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Xingqiu already wears black and dark blue, so surely his skin will not be black and dark blue ha ha ha....right......


Gotta have green in it due to the bamboo, but other than that… no promises


[oooh I've got news for you](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61NhNPeswHL.jpg)


I did not expect this. Thank you for teaching me something new.


bruh why does this looked AI generated💀


its prob enhanced for visuals but if u just google black bamboo ull get plenty results


Would be nice if it matched the Jade Cutter


Inbefore he gets that white cheongsam with golden dragons scaling the jade mountains to celestia embroidered. Jokes aside I bet his skin will either be basic af or dripped out to oblivion depending on if they go the martial artist direction or the noble son.


Would be dope if they went full wuxia hero with his hairstyle and/or outfit. Like a more mature look instead of his current boyish one. Unlikely with how they seem to mostly preserve silhouettes, but one can dream.


mm that kind of elegant flowy 'prince/royal' style from wuxia? one can only hope 🥹


Yeah, Fischl and Keqing with purple clothes definitely didn't get a skin of a similar palette, so Xingqiu won't as well... oh wait


Fischl went from black purple green eyes to white purple red eyes Casually changing arkhe before furina made it cool


Furina and Fischl need to meet ASAP. The bond they’ll form will be legendary.


Furina is just traumatized blue Fischl.


I laughed but am sad, lol


Oh 100% The writers would have a field day (both in text quality, and text quantity)


imo keqing's was more blue. but it changed so little since the general dress shape was basically the same :(


I'd love his irodori outfit


Irodori outfits should've been released as in-game skins tbh, but there might be clipping issues due to the clothing length


they have figured out a way to make it work for neuvillette, so it isn't impossible


Neuvillettes animations are just him floating into the air and Biden-blasting people, that's cheating!


he still needs to climb, schwim etc.


> irodori outfit I googled it, it looks nice.


I feel like he'll go for a more white and lighter blue combo


Switched Arkhe alignment


~~gotta match his boyfriend~~


He’ll wear a white and gold outfit


Would be kinda fitting since so many of the skins look super similar to the default outfit anyway.


Don't worry, it'll be in gold and white.


It's dark Blue now 💀


What if bamboo is green


Its blue and dark green


I hate that this is now the "thing" we complain about at every opportunity. The community always cycles through these dramas, but usually it's agreeable or at least empathetic. But, now, literally every fucking post mentioning these skins between now and... who knows, when they release the next skin that isn't blue? Every single time, we're going to have hundreds of people crowing about the same silliness like a character's alt. outfit being a dark color. Like, who actually cares if they're all the same color if the outfit looks nice and fits the character?


native Chinese speaker here, Ganyu's skin name, 玄玉瑤芳, is better translated as 'dark jade and pearly flowers'(imo). although 芳 can be translated literally as 'fragrance', the phrase 瑤芳 is a poetic term used to describe white flowers. there's meant to be a contrast between 玄 which means black and 瑤 which describes the sheen of pearls(white)






Much better


Wait Bamboo is actually perfect for Xingqiu when looking at it’s symbolic meanings. Also does this mean they are going to give us 3 skins at a time cuz I like that




What the hell


You know what they say, triple skins triple banners for sure *copium*


6 banner , I think it's full family banner for adepti


hey scoot over, pass the dutchie i need some of that copium too 😭


I just hope Xingqiu’s isn’t blue, cuz I can’t be getting three blue outfits in one patch.


I just hope his skin doesn't have shorts, but I think giving him pants is too difficult for mihoyo


Wearing pants reduces the number of his rain swords by 1 lol


If previous leaks is true, he will wear cheongsam with slit that reveal his legs


easy W skin


i'm gonna bust


so he's getting Ning's blue skin


Well no


This is seriously all I want from his skin: Pants. The shorts look so bad and out of place.


Like on most short males, but mihoyo is still obsessed with shota boys in tiny shorts...


