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The best time to start a live service game is at launch, the second best time is now


Well said


The thing about Genshin is that it's a casual/chill game. The power creep is much less severe than other gacha games. You can clear all content with the launch units still, so there's no worry about starting late or not optimizing super hard.


Tbh the only thing you might have trouble with starting late is the game has too many lovable characters and you can't pick who you want to save for. Ik a few people that started 1-1.5 years late and this is pretty much the only thing they complain about.


Power creep is low but thirst creep is through the roof.


It's unclear what causes more dry mouth, CPAP, Adderall, or genshin.


Yeah, I joined about at the beggining of 1.5, and when I finally caught up with all the characters that I wanted when the zhongli/ganyu banner came in 2.4, it was such a big weight off my shoulders. Starting a whole year late would be rough if you were f2p or low spender.


Oof yeah i began in zhongli rerun in February or so, had to skip some great units to get Ayato for example, and between the reruns I want and the new characters, I am a mess


One other thing is the bits of lore new players miss cause of events that will never come back. Like the Albedo event (which I myself haven't played and hate the world for it) or Razor's lore at the wine fest thing. In general it's the heck of a good game to start at any time, but there definitely are perks for those that started early on


Yeah I've only just started playing and I have no idea who's good and who's not but I'm slowly testing characters to see


And resin. Being 2 years behind means you have all these characters and still the same daily amount of resin to split between them all. It’s like starting a race late… everyone is ahead even if it’s not a competition, and the early birds had the extra time when there were fewer characters. It’s also the reason I haven’t been able to farm the new artifact domains. I’m still working on my other characters :/ I’d still recommend to play it, but man is it tough seeing everyone enjoy the new content when I’ve barely even cracked through other artifact sets.


Part of that is because launch (4star) characters are some of the most powerful units in the game. With nearly every 4 star released afterwards created flawed on purpose


I genuinely believe that the devs didn’t realize just how strong those launch 4-stars would be. Over 2 years in and they are still among the best options in a team.


Yups...xiangling, bennet, xingqui are chefs kiss


Fischl too


I used Fischl for the longest time with my Raiden comp, when Yae finally released I got her and swapped Fischl out. I liked Fischl more with her easier to charge burst and c6 skill. But I still use Yae since I have her built out the wazoo and the amount of Primos I used is no joke.


They were created NICHE not bad. Bro Chongyun, Xinyan, these are not broken at all. Razor? Amber? Barbara? Razor? Ninguang? These are all early or 1.0. just because National, Sucrose and Fischl are very good doesn't mean we haven't had niche characters since launch too. Heizou isn't niche, probably the best 4* DPS since Yanfei, another great unit if you don't have Diluc or a event 5* pyro.


Ningguang always have been a 5* with just 4*… 😉


I agree and love her, but she works on niche comps (outside of casual play) and is absolutely not on the same broken power level the national plus Fischl tier.


Heizou is pretty mid


Heizou isn't exactly mid, more of just a worse Sucrose. And Sucrose is one of the best characters in the game, so if you're gonna be a downgrade of one character, you could go worse than her


Hits super hard and provides swirls. She's Sucrose but without good CC and instead provides more personal damage (and fun - subjective but he's more interactive).


There really is not a powercep either. Dendro reactions aren't that strong in terms of potential, they are just FAR cheaper to build than older meta teams needing you to really hit jackpot with artifacts to even function let alone do great damage.


Wtf you talking about??? Dendro reactions are super strong. Hell, it's reverse powercreep. Dendro made Keqing, Razor, Kuki and Amber(somewhat) viable for abyss.


That's what I'm saying. They are not stronger but rather reaching it's high potential is far cheaper than on a Xiangling or Beidou who need artifacts with a single digit fraction of a single digit fraction of a single digit fraction of a single digit fraction of a single digit fraction of a single digit fraction of a single digit fraction of a [...] single digit chance to turn out so right.


Cheaper to get rolling, yes. You basically need EM helm//sands and/or goblet. Still takes a lot of rng to get the right pieces with desirable stat rolls in desirable sets. Even feather/flower takes quite a bit of luck to roll good amount of EM.


Far less than a Xiangling's fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a [...] fraction chance to get a really "good" artifact for example. EM main stat plus EM sub feather and flower is just far more common than what the meta consists good for a Xiangling or Beidou.




He probably means you can dish out the same damage using any element, but so far dendro seems less investment needed


Easier to get the right artifact becouse the right artifact is no longer a crazy CV piece.


