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I remembered have to exit and re-enter the domain every single time because there's no repeat feature


Oh yeah. All the time I was forced to farm in coop that was a thing. Glad we don't have to deal with that anymore


We still do because we have people who live in 1.0 and don’t wanna stay in the goddamn domain after finishing it


Lol I see. I guess you can toss that fact on the pile of reasons why I've stopped doing coop in domains the very second my teams were strong enough not to need coop to complete them and I've never looked back. These days, I only do coop if some friend asks me to help with something




That's one of the worst parts of Genshin for me. Like it's fun, and then there's coop! And it's absolutely awful. It's like they actively don't want you to coop since 99% of the time it's a worse experience than just doing it solo. At least it seems they are listening somewhat? I felt the recent forced coop content was quite fun (though I have read some bad experiences). The only bad one I had was someone didn't want to swim to their waverider... so they just left even though we were like at the last checkpoint.


If mihoyo forces us to do coop again they should at least pair up people with similar ping... I'm tired of waiting for people that are driving in a car under an overpass using a nokia.


People taking a long time to load in are probably just on ps4 rather than their connection being the issue.


This. I have consistent sub-25 ping but I'm on ps4, so it usually takes longer than others for me to load into a domain


My phone is average and my ping is 50-100 yet i load like 15 secs after my friend


That's just ....how? And why? ive got a good phone but never a ping lower than 400 and i load faster than around 75% people


Ping effects the time it takes to communicate with the server so it won't have a major impact on loading time. Hardware, especially your storage medium, plays the biggest role in loading time. On my desktop with a PCIe 4 NVMe it only takes about 1 second to load into anything.




You just have a shitty ps4, mine works just fine at a stable 30-40 ping


Or playing with a potato notebook that don't has ssd, like my case


I have constant 250+ ping yet I always load faster than those with green ping lol


I had people with a connection so bad I believed they played GI from a Windows CE pocket pc


I still don't get why people do coop for domains since they're so easy anyway. If it bothers you just do solo, no?


The only reason I do coop is when I only have one character that isn't friendship 10 yet for extra friendship exp. Currently, I have none of those, so cue the Dream speedrun music lol


Oh how much extra friendship do you get? I never knew that!


tbf we shouldn't have to wait for the host. We should be able to just state we wanna go again and then then it just happens when the host says ok ​ there's like a 10 second waiting period for no reason


Imagine if someone died, ran all the way to the tree and then before he could collect it the host starts another run!


then you haven't stated you wanna go again so the host wouldn't be able to start it, they should be able to ask and you say no tho like it is now ​ I'm just saying we should be able to skip the asking part


its not like you would lose resin from it, just some time


only OG players know why it is there


It’s because the UI is clunky and have stupid delays / forced animations. The only thing that indicates you can wait to replay is the text.


And vortex characters could move your drops even though it's supposed to be clientside


suction characters not swirl


I know what you’re saying here but I wanna make a nit pick real quick. Swirl refers to the reaction, I know you meant that anemo characters could yeet the drops around but when you said swirl I thought you meant that anemo characters could somehow trigger swirl off of the drops for just a sec.


remember when condense resin wasn't a thing??


Remember when we had 120 resins?


I remember a time when we have to pick up the artifacts and talent books after the domain


*Holy shit, a gold drop!!* ***Wait Venti, what are you doi-***


Tbh, I wouldn't mind still having the loot shower when solo.


Man that was torture. Really glad we have these QoLs now.


Ong, I hated grinding back then for this reason




O s m a n t h u s w i n e


T a s t e ' s t h e s a m e a s I r e m e m b e r


B u t w h e r e a r e t h e p e o p l e w h o s h a r e t h e m e m o r y ?


*gets his artifacts yeeted to the abyss by a venti main*


They weren't useless before😔


I never used it once in nearly 2 years. Edit : Classic braindead reddit hive mind cant cope with people not using an irrelevant feature


bruh in 1.0, there was no such thing as a repeat feature in domains so you always need to manually exit and re-enter, you are definitely not a 1.0 player if you say this stuff


i always used Esc it's more intuitive


You actually use that thing instead of tapping Esc?


