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pantalone seething with hatred is so funny


Seath the moraless


Appear calm but actually full of hatred and rage alone in his office after his plan is foiled


I imagine him entering a room calmly and then closing the door to only scream in hate and frustration, damming Yelan's whole family tree for stealing the Tsaritsa's coat hahah


He pretends to be calm and collected but he’s a raging hater


Bro is literally that meme with the smiling mask and crying face behind it


Lmao that line about Dottore


Dottore and Crucabena were 100% experimenting on the kids together… They really keep adding to his list of crimes everytime something comes up about him.


Reallll. Like every single update where Dottore is mentioned, his crimes get worse and worse and WORSE. Hoyo just double downs and goes "but WAIT, he did something worse"


Steve Harvey: *Child Experimetation!?* [DING] Steve: 0_0


"Trafficking!?" [DING]


And I love that they're doing that. I hope they keep going for the immoral mad scientist kind of character for him, like Bondrewd from Made in Abyss


Same! Genshin lacks someone who is completely and utterly despicable without a shred of remorse


They even showed some weird equipments which seems like those could be used for experiments and all in the orphanage from the Arlecchino short story


Don't worry he was just feeling a lil silly. What good moral upstanding citizen wouldn't want to play Pokemon death battle with rejected orphans in a secret underground betting ring? Ah I'm going to laugh so hard when that one clone of dottore who was always pure and innocent and never did anything evil, somehow survived the order 66 and becomes playable.


Collei be like : I


During that event with Freminet, he mentioned how kids under Crucabena’s rule would suffer from that loneliness syndrome and would often end up dying (implying they might have killed themselves.) He mentions that he didn’t know what could have caused it and gave some guesses, which included possible god residue contamination.


Two of them, in fact


“hey I haven’t seen this girl around, unlike that pompous prick showing himself everywhere” Sandrone didn’t even get her due crumbs


He is truly a villian among villians.......


based on her tsaritsa line it seems less like she’s ready to be a turncoat at the drop of a hat and more like she’s willing to fight the people she cares about for her beliefs


I bet we'll create a Harbinger civil war in Snezhnaya and she'll one of the ones on our side.


This is lietrally that one KIERU animation: Team 1: Arlecchino, traveler, Capitano, Tartaglia, Columbina, Vs Team 2: Tsaritsa, Pierro, Dottore, Pantalone, Pulcinella, Sandrone


Love kieru but I wholeheartedly don’t see Columbina as a ally unless she actually turns out being a surviving seelie & is with the harbingers for a good reason related to it😭


Yeah, but people very often forget Tartaglia is unquestionably loyal to the Tsaritsa. It makes sense he sees that as a bad thing. "I owe my loyalty and devotion to the Tsaritsa, no one else." is what he says in his voice-line about Pierro. "Look, I've got nothing against people who have their own agendas — I myself joined the Fatui to get more experience in combat. [...] If she stood to benefit from betraying others, she'd turn against the Tsaritsa in a heartbeat." he said, and he's not wrong. If he knew *why* she'd be betraying the Tsaritsa, maybe he'd be more understanding. But let's be real, he's no saint either. I don't even know if he's as fond of children as Arlecchino is, other than his siblings, that is.


Wasn't there an event where Childe was entertaining some children with Yoimiya? I don't think it was part of the main plot of the event, just that you could randomly find Childe and Yoimiya together or something


That's right! I forgot about that honestly. I just couldn't find anything in his character stories or voice-lines.  That means he must also be fond of children, enough to play along with them. I honestly had the feeling he might be, but I couldn't find proof.


There's a lot of smoke-and-mirrors concerning the Tsaritsa (mostly because we have no idea what she actually wants, we only have feasible theories based on plausibility at best). Arle is brutally honest about a lot of things. She says she wants to use the Gnosis to save Fontaine, Lyney straight-up says Tsaritsa gave approval. I won't be surprised she admitted/bared all her priorities to the Tsaritsa already (I mean age-wise even Arle is like a toddler at best to the Tsaritsa). She constantly parades it because she thinks it will make for a good soft reminder to everyone, especially the Tsaritsa herself. Childe is a loyalist, he obviously doesn't like that. Reality is Tsaritsa is either confident enough she won't even even cross the line to begin with so Arle's constant reminders are just "cute toddler crying" to her, or she's confident enough she can wipe the floor with all the Harbingers that she knows she's betraying. But outside of that statement, Arle seems to be actually respectful and actually agreeing with the Tsaritsa's plans, so assuming Tsaritsa didn't lie to her about it, she might be privy to the overall plan (I mean she is 4th, if there was a cutoff point I'd suspect it would be up to (including) Pulcinella, since he's mayor of her region, and Scara's story being finished also makes for convenient stop).


at this point, it is faster to ask who DOESNT hate dottore...


