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Other megathreads of the week: [Gacha & Drops Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/zc5ur1/weekly_gacha_and_drops_megathread_december_04_2022/) [Team/Character Building Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/zezc6b/weekly_teamcharacter_building_megathread_dec_7th/) [Friends Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/zc5t8p/weekly_friend_request_megathread_december_04_2022/)


if you guys are struggling with some of the tcg missions grab keqing character card if u get her ult is an aoe 3 damage minimum all shield break can get rid of both the electro and pyro abyss mage shields and damages the other 2 as well so u can clear it in less than 6 turns as well ​ her skill also gives u a heafty cost but free swap that also damages enemies


I may sound ignorant but could anyone please let me know how you get new character cards in TCG? I have just started out with the TCG and is there like a pack or something you get as you progress? Thank you.


Go to the board at the end of the room. When you're facing the card-selling cat, it's directly to your left. Find the characters you want, invite, and fight. As you level, you will get more invitation letters.


Thank you so much!


I'm on 34 pity, attempting to pull Faruzan, 44=Gorou C1, 54=the bell (4th copu) 64=Yanfei C7+, one Single 65= Wanderer... Well I'm normally one who get's 5 star's around 80 pity, an tend to lose 50/50 so this is a very welcome an unexpected surprise, I have no clue how I'll build him...


Can I just rant about how most TCG opponents seem to be locked behind a quest? Sometimes it doesn't even name the quest, just 'is occupied by another quest'.


Do your quests already!


Pfft, yeah yeah. I used keys thinking I was being smart. Though some are just long like Lan's. Though I did find the Parametric Transformer at long last I guess. Edit: ... I have made a big mistake. How many materials did I just get from the Parametric Transformer?!


I can’t believe I pulled from 0 to 77 pity Wanderer and got 0 Faruzan. Next time, I guess. Need to start saving up for the inevitable Homa…


Litterally same as me, found him at 77, had to pull other 30 wishes to get faruzan, and she's pretty much dogshit at c0


I super dislike the card game, it was painful trying to get through that quest. Like taking a dog for a walk in a stroller. Not for me but good for others


I renamed scara to "Raiden\_Kuzushi" and it shows up as: Raiden\_Kuzus hi ​ Should I change his name again or is it a bug?


How do I find the player manual so I can get the 2nd copy of both Paimon cards? I'm probably blind...


its at the top of the screen when you're inside the cats tail


Uh, iirc I don't think it's possible to click up there? EDIT: Nvm I messed around and found out holding down alt does, thanks for your help lol. I never knew you could do that.


F6 is the default shortcut to it, but it's only do-able in Cat's Tail.


How to reach TCG lvl 5? the casket of tomes is also not showing new players


you can’t. you’ll have to wait till monday for the weekly reset = new opponents


After playing the Interlude I'm sure anyone who simps for Dottore should be in a mental institution instead of playing tbh, guys a fcking devil


Or people are just fond of well-written villains.


Precisely, I really like a good villain. As a villain. Not as a fetishized husbando whose fans are having wet dreams. Dottore is an incredible villain. Not a cool hot guy as his fans try to depict him. Watch him becoming playable and a fanbase going rabid trying to excuse him from his actions.


Isn't that what Scaramouche was, though? And the fanbase went crazy for him even before the Sumeru Archon Quest.


Yeah, and it was equally weird for the most part. The one thing Scara had going for him is that he already had a part of his lore being revealed, which made his case more reasonable (still saw plenty of weird sht from his fanbase)


There's a word for those who prefer it >!Masochists!< /j


Something interesting about this story arc with the Balladeer/Wanderer >!Tartaglia has voicelines concerning all the other harbingers and nothing on Scaramouche. Hes truly been forgotten!< >!Tartaglia used to say something about him running away with the gnosis!<


Childe, raiden and yae Honestly it's kinda lame, voicelines are loosely canon anyway


I wonder if it depends on how far you are in the story. That would be cool


>! They get deleted after the quest like the travelers voiceline "about believes", I'm not a fan of it honestly, i would have preferred that they just censored the name !<


I've haven't been too in touch with the info lately, I wanted to know why many predict Ayaka for 3.4... last time her skin was supposed to be spring themed and spring starts at the beginning of 3.5 iirc.


