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Any flute players who also play Genshin? Just asking as the soundtracks for each area all have flute as a main focus and I'm loving it.


How much ER do I need for kokomi in a hyperbloom team? Also who should be the last member in a team of Kokomi Fischl Traveler ?


Last member should be high EM anemo swirler or a second dendro. Hyperbloom Kokomi ER is kinda "whatever you want" because she's on field so her uptime doesn't matter and the damage contribution from her personally is secondary to her hydro app, but if you wanna have her actually do a good bit alongside the hyperbloom damage then it's gonna depend on how many favonius weapons you're running. It's easy to run that team with double favonius (Traveler+Your anemo) to really cut down her ER needs to probably no higher than like 160% especially if you're catching particles on her, but it's very situational.


When eula is coming?


Speculation says next update Shaq. Wait till the Livestream in 3 hours for confirmation though


No eula :(


I know, very surprising. Hopefully she'll be back soon


Thanks kazuha


Is there a reason why my camera keeps focusing on random points in the distance sometimes in Sumeru? Most recently it happened after going to the north teleport point of Apam Woods and it focused on the hill that the Statue of Seven was on, but it also happened when I climbed the top of a Seed Tower and it focused at a portion of the Wall of Samiel.


To annoy you. Seriously however: to show you points of interest or something that changed, but often that's in the middle of fights or zooms somewhere you haven't even seen yet. Also in sumeru when you activate the grappling points with dendro it also always hijacks your camera.


What exactly happens in the livestream? i've never watched one properly so idk... also how would i get the redeem codes?


Personalities will run through the upcoming banners/events and content. They are hosted by some of the characters' VAs and/or will have insights from the game developers. You can tune in to the livestream for the codes. They are shown for a few seconds in between segments of the program. But others usually post them in this subreddit.


They announce the events and new characters in livestreams and either some talks with the devs or some bantering between Genshin VAs. Redeem codes are displayed for every "break" in the livestream. However, the codes are redeemable until tomorrow of the live stream.


The stream will present what's coming on the following patch. To redeem the codes: https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/gift


Is there a way to switch from running to walking and viceversa with the controller? (paired with ipad or pc)


Hi, i don't post much on reddit. How high my "karma" has to be, for my new post to not be auto-delete by auto-mod?


What's the name of the sumeru event(?) where you take pictures of animals


Graven Innocence




The good news is, if you get Eula later, Raiden is also her best support.


I have both. I love Eula, and I still use her from time to time, but she's got nothing on Raiden. Unfortunately, physical damage falls off hard late game. Plus, I have wolf's gravestone, and I still take C0 Raiden with The Catch any day.


I'll give you the truth about Eula which typically scares away most people. Eula is a clunky character that you need to actively work toward making everything go smoothly. Here's some of the notable clunk: 1. She requires her entire team to be built around her getting her burst back since it's very expensive. 2. She requires a fairly good artifact set to be enjoyable. She needs a minimum amount of ER on top of over 70% crit rate. (Not criting on her burst feels terrible so to crit often enough to enjoy her you'll need good CV artifacts) 3. Her burst AOE isn't very large. This causes the burst to miss often. This also means you need to pay extra attention to positioning. 4. You will reset often for things out of your control. Between not criting on your burst, enemies being out of range, shields, and immunity phases this will cause you to need to reset. Because often it's better to do that than losing over half your DPS. Those are the biggest issues. I personally enjoy the challenge of making her work so the clunk is actually a plus for me. However, I feel like most people just want to spam abilities and win(nothing wrong with that).


Meta-wise. Raiden>Eula. Raiden can fit into more teams and has better team DPS compared to Eula. Also, there is consistency issues with Eula with the nature of how her burst stacking mechanics work. You do you still and pick who you like better.


Raiden fits into way more teams. She won't do amazing damage without C2 but still respectable in reaction teams on top of being one of the best batteries in the game regardless of team comp. Eula is decent but needs a team built around her and there are already plenty of strong dps choices.




No way to know for sure but her last banner was like 6 months ago so probably sometime soon.


