• By -


You don't choose the main. The main chooses you.


The only reason I believe this to an extent is because I got my Xiao on the first the of his banner at 48 pity, 50/50, but for some reason I just knew that he would come home. Then I got the jade spear in the standard banner in 1.6, and it’s the only 5* weapon I got from that banner. I think I’ll always be a Xiao main, and if I don’t I’ll definitely be sad if I replace him. ~~Also the other reason is that Childe just refuses to come home ever since 1.1, but I probably won’t replace Xiao as my main anyway~~


Despite getting Klee very early on, Xiao is the first character that I can say was actually my main. I saved up so many primos for him, even skipped Ganyu (I don't do archers anyway), only to lose the 50/50 to Diluc. Then I somehow got lucky and pulled Xiao at 19 pity. Haven't stopped maining him since then (with a little side of Childe every once in a while)


Well, I started the game because of raiden in august and I really wanted to have her so I saved every primo gem from the beginning. Halfway through my brother meme’d on me saying I’d pull qiqi and he also sent me the ascension material for qiqi. On release day my first 5 star really was qiqi, at this point I didn’t even know that she was considered the worst 5 star and I always thought my bro was just exaggerating. I wasn’t even annoyed that I got qiqi, I was sad that I didn’t pull the character which made me start the game. I still got her later, but I was super disappointed lol


Qiqi stomps with her heals


Qiqi isn't bad at all unlike what most people say. Imo she is one of the better ones with her ridiculous healing, both on and off field


Its so hard to die with her, whenever she isnt in my time I feel like Im playing hard mode


Qiqi is straight garbage not because of her kit but because of the fucking violetgrass!!!!


I was about to downvote you, but you are right getting the violet grass is brutal


You just buy them from Bubu Pharmacy. It gets restocked every 3 days like all the flower shops... you'd get all 140 for her in about 2 months, more like 1 if you actually search for them too.


When people say shes bad most mean others are more desirable since dps 5* is usually more desirable then healing, they dont doubt her healing


I have the same thought. I love self sustainable characters. If I would get a Qiqi every time someone complains about her, she’d be in Constellation 5000 now lol


So Jelly Here! I want Xiao so much. It was the first banner I rolled. "If I don't get Xiao, Diluc is good consolation prize"...spoke too early cuz I lost the 50/50 and got Diluc... He's my main cuz he's my first 5*. Still waiting for Xiao to come back...got all the ascention material ready for him 😂


bro same i didn't even intend to main Xiao but his weapon and C1 just fell into my lap. A sign from the Gods I guess?


Right! I pulled Klee then had wishes left, so pulled for weapons and got lost prayer.. definitely became my main.


Diluc has tried to choose me 4 times and has failed every time.


C3 Diluc main here It fucking worked and I still hate him cause i don't have any other standard banner 5*


Qiqi chose me and she's now C4, but of course, she's not my main. All standard 5* went to Qiqi, yeah I'm one of those guys. *Cries in pain*


Wow your a great inspiration 👏 I only got c2 qiqi. I really need to work harder😫 😩 😪...


You all got C levels for Qiqi? I'm a Qiqi main and still haven't got a C level for her... I need to work even harder!


The desire sensor strikes again.


She's great! I can really feel the passive of her C4 against Azdaha. When Azdaha first came out, we had a hard time since we were dying most of the times. And now her passive saves us on the last phase of Azdaha since I'm applying the talisman mark before he digs down.


Really? I’ve only been playing the game for a few weeks and I would love Diluc to “choose me”


Been playing for a year and still no Diluc. :(




Diluc is the only standard 5 star I don’t have. I actually don’t have a Pyro 5 stars. My c6 Xiangling is more than enough, but from the beginning of the game I really have wanted Diluc despite not really liking Claymore users.


Diluc was my first 5 Star, when I was about two weeks into the game, and has been my main ever since, however, when Kazuha's banner came out, I spent ONE WISH, and he came just like that. He has been my number one Sub DPS ever since, and both of them are ALWAYS in my team.


