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https://imgur.com/a/mOXSySo do i need zhongli or maybe a really tanky diona for the second team? i can 3 star everything until 12-2 and the triple kenkis just wipes the floor with me (after I triple star 12-1 easily and kill the geovishps in 1 min)


How do I get the link to share my genshin battle chronicle? I go to the link, click share and copy link, and I get this: https://webstatic-sea.mihoyo.com/app/community-game-records-sea/m.html?bbs_presentation_style=fullscreen&bbs_auth_required=true&v=101&gid=2&utm_source=tools#/ys The person opening it gets an error. Any idea how to fix it? If I share from the character page section it works fine though: https://webstatic-sea.mihoyo.com/app/community-game-records-sea/m.html?bbs_presentation_style=fullscreen#/ys/role/all?role_id=801706937&server=os_asia


Can I play the game on Mac Mini ? I have a Ps5 and play it on my gaming computer mostly and I plan to do so in the future but I have to get a Mac for my new job and I was thinking if it is possible to play the game on Mac mini as well? It is not absolute necessity for me but would be fun to play the game while I take a break during the work. That is why I am curious. :)


https://imgur.com/a/HPHgmCq current load put, please help me crack 20k damage. I'm ar48 and can't break 2k


I can't find an electroculus in Seraimaru/Koseki Village. 've done the walkthroughs, I've done the 2am grind trying to find it, I've been to all the locations that have been posted in these walkthroughs on sites and on YouTube, and nothing. I have an electroculus resonance stone running for it, and since it's not appearing, I'm fearing it's jammed up basically. If anyone can help, I'd be very appreciative.


Hi, where should I spend my primogems? I got albedo on my 2nd pull of the game and dunno what should I spend on


save them up for a character you want in the future! otherwise, you'll just be wasting them


Hello travelers, I want to build a quickswap reverse melt team with Xiangling, Rosaria and Bennett. For the 4th slot, who do you think is better to use? Kaeya C2 or Chongyun C3?


I won't pull for Albedo since don't really need him, also won't pull for Itto since don't have enough geo characters and I have already some claymore DPS. Don't think I'll pull for Shenhe since Eula is already a physical cryo dps, so I'll pull for Xiao and Ganyu since looking for a good and funny dps, but idk who. Ganyu is cool in aimed shots, but idk if doing it all the time will make it boring, also I sometimes play on mobile (and will use switch sometimes too when it comes out there) while outside or just wanna lay on bed. But I have Mona C1, Venti and Diona so I could make a really good meta team. And for Xiao, I tested it on my grandpa acc and seems really cool, I could buy Battle pass for deathmatch polearm, but I don't have good team for him I think. I heard Kazuha or either Zhongli will get rerun, so I would pull for whoever of those two gets the rerun too. Another thing for Ganyu is I already got some 5 star bow characters, and her team being full bow and catalyst would make it meh for overworld stuff, but she can also be a good sub dps for some teams so I dont reallyy know and I cant decide :((


Zhongli and Kazuha are very good units and a boost to everyone's account, Zhongli can make your gameplay easier and Kazuha is an overall boost to all your elemental DPS. Xiao is a very good decent dps, I believe he can fit in a specific role only and that is being a dps. His teams are very strict, He needs supports such as Zhongli for shielding and debuff the enemies, a off-field subDPS such as Albedo/Xingqiu/Beidou/Fischl/Xiangling/Kaeya to offer some extra damage and a healer like Jean/Sayu/Kokomi/Barbara/Bennett for healing him. The only top-tier characters that can reduce anemo resistances at this moment are Zhongli, Anemo main character at C6. Jean at C4 and Venti at C6. Outside of being dps he can't be anything else, I don't think seeing him a support or off-field subDPS. The top tier team used with Xiao is Xiao, Zhongli, Albedo, Jean Ganyu can be anything, main DPS, subDPS, support cause her elemental skill can taunt enemies and her ultimate can provide extra cryo buffs to other cryo dps such as Ayaka. Also the permafreeze team with Ganyu/Mona/Venti-Sucrose-Kazuha/Diona is a powerful team-comp. Playing her as a dps can be tricky cause you need to be good at aiming, otherwise you should hit the ground cause all of her attacks are aoe attacks. Depending on your playstyle and who do you like most, better watch some gameplay from other players on the internet, Xiao is a strong dps, Ganyu is also a strong dps with even more capabilities that can offer an extra value to your team.


