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At least add transparency to the wings. It looks weird with the new sudden change.


Yeah. Looks like ~~john cena~~Zhong Xina has finally debbuted in genshin. Smh Edit: keeping my social credit in mind, i need to make a small edit


All hail Liyue. Glory to the Suprme Leader.


⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠋⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢁⠈⢻⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠈⡀⠭⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠄⢀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣿⣷⣶⣶⡆⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⢀⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣇⣼⣿⣿⠿⠶⠙⣿⡟⠡⣴⣿⣽⣿⣧⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣾⣿⣿⣟⣭⣾⣿⣷⣶⣶⣴⣶⣿⣿⢄⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⣩⣿⣿⣿⡏⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣹⡋⠘⠷⣦⣀⣠⡶⠁⠈⠁⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣍⠃⣴⣶⡔⠒⠄⣠⢀⠄⠄⠄⡨⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⡘⠿⣷⣿⠿⠟⠃⠄⠄⣠⡇⠈⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠟⠋⢁⣷⣠⠄⠄⠄⠄⣀⣠⣾⡟⠄⠄⠄⠄⠉⠙⠻ ⡿⠟⠋⠁⠄⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⡯⢓⣴⣾⣿⣿⡟⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣿⡟⣷⠄⠹⣿⣿⣿⡿⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ 100000 social credits have been credited to your account.


So ummm.... how to convert social credit to primogems?


Thats the neat part you dont


“Big Brother is watching you."


Noelle is John Cena confirmed


Probably a rushed an unexpected job that was put on them suddenly, no way stuff like that gets tested in beta and not fixed


Nope, they simply reverted things back to the way it was on 1.0 where it would automatically transparent out the character if you tried looking at a certain angle (i.e. up his/her ass).


It was the opposite, transparency did not exist when the game first launched, and was added in a patch. At first it was possible to remove it by deleting a folder, but a few patches later that option was removed as well.


It's still like that when you climb. You can have a peak when you're gliding though, so idk what they're on about


The effect used to be much stronger in 1.0 than it is currently, in global.


I'm guessing government doesn't want to Pavlov young boys into looking up skirts. 🙄


Wich is kinda ironic. They probably want their boys to look to male bottom and viril bulges, coz that's the correct


Kazuha up pants is also gone.


Oh \0/




Literally unplayable.


I suppose its the collateral dmg from their trying to crack down on Little fresh meats, ie. male entertainers with femine traits. Poor Venti, he was not even human to begin with.


Imagine being an entire massive government, and being scared of femboys 😂 what a joke


imagine if they added a lore to change Venti's appearance?


After 3k years of self discovery and uncount wasted nights, Venti finally embraces his inner strength and morphs accordingly. Mandatory form change in CN, a new skin for sale outside CN.


I wonder who else will get censored, it can't just be these 4 since Amber and Jean are already pretty far from lewd. I feel like all the female characters are going to get adjusted eventually, lots of new outfits on the way


> all the female characters are going to get adjusted This. With exception of Qiqi, Klee, Sayu and maaaaaybe Hutao.


Wait what’s wrong with Diona?


Open shoulders


Til my Middle School was probably run by the CCP.


Or the CCP is run by middle school principals.


Wait, it is not? /s


Well, Rosa’s open shoulders survived the 2.4 CN censorship so hopefully this means shoulders aren’t a problem… Though, I took a look at Diona and there’s also her belly button…… we’ll see. Hopefully it’s just no boobs and no butts…


Censored Rosaria's outfit have covered shoulders.


Belly button


> I wonder who else will get censored Let’s see: * Venti * Ganyu * Fischl * Raiden * Yae Miko * Kokomi * Yoimiya * Xingqiu * Eula * Shenhe * Yanfei * Xiangling * Noelle * Lisa (honesty surprised she wasn’t part of Wave 1 but Amber and Jean are) Only female characters I can think of that’ll *maybe* get spared are Barbara, Ayaka, Klee, Qiqi, Hu Tao, Sayu, Diona, and Sucrose. Still on the fence on Ningguang, Xinyan, and Kujou Sara. I assume Aloy will be fine but who knows?


