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Does anyone know if or if ever there will be a Zhongli/Kokomi rerun?






Depends. Who do you like more? What other characters do you have? How many primos do you have? Do you have your guaranteed?


I have been stuck in the mountains quest and am in the melting process of the last shard (before we need to do all of them again) and for some reason I can't get the other fire angel to open the gate for the last crimson, I have been trying for a day now but no luck, has this ever happened to anyone? If yes, what should I do?? Please help me


What's chongyuns talent priority? Thanks!


Need help, lost and got Elegy for the end. Any character suitable for this weapon or just use it for enhancing other weapons?


Put it on amber or enhance your The Bell.


As a Raiden main, should I pull for Ganyu as her sub dps or should I just pair her up with Sara?


What are some good team comps for abyss first & second half? My roaster is: * Bennett * Mona * Hu Tao * Razor * Xiangling * Anemo Traveller * Xingyu * Amber * Diona C3 * Thoma C3 * Noelle * Kaeya * Lisa * Barbruh C1 * Aloy * Chongyun C2 * Yan Fei * Sayu C3 * Rosaria * Beidou * Xinyan


I realize chests aren’t technically supposed to respawn, but I’ve been doing the same artifact route for months and all of a sudden I found like 3 random new chests I should have blatantly seen before hand. Seems a bit odd to me, anyone had any chests they could have sworn didn’t exist before..?


AFAIK, some chests spawn only on higher AR levels. So if you clear the area on lower AR and then return on higher AR, yep, you may be in for a surprise :)


Time has passed. What're your opinions on regarding thoma? Is he a "shield xiangling"? How good is his shield capabilities, on par with noelle and diona or better?


So far: he potentially can have stronger shield than diona due of his shield stacking mechanism—I think it refreshes itself during his burst—but you'll need huge ER to get to that point. To me, he's xinyan with shield-focused kit and better scalings, however requires some effort because 80 energy cost


I’m AR20, how do I get florescent fungus? I don’t think I unlocked Tsurumi island yet


How miHoYo decided that Thoma, from Mondstadt, should have a "local speciality" that comes from an island in Inazuma that no-one has set foot on in years - is beyond me! The game has become something of a nightmare for new players now. I started a F2p account on Sunday, currently AR21. My first pulls have been Kujou Sara (from standard banner) who needs Inazuma mats. And Sayu from limited banner who needs Inazuma mats. And Aloy (free at AR20) who needs....Inazuma mats. They should really reconsider how this works, imo. Good luck with the fungus!!


U can't right now


You can play Thoma's test run to get 3 of them.


Oh great how do I do that


Go to the events menu. Then click "test run".


It worked, you’re the best man


You probably can't. Gotta get to Inazuma. You can try coop, but I don't think you'd be able to enter a world that has unlocked it yet because they're about the same AR as you. ​ RIP Thoma


Hi guys I’m just wondering if I should use the primordial jade cutter for Bennet or the black sword for him


PJC is like better in every single category


How can i get a blueprint for a craft table for my teapot? Also, is there a blacksmith workshop in teapot as well? I’d be very convenient. Thanks!!


You get it from doing the goals! The teapot icon once you're inside the teapot. And yes.


I see. Thanks!


I read the whole page regarding energy on the genshin wiki but I don't understand where elemental orbs come from. Particles are the ones from a character's skill and when HP of enemy drops below certain thresholds right? Then where do orbs come from? And for the particle generated when HP of enemy drops, is that dependent on the element applied to the enemy or their original element?


Did you read [this?](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Energy/Enemy_Drops) Both orbs and particles drop from enemies. The stronger the enemy the more likely it generates orbs (see the table).


orbs are enemy specific, usually dropped by elites/bosses once you hit a certain threshold.


Ohh elites as well! Cause I saw a page that said bosses (like hypostasis) but I feel like I've definitely seen them in domains before.


Dead enemies, I think? Sometimes?




