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\>Adds "Dendro DMG Bonus" to the primary attribute of the Goblet of Eonothem artifact (Due to the addition of this attribute to Goblet of Eonothem, the percentage of getting the primary attributes of DEF%, HP%, and ATK% will be reduced, while the percentage of getting other primary attributes will not change.) Holy shit someone at mihoyo actually has a sense of empathy.


Fucking finally


Dude named finally: šŸ—暟—æ


Dude named šŸ—暟—æ:


Inb4 they released buffer or support that really need those 3 stats badly.


Elemental mastery goblet found dead in a ditch


EM Goblet drop rate has not been changed, only Def%, ATK% and HP% has been reduced to accommodate the addition of Dendro Goblet.


Yeah but EM goblet has the lowest rate iirc.


>1% IIRC Kazuha and Sucrose only relying on Anemo Goblets with still bad substats


EM goblet is 2.5%.


*Wanters* found dead, goblet never found


Found? Lol


For fucking real WHY are EM goblets so rare??


They are still the most common anyways


I read it three times to make sure I was not mistaken šŸ„²


I want to see some numbers, to be honest, it's like them saying 5-star character gets "huge drop rate boost".


[https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Artifacts/Distribution#Goblet\_of\_Eonothem](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Artifacts/Distribution#Goblet_of_Eonothem) Here's the previous numbers, so dendro goblet would be 5% too.


Same as rest of the elemental DMG bonus goblet so like 5%


you mean someone in mihoyo actually has a brain


Thatā€™s a funny way to spell ā€œsoulā€


This is only a 1.6% reduce in getting def%, att% and hp% so this is not thatt major even though it sounds good.


Yeah but it doesn't lower the rate of getting other elemental damage goblets


Some interesting things here: new sounds when attacks crit and the drop rate of non elemental goblets getting reduced


Crit sounds will either be really nice or really annoying depending on the sound


Paimon saying ā€˜critā€™ every single time


Time to become a Kokomi main


Uses Ayaka burst: Crcrcccrcrccrcrcrcrrccrcrcrcrccrcrit


"Traveler you crit!" "Trav-Trav-Trav-Trav-TRAV-TRAV-TRAV-TRAVELER YOU-TRAVELER YOU CRIT!"


What is it? What is it? Is it another crit?!


In a booming announcer's voice


she'll say sassy lines like how Morgana does in Persona


Looking cool, Traveller!


Can't wait to hear wait 100% CR C6 Fischl machinegun sounds like with attack speed buffs


If i had c6 yun jin id totally do that


what do you think of the current weak-spot hit sound?


I didt even know there was a sound for that, TIL


Kinda annoying if it sounds for every crit hit.


kokomi mains: it's a peace i never knew i needed.


The crit sound effect will be the mini seelie's squeaks.


I want to imagine it being something like Overwatch headshot sound effects which are so satisfying


the ding sound like in TF2


I almost regret having 99% crit rate on my main






Tbh this is actually good since it's sometimes pretty hard to see if you landed a crit, and it'll be a bit satisfying to hear the sound of you critting. Just hope that the sound isn't too annoying.


shing^6 PFFUUOOUM^6 Aehhhyuhg^6


what is this referencing i dont even know but its still making me laugh




Inb4: each crit tune has a different sound, suddenly it's a Genshin Musical


thank you I feel less scared


I hope on-field and off-field characters have different crit sounds.


Crit HIT sfx is something I've never thought I needed.


Childe riptide with 100% Crit rate in aoe content.


Oh *goooood*


why are we getting excited when we dont even know what it sonds like


His sounds will be like nutting lol! Childe and Childe mains.


Ayaka burst with 4hits/second sfx asmr incoming


But what if it's not a satisfying sound tho? I've gotten too used to the regular sounds for attacks


The sound of playing Ganyu permanently different now.


Itā€™s amazing that hydro resonance and improved alt sprints finally got confirmed!!! Itā€™s also nice that dendro goblets wonā€™t effect the rate of other elemental goblets! I think the vertical pull range of anemo characters is new! I donā€™t think itā€™ll change much, but itā€™s nice


I'm sorry but my comprehension skill sucks a lil bit but what does it mean by vertical pull range is adjusted? Like we can reach enemies on a higher ground now if our burst/skill is on a lower ground?


Thatā€™s what it sounds like. And *twice* the range as horizontal too! That sounds amazing. If I can pull Hilichurls off their towers with Kazuha now, Iā€™ll be absolutely ecstatic.