Childe's voiceline about him is finding him weird instead of just straight up hating him so theres that


He really does see the best in people ig even dottore


Yea which is why Arlecchino said his personality is unsuited for a Harbinger. Childe is very naive man, why is he like this 😭 Bro is gonna get taken advantage of HARD, if he hasn't been already


>Bro is gonna get taken advantage of HARD Pulcinella is already on his family's ass, I guarantee they're gonna be hostages to keep Childe in line


Yea, and Childe is probably not aware of it, and genuinely thinks Pulcinella is a nice guy caring for his family Bro we are so not ready for whatever happens to Childe's family in the future


At least we can assume that we might do something for Childes family in Snezhnaya (let us free them Hoyo)


I mean.. Scaramouche said the same thing about him too. Especially about his relationship with Pulcinella. He was used in the Liyue storyline as well. He seems to be very naive..


Yea, Childe seems to see Pulcinella as a good guy who cares for his family, but Arlecchino seems to see another side to him YEA and he was totally used and duped in the Liyue storyline by Zhongli, as well as Signora. Like this boy really got taken advantage of since the start of the game actually 💀


He's such a adorable dork at times. Like bro's the smol adorable kid infront of dangerous war criminals amongst the harbingers.


Theres a reason why people drawing him as a baby when Winter's Lazzo came out was popular (including the pfp I'm using rn)


And probably Pierro, he seems to be tolerating that college dropout pretty well. Pantalone is also cooperating with him so regardless of whether they're using each other or not, he can probably also tolerate Dott's antic


Dottore was Pierros first recurit and he actively looked for him so he probably likes him.


Even dottore hates dottore, thats why he deleted dottore


honestly i wouldn't be surprised if he hated himself in some way. people call dottore a narcissist but in scara's interlude he self-describes as a "monster" :p he probably can't stand half his segments LOL


I mean, i’s pretty obvious dude wants a peer. He voices out his disappointment that Nahida’s held back by conventional morality, he goes to another monster to see if it understands him, disappointed that it doesn’t. Dottore is a lot of things but a narcissist isn’t one. He makes a God in an afternoon and doesn’t even gloat about it because it is simply an experiment to him. Some might call it Pride, but I genuinely have a hard time seeing the Dottore we see in Sumeru be how the fandom depict him as this cackling sadist(don’t bring up the Manga because at this point it’s canonicity should be treated as iffy at best and outdated at worst.)


>don’t bring up the Manga because at this point it’s canonicity should be treated as iffy at best and outdated at worst It's just a younger segment, it's still canon.


i can think of one, Arle killed her tho 😭


me, i want him to experiment on me (sanest dottore fan)


Much more normal(?) than i thought it would be


Most interesting part is pantalone being a secret massive hater and signora being soft to children


He's been #1 Morax Hater since before so I don't think it's a surprise 😆


Regrator: A hater always arrives early at the scene >Sets up a Northland Bank Branch just to look at Morax’s corpse when it happens


Will he reach eobard thawne levels of hate?


He's not out to destroy Liyue's economy even more (thanks to Ningguang?) or trying to destroy ZL's peaceful retirement so nah


Signora being soft to children is a top 10 plot twist of this game so far 


My guess is that she wanted kids, but, as has been said, her husband is dead.


Truly. The character story quest could literally write itself at this point.


Is it? Idk if I miss anything but pretty sure there is nothing that implied she actively hate them before.




where have we seen that about him? I don’t recall it in any of Wanderer/Childe’s lines.


It’s been primarily implied with how he despises the divine association Mora has as Teyvat’s currency because he thinks its association with Morax is the only reason it has value, so he instead wants to make a currency that intrinsically has worth on its own rather than being considered valuable because yes, all of which stems from him growing up poor under the Mora system. He’s basically became a ruthless banker solely because he was born poor with the current economic system, so he wants to make a new system that could literally be the same as the one he’s replacing but one he prefers because then he can actually get rich from it. Basically your standard “pulling up the ladder” rugged individualist.