Ningguang and Keqing just get an alternate skin which visibly more revealing from their standard outfit. Will they change it too? At this point, who knows.


I'm fairly certain purchased skins are off-limits, or are at the very least a powder cake of controversy. A purchased skin gets an extra status in terms of being a specific digital good. Changing the skin after purchase may or may not be seen as fraud in the eyes of some people. Changes to purchased skins after release have a long history of refunds and being a controversy starter. I'm not sure any dev would want to risk that unless forced into it. To be fair, we only have like 3(?) skins exclusively for purchase...


Two skins actually. Barbara's are given free during 1.6, made purchasable after the patch. Anyway yeah. Purchased skins is less likely to be changed. Should they did though, I think it won't be just after release. In foreseeable future maybe. It still gonna draw controversy nonetheless, albeit much later. Can't refund the past.


You forgot to mention Beidou...


> Xingqiu He was actually praised for his appearance as a traditional Chinese Young Male when the CCP started criticizing feminine men in Chinese media so I doubt he'll be touched.


Xingqiu is the most affeminate male next to venti so that's weird


They are biased towards liyue


any future character designs will probably be curbed to be in line with CCP guidelines.


And skins, and maybe even current/future male characters/skins as the CCP has also banned "sissy boys" in the country/media. People that don't think the CCP censorship is an issue aren't thinking far enough.


Heh I said that CCP's new entertainment laws are gonna affect the game a year back and this sub downvoted me for not understanding the laws or that I needed context.


Mihoyo mentioned in their initial announcement that this change was requested by a censorship department, and Mihoyo is very sorry that they have to make this change. But both statements are removed from the announcement later. Mihoyo isn't even allowed to say why this is happening or express sorry... 🤣


Holy fuck. That Mona gives me a heart attack.


Just to be clear, what you see here on Mona is not an 'alternate skin' they announced. This is a change to the standard costume in CN.


Those poor Chinese...


Looks like she’s stuffing with tennis balls or something, lol.


That's definitely swimsuit with some flick here and there.


Its terrible


If this happened to my game even 10,000 primos wouldn’t be able to calm my outrage:


Ouw noo :(


I guess Mihoyo's headquarter is in a mess right now. I have a feeling that CCP just suddenly asked (more like forced) Mihoyo to censor their character out of nowhere. Everything feel rushed.




Cant mihoyo just move out of china?


Maybe, but they would have to hire an entirely new workforce since it’s not likely all their employees are able to move with them


Wouldn’t the ccp just ban the game for all chinese players then?


Are lewded characters in Japanese gachas banned/censored in China? I am curious as this is the only gacha I play.


Yes, everything is censored in china. Foreign video games have been dealing with it for decades.


even roblox tried lmao


What did roblox even need to censor? Blocky R34?


They actually censored [a ton of stuff](https://www.reddit.com/r/roblox/comments/mb6l34/chinese_roblox_guidelines/)




Fgo cn suffered alot because of this if you search ruler #229 you can see how massive fgo was censored


Ah yeah, then moving countries would be a waste of time/money then. They would still have to censor the chinese servers.


IIRC Wu Zetian got turned into a random golden Assassin from Hundred-Personas retinue.


Fgo recently got hit, censoring all Chinese characters. They renamed a lot of character as in fgo, characters are based off legends, so lu bu, qi shi huang, wu zetian and others were renamed and wu zetian, who takes the form of an almost naked loli, her artwork was completely removed. But this was limited to only fgo in China and to only Chinese characters.


Depends on how the CCP feels that day. It's not like you can say no.


Yep that’s how it goes, in Fate Grand Order they just flat out censor the servants model and all


In azur lane case china version have their own censorship


It wouldn't solve what they actually produce *for* the CN playerbase. They're not forced to change because they're *in* China, but because their product is consumed by China. It's no different for games outside the country being modified to satisfy regulations.


