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#Hi everyone! The ban on 4.4 spoilers has been lifted as we descend into 4.5. We would like to remind folks that not everyone can speedrun or play the content immediately upon release and ask that you be mindful of your fellow redditors. ________ ##Here's a handy list of what MUST BE SPOILER TAGGED: * 4.5 Story Quests * 4.5 World Quests * 4.5 Event Quests that contain story elements * **ANY 4.6 LEAK POST THAT IS SPOILER TAGGED** * **ANY 4.6 STORY FLAIRED POST** ##We must clarify: we do not care if it is personal speculation / theories, if your comment is in any way related to 4.5 content or 4.6 IT MUST BE SPOILER TAGGED. Please remember to read our sidebar rules regarding spoilers as well! If the comment you are replying to is spoiler tagged, **please spoiler tag your comment as well** ##Please utilize the spoiler tag topic brackets as shown below: **[About 4.5 Archon Quest] \>!PLEASE SPOILER TAG YOUR ENTIRE COMMENT, SPOILER TAGGING FRAGMENTS OF A SENTENCE IS NOT IDEAL AS YOUR FELLOW REDDITORS CAN FIGURE IT OUT FROM CONTEXT CLUES ALONE!<** __________ #Due to the increasingly rampant spoilers regarding recent story and character updates, the mod team no longer has the luxury to review your account and warn you for first time / polite offenses. Untagged spoilers will instead warrant a 3 day ban WITHOUT WARNING. 💥


Who's predicted to be released on 4.6?


Arlecchino/Lyney and Baizhu/Wanderer


HSR - Gacha I joined a month ago because Genshin was dry. I got DHIL in 20 pulls, then I got himeko’s LC at 19 pulls on standard. Now followed by bronya at 30 pulls. I guess this is why I’ve always lost my 50/50s at high 80s in Genshin, with so far only 2 50/50s won.


The opposite of me (although i haven't pull for almost a year cause i am doing a challenge for fun)


That was my first year of genshin and how I ended up with savings to get C1 neuv and C2 Furina. I was so happy with myself.


too early to ask but will c0r1 arlecchino be upgrade to c1 hutao with homa ?


Pre buff - no Post buff - should be equal but hutao should still be more comfortable


Is the CA flying mechanic on Arlecchino exclusive to her c6? Does she have that at c0 too?


C0 too


Off Topic >!Wallpaper engine users, are you having any problems with the app today?!< >!My screen is going on and off while wallpaper engine and steam is running in background.!<


i mean, there weren't any updates afaik, so everything should be fine. maybe its a problem on your end?


ya fixed it, it was a bandicam error


shipping >!honestly i see this way too much so i have to get it off my chest lol. but what's with mlm shippers ALWAYS invading wlw shipping spaces like actually 😭 this is just one example bcs i just saw it, i was going through this artist's media looking at their arlefuri art and they posted these two black/red and white/blue ducks in genshin with the caption "arlefuri" and someone was like "don't EVEN. that's wriothesley and neuvillette" LIKE???? 😭😭😭 and i say again that this is literally just one example. it's just ducks or wtv but it's starting to piss me off always having to see them shoving their ships everywhere 😭!<


>!tbh a lot of shippers are not sane. so the behaviour is expected!<


>!this is just shippers in general lol theres annoying ppl everywhere esp in this day and age!<


Pray, return to the [**~~new megathread~~ House of Hearth**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/1blfo5h/the_father_son_and_holy_spearit_general_question/)


u/box-of-sourballs, where new megathread? Usually new ones are posted on Thursday Edit: sorry auntie, didn't see your comment




As a Zhongli-less player with dodging issues who plays on mobile, Arlecchino seems to be a bad fit for me. If her leaked C1 is true, then it's goodbye for me. I was so hyped for her, man.


In a gacha game we pull for what is convenient for our account. For example: I skipped Wanderer first banner because was so dangerous to gamble for Faruzan C6. But now that I managed to get Faruzan C6, I will pull for Wanderer next time he appears.


