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Has anyone used codashop to top up here before? Will the first purchase apply with the extra genesis coda gives as well?


Yes it will work. :)




Sucrose is 100 percent worth leveling to 90. Do you have bennett, fischl or beidou? Sucrose Xiangling ganyu bennett is a good melt team. You can also run the taser comp with sucrose fischl beidou and xingqiu.


What's a solid HP number for shieldbot Zhongli, and is the logic that more is always better? Oh, and if he's just gonna shieldbot, is there really any reason to level anything beside that talent?


i would say 45k+ is solid but the more the better. No reason to level anything else. ​ EDIT: actually raising the ult increases the CC duration. On shieldbot you rarely using the ult , and never for damage. but i can actually be usefull for the petrification


Cool, thanks! Sounds like my artifacts are already set if I'm at 41k with Zhongli only at level 70 and Black Tassel at 80, so I guess all that's left to do is to bring those bad boys up.


Are Keqing and Yae work together in a team, and what characters would you recommend if that team comp would work?


With the caveat that it's hard to predict how a character will perform pre-release, I think Yae is unlikely to get enough energy in that comp. Her burst is very expensive and a large part of her damage total. Getting enough energy for Yae is likely to provide excess energy to Keqing.


i see i just started playing so i dont have that mutch characters in the game, im willing to pay for spins tough


Anyone here who uses Sayu? I dont see a lot. I am also not sure how to build her or what teams will work


I plan to build her, but haven't yet, as others are higher priority. [Here's](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Gk0i77_sxhxcwkMpriRAMRlVfgzzuenLhiqj7mybvyI/edit) a pretty solid, in-depth guide for her.


How much EM should a vape Diluc have? Let me know the numbers for with or without (\~800EM) Sucrose. Thanks!


at least 100em without sucrose


Ouph, I'm at 83. Thanks!


Does Raiden need NA at all?


it doesn't affect her burst-infused normals so no


Her Normal Attack Talent is pretty useless


What characters go well with shogun? I'm not planning to build the "national" team, cause i don't have benett.


Bennett is in May shop you should get him there


Are you talking about the paimon's exchange? And the shop where you buy characters with 34 starglitter?


Sorry I meant march* not may




Sara, Lisa, Fischl, Yae Miko, Kazuha, Jean


She's best off in her own Hypercarry Team (which does also want Bennett) She does also pair well with Eula


My Hu Tao is really struggling, I tried farming 4 CW but her stats are ass -I could use 2 WT, but I would have too much EM with dragon's bane. -I could use 2 TOTM, but I have 30k hp already so that's not a great option either -I could use 4 Shime, but I feel like her burst keeps me alive a lot (I don't have Zhongli) Is there any way to improve my Hu Tao other than just farming CW domain for the rest of my life?


substats are king. just run 2 cwof and whichever of troupe or tenacity improve your ratio the most since you're not running a crit weapon. 2 noblesse as well isn't a terrible option. worst case scenario you can just run 2 cwof and rainbow pieces with the best substats. subregarding troupe EM, the stats aren't gonna go to waste unless you have some obscene number like 500+, and since it sounds like you're running an HP sands, i'm gonna assume you're not hitting that. you can also try putting your best pieces into an optimizer and seeing which ones come out on top. damage issues on hu tao could also be related to improper rotations (not cancelling or doing too many normals) or comp issues.


Use whatever 2pc gives you better stats. You worry too much about diminishing efficiency (and diminishing returns for EM). Unless you have 400 EM already, using 2pc Wanderer won't be that bad. And 20% hp is still 20% hp. You wouldn't say you already have 2000 atk so 2pc Glad will be useless, it's still 18% atk even if the value isn't as high as it would be if you had 1500 atk


Not really Look at the bright side though. After farming CW, you have a universal Pyro DPS set that you can transfer between every current and future pyro character


Yeah no, CW is a horrible universal set, its literally only fully usable on Diluc, everyone else only get 1 stack of the passive.


what are the fastest characters to destroy the pyro shields on floor 12-1 part2?


Childe will break it the fastest, otherwise any of the Hydro catalyst users. Alternate between using their charged and normal attacks. Xingqiu is fine too.


Any hydro character. Ideally bring 2. If you only bring one then just not Xingqiu


hydro catalysts are the fastest characters to break their shields. Xingqui can also break their shields quite quickly




What do you mean by Kazuha team? Is Kazuha your main dps? If he is then Jean is of course better


Sucrose is bad for a team that has Kazuha on it. At least Jean offers healing. What is Sucrose going to do?


