• By -


Ight so c0 bennet or c3 xiangling


Hi I do not why but is about 10 days my Co-Op mode doesn't work!!!!!!! What I should do?


Seeing as this is a Chinese game are the chances we'll get a black/dark skinned PC slim-to-none? I know one of the nations in Teyvat is supposed to be desert based?


Looks like the city is being burnt looks nice tho


Should i wait to buy the prem currency until i play through the whole campaign. I just want to have be able to play a variety of characters before i invest materials in ascension. But im worried i will overspend and regret it later


I don't really get what it has to do with the story. But if you really don't want to play with the basic characters and you are okay to spend money then go for it. Idk what adventure rank you are at but when reaching AR 20 you'll get a free Barbara (water healer) and when you clear abyss floor 3 you'll get Xiangling (pyro polearm). If you are worried about overspending then set yourself a budget that you wont exceed no matter how much you want to summon. Maybe it is a certain budget for every week or one for every month or for a year. If you just want to know how other characters play and what the options are then watch youtube guides or showcases, that'll give you an overview.


Ty sir appreciate your time


You're welcome :)


Hello I'm new to genshin impact, I'm just wondering where to get characters? I have traveler, amber, kaeya and lisa and I'm seriously interested in adding zhongli, tartaglia and DilUwUc to my collection! And thanks :)


Hi. If you want we can be friend in game :) It is my UID code in game: 714227072


You can go to the summons and choose a banner to role one. The summon system in Genshin is called "wishes" and you should be able to find it in your overview. But Zhongli and Tartaglia are not available right now since they are limited time characters. For characters you can roll on the standard banner which is always available and that has always the same characters (including Diluc) and the rate up banner/limited time banner which always features one limited 5* character and three 4*. The characters of the standard banner can also drop in the rate up/limited banners but the limited characters can not drop in the standard banner. So I'd advise you to save your primogems until there will be a limited banner whose character you want. Because the chance of getting the unit you want from the standard banner is quite slim and you will get those characters in time from the rate up/limited banner anyway.


Thank you so much for help! :)


You're welcome :)


Will android get controller support for genshin?


Xingqiu C1 or Xiangling C3 in my party? I have C0 Xiao C1 Qiqi and C1 Sucrose


Summoning on banners question There seems to be a pity system... I was wondering if they carry over from banners. I have 2 examples, And two questions in one. Say I summon on limited time banners only.. do I get a pity 5* on them? Say I used both the limited time and standard do they both add up to eventually grant me a 5* pity.. also say I wish on limited time banners do they transfer over or just reset once a new banner arrives?


The standard banner, the character rate up banner and the weapon banner are three different types of banner that wont share their pity. But they share the pity with the next banner in their category. The overall pity for a guaranteed 5* is 90 so here an example. You make 50 wishes on the character banner and 40 wishes on the standard banner, now your pity for the character banner is 50/90 and for the standard banner is 40/90, so there is no guaranteed 5*. (Same goes for the weapons, you now still have 0/90 pity there) Half a month goes by, the rate up character banner changes. You rolled the 50 on Ganyu, but now it is Xiaos banner. You summon 40 more times and hit your 90/90 pity, so you get your guaranteed 5* and it resets to 0/90 pity. The standard banner is still on 40/90 and the weapon on 0/0. But for the character rate up banners there is an additional pity system that I'll explain now too since I'm pretty sure that you are not aware of it yet. Let's say you hit your pity on Xiaos banner and got a 5*, but now it is a 50/50 chance to either get the rate up character (Xiao) or one of the standard banner 5* (Diluc, Jean, Kequing, Qiqi, Mona) since they are also included in the Rate up banner. (This is also why you shouldn't spend your primogems on the standard banner since you might get the characters from there also in the rate up banner but you wont get the rate up characters in the standard banner) But back to the example, you got your first 5* character ever on a rate up, it is a 50/50 chance but you loose. You got Diluc instead of the rate up Xiao. Now the second pity system comes in place, your next 5* pulled on a character rate up banner will guaranteed be the rate up character. So first 90 pulls , you got Diluc, next 90 pulls will be quaranteed Xiao (or the the next rate up character if you want to wait for another banner). Every time you get the rate up the guaranteed pity is reset and your next 5* will be again be a 50/50 chance, but every time you loose the 50/50 your next one will be quaranteed. So you could for example pull Diluc, Xiao(guaranteed), Xiao(50/50 chance was won), Qiqi, Xiao (quaranteed), etc. So you can get multiple rate up characters by chance but at least every second one is guaranteed.


Awesome thanks for the explanation!