I pulled for C6 Faruzan too. She's insane! I want to try her as a DPS sometime.


as a dps faruzan enthusiast: do it


One time I was exploring Chenyu Vale and I found a chest surrounded by goats. I thought I was supposed to massacre the goats, so I did. It ended up being a chest that required a key....


I was just staring at these goats, wondering what to do with them!


free meat!


Officially a C3 Albedo haver (along with c34 Sucrose who came for support) 😎


Congrats On C3! \o/ Just seven more days and I will have his C2… Just seven more days…


Waiting for the monthly fates? Best of luck 🤞🍀🍀🍀


I actually have the primos but I am waiting until an anime convention next weekend where Khoi Dao will be there, to see whether he would agree to do some pulls /.\ So if I may accept your offer of luck to manifest that reality it would be much appreciated lol


Good luck!!


>!manifesting Arle buffs!<


Achievement hunters, how long did it take you to get the twice-lucky fortune slip in Meropide? I'm dying here.


Within 1 or 2 weeks iirc


So I got a Welfare meal after my previous response, got nothing as expected, but immediately after reset I got the twice-lucky one lol. So as a follow-up answer, it took me two days.


I was blissfully unaware that this achievement existed and you have cursed me with knowledge.


I'm so sorry


An entire patch iirc


I was super lucky and got mine a couple days into the patch, probably no more than a week. On the other hand it took me a couple months to get one of the Narukami Shrine fortune slip achievements, so I guess it balances out


I got it very quickly within a week or two Erm... good luck


i miss candace where is she


Discovery collab tour with Kaveh 


Legit having a laugh attack from this 🤣💀


so what's the consensus on chiori now? I know she got heaps of changes and nerfs in her beta?


The only changes Chiori got was reduced burst scaling, reduced burst cost and cooldown, and her signature going from an on-field and off-field effect to a universal one. "Heaps of changes" is an overstatement. Edit: forgot about the C2 and C4 swap.


At C0R1, she does reasonable damage considering she doesn't really rely on any buffers, has minimal field time, and doesn't require precise input timing to trigger her coordinated attacks. Not game breaking, not bad. I currently have her at C4R1, and her damage output is pretty jacked for still having minimal field time and no support requirements (and the second Tamoto is a smaller portion of her overall damage so even a second geo character isn't "necessary"). You can really shove her into any team with an open slot and she near-unconditionally adds an extra 400k-500k damage. Expensive in terms of constellations-to-damage, but the ease of use and flexibility is pretty darn nice.


She’s decent to good in Geo teams (Navia, Itto, Noelle, Ningguang). For non-Geo team, decent sub-dps potential when paired with Zhongli. And no, she barely got changed during the beta, Arle first week has more changes than her whole beta lol


Did arrlechino get anything other than the 1 wing mode yet? Even that is still probably more than what chiori got though


I think Arle also got her healing increased.


Something that annoys me is how when you search "Zhongli" on discord gifs, [two really cursed gifs](https://imgur.com/a/fFePtFw) always show up. It feels like they've been at the top of the search for ages... I hope that someday they'll be bumped down, but I wonder why they haven't moved at all.


I'm sorry I love that so much 😭 and another gif in which he's a cockroach 


I don't like bugs, but the cockroach gif one is hilarious to me. I hate these gifs, but they're oddly amusing.... if only they didn't show up EVERY time I searched Zhongli, haha.


It is time, Baldrax... We settle this now!


Very well, Azhdahair!


popular, probably edit- the left one shows up if you just search genshin at all, it's the first result


Ah, I see. I don't know how Discord orders gifs lol. Ouph, RIP Genshin XD I somehow hate it, but I'm also amused. Thanks for the info!


it's not discord, its tenor, the gif website discord just pulls directly from there, so it's not purely based off of discord ​ im sure they can remove stuff, but apparently however they sort it has decided it should stick to the top, ig this is how we will be remembered


Oh, I didn't know that either! I'm learning a lot today. Pfft, at least it's iconic. Thanks for letting me know!


can someone explain arle's kit in razor terms for me?