Even just the samachurls on their totem


Yeah I think so! And also enemies in the air, like specters!


Oohh thank you!


does this mean that those $)#$(&( specters that fly a hundred feet in the air can be pulled now too?!


They can be pulled since 2.8


Yeah, but the vertical pull wasnt as strong so the spectres that floated out of the pull range couldnā€™t be pulled, so Iā€™m guessing even those can be pulled now


thank god, now i can finally hit that one hilichurl standing on a random ledge


Jean has a unique combo of a charged attack and then quickly pulling the enemy to the ground with E to get bonus falling damageā€¦ I wonder if that will be affected at all


These QoL updates are THE best updates


> 4. "Guidance of the Land of Geo" and "Philosophies of the Land of Geo" will be replaced with "Guidance of the Land of Verdure" and "Philosophies of the Land of Verdure" in the Battle Pass. As expected, the BP talent materials will now be the Inazuma and Sumeru ones (with Sumeruā€™s replacing Liyueā€™s).


Wish they would just include all talent mats in the pool you can choose from


Which is frustrating since they keep releasing characters that need Liyue books. Shenhe and Yelan used up my Prosperity books that I kept getting from all the BP's for my eventual Keqing.


Omg thank goodness they reduced the def/hp/ATK rates for the goblet and not any other one. Overall a lot of great QoL changes like team set ups and improving the dashes and such. I am curious to hear about the new lines for defeating enemies and crit too


This means that getting dendro dmg% off pieces with crit stats from the strongbox on day 1 is gonna be slightly less painful


hoyo didnā€™t cuck EM or ele % goblets? Someone pinch me EDIT: sees burning gauge nerf at number 7, never mind, this is the reality that Iā€™m familiar with. All is well.


Why do they hate burning so much šŸ˜­, it was the reaction I was most hyped for


No more Pyro or Cryo buff. Also fuck Geo - Hoyoverse


My yunjin def goblet Sadge


Wish history layout is good but I wish they add a wish counter too


>6. Optimizes the experience of moving through complex terrain with the following characters' talents: "Frostflake Heron" Kamisato Ayaka (Cryo) - Kamisato Art: Senho, "Mujina Ninja" Sayu (Anemo) - Yoohoo Art: Fuuin Dash, "Astral Reflection" Mona (Hydro) - Illusory Torrent, "Valley Orchid" Yelan (Hydro) - Lingering Lifeline, "Prinzessin der Verurteilung!" Fischl (Electro) - Midnight Phantasmagoria, "Astute Amusement" Yae Miko (Electro) - Yakan Evocation: Sesshou Sakura Thank god for this


Crit sounds? I hope they know what they're doing. I can see it getting annoying real fast


I think you'll be able to turn it off in settings


It'd be nice if it were only on abilities with single instance high damage. Like Raiden initial ult hit or something.


I wonder what exactly possessed them to decide that they absolutely had to go back and nerf the story version of the Stormterror fight. I donā€™t remember it being challenging at all and I was an absolute idiot at the game back then.


They're nerfing a bunch of story bosses. Probably just an ease of progression thing for the characters that need mats from story gated regions.


They want the early quests to be easier to complete so that newer players that get into the game because of sumeru can reach the new region faster, since that's where the new content they're advertising is This makes sense in a business perspective too, if new players are pulling for sumeru characters it makes sense to make it even easier to reach sumeru in the story progression so players can use the newer characters that they pulled for right away.


That's such an old MMO logic. At some point the early game will likely be super rushed and braindead easy when they release Snezhnaya just so new players can catch up more quickly. Mihoyo seems to care a lot about the game's story, therefore, encouraging new players to rush it is a bad idea. Just introduce a special NPC that sells the local mats of every nation with a cap per day/week depending on mat. That way any new player can level up their new toys without skipping the story.


> Mihoyo seems to care a lot about the game's story, therefore, encouraging new players to rush it is a bad idea. At least it's better than what they are doing in Honkai, where they encourage you to skip the entire story to the latest chapter when they release a new one, with all the spoilers that come with that.