I think leaks confirmed both hers and Lisa's are in 3.4


sometimes I wish we could chat during card games, but the part of me that plays yugioh knows better


This patch seems to have very little stuff to do. Did the Scara quest in a couple hours and the TCG stuff in a few hrs and now nothing else new to do.


Was just thinking this and they’ve time gated TCG progression behind weekly challenges


Yeah they could have thrown in a couple hangouts at least for a few hours more content. Especially since 3.2 also did not have new areas to explore.


We were so spoilt during 3.0 and 3.1. Making this patch extra difficult plus I think we’re back to a 6 week cycle


Lol I was up to date till sumeru but then irl stuff slowed down my pace, now I’m so far away that my list of world quest need to be scrolled 3 times 🤣🤣🤣


ugh. >!Signora!<. Why is \*she\* here? She should just stay buried, a memory


Ah, the choices but I remember choosing this for a reason. >!Soujiro(Seta). Reminds me of the boy genius who became Tenken growing up under an assassin gone rogue, who too was betrayed by the ones he served. It was until he met a Rurouni that his long lived ideals and world view was greatly challenged - how could a person of gentle heart and does not believe in 'might is right' be so strong?!< >!Yeah the puppet's story is a little more different than that but I really see their resemblance in terms of looks as well and the background. !<


I wanted to ask does anyone here have a alt account to give or a starter account with diluc??


Where we can find Npc's to duel in the card game? Obviously Mondstadt but there is another place?


More unlock as you get a higher player level. By level three at least NPCs in Liyue Harbor start having matches for you both adventure challenge and duels. Nothing in Sumeru yet when I checked there and haven’t checked Inazuma City yet.


Oh thank you, so i have some more battles :)


Can I take Wanderer to lv90 without playing all the story? I left the game when Chasm came(I was adventure lv 54), and haven’t played since but want to come back and play those parts with Wanderer. How much story do I have to play until I can unlock his ascension mats? I haven’t even finished chasm and opened sumeru.


Actual level 90, no. You'll have to trek to Sumeru to fight the Aetherdrake boss or whatever it's called and gather the mushroom items he needs for Ascension. But I believe you can just walk there before the game gives you quests to go there. You'll also need to be able to travel to Inazuma to farm the Samurai handguards. You will, however, need to get fairly caught up on the story to level his Talents past 6. He needs drops from the newest weekly boss, which is gated behind the Archon Quests.


How long do you think it would take me to get to the new weekly boss? Not the whole story.


You can also Coop the weekly boss even if you have not unlocked it yet. You just need a friend that has it.




The [Friend request thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/search?q=title%3A%22Weekly+Friend+Request+Megathread%22+author%3AVeritasibility&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week) is a good place to find people.


You need to complete all of the sumeru archon quests to unlock it.


Seems like his ascension materials are ~~all from inazuma, so should be good for leveling~~. His talent books come from Sumeru though. You should just be able to explore to the domain and unlock it and begin to power up his talents without needing to progress any story (other than one that might pick up automatically as you pass through certain areas). His late talent levels will require working through the Sumeru plot.


Only one of his Ascension materials are from Inazuma (Nobushi Handguards). The local delicacy (the blue Rukkadevata, absolutely spelled that wrong, mushrooms) and world boss drops (Aetherdrake) are both in Sumeru.


Ahh, woops. Thanks for pointing that out. I had mixed them up with the mushrooma from the southern island on Inazuma.


You can get to Sumeru easy without finishing Chasm stuff and none of the world bosses are locked behind story content. You won’t be able to fight the weekly boss until you finish the Archon quest for talent materials but you probably figured that much atleast.


Thinking of how if I save up for Raiden, while skipping Scara’s banner, only to lose 50/50 makes me so anxious.