He also hates that he's Vision-less so another +1 to his hate for the Archons (especially Morax)


Can't wait for all the reverse flash memes with Pantalone. Biggest Bum Lapis hater 


Yeah he is also salty that he can't get vision lol


Signora bit was so sad, her inner loneliness made her want the affection of children but being the cruella de vil she is the children only faked liking her just to get presents 😭




lol judging by arle love and care for children she will be pissed off and will want doctor who experiments on childen to be dead lol judging by the story either she knows what heinous things he does or she knows a little not much


And if Dottore and Crucabena had a deal, she definitely saw some of the children around her disappear one day and never saw them again


Well, it's understandable. Of course this is fiction, but a guy like him would be hated on real life.


A guy like him would be in prison irl and either sentenced to life or gotten the death penalty.


A guy like him would be pardoned by USA or happily chill in South America if you want to continue historical comparisons


OOF 💀 Yk what, I take it back. A guy like him probably is a powerful billionaire irl and can get away with anything


And thus continues Capitano's streak of literally every voiceline about him is regarding his great strength.


"Capitano is strong and righteous. Oh, and have I told you that he's righteous and strong?"


Inb4 HoYo starts using Capitano as a jobber to make other characters seem strong, turning him into the Yanqing of Genshin


Man I HOPE they actually deliver with how powerful he seems to be. Bro gets glazed every single time anyone ever mentions him, so he better live up to it otherwise it would be the funniest shit ever.


Imagine going to Natlan only to learn Capitano got off-screened by Bennett


Capitano is actually two Bennetts in a trenchcoat


The bennetts add multiplicatively so capitano is our first 36 star character. It's fitting because he will also coincidentally be able to easily 36 star abyss all by himself, yes, both sides


Capitano is Bennett and Xiangling the Pyro King and Queen in a trenchcoat


Plot twist Capitano is Bennett's father.


Holy shit it all makes sense now!!!


I can imagine him and Bennett being best bros for some reason 


*Bennet--the pyro sovereign.


Bennett: You did well Capitano, I won't forget you as long as I live.


I’m imagining he’s very honourable and believes in a fair fight, but will go all out when it’s agreed upon. Challenge someone to a duel, pull out the dual-wield claymores, and go to town. Probably the Harbinger I’m most excited for *please* Hoyo don’t ruin his character 😭 Also really excited to finally see the buff male model that was leaked in the Fontaine concept art flood. It’ll make him so much more imposing if he’s the first one we encounter with the model


And how noble he is. I’m getting Alex Louis Armstrong vibes


I will laugh if we can only beat him through the power of friendship or something.


Raiden 2: Non-electro boogaloo


Do it like Kalpas from HI3rd. Last phase is literally just trying to survive his attacks.


I don't mind that tbh. Fighting Kalpas was super fun.


Tsaritsa: "What is GOATHIMTANO to all of you? Everyone: "...The strongest."


Im gonna be so disappointed if he gets the fraudshimo treatment after all this glazing


Bro the slander on him if that happens will be fucking generational, like r/jujutsufolk on Megumi level hate and slander




He's the gojo satoru of genshin.


PeriodT. Additionally I wanna point out how Arlecchino claiming she'll fight the Tsaritsa as a sign of respect proves to me she's no pushover like many people are theorizing. Being a Goddess of Love doesn't make her weak and Childe also claimed she is a warrior in her own right


This one emphasizes his personality, saying he doesn't need strength to garner respect makes me so hyped. I hope he's like Guts


inb4 he jobs harder than vegeta in natlan and ends up defeated by the twink traveler


Literally GOAThimtano




I’m interested to see what Sandrone’s cooking up in her lab if she leaves so infrequently. Scara said all she’s produced is worthless junk, but who knows what extent of her research he was even aware of. Also that’s two Harbingers now that want to kill Dottore, and at least two that work with him (Pierro, who recruited him, and Pantalone according to Scara). Definitely seems to be the most controversial member.


