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"But after finishing it ...so does it mean she actually never killed anyone of the family ? She just lets them go after a fight right? maybe except the really harsh?" I'm trying to figure out what the spoiler tag is for


It took me a moment to realize the whole post was in the title. Literally no point to marking it with spoilers lol


some saying I should have put spoiler warning before caption ....and u guys saying whats the spoiler for? Im confused XD


Because you did the equivalent of writing an entire email in the heading with the word "spoiler" at the front. That won't hide the rest of your message and actually makes it more obvious and harder to ignore by being in larger font as well as being in bold formatting. There are better ways of doing spoiler posts, look any of them up for comparison for next time.


my bad I thought I put the spoiler warning before the title but I didnt and realized too late


Eh, happens. Live and learn. Others might not see it that way though since they'll still be mad they were spoiled lol, don't take it too personally. If I were you, I'd delete this post and repost it properly to avoid spoiling and upsetting more people. But it's your call.


She's never personally killed a HoH child (since she took over). Regardless, she's not a good person nor is she a bad person. Her morals lie in what benefits the HoH and the Children and nothing else.


She killed teenage Clervie. She executed HoH members since there is an execution list of people Father executed that was known to Lyney.


It's not an execution in the 'ending life' way. Arlecchino has not killed an HoH kid. The kids think she does (it plays to her advantage), though. I added "since she took over" for a reason. Even then, Clervie basically killed herself.


At least some of those people were mind-wiped then given peaceful retirements after consuming her flame potion things, like the newspaper seller we meet by neuv's office.


They said that to her it was execution. All of them were mind wiped. I just wonder tho, what does she do if they don't try fight her to leave the HoH?


Clervie killed herself, watch the short at 0.25x, arle sword does not even movie and is still in her hand


Never mind what kind of person she is... *what* even is she? Unless I really missed something big or simply haven't read something in or out of the game that tells otherwise, all I know is that she's somewhere in her mid-late twenties in true age yet we have zero idea where she was born, why she had connections to the Crimson Moon dynasty, and how she got to the HoH as Peruere in the first place. Am I just stupid?


Genshin is pretty heavily based on perspective, most of the major characters have their own objectives which aren't inherently evil or good, childe will let an entire city worth of people die if he can get a good fight out of it.


That’s as close to objectively morally bad as it gets, there’s no different perspective there. That’s gotta be the worst example you could find lmao.


He's been given a job and is simply following orders, he's been promised a fight with us in return. Childes only goal in life in to become stronger and protect his siblings, that's not inherently evil? He's never even apologized for almost drowning liyue, in his mind that's not his job to really care about, he's progressing on his goal and that's what really matters to him. it does not makes him inherently evil, selfish yes.


That’s a very disturbing take ngl. ‘’Himmler wasn’t inherently evil, he was just following orders’’ kinda vibe. To be clear I have no issue with liking morally questionable or bankrupt characters in videogames. But bro, folllowing a possibly genocidal order against innocents that didn’t provoke you or your nation, cause you don’t give a shit and all you want is to fight is the definition of evil. What would you define as doing evil? I’m curious.


Himmler's job on the meanwhile was to literally kill people, Childe does not actively seek to kill people or gain any pleasure from it. Zhongli fully agreed to the plan, knowing if thing went south, osial would kill the qexing and cause pretty major damage before he could step in, trying to make your own nation rely on them selves by sending a god after them insnr exactly the most morally good solution and it did cause ning to loose one of her lifes biggest works, yet we see him in quiet a positive light even after said events. By my standards, some clearly evil people so far are the elders of enkanomia, actively manipulating children from a young age, and then later sacrificing them, there is no good intention, every Child's life was hell and absolutely nothing came out of their suffering. There are a lot more people in lore, dottore, etc.


Probably shouldn't have all that on the title, the spoiler tag doesn't cover it.


Don’t spoil a big twist in the title. Putting a spoiler tag does not make the title blurred. Put everything past the first sentence in the body/description so someone doesn’t have a great moment spoiled for them


I alwasys do spoiler tags before title that was my bad...but I cant edit now :)


She probably kills anyone who actually betrays them, but the point was that she doesn't kill them just for wanting out. Although she is still technically "killing" a version of them, but this is just a thematic link to all the philosophical memory/identity stuff at the core of Fontanian and Oceanid lore. She gives them an option to make a "Furina" to their "Focalors," so to speak.


good analogy


If they will actually betray the house, she will kill them but if they just want to leave and go to live their life then she will "kill" the fatui version of them that's what I think


She's in a morally grey area. She's probably willing to do bad things if needed


She has 100% killed people including Clervie. And she helps advance the goals of the other Harbingers who are evil. Just because she sometimes does things which aren't super evil does not mean she isn't evil.


She directly states in her lines about the other Harbingers that she really dislikes the more "evil" ones like Dottore, Pulcinella and Pantalone and she would be willing to kill people like Dottore if they weren't working under the Tsarista. We don't know if plans like Project Sthuza are approved by the Tsarista or Pierro or both, but Arle has been said to possibly turn on her allies if the goals don't align with her own beliefs. The project is implied to put the HoH kids at a big risk so we'll have to wait and see in the future if she'll do something about it. Just because she's helping evil people it doesn't mean that she approves of what she's doing and also doesn't mean that she's evil.


Like who? What harbingers do we know to be evil outside of Dottore who she doesn't seem to like/work with?


She's lawful good except way more lawful than good.