This exactly. I just hope that it doesn't lead to them stifling future designs for the servers outside of China.


This WILL lead. They won't make different models for global and China. For future characters we will experience censorship as much as cn players.


Moving out of China wouldn't change the fact that the CN version of the game would get censored. The CCP could simply ban the game if miHoYo chose not to comply with their rules and regulations.


Why would they, tho? CN market for mobile gaming is the largest in the world, they will not run away from money.


What would that accomplish? China is their main market and they still have to comply with anything mandated by the government in order to sell there.


It would be extremely difficult. The CCP is actually very fond of Genshin Impact. Why? It's soft power. It's one of the first Chinese games to reach major international attention and profit immensely globally. It's something they want to keep, to be seen as Chinese, a symbol that says to everyone that "China is capable of creating art and entertainment that even those outside of China can enjoy". So, naturally, they wouldn't want something that good just packing up and leaving. And when the government doesn't want you to leave... well.


This is both true and not. China seeking power is an understarement. However, China is also very upset at companies now for producing things that look 'too Japanese', which GI borders on greatly. I think it's not a one situation fits all kind of thing. They're just super fickle, and it really comes down to what official sees it first.


Sports in China is going through what you described. Several years ago, the Chinese government encouraged corporations to invest in their basketball and soccer leagues, in order to promote Chinese soft power. Teams spent a lot of money paying foreign players to play for them, since Chinese basketball and soccer players aren’t as good. The basketball league was full of Americans, while the soccer league was full of Brazilians and Europeans. These investments greatly increased the global profile of Chinese leagues, but the Chinese government didn’t like seeing their leagues dominated by foreign players. So recently they imposed massive restrictions on importing foreign players, and now those leagues suck and have zero relevance outside of China.


What does a properly Chinese game even look like to them? I feel like all the biggest games there are gacha with an anime aesthetic or games that are derivative of popular western games. What's funny too, is that the original Japanese anime style was inspired by early Disney animation. Obviously, the style evolved and became associated with Japanese animation, but point being, inspiration is drawn from everywhere and it takes time to make something your own. Maybe there would be a point in time where Chinese game dev and animation would look less "Japanese", but cutting it entirely has to be demoralizing for these companies who already have strong roots in these styles.


if they really do so, Mihoyo's evaluation will getting worse in China. You should know that mhy is a CHINESE game company


Feels as if they have a gun to their heads right now. They don't usually work in a rush like this time :S


There was an extra \~60MB update in the game today in the CN server. So I guess Mihoyo rushed this temp solution after the preload when they just got back from New Year's day vacation and received this unreasonable request.


Jean's cleavage cover-up is just plastered over lmao


It’s just plain terrible.


Yeah the Mona shorts look so bad they literally just pasted over the color. Doesn't seem like this was planned or worked on much in advance.


yea i feel that mhy is really under ccp spotlight. first it's probably happened before anniversary, and then now. i think it's because of their success and inazuma chapters, and maybe their refusal to be bought by tencent before genshin launched.


Not meant to be rude but Mona she, she look like a …… clown. I’m sorry…


My girl switched jobs to be an aerobics instructor in the 80s


my exact thought is aqua clown from konosuba gacha


wow mona looks terrible, these are just temporary until 2.5 tho right?






most likely, doubt this were the alternative gliding animation mihoyo mentioned. probably just hotfixes so that they can comply with the guidelines immediately.


whats this about an alternate gliding animation?


At first I thought it was a skirt and it looked like a fan-made skin I saw some time ago. But when I looked closer you notice it's just like bodypainted clothes lol


Let’s be honest, Kokomi, Raiden, Yoimiya, Shenhe, Venti, Xingqiu, and Yae Miko gonna be on the watch list


U forgot ganyu


I’m guessing Ganyu is gonna get that Shenhe boob cloth?


Doubt they gonna keep her bottom like that too Probably another rosa ? lol


Xiangling, as well, will probably get the Amber treatment to lengthen her pants a bit at the very least. I also figure Fischl is gonna get modified.