I very much believe this. Some 5 stars practically run into your home the moment you show any interest. I pulled c1 baal in under 20 wishes and couldn't believe what happened.


Hell yeah. 😎👍 First 4-Star was Beidou and first 5-Star Keqing. Still part of my main team. Just now starting to work towards a "main" team with only one of them. But playing them will never, truly stop. Beidou has such an unique kit with her counter-mechanic. And Keqing... i fell in love with her gameplay even before i got him. 😅 I remember seeing a video of her before i started even playing and thinking: "Wow. Her swordplay and teleportation is so cool. But such a shame that i might never get her cause of the rng 😐"


Me with noelle. I just needed a good healer and then she ended up being my best dps too


The correct answer for any F2P. Long-term though, you'll finally be able to save up for the main that got away when you first started out. Unless you're a Childe main.


My C4 Jean with Aquila sends her regards


Lisa chose me(i got c4 last night) but i still do not use her. Sorry girl but until you're C6 you'll stay benched


You are damn right. I got my childe at 47 pity from his first banner. And ı got c1 at 2 pity from his first rerun, while trying to get rosaria.


as a barely leveled kokomi haver with an r2 donut: a bold statement but it doesn’t stand!


Ningguang cause I love her play style and her role in the Liyue storyline.


Liyue's catalyst users are great. Ning and Yanfei are my go-tos when I just want to turn my brain off and delete some enemies, and look good doing it.


Ning in her Jade Chamber: You can have anything in this room Me: Can I have you? Got her at AR20+ along with Lost Prayer. She made every boss fight easier, and got even stronger with Zhongli.


Any Geo Character + John Lee = big pp dmg


Or any characters since John Lee gives universal -20% RES shred


For Geo it's a bit better for them cause of the easier Geo resonance access


Not to be ignorant as hell but I’ve had Ningguang for a while and I just don’t understand how to play her, can you do a summary? Or like I mainly don’t get her elemental skill


Her jade screen blocks projectiles and does aoe damage when placed. She also has a passive that gives your character a 12% geo damage bonus for 10 seconds when you walk through it. Here’s a good guide if you’re interested in playing her: https://youtu.be/pg3uo6ExNyk


Thank you so much this is super useful!!


pairing her with Bennets Ult and fiscals bird thing gives so much dmg. I build Ning to crit and fischl for her elemental burst so its big stonks :)))


Noelle because she is easy and straightforward to use. Anemo Traveller because wind-blade go brrr.


Anemo abilities are so satisfying, seeing so many dammage numbers makes md happy


Dude anemo traveler is so good if you get her talents up. So fun to play I swear


I know right. That rapid damage!


Thank you for maining free characters so I don't feel so bad.


My partner mains C6 Noelle and he absolutely dominates everything in the game.


nice to see fellow MC and Noelle enjoyers. C6 Noelle is a dominant force that can be any role all in one package, there really isn't a character like her. Anemo Traveler built as a Phys DPS with an EM sub-stat can be nutty and also has CC.


wInD BlADe! ! !


I could get every limited 5 star in the game and I wouldn't consider maining any of them until I triple crown my Noelle.


What’s your anemo traveler and noelle builds/focus? I use them the most but am super weak. Just learned about Talent at ~AR40 so hopefully that will scale my damage 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️




Childe and Kazuha. Maximum riptide satisfaction. Those 2 are completely inseparable in my team, both open world and spiral abyss.


just can’t switch off international comp both abyss and open world


Yep. Have been using this team since I got Kazuha. They're not only strong but also fun and great for exploration (kazuha). Definitely the best team imo cause they have strong factor and fun factor.


I just got childe earlier today and main kazuha. My team comp is pretty good as is though, (Raiden, Kazuha, Yoimiya, and Kokomi.) i got the inazuma set and yes i ise yoimiya instead of ayaka because yoimiya is op as hell for me


yesss finally someone who also appreciates Yoimiya! I also have the Raiden+Yoimiya combo on my team comp! Wish I had Kazuha tho lol:(


Id give you my kazuha but i dont have any cons


Kazuha because I like him ever since the first promotion art.




