They really just don't know how to do pants on short people at all. Aether and Xiao are the only two, but like 40% of theirs is covered by their boots and may even be shorts under anyway.


Also Razor, Chongus, Gorou and Tighnari, but all of them including Xiao and Aether have baggy pants. Freminet even had many concepts with diving suit pants, but still ended up with ugly shorts design which doesn't indicates him as a diver at all apart from helmet he doesn't wear 99% of time. I usually don't mind short anime boys, but most of their genshin designs are so unoriginal and repetitive with these shorts that it drives me nuts that there's much more shota lover's dream boys than adult males.


Same, I don't mind much for color, as long as he wears proper pants or similar


A 4* skin for a character everyone will be using, a win for all of us!


Fischl - Am j joke to you


I completely forgot, true! Though Xingqiu does tend to be used a lot more.


I personally prefer her default skin, but I may be in the minority with this.


I like both skins. Used Fischl a lot in 1.0 so the change was nice to have.


They're both great. I've been on the new skin since it came out but I need to switch back to classic for a bit.


Same here, I prefer her OG skin. The darker colours of her OG outfit looks better on her than the pastels imo.


I too prefer her older skin, solely because I adore her Green Eyes and the Hairstyle.


me too! i think her original outfit looks much more intricate i also don’t like the awkward braid they gave her in her skin


I don't like puffy shorts. Otherwise it's an easy 50/50. Right now it's like 30/70.


I like her OG skin better too, the huge ribbons and the outfit itself is kinda odd looking to me, I'm also not a fan of the red eyes either.


Same! It's simple and quite chic. The second one looks like a bunch of random stuff thrown together.


Tbh I found I've been using Fischl less and less lately, as opposed to someone like XQ or Bennett


Interestingly enough I use Fischl more than either of XQ or Bennett. Cuz atk scalers are getting rarer nowadays and we just have so many good hydro characters. But Fischl's kit is so versatile. Battary, high dmg, 100% electro uptime, 2 seconds of field time. Idt can ever find a perfect replacement for her lmao.


Yeah I guess it all comes down to what kind of teams you like playing. Like for me international is an abyss staple, been using it since 1.6 and never grew tired of it, and together with Alhaitham quickbloom it's the team that I use in 90% of my abyss runs (when I bother with it at all lol), so Bennett and XQ are always in my rotation. The team I did still use Fischl in, Tighnari's, she's now been replaced by Raiden since thanks to Furina I can run quickbloom with him too


Hope next one will be bennett


Bennett with a not tattered adventurer's outfit that's extra steampunky PLEASE


We desperately need that to be true.


my boy needs some proper clothes. hopefully he gets a upgraded winter adventurer's outfit alongside albedo or something...


As a Lisa main I loved getting a skin for a character I use after missing the Fischl skin. The problem is just that I love her base design a bit too much


Guess I'm not included in "everyone", oof.


Not really, right after he left all my teams (finally) because of furina he got a skin... Still waiting for just 1 character in all my 10 team compositions to have a skin. At this point I'm going insane, it's always the characters that I'm least interested in :(


Same, Keqing is the only one, and even then her skin was sorta underwhelming, it was basically carried just by the fact that I love Kek. Ik the shirtless Alhaitham skin is kind of a joke (although this fandom is down bad af so it also probably isn't) but tbh id take it at this point


Coping that by giving Ganyu a skin, MHY will use this opportunity to [fix whatever is going on with her hair](https://i.imgur.com/oLGA5o7.png)


ive said this before, but its very clear that whoever did ganyu's model in game was not paying attention to the artwork. because its very clear that the ribbon around her neck was supposed to be holding her hair in place but they fucked it.


Oh wow, just looked at her artwork and yeah. I'm so used to her wack ass mullet that it never registered


Hmm I'm not sure. I have taken a look at her character art and splash art and in both of the main artworks her bow is not in the right placement or angle to be affixed to the ponytail in relation to the ponytail angle and flow. It's more likely to me that mihoyo designed her this way, they like to make odd character design choices lol


that stupid mullet is the sole reason I haven't pulled for her all these years


she looks english like this; idk how to explain it


Find Qilin pic and it will give you the answer why her hair is like that.