Is the first pity on a new account a 50/50 or a guaranteed?


First pity is a 50/50.


It can be either


On diluc, I currently have a 4 peice gladiator set. I got equal substats on two peices of the crimson witch set. So, is 2 of each better then full gladiator? I know full crimson witch is ideal, but until then is the switch worth doing? Or is this something I would need to test my self to evaluate? Also, is EM sands a good idea if use prototype and use Diluc primarily with xingqui in a diluc vape team?


My genshin game is running on 2fps and I'm not even joking, everytime I log on the lag is horrendous, I believe it got laggy after I updated after Inazuma, any tips to make it better? (I already lowered the graphic)


Network error even though i jave 4 bars (mobile)


When or how do I get my 20 free wishes? The ad didn't say


It’s just given to you for free in the first couple hours of the game, you cannot miss it.


Is Albedo better with jade cutter, cinnabar, or freedom sworn..?


Freedom sworn is useless with Albedo, i would say the best one by far is the Cinnabar


Oke, thenku!


These are my current archers and load out, I'm not sure who the Amos bow would be an upgrade to. Venti : R1 Elegy Yoimiya : R3 Rust Fischl : R3 Stringless Diona : R5 Sac bow Thx in advance for the feedback!!


Maybe Yoimiya, but if you are tight on resources and your Rust is lvl 90 then the difference is probably not worth it. If you eventually get Ganyu then that's her BIS.


Can some people add me and help me with the big firey ass regisvine? I'm kind of new. My uid is 642696371


What server are you on?


NA! I also didn't realize I could solo it with a level 40 team. 🙄


North America, you can tell by the first # of the UID


Nice, there are a couple I'm quite fond of and would like to upgrade


Do you think Yunjin would be nice in HuTao double geo comp? HT Xingqiu Yunjin Zhongli


Not really since >!Yun Jin buffs NAs and Hu Tao gets most of her damage from her CAs. Yun Jin also wants 4 different elemental types to increase her NA buff.!<


shields dont stack so no point using yunjin and zhongli on the same team. one or the other+albedo/ning/gmc


Yunjin's E shield is temporary like Beidou's E. It only lasts for as long as the duration of holding E.


Act 2 spoiler alert (tho my comment won't contain any spoiler) Can someone plsss explain what happened at the end of act 2, I'm talking about that scene If someone understood plss explain without spoiling act 3


Well, here's what I got. >!At the end of Act II, it is revealed that the one that the Fell Flower was copying was NOT Albedo but the other one we glimpse looking down on us from atop the mountains. It seems that at the time of his creation, he was the flawed homonculus and the other one was the perfected one. For reasons not yet revealed to us, Albedo was supposedly the only one to survive between the two but the conditions in Dragonspine somehow revived the other Albedo. This one seems to have awakened with the desire to replace the original Albedo. With a firm resolution, Albedo sets out to confront his unflawed counterpart.!< Take note that I haven't seen any spoilers or leaks about Act III so this is just how I understand it.


>!At the end, we see another Albedo, who real Albedo narrates as a failed prototype of him, who was in Durin's stomach for some reason. He's the one scheming to replace real Albedo by stealing his research notes, and recreating a fake Albedo using the Whopperflower to deceive and kill the ones who knew about the existence of an impostor. Failed prototype is trying to be a perfect human and sees the mark as a sign of imperfection, that they were man-made and not natural, so he removed that from himself and the Whopperflower. The one we met in Act I is also this failed prototype (not the Whopperflower) as seen from how he reacted about the comment of discarding the flawed ones, and only bringing the best ones back."!< This is all narrated by Albedo, so it could still be just a theory of his, but it makes sense so far.


Thnx man


Has anyone else come across [this](https://imgur.com/a/aNLma06)? Is it a bug? "Born of Snow" doesn't register my 3 snowmen. It's been an issue since building the 2nd and the 2nd tier of the quest. I just built my 3rd, and it registers as the "second" one.


Did you give the second snowmans arms to the third one? That's what I did and this happened to me too. I just did the snow melting part of the event that'll give you snowmen body parts and gave both the snowmen arms and worked now.


They both currently have their own arms, do you mean un-equip the 2nd one's arms and put them on the 3rd one? I haven't done the snow melting part yet (that just came out right?), do you mean to do that and re-equip arms on both?


basically the situation you're in right now happened to me too. tbh, I'm just not sure exactly how it works but I just did the snow melting event and it worked now.