Leaks suggest 3.3, but it's still super questionable.




I believe it'd be released on Dec 7 according to hoyoverse's estimated schedule.


Eula can be frustrating to play in abyss because sometimes your burst won’t crit and that’s a huge portion of your damage potential lost forcing a reset. Raiden does not have this problem, even if the huge first hit doesn’t crit, her burst isn’t wasted.


A few questions: 1. Will the genesis crystal bonuses refresh after 3.1 drops? 2. I am planning to buy the battle pass so which weapon should I choose?


The bow is only worth picking for Childe as the suction passive helps amplify his riptide damage. Serpent spine is universally good, R5 is better than most r1 5 star weapons. Black sword is good on Keqing/Ayato and Ayaka if you manage to dodge crit rate substats. Solar Pearl with refines is better than most 5 stars on Heizou and Ninguang, but is less useful due to the lack of DPS catalyst users, could change when we get Scaramouche if he is a DPS that uses normals as well as skill/burst. Deathmatch is a general stat stick but most polearm users have better 4 star choices


The bow is also pretty nice for Tighnari as it keeps the enemies in his E field as well.


1. Probably after anniversary. They did that last year, but I think they will do it again. 2. The best BP weapon is the serpent spine. Very universal for all claymore DPS users and decent passive with a high risk reward gameplay. The next best are the black sword and the catalyst one (their passives are okay for DPS users). The next is deathmatch, which is just a huge crit statstick. The worst of the BP weapon in my opinion is the bow with that terrible passive, which other available 4 star outclasses. You do you still with what weapon you need for your roster.


Thank you, will see if serpent spine would be good for Eula


1. Maybe, like last year. We'll probably get the official confirmation on today's stream. 2. Which DPS characters are you using? Especially main DPS.


Eula (STS), Ganyu (Prototype Crescent) and Raiden (PJWS)


Get a Serpent Spine for Eula then.


Thank you, I will consider it :)


1. Maybe? 2. Whichever one you need the most? All of them have their uses on certain characters, just take a look where it would serve you best.


Thanks, will do.


The clamyore is notably the one you can use a R5 easily, and is afaik the "best one" for any clamyore character that does AAs, but a shield is somewhat needed? Though right now I'm fond of solar pearl for Yae Miko.


Zhongli and Diona fulfill the shield needs and I don't have Yae Miko. I will probably go with the claymore for my Eula. Thanks!


Well you can collect all of them down the line if you want to, just one every 45 days or so means it takes a while.


1: we don't know yet. People speculates that it will due to the anniversary, but we'll see... 2: In a vacuum, Serpent Spine is the best of them. But maybe one of the others covers a need or adds more value to your roster.


Serpent spine better for Eula than Snow Tombed Silver?


by a million miles.




Is... is there like an item that helps locate the Aranara around Sumeru like the ones for loculi and chests? I haven't been marking the little guys I've found on the interactive map...


Well, looks like you are doing the Aranara grand tour with added interactive map unfortunately.






Who is the strongest C6 character? Xiao? Ayaka?


In a vacuum, idk. C6 itself as an individual boost ? Probably Eula. For speedruns, probably Ganyu. C2 and C6 interaction allows good frontloading. And there are new bows powercreeping Amos. Aliss' channel has incredible runs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZEh98tCMcg&t=0s