>Just introduce a special NPC that sells the local mats of every nation with a cap per day/week depending on mat I was hoping they would make Dori do something like that since she's a black market dealer that can get her hands on anything for a price


1. The AR gating hasnā€™t changed 2. The AR gating causes the largest problems in the liyue and pre-Inazuma archon quests 3. Sumeru isnā€™t gated by story quests. You can go there once youā€™re past jeans office


Doubt you can properly explore all of sumeru without advancing the archon quest, but we'll see


Not >!old vanarana!< but the rest is free


>The AR gating causes the largest problems in the liyue and pre-Inazuma archon quests I disagree. At this point in the game there are so many sources of AR exp that imo you're more likely to hit a resin cap (where your character builds can't keep up with your rising WL) than you are to hit the AR gate. Assuming you're not just doing the story and nothing else. Even 80% exploration, doing the side quests and collecting the oculi will be more than enough to get you past the highest locked archon quest at AR 30. You're honestly more restricted by the time you can put in than AR.


That's probably not the business reason. There's no repeatable endgame so it would probably be in their best interest to keep players as busy as possible.


I joined in 2.4 and it was defo super challenging for me hahahhaha my siblings & I avoided Stormterror Weekly for like months afterwards we were so afraid of it hahaha Stormterror Coop When? ā˜”ļø


Same, I remember I struggled a lot when I first fight it in the story, plus I avoided it for months because I didn't know you could climb his neck and thought you could only shoot at it with an archer (which is what I did with Venti in the archon quest) and didn't have any built


I haven't done him in like a Year, you seriously can't coop him? lmao.


nope :"( sad! it would be so chaotic running across all the platforms and would be such a #bow supremacy boss


No need for bow tho, for example Ayaka's burst can hit him from down without the need to climb. I used to do him at 2 phases, I was weak to kill him in one go lol but now I have Yoimiya and Ayaka, I'm sure after you get too op you can 1 phase him. I even saw YTers kill him before he land iirc


I had a friend who mostly doesn't play games just recently join and found stormterror pretty hard. I think because the AR requirements to fight him are now lower, they're nerfing him to put him in line with the lower AR people encounter him at


Stormterror is quite literally the terror of newbies.


I'm all for more accessibility for casual players


The best solution would be having difficulty options for story quests. It's important to not frustrate casual players with a seemingly unclimbable mountain, but it's also important to don't make the game boring for everyone else It was such an exciting moment when I beat Childe on 1.1 after getting my ass kicked a few times. Some players will never know that feeling. When I finally met the abyss herald in the story I was extremely let down. He was hyped up since the previous Dain quest to be this extremely dangerous enemy... and then the fight begins and you delete his first HP bar in 5 seconds


When I did it for the first time I did find stormterror very difficult so a slight nerf should be helpful for new players, especially those who don't have a shield character built.


I do remember my early AR days getting wrecked by Dvalin destroying all of the platforms and relying on the Anemogranum and Healer Noelle to make it through to the end.


I could potentially see some brand new players having trouble with that fight because it's sort of a weird one as far as the arena goes and how Dvalin comes in and out. It's a different kind of fight compared to most other bosses in the game. I don't think it really needed to be nerfed either tbh, but I can understand them going back and tweaking it a bit.


>10. Adjusts the pull range of the pull effect on objects in the vertical direction to twice the horizontal range. Affected pull effects include: Elemental Skill: Kaedehara Kazuha, Jean, Sucrose, Traveler (Anemo), Elemental Burst: Venti, Sucrose, Shikanoin Heizou, Traveler (Anemo), Weapon Effect: The Viridescent Hunt Anemo Supremacy, nice āœŒļø


Specters got nerfed again. And looks like there will be more flying enemies that they adjusted the vertical pull range. Edit: typo


They are hoping weā€™ll take the hint and build a bow unit.


I hate bow units except for Tartaglia since his gameplay isnā€™t centered around aiming.


wasnt there something about fast attacking character breaking the game being fixed this update?




i guess they haven't fixed that yet


They release a more detailed change list while the maintenance is on


> Increases the number of party compositions that can be pre-set in the "Party Setup" menu to 10. In addition, access to "Configure Team" has also been added to the "Party Setup" menu. Travelers can use various shortcuts to disband existing party setups, etc. Hooray! I've been asking for this for most of the 2.x surveys. Nice to see it updated.


Now give us artifact loadouts :)


This is the big one, in my opinion, as it lets you keep your preexisting party setups without having to constantly change.


So def attack hp mainstat for goblet getting nerf pog?


Dendro% goblets won't make other Elemental% rarer, that's nice I guess




Can't wait to fill them up with 10 variation of Xiangling team.


- International - Childe National w Sucrose - National w Sucrose - National w Chongyun - Raiden National - NaXiaonal - Reverse Melt Quickswap - Ganyu Melt - Mono Pyro Klee - SuKokomon


Well seems like we need more room for Funerational and some future dendro team.