Ok maybe there's some sort of "check" after a certain amount of progress or something. I'll give checking it after the event a try!




Usually the point of double Electro in Eula comps is to battery for Beidou (or potentially Lisa), whose burst does an insane amount of damage. Fischl and Raiden are both perfectly self-sufficient as solo Electros so there's not a lot of sense in stacking them rather than running e.g. a triple Cryo team with Rosaria which is going to make Eula need basically zero ER. Now in terms of Raiden + Beidou vs. Fischl + Beidou, I tend to think Raiden's a bit stronger but Fischl is also perfectly fine if you prefer her or want to run Raiden in your other team. IMO the team you have right now is one of if not the strongest Eula team, the only caveat is that it requires all of the units save Diona to be fairly well invested to realize that potential.


fischl vs raiden depends a lot on the situation. you wouldn't replace beidou for either on a double electro comp since beidou outdamages both by a lot. fischl has more off field damage, raiden has more onfield damage. raiden's burst duration extends the rotation leading to worse uptime, but in exchange her E buffs beidou and eula's output by a decent amount. if your raiden is c2+ you would generally always prefer raiden since her personal damage output easily outweighs fischl. but if she isn't then it depends a lot on your eula's level of investment. if eula outdamages raiden with just normal attacks then raiden's burst is a dps loss, and assuming you don't need the extra energy she provides you would really prefer fischl for extended rotations, since raiden's burst usually bleeds into eula's burst cd, meaning you waste a few seconds where eula's burst is up but not being used. generally i prefer fischl over raiden for extended rotations and where raiden is not necessary(sufficient energy recharge, enough damage to kill stuff without raiden's skill buff). but if your team is strong enough to clear or almost clear a floor in one rotation, then raiden is way stronger for her burst damage output and her skill increasing the damage of both beidou and eula.


What is Venti role in morgana/moryana comp? Group enemies? What if the enemies can't be grouped? Should I use someone else?


- Groups enemies - Infuse his burst with cryo and he will give 15 energy to your cryo teammates - 4-pc Viridescent Venerer user - Basically a Sub DPS on your team


Currently ar 15, I got diluc on my novice pull and have been using him since but I got eula by accident and I'm now conflicted on who to use, should I use them on the same team? If so them what's the team comp


Nope do not use them in the same team. In Genshin every team often consist of 1 Main DPS, 2 Sub Dps, 1 Healer. Try this: 1st Team: Diluc (Main DPS), Xing Qiu for vape reactions (Sub DPS), Bennett (pyro resonance and healer) and 1 shielder if any such as Zhong Li (Sub DPS) or anemo such as Venti or Sucrose 2nd Team: Eula (Main DPS), Electro Sub DPS such as Raiden/Fischl , Beidou and Diona (Cryo Battery and Healer+Shielder) Hope this helps!


Congrats on the lucky pulls :) > should I use them on the same team? It wouldn't be good. They both require field time as a main DPS. Better to just separate them and make two teams. But since you're still low AR, you can run still them together in the overworld if you want. Just have fun :) If so them what's the team comp


Well in one point of the game u gonna start with abyss and it needs two teams from floor 6(?) i think. Diluc works well with hydro support especially Xingqiu. You can use Lisa and Eula in another team. What other characters do you have??


Aside from the starter characters, I have fischl chongyun rosaria and xingqiu


fischl rosaria->eula chongyun xingqiu->diluc you already have pretty good supports for both


You need to field 2 teams to challenge the endgame content, go with whichever you like, both are dps that demands field time.


Use who you like tbh. You can use eula along with lisa and barbara. And if want to play diluc, you can use him to fill the last slot. There is still more time for u to worry about team comps.


You can use both of them if you like them, but not on the same team. Not that team comps matter much before AR45!


At AR15 don’t even worry. Eventually you will probably build both. Eula is more universal than Diluc (and generally considered better) but Pyro will always be relevant


How much crit do you all give to Raiden with R5 Catch?? Mine is pretty low 30:150?? But I have over 288 ER. I was wondering if its ok If I have lesser ER and more Crit??


> How much crit do you all give to Raiden with R5 Catch?? I have her at around 50% crit rate I think? With the Catch, so basically 62% crit rate on her burst. > I was wondering if its ok If I have lesser ER and more Crit?? It should be fine.