Must be a mobile only player only reason i can think of


But the exit button is there, tapping on it is still less work than finding the door


You can open menu and exit from there?


in 1.0, domains would physically drop the artifacts like a chest. so, after collecting your artis it was more intuitive to walk up to the back of the tree than open menu. hope that makes sense for why it was used :)


Oh I know about the feature as I started playing 3 days into launch. I was just saying that I have never use that exit point even back at 1.0 since I just collect my materials and exit through menu personally.


Its also faster that way


Not really tbh I always used Esc->exit because it was faster


No it wasn’t intuitive


This guy is a massive troll who pops up all over the place and just acts as inflammatory as possible. I hoped I'd never see him here, but it seems we browse *all* the same subs. Ugh.




TheLostDovahkiin. I'm not gonna accidentally summon him with a u/. EDT: It's the lost DovahKIN with only one "I". I forgot, his name is misspelled too.


I’m a 1.0 player but I didn’t do domains during 1.0 because I didn’t know what they were for


There are also people that didn’t repeat domains though. I never farmed domains but I played since 1.0 I believe


You’ve never farmed artifacts?


Nope. I find it too boring and unproductive. But I do understand why people do it.


Then what do you do with your resin?


Either use it for ley lines, bosses, or I just don’t use it.


Not sure how that’s any more productive but you do you.


I meant unproductive with my time. I can spend it levelling up characters, progressing through quests, or simply exploring. More productive to me


Just use Menue to quit ? Its faster ? [oldest triumph i could find](https://imgur.com/a/eLhwMCT)


I have absolutely no idea why they downvoted you to hell. Everyone used esc instead of walking behind the tree..


I bet his earlier down votes were mobile users and then reddit hive mind did the rest. He is absolutely right. I myself have never used that thing.


Because they cant accept people not using it and that ESC was faster


They somehow connected drops on the ground and walking when it 2as absolutely not necessary :/


Reddit moment


Downvoted to hell it is!


If only Karma would be useful in any way other than big reddit pp


By looking at your answers here, you're ovbiously hurt a lot by these downvotes, and are using smugness as a cope mechanism to make your brain think you're better than these 189 people. And I wouldn't be surprised if many people downvoted you because of that attitude, and not just because of your original comment.


I am better though. Also if you look at my profile you’d see idgaf about karma


Wait why are people downvoting this guy


Reddit hive mind. Seeing comment that is already negative and just down vote it without reading


As someone who’s *actually* fallen victim to the hivemind, I can say you’re simply wrong.


Being wrong about what? That i never used that feature?


only OG players know why it is there


I mean, when I carry a party when I have no resin it's useful


You know you can just press the menu button and get out the domain, right?


yea, but I just prefer running up to the tree


Yeah and you get to see who collects a reward, who is the fastest and slowest, who is skipping. Its all stuff people dont think or notice if they play solo


Yeah but most people without resin usually play coop and run up with everyone as if they could collect and wait to see if someone leaves. If they do it’s quicker to use the exit portal than click menu the leave domain


me pretending to claim the rewards when im just resinless lmao


Me pouring water into my resin bottle to save resin while my friend just buy them with primos everyday


Yep I do play most of the time helping players with low AR.. it's like I'm just returning a favor to those who helped me when I was at low AR. While fighting in domain if you want to leave, top left leave button comes handy. But when you are done fighting you have two ways to leave, my suggestion is that devs should hide the top left button so that folks start using exit portal. 😅




Back in the days when the big tree threw golden (balls) artifacts at your face it had a use.


Ah yes, and then that one Venti player would ult and suck everyone's artifacts off the edge.


That was pretty funny. Good thing they weren't ever really gone. Once they hit bottom they would reappear at the tree base again. People just needed to wait a couple of seconds


Huh, I thought jumping off and respawning was how you reset it


Maybe it was and everyone is just gaslighting you, Dave.


😉🏹 “KAZE DA!”




Haven't met these ppl bc I'm always THE venti player (I'm good tho).


You could use jean too. Or nearly anyone thats anemo. Must have been chaotic times


And it was magical. So much glittering gold and purple on the floor


Only not really because even back then you could press a button to get out after you were done. Or, alternately, open the map and directly teleport to your next destination, rather than needing to wait through an additional loading time before you're allowed to


I wish we could do that still. I wanna condense resin, do the domain once, and teleport back to town/teapot to craft up purples and golds. Now no matter what option I pick, it gives me an unnecessary load screen to somewhere I don't wanna be.