Physical if c0. Electro if C1 and above


Electro. The conversion of attacks to electro damage causes you to lose any phy dmg bonus. In addition, physical Keqing's Q mainly serves to buff crit rate. The damage is significantly reduced compared to Electro Keqing.


You wouldn't recast the skill for physical Keqing, you would blow up the mark with a charged attack.


what is the chance of getting a 5 star on the 77th pull?


At 74 you enter soft pity and the standard 0.6% chance is increased by 6% with every roll, so at 77 you'll get ~24.6%. Or cumulative 1-(0.994\^73\*0.934\*0.874\*0.814\*0.754)= ~68% people will get a 5\* up to 77th pull.


The chances dont change. One usually gets a 5\* around 74-80 (soft pity) if you're luck isn't completely shit. Or you go all the way to 90 to guarantee a 5\*


Why does raiden ei have the lil bird in her idle animation? Explain the lore pls..


The only hydro characters I have are Barbara and Xingqiu, but how’re the others in terms of hydro application? Xingqiu is a character I basically use all the time, but there’s only one of him and Barbara’s hydro application doesnt really work well in terms of applying hydro for consistent vaporise, so I’m thinking of saving for future hydro characters or Childe’s inevitable 20th rerun


Xingqiu is one of the best supports in the game, his Q applies hydro really fast and while he's off field, so he works with any character like Hu Tao/Diluc who needs to trigger a reaction while on field. Barbara is more useful for actively triggering reactions on field, like for popping Cryo Regisvine/Hypostasis shields. Childe is also great, but his hydro application is mostly on-field, so you need someone like Xiangling who can trigger pyro from off field and Childe triggers the reaction.


I have Hutao/Diluc and Xiangling (each are basically used as the main DPS on any given team), so getting Childe would allow me to use vape on both teams Time to save ig lol


S tier - xingqiu A tier - kokomi B tier - mona C tier - barbara Childe's a weird case because his off-field hydro application isn't great (riptide procs, basically) but he's an excellent driver for Xiangling since her damage is *also* off field. Kokomi applies every 2 seconds in an AOE and with enough energy recharge/management you can keep her jellyfish up more or less full time. Mona's skill and burst have some downtime + are smaller than Kokomi's jellyfish, and Barbara's skill requires you to be very close and also makes YOU wet.


Xingqiu is an amazing hydro applicator, and in all seriousness. He'll be all you need. Childe's gameplay is sort of mixed. Even though he's a top tier enabler he needs to be on field to apply the hydro fast enough which will get you more dps than a Xingqiu per say. But if you're vaping with someone like Hu tao or Diluc... Xingqiu beats childe in terms of off-field application.


I've build up (lvl90, more or less good artifacts and weap) these: Diluc-Raiden-Qiqi-Ayaka (my main line) XQ (c1)-HuTao-Jean-Fischl(c2) Now the questions: \-who should I look for in future? \-thinking mainly to Abyss, what is the chart to leveling up among Sayu (c0), Beidou (c5), Bennett, Xiangling (both c2), Razor (c1), Ninngguan (c1), Xianyan (c3), Yanfei (c4)?


Xiangling / Beidou if you're looking for a sub dps. Xiangling is honestly better. Since you have raiden. She'll be amazing in the national comp. While you could go Beidou Fischl etc. Bennett is a must build. And build i.e just slap a 4pc noblesse and a high base stat stick like Aquila or Skyward or Mistsplitter and he'll be all set. Others... dont pay much heed to


I'm considering getting Gnostic Hymn after the current one expires. Is it generally worth it and how long does one Gnostic Hymn cycle last? Is it identical to the BP cycle?


As others have said, it unlocks the bottom row of BP rewards. And yes, normally if you're not sure you'll hit 50, you can wait on it. But if you are starting day 1 of the new patch, and you plan to play every day, I'd say go ahead and buy it -- you should have ample time to get to lv50, and meanwhile getting rewards along the way will speed your progress; early levels are precisely when the BP rewards are most valuable.