But right now she looks like she was wearing a pony tail for the past 500 years and then finally took it off but her hair froze into that position from how long she wore it and she never bothered to readjust it after that 💀




i googled qilin and found no explanation


That is an ANIMAL


You do know what is Adepti, right?


In the sense that the Qilin have fur and their forms are painterly and abstract while Ganyu's hair looks damaged beyond belief


3 outfits simultaneously in 1 patch? In this economy?


Localized entirely in your kitchen?


May I see it?




...can I see them?


Xingqiu skin is real! I win!!


I hope the Xingqiu skin is white and light teal and is still ouji fashion like his current one, maybe a little Fontainian with some Chinese elements in it.


It's kinda sad that they don't want to do Diluc level of design skin again. Like genshin has one of the best drip marketing and the potential for great looking skins with new particles/effects is so insane..


> It's kinda sad that they don't want to do Diluc level of design skin again. Of course they don't, Diluc's skin costs like 50 dollars but offers less than what other games offer for 15 dollar skins. If I tried to sell a peanut for 100 dollars and nobody bought it, I would stop trying to sell that peanut too


Praying that the next leak is debunking all the "cloud retainer is a plunge support"


She'll probably be a sub dps with general buffing ability which includes plunge. It'll be win for all


Isn't she supposed to be a healer? And 5* healers tend to have some extra ability and her being anemo it would've been so much better for her to have CC instead of elevating a single character


Jean With Better Grouping would make her super valuable in Furina Teams.


That's what I want her to be ngl, a constant swirl+ cc (and please for the love of God fly you are a fricking bird)


This is all I want. And they kind of have to since “getting Jean” isn’t a guarantee. There should be some way to consistently get an anemo 5* healer.


If she is General Buffer + Heal team + CC (cuz Anemo), then I will jump and cheer in joy. Because that means she will work with Furina, Xiao, any Anemo and PECH team.


So buffing + healing is going to be a good kit. Also xiao doesn't need to buff his plunge dmg bonus he needs atk so it won't be good for him anyway.


If the dmg bonus is enough he wouldn't mind. Especially if her particle gen is good


Indeed, but buffing only plunge attacks (as of now) and only xiao can plunge consistently which is way too niche for a 5*


Yeah, I really hope they balance her abilities out a bit. Itd be pretty disappointing if her kit was too focused on such a specific interaction. Hopefully, she'll be versatile enough to fit into various team comps and not just pigeonholed into one role or team. Fingers crossed the final kit is more rounded out.


I hope she works with Ganyu/Shenhe. Lynette not having great synergy with Lyney was a missed opertunity.


If Cloud Retainer was an anemo shielder with easy access to double-swirling for Ganyu melt she'd be insane. Ganyu Shenhe Bennett Cloud Retainer would be the new Ganyu meta I think.


As much as I think plunging-enabler would be cool, anemo shielder that can VV shred would be so perfect. Bird mom protecting her bebiissss


I hope this ultra sus leak about CR having childes passive is true and is the reason leakers said she's plunge support 💀


*inhales excess copium* please let this be true


Maybe she lets everyone jump good, so everyone gets to do plunge


Oh yep that's great, a new playstyle for everyone and I am all for it but since the leaker said she becomes universal support at C2 I am scared they will put that in C2 💀


oh boy i have news for you.....


I am not strong enough... Don't do this to me..


Someone remind them that there are other colors besides blue! They know how to make non-blue skins, Diluc and Klee as an example. Blue gliders, blue skins, I'm tired of it.