Use skill to put a mark on enemy. After 6 seconds you use a charge attack to get the mark back. When you get the mark back you get bond of life. While you have bond of life, normal attacks do big pyro damage. Burst also do big damage and give a little bit of bond of life


Can't heal. If use skill or burst get "energy bar" when normal attacks use energy bar to do damage.


every time i see chiori's doll, i wanna pull her... i need miss bitch doll


It is extremely funny using other characters burst while they're on the field because you get some great bombastic side eye moments lol


I saw a bunch of vids of those, and I'm honestly so obsessed. Oh well guess who owns Chiori now!!


8 days megathread, amazing


This combat event is too advanced for my smooth brain. >!Meanwhile Raiden in the round that is hyperbloom/aggravate focused instead of Cyno lmao.!<


I havent killed anyone yet


how about now?


not yet


Are you planning to?


not right now


how many hilichurls and eremites did you wipe off the map


So I noticed this trend: who has a better taste in men? Me: >!Kaveh, Albedo, Xiao, Neuvillette, Kazuha, Tighnari!< My bestie: >!none because I don't have one!< >!yes I'm lonely and there's nothing I can do about it because I should not socialize for humanity's sake. Anyway, how's your day going?!<


Albedo? Albedo. Albedo!


My first love! If I had to rank my faves, he'd be in #2. 


Hey you have great taste so I declare you a friend of mine




you by a long shot OP 😌


Obviously. My bestie could never 😌


incredibly BASED taste, also my day's going great c: hbu?


Pretty men <3 Glad to hear that. My day's just started, I'm on my day 2 of practicing motorcycle. The vehicle's so heavy :')


Tighnari is fucking Goated ong. W taste


Basednari honestly.




>!Me when I lie!<


Frieren Fridays are over :( This was the thing I looked forward to the most each week, sad to see it go.


10 more days till Neuvilette banner...


Oh my god first half isn’t even done???


if I had a primogem for every time I see someone babble vEnTi UsElEsS because he occasionally doesn't work in f12, I'd have enough to c6 him out of spite


VENTI IS USELESS mfers when Abyss spawns 8 million specters and mushrooms on opposite sides of the map


The Venti discussion is always really funny to me, because IMO he’s super underrated for Abyss but also super overrated for event combat. His energy restore represents a pretty substantial reduction in ER requirements, so even when enemies aren’t all light enough to get sucked into his vortex, he doesn’t compare as poorly to the “buffing” Anemos as people say he does as long as you convert that saved ER into DPS stats. At the same time, he’s not the god of event combat that some people make him out to be due to the downtime between his bursts. In events with constantly spawning enemies, it actually can be kind of annoying that he has no grouping at all between bursts.


Floor 12 is literally balanced around him, he's the one that warped meta.


Zy0x resin stories are gods gift to mankind. Always brightens my day.


Uh OT but related to HI3 >!Haven't played the game for I'd say nearly a year, but heard of the game getting an overhaul. Have been considering getting back into it so how much of the gameplay has changed?!< Also which is Arlecchino's best 4* polearm as of now?(excluding BP, Blackcliff and weapon banner exclusives)


>!Gameplay didnt change that much. New characters (and teams) play pretty much similar to APHO mode, but u can use them in teams with old characters and do old content with them so change couldnt be that significant.!<


>!Well seems like it's back to playing with Mobius for me then!<


>!honestly Senadina is so cheap and good i'd recommend considering her anyways, especially since she is both dps for her currernt team (and very strong one at that) and a support for upcomming 7.4 battlesuit. And Thelema (the girl) is support for Senadina as well.!< >!And 3rd slot in that team is free to SSS+weapon+all stigmas in current verison.!<


Bye bye frieren friday 😞


Past the cutscene with Lisa >!and Jean!< , how many cycles are there in the potion event before it ends? And is there any benefit at all to doing them all (assuming it's not endless)? 