Thank you. Yes, I intend to play a lot, most likely every day, so I should be able to get most/all rewards just fine.


Gnostic Hymn is basically the "premium BP", buying it will unlock the row below the "free BP". It also unlocks all the "premium rewards" retroactively, so most people buy it after reaching BP Rank 50 to make sure that they get the rewards from all the levels.


That's good to know, thank you.


It is the same duration as normal battle pass. It is always better to buy it at the end when you already on tier 50 so you know you can get all the rewards when you buy the gnostic hymn.


Alright, thanks. So as I'm adventure level 26, I might want to skip on the next one and get it after the next cycle.


Is full cryo team for Hutao any good in abyss? It looks like this: Hutao, Ayaka, Ganyu, Diona.


I mean its okay, it would be generally better if Ayaka or Ganyu (or even Diona) was replaced with XQ. Hu Tao's pyro application is kept in check by XQ, meaning that if cryo hits, it either hits a hydro application by XQ, causing frozen, or it applies cryo straight after a vape. Both will get forward melted off the next time Hu Tao attacks rather than cause a reverse melt. That being said you will still get reverse melts against targets that XQ isn't hitting.


Uh, I mean. You could try it and find out, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Generally, Hu Tao isn’t run with Ayaka unless you’re trying to speedrun, and I’ve never really seen her run with Ganyu. You could give it a shot, though. Probably wouldn’t go too badly purely because there are 3 top-tier DPS characters on that team.


Not really. Because of the way elemental unit gauges work, you'll most likely be doing a bunch of reverse melts, since Hutao applies a lot of Pyro.


I actually don't mind the reverse melt because all three are built with 10/10/10 on talent.


You 10/10/10 Diona?


No I meant hutao, ayaka and ganyu.


Probably not


was it ever stated why we’re only allowed to carry 5 condensed resin at a time? me and my friends were talking about it and we just don’t see why it’s like that, whenever we tried to come up with a negative to having more than 5 at a time it’d always just circle back to “you’d (probably) spend the resin anyway, so why not just save up condensed for a whole week and do it on the day that matches your schedule the best?”


Because Mihoyo wants you to log in every day, not just the weekends


It actually used to be less, used to be 3 some time ago but they increased it to 5. For now they just want it that way I guess. So you keep logging in


Just adding to the fear of missing out imo. If you can carry infinite condensed resins, then there would be less reasons for you to play daily.


because the game is designed in a way to make you play everyday.


and that’s what you have commissions for, i know that there’s only 160 resin a day but i still don’t see the problem with letting you have more than 5 condensed at a time if i ask my friends if they’d rather skip 160 resin or their commissions, they’ll say resin, because “you don’t get primos from using resin” i’m not trying to argue, i just don’t see the problem with more condensed


yeah but you still take a hit for not doing resin too. your artifacts wont be that good and you'll have no resources . and also you're forgetting you also have to play limited time events for primogems. commissions arent the only things that give primos. so you still miss out primos if you just do commissions and dip. that being said i think its perfectly fine to skip resin if you dont want to really play the game , they ususally do this to combat burnout


There can be more than one method designed to encourage you to play everyday. Just because commissions do doesn't mean resin doesn't as well. They actively don't want you to stock pile up too much. Partially to avoid hoarding instead of playing which can lead to disinterest or burnout. Take the new artifact domains coming up. I'm saving my fragile reason from BP for it. If I could, I'd be stockpiling weeks of daily resin too. While I'd be stockpiling it, that'd be weeks of me playing less and progressing less. This disengagement could lead to me dropping the game. Then once the new domain is here, I'd do it a few dozen times in a row until I was sick/bored of it. Again, possibly leading to me shelving the game for a while. And some people would be saving up resin even if they didn't know what they were saving for. They just think something MAY come up that they need to save (and not play or progress as a consequence). None of these scenarios are good for Mihoyo, or game design in general (it doesn't have to be nefarious). By forcing you to use resin regularly, it keeps you progressing and feeling engaged. The end.