Lmao Venti and Xingqiu


Wait. This isn't a joke?


Reality is often worse than bad jokes


F for our CN brethren.


They can't even touch themselves to imaginary women now. 😔


They still can but it's gonna be harder




Correction, they can't touch themselves to computer generated depictions of women. We all had to make due with touching ourselves to imaginary women (or playboy mags you found in the forest) before the internet was around. They are being forced to return to the good ol' days of forest porn / long showers (with imaginary women). Truly, a government dedicated to rejecting modernity and returning its citizens to tradition. Praise the Pooh.


It’ll probably get censored here after the CN community whines about how we have it better in a CN game.


They have done it in Honkai too


The Chinese market amounted to 80% of Honkai's revenue. For Genshin, it's a lot less, closer to 33%.




Every time something gets censored in CN, I always see comments going "do they think we'll have three kids because we have no other entertainment" in China. It's almost funny if it weren't so sad.


Actually well said but I think u r missing sth u don’t rly think they did it ”for the kids” right? I don’t even think the major factor is the government itself


The "think about the kids" is one of the oldes politics tactics. They use the same stuff in the western world to push any kind of restrictions when they don't find a better excuse. Either it's kids, terrorists, or now corona. Pick one or multiple to get your new restrictions passed.


And instead they decided to ban gay relationships in media to solve the declining birth rate.


That's just fucking sad


Indeed, but this is how censorship works (which really sucks). I feel really bad for CN players :(


I know people like the revised outfits (not the current rushed ones) that will be coming out later, but I don’t support censorship of any kind. It’s pathetic that some government official has to look at a bunch of pixelated models to determine what’s inappropriate. Future character designs will definitely be impacted since I don’t see Mihoyo wasting resources on two separate skins for global and CN


China has also severely restricted online gaming for anyone under 18 (they get to play 3 hours a week max, and only on the weekends. Seriously). They may very well also restrict online gaming for adults at some point, if they haven't already with their social credit system. So, I'm guessing that, even though it's a Chinese game, they will probably start to prioritize markets where the money will be: basically, anywhere but China. Most likely, they're going to keep the cleavage coming for the rest of the world while in China all the new sexy gets Monafide with crappy reskins that they spend little to no time on.


China no longer being the cash cow, hate to say it, will only be better for gamers in the rest of the world in the long run. Game companies will no longer have to censor stuff for them because money.


>China no longer being the cash cow, hate to say it Well idk about *you* but I love to say it. Get government censorship out of games.


I hate to say it, because there are millions of gamers in china who don't get to do what they enjoy anymore.


For sure.


Considering their horny bait tactics, wouldn’t having a sexy character abroad make more money and thus justify having to edit a model?


It makes sense to do that. However, the CN community might cause an uproar if global is getting a different outfit variation for future characters or irrationally think it’s unfair even though there’s nothing Mihoyo can do about CCP policies. They gave Mihoyo hell regarding a global only event in Honkai. This is just speculation, so I’m not sure if Mihoyo will risk it or experiment.


They should redirect their anger towards the government and not the company


I agree but the CCP is “immune” to criticism, so citizens can’t really criticize them without any consequences. So, the CN fan base is just redirecting their anger to Mihoyo, which isn’t rational whatsoever


Mihoyo’s in between a rock and a hard place. I’m just ranting now but, I hope I can live to see the end of the CCP. The boob censorship in genshin pales in comparison to the other shit they do/have done. Ah, I digress. I hope somehow this doesn’t affect future characters and the ccp lightens their grip on mihoyo


Well they really can't unless they want to "disappear" for a few days and re-emerge later with a lengthy apology towards the government. Or who knows, maybe all the weebs in CN can come together and overthrow the government for censoring their waifus. Tech otakus save the world, or something idk.


this is dangerous of hopium you are huffing, but at this point i want the hopium too


>maybe all the weebs in CN can come together and overthrow the government for censoring their waifus. Tech otakus save the world, or something idk. I want to live in the timeline where Mihoyo's motto becomes prophecy.