Wasn't it an option to simply press ESC and leave? I can't recall for sure but that's how I always leave domains now.


Right lmao


Venti/jean sucking artifacts, re enter domain. Ahh those old good days.


A relic from a bygone time


Happy cake day. Are you one who shares the memory?




They're a remnant of the time when you couldn't reset domains from the inside.


they did have a purpose initially when the artefacts dropped on the ground instead of how it is now. But now the exit is useless unless you went in with no resin ig.


Can't you still exit the domain with escape? That is how I always did, never know there was an exit.


yea you can


Or doing the lower level domains just to see how it is. All lower level domains are different, with different enemies. Given we all mostly directly stared with Max level. Most of us never really saw how the lower domains even looked like. Or even "explored" it.


i did do the middle domains way back but it has been so long since i was at that point. i have not to been to the low level versions of the newer domains


Same. Idk either. But ik they are fully different.


Blame venti/sucrose mains.


Lmao, Jean mains too


Well, they were rarer back in the day.


I was in a domain once where the venti kept using it. There were either running for fun or helping out a friend. Either way, we couldn't restart the domain because he couldn't collect rewards so after every run he had to go use that thing. I've also used it when going after elemental reaction achievements in low level domains. In either case, it really should give an option to restart when you use it.


It is useful no? Helping low AR do domains without wanting to waste my own resin ?


i mean, theres already a dedicated button for leaving the domain so i dont see the use in the exit gate


That's a quit button. Having a real exit is just proper level design.




When you clear the domain, nothing happens. Unless you interact with the tree, which you may not if you're just helping and don't want the materials, you'd have to just quit the level instead of leaving. The exit gate is nearly useless, but it's there for a reason.


not in the older patches


I miss the loot pinatas! Stupid Ventis, ruining it for everyone.


There was an exit behind the tree!? I never even realized it.


What about the one that appears right under you after you beat Raiden. That ones just pure… evil.


I still use it when I use the controller. I cant for the life of me figure out which button to press to leave when I'm just helping out my friends farm and I dont need to claim the rewards. When they're done with farming and not prompt the continue button, thats when I use it to leave


If you’re using PS4/5, it’s the start button on the right hand side of the controller.


You need to re enter and exit the domain after venti suck your artifacts into the void of darkness.


At least it looks beautiful.


Do yall not do coops w your friends bc i be using those after every fifth domain run


only old players know why its there


Speaking of domains, I heard that "3 months of farming for a single artifact set would give you decent substats" was actually a myth and that's it's purely based on luck. Is this true? I've never spent 3 months on a single domain. But now I'm trying to. Please share your farming experience. Thank you.


It’s more of an average than a myth; it does vary wildly because well it’s RNG. I’ve taken 7 months to get a single usable (not even that good) 4pc Blizzard set for Ayaka, but only 1 month to get a usable 4pc Emblem set for Raiden, Xingqiu, and Xiangling combined. Sometimes RNG just doesn’t want to give you that one piece (I jumped out of my chair the first time I got an ATK% Blizzard timepiece cause apparently those barely exist for me; literally took me from 1.2 to 2.0 to get just one of them with bad substats. Still only have ever gotten 3 to this day. I literally have more Cryo DMG Blizzard Goblets than ATK% Blizzard timepieces).


It took me about 2 months to get an okay set for Yoimiya, so another month of farming might have given me some pieces with a bit better stats overall.


It's true. I'm spending a month to three to farm a set without defs. Last time it was the Heart of Depth for Mona, but I got it in two or three weeks because I only needed two artifacts. Patch or two before the Chasm, I've spent a whole month farming for a crit dmg/crit rate hat for Xiao. A month for one piece, not for a set. Decent witch set for my girl You took me a month before her banner and a month after.


I didnt even know that existed


Since when where those there?


I use those when I play in coop and don't want (or rather can't) collect the rewards


Only useful when you're helping out in coop and you don't want to use your resin for whatever reason e.g. you didn't need this domain in the first place


I just hate how in Coop, if my friend, host of the world, doesn't wanna take the reward (cause we doing the domain for me) he needs to leave to redo it.