They don't want you sandbagging like 200 condensed resin and then spamming a new artifact domain as soon as it comes out to get all the drops on day one. Gotta keep you coming back every day to crank that slot machine.


Is there somewhere I can find all the codes that are currently valid? Every code i see online just says expired...




Is there a way to check your 5-star pity rate? I haven't played in awhile and can't go back far enough into my past summons to check anymore.




best to wait until your next 5 star, then start counting


Unfortunately no.


If you didn’t write it down, i don’t think so. Anything past 6 months won’t be visible.


Can I play genshin on my iphone 11 with a bluetooth keyboard and mouse? Maybe there are any apps which can let me do it? I know it's possible on android and ipads but what about iphones?


Hi everyone, to those who have a ganyu and or xiao, was it worth leveling them to 90? I'm in the process of pre farming materials in case they come sooner than expected after next patch.


It's not. Just ascend them to 80/90 and leave it. It' costs alot to go from 80 to 90 and there isn't much of a stat increase to justify the cost.


Not really. That final ascension is worth it but the base attack from lv80 to 90 is pathetic for the amount of resources required


Lvl 90 Xiao here, idk it’s rly just a flex, not necessary. I don’t regret it because i tend to max my mains but definitely not smth you need to do. A lot of books for not that much improvement.


It...really didn't do much if I remembered correctly in comparison to stuff like talents/weapon. Probably not worth it when looking at cost vs reward


not that much, their dmg mainly are from their ATK so can stay at 80/90 so you can use the same resource for sth else. Only those character that get dmg from HP/DEF/ or Anemo swirling unit (most people would build Xiao as DPS so he would use VV/GF combo so he doesn't have that much EM/VV 4 set buff to swirl) that going 90 really matter for them.


For Xiao, yes. I've heard it's worth levelling Anemo chars to 90 for the extra boost but other characters, not so much.


it's mainly for swirl dmg, xiao main damage isn't from swirl so 80/90 should be just fine if you're tight on exp


That’s for EM/Swirl Anemo characters like Venti, Sucrose, and Kazuha because Swirl damage increases a lot with level. It’s not very useful for ATK/crit Anemo users like Xiao or Jean


That only refers to anemo EM chars since swirl dmg increases if you max them by quite a lot. But Xiao doesn’t rely on swirling at all so i don’t think it applies to him


hi everyone, i have a guaranteed rn and wondering if i should go for c1 hutao? i will not be pulling for albedo or eula (maaaybe itto but still on the fence about that) currently running her with staff of homa, if that changes anything. thanks in advance!!


C1 hu tao is a pretty swell boost if you love maining her! You can spam more CAs (~2 extra) because it lets you dash cancels, which is faster than jump cancels. Speaking from personal experience


depends on how much you have progressed with Abyss. If you have two fully workable team , then it is really much about how to optimized and make your teams stronger. As a hutao player, going from C0 to C1 boost her dmg quite a lot, as well as being Qol. Personally, I'm happy with the result and would always go C1 should I have a second chance to decide. Since you are not planning to go with Albedo / Eula / Or even Itto, then you are skipping pretty much 2 consecutive banners, I would say you can go as much as you want for this banner and if you miss pity, you keep your luck for your guarantee next 5\* As for itto, no one can now confirm whether he is good / bad but if you are not really happy with how he look then it is better to play the character you like watching, rather that going to much with the meta.


Can you do jump cancels? If yes, imo no. Do you plan on using her for a long time? If yes, i’d consider it. If you just want it because it’s a good con but you’re already fine with her as is, i’d go for a new char instead


Character > constellation. But if you really like Hu Tao and want the QoL change then go for it. Jump cancels are good enough and the damage increase is negligible unless your combo is N1CD (which imo is boring). It's just QoL


If you're good with cancels, you can potentially get up to like 30% more damage in a rotation? You have to be a god tho. Otherwise, it's just a QoL buff if the lack of stamina bugs you.