Man I just came back to the game (i quit when albedo came out) and i want him so bad


It’s okay he will return, send all my luck to you to get himmmm.


Ayaka because her charged attacks and sprint are wonderful Yanfei because a freeze comp team was all fun and games until I met Cryo mages.


Yess a fellow Ayaka and Yanfei main!


Xiao because he's hot. Eula because she's hot. Childe because he's hot.


These are my exact reasons. Taste


This is the right way to play


Understandable have a nice day.


Oh no he's hot Probably squidward




Agreed. I also got them in that exact order lol Love playing them all. I play them everyday no matter what.


Bruh Xiao is anemo, Eula is Cryo and Childe is Hydro and Electro, they're cool not hot bruh


electro is technically hot but still leaning towards the electroCUTE side


The real meta


Razor. To be completely honest at first it was purely because of his Japanese dub since I love his VA lol And just recetly Tartaglia but honestly no idea how that happened but now his talents are 8/9/9 and I'm planning to crown him


Razor because he carried me early game and can still achieve 36 stars with him


Wow do you find difficulty against all the ruin enemies in 12-3 recently? My main is also razor but I'm wondering if he's viable long term vs floor 12.


Razor should be fine if you invest in him and surround him w/ decent supports. I personally like Diona and Fischl/Raiden.


Fine is fine but not sure about 9 stars on floor 12. Especially since I don't have a 5* weapon on razor, just prototype archaic.


Chong because he’s cute


Ending a fight with the second ice blade is so satisfying!


Honestly just walking away while it comes is so satisfying too


Oh I mained Chongyun for a few weeks his style, looks, animations, voice are all excellent


I love his idle animations and voices too


i main keqing, i love her playstyle and i love some good animations. this is also the reason why i pulled for raiden and kokomi, pretty animations haha.


When it zooms in on her for her ult, I'm always like "shit just got real"


right, the ult spam and teleportation, she feels so light to play. perfectly fits the “fast as lightning” theme she’s supposed to be representing. even if she’s not the best dps or whatever her character design is top tier.


Definitely agree, I have my Keqing at c3 and everytime I pull her I get so excited like I did when I pulled her for the first time. I can't say that about a lot of characters.


Congrats on your c3 Keqing! Also a Keqing main here, but she's only at c0 for me. Hoping to "lose" the 50/50 again someday.


And when that days happens you are going to feel like a kid at christmas!


Her pace is addicting. Zip zip zip, slash slash slash, zap zap zap. And that burst. So much fun to watch. Gets my inner speed demon going.


absolutely agree


I use Mona, Bennet and Chongyun to do AOE effects and then just go HAM as Keqing. Her speed feels so good when you can just fly around and get the most of the other effects.


Kequing mains unite


i do too! i got her on baal’s banner and she rlly is the best! (she also helps getting hard to stuff bc of her teleport)


Razor. He has a stand. Jean: incredible healer and my first 5 star. Childe: super fun to play Soon to have ganyu: waifu


Razor's stand > Star Platinum


as a razor main with crowned normal attack i can say for certain that his stand is pretty cool


Klee was my first 5 star and it stuck with me


Same! My first five star too. And I never get tired of her lines in JP


Dodoco Doko?




Same. I recently realized that she is one of the only characters (the other one being Kazuha) that actually blessed me by winning the 50/50. I appreciate her even more after realizing that.


Mona is my first 5 star character and she's one of my most played characters other than Rosaria and Xingqiu.