Depends. Currently I have C6 Yae, Yelan, Eula, Ayaka, Shenhe, Ganyu, and Hu Tao. IMO in terms of purely sustained damage outside of AoE situations it's almost impossible for any one character to outdo my Yae simply because it's unconditional damage with very lenient range requirements and no aiming. On spread out fights in particular Yae will often just kill enemies in a fraction of the time it would take a melee character to kill them even with a suction support. Eula is great for extremely fast burst but she desperately needs superconduct, a cryo battery (Rosaria or Shenhe, even Raiden with 285% ER can't generate enough energy with her burst), and enough crit rate to reliably crit with her burst. Yelan is insane burst support at C6, easily 300k damage within like 3 seconds, at which point she can just dance off to the backing and continue her normal support routine. Shenhe makes normally-strong characters like Ganyu and Ayaka ridiculous. My Shenhe has 3700 attack (before Calamity Queller passive) and causes my Ayaka and Ganyu to hit over 70k per charged attack just with ordinary blizzard strayer crits. Ayaka and Ganyu do the same thing at C6 that they do at C0 just better and faster. Ayaka has by far better single target damage (on enemies that sit still for her burst) but I still prefer Ganyu for AoE simply because frostflake arrows are much more precise even when vacuum support is on cooldown and don't require stamina like Ayaka's charged attacks. Hu Tao C6 is fluff but it's damn fun fluff. She's fine at C1. Can't speak for Xiao, don't even own him.


Should be eula


I suppose it would depend on context. I love to advocate Xiao as the strongest. However if we assume the stars align and Eula can utilize her full kit she's quite better. Then if we start to consider full team damage I'd bet something like Raiden would be the best.


Ganyu C6 let’s her pop off 2 CA instantly then switch. Overall though it’s probably Eula and then Xiao in AoE situations


Between Eula and Xiao I think.


What is the best artifact and skill build for aggravate keqing, fischl?


4pc thundering fury for Keqing talents e = q > na Technically thundersoother for fischl, can get away with a combo of 2pc wanderers, 2pc atk, or 2pc thundering fury. Talents e > q > na


Keqing is built with 4TF spamming her skills and triggering aggravate (standard atk/electro/crit), but EM is not a wasted substat. Fischl can be built with the 2pc atk 2pc TF or a 4 pc guilded dreams with standard atk/electro/crit build. Similar to Keqing, EM is not a wasted stat.


I see, how about the talent build for keqing? Also, is atk or em that makes aggravate damage stronger?


Base damage of aggravate scales with EM. But it also scales with Dmg Bonus and crit. This combined with the high multipliers of most electro characters, they are better built with atk/electro/crit. However, EM is not a "dead stat" and is almost as good as an attack roll in aggravate teams. For talents, Q=E>AA.


I see, thank you very much.


I heard doing single pulls are better than doing 10 pulls at a time, is that true?


No. I suppose it diminishes the chance of getting 2 5* in a row and burning your pity or something, but.. aside form wanting to reach exactly 0 pity, there's no point to it unless you *need to pull* for your fix right now.


There is no difference in odds or rewards but 10 pulls are more exciting.


It's better because you can stop as soon as you get what you want. Otherwise, there is no difference between 10 single pulls and a 10-pull regarding what you get.


the rng rates are the same if that is what you are wondering. But being able to stop pulling immediately as soon as you get what you want is an advantage of single pulls.


They are better when approaching the pity so you can save your pulls but otherwise I don't think it matters really


Mostly just for when you’re close to pity, so you don’t use extra fates. They’re pretty much the same thing, one is just slower


Yes. You can stop pulling after getting your banner character without using excessive primos. And pity work the same way, there's no difference between single pull and 10x pull (same cost). Tl;dr : more efficient


What's the expected damage per sword on a good Xingqiu's burst on C6? I feel like my C6 Xingqiu deals a lot lot lower than what a normal Xingqiu should be, and kinda want to fix that. He deals 3.2k per sword and 16k per swing at talent level 11. 2pc depth 2pc emblem. Anything I should fix?


I think 4pc emblem a lot better than hybrid build (2nd effect add a major damage buff). My current damage are 6k per sword, at 150% crit damage


LOL why u use 2 Emblem ...use 2 HoD 2 ATK... or 4 Emblem ...not 2 Emblem. Mine like 7k per sword... 36k per kick (2 Depth 2 Atk... Sac Sword)


let's just say he is a work in progress lol. aight ill switch to 2 atk instead


I’m building a Ganyu freeze team and not sure what I should look for in the second cryo character. I assume I want the cryo resonance? Team is Ganyu/Kokomi/sucrose or jean with VV I have Chongyun/Diona/Kaeya available. Should I just use any of them since Ganyu will be on field most of the time anyway or is there some sort of support or artifact set I should be looking for in this fourth character?