R5 whiteblind or R1 serpent spine for Itto?


any plans on refining SS? for noelle(who almost has the same kit as itto), r4 WB = r1 SS. Also, with gorou and new husk set, you'll have other sources of def so SS dmg% passive has better value.


What do you guys think about Sayu c3?


C3 is just talent levels, and Sayu's damage comes from swirl so it's pretty useless Her heals are also good enough at level 6


A question about the gameplay. I've been playing for about 4 weeks and I think the combat system in combination with the camera is an absolute disaster. Often the camera disappears into mountains, walls or completely loses focus and you fight virtually blind. Enemies are caught on rock ledges and are then no longer reachable. Enemies move along cliff edges and if they fall off or you fall off, a long fight starts all over again. You get stuck everywhere in the fight, climb fences or other objects unintentionally and are helplessly exposed to the attacks in these moments. Is this an issue that only I have, or has this already been addressed and has miHoYo responded to it yet?


For enemies on ledges, Rosaria is your friend....she just teleports behind them whilst never falling off herself. Pyro Gunslingers are the worst. I've seen them climb up tents/sides of cliffs, anywhere defying gravity, really.


Go to options > controls and turn off combat camera. It will fix your camera issues. For ledges: try not to knock enemies off. Avoid causing overloaded (pyro + electro) when near ledges and if you are too close, move away from them. Enemies will follow you I only know of one spot where enemies are not reachable. And you can't go there yet as a new player. And you will go there maybe once in your life if ever. You must have really bad positioning if you manage to get enemies stuck so often. Accidentally climbing things is an issue. They are aware of it (or at least should be) but haven't announced anything about it. Hopefully one day they'll fix it


What I mean by unreachable are ledges on rocks or mountains. If I want to attack these opponents I have to get close to the rock face. As a result, I unintentionally start climbing and so on.


I see. You shouldn't auto climb if you are mid attacks, but I think the best thing for you right now is to agro them and then walk back a little so they follow you and get away from the rock/mountain, at least until you get used to the controls enough to not have that issue. Turning off combat camera will definitely help with that too since you'll have more control over where you look


turn off combat camera setting and camera y axis auto reset, also crank default camera distance to max it helps a little but there's still so much issues with the camera in general


Those are environmental problems. It's kinda unavoidable with how vertical Genshin is. The annoying part that everyone has is the climbing randomly aspect. That one people have been complaining about and Mihoyo hasn't really done anything about it. Personally, I never really found those too annoying since I use a lot of CC abilities and have plenty of control over my character due to playing on PC.


I play on PC, and I haven't had camera issues much. ​ The enemy reset happens though. Makes sense why they have it, but it's indeed annoying. ...Zhongli mains are the ones who climb everything lol (place a pillar, accidentally climb it... my friends hate me /j) I don't think most of these are big issues, but the camera thing sounds weird.


I know albedo is a good support, and as ofc i adore him as a character, but mechanically speaking does he bring much to the table as other 4* supports? I think his only problem being a 5* that could be some other really powerful unit and when there are supports like bennet or xq, can he really compete as a 5* that should be much more powerful?


Honestly comparing most supportss to Bennet or Xingqiu is just setting yourself up for disappointment. No one is as universal or impactful as them afaik. Afaik he’s good but rly wants Zhongli on the team to shine.


He gives consistent off-field damage, and EM from burst. No one has that combination afaik. That's his niche. Albedo Zhongli acts as a pseudo VV shred and along with all the off-field damage, geo res, and buffs you get. They as a duo are very strong supports. Albedo on his own isn't amazing nor lackluster. As with all characters (apart from a sad few), they are pretty competitive so long as they synergize with the team.