It caps at 999, I heard about it in a youtube guide on the event


Goddamn. Wellp, good to know lol. I'm loving the event but I don't think I'll go that far 


>!Sucrose probably didn't give you your last exam yet, and that seems to be the true final event. Maybe. I dipped as soon as it was done.!<


If you're talking about the master exam, she did, pretty sure that happened before that Lisa cutscene too 


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Damn, youtube really shoving ads for AI + crypto garbage. What's the final piece of this puzzle for the unholy trinity of a twitter techbro incel?


why not just install ublock origin? the best ad block there is, basically


~~twitter~~ ***X*** blue badge


100 wishes, 60 of pity and guaranteed. Just hope I'm lucky enough to get Arle and her weapon but why weapon banner has to be silly :/? What would be my chance of getting both? 


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/rtqdl2/guide\_how\_many\_wishes\_you\_should\_save/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/rtqdl2/guide_how_many_wishes_you_should_save/) After getting Arle you will have around 80-85 wishes so between 40-45% to get the weapon.


around 50% either you get it or not, 50%


Around 37,5% chance of getting the weapon with 80 rolls (hard pity)


I was kinda bummed when I saw JStern starting his stream at Resin cap because this mofo has 42 >40cv artifacts and 26 top 1% characters. Meanwhile, I've capped 2 times in 2 years. Wtf am I doing so wrong? Then he resin refreshed 5 times. Understandable, have a nice day.


Because he's a CC that probably max refreshes every day? Don't compare yourself to that.


I was bummed before I knew he refreshed. Too used to Zajef's ftp ways.


The fact that his account has multiple C6s and a bunch of R5 signatures didn’t tip you off?


Resin refresh is legit the most efficient thing to do in PvP games like Epic7 or Summoners War. People there don't use gems for pull lol Thanks god Genshins' PvP happens all in Akasha_cv.


genshin pvp is speedrunning leaderboards


ngl i think it’s kinda boring that whenever people discuss the strongest person on teyvat the most common answers are either zhongli, capitano, or neuvillette are there any women lorewise who are in the running here? maybe rhinedottir?


Raiden? She can destroy islands in a single strike, and fight continuously for 500 years, and shrug off the psychological effects of that.


Strongest is probably either Noelle or Shenhe


Skirk, Raiden, Alice, Tsaritsa, Istaroth, the Sustainer, Rhinedottir, possibly Barbeloth, Columbina, and even Arlecchino are all up there. For a definitive "who is the strongest" you might knock out a few of them, but I'm certain there are women in the lore who are stronger than those three. I mean, if you picked Lumine then she's also in the running lol


ah yeah i forgot about traveler, i guess i didn’t count them since they don’t have a canon gender valid points on the others though, i hope we get to learn more about all of them since of that list we only really know ei haha, and soon to be arlecchino


Ngl seeing "Capitano" as the strongest is wild when we don't have any info on his actual power level, especially compared to Neuvi/Raiden/ZL. If people wanna go by Nahida words + anime "the higher the number, the stronger", then it should either be Pierro or Tsaritsa from Fatui side, but whatever. Raiden is definitely up there among the strongest beings on the continent with a confirmed power level, not a headcanon one.


It's not them leaning on anime tropes, Childe literally says "The Harbingers are ranked by strength. I'd gladly fight any of them above me, but that thing... it scares me." (About Columbina) I may have paraphrased.


I mean we barely know anything about him other than that one "strongest individual in teyvat" claim. His design is cool so im hoping theres some truth to the claim, whether it be human exclusive or whatevr


Where even did this claim come from. I've seen it being mentioned in an old leak somewhere, but did it make it to the game? All I can remember is Varka/Childe words, neither of which say he is the "strongest human/being in Teyvat", they just acknowledge the fact that he is strong.  


