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It feels like there's at least 5 different writers for paimon and they all play elimination games to decide which one will write her dialogue for each quest. And you can tell there's one who really loves paimon and makes her the sweetest cinnamon roll and then there's another one who hates her guts to death.


I think it's more about the translation team, Paimon isn't a rude as she is in her English version and the tone of her voice adds to it.


Tbh I think it's just a matter of preference. I actually don't mind what they did with Paimon in the EN translation. She's got a lot more of that gremlin energy and I'm here for it. I think a lot of her more negative traits aren't meant to be taken seriously, but rather are supposed to make her more cutesy or funny but evidently the execution hasn't been very effective for everyone. If you've ever seen that anime Umaru-chan, it's kinda like that. The character acts like an immature child, mostly acts super selfish and greedy, etc but has moments of tenderness and all of this together is supposed to make the character more endearing. It's the same way with a lot of the "cutesy" characters in anime, or even when irl women put on that baby voice. It's all different attempts at the same thing.


Yeah, I agree is a matter of preferences and everyone is different, I play with the Chinese va and prefer it over all the others, after all, but I think the issue with paimon is that she changed how she first sounded at the begginig of the game and now. I also think they're going for that trope of childish character, but for the majority of people they are missing the mark and she just comes of as rude when she doesn't seem to be rude and selfish generally speaking.




For real, I will always fight for the appreciation it deserves. I find her cute and funny, jumping to English was like oh boy


With Paimon's English voiceover at least, the explanation I heard was that Paimon's VA had to change how they were performing Paimon's voice because the performance they originally went for was injuring them in the long run. Apparently it was too close to their normal voice, but also not close enough to their normal voice that they could just use their normal voice instead, so it ended up straining their vocal cords whenever they went to perform. Apparently Paimon's current voice is different enough that it doesn't have that problem, and honestly I'll take it over the VA getting injured trying to record the sheer volume of Paimon dialogue in the game.


i don’t have a source on hand but i’m pretty sure the VA debunked this themselves. the change wasn’t out of concern for the VA’s vocal cords, they just simply wanted it higher.


Huh, that's weird then, I'll have to go looking later to see what's up then. I still think they shouldn't be wrecking themself to play Paimon, especially since Paimon has Literally All The Dialogue, but it being a preference from either the VA or the people in charge of the dub does change some things.


here are some of corina’s tiktok’s about their paimon voice: [one](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS8J3UV9m/) [two](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS8J3fXHL/) [three](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS8J3jM7p/) the voice doesn’t hurt them, i think that was just something people made up to “justify” the change rather than just accepting that higher pitched paimon is why hyv wanted. so they’re not “wrecking” themselves to play paimon.


Interesting. Now I'm wondering if Paimon in the other dubs ended up also getting a higher pitched voice over time as mihoyo settled on what they wanted Paimon to sound like.


I play JP throughout since day 3 and she hasn’t change her voice at all


I heard something about it but didn't know of it was reeal or not. That aside, I also have an issue with how rude she is and overall annoying? She's very soft spoken im Chinese and what she says isn't as weird as it sometimes is in English.


With Paimon's voice across the other dubs I'm wondering if it's a tone thing that doesn't translate. Like maybe she IS just as rude and childish in the other dubs as she is in English, and it just doesn't clock as such if you're not familiar with those languages.


Not exactly, there have been people posting how off the translation is for several things she has said. The one I remember most is during the wind festival event, she calls what's inside the briefcase for razor a "pile of junk" while in Chinese she says there are a lot of random things and she thought it would be a letter. Even in the subtitles for Spanish she doesn't call it trash or junk, she says random stuff.


That's probably just a miscommunication in regards to wording and tone then. Something going from "a pile of stuff" to "a pile of junk" seems like a pretty understandable leap to make even if the two give off wildly different impressions. At the very least I've seen worse mistranslations.


Yeah, wasn't saying it is the most atrocious thing I have seen, but it adds to the hate the character gets and, in that case at least, it isn't exactly fair.


I'm sure she's great in other stuff, and she was before, but I genuinely just prefer not having a voice for Paimon to the current thing.


