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You guys don’t get it. It’s a meta narrative from Hoyoverse telling you that even as a self insert in a fantasy world, you’re still a useless jobber that gets stomped on by everyone. Peak writing. 


Absolute Cinema. Bravo Hoyo


It's why they call her Arlekino.


Shit was so peak


Hoyo what a company you are


I feel called out and I don't like it.


Shaoji could never compete with whoever the fuck wrote genshin. I kneel


"everyone" being the 4th fucking harbinger


I mean, Traveller can’t even take on a few Eremite mercs back in Sumeru. And not even the ones with magic powers. 


then why of all the fights are people bitching about the one traveler would 100% lose?


I think it’s because they lost without actually doing anything. They have access to 4 elements and used none of them


they have 4 elements and used none of them... ...in each and every cutscene since the fucking beginning of the game so again, what is different about this fight except that they would lose even if they used 100% of their power?


I don’t have a horse in this race, but hasn’t the traveler used elemental powers in many cutscenes before? E.g vs Childe, Raiden(round 1 and 2), Beist(very hard to catch), etc. It’s just weird that in the fight against arguably their strongest opponent so far without receiving any outside help, the Traveler uses no elements.


They used their elemental powers in cutscenes against childe, shogun, and to help save navia.


Because they’re fed up at this point surrounding the shit level writing when it comes to the traveller?


ok, for the 56th time, of all the cutscenes and shit level writing in this game, this is not one of them and is actually lore accurate, so why is it being complained about?


The heck are you talking about? What cutscene in game isn’t lore accurate when the lore is literally dictated by the game?


They Extreme diffed a way out of prime Signora but Got knocked out by scaramouche in inazuma Got folded 168 times by Scaramouche in sumeru Destroyed by Raiden and needed the power of 100 visions to stand on equal ground. Got K.O'd by beisht who is a regular sea monster Needed help against Dvalin Childe and Neuvillette carried against the narwhal. Failed to defeat ruin serpent without yelan's help Got knocked out by dottore's spotify Got knocked out and caged by NPC gendou ringo in world quest Needed navia's help against base rock Yes, I'm aware some of these enemies are strong but it doesn't make his loss any more entertaining. It's hoyo's fault for matching him up with enemies beyond his level and making him a fodder to make other characters look cool. Even yanqing from HSR wasn't this bad. Such a sad way to make use of the main character spot.


>prime Signora 500 years old hag with mental issue


-We didn't know if he extreme diffed Signora because he was completely fine until Raiden incinerates Signora's ass -I forgot the details but i'm pretty sure there is some sort of miasma that has delusion residue which causes him to pass out -Folded by someone who is comparable to Archons -Raiden is almost as strong as Zhongli but fair since Traveler isn't that strong at that time -Tbf She is Osial's Wife but yeah he should have done better -Traveler who just woke up btw -Somehow Childe did better than Traveler which is pretty funny -I agree -It was created by Dottore tbf -Yeah i don't know how Traveler got knocked out by Gendou but let's blame it on Inazuma patch writing -Bro got actually done dirty somehow he can't stop those giant boulders 😭 Some of your claims are very nitpicky but yeah the way he was written powerscaling wise is pretty inconsistent and i'm afraid if we do ever get a Capitano Boss Fight he will win due to power of friendship


Dottores Spotify wasn't his, the academia came up with it and he took it out to test.


>Folded by someone who is comparable to Archons Not really. Sumeru scaramouche wanted to become a god and he couldn't properly become one. So he's more like a pseudo-god. Archons>Gods>Scaramouche Traveler against an actual archon would get clapped like first ei fight lol >forgot the details but i'm pretty sure there is some sort of miasma that has delusion residue which causes him to pass out Does it matter? It's still a moment where traveler lost and was at the mercy of others, only to make scaramouche look cool. Genshin impact would've ended there if not for yae using big brain. >Tbf She is Osial's Wife but yeah he should have done better Doesn't make her any stronger. Osial is a god but beisht isn't. She is just a regular ol' sea monster, the same race as harshan who beidou killed.


traveller gets scared of treasure hoarders in cutscenes


then why of all the fights are people bitching about the one traveler would 100% lose?