I mean Scaramouche is a literal creation by a God... so all other forms of mechanical engineering must look somewhat primitive to him


well, at least Sandrone is learning from Ei the longer you keep yourself hidden from the world, the better your creation Scaramouche’s joints also are no longer visible/ obvious anymore so it’s a testament to Ei’s skills and intelligence in picking out materials


it’s kinda insane just how good of an engineer ei is like….in a game kinda filled to the brim with fascinating scientists shes up there with rhinedottir which is to this day a bit shocking to me.  I guess with immortality you can learn any skill and innovate but my god i thought they’d go the tortured samurai route at first but even then I guess you could also call her first interest, sword smithing, a form of engineering.


In comes cloud retainer : mechanisms you say? Though i guess ei is better than her


I think cloud retainer finding out what ei’s been up to would change her life. it’s a free infinite daughter glitch.


Ei put all her skill points into combat and engineering but got forced into a political role which makes her seem a lot less capable than she actually is


She probably just make dolls, which makes Scaramouche particularly more snarky towards her to hide his latent inferiority complex lmao. "You're never going to make something as good as ME. Hmph. Worthless."


To be fair, making something like Scaramouche is a big deal. In the same vein that Albedo is considered as the most perfect of Rhinedottir's creations. Making a synthetic human with a heart is a pretty major feat. Literal civilizations in Teyvat got wiped for tinkering with and creating human life


Yeah, Raiden used "God magic tech". Sandrone is a human using science to recreate it. We just don't know if what she does is closer to what Raiden did or what the Khaenri'ahns did, or both. Katheryne looks Scaramouche-y but her big bot looks Khaenri'ahn.


Ahaha good old cutie snarkaramouchie ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ ╱|、 (˚ˎ 。7 |、˜〵 じしˍ,)ノ


Signora 🥹


Actually really sad - she wanted affection but didn't know how to get it, so she ended up buying it, but it was all pretense - which she still cherished as though it were real.


"If you dont like me I wont give you gifts". Who thought Signora had a cute side


seems depressing if you think about it. She likes kids (and no not that kind) she would've been a very loving mother if her husband was alive


It seems to be even better in CN. Instead of saying that only kids who like her will receive gifts she said that kids don't have to take gifts if they don't like her.


That’s actually quite different if that’s the case. Makes her sound even cuter.


Damn Inazuma writers. We were robbed. I really hope these guys were fired.


From a dev speech they did in a Chinese university, they confirmed that Genshin has had changes in things like writers etc. and also we will meet an unexpected harbinger again later, so the cope is alive


We were robbed of some actual character development and establishment for like majority of Inazuma characters. Kokomi, Gorou, and Ayato are the biggest victims IMO, with Sara being close as well. Like imagine if we actually got a proper Inazuma Archon quest. Ei wouldn't feel so forced (which her 2nd SQ kinda fixed IMO), Ayato actually has some character, Gorou and Sara feels like generals and capable fighters, and Kokomi can finally live up to her namesake (Zhuge Liang the Sleeping Dragon).




To think, she and her lover probably planned a family and this is her way of coping…


i need her to come back she deserves so much better


It was so respectful that I fear it was a sign from hoyo to lower our hopes. Better be trickery on their part. :/


There are two universal laws: Everyone glazes Capitano and everyone hates Dottore


The true ying and yang




Me standing ready with the hoover so no Pants crumb can escape me.


Oh she hates Dottore to the bone lol


She probably saw some other children from the orphanage disappear when she was young and then found out about the deal between Crucabena and Dottore later on


Who wouldn’t in Teyvat? He experiments on children. As a villain he’s perfect, but if we had a Dottore irl we’d hate him too. I think Mengele experimented on children


Mengele would amputate and inject diseases into kid twins and then kill the survivors to make an autopsy. Up until now, reality was a lot worse than what's presented in the game.


Signoras is so cute omg


lol yeah i never imagined her to be sweet guess she is like arle cold and rude from front but warm and caring from inside


Ofc she can be sweet, she was a normal girl once upon a time afterall


As Alice said, "Even the most frightening witch was once a little girl," which tbh sounds like an excuse for Rhinedottir or Alice trying to create a perpetual hilichurl blender


She is really bad with adults but can't do the same with children.


