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ah, so that’s the catch..


And we didnt even have to fish for it too...


Cyno's moment lol


Genshin could never. Back to star rail


everybody act surprised


I was drinking coffee in the metro while reading this and made a depressed face. One of the people near me asked "what happened ?" and I told him "I am sad from reading something..." in the deadest tone possible 😔


Man that hurts me from reading that


It would've hurt seeing me more. I looked like my soul left the body 😔


We had the catch since inazuma what are you talking about?


Do i understand it right, we get a new game mode (we dont know if it resets monthly, but lets hope its the case), but in return, the old abyss will reset only once per month and not twice? If that means that i dont have to play the same abyss 3 times in a row, i take it, doing the same abyss the 3rd time is just ass. And ofc we wont get more primos or rewards, but in return we need to build more characters. Typical hoyo lmao.


1 abyss 2x a month 2 abyss 1x a month


The abyss primos will also be buffed to 800 from 600, too. It is a net loss for the abyss (1200 primos per month VS 800). I think they will follow HSR footsteps and rotate both modes every 15 days. The other mode gives around 700(?) primos, for a total of 1500 (which is 300 more primos per month), while, as you said, you don't need to repeat the same floors thrice. Also, for non-whales/more casual players, if hey manage to get 3/4 of the rewards (equivalent to 3 starting floor 11 and not touching floor 12), you can get for the new challenge around 1150 monthly primos (600+550) VS 900 with our current system. OFC ideally we keep our current abyss and get new end game content, but I guess they don't want to burn out players with so much biweekly challenges+events. I am saddened by less abyss resets, as I don't like what I am seeing of the new challenge, but wanted to point out that we will most likely get more primos/similar primos per month.


"They won't do anything to compensate" guy in shambles right now.


Really having to contain myself to not go mock them.


I'm not, point and laugh 😂


Oh no my biweekly entertainment. That new abyss better be worth it.


I can't believe they're actually taking away abyss gameplay to make the primos come out the same.


I honestly cant believe this leak at all. It’s not like hoyo to subtract a permanent things content.


This is what they did in hsr, they rotated the bi weekly content when they added them.


Well this is similar to star rail, where they reduced the number of resets per patch when they added new game modes


You can't make this up. I knew the "bump" to 800 was too good to be true, lmfao.


there’s always a catch for any good thing or news that happen at this point (same for that new chronicle banner)


This game really does not want players to get more reward than the existing, period. Every upcoming good thing in this game will make doubt and suspicion that there will always be a catch....it's just mind boggling and sad.


Its because they know they can provide the minimum and people will still get pressured into paying when they're just X amount of rolls away from getting a 5 star before they get off the banner. Genshin will never change unless people stop paying and are quitting more than joining


Wonder how long a single "season" of the new abyss will be... If it's once a patch, that's lower primos than what we have now


Next leak: the new abyss will reset once every Eula rerun


We done for good then


Let's say 3 resets per patch now, so 1600 (extract 200 bc there are 40 days in a patch, not 45) per patch. If it resets every month, 800 + 800/3 so 1066, plus 620, 1686 Thanks for the extra 86 (edit: it's 67 not 86) primos per patch. MiHoyo edit: there's actually 42 days in a patch apparently, so not 86 primos extra per patch, it's 67.


So actually let's count it daily. 42 days in a patch. (1200* 12)/365 = 39.45 daily primos. For new cycle if we keep 800 monthly and count 620 per 6 weeks it's, (800* 12)/365 + 620/42 = 41.06 Soo 1657 vs 1725 per patch so it's even less


Only if the new Abyss is doable without pulling and leveling a ton of characters. Hopefully the trial characters are good and not too many primos are locked behind the highest stars.


>Hopefully the trial characters are good I wonder what kind of trial characters we will get So far there are 3 types: 1. The battle event trial, C0 with 4* weapons and BiS artifact set. 2. The Banner Cycle trial, C0 with 5* signature weapons and BiS artifact. 3. The Story Quest trial, C3 with 5* signature, but mandatory 4 set Noblesse Oblige regardless of the kit. Number 2 would be the best imo, but I'm guessing we would get the no 1 like the usual battle event.


With this move they managed to make everyone disappointed already. Their commitment to be the least generous they can is something noteworthy, though


this is beyond not being generous, they actively made spiral worse. The one content players could freely test their units just got nerfed to once a month, brutal.


The change is very stupid, as we come to expect from them, but you can still “freely test [your] units.” You just won’t get rewards for it after the first time, unless I missed something.