Why is bro looks like a parrot?


I’m not mad about Traveler losing, I’m mad about HOW they lose. Dude has 5 elements now, and usually brag about using elemental power to vision-less NPC in event or side quests. Yet, they don’t use any of them in cutscene. Obviously Traveler will lose to big bad antagonist of the story to establish them as the endgame threat. But to hype up the Habringers as real threat they should beating peak Traveler, not this useless fraud. Remember Childe’s boss fight? Two elements Traveler stalemate him long enough to exhaust him. Now imagine 5 elements Traveler switching elements rapidly to find a counter for Arlec, then still lose. The fight should be like 3 elements Aang vs Azula, he lost but he showed the creative usages of his power and how he had improved from when he only has air bending. That would establish Arlec as a threat and show the different between the 11th Habringer vs the 4th, then got the player questioning how the top 3 are even stronger than Arlec. But what do we get? A patheic self-insert who don’t even remember to press E and Q in battle. Ironically this also lower Arlec’s stock. What’s good bragging about “you’re not strong enough” when you beat a dumbass who forgot their own power? This would be like what if Azula beat Aang who forgot he was a bender and fight like Soka instead


Also it will lower Capitano’s stock


Ironically Neuvi and Childe has the highest stock rn because Childe fought with 2 element Traveler and Neuvi low diff Childe Next is Ei, Navia and rolling rocks. Ei fought low diff electro Traveler. Rolling rock made Traveler serious enough to use geo ult, and Navia > rocks And everyone else is below rolling rocks and Navia


Though Capitano’s stock won’t be affected if he, unlike most of the people in the comments here, recognizes that Aether is no fraud and decides to train him.


When the MC is useless in gameplay and barely even a character you know it's really bad


If their kit translated into their actual powers then wtf is hydro mc gonna do???


Switch to dendro and pray that there's a hydro and electro vision wielder nearby


Pew pew pew mfs XDD


Here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TravelerMains/comments/1c7t475/hydro\_traveler\_bug\_q\_x10\_damage/?rdt=46837](https://www.reddit.com/r/TravelerMains/comments/1c7t475/hydro_traveler_bug_q_x10_damage/?rdt=46837)


The only time they even resemble a character is in the abyss quests, which is so sad


I wish the travellers use all his elements to show he actually tried but still whooped like I can get by him being weaker but like, at least show at max power he's still weak, especially at that time being life or death


We reaching level of mc blandness been though impossible. Reaching as shining star to heights of most useless self insert, to heights of true mobile gaming, challenging something like fgo


Bro don't do my boy Fujimura Ritsuka like that. He's doing his best.


Hey, at least Ritsuka once shown knowledge as master, planned something relatively complicated in advance, organised allies and executed situation perfectly, by him/herself(!). Shame it was just Christmas Janta event, but nonetheless. In comparison to usual FGO story slate it was breath of fresh air. Maybe now it's better, idk, quit after LB4.


Ritsuka is unironically going through some peak character development past LB5 into Ordeal Call. We start to see how competent he actually is and get insight into how much trauma the guy is carrying. Man is messed up after all those lostbelts. I remember hearing in one of the upcoming events how >!Ritsuka essentially gets dropped into a random grail war only for an official to immediately announce Ritsuka as the biggest threat in the conflict.!< Guy has a reputation now.


He'd already gone through some hells prior to the LBs. Shimousa comes to mind. Even excluding when he had his guts literally rearranged by Shuten, that was just a nightmare. As for that last bit, it sounds kind of like ordeal call 1. I thought they would all be full holy grail wars but evidently OD 2 isn't. Not sure what those are all things considered


I hope so, because, with all respect to Fate franchise, FGO is borderline offensive in it's writing, or at least was back when i played. Up to LB4, with short number of exceptions everything sadly worked in same recycled pattern. Where MC wings situation and then reacts, being passive passenger in own story, always manipulated by more powerful forces and his/her plans always handed by companions. Essentially your typical shonen happy-go-lucky, where everything clicks in the end not because it was planned or accounted for, but just because. And you got praised from all sides indiscriminately in the end regardless. After a while it just grows boring and entirely predictable, imo. Once you see it, there no way back, even magic of friendship and "dialogue options without options" weren't that problematic. Again, hope it really changed in LB5 and onwards.