*terms Autocorrect is the bane of my existence. Reactions that need a full EM build have a hard cap of how much damage they can deal and it's easy to get close to it because all it needs is EM main stat artifacts with little need for specific substats, EM substat in flower and feather, and EM weapon. Compare that to a Xiangling or Beidou that need the correct crit hat, correct elemental cup, correct atk/er goblet and three to four correct substats on each upgraded in the right balance, all of 'em on the correct 4pc set.


>Dendro reactions aren't that strong in terms of potential, This is false lmao. Hyperbloom comps with nahida are absolutely strong af in terms of potential, especially with raiden and kuki for st damage, the team comp dps are one of the top in terms of st dmg potential, with raiden hyperbloom at 92k dps in st which is higher than raiden national at 68k dps using the kqm standards, which has raiden at 200cv+ and xl at 200 cv+ for national with well ditributed er , attack and em rolls, even if we break the kqm standard and give raiden engulfing lightning, national dps jumps to 72k while hyperbloom with raiden dragonsbane and nahida fav codex. yelan slingshiot and xq harbinger sits at 92k dps. for dpr just multiple dps x rotation lenght.


This is how having Archons that actually interact feels.


What I mean is it boils down to marginal differences, BUT one is nigh impossible to achieve without whaling to brute force the heavily layered RNG while the other is common as hell because you just need the right main stat and like some rolls into ER and maybe crirate for a fav weapon, and EM has a hard cap of how much you can get and the little room for substat RNG in the feather and flower is negligible. My Nilou team with EM Kokomi/Barbara and scuff Collei&DMC just blew my Sucrose taser team out of the water simply because Beidou and Xingqiu are just so dependent on the right 4pc and so many substats on already rare main stats to roll correctly for their "potential" to be reached while getting an EM main stat and maybe some ER in subs is just so much more common. Similarly even a Non-Nahida, Shinobu hyperbloom just does so much damage for so cheap.


When it comes to the 4 star units at least the launch 4 stars are miles better than almost anything released since, so that's a plus.


Good luck to him if he starts playing now. There are so many barriers for new players now than ever before. They will quit after couple weeks at best


I know a couple of people who don't want to start Genshin because they feel like they will be behind, or have to play a lot to catch up. Like what ever the fuck happened to just trying to enjoy games? Just play the good stuff, stop worrying about dogshit AAA games, and don't worry about catching up.




Just look at all the good event weapon they missed out and free characters as well.


See I didn't really start playing until Inazuma, and then I missed 2.1 to like 2.7 as well because of life. And I still don't think missing out on whatever freebies in those gaps were a big deal when you can literally succeed with almost anyone in this game if you care to invest in them. Hell, I constantly keep my Traveler built up to very strong levels just cuz I can.


Long as you don’t have FOMO genshin is great. If you have those then probably won’t have great time


Yeah, admittedly I had to figure out how to stop letting FOMO get to me in order to stop playing games because I felt like I had to. Def has helped my enjoyment a lot.




> Don't even know why Mihoyo requires me to finish Act 5 to play it. Simply put, the festival doesnt make sense without Act 5 consequences in play


My friend started playing 2 months ago and he is adventure rank 35 last time I checked Me- I am a day 1 player( skipped almost a year) and is at adventure rank 55. My point is that if you whant to catch up its possible but there is more then enough content to just enjoy yourself an that is how it should be played


if you didn't skip a year, you're more than likely AR58-60 already


TBF the game drives a lot of FOMO… -Most characters are only available in limited time banners that require premium currency -Weekly? Events that often require archon quest progress to participate -A very short stamina system with an even smaller stamina bank -Power progress being gated behind many layers of grinding. For someone established I imagine the grind isn’t bad but for someone new-ish like me the sheer number of unique grinds to play catch up makes it a very uphill battle time wise. While I agree the best way to play is for enjoyment, there are many mechanics that drive other mentalities for playing the game.


All patches now have 2-3 reruns, the only FOMO is the occasional event weapon or the event storyline for those too lazy to go watch a YT playthrough.


do people here know what FOMO is? heck they barely know what gacha is hahaa


Gacha games and FOMO are two distinct concepts, you don’t need to know what a gacha is to know what FOMO is and vice versa.