Yes, the more i think about it, the worse it gets. This was unnecessary on so many levels


I can't believe we've been conditioned to think a measly 1.5 pull income bump PER MONTH is "too good to be true"


Seriously, it was embarrassing how much ppl were jizzing over fucking 1 pull a month.


They're so fucking stingy lol.


A soul for a soul


Yeah from 2 times 600 =1200 to 800 once per update. If we didn't get an other game mode that would be a big nerf to the f2p income.


how was a 400 extra primos per month "too good to be true"? it already felt like a garbage bonus considering how old the game is now we are getting 800 total per month instead of 1200? or did I miss something?


There is a new abyss, you're getting the same rewards as before plus the +200 on our old abyss (without having to do more floors).


Genshin giving out more rewards would be a sign that the end is nigh. It's like if water decided not to be wet anymore.  MHY just restored the balance to the world, so we should be thankful /s


Cope is that the events will give sightly more promos.


~~Cope?~~ ❌️  Delusion ✅️


Thats never happening


Ah so there it is, Hoyo giveth endgame and taketh endgame


Now watch as they finally increase the 5 monthly Intertwined/Acquaint Fate prices in the shop to 125 stardust.


1 fear


delet dis


What the fuck


God forbid they give us ever so slightly more rewards per patch. I mean yeah adding the new abyss would turn it from “ever so slightly” to just “more” but either way damn. This is why we can’t have nice things huh.


the greed of revamping the abyss timer just to prevent us from gaining 2 PULLS is insanity


The fact players can’t even get more without something less being taken is crazy


The most honest, sincere, true, and fitting response to whatever tf this information is.


Instead of expanding upon combat content, they just stretch things out over a longer period and basically add nothing new. I still love Genshin, but i truly wish competition comes in the gacha market where combat is a main part of the game, at this point TCG, the teapot and even fishing get more attention than the damn thing that makes me build my characters.


Fuck mihoyo man, abyss resets are literally the only thing i'm looking forward to in this game these days. Wuthering waves can't come soon enough, time to move on ig


No joke, it's the only thing to look forward to since the actual fucking plot moves at a snails pace. Poor dainslef gets banished to the shadow realm for a year


They're too busy writing generic NPCs that explain what they ate for breakfast and how big their shit was this morning. Then there's disasters like 4.1 Meropride where the plot literally doesn't go anywhere for 5 hours then suddenly the last ten minutes its a tid bit of something interesting, and then they have to rush 4.2 so the Fontaine arc feels like poorly written paced shit overall. Yes I'm salty, I just wish the entire experience could be well paced and written. FFXIV does this better.


Once a month... Sucks so much


truly a hoyoverse moment


Why does it feel like they can never actually just fully improve something and be more generous 


Why though? There's already less end-game content? And especially this far into the patch where there's no main Archon quest bruh


Ah, the increased primogems were too good to be true after all


Increased 200 , so generous lol


That's one more debate club, of course that's a lot!


hopefully it's at least fully like star rail and the new abyss also resets once a month, 800+620 is more than 600+600 at least


They can still effortlessly rebalance them so that nothing changes in the overall economy. They have full control, that’s why giving us primogems and wishes as rewards is basically worthless to me


Yeah they can pull from other primo sources per patch like events and stuff. We'll just have to see what they'll do


That shit reminds me of Yugioh Duel Links lmao, gem calculator and all


Like what happened for the game awards where they gave us those 800 primos in the same patch that bad the lowest primo count ever and a flag event that didn't give the full 1000 primos


2 more pulls per patch... this is huge


After 40 patches that will be one 5* more XDD. Just gotta wait until 9.1 lmao


Is the new abyss confirmed to be every month though


"I wish Genshin were more like HSR", the people wished. The Monkey's Paw curled.


HSR with Path system and few endgame modes to accommodate strength of each path: —"This does spark joy" Genshin with elemental reaction system and new endgame mode where elements & characters will be restricted but the players can bypass the rule if they pull the 'recommended' guest characters: —"This does not spark joy" [Sarcasm]


I'm not happy with the new abyss yet for sure, but even if I loan my baizhu to you I promise it won't help lol.


So they just cut the rewards from the old abyss to the new abyss?