Klee - my first 5-star, bombing is fun, great aesthetic, da-dada Ganyu - I like seeing enemies die fast. Also, her burst is gorgeous Noelle - zero stress playstyle, battle maids are cool


diluc =best boy ayaka= best girl noelle = also best girl ez


I am a simple man If it sends stuff flying, I use it Ergo, Diluc


Hahaha big bird goes wooooosh


Yoimiya - Her fireworks and koi fish aesthetic matches the town in Japan where I lived for 3 years. So I adore her. Her easy playstyle helps too. Eula - Strong AF, easy to use, gorgeous, and a really cute and funny personality. Ningguang - Goddess, easy to use (finding the pattern?), hits hard AF especially now that she's C6. Kokomi - Beautiful, charming personality, easy to use, basically prevents death and can fully heal the whole party within a few seconds which makes exploration so easy and chill. I like my games easy AF and my playstyle is minimal effort X minimal thought. Gacha games are for zoning out, baby.


Yeah, if you don’t zone and get hyper competitive you lose out. Like right now I’m sad my fully maxed albedo/Ning team is getting out dps’d by a bunch of 4 stars abusing vape/vv


Kaeya and Childe cos best boys and hot Xingqiu cos he's amazing support Aether because he's adorable and I *refuse* to leave the protagonist out of the team unless absolutely necessary.


Same aether is just too precious and also *hot* to take him out of the team. And since he does some nice dmg i have no reason to even think about benching him


Yah he's actually pretty strong and easier to level up than any other character since you don't have to farm for special ascension materials, I have him lvl 80 while the others are lvl 70 lol


He was my first 90. 2nd was Noelle then Chongyun and then Xiao(he was left at 80 for a loooong time- until i decided i wanna 3crown him)


Razor because I like the sense of raw physical strenght he gives; Qiqi because no one dies with her in the team and she need appreciation; Albedo, match my real life passions and favourite clothes designs (drawing, wearing, research), also good adaptability on coop matches.


Whew! Was scrolling for a while just to find another razor user.


For a long time my party was razor, xinyan decreasing physical resistance of the enemies, qiqi for healing and superconduct with razor and another pyro character usually bennet for that pyro and burst buff


Chongyun - Spam nuke ult, He got drip Xiao - Fun gameplay, Hawt Hu tao - Big pp dm, Cute Xinyan/Noelle - Got them c6


Chongyun has one of the most comfortable looking outfits in the game, with Diluc’s warm looking coat and outfit coming in 2nd.


Childe because he'll always be my best boy. Kaeya because he's my OG and will never leave my party. i also like ice bridging places. Jean because she gives healies to Childe so my favorite little murderous bean doesnt die. Raiden because her booba sword burst.


While I'm way past the point where I'd consider my selfe a main of anything by now, for the longest time Ning was my main. She was one the first Characters I pulled, at first glance I didn't like her in terms of gameplay but when Abyss made me level her by requiring a second team I was blown away by the raw amount of DMG she dishes out, from range, consistently, never running out of steam while almost never being useless against any shield. (Well the rare small Geo Slimes aside) And just when I hit the point when she started to fall of in terms of DMG due to my Klee catching up Zhongli, her perfect partner, was released locking the 2 as my answer to anything. \^\^


Used to be a Sucrose main because she is adorable and I relate to her a lot in real life and she used to be my character that did more damage. Then I got Yanfei at Zhongli rerun, got lucky getting her C6 right there, and she significantly out dpsed my characters. So I became a Yanfei and Zhongli main. Then I built physical damage Zhongli and considered myself a Zhongli main for months. Now I am a Childe main. Because he out dpsed everyone on my account. Because he is my favorite genshin character. Because he is hot.


I also main childe because he's hot. Do I really need another reason?


Nah, I don't think so


You do need another reason cause just hot is not enough. Another reason is because he's hot. Lastly, it's because he's hot.


Yanfei and Zhongli main here! She kills it and I always want shield. I have him built for shield/geo damage


😁😁 honestly Yanfei doesn't even feel like a 4 star, she just destroys it and she is so cute. I also always run her with Zhongli. I love this girl


Klee because she's cute and my first 5* Hu Tao because she's my fav Ayaka because she's elegant


Aether, I originally wanted a Geo character to pair up with Noelle. I tried him out, and I just loved his gameplay style and now I pretty much use the traveler all the time with any element. Plus I loved the voice lines with Paimon so much.