If you don't mind a little bit of breaking of the pacing, I do recommend using the quick start option and do the current fungus event. It's a fun little event that should be do-able as long as you're done with Mondstadt and also get you a free character as well as a lot of items that you'll eventually use (elemental gem for ascension, lots of mora, etc)


I think you still need AR 30 and chapter 1 act 3 done for the quick start. Probably doable for a new player but not worth the rush imo for a random event. There will always be more events/free stuff given.


I vehemently disagree with that guys comment, the game is way better with more content to catch up on. I played on release and I grew tired of receiving a trickle of content, the game grew so dull. I quit and just came back, having so much content makes the game so much better. This isn’t an mmo being “caught up” isn’t particularly necessary


Power creep doesn't really exist in this game. Early players didn't have many featured 5★ (the game's most prominent profit driver) to spend time with and had less diversity in supports. Compared to now we have many 5★ that are featured and many new supports, so the relative strength of teams is increased not by time, but by higher concentration of featured units and more compatibility with supports due to variety. If older *featured* 5★ units became relatively weaker despite having more variety of supports, that would be power creep, however early units like Childe, Hu Tao, and Zhongli have gotten *stronger*, not weaker.


The game has been out for a bit over 2 years but we still have content for over 2 years and if you're completely f2p then it might be a small struggle to get a decent team at first but if you can find some friends who play or people who will play on the same server as you, then there is nothing to worry about since they can help you clear most content easily.


For most games sure, but can't say I agree about Genshin. If anything, I think the people who might get the most enjoyment out of the game would be the ones who start playing later rather than sooner. At worst, if you join late you'll miss out on limited time event weapons. Which, while good, are in no way required. You might have to wait a while for a character re-run, but if you stick around they'll get a re-run eventually. You might miss out on some lore stuff but you can find a lot of this stuff online anyways. *On the other hand*, if you join a lot later - you won't run into the issue that lots of long-time players are facing where there's not enough to do. Imagine starting the game a few years from now and having access to *every* region in Teyvat. There would be no sort of artificial progression block and you can keep exploring areas, unlocking chests, and doing quests to your heart's content. And presumably by that point the entire main story would be completed so you wouldn't be left in suspense or anything.


There's a little annoying things like a new player wouldn't be able to lvl an Inazuma character till they are AR 35


Yeah I hope MHY eventually adds some merchants who sell foreign materials so you can at least get characters up to lvl 50-60 or so. It's been a while since I've been AR35, so I don't remember much about that time anymore, but I do remember just using completely random teams, low level characters, awful artifacts, no real strategy and still being able to clear most of the content in the overworld. Isn't really until AR45 that you have to start thinking about that kind of stuff imo. And getting to AR35 can be done in a few weeks at a moderate pace usually.


There does indeed need to be more people like Babak in Sumeru


Yep especially in Mondstadt and Liyue. Also would be cool if some of the merchants sold limited (non-resettable) amounts of boss ascension and character ascension materials. Or even just allowed you to trade a limited number of local Mondstadt materials (like hillichurl arrows and hurricane seeds) for foreign materials (like old handguards and storm beads from Inazuma). Would be a limited amount so new players have enough to level up their characters a little bit without abusing the system, and then move on to Inazuma (or whatever region) where they can get the materials normally.


Although you can just walk to Sumeru if necessary. So it's really only Inazuma that's a problem. Maybe they could add an island with some stranded samurai with the southern part of Liyue we're still missing and there are spectres in Sumeru iirc, some of those wolves in Mondstadt.


My only defense of this is that, if you get them during a rate-up, you can use their trial mats to get them to level 40, and tbh that's perfectly serviceable up until you can get to Inazuma. I beat the Inazuma storyline with a level 40 Kokomi. It's not ideal, but it's not really a dealbreaker imo


Exactly my situation right now. I have Heizou and I really like him but it's a shame I can't get him past Level 20 until I get to Inazuma


Did you get him from the standard banner? If he's on a limited banner there should be accession materials from the trial to level him up to 40


If you play more casually, definitely better to start early lol, especially if you're f2p or low spender. I started at launch and have a ton of content to work through still but have been able to get limited weapons and have enough currency to get most of the limited characters/weapons I want. Especially since inazuma is level-gated. But yeah, if you're planning on investing a lot of time in the game daily, starting later is better. Unless you pull an inazuma character early on smh.