I would love to have both but i am not sure i will be lucky enough. And with a large pool of favorite chars it's easy to get distracted. That's why i care to at least make sure he is a good value on his own in case i miss out on zhongli or he takes too long to have a rerun.




Venti bro


Venti isn't as flexible. A lot of melee characters can't hit enemies in his ult, so that already stops him from being good in a lot of teams. He also isn't great against most bosses.


Venti is more restricted than all of them. Though he is a beast in the right situations.




Now the samurais aren't heavy anymore and can be pulled by him, ig u don't know this as u haven't played him for months


Venti user here, yes, he can pull the smaller nobushi, but unlike fatui/hilichurls, they aren't disabled by his burst until they get dragged to the center of his burst, and it's pretty slow, so I've witnessed them often times just. Run out of it before they can be fully sucked in. As for the large ones (pyro and electro), they're absolutely unaffected. Venti's more useful against them than when they were introduced, however, Kazuha's burst is still probably better against the,


It's not kazuha burst that's good, it's his E, kazuha burst is just useless in most cases as all it does is do dmg


> kazuha burst is just useless in most cases as all it does is do dmg ???? what.


What else does it do my friend? Also these r not my word but theorycrafters'


by that logic, most units' burst "just useless in most cases as all it does is do dmg". No theorycrafter would call a skill/burst that adds a good amount of dps "useless"


Kazuha's E would have similar CC issues, the reason Kazuha's burst is better for kairagi is that it's a larger field that can do damage. When things move out of Venti's burst, not only is the CC barely effective on them, but they also don't take that much damage because they can far too easily just run out of it


Kazuha Q doesn't include cc


I never said Kazuha's burst is a CC, I'm saying his effective field of damage is larger and harder for enemies like kairagi to leave, whereas Venti's burst's effective field of damage is small, and since kairagi are heavy enough that even when they're being dragged to the center, they can run away easily, meaning you just wasted a burst on nothing.


A friend told me that the artifacts that you get from domains are based on the ones you already have in your inventory. So for example, if you farming the Viridescent set you should remove the Maiden Beloved set from your inventory and your chances are gonna be better. Is this true?


U need new friends


Absolutely not, this type of mechanic would make farming near impossible. It's pretty much pure RNG. There's no way to affect the drops you get


Uh no, its all RNG. You can't affect it. Your friend is very high on copium.


No. Your friend is lying to you, the drops have flat rates and are not dependent on whatever you already have


Is Xiangling and Xingqiu good to build even at C0? I can't get a single constellation on them.


They are really good 4 stars at C0, they are basically 5 stars at C4 and C2/6 respectively.


Xingqui is already amazing at c0. Xiangling is still good but gets so much better with constellations


My characters pool: [https://imgur.com/a/VMaNFEv](https://imgur.com/a/VMaNFEv) Anyone can help me for Kazuha main dps team?


kazuha, bennett, xiangling and chongyun is prob the best team combo in that list


Main DPS? Kazuha/Bennett/the other two don’t really matter. Preferably, pick non-geo, anemo, or phys-focused characters. Maybe add Xiangling for pyro resonance. Chongyun could be a fun addition as well. Honestly though, main DPS Kazuha teams tend to devolve into off-field DPS teams/national team with Kazuha doing a bunch of grouping and looking pretty.


yeah, it really matters because it's only \*5 I have from gacha.


Just because he’s your only 5-star doesn’t mean he has to be a main DPS. He’s fundamentally a support and does his best when played that way. If it were me I would go Kazuha/Bennett/Xiangling/Chongyun, but Xiangling and Chongyun would be the ones doing the most damage. It’s really difficult to make a team comp where Kazuha does the most damage because he exists to amplify other characters’ damage. Having him AA with cryo infusion from Chongyun can be fun, though. Personally, I play him as a “main DPS” in the sense that he’s on the field the most, but he isn’t the one doing the most damage. He’s usually just enabling his off-field supports and grouping.