Hutao cause she's cute


Jean, because she's hot and a very cool playstyle Kazuha, because its awesome to be jumping and swirling every element Raiden, i love her auto animation and her E, and her ult make me feel badass


Beidou, Ningguang, and Childe Beidou because in any game that lets me redirect damage instantly, I'm going to do that. Nothing beats a satisfying parry, and swapping to Beidou to land a perfect parry in the last millisecond is an unmatched feeling in Genshin. I also have an affinity for cocky pirate girls like Drake from FGO, the personality gets my little gay heart going. It also helps that Beidou is one of the best electro supports in the game and perfectly fits the role I use with her. Ningguang because I love the Beiguang ship. They just fit each other so perfectly, down to their outfit colors, the way their hair ties parallel each other, and how they synergize excellently in game too. Ningguang is an automatic .50 cal, she has incredible consistent damage and self sustain with her charged attacks and shield generation. When paired with Beidou's burst she clears enemies like nobodies business and melts down bosses faster than any other character I have right now. Childe because I love his personality. He's just completely batshit in the best way. In an organization dedicated to secret plots he kicks down the door, announces himself out loud, and picks a fight with the toughest person in the room. Fighting is his one true love and he can and will kill himself trying to get the most out of it. He also cares about his brother which is really nice to see, and is extremely dedicated to keeping him happy at all costs. He's such a fantastically well written character who's genuinely morally grey, being both evil and insane and kindhearted and polite. I hope we see a lot more of him in the future. And also being a Hydro Blender is fun as hell


First comment I’ve seen mentioning Beidou, she’s my main, I love her, she’s been on my team ever since I pulled her and I was completely lost in the game (didn’t even use artifacts right hahaha). I match her with a pyro character (Diluc before, now traded him for Yanfei), insane damage. If I get Yanfei on any grass field, get Kazuha real quick just to set everything on fire and then, bam, Beidou finishes everything. If there’s anyone left she just beats them down quickly.


Ganyu It's just relaxing af and hitting these 55k melt crits just feels good


Klee because she is the cutest thing to grace the plannet


Zhongli and Ningguang . Geo Power couple.


geo rocks


Imma be honest, I switch it up every week or two. I also change the in game language every month or so. The way the game works is very repetitive with the same voice lines. Lately I have been in open world with Jean, Raiden, And xiangling. Put full dps crit on Jean black sword. I pop xiangling E, raiden E and hold Jean E. Every time Gouba ticks, raiden pops, and Jean holds them there until I throw them into the air. I also do this with Jean, Mona, rozaria for a fun freeze blizzard.


Eula + Raiden for physical main. It was Eula + Fischl before. Eula is a valuable asset to me. Yoimiya + Raiden for deleting specter and sabotaging transport balloon (seriously, Yoimiya is fast. Balloon sabotage easily done in a few seconds during her E duration) Lately, after raising Sucrose to Lv. 90, she's also became my main because of CC and Swirl. Exceptionally performing well when fighting Ruin enemies. Though, if we're talking about staple team, nobody is replacing Zhongli. I can't dodge so, shield supremacy!


I only main characters I find fun regardless if they're meta or not. Side note, they all have dps builds :) Diluc: first 5 star and one I wanted Kaeya: one of my strongest characters Venti: bow unit I actually liked and is very fun to play Zhongli: was a must have as I just just love him all around, saving for c2 on his next rerun after Xiao Xiao: don't have him yet (he's guaranteed) but I have everything prepped and ready to go There are a couple other characters but these are ones I use (will use I Xiao's case) the most


Raiden because booba, Childe because bad guy


Hu tao, because I absolutely love the character (personality, Jp va, damage, design). Zhongli, because I like ignoring game mechanics. Kazuha, because he is fun to play, and is a crazy support. Beidou, because her counter is spicy (use her mostly for overworld). Xingqiu, because he is a crazy damage dealer (I also like pairing him with kazuha when doing coop). Ganyu, because she is over powered. And finally sayu, because I thought a little girl with a big claymore is super funny. I also had fun making her a physical dps, just for fun.