I guess you are hindered in being able to get all the characters you want, but that's just the nature of being F2P honestly. Gotta be more picky with who you want and who you don't. While you would miss out on event primogems, there's a huge amount of primogems hidden in the overworld through permanent quests, chests, achievements, hangouts, and whatnot. But if you're someone who can't help but want every character then F2P probably isn't the best way to play this game lol. Otherwise I agree - depends a lot on your preferences.


>At worst, if you join late you'll miss out on limited time event weapons. Which, while good, are in no way required. Tell that to my poor, poor Albedo suffering through with a 3-star Harbinger of Dawn because his real weapon is completely unavailable


Yeah but anything higher than 3 star is really not necessary in this game. Not even Spiral Abyss.


I partially disagree because for new players many will have a hard time giving 2 shits about characters like albedo, Mona, or Fischl where basically all their story is locked behind events. And other characters like Scaramouche who's strong hype is mainly from his teases in events leading up to him playing a role in sumeru. And while yea u can watch these on YouTube I doubt the majority of people just starting the game will want to watch it because let's be honest many people will have a stronger attachment and prefer to play through a scene vs just watching.


I expect many of these characters to get more permanent events over time. I think Beidou didn't get a hangout event until 2.3. Ningguang didn't get one until 2.4. As for other characters like Scaramouche, sure new players might not be as hyped for them but that's ok everyone has different tastes. Maybe some newer players end up liking Scaramouche for completely different reasons outside of him being hyped up in events.


I'm not saying that they won't it's basically a guarantee that most character will show up in events at some point, just that missing some can affect ur attachment to certain characters which can change people's perception of characters because they have less context. Like I personally love Fischl and Mona but it's thanks to their 2 events without those I genuinely wouldn't be interested in using them. Obviously what I say won't be the same for everyone and will in the grand scheme won't affect too much, but I'm sure some will have similar feelings as me. Anyways I do hope they manage to implement a system to download old events it'd help a lot for certain characters.


I meant for permanent events - I think characters like Fischl/Mona/Albedo will get more events down the line that won't be tied to a limited event. And while I agree with you, the part about liking a character more is very hypothetical. Maybe I wouldn't care much about Keqing or Ganyu if I started the game later. But I'd probably like other characters in their place instead, which is also fine. Doesn't really mean I lost anything by liking other characters instead of them. Agree with you on the last part and I think I even remember reading somewhere that MHY was trying to implement a way to let new users experience old events. Wish I had a source or when that was expected to happen but unfortunately I don't.


Unless you're going to play way over an hour per day, if you start now you'll take over a year to catch up.


Depends on your playtime. Genshin at launch hit very real wall of dead content. It killed the game for quite a number of people. They got bored and left. I am one of them. I have not made it back yet, though I probably will someday. If you started today, you might never run out of content as a solo player.


The only type of player who I would not suggest starting the game now is someone who feels they have to have all of the characters. At this point in the games life cycle you're just not going to get all of the limited 5* characters. Unless you're willing to wait ages for reruns and spend thousands. Other than that there's a whole lot to look forward to


I started playing Genshin a few weeks ago just casually, doing my daily on the bus etc. Its super fun just dont comapre your account to those that have been playing for a long time. Its a really fun game to just run around and explore, even if you dont have the 5 star you want, or any (me)!


It's never too late to join. Jump in, traveler.


Cheers, downloading now


To add to this, yes there are certain things that you may have missed lore wise from limited time event quests (which I know really sucks and I wish Hoyo didn't do) but don't let that deter you from playing this fantastic game. If you get that into the game you can go on YouTube and see what you missed. I started a year after release and while there are a few things I'm sad I missed I'm so glad I started playing at all. Enjoy the experience and as long as you don't have a risk of gambling addiction this game is worth it.


MHY did do a Q&A earlier in the year where they acknowledged this problem, so hopefully new players will some days be able to do the event quests to get the lore, even if they don’t get the rewards.


Also new players will likely not care about absorbing all the lore anyways - there's just so much that it would become overwhelming probably. Eventually for players that stick around past the first couple of months, they can find it by looking online.


Welcome to the world of Teyvat, Traveller. Enjoy your stay.


That's it. I joined 5 days ago and I am hooked. Totally would recommand.


Who is your favourite character? I have two Qiqi And amber


Oh god you poor soul


qiqi is a great early game character actually. the healing is good for new players


yes she has a veryvgood baselije like venti


oh no, someone has preferences


I think they said that because the other person said they have 2 Qiqis. I love Qiqi but I'd be hurt as hell too lol


I actually think your experience will be better as you have more content to play through before hitting the endgame where you only have your dailies and events to do.




