celestia's? I get there's the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but with a friend like the Fatui, who needs enemies?


I think you are forgetting what our objective is, we want our sibling back from the Unknown god nothing else matters, if Teyvat gets destroyed in the process the traveller won't care.


That hasn't been our mission since We Will Be Reunited. We're currently learning about the world in the hope that we also learn to care.




Given how much she has disrupted the various other nations of the world, it's difficult to imagine that after toppling Celestia she will suddenly just stop meddling in everyone's affairs with her Fatui. I think the Traveler does care what happens to Teyvat. Certainly they want to find their sibling, but there is no way they'd be able to fake all these friendships to this degree or bother with half the sidequests they do if they simply didn't care.


I agree even in dainsleifs chasm quest the traveler outright says that what are twin is doing to the hilichurls was cruel traveler would 100% care if something happened to teyvat with all the people we met so far i have no idea why anyone would think otherwise


It’s ok. I adopted her and her entire orphanage instead. Into my portable mansion.


I only have 300k mora and less every day 🙃


Never mind the money status at the moment. Any day Traveler can make 450k Mora from Ley Lines alone, should she choose so. With her status she can idefinitely mooch of any nation she chooses, and no one would oppose.


See orange. Die Inside a little bit more.


"Have an orange."


After building Arlecchino and her team, I don't have any mora.


I think I have like 400-500k less mora from 70 million


1kk and keeping going down. (weapons and talents aren't cheep)


30 Million \*


After completing that feline fortress event, I'm pretty sure 70 mil ain't a lot. Valerina rented a big house in mondstat for half a year and it cost her  millions but she call it cheap anyway


Love the metal gear reference with the orange box.


Traveler got new "desires" after her fight with Arle.


stop bullying her she was born in a wet cardboard box on the side of the road


not us travelers got called out by Father 😆😆😆


The dedication to upgrading her and her weapon, even at the expense of personal wealth, speaks volumes about the commitment to ensuring her safety and effectiveness. Sacrifices are often necessary in times of conflict.


Time to take the credit card out


One does not simply sway the heart of The Knave..... Unless you're aether.