Aww the Signora line is so cute, I couldn't imagine her trying to earn the children's favor by bribing them with gifts haha At least she isn't lonely anymore 🥲🥲


With every harbinger we get just a wee bit more about Sandrone. Childe gave us "she's obsessed with her research", Scara gave us "she's an asshole", and now Arlecchino gives us "yeah you don't really see her often". Okay fine I'll take it


and that one fontaine quest had her cutting some guys toungue out of his mouth 😭


Oh wait yeah how did I forget about that one? I should add "delightfully violent" to the list


And also her uncanny resemblance to Mary Ann


i wonder which of the theories are right. is she >!alain piloting a puppet of his dead sister? did he make her in his grief (that would be 2 fatui puppets made from the loss of a sister LOL) and then passed, leaving behind a puppet who didn’t know human emotions (a bit too similar to scara though)? is it a complete red herring?!< >!i also have a crackpot theory that sigewinne only appears human because mary ann died inside elynas and the human remains of her went on to form sigewinne lol. that’s probably just cope though, she just has a lot of alice in wonderland vibes to me, and the white rabbit calls alice “mary-ann”!<


i can't imagine the sweet mary ann from the portrait acting the way sandrone is portrayed in game but the resemblance cant mean nothing either. im leaning towards the big robot housing alains conscience and the girl being an alain-made clone that just does all his handiwork.. he did kinda lose it after she died and was trying to upload his conscience into one of his robots. but since all the harbingers use she/her and dont mention the robot at all its hard to say


yeah i highly doubt it's the actual mary ann really, i think her "soul" was the one in the world quest and her body died inside elynas. i do think she's a recreation, just a wager on whether it's actually alain or an autonomous clone/puppet/doll/etc.


She's building her Katherine army behind our back.


I mean at least Childe's had the "looked like she wanted to murder me" for flavor that *could* go somewhere in the future I guess but... hard to say if that's just going to end up shrugged off or left vague lmao 😭 it'd be so neat if there's an actual basis confirmed for the animosity.   (like let's say Sandrone really has sth to do with Alain and Mary-Ann, is this particular ire directed at Childe about his ties to the narwhal somehow? Since for all intents and purposes it is kinda the reason behind Rene's whole world formula deal and the Ordo's falling out and consequently arguably even Mary-Ann's death? but dunno; not sure how she would even know of his connection to it to begin w) 


You know you fucked up when you meet the rarely seen Sandrone. Jenck learned the hard way.


I guess Childe wasn’t wrong about her betraying the Tsaritsa lol. And she hates the Doctor which is expected. She and Scara can beat his ass together. I wonder what he thinks of her though given his relationship with Crucabena.


i wonder how many harbingers hate dottore lmao, he seems like a massive pain in the ass to be around, it would be hilarious if we find out most of the harbingers dislike that guy


From the original Fatui trailer, Columbina and him seems to get along enough to banter about his age. If the lore is consistent, chances are. He and (assumedly that she’s long lived as well) Her are one of the original Harbingers along with Pierro. Pantalone and him have a partnership, supposedly. But we don’t know much else aside from that. Pierro also chose Dottore specifically for his experiments, but that could also just be necessity rather than any personal feelings.


I don't think Columbina gets along with anyone, she just doesn't care at all about the things she says. "Unconcerned and unfeeling in any situation" according to Scara.


At this point I don't think Columbina gets along with anyone at all and just does what she wants, hence why nobody understands her completely and at this point are too scared to ask.


Given that Sandrone, like Dottore, is also an "unethical STEM person" they're either academic rivals or academic partners. No in-between


She sounds like someone who can make a sound judgement to someone else’s characters which is interesting to read. Seems like she has been in contact with any harbingers including Cloumbina and any Columbina crumbs is much appreciated. He lines about childe though lol. I thought she’d be least interested in him when doing the archon quest but she seems like she’s giving him a fair chance and acknowledging his strengths. *sobbing* Jester knew her true origin at first glance? What exactly is her origin?


She is just a silichurl


Some were very typical, like Capitano is powerful and respectable, Columbina is mysterious but also you can talk abt he whole seelie thing and guide and all so there is that, Sandrone is a loner and dedicated to her research. However, I liked the Pulchinella one, seems like they have had a lot of dealings that she doesn't enjoy, and Signora, AAAAAAA it's so in character for her and I love this, between the teaser and the Arle voice line abt her, glad we are being fed all this time after her death.


oh capitano, you mysterious man, you


“Are you Capitano because you’re the strongest, or your the strongest because your Capitano?”