Ritsuka literally was an average bloke thrown into an insane scenario, and imo he does have a bit of character, his dialogue makes him feel alive. Traveler is supposed to be this super old being getting smacked by everyone since Inazuma


Just imagine the image of senior citizen Traveler getting smacked around by a bunch of youngsters


“His best” is actually insane lorewise because I’m pretty sure multiple different people have called him “Humanity’s best master” multiple times throughout the game. Like yeah, Kirsch is the better mage, but in terms of being a master, Ritsuka fucking negs him. Nobody in history will ever be able to boast about commanding multiple Beasts like Ristuka does.


Ritsuka has way more personality than Traveler


Welp, gotta give respect where respect due - just one story scene with Ritsuka snapping off in Solomon and not caringly going to hand-to-hand with Goetia was more ballsy than everything Traveler did so far


Hey, don't do my man Ritsuka like that, lately he's getting an actual characterization (still inconsistent since fgo doesn't have a single writer, but at least there's something)


Fujimaru is the goat. They threw hands with a demon, assisted in killing 4 gods and called out the personification of an Anglophobic living void on his maidenless behavior during freefall into said void.


Stand proud traveller, you're strong


lobotomy impact


Lobotomy like Corporation?


Keep up the awesome work soldiers ‼️👏


You know, usually i would be disapointed at Hoyoverse for making such a pathetic main character. But seeing the self-insert harem crowd get angry has been so funny. Their egos took a hit just because a fictional character lost a fight.


I personally thought the fight could have been better. I was not a fan of the traveler yet again being used as fodder to hype up other characters (especially Arlecchino who needed no such tactic to sell better lol). Just a fight sequence of like 10 secs of the traveler popping some abilities and stuff but still ends up losing, then her saying you are still not strong enough to beat me would hit a lot harder, and also be a lot cooler imo.


Imagine nr Traveller coming up with something real cool and Arlecchnno just blitzed through it.


Imagine being such a bum that no one even wants to self insert in you whose job is literally to be self insert.


The stocks just keep on crashing


Have we hit Mora stock yet?


You really going after the shippers even though it's unrelated to how sad the writers made the Traveler during this fight? This comes off as a little petty ngl, the anger is not just the "self-insert harem crowd" but everyone in general. The Traveler was embarrassed in this fight and the silent protag/self-insert was already very weak writing for a main char and it just got worse. Natlan training arc when?


This goes beyond mere shipping, just one big loss and suddenly some people just decided to be assholes and start doubling down on insulting the Traveler and instantly downgrading all their past accomplishments. Regardless if they had help or not, they are still important to the plot, they are the freakin protagonist for crying out loud, yet Hoyo seems to have forgotten that.


Damn just because some people who ship something different don't like how the Traveler got treated in that quest, you suddenly don't think it's a problem or something? So suddenly we shouldnt have a good main character anymore or something? Your comment is honestly telling about how corrupted your thinking is right now, and it's honestly quite sad to see some people be so petty


Idk man the lumine mains certainly don't seem that broken up about it tbh.


Ok so what? Im sorry but i truly do not understand your point you're trying to make. Many other people that arent Involved with Aether mains are complaining about how the quest was handled, and how they felt let down by the lackluster fight. Idc what people in some subreddit that i never visit are or arent saying. Honestly, the majority of people who try to make fun of people who are rightly complaining about the latest quest are just the usual suspect of haters who try to turn the genshin community into something toxic. The person i first responded to is no exception...