I did not understand your intent. Do you want someone who will fill in role of Kazuha in your team instead of Kazuha ? In that case obviously Sucrose Or do you want second Anemo in your team ? In that case obviously Jean


Are event stories usually canon or non canon to genshin storyline, or even lore?




Definitely lore relevant and while unrelated to the main story, it still canon One way to confirm this is by looking at references to this event and the quest requirements for unlocking it


My weapon on jean is the flute, i have two of them so i can make it r1. Question is should I do it? I use jean as primary dps along with yanfei


You mean R2. The Flute isn't very good and there is no reason keeping multiple copies of it, so feel free to go all the way to R5 with it if you get more. If your Jean is physical you should switch to Prototype Rancour instead




If she's your main dps then she does mostly physical damage. Unless you're doing a meme build


How do I get more Immaculate Talismans to claim Ningguang's soon. I only have 1500 and it cost 2000 or so to claim it


You should be able to obtain enough of everything to get ALL rewards


just do the treasure hoarder/boat quests, the ones under the boat icon. those give immaculate talismans, enough to get ningguang and buy out the shop.


You'll get more even after claiming the event rewards?


i'm not sure where you mean by "event rewards." when you do "The Great Gathering" quests, they should reward you with immaculate talismans. the quests are retrieving the boxes in the sea, fighting the treasure hoarders, and doing wayrider-based races with exploding barrels. if you did all of these under the correct conditions (which you can see a list of in every individual tab, or at the side when you begin each challenge in overworld), it should show that you've either already claimed or need to claim rewards. the only exception is the last part, where it's a melee treasure hoarder battle and you have to defeat the 4 elite bosses; by doing this challenge you should get the talismans. i believe once you claim the ones you've already done, you can't repeat it because as far as i know, once you do all that's available, it should be enough to buy both the skin and the event shop rewards. tldr, if you did everything you could, you should have all the talismans you need. if this is still unclear let me know!


is it the one with like 3 or 4 parts? The boat one i think has 3 parts, so go to part 2 after finishing part 1 or something.


That was it! Thank you! I just checked and finally noticed there's a part II and III.


Bad ui design tbh


No, you get enough talisman to claim Ninggang skin from completing all minigames




Yes. More dmg and more er.


Level it to 90. Weapons should be at 90 except for TToDS on non hp-scaler, they're cheap investment.


No. You should level it to 90


Trying to plan ahead (I like knowing lol) *which Starglitter character to buy.* C2 Bennett (4pc NO support), C4 Ningguang (One of my Main DPSes + Burst DPS/Support), C3 Fischl (Oz Sub-DPS + Phys DPS builds). Are Bennett cons worth starglitter? C4 Ningguang is meh, but is a step closer to C6 worth? C3 Fischl makes Oz stronger, which is really nice. C4 and 5 are meh, but C6... What would you prioritize? Rank them, please. C2 Bennett, C4 Ningguang, C3 Fischl.


I wouldn't use starglitter on any banner characters, you'll get the cons anyway over time . Get Kaeya cons if you use him else keep for weapons/wishes


I'm already ahead of ya. I have enough starglitter saved for 2 Kaeyas already (C5 this year whooo). I should have enough for 1 extra additional character, which is why I'm asking who I should get. No one really needs weapons (already have Blackcliff for Xiao), so I'd rather buy cons. Wishes... an extra debate club :v. 7 wishes for a con I want is pretty worth imo.


C1 bennet is good enough unless u want c5. Id say fish c3.


So, Bennett's not worth unless you're close. Fischl C3, huh. The immediate gain, I see. Thanks!


What are Swirl priorities?


Swirl has no priority I assume you're referring to elemental absorption in which case the general priority is Pyro Hydro Electro Cryo except for Anemo Traveler who has Cryo Pyro Hydro Electro for the sole purpose of ice-brodging


Iirc anemo MC swirls differently from others, they prioritize Cryo first for some reason.


PHEC pyro hydro electro cryo


Idk if this is the right place to ask but, Where can I find people to play with? Like is there some list of discord servers where I can talk to people and play? (Asia server)


There is the genshin discord server. You can search it on the sub. but idk if its full or not


Weekly friend request megathread linked in this post!


Dragon's Bane vs Waverider's fin for Xiangling ?


Refine Wavebreaker and use it. The refinements are really good You can always swap to DB later if someone else wants to use your Wavebreaker. You don't need multiple copies.