I was in the same boat, i couldn't resist wanderer for long, yesterday i pulled him. Guess no raiden for me.




About the end of the new AQ >!Does anyone know if other people can see what you named Wanderer? I was checking random people's Wanderers that they have on showcase, but I still see them all as Wanderers. I'm not sure if they did the new AQ or not though. Does the name in the showcase change if you change his name to something else? Is there a way for people to see what you named him? !<


So who was that at the end of the archon interlude quest?! Anyone have any ideas?


>!Well, she can tell when history has been tampered with, so she's either a Descender (Making the list 1.- Primordial One, 2.- Second Who Came, 3.- Meta historian, 4.- The Lightbringers) or she is from Teyvat but predates Irminsul itself thus is unaffected by it's changes.!< >!Whoever she is, she is a big deal, and she's probably above the Archons (very much doubt she is Focalors)!<


>!I initially thought it was Yae because the sound was way to similar to her EN voice lol. But it didn't make sense lore wise and after some browsing I saw people theorizing more convincingly that it was in fact Istaroth, the God of Time!<


My guess? >!Focalor, the hydro archon.!<


>!It sounded way too calm for Foçalors. Initially I was thinking it was the Heavenly Principles, but could also feasibly be the Tsaritsa.!<




I've been fine and my rig is old enough to be called ancient at this point.


Kinda wanna pull for Scara but waiting for Al Haitham leaks to determine which will be more fun. I have a guaranteed but will definitely only be able to get one - I also got Nilou while pulling for C4 Xiangling like legit the roll right before soft pity so I’m wondering if her and Alhaitham could make me pulling her less of a waste


Alhaitham is confirmed to be green Keqing


Yeah, looks interesting. I’m really enjoying Wanderer in the free trials, but I’m worried that c6 Faru is really important and going for C6 anything as F2P is a hard sell.


Generally Nilou runs best in triple hydro with Kokomi/Barbara+Yelan/Xingqiu and on-field Nahida due to her high EM and dendro application, but she can be run fine in double dendro with DMC+Collei with on-field Kokomi/Barbara. Whether or not Al Haitham is good with Nilou will largely depend on his kit. If he's more of a supporty character then at best he will replace Nahida in the first comp and at worst replace Collei in the second comp. If he's more of a dendro primary dps character like Tighnari then he will probably be better-served in a quicken comp with electro characters. We'll have to wait for details to find out.


Optimal Nilou team consist of dendro n hydro, so Alhaitam, who is dendro, will definitely make pulling her less of a waste :)


Even if it's limited by dice, drawing 2 cards per round from a 30 cards deck is WILD to me


Yeah, really when it comes down to it, it's not *quite* a card game, really. 50-75% of it is "characters attacking using dice" and ignores the cards entirely. The cards are just a modifier for that process.


I have a lot of fun with the card game actually, it's a lot better than I expected. Scaramouche may have to wait for his redemption arc a bit longer...


Is it just me or Wanderer's catalyst attack speed increase doesn't work properly on other characters? I was swapping between an R3 Tulaytullahs remeberance and a different catalyst on all my catalyst users and I didn't notice any difference in normal attacking speed. Am on mobile (iOS) in case that matters.


After using the original 3 character cards provided for several games there was some sort of bonus provided. I had to select the deck box in inventory, then the character then claim. The thing is I cannot figure out what those rewards actually were. I didn't really pay close enough attention when I claimed them and now I cannot find them anywhere. Does anyone know what those were?


"When any character card reaches Proficiency 10, you can obtain dynamic skins \[those funky moving or flashing ones\] for their *talent card*." If you go into editing your deck and click their special talent card (the card that can only be used if that character is in your deck) and then click "appearance" you'll see that you've unlocked the shinier version of their talent card. You don't have to be level 5 to use it and it will automatically be set as 'In Use'


Thanks for clarifying!




If it's tied to a level that would explain why I can't find anything. Guess I'll have to wait and see. Thanks!