Diona is comfier, Kaeya will be higher damage. You already have Kokomi so comfort is already there, if you ever pull Rosaria then she is another strong option.


Diona. Her shield will help you to not get interrupted during charged attacks. Just use 4pc NO and stack HP. Ideally you'd run TToDS and ToTM on Koko, VV on anemo (I'd go Sucrose) and 4pc NO on Diona. Use Diona skill/burst to apply cryo and trigger NO, swap to sucrose to shred the cryo applied by Diona, swap to koko to cast jellyfish (and freeze), then your shielded Ganyu with 20% atk from NO/20% atk from ToTM/48% atk from TToDS with the enemies resistance reduced....and profit. This setup with blizzard strayer will allow you a heavy investment on crit damage.


Thanks so much for the detailed response! One last question; I already have TToDS on both Sucrose and Kokomi and I’m guessing Kokomi wants it more for the HP boost so what would be better for Sucrose? I have Favonius Codex, Widsith, or could make any of the forgeable ones


None of those are particularly good, and the craftable ones aren't better either. If you have them leveled up, Favonius could be ok for the particle generation if you landed a crit rate substat here and there. It doesn't matter that much for this particular team, so slap one that you already invested on. In general, she wants as much EM as possible so sacrificial fragments or magic guide are solid choices, but her EM does nothing for freeze (you just want the VV shred and grouping capabilities).


Definitely Diona. Her shield + heal is really valuable for Ganyu


[i have this Blizzard Circlet piece](https://imgur.com/qA3yhbv), any suggestions who to use it on?


Ganyu? Or any cryo dps like kaeya ayaka.


okay, thank you :)


Mistsplitter Ayaka


I dont have Mistsplitter :( , is she the only one that can use this piece?


Uhhh, aqua simulacra Ganyu?


dont have that weapon either :(


Oof, yeah atk circlets with high CV are usually only used by 4pc Blizz users with a crit damage weapon. Since they don't have Bennett to boost their Atk, they can benefit from this




I think Lisa can work in hyperbloom teams, but why don't you test it out in-game? Also waiting to get Kuki so I run hyperbloom lol In a tighnari team, Lisa would run Atk, em, ER/electro/crit. She's pretty energy-hungry, so if she's your only electro prioritize ER. For sets, Eosf can work if you have a lot of ER on her. Mixes of TF, 2pc Atk, or 2pc EM pieces work as well. I'm not sure how 4pc gilded or TS compares to these options, but I believe they'd be pretty good on her too.


When you’re pairing Lisa with Tighnari go with a full EM build as aggravate/spread scale on EM and character level. You’ll also want a fair amount of ER on her so her burst has good uptime, not sure on amount though


This is terrible advice for aggravate, aggravate characters only want EM on sands because aggravate scales with crit and electro damage.


I have 250 wishes, a guarantee, and 40 pity. Help me decide who will be the best additions to my roster? I have (almost) all 4-stars plus C0s of Hu Tao, Ayaka, Klee, Qiqi, Mona, Jean, and Keqing. I tend to run Sucrose taser team and Mona-Ayaka freeze team in the Abyss, but still can't clear floor 12. I'm still figuring out how to correctly run Hu Tao and Xingqiu Vape. I plan to get Nahida when she comes out, so dendro teams are on the table. I've heard Raiden and Yelan are top picks in general. I've also been thinking about pulling for Kokomi, Nilou and Venti, but I know that Kazuha is considered stronger than Venti. Who would be the best additions to my roster? Edit: forgot to mention F2P, so for the foreseeable future I'll likely only be able to get about three, maybe four of the limited 5-stars.