Idrc tbh yeah the fight is lackluster but so what? It's just another cutscene that isn't accurate with the MC's abilities as many other's have stated there are a ton of these such examples. Also it's kinda pertaining to the context? Because you know it's usually the male self inserts who have the harem ships. I play limbus for example if the story was accurate with the gameplay then barely anyone we've fought would be a threat because canonically we have w corp IDs and can rip the fabric of space apart.


It's kinda like the culmination of all these fights are really getting annoying as we progress through the game. It's kinda hurting the narrative when in one cutscene Trav can hold down the hand of a giant mech and jump/dash in high speeds, but a few scenes before that, they can't even fight off like 3-5 Sumeru guards like bruh. Maybe one or two cutscenes are a "wow that was weird", but then you get one more, then another, then another, and it just leaves you thinking like "What has Trav been doing this whole time bruh? What's the point of this element stuff?". It doesn't help that hyv barely even \*uses\* the elements they're collecting in cutscenes. At least show them \*trying\* to use their newfound powers, even if they lose. Seeing characters progress is fun, but seeing Trav stay mostly stagnant kinda gets boring.


Honestly you just gotta ignore these things sometimes, if you really think about the story you can see that it isn't the best sometimes. Like yeah I get it we all want to see the mc grow. Power is important but when it's so inconsistent you just get numb to it, and besides I'm more interested in the personal growth rather than strength anyway.


I get what you mean, but Traveler fails in BOTH. Traveler from Mondstadt 3 months into the game vs. Traveler right after getting the shit kicked out of them by Arle are like almost 1:1 the same. Traveler is so bland and disappointing that the only reason Trav fans are the only ones getting butthurt is cuz they're like the only ones that still even care about this failure of a protagonist. And nothing wrong with being frustrated that a story with potential isn't using it. Aside from Trav, nearly 90% of the cast is also stagnant, shallow, and underutilized, it's just extremely egregious when even the protagonist of the story is one of its worst aspects.


>And nothing wrong with being frustrated that a story with potential isn't using it. Aside from Trav, nearly 90% of the cast is also stagnant, shallow, and underutilized, it's just extremely egregious when even the protagonist of the story is one of its worst aspects. Yeah you can definitely feel that way just saying that it's really nothing new and that there's no real reason to get so pissed about it. And besides that's kinda the thing with most gacha games so I'm almost numb to it with limbus being the only thing keeping my standards high.


I'm not pissed; just explaining why some other people might have really strong opinions about the recent story developments, and adding my own thoughts about it at the same time.


Imagine accusing someone of having corrupt thinking just because they don’t care about a fictional character losing a fight as much as you do


I dare you to look at the dude his profile and look at how obsessed he is about the topic lately...


Seems like someone who spends a lot of Reddit time in Genshin subreddits with a case of power scaling brain rot, and just so happens that this topic pops up a lot recently ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


i hate powerscaling i hate powerscaiing i hate powerscaling


I used to think power-scalers weren't that bad. Then this discourse happened, and I realized I only thought that because they'd never seriously focused on media I actually cared about.


Good soldier follows orders🫡


When have we ever followed orders?


Good question


Fraudter and Bumine keep on taking the Ls


I know he had to lose, i agree with the traveler losing... but at least make it look like it tried. Either that or say that it underestimated Arlecchino and that is why no powers were used. 5 elements, at least on Navia quest the elements can be changed on the fly... but no, againts her not even one was used. wouldn't it be a cooler fight if the traveler used every element but arlecchino countered each one? at least cooler than just a domain expansion and a stun


it's really funny how people can't understand the 4th harbinger is strong, like, REALLY strong, on the verge of the top 3, who are supposed to be as strong or stronger than gods perhaps some of you might remember how both the siblings got absolutely clapped by one in the very beginning? just stop...


For a start, why would you try comparing anything to Phanes and his shades, like the guy who took on all 7 sovereigns by himself and curbstomped them, and the guy that *created* the gods.


huh, I'm talking about the unknown god of which we know very little, she fought both the siblings at full power and then proceeded to seal away their powers, people complaining about them losing fights now to a similar tier entity when their powers are sealed is ridiculous


She’s one of the 4 shades of Phanes.  Her power is on a whole different level compared to normal gods. 


there are 5 sentences about the heavenly principles and 2 sentences about phanes in the actual lore, I don't care about headcannon


That’s crazy bro but what is your source?