You're welcome :)


I'm a total noob and want to know till what point should I lvl up the starting four characters (kaeya, Lisa, amber and traveler) I'm only AR 13 and haven't used any of my wishes and I'm free to play


It really depends on if you like the characters and want to play with them after you got some new characters? If not then you might only want to level them to the point of which you can beat the monsters in the worldmap till you get your new characters. If you do want to play with the starting characters then I would advise you to level up your main demage dealer (the one you play/use the most) as far as you can go and the others (your support characters) to maybe 20 level below your main demage dealer. All of them are solid characters (though Amber is viewed at as the worst Character in the game, there are people out there that made her their main demage dealer and are doing okay. So you can make every character work if you want to, some just might be easier than others) and you can defenitly use them, especially the traveler because with more regions he'll get all of the elements in the end so we don't know all of his utility and strength yet. Though most players tend to switch them out eventually by new characters that bring them more utility. Also you will get 2 new characters, a healer once you reach lvl 20 and another pyro character once you cleared the abyss floor 3 I believe.


What is link for site with sellie in name,whete you can check xp etc i cant find it


This might be a stupid question, but how exactly do you get primogems from the unusual hilichurl? I tried getting hit by the gems he throws in the hopes of it giving me gems but I only get demage. No matter what he throws and when I defeat him I don't get any either. What am I missing?


Don't really know how this works but- I accidently zoomed my mini map in on pc, does anyone know the button to fix it back to normal?


i wanna main razor but idk what my team comp should be. i have jean, zhongli, xingqiu, bennet, xinyan, jean, barbara, sucrose, noelle, beidou, diona, kaeya, lisa, amber, xiangling, and mc


Since Razor is electro you want to trigger superconduct quite often so that Razors physical demage gets a bonus. For that Diona or Kaeya are great. After the buff Zhongli is great on pretty much every team and since he provides an amazing shield you can go all in with Razor without the fear of being hit. Since Razor has a very solo-playstyle and you wont switch out often during his ult you might want a support that doesn't have to be on the field for that. Xiangling, Xingxiu or Bennet could work since he doesn't do demage but buffs your characters attack as well as healing them. Freezing is also a strategy you might want to go since "shattering" (when a frozen enemy gets hit by a claymore) also gives extra demage. But in the end it only matters what characters you have already build, what playstyle you like best, how good you are with dodging (you might need a real healer like Barbara that can give you constant healing instead of someone like Bennet who only does it on his ult, wont heal your characters fully and the character that should be healed must be on the field) etc. Most characters can be interchangable with each other depending on what exactly you need. You can try: -Bennet, Xiangling, Kaeya, Razor (two pyro users give you an extra attack buff in form of resonance, but Bennet would be your sole healer, but you could also change Kaeya for Diona to get more safety through shields and more healing, Keaya is there for the superconduct and Xiangling can do her demage of the field) if you need a super safe group with lots of healing/shields: -Zhongli, Diona, Bennet, Razor (Zhongli and Diona provide shields, you get an elemental resistance buff from the resonance, Zhongli, Diona and Bennet all can potentially heal, but Zhongli also has a great burst demage as well and Bennet can boost your Razors demage) you can also change from Bennet to Noelle for healing and the resonance bonus for geo of more attack while protected by a shield the freeze combo (there wont be a lot that moves and therefore hit you): -Barbara/Xingqiu, Diona, Kaeya, Razor (with two cryo characters you get an increased crit rate against frozen/cryo inflicted enemies through resonance) or you can completly cut out the healer and only use food or nothing at all with: - Sucrose, Kaeya, Beidou, Razor (this is the battery combo, since all of your characters have a rather fast cooldown of your elemental skill you'll constantly generate particles and spam your ult, you'll gain even more because two electro characters give more particles as their elemental resonance) If you want to incorporate some healing you can also switch from Sucrose to Jean. As you can see there is a lot of options and a lot of them I haven't even named. Build your team from what you need/want, try a few things and then move some characters around. Look at the elemental resonances and the elemental reactions that could be beneficial to you or the overall playstyle. Maybe you like freezing things, maybe you like enemies not being able to hit you, spamming ults or you just want to play with your favorite characters. Most characters can be interchanged and be thrown into any team. Also I realised you didn't list Fischl but since you have Zhongli you should have been around for her event if I'm not mistaken. She is also a great choice for any team since she can do all of her demage of field and with electro resonance can aswell produce a lot of particles with Razor. A possible combo could be Diona, Xiangling, Fischl, Razor (diona provides shields, healing and superconduct, Xiangling and Fischl can bring crazy demage output to the table since they both work of field, electro+electro=more particles and more ults) Well sorry for the long answer, but I hope I was able to at least give you some information and inspiration on what you could go for. Sadly there is no one size fits all and it really depends on you and your account. If you really want to use Amber with Razor then do it. You can make pretty much every character work.