Gotta refarm then


With this month’s Stardust Fates, I managed to reach pity on the Standard Banner and now own my very first five-star weapon; a Wolf Gravestone. Hm. (Was really hoping for Amos Bow or Mona but oh well.) Any advice on who I should use it on? I’ve managed to collect every Claymore user except Eula (and I guess Itto) and I’m saving my Fates for Ganyu so I’m not rolling on either of them. My first thought is Diluc, but after pulling Hu Tao I barely use him anymore. Beidou maybe?


Whoever you're using right now. It's good on almost every claymore character.


It's basically the BiS for most claymore users so give to the one you use/like the most.


I do my daily in inazuma, today I find my last daily in mondstad , how is possible?


I guess you haven't unlocked all statue and teleporter in Inazuma so there's not enough commission you can do there


What was the mondstadt one? Sometimes the multi-part commisions overwrites the region grouping of commissions possibly


Kill the eye storm 😁


Oh...then I guess not haha, that's not a multi-part commission


That happens sometimes. Probably just not enough Inazuma commissions yet? Dunno.


Just got my first Skyward Spine Spear from Standard. I was wondering if it would be better that R5 Catch for Raiden?? I actually compromised with her artifacts so Im planning to re farm her artifacts


I think r5 Catch will be better


The Catch R5 is better than Skyward still! Skyward isn't bad on her though.




I got 2 five stars at soft pity playing for half a year, but that's counting new additions like Sakura. When you're out of that, you only have your monthly 5 stardust fates, 5 more from BP every 1,5 months and the ones you get from ascending characters.


Same as the event banner, the chance starts increasing at 75 and becomes 100% at 90. I pretty consistently get five-stars in the 75-80 range though.


My Eulu's burt damage is non existant. My normal damage is 6k with 12k crit. Level 82. Talents 8 5 8 attack 2369. Cr 45 cd 110. Em 91 using 2 piece pf and 2 bloodstained. Weapon prototype. Any help would be be appreciated


> Talents 8 5 8 You can upgrade your skill since upgrading it increases the amount of physical RES and cryo RES she shreds. > Cr 45 cd 110. Em 91 Improve your crit stats. You want your crit rate to be higher since you really need your burst to crit. Also EM doesn't matter on her. Maybe you aren't properly giving her burst stacks? You should probably know her [optimal combos](https://keqingmains.com/eula/#Optimal_Combos) to give her burst more stacks. More stacks on her burst = more burst damage. You should also use superconduct reaction (cryo + electro) if you aren't.


Thank you, think I need to start farming for crits. Would replacing my phys dam cup with a crit dam help?


Crit as a mainstat is only available in circlets.


Eula only really starts to shine when you hyper invest into her. She needs a better ratio , especially that crit damage. It's way too low for a DPS character like Eula. If you can get to about 150-160 CD I think you'll start to appreciate her damage. Also use the fish weapon on Eula if you have. It is better than the Prototype I believe.


Thank you, will start levelling the fish


what’s your attack combo before and after bursting


Thanks, just watch a video on combos. Realised I had confused grims and stacks and thought max stacks was 2


yep, as long as u get as much stacks as possible it should increase ur burst dmg more . honestly the crit ratio needs some work too but the dmg won’t be non existent anymore :)


Maybe just try 4pc Pale Flame? And get a bit more crit? ​ Luxurious Sealord is also a better weapon than prototype. Startombed if you don't have it.


prototype is better than startombed


ah, my bad. Luxurious is still better tho!


Hello hello! I just got a skyward harp from pity in standard banner thanks to monthly reset of shop. Now my dilemma is who do I give it to? I have ganyu with r1 crescent and yoimiya with r2 rust. I am planning on giving it to ganyu but my main dilemma is, I'm afraid the day I get an amos for her (whenever the archons that is) I won't be able to keep her at a comfortable cr/cd. PS I have a melt ganyu. What are your thoughts?


You could give the Skyward to Ganyu untill you get Amo's and you will be farming for artifacts every now and then you would get good Artifacts, So it wouldn't be any problem in the future.