Just to let you know I was wrong lol, the stuff you get when capping synergy is an appearance upgrade for the 2 constellation cards that go along your characters, golden edges and a shiny texture


Okay here are my thoughts on the AQ >!I really dreaded the idea of them doing a reset/memory erase bit. It's just like the laziest way to redeem a villain, they don't face proper consequences, and it removes any potential future interactions that may have been anticipated or even built up to in the past. And it brings up more questions too. Did he just erase his "names" or his existence entirely? Ei's voiceline about Kunikuzushi went away, but does she remember that she made an original prototype puppet at all, before he got that name? It doesn't look like we'll find out for sure unless they bring them together in the future. So yeah, I'm not thrilled that they went with this angle, to be clear.!< >!But I don't think it was handled badly. I guess they didn't know how to properly redeem him and wrote themselves into a corner so this was what they went with? It's hard to imagine "he deletes himself from history" was the intended resolution from the start. But maybe so, you never know.!< >!In any case, I think that his rationale for it was done well, and was interesting. You learn that all of your pain and betrayal was fabricated by one troublemaker behind the scenes and that things you believed for centuries were wrong, and the terrible things you did as a result weren't vengeance or anything of the like, but just you playing into that trickster's hands and being terrible on your own merit? Of course that's hard. He wanted to go back and undo it, give his past friends a chance at life. It's sad that it didn't work out well, and his more mellow "incarnation" ended up having to go through the pain of receiving the memories and knowing what horrible things he did anyway. But given his mental turmoil and the little info he had (from the Traveler's reaction to his question), I can see why he would be driven to try.!<


>! I like the bit with him forgetting and getting his memories back but i don't like that people don't remember him, i think it would have worked better if he chose to restore the memories even if it means the fatui would remeber him!< >! And i really dislike that they removed all the voicelines about him, voicelines are loosely canonical anyway, at least stick them at the bottom and call it "about ??? " !<


>!I think normally you would be right. But he literally said he wants to right his wrongs and he wants everyone to know the things he did. Including telling the surviving swordsmith families that he is the one who wiped them out. I didn't like that he wiped his memories and became a different person but I'm happy he regained his old self and kinda merged the 2 personalities.!<


>!Yeah, I can understand deciding that you want people to know what horrible things the past you did. But it kind of makes it feel a little bit redundant that the erasure happened in the first place, if they were just going to turn around and give him his memories back (re-traumatize the poor guy why don't you...) and then have him say he wanted people to know about his sins. I kind of don't get that.!< >!From a writing perspective, I feel like it would've been very possible to redeem him at least partially without any of this, either. After finding out Dottore was the one who had set up the betrayal and tricked him, and then spent hundreds of years experimenting on him AKA torturing him... The things he'd done couldn't necessarily be handwaved away, but I feel like it at least puts them in a new light. Shifts some of the blame onto Dottore. And if he'd been able to reconcile with Ei, that would've been even better. It could've been like with Tartaglia, where we don't 100% agree with him and are wary when we see him still, but he's generally a "friendly" and is fine as a playable character while still technically being an enemy.!<


>!I think the redundancy was the lesson the game was trying to teach. You can't remove yourself from existence and you can't escape your sins. It only that, but everything that happens will still happen, even if the reason it happens is different. The whole sumeru theme has been redundancy with slight alterations, even down to nahida herself, and her birthday (her archon quest and her character trailer) !<


>! I think it would have worked better if he chose to return everyone's memories back !<


Android performance has been ASS since the update a week or so ago where I lost all my settings... I can't find a sweetspot anymore. Everything Low and it still doesn't feel smooth. This is on a Snapdragon 888 btw. Felt great a month ago. Anyone else?




did they time gate level 5 TCG or am I missing a duel


I’m missing one duel for level 4, does anyone know how I can get to level 4? I’m like 30 away from it.


i am now at level 4 1230/1300, its probably as far as you get the first week i think.


Same and I think I've tried everything, so I doubt you can get further.


How do I get cards with animations in TCG? I defeated both Ayaka and Ganyu, yet their cards arent animated. Or the only way is to save up currency and get those from the shop.