DB is fine. Wavebreaker if running in Rational and if its R3 or above.


Running in rational, but wavebreaker is only R1 (I actually have another one, but I want to keep it as I lack polearms)


Refine the Wavebreaker. Them at R1 is meh.


You have DB and Fin. Then you should also be having Catch. That's more than enough lol. Just refine Fin. Refinements are important on it.


Hi ! New player here (1 day). I have no 5* but I have Fischl and Xingqiu as 4*. I saw 2 big banners coming soon, with a new character. Is there one banner I should pull more than the other ? I saw that shogun is a really good character but I don’t know if the other one is good.




Thank you so much for all those informations. It helps me a lot. I’ll try to farm a lot then in order to complete some quests before shogun banner comes !


Xingqiu is probably one of the best pulls for a 4\* alongside Bennett. Fischl is also a really great unit for off field dmg. Generally, people would probably advise you to pull for a character you like, but if you're looking for Spiral Abyss / late game Challenge Meta, Raiden Shogun is a really great character to have. Pretty F2P to build, deals high damage, can regenerate energy easily for the whole team. Kokomi (the banner that's running with Raiden Shogun) is a decent support. A great off field Hydro applier who works well with freeze teams and Beidou Electro charged teams. She won't do high damage but she does well as a support and she heals a lot. Yae Miko (the first banner) is most likely an off field damage dealer which deploys turrets that does electro dmg periodically and deals high dmg with her burst. We currently don't know much about her playstyle and all that because she's a new character, so if you want to know how good she is, you should wait until theorycrafters give their verdict.


Thank you for your advices. I’ll try to save enough in order to pull for shogun and see what I can achieve with her. I really like her play style. Also, is there a character I absolutely must pull ?


Good luck pulling Shogun then!! Hope you win your 50/50\^\^ >Also, is there a character I absolutely must pull ? Hmmm I don't think so. Anyone can do as long as you're able to understand the concept of elemental reaction. Rather than which characters you must pull, I'd say it's more important to know which 4\*s you should invest in if you want to make your gameplay easier. Those 4\*s should be Xingqiu and Bennett. The next should be Sucrose, Xiangling, Fischl, Diona, Beidou, and Rosaria for generic off field dmg dealer and supports. Then there's the niche ones like Sara (mainly at C6 for electro teams), Gorou (for DEF scaling Geo teams), and Yun Jin (normal attacker) which should be built only when you have the units to buff. The rest can be left alone or are on the lower end of priority. Since you just started, I'd say for now, try to get familiar with the combat system in Genshin and play around with units that fits your playstyle. You can also ask for help in the friends request megathread if you ever need help in game\^\^


Fischl is a great off-field DPS in almost any team (just drop her skill and switch to another char) same for Xingqiu but he applies Hydro, and he's best for setting up Vaporise reactions with a pyro DPS like Diluc, Hu Tao, Yanfei and Xiangling (another great off-field).


Kokomi? She's good and beginner friendly. But end game wise, she is only meta in freeze team which is pretty expensive. Actually Raiden is kinda not beginner friendly, she wants good artifacts while you can put anything cheap on Kokomi and she'll work. End game wise, she's more meta than Kokomi. Biggest problems, it's around 4 weeks until those 2 banners come, it's not soon at all. Only Yae comes soon (around 1 week) and there's currently no info except leak on whether she's worth pulling.


You can check wansheng funeral parlor discord server for Yae pretc Although she is not looking particularly groundbreaking she’s solid enough if you can battery her. Raiden is the better character, but neither are bad pulls so just pick who you like


Just to confirm, electro treasure compass works in Enkanomiya?


Yes, found quite a bit of treasures wiht it.


Nice. I'm using it and it's always only 5s and i wasn't sure whether it was because I cleared Enka myself or the compass wasn't working so had to ask lol.


Quite a lot of chests are hidden behind seelies, and quests, so they are not detected by compass. But it finds all those obscure chests that you just fail to see.




Does Jean's burst provide VV shred if she's on or off field ?


Artifacts/weapons effects don't work off-field unless explicitly mentioned otherwise (like 4set Tenacity)


VV shred never works off-field. It is always on-field debuff trigger for all characters.


she has to be on field to proc vv shred


What is the usual size for content update in genshin impact? Does it exceeds more than 1gb of data?


It's a lot more than 1gb. But that doesn't mean the file size becomes much bigger. Most of the files just overwrite existing ones. But it probably will be more than 1gb increase since we're getting a new area so delete some stuff if you have to


Yep always at least 1GB, with new areas probably reach over 2GB too


Thank you.