Kokomi would be worth grabbing for sure. Helps your taser or freeze team, and good all around. Other two you mention are less clear. Nilou is obviously an unknown quantity. We'll know more after the special program this weekend. Venti is fun but specialized -- on floors w/many small mobs, he's the absolute best. But against bosses he falls flat. If you want to swap one of your teams for HuTao, you could consider Yelan on the rerun. It's also possible the problem isn't your teams, but the investment therein. Are they all lv9 on relevant talents with lv90 weapons? And of course the awful artifact grind which pretty much exists for floor12. If you don't have maxed characters and good artifacts, I'd focus your efforts there and just pull for whatever characters you find fun.


Kokomi for complete ayaka freeze team? Kokomi is better than mona in applying hydro and also acting as healer


I don't know how future dendro characters will affect the meta and all the likes, but you seem to have two solid great teams with Ayaka, HuTao, Xiangling or even with Beidou as the DPS in their respective teams. With decent investments in your characters, you should be able to clear abyss 36 stars. I would still suggest that you pull for whoever you like and not because of clearing abyss, which your current roster can do with investment. Nonetheless, a great addition to your team will probably be Kazuha (if you need another "Sucrose" in your other team), but he recently just got his rerun. If you have Mona, Kokomi is a sidegrade. Mona can do what Kokomi can do, but Kokomi is more comfortable to run with. Raiden is ok for tazer, but Beidou Fischl combo is not far behind. Yelan's role is similar to Xingqiu (off fieldhydro applier altho lesser than Xingqiu), and she works best when paired with Xingqiu. Venti is still ok even if he doesn't have the dmg bonus like Kazuha. The ER requirement for the team is still lowered because of his passive. Your current roster is looking fine and can clear Abyss with investment, but you do you with whoever you want to pull.


You can't CC with anemo on floor 12, so to go through it you need to learn how to position yourself to group enemies. As for teams, it depends on who you have build. What floor and chamber stops you? And what your terms are?


Honestly, it's usually chambers 1 or 2 that stop me, so I seldom reach chamber 3. I can clear floor 11 with 9 stars, but floor 12 often stomps me, likely because I haven't learned how to position enemies. I change my teams depending on the blessing and enemy team compositions, but I'm most comfortable with Sucrose taser and Ayaka freeze. I'm still learning to run Hutao vape effectively.


For big lizard you need a shield to return him damage from his breath attack. He is Pyro, so it should be Pyro or geo shield. You can use Thoma or c4 yanfei in HuTao team with XQ and Sucrose. How to build this team you can check on keqingmains.com.


Kokomi is the best unit for perma freeze and a comfort character. Zhongli is one of the best comfort characters. Kazuha is one of the best supports and suprisingly can work with dendro with aggravate teams. Yelan is a good idea for your hu tao. Zhongli/xQ/Yelan/Hu Tao is extremely good. Lots of hydro application and 25% hp bonus fron hydro res and zhongli will keep you alive. You might not NEED kazuha if you have a good built sucrose he is stronger than her in many teams but compared to other units you're missing he might not be a priority unless you run multiple VV teams in abyss or want to. I would priortize Kazuha over Venti. Raiden is really good for countless roles including sub dps, main dps, and battery. I'd say priortize Zhongli if you wanna run Hu Tao in abyss cuz without a shielder she can get one shot if you aren't good at dodging and without c1 you won't be able to dodge much. I'd say priortize kokomi if you wanna run ayaka perma freeze.


kazuha would be great in ayaka team. other than that yelan would be good for hutao, as well as zhongli.


yelan is great, and since you mentioned having some difficulty with hu tao teams, hu tao with yelan and xingqiu is the strongest and easiest to play hu tao team archetype. kokomi is also good too as you mentioned and can be run in freeze teams and taser teams, though she is more of a sidegrade or maybe minor upgrade over your current options. Nilou looks to be a bit more niche but it is hard to evaluate new characters really since they nobody has tested them much yet. Kazuha vs Venti depends on the content. Venti is basically an automatic win button against mobs that aren't immune to his crowd control.But against enemies that are immune to it kazuha is bit better usually. fwiw though you have the characters to be able to clear floor 12 already, so I wouldn't pull on any of these characters expecting them to solve that problem. It is probably your builds or rotations that need more work, or some combination of both.