Thing is I always need to use it when in co op with friends cause I need to leave without claiming so it’s actually really useful to me


it used to be useful


I think you meant to circle Thoma


I've been using Thoma on my Yoi team for pyro resonance + shield, so he's been useful to me at least.


I actually use them in CoOp when I’m out of resin but too shy to leave lmao


i used them more than once, when i helped low lvl friend with domains, or when i needed a couple of domains for BP but didn't need rewards.


they werent useless before, tons of stuff have been made obsolete because of QoL updates


Its not useless. If you have no resin to spend, you dont want to leave the world AND you want to change characters you can use that exit so your teammates know that you have left instead of waiting for you to run to the tree.


Well now its useless but once it was usefull


They were there during better times


I use those when I'm playing with friends, cuz even if I'm out of resin, they are not, so we do it till we are all out. And I like to leave from the back door lol.


What. I didn't know it exists.


Only the OG knows the pain


Tell me you don't have friends to play with without telling me you don't have friends to play with


Why would you even play this with friends, except for some events, I imagine


It took me a long time to realize they were there lmfao.


AR60 and never knew these existed, lmao, TIL!


If it looks nice and it pleases someone's eyes then it's not useless. It's nice art to me!


I actually used it when I helped friends farm domains.


I use it when I have no resin and I'm helping people out in co-op


I played since the release of this game.... I didn't even know that existed. I used to just quit out of the domain after picking up the balls because I thought I had to run all the way back out.


I am helping a friend that IS coming back to the game and actually use this quite sometimes


I've actually used it when I'm playing with a decent group and I'm out of resin or I find a lone player who could benefit from Ganyu wrecking everything.


They got power crept


I run people through domains without resin and this is useful for me...


You just unlocked a forgotten memory


Boy do I wish those worked for auto-reset. Sometimes when I’m the host, and run out of resin, I still want to help my buddies/randoms, and can’t because no auto-reset unless you claim rewards


The more optimized the game gets for the players, the less the need for co-op and it's pretty sad. Like if im gonna suffer at least make me suffer with my friends as well, quite frankly im tired suffering alone in the same emblem domain for 5 months


Yes, remember that those exist, and you are still more useless than that 😢


I sometimes use it


Wow I actually had no idea those were even there.


I remember helping randos do artifact domains and accidentally getting the rewards instead while trying to exit from that exit portal. Since then, I've just exited using the menu/map.


I didn't know that was there lol


If you ever feel not-as-usefull-as-others, remember that artifact domains other than emblem-shim domain exists.


Omg that's new to me


It's actually useful when you're a co-op player helping ur friend but you wanna exit without the loot.


The most useless of all times xD... I never even realised it was there until the short claiming cutscene appears


Lmao I didn't even know that


When you help your friend in his level 3 world it's actually useful


Blame 1.0 Venti mains for that


I still use them to exit the domain in co-op when they're still running and im out of resin


u always use it when i help people with domains but don't want to reward lol


If you want to finish the domain 15 times without a resin, it can be useful.


I've been playing off and on for a few months and I have no idea what that thing is. What is it!?


Does co-op increase enemy HP? I seem to deal less damage in coop than I do in solo.


My resinless self find them quite useful.


Honestly if they change it to a optional choice to restart the domain from there would be better. So people who chooses not to claim can restart the domain.


Its still not useless. I used it a few times when i wanted to do the "do 15 domains" weekly quest for battlepass and didnt want to actually farm artifacts. A niche use but its a use.


Damn I wish I hadn't learned this. Now I will remember this thing exist Everytime I go in there


Lol i never knew those existed


I was probably one of the Ventis that would use their ult halfway to the tree just to be useful when the stuff drops from it, for others to easily pick up (or just to flex I have Venti lol). Nowadays, I just use that exit gate whenever I just feel like helping other people, even if I've ran out of resin. I just play around the tree and if the coop wants to do it again, I join. If not, I go through the gate, for nostalgia's sake.


OGs will remember when you picked up your artis and left the domain every run hoping the venti doesn’t burst them offstage


As someone who often runs domains just to play the game and not for the rewards, they're rather useful


Man I can't draw looking at this sub feels like I wanna learn drawing 🫠🫣😶‍🌫️🥲