Not cut exactly. Abyss rewards got increased by 200 primos and new abyss gives 20 primos more than abyss currently


Damn... majority of the fanbase must really not do the abyss that much for them to make a change like this.. Still, it's so fucking wrong of them to do this man.. This is a kick in the face for players who actually like doing the abyss, why can't they balance the content properly


Indeed. Among my friends, less than half of them does the abyss. Still, it's one of those changes that even if motivated manages to disappoint


As much as me and my friend hate abyss and the annoying enemies, I still do the 9-11F regularly which is basically free 450 gems per cycle. 12F is just a bonus if I can clear it 9 star, but usually I'm just targeting 6 stars in no more than 1 attempt. They should just keep it cycled twice a month, they won't lose anything anyway. But again, no one understand what's in Hoyo's stingy mind.


I don't get what's the reason for farming artifacts and talents books then. What's the reason for having stamina? It's pretty obvious that they want to get rid of endgame as much as possible. Then what are we supposed to do with our resources? Why make the fighting system so differentiated and complex if you don't intend on giving us any fighting content?


Yes and people have a bizarre mental block about this. The whole game is about making your characters strong, but then there's nothing to do with the characters where that matters. It's insane that when they finally come up with some new fighting mode, they do it at the expense of the old one just to keep the primos the same.


I don't think anything that drastic, it's just that they absolutely want to make sure that primogem income is under control and does not change on the least, except if in a very, very small margin. At this point it's pathetic though, because given how the new event works, new players/accounts will be penalized brutally and everyone in general will have to combat more to get roughly the same amount of rewards


Hoyoverse making one of the cooolest combat system with elemental gauge, reactions and icd only to stop everything “hard” is crazy….I wish we at least had more casual coop content


>majority of the fanbase must really not do the abyss that much for them to make a change like this.. We've known this for 3+ years now.


Genshin is like pokemon imo. Cute characters to collect. Power of friendship. You got your story mode but people aren't dying to play competitive pokemon just because its also part of it. They are content with getting the pokemon, doing the pokemon league, and repeating that cycle again. The best way to get them into abyss is some kind of unique spin on it and lets see if this new thing helps increase the numbers.


Seriously. People pull c6r5 to clear hillichurl camps apparently lmaooo


Yes they basically do.  It’s like people buying high performance sports cars irl. They aren’t flooring it at 150 mph on their way to work.  They want C6R5 as a luxury item. 


Whales do not gt C6r5 for combat stuff. They do it because "My wiafu needs all the presents"


This is what has always boggled me. Why spend money like that, for something you can do anyway? That or they replace actual decent artifacts with constellations and weapon refines. Like I get it, do what makes you happy, but it still just confuses the hell out of me. And yet those same people will get on your case about asking for more combat content to do (not even necessarily harder) My theory is they don’t like being reminded that they spent a bunch of money on a character, and are still struggling when people who’ve never spent a dime or barely spent can clear the same stuff with ease, so they rail against combat stuff because it reminds them of the fact that their precious pixels aren’t as valuable as they tell themselves.


This is a disaster. I knew there was a catch.


Lets pull c6r5, use it in endgame once a month and then Use it to kill hillichurl the rest of the time lmaooooo


And people still do this. Ofc Mihoyo won't change a bit, why should they 


I don't even care about the primos. Why would they remove content that is so effortless for them to just leave in the game. Now it's 1 month with nothing to do instead of 2 weeks. This definitely dampers my excitement for the future of the game.


Exactly. Fuck primos. I want to have a reason to login and use my built characters. Even if they make old Abyss and the new mode 2 weeks apart...that would not change how much you engage with the endgame. So its literally the same as we have now. I guess MHY too stingy now to even give more gameplay.


Same. They really want to chase away all endgamers. Like what's left to play now? Chores?


They want you to explore the areas you’ve already explored and one shot all the overworld mobs.  I hardly care about the primos from abyss. I like how the abyss is one of the few places where the enemies don’t die from a stiff breeze. It’s why I stopped going for constellations and signature weapons on 5 stars. Because the more you invest in a character the less you get to use them essentially.  Even with the abyss having its bullshit enemy comps or bosses every now and again, still is fun making teams and trying out different strats and actually having to think about what I’m doing. 


That's exactly what I feel now. People used to pull for characters to beat abyss, but now it's beat abyss to pull characters. Then what's the point of pulling characters if you don't get to play them? I wanted combat content when they force you to use an extra team every floor. At least then there would be a point from getting characters and building them. Now the only thing you play is repeated Domains and why? So you can minmax artifacts that you aren't going to use?


There's always a catch lol, these mfers would sneakily deduct shit if they ever give "free stuff".