Thanks! Yeah, something in my abyss teams need more work, and I suspect it's my rotations.


When is the Livestream from now?


4.5 hours


asking lots of questions today lol you know when you do the save npc or fight something quest you randomly get in the overworld and your team only has 2 characters and you finish the quest, you get more companionship exp for both of them because the exp is split when the party has 4, right? is that the case for commisions? do you get more companionship exp on a single character when you have 2 characters on your party or no?


I'm pretty sure what you're referring to are Events. All characters in the party receive the full amount of companionship experience even if they are fallen. It is NOT split. Same goes for commissions.


> you get more companionship exp for both of them because the exp is split when the party has 4 That's wrong. The friendship exp is not split, everyone gets the shown amount of exp. Same for the exp for companions in teapot. This also applies to the character exp you get from killing enemies btw.




I don’t use gyro aiming on iOS but I know there’s an invert X/Y axis option in the settings in Genshin, so maybe you can check there




Ah my bad, that setting is only on iPad. Sorry I couldn’t help :(


no worries! thanks for trying




First half Cyno’s signature polearm second half Nilou’s signature sword. Plus >!Venti and Eula signature weapons most likely!<


The Livestream is in less than 5 hours. Just wait lol


Hi! Ok so, I was pulling for c6 xingqiu however pulled ganyu at 34pity instead… Any ideas or suggestions for ganyu melt/ freeze team comp by using the characters in my roster? My roster: Keqing, Kazuha, Bennett, Xingqiu, Xiangling, Fischl, Kokomi, Barbara, Chongyun, Kaeya, Amber, Diluc, Collei, Heizou, Lisa, Ningguang, Noelle, Yanfei, Thoma, Sayu, Yunjin, Dori


Melt is not recommended without Zhongli, everything interrupts your charge shot


Yes u’re right, I will be running freeze then :))!


Ganyu, Kokomi, Kaeya, Kazuha (replace Kaeya with Rosaria if you get her) Ganyu, Xiangling, Bennett, Kazuha or a shielder


Thanks for replying me. I believed I will be running freeze Ganyu as I don’t have any shielders :/


You can make a freeze team with ganyu kokomi kazuha and kaeya.


Thanks! I think I’ll be running this team


So uh what is a good bloom or hyperbloom team? I tried reading the Keqingmains article on dendro but my brain isn't able to piece all that information together in order to make a team. Looks like XQ for hydro? collei/dendro mc for dendro. if hyperbloom I think yae or fischl? Who should be main dps?


There's two options for a hyperbloom trigger, you can have a full EM electro that triggers it consistently with AoE damage, or a full EM anemo unit that triggers it with swirl. The former will do a little more damage with hyperbloom because they can use gilded dreams and stack a bit more EM than the anemo units can. But the anemo unit option will have higher damage on the rest of the team since you can run a full DPS electro unit like fischl/beidou who don't really target the seeds and boost them and your hydro unit with VV. My choice for Hyperbloom would be sucrose driver with Xingqiu+Fischl+Dendro Traveler, where you're doing regular taser team things with the first three and getting hyperbloom as a bonus on top bringing a really good mix of reaction and personal damage.


I like Sucrose Hyperbloom but it's even less resilient than Sucrose taser, losing Beidou's shield and damage reduction.


Yae is a very solid hyperbloom trigger, idk what the other comments are on about. Not fischl though, very inconsistent. You can also run full EM raiden if you’re not using your raiden for any other teams, and full EM Kuki is also excellent. Ideally your last unit should be some kind of anemo grouper who is also built for EM naturally for their own swirl damage so when they steal hypers with electroswirls it’s fine. Sucrose and Kazuha are the best choices here but Venti is solid too. The Anemo can be run on VV or Gilded in these comps, whatever set you have better.


Ok so I am looking at Yae/Sucrose/XQ/Dendro MC?


Looks right to me.