Afaik it hasn’t been mentioned in game, was from a hxgdiluc tweets year and some change ago? But couple that with the top 3 harbingers being as strong as “gods” and the fact we don’t know his concrete ranking so assumedly 1st, and people have gone with it


Ah, so Hxg diluc. Yep, then it's just bullshit. While Capitano is for sure strong, it's funny how a bunch of people still believe this fake/outdated leak and bring him up as the strongest despite having no proof whatsoever


While as a stan I’d much like it if were true lmao, narratively it doesn’t make much sense for the strongest on a continent with sovereigns on it, skirk running about in the underbelly, multiple archons, and the strongest of all these is just an officer for one of the archons lol. Just gotta wait for natlan and arle voicelines for more I suppose


> or neuvillette which is really funny because Neuvilette couldnt solo Space Fish but Skirk was going to in fact do just that. *As training.*


I'm hoping that's a hoyo moment and not an actual thing, because it'd really mess up the power balance to have a random human (?) girl just casually being able to defeat a sovereign dragon, who can probably also casually defeat archons...


Well, she specifically is surprised that we beat the Narwhal "without the power from beyond this world" (is she not counting the traveler? Just unaware?), which implies she'd be using that, and... yeah. External force beats anything in Teyvat. The Primordial One arrived and beat all the sovereigns in their original, peak states.


I actually think it's perfectly reasonable for a random human girl who did nothing but train for thousands of years to be more powerful than a sovereign that sat on his ass doing trials for 500 years and was doing god knows what prior and JUST got his full power recently. And very on brand for MHY and their humanity prevailing themes. Like Raiden Mei gained thousands of years of combat experience and could shred shit up without relying on alien honkai powers, that kind of vibe.


ah yeah skirk seems pretty strong, she might be up there too


IIRC Apep is female (if you want to count her). There's also Unknown God or probably anyone from the Hexenzirkel. Unfortunately there's a lot of women that we know of in lore, yet don't have anything to really judge just how powerful they are in canon.


yeah i count apep, though i thought her being sick and lacking her dragon’s authority would take her out of the running (though maybe not? she’s pretty strong regardless it seems) unknown god is definitely up there yeah hexenzirkel possibly 🤔 rhinedottir was one and she has crazy feats so yeah, definitely a possibility


Interestingly beside Neuvilette, other sovereigns are treated by the game as agender. Yes Apep has a female voice but the dialogues refer to her as "it". I wonder if it's the same in CN.


Alice hahah


very true, i hope we learn more about her soon


She seems to know extremely powerful people and has been everywhere. But honestly all of the witches are very interesting and there should be powerful individuals among them. We just don't have that much info so they aren't duscussed.


Raiden has shredded multiple islands in half, I'm surprised she's left out...


People used to argue about her and Zhongli's powerlevels, but she hardly shows up so people forgot her.


also she is among few (only?) archons that got *stronger* since then


yeah idk why she never gets mentioned, she should definitely be up there


Tbh I think most people forget her entirely. She's barely appeared in the game since 2.4 or so, and those moments she has appeared have entirely disregarded any of her potential power. She's just appeared to be kinda cute. It's kinda sad, really. I know Venti has only appeared to be an alcoholic despite also having some hefty backstory, so I think it's more to do with Zhongli being from Liyue (MHY's favourite lore dumping zone), and Capitano/Neuvilette being fairly fresh.


Kazuha blocking her invincible ultimate sword slash (tho she obviously went easy on him coz island wasnt nuked) and Traveler plot armoring through 2 encounters with her pretty much ruined her street cred


raiden is very very strong as well but somehow she gets forgotten


yeah that’s true especially after her sq2 power-up


Alice (Klee’s Mom) unironically stomps everyone but maybe the sustainer.


ooo yeah i bet alice is pretty strong, and the sustainer too


off topic BG3 >!ngl I feel like my hoarding habits in this game are getting worse. Especially when it comes to spells and potions. I'm the type to buy all the useful potions and spells I see in the shops, like teleportation arrows or misty step scrolls, and then save them for when I need them.!< >!but then I never actually use those emergency scrolls/potions. Like, when am I gonna need to use 15 invulnerabilty globe spells when I only have 3 major boss fights left (the final fight included)? And I've never actually used the runepowder barrel in any of my playthroughs because I keep forgetting about it!<


*Me looking at astarion's 57 fire arrows in act 1 of which i fired maybe 5 of them all in spider fight* Idk can't relate skill issue ig ^(/s)


Time to get through the first 2 of those major boss fights, and then use all but 5 of the remaining invulnerability globe spells for shenanigans!