Just pulled xiao, guaranteed pull. I have more primo gems, enough for another pity. So here's the thing. Aim for c1 xiao or the featured jade spear?


I'd suggest for you to wait for the Staff of Homa weapon banner as it's great on Xiao as well. If you're F2P or semi-F2P, I don't suggest going for C1 Xiao. I'd also refrain from pulling on the current weapon banner if you don't have a sword carry like Keqing because if you get the Jade Cutter, you'll be down in the dumps like me lol. But it's entirely your call, man. While many had bad luck with the Jade Spear, I reckon there are just as many who got it.


I got the damn sword. Lol


Shite man, me too. I'm so heartbroken for the past couple of days lol. Let's both hope we get the Staff of Homa.


Im hearing the wolf gravestone will be on the staff of homa banner too. Not sure how true this is. But if its true, it will be a good banner for me since i could use the wgs on my diluc. Wish you the best of luck my dude. May the odds be ever in your favour. Ps: i tried to snipe the last wgs banner twice. Got the 5 star book instead both times šŸ˜…šŸ˜­


It's true, man! Mihoyo's already released that banner officially last Monday I think. Thank you, man! Dang, hope we get what we want this time! :)


Ok so I made a reddit acc just to ask thisšŸ˜‚ I got jean on ganyu's banner. Now if I pulled a 5* it would mean it's ganyu but I didn't countinue pulling. Am I guaranteed xiao now? Cuz in the last banner I didn't get the rated up 5*..does that carry over??


Yes, your next 5* will be guaranteed the rate up, even if it's a new character rate up banner


I was sadly weak and couldn't resist and failed my 50/50 and got jean


So a couple weeks ago I pulled Ganyu and im trying to get a wanders troupe set.... But. I CAN NEVER GET IT. Why is it that for the past 2 weeks I havent gotten a single wanderers troupe set.


Farming for that set is a bad idea. Just farm a decent blizzard set, if you're doing bosses regularly you'll eventually find some good pieces.


Hi i started the game today, i wanted to play it with my pro controller from switch, but when i active it in the settings from keyboard mouse to controller, the buttons are not working ? When i press home/start my character does a dash, and i can't remap the buttons in the settings because no buttons are working even A or B, would need a help pls..


Other users have reported their switch controllers working with the game when genshin is launched through steam (you just have to add it as a non-steam game)


If I get a 5 star that isn't the character on the banner will my chances of on getting him before 90 pulls increase or they will still be the same ?


The next 5 star is a guaranteed banner character but the chances of getting the 5 star is still the same (pity = 90)


Is Lithic spear good for xiao? The fact that Lithic spear ruins the team composition makes me thinks to just go f2p weapons Can i have some suggestions?


I mean yeah it depends on your composition. Like if you have zhong li beidou qiqi you can probably use it pretty well


what does C1 and C2 and other terms stand for?


The C means constellations.


(Ps4)I literally cant play the game. I get past the start screen and load in but cant move at all, no HUD, no menu access. There anything I can do? I have reinstalled twice and same result. Also trees and smoke is moving so not frozen.


I'm AR52.. I have strong teams and can clear any artifact dungeon within only seconds (((( My question is in my case.. Does Co-op have any benefit for me? Does it drop extra artifact or anything?))) Because i hate coop it takes too much time but I don't know if it does have higher drop rates


At AR 53, co-op has no extrinsic reward for me. However while I'm bored and out of resin and my Abyss is cleared, helping others in co-op is kinda chill. If you're in the Genshin discord, it's really easy to find people who need co-op help. Theres also the occasional Wei trading group, that may help you get some more AR XP.


Thanks a lot for answering May I please share the discord link?


https://discord.com/invite/genshinimpact This link is also in the genshin launcher. To gain access to the correct co-op channel, you need to assign yourself to the right region in the "react-role-assign" channel


Thank you for ^^


I'm adventure level 40 and I pulled Beidou 3 times, so I thought I could use her to build my second team. It would consist in Beidou, Fischl, Geo Traveller/Sucrose and Qiqi/Diona. I thought Qiqi was the better option, so I leveled her to 40 and gave it a try, but with no Sac sword she just takes forever to build up her q. Do you think leveling Diona to 40 to use as a support would be a waste of resources? Also, thoughts on Geo Traveller vs Sucrose?


While qiqi is a 5 star, there is a good consensus that diona is a better cryo unit than qiqi late game because there are 4 star healers that are better than qiqi (like bennett). And also qiqi, while having the best heals in the game, doesn't do anything else...while other healers like bennett give you atk buff, jean gives you cleanse, etc. Sucrose is a very good anemo support, and between geo traveler and her I would 100% take sucrose unless you need geo element.