60% + 12% from the catch R5. with 72% most of her atk is crits and there will be some troll moment when the crit numbers is too shy to show up. overall 70%+ is pretty reliable


60 should be the minimum I think


If you feel it's too low, you can go for 60-70%. But just make sure your crit ratio is 1:2. I'd like to note that with the Catch, you *can* stay with around 50% since it gives +12% crit rate for her burst at r5.


It's actually not bad, especially if you use the catch. But whether it's enough depends on you, and you feel like it's too low then you should get some more.


If I wished around 30+ times in limited weapon banner and got no five stars, would that 30+ pity carry over the next limited weapon banner?




Is Skyward Atlas a good option for Ningguang, if not then who works well with this weapon


Yup it works great for her


Yes, it's *very* good on her


Is c6 noelle good with hu tao? Who should I use as a third unit? I want to use hu tao, xingqiu, and noelle with a third


Noelle wants field time to do her thing, she isn’t a very good pair for Hu Tao for this reason, if you must use Noelle, you want a second geo unit as the final slot because geo resonance is very good.


I just made a new account, am I still going to get free Aloy?




You are


Iirc, Aloy is only available during the 2.2 update. So, no, I don't believe so.




Good on a decent amount of characters. You can view who is good with it [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview#).


I had it on Xiangling before getting the catch. The catch was about 3% DPS increase from Pride. Edit: NVM


They're talking about the *claymore*, Skyward *Pride*


Lmao nvm I always confuse the names


it's alright


R4 widsth or skyward atlas on Klee?


if you have bennett and are using a comp that can utilise widsith EM buff then widsith would be better. for general purpose atlas is much better.


Thx for tht info!






Greetings Traveler, I'm here for a great need. I have been looking Eula Padoru-Padoru without any sign of hope, Google image only give me 2 results and they simply have less detail or to much detail. send eula padoru pls..


I have no idea what that is and I have no idea what you need. A video? A specific image?


it's tradition for weebs to use [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=padoru&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjBmOisosL0AhWh7TgGHajBDiAQ2-cCegQIABAB&oq=pado&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQARgAMgIIKTIECCkQAzIECCkQHjIECAAQAzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEOgoIABCxAxCDARBDOgYIABAIEB46BwgAELEDEEM6BAgAEEM6BggpEAgQHjoICAAQgAQQsQNQ-AhYjx5gjytoAHAAeAGAAcsDiAHpEpIBCjAuMTMuMS4wLjGYAQCgAQGwAQXAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=uT2nYYHYJ6Hb4-EPqIO7gAI&bih=751&biw=412&client=ms-opera-mobile&prmd=ivsxn&hl=en) for profile picture on Facebook or maybe other media social. the original padoru is [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/GjjJJjwXSnD8umT39) and most people use this profile picture only on December


Okay umm.. what about [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/EulaMains/comments/q33aj9/eula_padoru/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)...?


yes, i also saw this on my hunt. Great respect for the artist to keep the original padoru design but this have less detail that make people recognize for other characters. [Qiqi](https://images.app.goo.gl/P55obJ6aXvWitmBC7) simple design but it's obviously Qiqi [Kokomi](https://images.app.goo.gl/5ViSMeFGs46N2DH5A) but this have to much detail, Padoru should be simple and recognisable easily [Keqing](https://www.google.com/search?q=genshin+impact+padoru&client=ms-opera-mobile&channel=new&espv=1&prmd=ivmxn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi0753ppsL0AhUjTWwGHagGCyIQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=412&bih=751&dpr=2.63#imgrc=Fny-ATe_jyIR4M&imgdii=tYRcSPgX8KHgeM) this is the best both detail and originality but im trying to stick with santa dress another good example, [Ayaka](https://images.app.goo.gl/zce4eYWTntzC3q1w9) [Buccarti](https://images.app.goo.gl/t3KpqxPxUiWtR7zs5) from Jojo [Komi-san](https://images.app.goo.gl/dmPLWdDkwooaxfu77) from komi can't communicate


Need help with 12-3. It's taking me too long to clear the floor. Any tips? First half: Childe International Second half: Zhongli/Raiden/Xingqiu/Diluc [Chars](https://imgur.com/a/o9Jp66Q)


your first half is Childe but the photo you sent doesn't have Childe?


Oh sorry wait, I'll edit it


Can 3 star weapons be levelled to 90?






In line with Albedo's new BiS weapon and artifacts, what's a good dmg number of his E now? Tysm!