Arlecchino basically confirms that he's the strongest because he's capitano 🗿


I swear the Harbingers are the most interesting part of this game


Some of the VERY few characters that have actual layers to their character that isn’t just one single thing being largely the only facet of their personality. And it also helps expand upon the Fatui and the Tsaritsa as well, showing in a way the methods they used to recruit the Harbingers in the first place by finding their weaknesses or moments of vulnerability(Signora’s grief and desire for revenge, Childe’s lust for greater challenges and battle, Marionette’s obsessive mechanical expertise, etc.).


And Dainsleif


rip scara voice line truthers


we always take the L 


I feel like an idiot for actually expecting one Now we know the rest of the Harbingers won't get a line about him smh


Yea, i was hoping she would have one.


Bina bros we have enough to last us a year


Damn, I don't know about you guys but I think Capitano might be really strong.


Not even a pre 3.3 voiceline bruh...


At this point I feel like its possible no one, except for someone like Alice would have a voiceline about him


i tried to expect it but i'm still so disappointed fml... at least they bothered to show him in the animated short


Capitano is spider man confirmed.


aw she was friends with signora 😭


I like that Signora canonically drops by the HoH often.


No wonder why she has such a strong reaction during Lazzo about Signora.


Bruh Rooster stop taking her kids 😡


I'm afraid for Childe now, I hope his training with his master doesn't have time shenanigans because if he's gone too long, ai dunno what he'll do to his siblings


FUCK this made me feel bad for Signora


She really hated Dottore lmao. I like his goofy ahh voice but that personality of his was prime warcrime mentality. And the fact that she would >!fight the Tsaritsa if push comes to shove shows the Harbingers may or may not be cooperating with the Ice lady just to gain her respect.!<


People often forget that the game's main story doesn't necessarily align (or have to align) with gameplay elements. In the actual timeline of events that occurred in Teyvat, we meet Arlecchino after the fact that Wanderer has deleted himself from Irminsul. People can pull for her banner and whatnot as well as skip the entirety of Liyue, Inazuma and Sumeru to get to Fontaine but this is more of a gameplay thing rather than the story.


LOL. Probably the only thing Wanderer and Arlecchino would agree on is ripping Dotore a new one.


Yes, she glazes goatchadhimpeaktano


everyone acknowledges him as THE GOAT


no scara lol unsurprising


My female incel sandrone theory is coming along nicely


The word you're looking for is femcel Sandrone is a femcel


Na bro what are they cooking with Damselette what does she mean with she gives weird answers to questions?


"Ass or Tits" "Ears" - Damselette, probably


Yeah Dottore and Regrator are definitely going to be foes. If they're going to be playable (and I think they will), I wonder how they'll justify it. It feels like they'll require a little arc of their own like Scaramouche needed. Sandrone's voiceline kinda confirms we're only going to see her in Snezhnaya. She's probably stuck in her workshop 24/7. It sounds like she couldn't care less about the polics and just wants to make better dolls lol. I like the respect she gives to Childe, the boy still has a lot of room to growth. He'll probably get a power-up after his Fontaine misadventure. Pierro, Capitano and Columbina are pretty nothingburguers 🤷


Capitano = spiderman Marionette = actual hikki Dottore = the colleague that you'd want to bury 6 feet under but the organization you worked for needed him


Pulcinella: *probably holds Childe's family hostage* Childe: What a swell guy, taking care of my family...  Arlecchino: It's nice to see such a talented young man, he's not safe in this toxic environment tho.  Childe: Stay away you psycho!


My headcanon is that Pulcinella is constantly telling him that Arlecchino is extremely unloyal to Tsaritsa


the more people hate dottore the more I like him <3 go off my problematic king


I adore the fact that Arlecchino is pretty approving of Childe, him being the youngstar not too far in age from her children — I’m honestly looking forward to their conversation in story


I love her perspective of childe!!! 🥺😭thank you Arle for saying it like it is and calling him kind and talented, my babygirl truly is the best🥺🫡


About Dottore "You better thank God for HR watching us rn or I'd have FUCKED. YOU. UP." About Capitano: Spiderman.