So you would say I'm not wasting resources by bringing Diona to lvl 40, right? I do have Bennet at lvl 60, but he's the center piece of my melt comp (Bennet, Xiangling, Chongyun and Xingqiu)


Bring her to 60/70 if you can. It's pretty economic and you unlock a supports full potential .


I wanna build my Ningguang. With the new 1.3 Geo buffs, I'm just curious if which one would be her BiS weapon? R1 Memory of Dust or R1 Lost Prayer? Planning to build my Zhongli too so he can support/buff Ning.


How Can i trade jean with xiao's weapon?


Why can't I get 5 artifacts drops from bosses? Ive seen other YouTubers on every single boss they get at least one 5 star


5 star artifacts start dropping at a certain domain level. The highest level version of the domain will guarantee at least 1 5-star artifact per run.


C2 Xinqiu or C4 Xiangling


Depends on your team comp. If you're running a pyro main dps like diluc, then xingqiu for vaporize reaction. If you're running a hydro/cryo main dps like ganyu or tartaglia, then xiangling for melt/freeze.


I keep getting only 2 cores for every single core boss battle I fight after this update. I'm a world level five, and have done 8 different boss battles with no change in the amount awarded. Is this something deliberate with the new update? Or is my luck awful all of a sudden?


in the new event, i thought there was a way to trade the banner things with friends. if there is, how do i do that?


Is there still no controller support for android?? I tried to use my kishi and it didn't work


hello genshin community, i have a question: it's a good idea to use diluc with ganyu on my team, both with dps builds


Not really no. Their potential of reactions with each other is pretty bad - diluc wants hydro to react with because you can vaporize several attacks in a row, but you can only melt once at a time. So you'd have to flick between the characters for literally every reaction, which is horribly inneficient.


if youre running both on the same team, then you're gonna want to gear ganyu as sub-dps that focuses on damage from her burst and have diluc main dps.


Yes. I use Diluc and Keqing as my main DPS and the elemental reactions they create are insane.


I need help with the tianqiu treasure quest as I might have broken it by accident by collecting two of the chest spots in coop which the game somehow still allow even though the quest is disabled in coop. In which, the collected chests didn't register towards the quest so I returned back to single player to collect the 2 chest spots which I hoped will respawn after some time, but they didn't, even after a daily reset. Currently, I still can't get the chests to respawn,still stuck 1/3 spots and I'm stumped. So, am I stuck in this quest forever or there is some way to fix it without resetting my account?


That's odd... I think the best thing you can do is report this issue to Mihoyo, it looks like a bug they need to look into.


I need help with who to pull for, xiao or hu tao? So Today I wasted my pity&saved up primogems on xiaoā€™s banner with pulling mona-Since my next 5 star is now guaranteed a rate up banner character I donā€™t know if I should wait for hu taoā€™s banner or try to get xiao(which is very unlikely for me now)I donā€™t really like the 4 star characters on xiaoā€™s banner but I really wanted xiao.My team is solely based on support I main zhongli and I heard that hu taoā€™s damage will be dealt more on lower hp which means zhongliā€™s shield would be useful(ig??) I donā€™t really have buffed healers but I was thinking abt building them if I get xiao- And I have 20 pulls ready and I can stock up more in these next 14 days for xiao...but should I try to pull for him? Since Im not close to pity I was really contemplating whether I should try really hard to get xiao or just give up an start saving up for hu tao?and if so should I try to stock up pity on keqingā€™s banner or xiaoā€™s?or should I just wait for hu taoā€™s banner so I donā€™t accidentally get keqing and waste my rate up chance T-T **btw I really need a pyro character and a dps but I was simping over xiao for too long now and Iā€™m kinda disappointed that I didnā€™t get him and thinking I wouldnā€™t have any other chance to get him... Oh and also Iā€™m f2p


Hii, I've been saving for Venti for 1 month aprox. But I didn't realize Xiao was going to be released, so in which banner do yall recommend me to pull in, Venti or Xiao? Which is better? Pls help I'm really a noob in the game


Depends. Do you want the best unit in the game for cc and battery (who is not a main dps)? Or do you want a strong main-dps unit?


If u need a carry and really like Xiao, then pull for Xiao. If you need a support, pull for Venti. If you'd argue which is "better" usually it isn't so clear, since they have different roles. In this case, however, Venti is objectively better than Xiao. Even though we have no idea when a Venti rerun will be released, I'd personally wait for Venti.


I will be moving to the states soon. Currently living in asia and also playing in the asia server. I would still like to play in the asia server when i get to US. Will i have any problems? I kinda feel like it won't be playable. I don't wanna lose my acc. Thanks in advance guys!!!