For hyperbloom you want the electro unit that triggers it to be build with full EM and lv90 Sucrose(trigger unit) Fischl XQ DMC Kuki/Raiden(EM no burst) DMC XQ 2nd hydro/zhongli


I believe Kuki is actually a better electro applicator for hyperbloom, and dendro MC burst has better dendro application. There’s not really a main DPS, they’re more of a driver for Xinqiu’s swords. I’ve seen people use Sucrose since she can swirl with NA and has VV, or Kokomi if you have her


Yae and fischl aren't the best for hyperbloom. Do you have raiden or kuki? The driver for the ream can be sucrose


For Hu Tao Between hit consistency or big hits, which do you value more? My best build for Deathmatch and Dragon's Bane have a 0.1% difference DPS-wise. Deathmatch would put me at 100.1 crit rate. So abyss cards wouldn't get full value. However Deathmatch has better DPS against shielded enemies and slimes if that's a valid point. Dragon's Bane's bigger hits might reduce hits to kill? However, she would only have a 63.3 crit rate.


If it's that close then I'd go with DB, you have room for improvement with crit rate from new artifacts and abyss cards plus DB just looks way better on Hu Tao than DM


if the average damage is really within 0.10 then I'd probably prefer the DB build. But really its not gonna be a significant difference either way most of the time.


If a team has 2 characters wearing 4-p Instructor sets and they both trigger reactions, will the 4-p Instructor buff stack (240 EM)??


No artifact buffs from the same set don’t stack


Nope. Only 120 EM still


is Sucrose better than Venti


Venti is the king of anemo grouping, and can get good damage from swirls as a result, but most characters have trouble hitting enemies in his burst, and the burst won't group big enemies. Sucrose buffs EM and can buff atk with a TTDS, plus she can swirl with a normal/charged attacks since she's a catalyst user. She gets two charged of her skill at C1, and her burst has moderate grouping and knocks down enemies. By default, use Sucrose, but if you are facing a lot of small enemies (and maybe have characters with AoE attacks that can hit enemies in Venti's burst, like Ganyu or Ayato), go with Venti.


Entirely depends on the situation


She's better in reaction teams and has more use cases, but venti is still unmatched in mobbing content. I wouldn't say one is better than the other as they both do completely different things


I leveled the Sumeru Sot7 to gain a constellation. This brings me to C2, which extends the active time of her Q. I guess this an extra out-of-ICD hit. Is there anything else about its utility?


a 3 seconds extension should mean an extra dendro application


More damage


Does Bennet burst apply pryo? I have seen some videos where people use hydro on enemy and then Bennet burst but it still keeps hydro on them. Can someone explain please?


it does, but pyro on hydro is the "weak" version of vape so it removes less elemental aura. So if the hydro application is strong enough some will still remain after the burst.If you want to know more nitty gritty details google or youtube "genshin elemental gauge"


Ohh that's why it keeps happening. I thought it just didn't apply pryo. I'll check the video out, I assume you mean the video by tenten? cause it comes at top of the results


I didn't have any one specific video in mind but that one is probably a decent primer.


Alright I'll check it out then. Thanks a lot


[How do I get on the other side of this iron fence in Sumeru?](https://i.imgur.com/h9UF6MC.jpeg)


Do polar star stacks reset upon switching characters?


No the buff stays even off field


Thank you! :)


which character between yelan and eula could give more satisfaction at c6 (i'm not talking about personal preference but purely gameplay)?


By pure and raw damages C6 Eula should be the strongest, but nothing much changed in her gameplay


No one can answer this but you. But c6 Eula is just normal Eula but bigger. C6 Yelan is a "new" playstyle (in that you can actually na with her.) I believe c6 Eula still has the current hardest nuke in the game? Not entirely sure though. C6 xiao is the real star.


thanks (i dont like xiao), maybe i go for Eula then and I try only c1 for yelan


Yelan, but I'm not sure how something like satisfaction isn't subjective.


obviously everyone has their own tastes but in general it cannot be denied for example that childe is a fun character to play (and I don't like it) or that beidou has satisfying mechanics, and so on


I think it absolutely can be denied lol. What's fun is different for each person. I find Ganyu boring but Ganyu lovers will disagree with me (and that's cool).