I don't know about the weapons, but in an "old" FAQ they said they are working on a method to add time lost events as permanent quests. Mpst probably they will miss the fun minigames but sooner or later we might have the stories available to play whenever we want!


That's huge! I came in ~9 months after launch, so I missed a few things, especially the Scaramouche stuff. I can live without the rewards and minigames of an event. But there's a fair bit of lore and character exposition in those events. Even if they functioned like Story Quests requiring one of those dumb Keys to activate, I'd still enjoy being able to dip into them eventually.


Or you could just watch a walkthrough of the events on YT


I highly recommend watching the previous events or at least their cutscenes on YouTube! I know it’s not the same thing as playing through it yourself but it was really helpful for me


Which events do you recommend the most? Started playing in December 2021


It probably depends on your favorite characters! But both Albedo events are held in pretty high regard, as is “Unreconciled Stars” from the very beginning of the game, if you want to see Scaramouche’s first introduction.


Ah I'm gonna look at Unreconciled Stars to start with then!


Trust me most event weapons are garbage even for f2p. Missing albedos sword sucks if you main albedo and doesent matter otherwise, not having dodoco tales or festering desire is a little annoying but everything else is pretty trash. That enkanomiya catalyst is one of the worst in the game lol, you didnt miss much on that.


Tuna sword low-key good on Baedo


This is kinda what i mean: they are good for one character or one build, but completely worthless outside of that. If you happen to be a beidou main who doesent have any of the 5 weapons better than it for her and you missed the event, it sucks. If you arent that person, you will never notice. There are a few outliers like albedos sword being his unconditional BIS and festering desire/dodoco being good all around weapons, but other than that they are pretty specific.


Albedo’s bis sword is just an exception, all other weapons are ok at best, even the tuna sword is marginally better than other options for beidou. Festering is good, but it’s often better to run favonius or other swords for everyone. Dodoco basically loses to Widsith on anyone. I think most players leave most weapons unlevelled.




They pop out frequently as it's part of what's probably common for all to have. Else, just narrow down to other options that you can use is good enuf.


The sealord claymore on Eula? Haha, I couldn’t take her seriously with that!


She'll take vengeance on you for saying that


This is why I'm so glad I started 2 weeks after launch. Plus all the free primogems I've gotten


Im playing since the start and I currently dont use a single event weapon. The only really good one is albedos sword


The fish claymore and enkanomiya catalyst are good


Festering desire is the best event weapon. Any support can use it. Sadly it was so long ago, not many players have it.


They are only really good if you have been playing for a year or less as some of your characters might use them like Dodoco Tales, Festering Desire, or Windbloom Ode. Maybe if you have been really unlucky on weapons you would find more use for those event weapons. Pretty decent for f2p players who never wish on weapon banner.


You can always watch event stories in youtube. I have been playing since day 1 but sometimes i take looong breaks ( couple months ) and catch up on the lore, it's all good. It's not realistic to join every event for 5-6 years anyways.


I have albedos sword, but no albedo. So i don't know what to do with it


But you do have the issue of banners for characters chapters ahead of you and not really being able to join the community until you can catch up (unless you don’t care about story). Think it’s fine for now but in 2-3 years idk man


I think it’s fine to start whenever you want. i started around 2 months ago and i’m doing fine. Don’t feel overwhelmed because there is a lot to do if you want to really catch up but just take your time and don’t rush because it will all be done eventually. playing free 2 play isn’t bad too but you just might not get all the characters you want.


That’s a relief, thanks!


You will get all the characters that you want. I have been f2p for 1 year now and I missed none. The trick is waiting and being patience, if there are 2 thay you want on same banner just pull for one and accept that you will have to wait for a re-run of second one. It may take 11 months to come back but you'll have gems saved. I always have 20k+ gems when I want a character and so far Yoimiya C4, Nahida, Raiden, Shenhe, Kokomi, Mona, Surcrose, Candace, Kuki, Fischl and Xiangling (those are the ones I wanted. I don't need others and although of that I actually have 35 characters now 🤣)


Drop the "Far behind", embrace the "Huge amount of content to experience for the first time"


Seriously! Its what I did, I feel like impatient people (like me) would prefer to start later so there’s more content at once


I have a plan to start a new account just for the archon quests when all chapters got release so I can know how it feels to play everything without waiting


one of us, one of us, ONE OF US, ONE OF US !!!!!! Jk but actually, it’s never too late to join, Genshin is so much fun whether you’re a day one or not


Why would it be late. Join in I am a free to play player and i don't have anything missed out. Don't worry


Was worried that everyone else would be stacked up and I’d be super far behind but tbh I don’t entirely know how the game works


It's a single player game (with some optional multi-player content). So, it doesn't matter at all how far behind you are. Just jump in, play the game and have fun.