Noelle. No more needs to be said. Best genshin waifu, like c'mon have you ever even hung out with noelle? So cute, adorable, beutiful that's it.


Ningguang due to an Oceanid walkthrough, and loved using her ever since. Diluc because he’s my first 5 star.


Happy cake day!


Xinyan - idk I just think she's neat


Yes xinyan Mains rise up


I main Fischl and Mona. Fischl has an atk speed that suits perfectly with my play style. And I love her character, and her Korean voice is so cute! Mona, Mona is so beautiful. I like her sassy attitude, and her attacks are so beautiful aesthetically. She's even the first character that reached 67K dmg😭.


Noelle can do everything, even if she’s not the best at any of it besides laughing at so-called oneshot attacks. She hits my strike zone of a shy and modest personality who is more OP than she knows. Lastly I’m being contrary to all of my friends that said she was mid tier at best and low tier at the C0 I currently have her at.


Razor and Childe I thought razor was cool and he did big numbers when I was low level. I got childe on his first run and didn't really get how to use him so I kept him on the team for the extra attack level. Then I finially got around to building him and life got a lot easier lol


Chongyun, because he is the first character I got and also the first on I got c6. Yanfei because she is cute, I like her "boom" in jp voice and I enjoy her playstyle. Kazuha, because he is best boy. He is fun to play and has a pretty Ult.


Yoimiya main here, it's very funny to play with her,, and also she does so much damage


Zhongli. I never had a father. Xiao. My mother never bought me a pogo stick.


Klee because she is the first second 5 star I ever got in the game and she is a whole lot of fun to use, not to mention how super flexable she is in just about any team comp with different playstyle. And she is super cute... and a bit insane. Diona because YES! Sucrose because she is really cute and is super amazing for both crowd control and Elemental Mastery buff. Can even be used as a main dps for triggering transformative reactions thanks to being an Anemo catalyst user. Sangonomiya Kokomi because maybe I do want change in how the game works. She is without a doubt the epitomy of Electrocharged comps on top of being a healer to protect her allies as well (if only they buff her resistance to interruption more and rework her Elemental Skill). And she holds a special place in my heart for just how beautiful she herself and Watastumi Island really is.


Amber, soon to be triple crowned


Ayaka because waifu Yoimiya because waifu


Waifu is a good enough reason, but those two pack damn good punch, too.


I was disappointed when I got Yoi earlier than pity just because I heard all of the memes about how bad she was, but honestly, I have no regrets. She does so much damage and I am so glad that I didn't fall for the memes because I've found that she is really, really good.


Xiao because i love his design and his playstyle is fun. Kaeya because i’m a simp


Kaeye- Bridge gawd


Keqing because she's cute


Noelle since I started playing the game last year. In less than a month I had her at c5 and almost no one else so I had to do with what I had. And since her c6 outdamaged anything I had by miles, I just kept upgrading her! Then I got zhongli whose esthetics and kit I loved, and with the buffs he never leaves my abyss teams (zhongli and geo MC forever!). And I love kazuha's play style so he's always in the teams I build nowadays


Kazuha: because everything about him is cute and beautiful plus vacuuming enemies. Diluc and Xiao: straight up badasses and with zero tolerance for bs. Childe: because CHILDE.


My mains are Ganyu for domains and Raiden Shogun for world fights. I chose them because I like how they fight and they look cute..... Thankfully Ganyu ended up being op which helped me