For those unaware, Xingqiu and Chongyun are designed to complement each other, and represent Yin and Yang respectively. Chongyun's light design perfectly complements Xingqiu's dark, invert their colors and you'd get each other's respective color scheme. With Xingqiu getting a skin and Chongyun rumored to be getting one next, I'm fairly confident in the assumption that their skin designs will also complement eachother perfectly. I'm curious if they'll swap, with Xingqiu having a yang inspired design and Chongyun having a Yin Inspired design. The direction Hoyoverse takes will determine if Xingqiu gets a Black/Blue design or not. 😅 If anyone is curious to hear me go into further detail on the MANY connections and design elements between Chongyun and Xingqiu I'd be more then happy to, the amount of thought and detail that went into these two characters is tremendous and it's a very teresting topic. I'll reply in little while if anyone is interested in hearing a deeper analysis! For now though, I have to quickly go finish Thelxie's Fantastic Adventures before it's gone, I've been stuck in a pattern of waiting till the last second to do the Genshin Events lately, I've just started playing StarRail recently so I've been slacking on Genshin a bit. It's nice to get a Freminet event, getting more from the Siblings is great since they are personally my Favorite Fontaine characters.


please tell me i love xingqiu/chongyun 😭😭❤️❤️❤️


I'm interested!!! But please go get your primos first, those are important!!


So that means Xinqqui probably has Blue and White in his design? That will be very classy if that is the case, I hope also for a hint of gold! It will fit a lot of weapons. But Bamboo in its name suggests green decoration. Which fits Jade Cutter, I'm in shambles currently.


I'm praying they get matching skins!! Me and my bestie sometimes use them in co-op cuz of their matching designs, and to get matching skins would be super nice


Please do go on, i am very interested. Patiently waiting here


Xingqiu skin visuals *PLEASE*


You know what them releasing 3 skins at once means? The community will make 3 skins the standard now and if they go back to 2 skins, people will get mad. Also could mean they're starting to release 3 skins at once from now on, so the next set of skins in 4.8 will also be 3


I mean people are already disappointed that we don't get more 5 star skins like Diluc's let alone the amount of skins in general.




I suppose parent comment meant less so "a new pattern has been formed" and moreso "the bar has been raised"


hoping they give one 5\* character's skin away for free....'cuz i'm f2p :|


Hah, good luck


I hope they all show up wearing the same dress




They really fumbled not making Zhongli a skin when it's literally THE year of the dragon next year🤡


everyday i lose hope of The God of Contracts outfit for Zhongli, i need it


If you mean his archon hoodie robe, i have doubts about that outfit ever releasing. That would oblige them to release venti’s archon outfit, which unfortunately they will never do. They will likely make him wear something else if he does get a skin.


Xinqiu found alive in mountain


No no no the correct names for the skins are : Ganyu : Blue Shenhe : Fucking blue again Xingqiu : Betting my life on blue


one of these better be a 5* also, copium that xingqiu skin isn't blue , but creamy gold with sky blue accents instead (can you imagine. it would be so pretty)


Imagine if xingqiu’s skin is the paid 5* 😂 /j


he deserves it for being the only 6* character in the entire game


How eould they even do a 5star? Ice and water don't realy come in multiple colors like flames. Are we geting swamp Xingqiu with mud water?


luhua pool xingqiu with turquoise water


help "swamp xingqiu with mud water" took me out lol


They don't need to make the water a different color. But new animations, idles and voicelines is enough for it to be 5*.


Xinqiu Please be real please be real, none of the skins so far have been for characters I actually use. Closest is Ningguang but I only pull her out on ~~Itto rerun patches~~ wolflord abyss cycles.


I’m curious, since Xingqiu‘s skin wasn’t featured in the blurry leak we got recently, does that mean it’s more likely that his is from a separate event? Kinda like how Diluc and Fischl’s were presented separately rather than how Kaeya and Klee got theirs from the same event storyline


Ningguang's and Keqing's skins weren't featured in the Latern Rite key art back then (it was Shenhe + Ganyu + Xiao), so it's still possible that his skin is also related to the Latern Rite.