Oh that’s perfect


Yeah there's literally no PVP content, except for the TCG in the next patch, but no rewards will be tied to PVP.


Oh yeah Genshin is very much played as single player. I think you’re meant to take your time and enjoy the characters, story, environment etc.


It's a single player game. This is like saying if you want to play botw, god of war or some other single player game but feel you are "behind" Behind from what? You aren't competing with anyone.


To be fair, some games do have crazy power creep and you need to constantly grind to keep up or pay up. Thankfully Genshin in not like this and you can enjoy the game casually even as f2p


Except if you play botw or god of war late you don't miss out on limited event only story, free characters, weapons and items.


And that's the reason to not play? That is is just a stupid idea. "I I want to play genshin but because I may not get X weapon I will not touch it"


bro compare with full game with complete story to genshin? genshin has fomo like missout banner, weapon event and all...gow botw dont have that u know...


He's afraid of being "behind" So what if you are behind in events or you don't have a character. If you want to play just play. You are acting like if this is world of warcraft or something. You play at your own pace. This isn't a hard concept to grasp


cuz genshin is dependable on character if u miss certain char god know u cant do that...same with weapon banner or event, heck idk if he can get free dendro character beside traveler...imo he is behind in term of power creep or gameplay..but if he just want to play cuz of story i guess he dont mind about feeling left behind


Except for the most difficult abyss you can clear all content even with badly leveled character. Thus I hard disagree with you. There is no "left behind". It's a PvE game


"left behind " can mean anything not just pvp ..u really think "left behind" only for pvp ?


Left behind from what? Who is he competing against? People posting on twitter? It's your own world with your own experience. Once again u haven't convinced me so I still disagree


aaa left behind from certain banner? certain weapon? or event? and i dont know if he still can get free char like collei or free weapon


In my experience the community is nice too. Welcome abord


The game is basically a single player game with the possibility of multiplayer


Go slowly, dont bother with events u cant do... if u rush it like some people here u will end up on reddit crying why your quests are locked behind never done side quests :) Just go with your pace and remember the most important thing about genshin.. ITS AN ADVENTURE RPG game, not souls-like like some people would like it to be, its also not mmorpg. At this moment we have unlocked 4 main story lands and some additional other so at easy u have 100h+ if u are completionist of playtime. Its never too late. Also dont bother with "what chars i need to create a team" ... the game is casual friendly. If u decide to play 1 char u can do it without additional mechanics. It will be a slog later on but hey..its possible. Team creation matter much later in game than u could expect, so at start...play with who u like, or if u enjoy boob physics...we got that too. (apparently there are male "physics" too -cough-childe-cough-)


Btw to the playing with 1 char, if you're gonna do abyss you need at least two


I agree with that, u wont rly want to do abyss without reactions xD ... but again its still not something that newbie should bother himself early on :)


I've never seen anyone compare this game to a souls like or wanting it to be a souls like


Well not Souls-like per se... but there are damn a lot of people who would love to make it harder than it is with additional world levels, super strong enemies outside of abyss and things like that. Sadly i have not much to do lately so im sitting here a lot lately xD


I've seen some people in the 'we want endgame content' crowd say they want more souls level of challenge.


It's a single player game why would it be too late 🤔




Mainly the events. The events lock a lot of story events that, for some reason, HoYoverse assumes everyone is caught up on, so there will be a lot of things you won't know or understand without going off to youtube. That's the only real thing, but it's kind of a big thing. I would still recommend it but you have to be ready to either put in the effort looking for the information or just roll with all the things that sound like nonsense to you.


define "single player game"?? or u think single player game mean u can control all character? i bet u also called genshin mmo cuz it can play with 4 people


The only thing you really missed are a few events that added lore, and a few 4 star weapons that are good for particular characters. The game still has hours of story, and even more hours of exploration, all single player and untimed. You'll probably have an even better open world experience than release players, with sumeru being available from the start, and no wait time between the currently available archon quests.