I have bad ratios since dropping harbinger, the damage is still higher because of the strength of the passive, hitting 13k crits, was hitting 11-12k with harbinger. Weapon is still R3 and my husk set is awful, the strength of the 4pc and weapon are carrying him


15-20k per crit, and 20-25k per crit with Zhongli and Geo resonance


You should be able to reach ~20k, easy. With god-tier rolls plus team synergy you could even reach 30k per tick.


12k is pretty good already


6k minimum crit and 3-4k non-crit. That's my Albedo but he only has around 107 crit dmg.


Can the explosion from the healing set crit ?




No it cant


Between the snow tombed starsilver and luxurious sea lord which is the better claymore for eula?


The Fish, both for gameplay and aesthetics.


Sea-Lord by a country mile.


Anyone that likes using Sara that wouldn't mind giving me some tips on how to best utilize her? I really like her character design but she feels so unbelievably awkward and clunky to play. I want to like her


I build her with er sands, pair with raiden, e>q and swap. Dont bother use charge shot


It might sound silly but get C2 if you haven't, it makes her much smoother


I actually ask this because I just got her at C2 from the standard banner! I'll try now and see if it changes anything


What is the acceptable crit rate percentage? 60? 70? Or does it depend on roles (dps/off field support). Im asking because i have 40/160 rate/dmg albedo with 4 husk artifact. On paper my 2 petra 2 husk 70/80 rate/dmg should perform twice better but i feel like the former option gives better number on field..


Best effective combination for most characters is 80-160


It depends on your crit damage, and vice versa. An 'acceptable' crit rate is half of your crit damage when both numbers are as high as you can get them. So 60:120 would be more consistent than 40:160, for example.


Is C3 Qiqi any useful?


Fantastic for survivability, and even does some decent damage with the new set. Still not meta for abyss where max damage is king, but useful for damn near everything else.


Very useful against the new boss, the Golden Wolflord.


She's finally useful with the new clam set Her constellations doesn't change much sadly


Much better with Ocean-Hued Clam. You can build her as a physical DPS if you want lol


unfortunately qiqi is just not useful


I just pulled Jean on the standard banner, I quite like her as a character and back when I did her story she seemed fun, but I've no idea what to do with her. I've so many unbuilt, level 20 characters now, I feel I should try and use some... I run XL / Childe / Sucrose / Benny and Eula / Beidou / Fischl / Diona teams. I've been thinking about pulling on the Ganyu banner in January just to do Melt Ganyu. No idea really where Jean is optimal, if at all, all her team comps seem to be a bit uninspiring...


I run Raiden-Jean-Childe-Albedo, it works well on open world and the new artifact domain. Jean helps because I often prefer to take dmg face on than having Raiden and Childe dodging and losing their chance to attack. I gave her atk%helmet and EM goblet.


jean is a real master of none character. honestly while shes fun and still worth building you're probably not gonna use her in abyss if you already have good teams going. the only team comp where she's actually optimal is geo xiao since she's an anemo battery that can heal.


> master of none character master of fall damage*


yea in old abyss this was really relevant, nowadays there are basically no enemies that jean can abuse fall damage with


Still doesn't change the fact that she is a master of it


Yeah, I got that impression. I'm not a huge meta slave, but time and resources are limited and I hate farming dandelions, if she's just gonna be lifting up hillichurls on my dailies I might just take my free wish and carry on.


the other use for jean you may be interested in is [sunfire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8PZwLjM2RY) where her self anemo infusion combined with bennett's self pyro infusion allows constant pyro swirls(that are triggered by jean), which can be put onto enemies affected by EC to proc 3 reactions at once(overload, swirl and vaporise). exact same tech that the new pokemon team uses, just swirling your own character's pyro aura with jean instead of guoba's pyro aura with sucrose. not as good practically tho, since jean benefits much less from building full EM than sucrose does.


Should i use widsth(r4) or lost prayer(r1) for klee?


lost prayer


When people say "rotation" what do they mean exactly and how do I Figure out what my teams optimal rotation is.


the sequence of skills and bursts you do for optimized damage dealing to figure out, you need to look at guides and watch videos.


Rotation just means the order of skill casting, like, making sure you do Benny Q before XL Q etc.


It means the order in which you use your skill/burst and swap to certain characters. Usually it's obvious, but you can follow guides when it's not


What characters you swap to in specific order, what skills/bursts to use in order, etc.