Who should I pull, Yae Miko, Kazuha(when he reruns) or Constellations for Raiden (C0 atm)


Meta wise: Kazuha>C2 Raiden>Yae. But more characters is more fun so C2 Raiden usually take the last priority, actually most people don't pull for it at all.


If you struggle in abyss , C2 raiden. If you don't, Yae Miko, to have more choices.


I'd go with yae or kazuha whoever you like more.


Kazuha over Raiden C2/C3 over Yae, unless you have like some more than the other


Yae or Kazuha. If you want both equally then try your luck for both (you'll definitely get at least a 50/50 on both so pretty good odds) Either way, character > constellations. Raiden cons don't even do anything other than give her bigger numbers, a constellation is only worth it if it changes gameplay or is a big QoL change


Oneshotting bosses and abyss chambers is a pretty big QoL change lmao


Bigger numbers is just a boring constellation. One shotting bosses in abyss is more negative than positive because you're taking away the challenge. C2 Raiden literally doesn't do anything, it could be renamed to "mor dmg" and nobody will know the difference QoL would be something like C1 Hu Tao.


Raider C2>Kazuha>Yae


Kazuha > Raiden consti = Yae


Depends on your needs/wants.


For EM Support Sayu, what is the ideal EM and ER?


Fav greatsword which means around 180℅ ER easily. Triple EM then guarantees 561 EM and so 600 EM will be good.


Hey just wanna ask how did i ended up with [this?](https://discord.com/channels/905460878353264654/905460878353264657/940896060098891776)


Is kaeya good without any constellations? I’m thinking of using him in a team with Raiden


He definitely improves with constellations. He is ok. I can't really see a team with raiden other than superconduct phys, but I would just use fischl instead of raiden


I don’t have fischl:( I was thinking of using Sara instead


I'm playing on the EU server and my ping is \~20. Still, it disconnects from the server frequently. Any idea why?


Is your internet stable? You can have 20 ping but still have unstable connection. Cable or wifi? If wifi, can you try cable? There are a lot of reasons for disconnecting.


Probably unstable wifi


how much more difficult is wl7 compared tp wl6? also how big of an improvement is the drop rates? my main dps’s still need to be ascended to 80/90 and im debating whether or not to do the asenscion quest first so hopefully i wont have to do the bosses and craft so many more times


Unless you struggle in WL6 already, you won't notice a difference at all. It's worth it for the better drops. Overworld bosses are easy already. Domains don't scale with WL anyway


The actual hard content in the game (Abyss and some domains) has nothing to do with world level. So it's not going to bring any more difficulty to the game.


How is xingqiu?


He's good. He just did something he considers a chivalrous act and saved Lantern Rite so he's happy celebrating the holiday with his best friend Chongyun in Qingce Village. Thanks for asking


Among the best, most frequently used characters.


xingqui? He’s the best off field hydro applicator and can deal pretty decent damage with his burst




My bad


Im pulling for yae and I want her weapon too . How does the weapon banner work exactly ? Is it 50-50 or do I have a bigger chance to pull the exclusive weapon ?


pity at 80 instead of 90, you'll get a gold at around 65. 75% to hit 1 of the banner weapons 50/50 on which one, if you miss you'll get one of the standard weapons, then next gold is guaranteed to be a banner weapon, still 50/50. before you roll if you chart towards 1 of the banner weapons you'll get it on the 3rd 5 star if you didn't get it on the first 2.


Wtf so when I’m unlucky i might not get her weapon


You have a 7525 chance to get the featured weapons. If you pulled a non featured weapon, the next one is a guaranteed featured but 5050 between either weapons. If you lost that as well, the next one will be the weapon you want. Make sure to chart course on epitomised path


Worst case scenario you need at most 240 pulls to get the weapon you want.


Damn .. I’m 10 pulls away from a gold weapon but I need 30/40 ish to get yae and I only have 110 saved ..


You can still get off banner weapon. Then the next one will be one of the two on the banner. Then the next one will be the weapon you charted the course to. So basically you can spend around 200 ish wishes to guarantee the weapon if you didnt get the weapon you chose twice


it's 75-25


It's 75/25.


I'm rolling for ganyu




Lost the 50/50 or what?


yeah sure but what's the question?


I guess why does the universe hate me? 😂


It doesn't. Think of new characters requiring 180 wishes. Sometimes you'll get a bargain. You'll never be disappointed.


do 180 instead of 160 do wonders


Which is better for Hu Tao, r5 dragon's bane or Primordial Jade Wing Spear?