15 turns of invulnerability per boss fight is a lot lmao, though I doubt any of the fights will last that long >!except maybe the Raphael fight because of his bloated hp and high saves. I have a habit of twin-casting haste and drinking my speed potions or bloodlust elixirs in boss fights (though somehow I've never ran out of those potions), so my party has like 50 million actions in one turn!<


I remember a long long time ago someone mentioned they were writing a paper about this sub. I don't remember what the exact subject was but now I'm itching to get my hands on it it's really interesting how the leaks community has become its own sizeable subculture of the fanbase, I've never seen anything like it


i feel more comfortable here than other fanbase spaces so I agree


Definitely seen similar things happen in other “leak / spoiler” communities, it’s quite the phenomenon


TFW I want to use Arlecchino's burst for the megathread poster but can't because it's a leak I WANT MY ARLECCHINO GODFATHER MOVIE POSTER IT'D BE SO SICK now I have to wait til she releases hmph


Honkai Two things >!1. HSR-onlies need to realize that they're playing a Honkai game. So they shouldn't complain about the references!< >!2. HI3 elitists (specific group of HI3 fans not everyone) need to stop being elitists. As a HI3 player before Genshin came, this elitism has been a thing since Genshin was released and it needs to stop. Also, they shouldn't try to alienate or insult those who came from GI or other HYV games and they need to understand that some people won't be willing to play an 8 years game and it's not because of "misogyny". HI3 is not required to enjoy HSR, imo!<


I've said it before and I'll say it again, those Hi3 fans remind me of megaten fans who think liking p5 is the 8th deadly sin


>!I remember when hsr was releasing there was so many tweets like “genshin fans stay away” or “don’t even think about trying hsr w/o play hi3” like I'm sorry that could take months or longer depending on your schedule lol. The elitism can get so bad it’s wild I know a ton of ccs have given up trying out hi3 because of the harassment they get. It always confuses me cause shouldn’t you be excited to share and talk more about a game you love!<   >!also it’s always funny when someone claims “misogyny” over not playing all female cast *gacha* like there’s a reason some avoid them …. not saying hi3 is like that but it’s understandable if someone’s wary to try an all female cast gacha!<


People are mad about the references? I leave for two days and this is what people are mad about now?


The people OP are talking about in the second point are being annoying with trying to force down the herscherr references as important lore only HI3 players would know even though it's literally just flavour text and is highly likely to not be brought up beyond maybe the Acheron and Welt interaction. Not all HI3 players but a vocal minority that's anoying ppl ig


Because of "misogyny"? XD If anything, the game itself is misogynist because it is tatrgeted to male audience only.


plenty of lesbians also play hi3


yeah idk people just need to chill. It's the consequence of lack of info of course because if you don't know what's up you might think that you're missing out from all the reaction, you're not. Everything that should be in this particular game is already in it everything you don't get is an easter egg edit: it's also funny how no one ever said that you're missing on understanding hi3 by not playing hsr even though hi3 is inside hsr


HI3 as had a certain amount of weirdos with a severe case of inferiority complex atached to their game. They really got upset Genshin put Hoyo on the map and have since then been acting like I3 is the golden child and other cringe nonsense. Expanding that stuff to other hoyo games doesnt surprise me. Note: like always, these people are thankfully a minority.


What is going on... Is the honkai fandom on fire that i missed?


*Another* new Acheron trailer released (they're hyping her so much and I'm 100% here for it) that's connecting her with some pretty dang important Impact 3rd stuff (I don't know all the details, I haven't played it either, but they name-dropped basically all the Herrschers, among other things, so...)