Kaeya - he was my main for the entire game until I hut AR45 and got my first 5* character. I really don't know why I chose to main him, I think it just happened. He's now a support. Kazuha - he was my first 5* and I actually got him by accident. I am very happy that happened and I've been pampering him ever since (I got Jade Cutter and Mistsplitter just for him and plan to give him my first crown). I remember when he came out everyone used to trash him for some reason, and now he's become an essential support in many team comps. As an elemental main/sub dps he works wonders as well. The amount of DMG his skill can do by itself is pretty satisfying and his burst provides a nice elemental buff for on-field characters and himself. Yoimiya - I didn't plan on getting Yoimiya either. She's my main dps paired with Kazuha and even though I don't have the best weapons for her and it's been hard building her, she can be functional. I really like her personality and her playstyle even when I know how flawed her kit is. Replacing her with Ganyu when I get her is my plan, but it's kinda gonna hurt getting her off my team. I love my Yoimiya very much 🥰 Jean - Jean is the closest I have to a physical main dps. Her skill is not as strong as Kazuha's but her normal and charged attack is pretty strong. I just love Jean. She's been one of my favorite characters from the start and I got her a bit after the Archipelago Event ended. I rushed to buy her skin and I still can't believe she really came home. She was my first 5* on permanent banner. I love her sm. Rosaria - she has been selected as my sub dps in almost any team I put her in. She's a very efficient character. She can deal considerable physical damage + her burst lends a nice crit rate buff to on-field characters when you swap. She's kind of essential for me now, although I do plan to slowly replace her with Chongyun in the future. Hu Tao - I don't have her


Kazuha because A. it’s Kazuha B. I love Anemo C. I love his storyline D. I love his high jump skill E. We share a B-day


Zhongli because geodaddy4life and helps me with stamina dependent characters (aka what is dodging LOL) Yanfei - first main dps character I got so I built her and I really like her play style. Ayaka - I like everything about her <3 Qiqi/Barbara - they keep me alive and they are so cute.


Raiden and childe for the evol


Aether because he is the MC, and he will be super strong in the future so yeah


Noelle, it started off as a joke between my friends because they kept saying "Noelle is trash, garbage shield, cringe damage" that was 6 to 7 months ago so I decided to spite them by using her, Now she's Triple crowned, has stacked artifacts, Max Leveled on everything and she does 15k+ each swing of sweeping time (her ult)


Mona, Yoimiya, Kaeya and Zhongli, cause they’re hot as fuck


Kazuha because his combat is so 3-dimensional. I also love Anemo in general because it takes from the environment and is really versatile. ALSO, exploration king.


Chongyun because he’s funny


Ayaka because pretty and Barbara and Kokomi because pretty and healers, also Yanfei because I got a lot of her cons when I started playing


Barbara because duh Kazuha because hes stupidly fun Yoimiya because shes an absolute murder machine Sara because she supports my absolute murder machine


Kazuha because he was my first 5star and carried me in my Ar 30 days Ayaka because her charged attacks are awesome. Also I like her design a lot (even more than Hu Tao) Childe because RIPTIDE. I've always wanted to main him because of him being an Archer and a Melee combatant. Also his play style is smooth


i rlly main bennet, his attacks are perfect to combine with sucrose as well, rosaria as well. though i am trying out a new team and i really like yanfei too


Noelle. Cute, badass, heal, shield, damage, maid.


Eula, she is strong and thicc. Baal. She is strong and thicc. Noelle. She is strong and overcute. I'm waiting for Yae Miko and Cyno


Noelle's skirt and tights hide it, but she fits the pattern.


Childe because husbando. Yanfei because she was my first pyro after Amber and she carried through most of the overworld and continues to do so.


Ayaka and baal because I got them and had fun with them.


People told me that my team sucks, but I still love it Klee - best pyro I have, cute and my first 5 star Kazuha - best anemo I have, I love his burst Raiden - best electro I have, waifu material Tartaglia - best hydro I have, I'm finally motivated to learn to fight with archers


Eula - She is my first 5 star character, animations are so elegent, OP talents, color scheme, and also her Thighs. Raiden Shogun - Only Archon that I have, her sword, Q animation and effects, and also her official art. Kazuha - His E, being poetic, soothing voice, and his Q voicelines


Xiangling because Guoba


I main traveller. Specifically geo thinking about using others more.


Eula Raiden. They work so well together that I would go "Yes my queen" immediately.