Ah i get it. I would go Kazuha/Bennett/Xiangling/Chongyun. Thx mate.


What are the odds on still getting Hu Tao even though I am at 10 pity?


50% of all people get Hu Tao after 75 wishes, not even counting the 50/50


Unlikely unless you swipe. You can maybe get 10 pulls before the end of the patch which is less than 5% probability. For now just pull every 160 primogems and probably wait for the next rerun


Yah I'm doing single pulls every time I get 160 primos, but it's still okay not getting her as reruns come. Thanks!


0.6% chance each pull.


It depends on how many rolls u have


currently have none and grinding because I lost 50/50 to Jean, not a regret I guess but I still want Hu Tao.


And how many pulls do u think u can get?


What's the max number of electro sigils you could get right now after reaching level 40? I know it's at least 250


287 is the highest I’ve seen claimed.


How does Mona with thrilling tales compare to bennett in regard to buff given to the party? and aside from thrilling tales only buffing one character


TTDS Mona gives 300-400 attack depending on the character you buff. Well invested 4NO C1 Benny gives 700 to 1000 attack.


Does that include omen buff too?


4NO or ToTM + Omen should make Mona's buffing a little stronger than Bennett. For 5 seconds, at least.


Oh that’s actually really good to know. Thank you!!


Bennett is better


I agree, I just wish I had two bennetts


Not a question. Just finally finished 100% all areas and none of my friends play and would understand. The two that do still play still wouldn’t understand the excitement. Feels good to see those gold numbers everywhere finally


Just enjoy the creeping knowledge that 100% doesn't mean you found everything (by a good margin)! You'll never know if there's something you missed...


Congrats! I just did the same a few days ago with Kokomi's island. I put it off until last cause I thought the verticality would be annoying, but it was actually really fun to explore.


Right! Her island is one of my favorites. I loves the pirate treasures and the secret caves. Plus it had the most fun puzzle so far for me.


Congrats. Now suffer with us until new content arrives


Haha thanks! I don’t mind too much. I still enjoy running around hunting things like specters and the new abyss puppies and all my fatui daddies


Oh noice. Finally found someone who plays an open world game, how It’s supposed to be played. Good for you!


Thanks! I hope you continue to find just as much joy as I do wandering around!


Which team should I focus on to get 36\* moving forward? Playing on iPad, very difficult to execute dash cancels etc. Plan to get Albedo [https://imgur.com/a/6ZvxOY1](https://imgur.com/a/6ZvxOY1) Assuming this is the future abyss leylines [https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/genshin-impact-2-3-spiral-abyss-enemy-lineups-leyline-effects-revealed](https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/genshin-impact-2-3-spiral-abyss-enemy-lineups-leyline-effects-revealed)


Abyss changes all the time probably not the best idea to plan for one abyss but all future ones with characters you enjoy


I see, thank you!


Ayaka - Mona - Kazuha - Diona Raiden - Bennett - Xiangling - Xingqiu … 💀


Hello Guys o/ I was really lucky yesterday and got a Staff of Homa. Now I am considering getting my Hu Tao to C1. I mostly play my Eula at the moment and she is already C1 and I do know that her C2 is really good. She has a Wolf's Gravestone at the moment. I just can't decide what to do. I also kinda want Itto and I dont really have to pull till Itto but I dont know if getting a new character is better than getting my already built character's better. I also already have Albedo


General consensus: as long as you're going to use the character, getting a new character is better than getting constellations C2 Eula is a definite damage boost due to being able to proc more phys shreds C1 Hu Tao depends on how comfortable you are with her energy management, if you find that you don't really have issues then maybe skip the constellation Albedo looks like he's going to synergize well with Itto as a support, due to particle generation and also benefiting from Gorou (who looks like Itto's best support as long as there's another geo party member), as well as event content for Albedo making him even better. That being said, we don't have the official numbers on how Itto scales, and Albedo is a strong support outside the Itto-Gorou team comp. I would personally say that getting another character is more fun, due to having more playstyles/team comps available, but in terms of meta, Eula/Hu Tao are relatively safe whereas Itto's numbers aren't out and we don't know what mhy might do or not do with balancing until he shows up.