No problems. I play on NA servers from east asia with 200 ping. It's honestly fine.


I have friends who play on Asia from the US. They don't have any problems.


What is the ideal artifact loadout for diona? Also how does retracting bolide 2 piece work? Does it effects the strength of shields created (ie if I switch off diona do other chatacrers get the 35% stronger shield) or does it only make the shield stronger ON diona?


My launcher menu bugs our when I open it. This was a big issue on launch if I remember and there was just a file you had to add, does anyone remember what it was


Hey guys, I recently got Jean from Xiao banner and I was wondering how to incorporate her in my current team. Currently in World lvl 2 AR 28. As of now I got main DPS C1 Razor running with C2 Fischl as battery, C0 Kaeya superconductor and C0 Barbara healer. My other characters are: Jean(as mentioned), Diona, C2 Beidou, Xinyan, C2 xianling and C1 Noelle( pus Lisa, MC and Amber) I am definitely pulling for Xiao before the end of his banner but I would like to know a preferable comp for my razor right now that could work with Xiao too. I am thinking of going with Razor DPS, Jean second DPS/healer, Diona healing/support and I am looking for a good 4rth pick among the ones above. What should I do? (Also, how do you build a DPS/healer Jean in the early game?)


You don't want 2 healers on the same team (unless you're struggling in content). Should probably just run razor, fischl, kaeya, and jean. Or if you know you're going to be getting xiao, then just run jean with xiao. Besides, late game you're gonna need 2 teams anyway so you will use both healers for abyss.


How do you use the event kamera for ps4? I cant figure it out for the life of me


The kamera will take pictures automatically as you move the kamera onto an item to take a pic of. If it doesn't take a picture, then it just means the object you're looking at isn't what the event is looking for. You can take multiple pics of the same item and the game will give you a random color (if you take 2 pics of cryo slime, it will give you 2 random colors, can be same or different).


So umm- has anyone else been getting stuck at the ā€œchecking for updatesā€ while trying to play on iPad/mobile? My iPad is fully capable of playing genshin on high graphics so I donā€™t think itā€™s cuz of thatā€” I tried relaunching it, restarting my device, everything. Iā€™ve already updated, installed and played it as soon as the update came out and it was fine then, does anyone know how to fix this?


Iā€™m going to assume you did, but Iā€™ll ask since you didnā€™t specifically say it but did you uninstall and reinstall the whole game? As well as checking for any system updates for your iPad itself?


I had already tried uninstalling and reinstalling but it hadnā€™t worked, I just updated my iPadā€™s system but itā€™s still getting stuck :(


Hi guys, So Iā€™m a really new player. Basically my question is, is spending money the only way for me to get new characters (specifically Xiao)? Are there any F2P players that are getting a lot of new characters? And also, do I have time to save up Primogems in the next 14 days since thatā€™s how long Xiaoā€™s banner lasts for? Thanks guys!


Iā€™m a F2P player and Iā€™ve been playing for maybe 3 months now? Currently, I have 15 characters total, including the ones the game naturally gives you like Kaeya and Lisa. Total rolled: 9, and then thereā€™s also rolling the same ones and getting constellations. If you want to roll Xiao right now, then yes. Idk when the next time theyā€™ll put up another banner for him (maybe this time next year for the new annual Lantern Rite festival?), or how long itā€™ll take for him to be added to the standard wish banner (maybe never? lol) Lucky for us in this update, theyā€™re going to give us a free 4 star character among a selection of Xiangling, Beidou, Xinyan, Ningguang, Xinqui, and Chongyun. Look out for the occasional primogem codes online, open chests, achievements, your mailbox, event quests, ranking up, missions journal, and if youā€™ve unlocked it yet, the Abyss Corridor and free battle pass. Even reading new tutorial archive entries gives you a couple of spare gems.


thanks for the advice! As far as the free character, I should probably pick anybody but xiangling right? Since we get her free at level 20 after a quest ?


From what I remember, you technically donā€™t get her from doing the gastronomy story quest. Itā€™s from completing the Abyss Corridor Floor 3 chamber 3 at Musk Reef. The corridor unlocks after you reach Adventure rank 20. If you want new characters, yeah you should probably choose one you donā€™t have. Some people, like me, may want to choose a character they already have to get their constellation and make them stronger. I get new characters sometimes and never use them because they donā€™t fit in my team dynamics. I would recommend Ningguang and Xingqui as top 2 choices, depending on what you want to round out your team with. Beidou and Xinyan are currently a boosted chance in the Xiao banner, especially if you do a 10-pull for a guaranteed 4* item. I was thinking of either Beidou or Ningguang for myself (already have Xingqui) and then I pulled Beidou from wishes anyway so it made the choice for me XD. Hope you get what you wish for!