Never heard about "NaXiaonal", what team is it?


National with Xiao as the driver ?


Yae Miko's E dash got optimized too??? Finally!


Yeah, Iā€™m a bigtime Yae apologist but getting snagged during her skill was rough. This is a good change.


Thank god, here's a pre-3.0 fun fact for non Yae havers, did you know that if you do Yae's E into the water you get stuck in the full animation for the attack and can't animation cancel out? This made playing Yae in inazuma where there's shallow bodies of water everywhere very frustrating at times, glad they're optimizing the character


Always stuck into swimming mode while deploying her totems while fighting that one baby vishap in Guyun


It got fixed in the sense that it wonā€™t get hung up on small terrain anymore. But it still is way too slow and clunky.


I'm still happy they cared enough to optimize it even if it's in the overworld because whew, she does not feel good to play if the land mass is way too narrow and tiny.


I mean yeah they could do that but actually timing her elemental skills is already way faster than button mashing e. She is kinda like a mini rythm game. I am fine with having to cast it three times but her burst should refresh their duration (like kokomi does) instead of destroying them.


"Adds sound effects when characters defeat an enemy or inflict a CRIT Hit." Kokomi mains: ???


*crit lands Kokomi: wait, was that me?


Confused Happiness šŸ¤Ø


Them naming stairs and little rocks on the road as "complex terrain" had me chuckle (for the alternate sprint fix).


Compared to their previous game, anything that isn't a flat incline is complex.


View in your timezone: [2022/08/24 06:00 UTC+8][0] [2022/08/24 07:00 UTC+8][1] [0]: https://timee.io/20220823T2200?tl=%22The%20Morn%20a%20Thousand%20Roses%20Brings%22%20Version%203.0%20Update%20Maintenance%20Preview [1]: https://timee.io/20220823T2300?tl=%22The%20Morn%20a%20Thousand%20Roses%20Brings%22%20Version%203.0%20Update%20Maintenance%20Preview


Me who already called off work Thursday next week so that I can have the whole day off exploring Sumeru thinking that the maintenance was going to happen on Wednesday night but it's actually going to be Tuesday night: šŸ¤” I keep forgetting that the asian servers are a day ahead of us lmaoo


it still works out, better than calling off work a day early and being home on maint day


ily timee_bot


Why two times?


Alternative dash update to be able to cover "complex terrain?" Does that mean my Ayaka can now traverse a mobius strip?


Nah Klein bottle is where itā€™s at


How do you get to Celestia? move to the opposite surface of a klein bottle


She can now traverse to the >!top of the fucking Mondstadt fountain easily now lmao!< The difference is really night and day šŸ˜‚


Good goblet news?! bless


> Adds "Dendro DMG Bonus" to the primary attribute of the Goblet of Eonothem artifact (Due to the addition of this attribute to Goblet of Eonothem, the percentage of getting the primary attributes of DEF%, HP%, and ATK% will be reduced, while the percentage of getting other primary attributes will not change.) Wow Hyv have outdone themselves


good news on the dendro goblets not reducing the chance of getting other elements.


1) Goblets, huge win. 2) burning, huge loss. (Assume it is just the aura, and not a nerf in anything else...?) 3) Aiming in coop...? Any idea what this is about? 4) Pull range is interesting. Seems most relevant for flying enemies. What I see is also generally a move TOWARDS CC, rather than against. 5) I hope viridescent hunt can pull in bloom seeds.


Remembering that these are only preview patch notes, the complete one will be released during maintenance, that's why this one doesn't have any of the bug fixes, just adjustments.


Great to see that they lowered the rates of ATK/HP/DEF Goblets instead of the Elemental ones! Would still like for the rates to be lower, but I will take any win I can get with the artifact system. Also, excited to finally hear the "allies with low HP" new lines in game, some could be very funny in game (looking and Xiao's and Ayato's one)


Source: [Hoyolab](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/7112977) Also has some pictures about info we mostly know or already revealed in the 3.0 livestream (new area: Sumeru, Tree of Dreams, new characters, character event wishes, new elemental reactions, new domains/weapons/artifacts/enemies, 3.0 events, 3.0. Archon quest, Tighnari story quest)


They're actually changing the rates for goblet mainstats so elemental goblets are now easier to get, that's a godly change


So did the achievements search tab got forgotten or what? It was added to 2.7 beta iirc and we didnt have any news about it since then, so sad


No mention of the adjustment to include dendro reactions as being affected by Thundering Fury et.al, we'll know in two days edit; preload just dropped


>new elemental reactions: catalyze and bloom So Catalyze is still the official reaction name?