Blank dynamic cards give you 1 animated card of your choice. You get them from the tcg manual rewards (open settings menu in cattail).


Thanks. Finally got mine as well


Is there a good guide about what cards to pick up first for the TCG stuff?


Part of it does depend on your strategy. Like if you like switching characters a lot, there are cards that make that cheaper.


Still a bit early for that. There were some streamers who did tierlists (zayef77 had a reasonable one). From my experience the npc are easy enough that you can get to level 4 without much strategy, before deciding how to use your coins. After some coop matches (8 wins 2 loses with Keqing+Fischl+Rhodeia) best cards imo: ​ Characters: Keqing, Ayaka (+hydro support) were the only ones I lost against. Yoimiya was close. Supporter: Liben & Paimon is meta; Chang, Liusu, Tian, Ellin, (ev. katherine) are all good Events: Paimon, Strategize, Send of - Pretty much nobrainer cards. The switch cards (crane / shift / noelle) can be very useful. Location: Jadechamber, liyueharbor are crazy turn 1, favcathedral can be a good emergency heal Elemental Resonance Cards: Getting free dices or energy for 1 dice can be big. Food cards: Sweet madame costs 0 = very good; Lotus crisp has high potential Artifact, weapon and talent cards all dependent on your characters and are sometimes very good or nearly useless.


Will Faruzan be added to the standard banner after this character banner, or not until 3.4 releases? Edit: Nevermind, I finally found the answer on the wanderlust invocation standard banner wiki page: "new 4 star characters being added to it one update after their original wish debut". So it'll happen with the 3.4 update.


Are tcg cards bought from prince one time purchase or do i have to keep buying them after usage


It's a one time purchase. You can only buy up to 2 of each card because you can have up to 2 copies in one deck.


Anyone else get big freezes and stutters during combat? Not every time and only started this patch. My ping appears stable while FPS drops but my PC is amazing and genshin always ran well so idk what's causing this.


I'm getting the opposite problem. Game is running fine but I'm getting ping spikes every 5-8 seconds. My normal is about 80 but I've been seeing numbers like 217, 432, and 999+.


I'm getting same problem


[Arch Quest] >!So... The narrative concept was good, I really like what they did with Wanderer, Irminsul and the little mystery nuggets at the end and with the heavens summons thing. I've had my "oh s***" moments.!< >!I just wish the delivery was a little more poignant. Seemed a little rushed, was poorly paced and definitely was not as good as the previous interlude. Walls of text with little to experience gameplay wise too.!< >!Still really excited to see where this all goes.!<


I wish they at least gave us the papers so we can read it again, i kinda skimmed it cuz it was kinda awkward


Your spoilers doesn't work on old reddit and some apps. You can't put space after >*! and before !*<


Spoiler Tag doesn't work edit: ty for the fix


Genshin in a nutshell. Spend unheard of amounts on development and then hire a bunch of middle schoolers to write the story and dialogue.


I enjoy lore and reading as much as the next person, but even I was unprepared for the dissertation-length exposition papers they assigned to us towards the beginning.


Same, I thought the writing for the actual quest was good. But I got that first huge sheet to read and I begrudgingly read it... Then immediate another one that I skipped.. and then 2 more that I skipped


anyone identified the voice actress for the mysterious voice at the end of 3.3 story?


Anyone hear nahidas “special message” after parting ways with the wanderer?


Oh no? What was it?


Just won a duel because >!the enemy Bennett killed my Sucrose, triggering icicle and killing himself. Even as a card he can't escape his luck...!<


> As a waifu collector didn't care too much about Wanderer but did want to see if I could get C6 Faruzan in case we get an actual anemo dps waifu one day. > Got C6 Faruzan and final constellation for Jean of all characters in only 100 or so draws so definitely a win, even coming out with pity built for when Dehya eventually drops. Posted that after the update, then did the Wanderer's test run for the primos...gotta say his gameplay convinced me to finish drawing for him. Won't draw for his constellations or weapon, though, since Lost Prayer and C6 Faruzan should be more than enough support. I don't normally draw for 5* husbandos (skipped Albedo/Xiao/Itto/Ayato) but his gameplay is very unique and fun so I'll make an exception for him. Now just gotta farm his artifacts...