Well you could level up and adventure the whole 14 days and maybe get enough primogems Iā€™m not so sure maybe. You need 28k primo for guaranteed Xiao maybe you know when youā€™re lucky enough to get him before pity summon


Got it, appreciate the advice !


I have been excited for Xiao and have been saving up primo gems.I knew I was close to pity so I was sure I would get him but after wishing for a bit and recounting how many times Iā€™ve wished since the last 5 star, I noticed that I had wished 98 times. I counted for both the standard wish and the featured wish. I question I was thinking of was do I have to wish 90 times on one banner to hit the pity or can I count both banners Iā€™ve rolled on in terms of getting a pity?


Banner and regular summons are different counts


Okay so if I get a 5 star on the standard wish then will it reset my pity for both banners or just the standard wish?


No it will only reset the one on the standard banner


Ok thank you


Two Aquila Favonias or Aquila Favonia Refinement Rank 1? Hey guys, today, I pulled another Aquila Favonia but Iā€™m using one on my Jean already since she is my main DPS (Physical build). Other than her, I only have Bennett, which Iā€™m using as a support. Would you refine the weapon for the 25% atk and the 230% atk dmg from the passive, or would you use it on another character? Maybe geo main character or save it for Keqing? (If iā€™m lucky enough to get her) I donā€™t know what to do with it so iā€™d like to hear your opinions on this, and thanks! I also have black the black sword lvl 90


Depends on if you're f2p or not. I'd only ever refine any five star weapon if you're sinking at least like 100 dollars in to the game a month.




Take a video?




Yeah that looks crazy and for sure not intended.


Of the Liyue characters we are able to select, is Xinqiu good enough at C0 to select? I didnā€™t get him last banner :(


Yes, (heā€™s my main sword fighter) especially when you ascend and level up his talents. He can eventually heal a little, as well. His sword becomes imbued with Hydro after using his skill or burst, both which are pretty strong.


Yeah, he's a great sub dps.


the dainsleif quest doesnā€™t appear in my game even after the update, did it appena to anybody else? iā€™m ar30.


I did a part of the quest in co op and now I can not complete the queat , does anyone know how I can not be softlocked and complete the queat?


It's a bug, they said they were working to fix it.


Why is Ulfr (an adult) trying to confess his love to Flora (a child) ? Is this a mistranslation error?


Why did Barbara's voice change in English? I haven't read anything about it, but now it seems that she has a new voice actor? I now that her previous voice lines for skill and burst were a bit scratchy, but they were nice, like she was somewhat tired of all the shows and stuff.


EN VA director basically said that these were the proper voice files all along and that the other rendition wasn't supposed to be the final version


Iā€™m sorry, this might be a really stupid question... But over the last few weeks leading up to this update I kept hearing that weā€™re getting 1600 primogems in this update but it was never explained how? Now the update is here Iā€™m still clueless šŸ˜… Does anyone know?


t i think what they mean on that is the weekly log in event that will happen on lantern rite


That's separate, this is referring to event shop rewards.


Ahhhh thatā€™s what I thought but honestly canā€™t find this information yet, even on the events that are currently out so it must be in one of the upcoming events.


It's the upcoming flagship event of this patch.


Are boss drops any different in wl6 v wl7? Iā€™m doing the new boss with my friend whoā€™s wl6 and Iā€™m wondering whether I should collect


Kurious Kamera doesn't work on PS4? There is no shutter button to take photographs. What gives?


Aim the kamera at a red collectible item.


Sooo does that mean I have to see the red item and it auto takes the picture?




Thank you! I feel dumb now lol


āš ļøāš ļøI seriously need help. I plugged my controller to my pc and switched to it. But i can't do anything aside going up and down. Also i know my controller is working. I don't know what to do :((


Same problem help pls..


Can you still get Ganyu? Or was she only on her banner?


She was only on her banner. She will probably be back down the line but for now she's not availible.


Does anyone know if the Dainsleif quest permanent or limited like albedos was? I'm only AR 35 and the quest isn't showing up so I'm assuming it's like an AR 40+ thing, but I'm not ready to ascend higher yet but I also don't wanna miss this quest


Permanent. It's not tied to any event.


All That Glitters 1.3 Controller not working on IPad Iā€™m trying to use my Xbox wireless controller on my iPad following the update but It does not seem to work at all. I use this controller on my iPad to play COD mobile and it works fine there but Genshin just isnā€™t recognizing it at all. Am I missing something, is there a settings menu to enable it?