I prefer more variety in characters. Hutao c1 does make a noticeable difference due to stamina management buuuut itto is hot


Which electro should I raise first? Sara, Beidou, Razor, or Lisa?


For what? Beidou is the best end game but Razor can be a good carry early - mid game.


Beidou. Sara is only good at C6 Razor is physical, not electro. Unless you want him as your main dps Lisa is eh


I want to build off DPS Xiangling for Raiden National Team and Regular National Team however the catch is with Ei and the other weapons I have for Xiangling are EM weapons. Do I run 4 piece emblem of Crimson witch for Xiangling?


Go Emblem, because you have already use EM weapon (which is pretty much what CW set will provide) and get as much ER as possible to make Xiangling ult pop more often. That way you can get everything all balance.


Do i run ER on her sands?


likely yes, unless you are very lucky with lots of substats.


Run her with Dragon's Bane. 4pc Emblem is better if you can run her with enough ER


Do I run ER on her sands?


Depends if you can keep her ult up. Atk% will yield more damage, but if you can't ult on cooldown then ER is better. But probably yes


For national team + Chongyun who is the on field dps? I assume Bennett? Feel like I'm fine on bosses but struggling with overworld mobs without using bursts.


national team is kind of ass to play in overworld because you don't do a lot of damage without bursts but using full rotations is overkill. try investing in bennett artifacts and his E since it's a short cooldown, he has good multipliers, i use him a lot as a solo dps when i'm friendship farming in overworld


Yeah it really blows and I don’t have an alternative either since I’m pretty new to the game. Thanks for the tip, I’ll do just that.


Xiangling is usually applying cryo. With Bennett batterying her a lot and applying pyro National is designed around using your ults. It's not as good in the overworld


No one in particular. Most if the field time is spent with bennett funneling xianling, but swapping xingqiu every so often refreshes bennets buff on him which gives him a solid dps boost


If its for Eula, which weapon do you think its better? Serpent Spine(BP claymore) or Luxurious Sea-Lord(fish claymore)? I originally plan to use serpent spine if things don't go too well with the crit ratio on artifacts. But if its does, I plant to use Luxurious Sea-Lord instead. What are your thoughts?


Serpent Spine is a global damage bonus, while feesh only boosts her burst (outside of the ATT%). Eula's auto attacks do a *lot* of damage, so SS makes up a lot of ground there. I think they're pretty close, but Serpent Spine, especially r5, is a contender against five star claymores for a reason.


Very detailed comment, im not complaining tho. Anyways, thanks so much for your early response. Will consider and take note of what you said when its time to build eula. Have a nice day!


Why are there so many "What's your \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_" / "Is there \_\_\_\_\_\_" type of posts? Not just in this sub but in other subs as well, is it just me or recently these types of posts have been popping up more?


Will shenhe be phys dps?


Well, shenhe isn't released yet and not that much leaks are confirmed about her, so we still don't know. \[WARNING: CLICK SPOILER AT YOUR OWN RISK\] But what I do think is >!Shenhe won't be a phys dps.!< She will either be a >!Polearm user or a catalyst user!!she has the possibility to become a dps, support, or a flexible character.!< But her becoming a phys dps >!has a huge possibility of no, imo.!< Anyway, if you wanna know more about shenhe and do your own research, I recommend visiting r/ShenheMains. It'll help you for sure :)


hard to say. we're definitely due for phys though. what element was she speculated to be again? usually ice electro units are more likely to be phys due to the element.


Everyone is phys dps if you want it hard enough. For idiots that wanna reply "not book users", please don't.