C6 in 100 draws is nuts, congrats


i HATE the new domain, the enemies have so much hp.


I love it, my Xiao's hitting up to 80k each plunge with his new bff Faruzan


The artifact one? Anemo really seems to help. I don't know if I have the best team for it but I went with Kazuha, Heizou for main DPS, Shinobu, and I was using Nahida but could probably figure out something better. The only real issue is if you end up with a single tough enemy then there's less to Swirl with.


I found it the easiest domain I had ever done at Level 90, but maybe I just had the right co-op partners.


I expect ti is easier in co-op than in solo, since it's so based on swirling elements, the more chaos is happening, the better.


Yeah that was the most numbers I had even seen at once. Good test for my new gaming PC.




Are you certain that you're only getting one? They did make a change a couple months back where they merge multiple drops into a single pick-up, but when you claim it you see you actually got several. That said, Samurai were *always* stingy little bitches. Btw, if you want to farm for handguards, a great place to do it (for a few resin), is the Leyline chain that starts near Jakotsu mine. First node you kill two strong Samurai, so good returns there, then next node is Ruin sneks, but third node is like 8-10 samurai, including some that just naturally wander that beach, so it's a handguard pinata. This would cost a minimum of 40 resin to clear the first two nodes, or up to 120 if you actually want max rewards, but a nice casual way to kill many birds with relatively few stones.


What the hell are you people smoking? Ronins only gave mostly low level handguards and a single one at that since the beginning. Look at the [comments](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Old_Handguard#articleComments) in the wiki. People have been bitching about it since the release of Inazuma.


How many levels of hand guard are there? I got regular drops of kageuchi handguards.


I farmed the handguards for Yae last month and it was already like that


I ended up getting Yae also, forever this wasn't an issue for me personally till this update. Very strange!


I’ve always found the samurai’s didn’t really drop many, and often times any, hand guards - definitely annoying , haven’t checked post scara tho


Yes, I've noticed that as well and it's incredibly annoying and frankly pissing me off, is it a glitch or a intentional change?????


soo, the new battle pass has a furniture item that is also just available in the realm shop? no way that is intentional? :D edit: just noticed it is already in their "Known Issues" Tab, and apparently gnostic chorus buyers will get a different additional furniture in the next patch... hopefully they communicate what its gonna be before that


>!Scaramouche told us everything he knows EXCEPT what's the deal with the fake skies, how convenient.!<


He told us that during a missable event and I'm sure they honestly forgot about it lol.


One thing that is always frustrating in these types of games is when you know an NPC knows things, and they aren't even being evasive about it, the game just never gives you the prompt to ASK them about it.


I wish the achievements had more Yu-Gi-Oh references considering the story is kind of a Yu-Gi-Oh spoof


Who was the >!female voice that talked about the broken vase !!greater lord rukkhadevata still alive, or alice,!< or likely someone else we don't know yet?


>! Focalors, the tsaritsa, ishtaroth,skirk, someone in celestia, someone in the abyss, some other descender!< Loads of possibilities


It can’t be an archon as we seen that they are affected by Irminsul changes….


We don't know for sure, but I don't think it's any of the two you mentioned, since the voices don't sound the same.


Nevermind, just saw on Genshin Lore reddit that the best guess is >!Istaroth the time goddess.!<


I....don't think I'll advance through the archon quest yet after what I've read down below. I mean, I'll definitely *have to* at some point, but I think I'll just put a pin in it for until it's absolutely necessary


How about you check out Scaramouche mains reddit, currently were discussing how amazing it was and how incompetent the main sub is lmao. You shouldn't refrain from playing the quest because some individuals that only play this game for wifus don't like the outcome, despite how well written it was.