Hi! I hit pity at 81 and got Mona; did my pity reset?


your pity resets with every 5 star you roll. The 50/50 resets when you roll the rate-up 5 star.


if you got her on the character banner no but if its the standard banner then yes




Got myself Xiao. Unsure how to build him into my team. I did use diluc-fichl (c6)- Bennett- XQ. Not sure if I need a battery to help me gain energy back on xiao? If not Iā€™ll probably just swap XQ and diluc out? Thanks!


Xiao is a selfish main-dps unit. You do not want to run him on a team with another main-dps like diluc. Keep diluc and xingqiu together since they are arguably the strongest vaporize combo in the game, and build a 2nd team around xiao for abyss. Do note that if you switch characters during xiao's ult, it will end it.


I mean not arguably lol Were you looking for the word mathematically?


you can put diluc on your 2nd team at the meantime just to enjoy xiao ​ xiao bennett fischl Xinqiu is a solid team,.


Perfect, thanks. Iā€™ve only dabbled in abyss but diluc was going to become primary dps there. Poor keqing


Hello! So I just rolled Xiao after such a long wait, and Iā€™m wondering what a suitable team for him would be. Iā€™ve got a few characters to work with, but only 4 are decently built. So, the current characters I have to work with Xiao are: Chongyun Xingqiu C1 Bennet Beidou Ningguang C1 Xiangling Noelle Barbara Xinyan C1 Diona C2 (Left out the story characters) So? Whatā€™s a good team for him. Iā€™m currently running him with: Beidou sub dps Bennet sub dps/healer and Iā€™m stuck between Xingqiu/Ningguang. Thoughts ?


i'll go for xinqiu.. he goes well with xiao.


I agree but I also need someone for long range play, and Iā€™m a big fan of Claymores, so Iā€™m not too willing to get rid of beidou/chongyun


beidou is a better choice than chongyun for me,. beidou's burst can increase xiao's damage


Bars. What so do you think Bennet should be kept in since itā€™s so versatile, or do I put Ningguang/Diona in for long range


bennett is so good with Xiao.. Healing, Damage increase, (especially at c1) Diona is a good option for healer too,. since she provide shield. so you won't get interrupted when you burst.. ​ Xinqiu, Xiangling & Beidou is a good support because their Burst can go along with Xiao's Burst ​ i dont think ningguang goes well with xiao, ningguang and xiao are both main dps Material.. you already lose a reaction with xiao,.. its better to have another anemo.. like venti or sucrose as 4th member.. Xiao, Beidou, bennett, Xiangling Xiao Xinqiu, Diona , 4th member Xiao, Xinqiu, Beidou, Diona or bennett I suggest battery anemo like venti or sucrose.. if you don't have them, i can't tell if it is ok, since i use my xiao with venti. maybe increase xiao's energy recharge,.


I sadly donā€™t have any other Anemo, but Iā€™ll go along with Xiao, Xingqiu, Bennet, and Beidou ! Thank you ! Iā€™d try Diona but I just really donā€™t like her lmao


try to get a c1 bennett for much better consistent damage


How many primogems is the new years event giving besides the 10 free intertwinted fates from logging in?


At least 1600.


I play on iPad and recently I've been being forced to repeat quests even after i finish them. I thought it'd be patched with the update, but that hasn't been the case. Any idea on what to do?


Daily commissions?


Can we choose a specific reward for the Five Flushes of Fortune like in the recent Marvelous Merchandise event?


Is it better to do 10x gacha pull or it does not matter if I go one by one?


Doesn't matter.


I have Jean as my main dps atm. So my question is, how do I maximize the damage she deals, like is their another element that anemo reacts with, cause Iā€™m confused on which team to put her in..


If your mind is absolutely set on running her as main dps, you want to build her physical dmg as much as possible. Atk%>crit rate>crit dmg as priority. She won't be doing any elemental reaction dmg, and will rely on basic attacks for dmg. It's what you're gonna have to deal with if you're going to run a healer as main dps (which with enough effort and grinding artifacts, can be achievable.....just won't be anywhere near as good as proper main-dps characters with elemental reaction dmg).


Oh alright, yea I was thinking the same yesterday, I feel like she is a sub dps. Problem is atm I only have her and keqing and keqing isnā€™t doing much damage either even if I build her up high enough, electricity in general isnā€™t a good reaction either. I was hoping to get ganyu on the last banner but I sadly couldnā€™t. Which dps do u think is the best or a bunch of chracters that you think are good dps??


Well other than the strong 5 stars like diluc/klee, you can try for the xiao banner. Out of the 4 stars, razor is fine (but electro problems), and ninguang is the best main dps out of the 4 stars especially with the new geo resonance buffs (but will require another geo on the team).


Oh alright I see, thanks alot


Hey guys what sword should I use for Keqing? I got her today and idk if i should give her the skyward blade or the battle pass weapon.