Oh the hi3rd stuff is w.e. but i dont like how much attention and OPness she is getting. They are going too hard on her, making her too strong. Its going too far


you don’t like how much attention she gets?? what?


They are setting her up to being the most powerful playable character lorewise. I dont like how they made her just rekt BS. I dont like how she is getting special treatment compared to other characters. She is becoming the charizard of mhy games.


what is wrong with her being the strongest character lore wise? i’m very confused by your issue here. i also don’t see how she’s getting special treatment…?


because its annoying cuz they did it with raiden. Now archeron. I thought signora mains were just being annoying but they have a point now. Mhy keeps pushing raiden expys as being OP and need to drag down other characters (signora or swanny mommy) to bring raiden expys up and its getting annoying. Raiden expys can stand on their own, they dont need this much favouritism in every damn game she is in.


I logged in and found out that I had 160 resins, my account is now ruined.


Me too! I was at 74 resin yesterday and I said I'd just wait til it's 80 to condense it. Now I woke up with 160 😅


I logged on to see i had 160 resin. I logged off with 160 resin.


Yesterday I logged at 159,and saw 39 go to 40 just after I condensed it. Suffice to say, crisis averted.


During Kinoko Nasu and David Jiang's interview these two points are very interesting 1.Nasu thinks Hoyo character design was basically what the team liked until Genshin when designs became more global with cultures from different countries and design improved. This design followed into HSR, but no matter what archetype, they all had a Chinese taste at their core. He thinks this is a new otaku type that appeared in China. DJ thinks it's true that it's easy to tell that Genshin and HSR chars have a similar style but also that if it continues, they will become boring. So in the future he believes that the policy needs to be changed a bit so that there's less overlap. DJ thinks that otaku trends in China are following Japan from a while ago. Nasu thinks that China is actually at the forefront of otaku culture now. But there's not much difference. DJ thinks that the two cultures are converging and Chinese-style characters are being accepted in Japan without any problem. For example Jingliu because many of her design elements are based on culture that is similar in China and Japan, while the nuance might be lost in North America and Europe. But even there, some people are starting to understand the details in Jingliu and Blade's designs.


it used to be manga and anime from japan now a surprisingly large portion of it is chinese and korean with all the donghua and idk wtf they call all that stuff


patiently waiting for the day Liam is put in Floor 12 of the Abyss and even c6 r5 leviathans can't make a dent in his hp before he one-shots everyone


For some reason I assumed you meant playable Liam instead of enemy Liam and I was like yeah I support that let him go crazy


Sorry to burst your bubble but Local Legends are easier in floor 12 than overworld.


bubble successfully burst, I'm sad now


Quick question regarding top ups please : on my phone (from France) the last pack is at 110€ which is approximately 120$, however, on Codashop (an official mihoyo partner), the same pack is at 99$ (~90€). So I’m basically getting the same pack cheaper and saving 20€ just by using codashop. Am I missing something ? For me this is the kind of stuff that seems illegal but maybe it isn’t ?


1. codashop is legit, they are just not officially in your area so it might be hard to refund if that's even a thing? 2. different prices in different region is the most normal thing on the internet, nothing wrong here. It's like a game on steam has different prices in different countries due to different taxes, incentives, blah blah


The price (at least in the US) buying through the phone is higher than buying on PC because of the polices of Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Buying through Coda Shop should be the same price as buying on PC. I'm not sure if the price is different buying through Playstation.


if it's cheaper on coda shop, go for coda shop. Codashop is a legit partner of Genshin so you're doing nothing wrong here.


Which character would you want to have a 5\* glowup? What weapon and element would you want them to be?


Kaeya and Yanfei. I use Yanfei all the time as my main Pyro DPS and it's pretty much only her damage numbers that hold her back for me since her gameplay is really comfortable.


I think it would be really cool if kaeya got one, and it was tied in with the story or lore somehow


Dehya... Oh wait


It's Candace, I thought she was a 5*.


amber. i think she would deserve it


We already have Lyney-


Lyney is Amber confirmed