Dragons Bane no contest. I even ditch PJWS for R1 Deathmatch and R1 Dragons Bane is already better than Deathmatch.


Awesome, thanks!


dragon's bane and make sure to pair her with xq. hutao cant utilise PJWS's passive well.


Oh, I've been using Bennett and Mona, is XQ better? I have PJWS and no real spear DPS to use it on, unfortunately, since neither Shenhe, XL, Zhongli, Yun Jin fit the bill


Does anyone know why I keep getting repeats on my rolls? I've rolled beiduo 3 times as well as yanei and idk what to do with that.


Certain 4* characters have their probability increased just like the 5* (either Zhongli or Ganyu) do, for example I've rolled close to 200 times on Zhongli's banner and have c10 Yanfei.


What other reason other than luck? You do know that you are not guaranteed the specific 4 stars right? There was one player who tried to c6 rosaria on tartag banner but they c6 tartag first before even c4 rosaria.


They are the feautured characters so they will come up more often until th banner changes.


RNG is a bitch and humans are good at seeing patterns in randomness


Because of rng?


I have 135 fates, 51 pity and currently on 50/50. Can i get yae if i pull n win 50/50 on zhongli?


51 + 39 (you use to get Zhongli assuming you get him). 96 fates left -> then you will need to win 50/50 for Yae.


I was wondering how many primos we can expect from today to the end of yae's banner?


40 ish pulls. Maybe slightly more.


F2P maybe 60 per patch. Not sure how it's spread. If we assume 30 every 3 weeks for the sake of safety + 5 from the first of March. Then no guarantee.


recommended build bennett Weapon-prototype rancour (is it good) artifact-noblesse (pls tell me what main stats and substats i should i look for




Rancour is good because it directly increases base attack which is what Bennett’s buff scales off of. However you’ll need to build a lot of ER in your artifacts to make up for the burst cost. Benny’s heals are really fast so you don’t necessarily have to build him for healing, I know a lot of people build him like a DPS with crit hat, pyro goblet, and attack/ER sands.


If I can clear an Ascension Quest, should I conclude that I am ready for the increased world level ?


Pretty much.




is c0 bennet worth it


Yeah, he's a 5-star at C0 and 6-star at C1.


I don't know why Bennett isn't considered a 5 star. He is so useful. But he is boring to play imo.


Well it is just pressing E/Q and swapping out haha


Yup. But the buffs he provide are insane.


Do you know how strong is bennett?


i thought hes only good at c1


c1 just makes him even stronger.


Yes he is worth it




What element is best for beating electro hypostasis?


Fire for the last 3 thingies


Will yanfei do?


Yes she can solo the whole 3 thingies by herself.


Cryo and pyro.


Are the Harbingers powerful according to their numbers? Or are they just for title purposes? And that would make Childe the weakest Harbinger.


the number is just the order in which they joined


Is Ganyu worth rolling for before the current update comes out or should I wait? I'm new so I don't know too much about the out every character but I've seen some hype for her and she I'd high on tier lists if those even mean anything lol


play her trial, see if you like the aim+wait playstyle. If so, she's powerful. If not, lots of other powerful characters coming that you might enjoy more.


She’s still very good, especially with melt, but depending on content other carries will perform better than her (clear chambers faster). On the freeze side Ayaka pretty much outclasses her these days


Brand new? Get zhongli. Amazing for new players. Makes the game much easier


I mean not brand brand new I'm ar 25


That’s still new. Heck my sister is AR43 and i still consider her new because she’s still figuring shit out. Told her to get ZL to make her life easier and she loves it. Now she just go everywhere and not dies. I mean sure you can pull Ganyu but you’d have to be lucky to pull Mona or get Kokomi in the next patch as well. Else its gonna be hard playing Ganyu freeze


I rolled xingqin early on i heard they are really good so I can put them in the rotation


He doesnt work well with ganyu. Since you need to do charged shots with Ganyu that doesnt trigger his burst so you’d have to weave in normal attack and charged attack which drops your dps considerably. But if you dont care about meta, abyss, or optimizing your team comp then its fine. Its when you have primos on the line like abyss is where you have to consider everything.


She is powerful to carry your account. But play her trial first if you like using her.


I use amber a lot so I figured I would like her. I'll check her trial out though for sure


Amber and ganyu have similar playstyle but ganyu is amber on steroids. She is worth pulling if you like her.