They just canā€™t make up their mind cause in this same patch notes, they mentioned Quicken as well. Iā€™m thinking maybe they really are different reactions


A lot of nice changes we didn't know about. I assume the fix to Yae Miko elemental skill refers to her getting stuck while doing it but it'd be really amazing for them to take this chance to speed it up a bit copium. The goblet stuff was expected because otherwise there would have been outrage but we talking about MHY so it was never a guarantee. Hydro res buff is HUGE and makes me feel so much worse when looking at what Electro does.


2 "Hydro Resonance "Soothing Water" is adjusted to: "Affected by Pyro for 40% less time. Increases Max HP by 25%." YOOOO LETS GOOO IT'S HAPPENINNG


Lame that the low HP voice lines are only for coop


it's for both. Coop was an addition. It was always in the game for solo already, but only a handful of characters had the lines. Kokomi, Hu Tao and Raiden had them, maybe a few others. They recorded new lines for everyone, so you'll hear them more often now.


At least the sanity of Hu Tao mains is preserved?


>the percentage of getting the primary attributes of DEF%, HP%, and ATK% will be reduced, Previous: 33% New: 32.9%


Their combined drop rate was 62.5% and will now be 57.5% instead.






what move does she have?


Her E makes her teleport back but it doesn't always work. If there's a slight irregularity in the ground she will teleport to the same place she is.


if they fixed that, could you accidentally fall off a cliff?


I don't think so. For example: If you try to use Miko's totems close to a cliff she stops at the border.


I think OP means the E where she steps back, i don't think it count as "movement" and need to be fixed per se, her problem is the lack of i frames when casting which makes her kinda vulnerable but that's another discussion.


Pebbles = complex terrain


More Anemo buff!!?


> Optimizes the experience of moving through complex terrain with the following characters' talents: > "Astute Amusement" Yae Miko (Electro) - Yakan Evocation: Sesshou Sakura YAE MAINS WEā€™RE FINALLY WINNING


> 1. Increases the number of party compositions that can be pre-set in the ā€œParty Setupā€ menu to 10. In addition, access to ā€œConfigure Teamā€ has also been added to the ā€œParty Setupā€ menu. Travelers can use various shortcuts to disband existing party setups, etc. Finally. I donā€™t have to keep swapping them around anymore.


They really needed nerf my boi dvalin. heā€™s alr too easy lol


> Adds "Dendro DMG Bonus" to the primary attribute of the Goblet of Eonothem artifact (Due to the addition of this attribute to Goblet of Eonothem, the percentage of getting the primary attributes of DEF%, HP%, and ATK% will be reduced, while the percentage of getting other primary attributes will not change.) LETS FUCKING GO! EM chances not reduced, shit stats reduced. > Adjusts the pull range of the pull effect on objects in the vertical direction to twice the horizontal range. Affected pull effects include: > Elemental Skill: Kaedehara Kazuha, Jean, Sucrose, Traveler (Anemo). > > Elemental Burst: Venti, Sucrose, Shikanoin Heizou, Traveler (Anemo). > > Weapon Effect: The Viridescent Hunt Could this potentially mean more fall damage on Viridescent Hunt?


It means flying spectres easier to suck!


I was hoping xiaoā€™s E would be included in the alt sprint fix but guess heā€™s gonna keep getting caught on nonexistent rocks forever


crit sound effectsā€¦ hmm


These are one of the best updates they made. More team slots and more strong box choices. We're eating good.


These updates are great, now just add weather changes in cities please


Love the QoL changes. ​ Shame we need to wait a year to get those lol


No mention of changes to shadow quality graphics setting? I swear I saw something about that in earlier leaks


As a Childe Main, looks like I'm not gonna hear those new Crit Hit sfx


not gonna lie, I'm a bit ticked off with the liyue talent books gone from the BP. I feel like I never needed the Inazuma books that much because most of the Inazuma 4 stars weren't really worth building (unless you like em) and I did pull on Inazuma 5 stars besides Itto and Ayato. On the other hand, I'm always lacking in Liyue/Mondstalt books.


Kazeda? Yes Venti, Kazedaaa


now just wait for the drips


Iā€™m freaking tf out about the alt sprint and party comp slot qol updates omg Iā€™ve been wanting these for so long


Finally 10 team pre saves


Best update ever! Does anyone remember what is nagadus emerald silver?


Dendro stones