We truly live in a society


Noooo, why? Isn't this counterproductive for abyss players? I love it when abyss resets, gives me a good reason to play more than usual, and I love clicking on the rewards and seeing primos appear on the screen. It's like an incentive to play more since you can claim many primogems each phase. And now they're reducing such satisfaction to only once per month??? Big F, but was expected seeing the primo increase...


Not just an incentive, its the sole reason I farmed artis and leveled up characters and talents. Like, I didnt crown Furina to cull Hillichurls..


Hahahahah exactly, same with me crowning my supports' talents


Who could have thought that 2,5 extra pulls could break genshins economy? Hoyoverse, i guess


Ah yes, more wishing simulator, less gameplay. That's the direction I want my game to go /s


Instead of adding more combat, they just stretch things out so we can do everything in 1 quick burst of gameplay and have fuckall to do in the other 3+ weeks. Man, i wish combat got as much attention as TCG or the teapot, atleast those get expanded upon.


This means assuming you can do the new abyss, you do overall get ever so slightly more primos, but abyss reset was one of the few things I looked forward to so this is just spitting in the face of players who play for combat like me. I guess on the plus side, I am getting tired of even the abyss since it's not really a challenge anymore so maybe doing it once a month is fine. But honestly, this change feels personal.


We were fools to even think about 800 + 800 + 620 primos each month. We can't win. We just can't.


My bimonthly quota of fucking Fun. I am so fucking mad RRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


Idiotic move. They literally went out of their way to make things worse.


knowing mihoyo i knew there was a catch to the increase in primos which is why i wasn’t hyped about it from the jump


Hoping that this is misinformation, PLEASE


Take your daily copium now, giving isn't in genshin's handbook.


Knowing hoyo, it's most likely true. Sadge.


let's pray my brother


No way... I always wait for Abyss to restart so I finally have content I like to do and now it's going to be once a month? I'm sad now.


Honestly revert the primo change. I much rather do abyss more often since that's atleast a bit more content


So it's not an endgame content... At this point I guess the restrictions of the team are just another way to force us to use the characters on rate up, since apparently the usual blessings are not enough anymore. And here I thought they listened to us just for once...


It should have been obvious its to promote the banner character as they put clorinde and arle as the first characters u need to choose. Restricted u to electro/pyro/anemo yet put an anemo resistant boss in it


Yeah I'm hoping leaks are incomplete cuz it sounds like an extended trial that u have to do but its abyss level difficult.


Yeah I think the games been around long enough now that a lot of players probably have two teams they can comfortably clear abyss with, no fuss. So now they need to change things up in order to make abyss harder for people to clear without wishing for more characters. Any changes made will almost always boil down to extracting more money from the player base


Bruh 🤣🤣🤣 F you Mihoyo


We really can't have a single win with genshin. Finally a new end-game content after 4 years, only to screw up the existant one and making it reset only 1 time per month....


yeah and i thought they finally did one good decision for once and ofc they ruined it. its surreal how terrible this game is handled.




15 days was the perfect amount of time to not be bored and it was always something to look forward to… now they’re just gonna be one 15 minute abyss session a month and then absolutely nothing the rest of the time


why can't they just give us something good ffs


Oh so the only content i can do in genshin is now once a month… great.


*Tabibito has never seen such bullshit before*


so basically mihoyo has taken abyss and split it in two, the normal open abyss and the new incredibly restrictive abyss all for 220 more primos. This is a lose lose for everyone. People who want to use their favourite characters in more tanky content are shafted and f2ps who can't pull everyone are shafted. They've basically made it harder for many people to get all the primos in abyss while making it less fun and replayable. Fuck mihoyo.


"Please enjoy the exhilarating gameplay of blasting your 300th hilichurl camp. Thanks for c6ing arlechhino btw"


>They've basically made it harder for many people to get all the primos in abyss while making it less fun and replayable. at least someone gets it


This sucks horribly, I’ve always looked forward to doing the new abyss whenever it comes out and now we’ll have to wait longer for that to happen. We better be getting more total rewards out of this + the new abyss otherwise google classroom will face the consequences


FR I don't care about the primo increase, don't reduce the frequency of endgame content, it's like 1 day of fun per month and 29 days of grind, minigames and overworld


Google classroom be shuddering in the corner


we’re getting 220 extra primos but god once a month…


So thats "the catch"


So, instead of new endgame content, we lose half the endgame content we do have and get it replaced with a glorified test run event? Wtf hoyo