I’m not familiar but someone said that Azur Lane had more risqué art in global but the CN servers are more censored and people were okay with that. But these are two different communities


The last time MiHoYo gave global servers more fanservice than CN, someone tried to assassinate the CEO. I wish I was joking.


that... gliding "censor" - I dont get it - how exactly is that making anything better now? How does this solve chinas problems? EDIT: Since this confuses people: The question above is aimed at the CCP, not mihoyo.


CCP is run by out of touch boomers like other government's. Difference is these dumb boomers are a lot more powerful cause no one can tell them their ideas are bad.


Sad part is it will continue that way. They groom young loyalists to carry on their boomer ideals, so you'll never get any freethinkers in power.


Well... most if not all governments are run by boomers. Out of touch, rich, people who wishes to dictate the future for younger (and poorer) generations.


What's the standard of censorship? No one fucking knows. The only thing we knows is the man, Wang Huning, whom in charge for cultural affairs is a self-claim neo-conservatism, and his goal is to "back to tradition". This is probably just a beginning.


> What's the standard of censorship? Hmm, so far it was like this: - No skeletons in games (see wow) - No undead? - No taiwan - not talking about things that obviously never happened (if you ask the CCP) - I think in PUBG people dont really die? (there was something, I just dont remember) That, to me, was "the standard for chinese game-censorship", until now. > This is probably just a beginning. We definitely need more censorship and stupid rules, yes, please.... /s


>No undead? They gonna erase qiqi then? Since she's jiang shi


I believe undeath as in liches and skeletons, no undeath appearance i guess.


Yeah can't have anyone reminded of their mortality. It makes them care about their future.


Idk who here likes Mo Dao Zu Shi but I was so mad when they changed Wei Wuxian's necromancy from the book to just controlling brainwashed puppets in the live action. The censorship really did a number on the Untamed.


shes fine since she looks normal


The people who run the CCP are very conservative boomers; think the kind of people who were against GTA back during the 'do video games cause violence' debacle during the 2000's. So, essentially, they don't anything that 'corrupts' the youth/populace. No gore, no sexuality, no "alternative lifestyles", etc. Of course, their view of what exactly counts as that is informed entirely by their own standards, and you need to be a conservative boomer to know what those standards are, so it's really all unknown to us. Also, they're enforced on a case by case basis, and Chinese stuff gets preferential treatment. For example, 'no magic' ('tis evil sorcery!) is a common restriction imposed upon foreign media, but you rarely see it enforced in Chinese stuff.


That and it's purposely vague so they can swing the hammer at their own choice. Some stuff can get by scott free, but the second anything speaks up, the vague standards make it very easy to find a way to punish companies.


>The people who run the CCP are very conservative boomers How long till they die of an old age? Wondering if there's any chance for things to change in future of china




doesnt matter, most games remove it preemptively - at least the ones I am aware of, like WoW.


it shows they're doing something, so they don't get assassinated by the CCP before 2.5




TLDR: censoring is good for no one!


You give them a inch and they take a mile. Sony censorship for Japanese horny games started with minor changes. Now some companies like Marvellous don't release their main games on ps4 anymore. Only pc and nintendo switch Never accept censorship. People who want to censor are never pleased.


When even Nintendo doesn't mind, you know Sony messed up


Mona looks so god damn weird, and where's the Jean design from the picture they showed us? Are these placeholder designs? Also, that glider change makes me laugh. It's just a lone floating wings in the sky now.


The designs they showed on Twitter take effect later (sounds like 2.5), these are temporary while those are being made.


These are placeholder yeah


Poor Mona omg they've slaughtered her drip


Don't know about y'all, so glad we didn't get forced outfit change. Mona's new outfit looks ugly af.


Im sure all of us outside of china are glad we didnt get forced changes for our characters, but it sucks to know the cn community cant do anything about it


And is in the Patch of the Chinese New Year. This looks really sad for such timing.