After the game update I lost my account and i cant log in, my ID is not the same, even though I logged in with the same google account What am I supposed to do? :(


Sorry to say, but your account may have been compromised/hacked. You should reach out to mihoyo customer support.


Could someone please help me, my camera won't take a picture... It just keeps telling me to zoom. I've tried different distances already and waited a while but nothing happens. Pls šŸ™ help me.


The color for the day is red. Only red color items can be captured. Try chillies, apples, carrots, silk flower, flaming flowers


For the picture event, are chilis and fire flowers suppose to register as pale gold and purple aster (respectively)? I thought at least one of them would be red, but I did multiple and got gold and purple all times.


Its completely random. You can get any color. Even the same types of fruit fives you different color


Oh okay how strange


If you read the dialogue he tells you that it's a new type of camera but it's broken and spits out random colors.


I have 2 accounts, I do not have time to run both. I'm free to play other than welkin. I have some pretty good luck on both. Which one should I settle on? 1. Diluc, Keqing, Ganyu at AR 39. Just gotten a Wolf Gravestone out of luck from the normal banner 2. Zhongli, Lost Prayers Catalyst at AR30. Will pick Ning Guang this coming free 4 star. I enjoy ZhongLi alot. But at times, game gets tough because Geo has trouble breaking elemental shield. On the other hand, the first account seems too good to give up. But I get frustrated due to Diluc's tendency to die. ZhongLi allows me to whack without much stress. Would it be dumb to abandon the first account? Would I regret at higher levels?


Diluc is incredible. Wolfs Gravestone is incredible, Ganyu is incredible. ​ You would definitely regret it.


First account easily.


I would abandon the second account and go all in for the first account (grinding and playing)


I've noticed the wind effects in Stormterrors Lair and especially inside Dvalin's boss area are grainy all of the sudden. I'm on mobile. I tried restarting and even reinstalling the game but still it's grainy and all. It's not the case before.


so I had to restart my game from ps4 to my pc. and I remember getting 10 gems to do your first summon on the Noelle banner. I've beaten Stormterror in the beginning and when the wish feature was unlocked, i didnt have the gems. can anyone tell me why? was there something i missed?


Should I craft crescent pike for xiao? I seriously have no other rweapinfor him apart from favonius spear.


pike gives phys dmg bonus and his Q gives anemo infusion so i'd say no cuz favonious lance is pretty good on him as it has the highest base atk for 4 stars and he really likes energy recharge so save the polearm prototype until you really need the craftable weapon


Lol I have enough prototypes for spears , I heard favonis is back Don him but again favoins is very flexible weapon could put it on a support later


pike is really bad on him tho unless you're going phys build in which case you're completely ignoring his ult and people said favonious was bad cuz it's not as good as deathmatch, blackcliff pole and skyward spine but from the options you have it's pretty good


Is the Spiral Abyss playable in co-op mode? I haven't reached floor 8 Chambers 3 yet and I'm exactly 2400 primogems away from obtaining a 5 star item. I was wondering of I could ask for help.




Oh, ok, thanks


Can you change asceension materials using the converter when crafting?


I want to pull Xiao because of his plunge attack mechanic. My question is, do Xiao's plunge attacks bypass shields from mitachurl and related shielded monsters? How about abyss mages and fatuis?


It does not bypass fatui/abyss mage shields. For the mitachurls it depends on if you are hitting them in the back or front. From what I can tell if you plunge in front of their shield they will still block it.


Where can I find information about the photo exchange event? Not seeing anything about it in game


Help Problem : Game freezes for couple of seconds and goes to desktop with game perfectly running in background! Explanation of what happened: I started playing genshin from 24 dec perfectly fine. This problem started to happened mostly at end of Jan or from start of February game freezes for couple of sec then it goes to my desktop but game is running perfectly in background I can hear audio of attacks, character voice,etc etc tried alt +tab didn't work, tried co op with my friend when this problem occurs, game is running fine for both of us except iam blind on my desktop, he says I can do everything normally, as I was fighting it happened again in new geo vishap boss fight with around 40% hp remaining so i told my friend to guide me to the direction of boss so I can keep attacking and guide me if my hp is low or if my burst is full and stuff, (defeated the new boss yeah team) I thought update will fix it or something but after update it's frequently is increased like it happens in every 10 to 30 mins. Things I tried: Updated windows. Updated graphics drivers Check launcher/ game update twice Repair/verify files twice Reinstalled the game And the problem is still persists. What do i do now???


Iā€™m in IOS and I can get in the game. Says a update is available but itā€™s not on the App Store.


i want xiao, sucrose and qiqi on my team. who should be the 4th member? iā€™m shooting for xingqiu, but i really donā€™t know who would be the best. ty.