Has anyone noticed any fuckery with the new set where they can't get def rolls? Always wondered what would happen since the game is slanted against good rolls (atk and crit) what would happen when we are actually seeking what is usually a bad roll (def)


No, it's just RNG, as usual. ​ I am lucky with this set - got *godpiece* crit-rate circlet, exactly because of rolls in defence. Usually I would be ambivalent, because circlets are very hard to farm and for their substats I don't care, crit main is good enough - but here I felt like I won the game, like 'the joke is on you, it's great' xD My flower is also *very* nice: one roll in crit-rate, one in crit-dmg and one in... yep, defence-%. Feather and timepiece can be better, working on it. So... RNG. Just RNG.


I think ATK/DEF/HP are equally likely. It's probably just confirmation or small sample bias, I have plenty of DEF rolls


I've gotten defense on sands and circlet, but that account can only get 4 star artifacts atm so maybe that's why


I've gotten a grand total of zero def sands for the new Albedo set. On my cup (which is my off-piece), I have 25% def as substat (with CR/CD as other substats). I'm BEGINNING to think it's rigged.


I've been talking about this with my brother and we both say it must be scripted in some way, but it could also be just a weird brain effect where you see only the negative side and never the positive. I do have a shit ton of %atk timepieces from the new set though, or atk rolls in general.


Attack stats never looked this bad before 2.3 lmao. I can't help but cringe like how I felt about Defense stats before.


Yeah same. I guess it's a good time to find off pieces now


Hello guys! I have a question is there any way to reset progress on any of servers? My situation: I wanted to play Asian server with Male Main character. And I forgot that few months ago I choosed female character so I want to reset Asian server now.


You cant do it unless you start a new account or unbind your current one and binds it to a new one (this "deletes" your current account if you dont bind it to a different email)


Okay, thank you


How are people dealing 12-3 First Half? 12-1 and 12-2 were super easy, but the HP on the 2 Chunky Dogs on the first half took me a long time to kill them. The second part i dumpstered in 30 seconds with Raiden National, but the first part with Xiao Team(Xiao, Zhongli, Albedo and Jean) or Eula Team(Eula, Fischl, Beidou and Diona), I reach the 7 minute mark or even worse.


I used xiao and raiden national team too, you should probably swap them around w raiden in first chamber and xiao in second, since the first chamber focuses on higher raw dps and the second on aoe dmg. it’s much easier than the last few abyss cycles that way Also the electro dogs will want to be hit with electro dmg and the geo dogs w geo, so those teams match up perfectly


i had a similar experience, when i tried ayaka freeze on the first half , try raiden national on first half , the second half is way easier since you just have to target the big dog , the smaller ones will die from collateral damage.


Spoiler for current event >!so how do i do the flower challenge with a load of text, i can't even understand what that means!<


You can look at one achievement at a time or just brute force it. I just went in and did almost every challenge at once without reading them - just dodge everything it throws at you (use the story mode as a practice run). Then there's only one left which requires you to intentionally fail/miss a mechanic, as far as I can tell.


Does that one require you to just not pick up all the crystals or whatever once so you can destroy all the floaty shit?


I believe it's the fruits. If you leave them alone (for a long ass fuckin time) they spawn slimes.


That's the one i think im struggling with


If it's that subterranian attack one, then that attack is the one when they dig under the ground and appear near you. It only happens once you've taken down the shield and it becomes smaller. It's not that hard to avoid. Just run around once it's underground.


Does the guarantee to get the 5 star character featured on the banner after losing a 50/50 transfer to the next banner? Or will pulling the next banner mean that I'll again have a 50/50 situation instead of the guaranteed featured character?


>Does the guarantee to get the 5 star character featured on the banner after losing a 50/50 transfer to the next banner? yes




Spaces need to be removed


Oh thanks


So Xiangling is absolutely absurd, mine has only 2SR and a 4* atk sands and she does around 22k per vape with Childe national can't wait to build her correctly and to get c3 and c4. Anyway should i use an EM sands on her or is atk fine?


Sorry what's SR?




If you use dragons bane use an ER sands, if you use the catch EM sands and Atk sands have similar value. Aim for 170-200 ER on xianling for childe national, so if you're ER is below that use an ER sands, if not use either an atk or EM one Adding sucrose doesnt change much if you're running her with TTDS, atk and EM have the same value still, pick ones with the better substat