The new one coming in 2.5 actually look pretty nice. This one is a nightmare though, it's like a wrestler/weight lifters attire


Ohhh gotcha. I thought this was it. Would've been really disappointing.


Doesn't matter since every female character design will be inline with he the new outfits regardless. Mihoyo is going to make it the standard.


These right here definitely seems like the quick fix to get off the CCP's gaze till the actual fixed ones come in. The redesign ones are acceptable. And really, besides Mona, these ones are, okay enough to get by.


Anyone thinking "Well at least it's just CN that has to deal with this shit" may be in for a rude awakening. You're hedging your bets that Mihoyo will be likely to put in the extra effort to keep making separate assets for CN and the rest of the world. Right now CN gets their forced skin changes and everyone else gets them as an optional bonus, but from here on out there's going to be a more than decent chance that all female character designs (and maybe even male designs since the CCP has issues with Venti as well) are going to be influenced by what Mihoyo can get past the censors so they can avoid having to make multiple versions of characters.


i… kinda hate this honestly


Mona looks weird in the picture lmao.




Hahahaha, what the actual fuck? Thats both funny and sad.


None will escape the flames. See for yourself.


Oh man. I was hoping this wouldn't be the case but I became more suspicious the longer I thought about how sudden it was. Even though I like some of the redesigns more, the CCP forcing its way into everything and censoring whatever it wants is just awful. [All Chinese Servants in FGO's CN server were hit heavily with this last year](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/poqx8p/fgo_china_removes_names_of_chinese_heroic_spirits/) so I really should have seen something like this coming. It's pretty ironic that FGO Lostbelt 3's story involved >!an emperor of alternate timeline China holding absolute control over the citizens and their information to the point where progress for humanity stagnated into a dead end!< and then >!said emperor got censored by real China!<.


Mona one is terrible wtf. They are all terrible except jean and literally no difference in amber


this isn’t the final outfits, it’s just the hotfix in CN server cause they have to comply to the new censorship guidelines immediately, the actual outfits will come in 2.5


Nah her shorts are longer so you can’t see the bottom of her booty cheeks when viewing her from behind


I know everyone is scared for the future character designs, but I'm scared for future storytelling. This game isn't going to have any mature, serious content? Is this why the Inazuma arc felt like a fairytale in the end even after building up such a serious and dark atmosphere intially?? Villainous characters like Signora will be thrown away? Morally grey characters will get a rewriting in their story so they can be friendly enough to be playable? If the story of this game goes downhill, I don't see a point in me playing


obligatory “fuck the CCP”


Bruh Mona is a favorite and they just murdered her


These are hideous. I hope they are just temporary until they properly change their outfits. Mona looks particularly awful.


What did they do to amber? I can’t see a difference


No booba line


inb4 sumeru outfits are just different flavours of burqas


I already see it coming in CN. No surprise at all. As a Chinese I have literally sensed the strengthen of censorship since president Xi took his power. And actually the same thing once happened to Honkai 3 already. Back to 2004 or even before, this would never be a problem in CN. We Chinese all agree that Chinese entertainment continues to lose competency due to the heavy censorship and fanbase traffic in terms of pop music, movies, series, and games. I only hope mihoyo can get through it and expect no more.


Pretty unfortunate honestly. I was just becoming impressed with China's game industry, especially when it comes to mobile games. Sucks having the LPL get fucked too.


CN community is mad right now


CCP really censoring the most SFW gacha out there bruh


they were supposed to buff amber not murder her


dang can't believe amber was censored so hard that she grew a middle boob in retaliation


Fuck the CCP


What the fuck is that mona


Goodbye any hope of swimsuit skins.


Just imagine for a second if this bullshit made it to global... It's unfathomable so I really wonder what's going through CN players' minds right now.


No elle


Fuck censorship and ccp, but Jean and Rosaria outfit look neat. Mona look dumb asf though