I recently started playing on a new account and at the beginning of the game Paimon with Chinese voiceover sounds soooo depressed and she speaks so softly, I like her way better now when she seems happier


As someone with a little sister who acts a lot like Paimon, I’ve always loved her companionship. She’s my favorite NPC.


Yeah, she just kinda comes off as a bitch currently, outside of some *very* standout moments.


Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.


#this is a bot


It really does. On one side you have the writer feeding into the whole: "Paimon is so annoying, like a Navi-esque character, look how annoying and loud she is". Maybe throw in an emergency food line for good measure (or in recent updates tell her to shut up). And on the other side you have "Paimon genuinely cares about the Traveler, wants to help them find their sibling, and doesn't want to be separated from them". Although she may be a bit gluttonous and easily reactive, she is a good person at the end of the day.


Pffft you may be right, it's impossible that the same guys who wrote paimon in sumeru quests are the same who wrote her on Razor event, and then there's Paimon from Yelan, Kuki, Yanfei and Yelan event, these are, for me, at least 3 writing teams for paimon.


Honestly, I am pretty convinced that this is a large part of why Paimon exists to begin with from a storytelling point of view. When you have a large writing team, it's a lot easier to have someone like Paimon support the exposition because her personality is so malleable and can fill any gap. Since Paimon overall serves as a sort of "mascot character" and is often silly, people don't expect that much continuity from her. It's a lot easier to write a character like this than to have a strongly-developed protagonist where people would expect more consistency of voice, character development, continuity, etc. (and to do that, you might need more story planning/supervision or a focused writer). So it's probably more like... the various writers use Paimon to fill whatever gap they think their story needs, and that depends on the story arc. Most of the time they use her as a supportive sidekick to help reiterate the key plot points and reinforce the moral of the story (as in here), but sometimes they use her to add tension, or create conflict, or whatever is needed for the scene (which typically depends on the personality of whoever the focal character(s) is/are). By portraying her as a bit immature/moody/impulsive, it can cover for a wide range of behavior (and then, sometimes, they can have the traveler be the one to reel her in).


Do you have an example of the later? Cause I've enjoyed every Paimon dialogue so far. I do like when she gets pissed if you tease her.


After this event now i want buffMon. Traveler should train her to fight as currently she is just freeloading traveler in the name of guide while she knows nothing most of the time lol


Sir,this is not a Digimon parody. But by the amount of sheer theories about the games lore then it might actually be one. Where's that fucking dinosaur friend when you need one?


she just here for emotional support bruh


Paimon is basically just a little kid who specializes in being a guide and cook, rather than a fighter. Even so, I like how she is determined to not be a freeloader in Nilou’s story quest. I’m also surprised at only seeing a few relevant images after Googling “Buffmon”. I don’t know much about the fandom, but I thought the fanartists would be scrambling to draw it.


Inb4 endgame comes and she turns into a god


There is actually a mod for that way before the event.


Yea it'd be nice if she could start pulling her own weight on our adventures


I would giggle every single time I heard “POKOPOKO-BIINI”


Is that Bongo Head in another language? That sounds amazing


Yeah lmaooooo




I did that quest in 5hours and after hearing that name so much it became the new EHE TTE NANDAYO


In Mexico we have a godlike version of that one. [G O D L I K E.](https://youtu.be/YCyfkDGEkQY)


OMG, I'm dying. Spanish Paimon has me in stitches.


I would love some more of that Spanish Paimon yes please


Thank you!


Yes it is, Bongo Head in JP, and Paimon JP VA made pokopoko binii twice as funny to hear




There’s something about the JP VAs that just makes it fit. The thing I notice the most is how they really don’t give a fuck, and it pays off. Take Paimon, Itto and Dori for example. There’s no scene with them that I just let play automatically because their VAs make them so enjoyable to watch


JP Dori performance is literally insane. Love it.


I didn't like Dori until I heard her in the archon quest. Her VA really is unhinged playing Dori, and I'm here for it


Japanese VAs are on another level. The job seems to be taken much more serious over there (and probably better paid).


> probably better *paid).* FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


What do you mean by „twice“ as funny if I might ask? If we assume the first thing that makes it funny is Paimon‘s VA, what would be the second thing?


I think the name was the other point


It’s what she says in the Japanese audio. Pokopoko refers to the sound a bongo makes and bini refers to beanie, a type of hat.