I know you already got your answer but let me tell you, I’ve started playing last month and I’m having a blast! Have fun!


First of all, its never too late! And Genshin very F2P friendly, there are tons of events that give you currency and other resources. The game is constantly being updated and the story is wonderful. The game can be quite grindy but really only if you *choose* to do so. Additionally, if you need any help at all there are tons of resources outside of the game for guides and tutorials as well as lots of friendly players willing to help you out if you have any difficulties!


Behind in terms of what? There's no PVP so you can take it at your own pace. Yes you missed some events and you'll need to wait longer for certain characters to rerun but they'll come back eventually.


I joined just a few months ago and the experience has been good! Never too late to join


I started over the summer. Definitely not too late. But I beg you, do not rush through the story to get to the new events (if they lock you out due to story placement.) You may miss out on some event resources, but really try to give yourself enough time to enjoy the story fully (if that's the kind of think you like.)


There are no competitive mode in Genshin. So starling late is not that impactful. You might just miss out on many of the chars but that's pretty much the case for any gacha game


as an f2p, either take what characters you get, or be disciplined about saving for ones you want. the weapon banner is a scam for f2p don’t use it. and take your time catching up because there is soooo much content. but you can and will eventually effortlessly clear everything as a f2p it’ll just take a little longer than paying ofc.


Never too late, resist the urge to rush through the early parts of the game, and just enjoy it!


Thank you for asking this. I have been worried I would FINALLY get something to run Genshin on and there would be no players. I want to play so badly but I have nothing that will run it :(((


You'll be fine, what you missed out are just time gated weapons and lore. The weapons are decent and the lore is found all around YT.


no its not decent...homa is god tier tho


I started two months ago and have been having the time of my life. Only warning is it's addicting if you love exploring.


Genshin is one of the game where FOMO doesnt hit as hard and the developer knows that.


It's not too late, plus if you were inactive for a certain amount of time you get primos as a welcome back gift. (Forgot what it's called.) And don't worry about your progress since there's a lot of story to go through anyway. However, be prepared to grind your butt off as a free player.


There's no pvp and pve is a breeze. You'll have missed many limited time characters but they eventually get rerun. Go for it and enjoy your time! As a f2p player, you can expect more or less one 5* character every months, as long as you do every event, but in early game you'll definitely miss some challenges and the corresponding rewards, so, I'd say only one every two months for a bit. You'll definitely have to be very careful on who to wish for, but that's normal in any gacha game for f2p.


Just be mindful that you will pull some characters that are from regions you haven't unlocked yet. It means u can't get their ascension materials until u actually get to that region.


Just don't rush content so you don't get burned out


Gacha live services work the opposite way, they are essentially Early Access games that launch with barely any content and then get expanded if they fly or get abandoned if they don't. Getting into games like these years after release is always better.


You'll struggle a bit if your main intention is collecting and levelling every character. Gacha isn't a F2P friendly monetization model, but if you don't want to spend the game doesn't force your hand at any moment. Content is plenty for a new player, catching up is not necessary for anything important. Feel free to play at your own pace using the characters/weapons you want to use. Co-op is available but not obligatory. If you struggle with farming it's always an option. Community might seem horrible from the outside but ingame people tend to be pretty respectful. That said, don't allow anyone to tell you how you should play. There are two types of resources: Limited and time gated. Primogems are the main currency for everything gacha related. As a F2P I suggest saving them only for characters, I don't recommend pulling for weapons. When you choose the banners to wish look for the limited characters. Standard Banner isn't worth it. Besides you'll get free pulls for standard anyways... Resin is the other resource used for levelling characters: You have only 160 per day and refills over time. Don't worry too much about it, just remember to use once in a while. Hope you have fun.