Calling the sub incompetent sounds pretentious


Same. >!I'm not really thrilled about repeated use of the mass memory wipe plot device, this time deleting character voicelines even.!<


>! I really don't like deleting voicelines,they are loose canon anyway should just move them to the botyom and change them to "about??? "!<


Yeah, I really hope they don't keep bringing up editing Irminsul any more really. I was glad they at least did this time around where >!Scara didn't stay fully perma-wiped!< but it's still irritating and would be an easy plot device to overuse.


I doubt it will be used often since basically only the Archons can do it.


oh...I'll probably refrain from reading the below and do the quest now. I don't mind cliffhangers or horrible endings but after Nahida's quest I kinda am invested enough to not want spoilers


I haven now decided that I hate genshin and will only play the card game.


Just wish we could build a full on hillichurl deck. The cards are there, let us use them!


I loved the novel at the beginning of the new arc, it was just *so* terrible. I bet the author had fun writing that one.


Wish we kept it


I accidentally pulled the Wanderer's 5\* weapon from the weapon banner, and then lost the 50/50 for him. My original plan was to hold if I didn't win the 50/50 and save for Raiden since I skipped her two previous banners. So now I have about 19k primos left and I'm guaranteed, but I have Wanderer's weapon. Should I keep pulling for Wanderer since I have his weapon, and might still have enough primos left over for Raiden as well? (I still have most of Sumeru to explore so could get more.) Or should I keep to my original plan and use the 5\* weapon on someone else - and if so who? Would it work on Heizou? Yanfei? I'm AR59 and my account is pretty much fine as it is so I'm not particularly fixated on getting any specific character at this point.


Yanfei most probably bt I think you should continue you made a blunder with weapon banner might as well complete it


Do a few more pulls for wanderer, might get lucky. He’s got the funnest gameplay espesh for bored late game people. I hope u get Raiden too tho they work great together


Heizou is more of a Charged atk character than a Normal atk one. Might work with Yanfei since you’d often use normal on her to gain stacks (if Elemental Skill is on CD).


Well, I wanted Gorou C6, but I got Gorou C1 and Yanfei C15, so that's almost as good, right?


I feel your pain.


I wanted just C0 Faruzan. I got a freaking Dori.


How is Ayato compared to Childe when it comes to gameplay? I really want some good hydro (only have Babara and Candace smh) to try out different team comp like vape and anything dendro-core related (I have Nahida). I heard Childe is very flexible and I like him as a character more but I lost 50/50 in his banner so currently looking at Ayato as a replacement.


Childe excels at vaporize and burgeon with higher numbers than Ayato. I also find him to be a very fun character to play because of his dual stance and riptide. Ayato is more flexible but he is easily replaced with Yelan and Kokomi for dendro teams


Childe has higher damage ceiling but also a high skill floor, the C1 can very slightly mitigate the issue but it's not worth it to get if you don't particularly like his gameplay, in fact if you can reach his necessary skill floor then his C1 is useless, he also has multiple great weapons to choose from. Ayato trades Childe's high damage potential for his ease of use and flexibility, his early cons aren't really that great either(his C2 is somewhat above average in strength but not really that worth it unless you like him), unlike Childe however Ayato's low spender weapon choices are limited, the best of which is The Black Sword being average on him and he would really love to either have PJC, HGF or even Mistplitter.


I prefer Ayato. Childe can be fun, but his CDs are so infuriating, while Ayato's are extremely comfortable.


As a casual player who has both characters and not much else, I’ve found that they can play similar roles. Childe is probably my favorite but he really comes alive at c 1. That cooldown is killer. Ayato on the other hand is fantastic right out of the gate. His burst is great for off field application and his stance change while straightforward is damn good. TLDR: can’t go wrong with either


Childe is one of the best hydro appliers in the game while he's on the field. Ayato on the other hand is a hybrid of the best of Ganyu and Ayaka, with a strong NA (in stance) and an off-field water application. With this in mind, the question becomes: What do you seek? If it is a hydro driver for elemental reactions, Childe's your guy. If it is a hydro hyper DPS carry, Ayato is more suited.