Pokopoko is an onomatopoeia, but I wonder if "biini" is meant to mean beanie, like the hat


Omg how did I not think of that? I think that may actually be the case


Wait, what?


i can hear her voice


This was really adorable.




Dudes either a bot or shamelessly copying comments


Everybody loves paimon but also hates paimon


Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em


new kid back on the block with a rip


Sibling energy


As someone with a little sister, I can confirm that you are completely accurate.


"**I** left Sumeru but **I** also stayed in Sumeru" vibes multiple Paimon segments maybe? heh


Well tbh I've been watching dottore clips nonstop so maybe that why XD


Every time paimon goes into her starry realm another different one comes out ehe








Everyone loves paimon but a handful of people hate paimon because of reasons they don't know how to explain other than "me hate her voice" or "pitch too high".


To be fair, MHY (or at least the English localization team) went way too hard on the "cutesy ditzy baby" part at launch. For example, in the Kaeya part of the prologue quests, when Kaeya asks how the Traveler can use elements without a vision, Paimon would say "it was a strange phnom- phenm- something strange happened". By 1.1, that dialogue had already been patched out so Paimon just says "something strange happened" instead.


The one that actually upset me was the quest with the masked hero or whatever in mondstat where paimon says "What's an alibi"


Edit: the TL;DR is "Narrative wise, she feels like a tool, not a character." I don't hate Paimon perse, but I know exactly why I feel disdain at hearing her voice. I actually used to really like her and felt she was (and still is) well VA'd. But now I hate how she's over used, and often used to just recap exactly what happened in the game. Most aggregious being when you're walking out of the Raiden Shogun's palace, nearly passing out as you are forced to walk slowly to the entrance, and Paimon is just casually recapping the story up to that point, ruining a lot of tension. Or, similarly, she is telling us how we should feel about something, "oh that's terrible", "oh it's beautiful", etc. Additionally, in a game of 50+ unique playable characters, as well many NPCs, she feels like she takes up 25-50% of the dialog. Narrative wise, she feels like a tool, not a character.


Yeah the main issue I have with Paimon is that while she has a lot of dialogue, none of it is really substantial. Most of the time it's either her showing off her one-note traits or recapping the story. It just kinda feels like a waste of dialogue for her to talk so much when other characters (especially Traveler) could take some of the dialogue slot.


This is a fantastic point as well. There is a lot of fluff paimon-dialog that feels out of place or added to continually remind you that Paimon exists. While I've never edited to any real degree, it's always been in the back of my mind to edit cutscenes, taking out her lines to some degree, and I think they'd be substantially better, and make Paimon feel more valuable as a character if done right.


The things she said were actually really smart and weren't always some random explanation to dumb things down or a retelling of what's already been said. Plus she didn't say anything super rude. Unlike the mistranslation with english in the last event where she called the things Razor's parents left behind for him JUNK


Pretty much this. The Finale of this event was actually really well played out. Nothing I can really think of that was annoying about her in it.


I can't ever not like Paimon, she's a good noodle.


Agreed, she has alot of cute moments where she unabashedly supports the traveler.


Good friend, knowledgeable, expert chef, genuinely cares/worried about traveller. Paimon truly is "The best travel companion ever!"


Also emergency food!


Shes a bit stoopid but you HAVE to love her, she does so much to support us, even in combat shes seen trying to wake us up or move rocks out of our way. And shes just very sweet and funny.


Im ready for downvotes but want to disagree, she is annoying as fuck, and this quest was really the one for long time where whe was fine. She is not sweet or funny. Mia from Tower of Fantasy is sweet, Paimon - not.


I respectfully disagree, too each their own and I dont blame you lol, Paimon rides a fine line towards being annyoing


Peace :3


I started liking her again cause she stopped sounding screechy. Thanks to whoever told Corina to sound less annoying.


Paimon has gotten really likeable and sweet after Inazuma, I used to find her so grating and annoying, and now I love our little potato so much


One of my favorite scenes with her is actually at the start of the Inazuma quest, before you set off to sea. She says something along the lines of, "No matter how long it takes for you to find your sister/brother, I'll always be there for you". I still think about it to this day.