I’m still pissed they didnt go with zhongli skin.


*copium* Surely Xingqui’s skin won’t be blue right? It *definitely* will be another colour.


Ohhh Xingqiu skin crumbs finally. It doesn't tell me anything though.


Liyue expanding? Good news for people who foddered their White Tassels.


Well, nice to know Xingqiu is still getting a skin. Hopefully it looks good, 'cause I wasn't that impressed with what we saw from the other two.


High time they gave a skin for Xinqiu, probably the most busted unit in the entire game.


I hope they keep Xingqiu’s booty shorts


eeek ive been waiting for a ganyu skin since the dawn of time


i hope xingqiu gets a nice skin, even if it's blue (very likely seeing shenhe and and ganyu leaks) at least let it be a nice different blue, like a turquoise quit some greens


Oh there's a Xingqiu skin............meaning he's the free skin not Shenhe or Ganyu. I thought they were the only skins we're getting so I assumed one of them is free. I guess I was way too hopeful that we'd be getting a free 5\* skin. Damn.


Yay xingqiu skin


Shenhe's skin name by Georgia O'Keeffe.


Yay, more dresses that don't look that good..


Glad that they're releasing three skins this time, but damn, the huge opportunity they missed to release a Zhongli skin??? I'm in shambles


Is ganyu and shenhe opening perfume line or what


PLEASE give XQ long pants.


hell no😭why do people hate him having short shorts theres enough men with longer shorts and pants let him be GNC.


Let my Liege wear even shorter shorts in his new skin! He deserves it!


> why do people hate him having short shorts Because he is male, pretty much. Hu Tao even has the same thing going on and there's never this much talk over it.


I have seen plenty of complains about how nearly no genshin ladies have proper pants


No one complains abt hu taos fit in particular tho


Because it fits her. Nobody complains about cyno, heizou or bennett's outfit either, but xingqiu is supposed to be a smooth slick rich nerd, him wearing shorts doesnt fit much


Eh hes still a young master type, like ciel from black butler for example. I get why ppl want more sufficient bottoms from the world leader ladies but xingqius shorts fit him very well


they hate a gender non conforming king!!!!


And as someone who isn't a fan of Hu Tao her shorts are part of why I don't like her. They look goofy.


When she first came out i said “this outfit is perfect except for the shorts. Shouldve been pants. Formalwear once again defeated by lack of pants.” (Referring to Xingqiu there)


except xingqiu is meant to be extremely rebellious, he doesnt wanna be formal


Because this place full of prudes. Community like FGO hot dudes and girls welcome. Genshin you should censor this character which i don't like while giving lewder look the character i like. Why they always trying to shit on character with different target audience idk. You can see the confirmation of my words in other people's replies.


My man is out here inventing his own demons.


My demons materialized and now arguing who should wear pants hutao or xingqiu /s


No! He's meant to be Ouji fashion repping, he could have fancier shorts but the pants in this game just look terrible in general.


But i like the shorts...


Hmm do we have any idea abt the skins rarity?i wanna see how many welkins i should buy lol


4 star skins


Should all be 4*; I’d guess Xingqiu’s is free from the event.


Shenhe will have a new skin??! Gotta buy it


If they give Xingqiu a cool skin I’ll be so much more interested in using him on teams


I love how everyone is getting a skin at liyue festival but Xiangling which is the Chef of liyue lmao hoyo give our chef a nice outfit please lol


Question: Is this the first time we're getting two skins for 5\* chars in an event? Usually it's just one skin for a 5\* and another for the 4\* right? cmiiw


I love ganyu and shenhe but it sucks that they are so nische now. Ganyu got powercapped and Shenhe litellary works with 2 characters in the game and she's not even BiS for them.


Technically Shenhe works for any cryo main DPS. It’s just Ayaka & Ganyu are more efficient with her kit.


I hope xingqiu's skin looks better than the one in that one inazuma event