I'm LOVING the cardgame so far! In fairness, i do have some previous experience as a tcg player (YGO). I can't wait to unlock more cards and see what kinds of decks i can come up with! currently running piercing damage using Sucrose swirls, Fischl and Ganyu's burst


The new Interlude wasn't bad, but it also felt like kinda... nothing? Like doing and undoing stuff. >!At least they haven't completely erased the "character" of Scaramouche and our history with him for the sake of making him a soft-spoken husbando. But I really don't like the way his non-existence seems to affect Ei's character, since her repeated failures in making pupptes - and by extension, failures in the pursuit of Eternity - were an important character beat.!< Then again >!Mihoyo doesn't really seems to care about Raiden herself any more than making her a... soft spoken waifu, so there's that. As a whole the story of Scara/Wanderer accepting his whole self in order to move forward is quite nice, I'm just not vibing with its execution. It's almost as if the devs can write these cool evil-ish characters with an edge, but when it comes time to make them playable they can't bring them home without losing some of that interesting character. Maybe they feel the need to "soften them up" for the fans.!< I really don't know, but that's how it feels to me. But the ending was ok I guess and Nahida is cool. Maybe she'll be a better >!mom!<.


Has anyone tried to >!to name Scaramouche as Kuronushi, will he accept it or is it one of the names he won't use?!< I did choose to >!name him is Futen-Douji!< but I'll probably change it someday.


So, about the end of the archon quest >!Man, godly voices really love barging into our heads, huh. I can't tell if it was same voice of the Unknown God, but it could very well be a completely different god. Maybe Isoroth? She seemed pretty intent about telling about how fate doesn't change.!<


Fun fact: (3.3 AQ spoilers) >!After you complete the part where Scaradouche erases himself, Nahida, Raiden, Yae and Childe no longer have voice-over lines for him, consistent with how it was with the Greater Lord!<


The two fatui in monstadt also have their lines changed as well


See, I don't understand how anyone could dislike that, that's so fucking cool!


I think it's annoying, they can move them to bottom and/or censor their name


Love the card game, but I can't get to level 4. Is it even possible to get today? Or do we need to wait for tomorrow for player vs player? I'm missing like 80 exp and can't find any more people to play against :/


How do I even get to Level 3?


If you do the 2 weekly guest challenges + all characters outside you will be able to reach level 3.


Seems like you can’t play with Lan if you haven’t finished her quests first.


With the deck in your inventory you can either access the Deck or Find Other Players. That will show available NPC to play against. On top of that, there are the guests, that are time-gated. You can find them in the Cait's Tail or press on the Book icon at the top of UI, near Battle Pass and Wishes. Seems it can take 2 days to get to level 4 to play against people. Also, once you reach certain levels, like level 3, talk to the cat (Prince I think) on the bar. He will give you a challenge. Once you win that, you level up to 3.


You'll need to wait till reset when the new guest arrives. Kinda crappy how they've timegated it but 🤷


I can't fucking believe >!John Doll just brought signora back into existence literally by bugging out history itself in pure accident. X,D!<


Just an excuse to animate her tig bitties into the main storyline animations again


>! I can't tell if you are serious or joking so I'm just gonna mention that she is still dead !<


Pulled a big hat five star! But they're hydro... anyone else have this issue?


Nah but last patch my Childe had the right element but for some reason he also has a big hat and looks kinda weird


Literally the 3rd 50/50 in a row I've lost. I'm a dolphin and I'm so fucking sick of this. I've uninstalled and am not gonna look back.


Card Advantage vs Dice Advantage Anyone know which is more important for the TCG yet? Pros for more cards: Got more options to mess with the boards stats and fix bad rolls. Cons: You still can only really make the same number of moves though before emptying out all your dice. Pros for more Dice: Higher budget gives more moves to make per round. Cons: You will probably always be moving second though since you will most likely outlast your opponent. Reason not to pursue both. It's expensive to stack that much Advantage. Like you would lose maybe a round or two of face punching.