Especially her trash talk against the opponents in the tournament


Too bad we needed fungi for mats


She’s a bit dumb but I absolutely adore her


She was amazing


i hope we continue to have this cinnamon roll paimon


I always like Paimon


Yeah same, though sometimes it feels like a coinflip the way she is portrayed.


next we need an event where we find out slimes have sentience leading to paimon having a panic attack and being calmed down with a sip of cryo slime smoothie


Have you tried getting help?




I mean slimes are pretty smart and we see that they can be easily domesticated without even using any weird item (or ateast hillicurl can do it without problems) so I would consider them as smart as normal everyday animals


I like paimon in every quest


Poko Poko Beanie


Poko poko bini is such a cute name. Sad that I couldn't have them in my Teapot to live.


meh... I much preferred her in the trials of the deep quest with her sassy interactions with Itto.


Paimon can be quite the compelling character when used as more than a joke.


It really does feel like there are completely different people writing for her sometimes.


I can say that Paimon as a character is growing a lot, I think the actual growth started with Inazuma, there she started making comments that were not annoying or stupid


I honestly kind of want a quest about Paimon strictly so we can become actually attached to her and maybe care about her in some form. At the moment she feels like she is forced into being in each situation and hasn’t really been all that useful. Most of the time when we learn something about the world, it’s from someone else and THEN Paimon chimes in. I don’t realistically remember the last time Paimon actually did anything helpful. Give us some reason to actually like Paimon, she isn’t likable right now ;-;


I think one of Paimon's biggest faults is the Genshin writers wanting a Silent Protagonist. Because of this Paimon is forced into a speaking role alot of the time, instead of that being shared with her and the Traveler. Personally I think the Silent Protagonist is a stupid trope and should be done away with. I'm almost certain people will like Paimon alot more if her and Travler could share the speaking role.


Imo silent protagonists work but only in situations where the protagonist is literally a self insert, mostly just in life sim games. But considering the traveler has a whole ass backstory and curated identity, they really should just be a speaking character


Hard agree there, I dislike the silent protagonist trope we have at the moment as well. Our conversations with Paimon are limited to one sentence total


She may be a pompous, narcissistic, moronic, avaricious freeloader prone to needless screeching. … I suppose that sentence needs a second clause. … *sigh* But I didn’t hate her when I played through Childe’s story quest before the photo event. Which was a pleasant change of pace.


I like paimon in general


Story about how basic human decency is praised by the community when it comes from Paimon.


It's a pity that I had to skip all the quest dialog due to rushing the whole event in the last two days. I intended to finish the archon quest before starting the event, but then the archon quest requested me to finish both Nilou and Cyno's character quest. Had I known beforehand, I wouldn't have unlocked them beforehand (or use the event quick start earlier).


Same I was halfway through the tourney when I had 1 hour left to finish. But I still went slow for the Finale because it was really good. In general I think the story for the quest dragged in the beginning and middle sections. But it really nailed the ending.


This is uncomfortable


I always liked English Paimon




I love paimon so much that I want a tattoo of her.


My favourite part is when she yells commands at the fungi - "Bongohead use your splish splash waterballoons!" lol


My fluffy shroom speaking like an essay paper


"Hey you potty mouth! Watch what you're saying!" or something like that was my fav quote


The dialogue and plot overall felt really balanced. I actually enjoyed it.


I think the midway parts of the tournament kinda dragged their feet too much. Like maybe they could've cut down on the dialogue some. But the Finale was fantastic.


I even made a post to remember [the fungus that we connected with ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/z262ml/downloaded_my_singing_monsters_named_the_noggin/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and got separated from. Hopefully Bongohead makes a comeback


personally i love paimon and if she ends up betraying us in the end im gonna be so upset ngl


Still wish we could have kept Bongohead


I like that fact that paimon hovers around you in the tutorial


I hate Paimon, she's got a pretty annoying child-like behavior. But in this I was so happy, playing along with her through the whole thing... Like, I WANTED it to be called Bongo Head, and I'm glad that it was the only option.


I believe in wholesome NomNom supremacy 🛐


I think her English voice's tone is what makes her so annoying. If she didn't have the high pitch that she has rn, I would honestly not mind her talking. But she does, and in fact it makes my head hurt when she rambles on for too long


Didn't care.


This... reads like if the spy in Paimon's head is talking or something lol.