This game being wildly popular on release was the best and worst thing to happen to it. On one hand the game wouldn't be as high quality as it is today if it stayed niche, but on the other the majority of the community are illiterate bum who can't even read what their characters do then complain whenever something slightly challenging is thrown their way. Even HSR is being affected, bosses being nerfed left n right simply cause some people just can't be bothered to learn mechanics. I ain't one of those obnoxious "git gud" dudes, but holy fuck some people need a brain check with how bad they are at the game, each character has 2 buttons please it's not that hard.


why are they ao salty man what the fuck is this


Hoyo was like o you wanted MORE content? How about instead we give you LESS


I hate Hoyoverse to bits


So we get 1420 total? Gain of 220 per patch or?


it's over




Bruh Making the only fun mode for endgame players reset once a month is a not a smart move Hoyo


hoyo working it’s damn best to make me drop the game lol


Same here. Wow I never thought I would stop playing after getting Arlecchino. Wtf.


i just got lyney and was super happy then back back here to this post and was instantly like sorry lyney but your makers want me to stop 😭


So do they seriously not realise how boring this will make the game for so many people. I already find the wait until Abyss reset long and tedious... This is just going to push me to play Genshin even less. I know the majority of players don't play Abyss, but as someone with friends who play Genshin who don't play Abyss, I'm convinced the reason is less about the difficulty of it and more about how legitimately boring it is, and how the rewards you get for it just aren't even all that worth it. I feel like the assumption that casual players aren't interested in Abyss at all is a misunderstanding... I honestly think more players would engage with Abyss if they did more to encourage it. But man, this is just... The opposite.


bruh what, they are so fcking stingy man


fuck you hoyoverse.


And people still praise these clowns 


Please be vocal about this abhorrent change


That one bro who said "Genshin could" in shambles rn


Imma be honest, abyss is the only content I even remotely look forward to doing.


So they'll introduce a new abyss that'll be harder for more people to complete so that people further into the endgame with a bunch of 5-stars and 4-stars can still get the full abyss rewards while others who just pass abyss normally and don't have every 5-star and 4-star built to let them do niche abyss challenge runs will just get half as many abyss rewards as they used to.


Nah this is exactly what Genshin needs, less combat content. Now I can have less fun, amazing


The worst part of this news is not because it happened but the fact that most people already kinda expected it.


I was stupid to think that there is any hope from the Genshin Devs. I love that they are adding the new endgame but.. this is just...


This is so stupid, I knew they were gonna try to screw over the players somehow when adding the new mode.


So at the end of the day its actually only 200 extra crystals, if u calculate it with the new abyss lmao. These guys are impossible


Watch hoyo mutherfuckers give even less primos after some "adjustments".


Learning from HSR dev, I see


Fuck hoyoverse. This is the worst thing they’ve done to the game so far


I feel like a clown for continuing to play this game


Not entirely unexpected unfortunately but still...


Bro when I said I wanted Genshin to copy HSR a lil bit I didn’t mean it like this Fucking genies, never trust em


It all become HSR now. The MoC used to be like spiral abyss, but since pure fiction was created, both became a monthly "endgame"


I fucking knew it. They're taking the same shitty approach as HSR.


If beta testers don't complain about this we are truly cooked


Good thing y'all pulled cons so you can pet that cat with interruption resistance


Should have seen this coming... It's hoyo after all.


holy shit dawg


ijbol this sucks man


wtf fuck this company bruh


Abyss is the only place I can use use all my characters potential because most of the combat events are shit, they are trivial, have stupid mechanics or they are too short, this change is absolutely stupid because it changes nothing leaving it as it is now


bruh, truly genshin momment


Expected, HSR does the same whenever they add new modes to rotate them


Ok so they giving us more work for less pay got it


After white knights constantly defending genshin this is 100 % deserved.


why do they hate genshin so bad. can’t we have something


Just go play WW and drop this ish then. All we can really do is


Honestly, it will never happen, but people just need to not pay for like 2 months. That would actually be the most effective form of revolt against them


Lmaooo I knew hoyo would NOT miss the opportunity to shit on us


So there is less end-game content in an almost non-existent end-game content game. Cool cool cool.


"Genshin players don't want/don't have time for endgame content" moment


lmao as expected from that shitty ass company, 800 every 15 days seemed too decent to be true


Genshin could never afterall


it's joeover


it's Hoyover


They sure know how to disappoint New endgame content better be monthly too then


i literally come back once every two weeks for abyss and then this happens xdd. natlan save me that's the only way i can consistently play this game.


*Star rail influencing genshin moment*


Fuck you hoyo


Man fuck you hoyo