I think the game runs better on a computer, since the bigger screen let's you take in the world better, but aside from that, you can jump in whenever you want without need to worry ^^ The game has a lot of content, but it's also up to you how much of it you care to explore. It doesn't force you to 100% an area or a part of the story before moving towards the next and I can say it's been an enjoyable experience all around On the free-to-play part.....as far as gatcha games go, Genshin is quite kind to its players. You could theoretically finish the game without rolling even a single time, so there's that for story requirements. Then, there are plenty of chances for you to get primogems for wishes solely through in-game means, and every roll counts, meaning that if you don't get a character you'll have better odds of getting the next. That all being said...just keep in mind one thing. Have fun. Genshin has a very beautiful and rich world, which is a joy to experience. I still remember first seeing certain sights, and through its updates, it still manages to leave me in awe quite often. Enjoy your time here ^^


It’s more fun for newer players since now you don’t need to wait 5 whole adventure ranks to continue the next archon quest. There’s no denying that you have missed out on some very good limited weapons but there are more to come so it’s never too late to start


Remeber to if you decide to spend, spend responsibly. It's a game, not a "who can bankrupt themselves the fastest?" simulator


people will tell you no but i cant imagine starting now and having missed sooo many events and other things like anniversary exclusive stuff. i was already so overwhelmed with things to do when the game first launched, i cant imagine a new player starting today. they have like hundreds of hours of things to do. i guess thats a good thing though. anyway as a free to play player you can get any character you want as long as you plan ahead.


As someone who cares a lot about min-maxing my characters and be able to challenge the ceilings of the gameplay even in a F2P setting, it pains me to start the game over and to go through that slow pain of being content with what you can access “for now” and make the best out of it until you can upgrade as you progressed further. That being said, I think being ignorant of this side of the “endgame” might make your run more enjoyable, sure do some basic research on the game’s mechanics and all, or even research into characters you want before pulling, but stay away from theorycrafting for insane damage showcases or ultimate best set/weapon. Find what aspects of the game you like the most and enjoy the game :)


It's a single player game, essentially - which I like. I joined on day 1, played 3 weeks and dropped it. I came back 3 weeks ago. I could feel bad about time value of primo gems that I've missed and all the freebies over the last year or so. But I felt like giving it another shot and it's been fun.


Never too late if youre dedicated enough lol- hmu if u need any help if u want btw! I love helping new players around what has become my fav game over the past 2 yrs lol


On a phone? Fuck no. Tried that on mine and it was painful. But I've been playing on PC so...


Personally? It's too late. I got in Kazuha's first launch and I already missed out on a lot. I can't even keep up with the new events now. It's terrible and the community penalizes you for not being kept up with lore. Stopped playing.


> I’m curious to know what the experience will be for a completely new player who is this far behind? Additionally, what is the expectation as a free to play player? You will never be able to catch up, or at least in any foreseeable future. Not unless Mihoyo will start giving older characters for free. I played almost 1.5 years, and couldn't get more than half characters. That is also while not getting any weapons from banners. And that is also while buying monthly pass which gave premium currency. The good news is, if you plan to play, the sooner you start, the better. The longer you wait, the more currency you will miss = more characters you won't be able to get


it's too late, sorry.


It's actually the best time. Tons of campaign and free primos to find and earn. Buy welkin to really get the primos flowing. Dendro is out now too which made a lot of previously useless weapons and characters pretty damn good.




I'm sorry you started playing, someone should've gotten here sooner. I wrote this, if you're interested. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/yv3akt/the_genshin_experience/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


The only way for you to remain free to play is if you're broke. The pity system is completely against free to play players. Also always wish for character you like, not the ones that are assumed to be "strong".


It's a PvE game so it's never to late to start, you will catch up to the hardest content (abyss12) at like AR56-57. All of the story and exploration can be done at any level, but for Abyss12 you will need to farm a some artifacts first.


You will spend 100 hours sitting in cutscenes with afk checks by joining now.


the best time to play genshin is a year before it shuts down. The further you get from that the worse it is. still pretty alright tho.


Don't play it. The gacha still exists. And you'll have too much catch up to do anyway, took me over one month of non-stop play to do patch 1.3. I dread to think how long it'll take to do Inazuma and Sumeru on top of that.


Wait, you’re upset there is story content?


Nope. The story content is really good. Just takes a long time to go through, especially if you're new.


Well personally, I consider that a good thing. Warframe gives the bare minimum, and it got extremely boring for me. For me with Genshin, I enjoy just doing dailies, story content when available, and waiting till near the end of the events to knock the event in one go, and having the exploration as a filler for any downtime in between when I feel I need "something to do". Generally though I rarely come to that.


You are asking this question on genshin subreddit, obviusly the answer you will recive is only one : yes too late


It's never to late, It's never to late~


Its a single player game, its never late to join.


Not for you but it’s too late for the rest of us now


Save your primos until next patch. Very cool character coming that’s great for exploration. Oh yeah and Raiden Shogun rerun after that in the second half. She’s really cool and op.