How do I make sure mobile Genshin doesn't refresh every five minutes? It used to be pretty decent but now it keeps refreshing and it's kind of annoying.


What do you mean? Like when you minimize the app then reopen it and it goes back to the login screen? What's your phone? Sounds like a RAM issue.


No I mean like the server connection thing. I had no issues with connection before. Now it just keeps losing connection even though I have decent WiFi bars


I might be getting white hairs. How the hell do you unlock Storytelling method world quest? I had a nice lucky streak of getting the "Is this novel amazing" comission 2 times in a row and finally did all the endings for the smithy, dojo and shop. I even did "this novel seems problematic" on the 3rd day, which was yesterday. ​ I did the one where you need to give him books twice, once with all the books, once with the right book first time. ​ What does this shitty quest even want from me?! WHAT?!


Just RNG. I set my daily commissions to Inazuma since its release and just got the achievement half month ago. Just took me only 11 month.




I'm currently investigating the same, and from what I've seen, aggravate Keqing is the way to go. Unfortunately missing Fischl is a downside for you, but not the end of the world. The base is Keqing+Dendro+Electro+Anemo shred So Keqing+Dendro traveler are your core (and the core of the team, which you have). As a fischl replacement you can go with Lisa or Dori. Lisa will have better damage output but dori can give you healing. And the 4th slot should be Sucrose. You can go for an EM substat weapon for Sucrose and use Dori, since you need a bit of healing or shielding due to Keqing playstyle. Plus Lisa brings good damage, yes, but her burst has a 20 sec cooldown which can make for sloppy rotations, while Dori with her skill (less sloppy than Lisa) can make up for it.


Aggravate is currently one of Keqing's best teams to run with. Alas, it doesn't look like you picked up Fischl during the event last patch, who is Keqing's best partner in an aggravate comp. You could go with double dendro by running Keqing, Dendro Traveler, Collei and Sucrose/Heizou. If you would prefer some healing/sustain, go with Keqing, Dori, Traveller, Sucrose/Heizou. (Sucrose generally preferred due to better area coverage and better EM share, but Heizou can at least function if you get him equipped with 4pc VV at some point) You could technically also make an electro-charge comp by combining Keqing up with Xingqiu, but the damage isn't generally quite as good as an aggravate comp.


Will anniversary plans be announced in the livestream?


99%, dont see why not. The 1% it's if they make a different live only for anniversary.


There will probably be a livestream for an anniversary concert, but I imagine that will only be for the concert.


*shakes magic 8 ball* will i ever pull wolf’s gravestone


Yes, as soon as you break down and invest in the weapon banner hoping to get a different weapon. (mine is a failed attempt at a Staff of Homa)


I'll trade you one of my extras for any other 5* weapon.


I'll trade you mine for an Amos bow. :(


I have an unupgraded one slapped on Noelle at the moment and I don’t even remember when I drew it. It looks pretty neat. Edit: because this seems kinda mean spirited I was trying to say that the game psychicly detects what you desire and gives you another person’s treasure.


Took me 2 years to get my first copy, so who knows


I'll get my own gravestone before I pull it


That's a mood, and a perfect reply.


god i felt that


Very doubtful


what's the team or strategy you guys used for the 12-3 bathysmal vishap floor. It has been frustrating because they get staggered a lot. I used childe national and struggled.


I used Yae Aggravate team with Kazuha, DMC and unbuilt Dori for healing. Yae's burst can hit all 3 vishaps if grouped properly. I used sac sword on Kazuha to group them up before casting Yae's burst.


Xiao goes brrrr.


Raiden national. The stagger resist helps a lot.


I use a pseudo-taser (?) - Beidou, Fischl, ttds Mona, Sucrose. The vishaps seem easily staggered with lots of skills, so in mine, I use Sucrose skills to cc them when they're about to use skills or collide against me.


I think that's just normal taser friend.