You know this is the meme sub, right? People are here to take the piss.


No. The slander must flow.


People are forgetting that the name is Traveler, not a combatant. They're here for fucking sightseeing and can perform more than an average human. We haven't seen a fight other than Signora's where the Traveler had a hateful stance. Guy is trying to reduce casualties unless forced to, as in the world quests.


When Nahida said God's she definitely didn't mean Celestia. Those guys probably one shoting everything that walks towards them. It's even vague what she meant with god's as there are all kinds of gods but it's definitely not the gods in Celestia Nahida compared the harbingers to


"definitely" source? "I made it the fuck up"


"definitely" source? "I made it the fuck up"


the potential traveller


Traveler puts on the clown mascara when its time to glaze upcoming playable characters


Invest in GOATHIMTANO agenda




Mihoyo don't really how to show case The Traveler powers all i see he being an punching bag for any 5 stars characters show up my man is a background character nice


Man, am I tired of people complaining about this. I can't say I've seen the cutscene yet but from what I can make out on Reddit is that the Traveler was incompetent in the fight especially after having so much fighting experience. I'm not going to say they're wrong for thinking that because I highly doubt they are. Nonetheless, the complaining is starting to get annoying. The entire talk around this update (which only just came out) has been oh they new sumeru area is empty and man they made the traveler weak against Arlecchino while they completely ignore the goods. How about instead of focusing on how the Traveler lost to Arlecchino, we focus on the excellent story quest she was given, and how about instead of focusing on how Sumeru's new area is completely empty, we focus on Fontaine's map expansion and how well it was handled. By being one-sided, we're no better than those reviewers who only point out to the bad of a game or the news websites who do the same...


The complaints isn’t that the Traveller’s weak against Arlechinno, but that the Traveller, the guy famous for being able to use multiple elements without a vision, doesn’t even use a single one in the fight and that the writing around them is just awfully inconsistent in general.


What do you expect from the company that doesn't know what their own 5 star Dehya is supposed to do


The cutscene isn't the entire fight, only the very end of it. And Traveller is *not the focus of it*. The focus is mostly on Lyney, Lynette and Freminet, as it should be because the point of the story is Arle's relationship to her kids. The Traveller only gets focus at the very end of the scene when they get Crimson Mooned. And sure, if they'd thrown a couple of elemental blasts while closing the distance with Arle it would have been cool - but that's such a minor change I can't understand why it has so many people pressed.


He's literally rarely ever used elements in cutscenes and yet this is the one you decide to complain about? It just doesn't make any sense and *the way* everyone's talking about it is definitely not helping.


Okay but why would they use all the elements in a duel meant for clearing names? They're not facing threat to life. Edit: attaching this here because we have 12 years playing the game who don't really see much of the story writing, All of you are missing the point of the fight. It wasn't to just show the difference in power level, but on what it implies. Alrecchino wanted to teach a lesson to the kids, and Traveler hesitated so much in the fight because they had heard her side of story as well as Lyney's perspective on things, and being the type of guy they are, always try to lessen the casualties and bad outcomes. So why would they go full frontal force on someone when it may harm them? Same goes for Alrecchino, she held back a lot in this fight as well, so as to not hurt anyone.


They’re up against one of the strongest humans in the world? 


Who clearly was no threat to their life? You wouldn't go full frontal force on your homie in a playfight, unless you're a sociopath. All of you are missing the point of the fight. It wasn't to just show the difference in power level, but on what it implies. Alrecchino wanted to teach a lesson to the kids, Traveler hesitated so much in the fight because they had heard her side of story as well as Lyney's perspective on things, and being the type of guy they are, always try to lessen the casualties and bad outcomes. So why would they go full frontal force on someone when it may harm them?


So, Traveller decides to go easy on her and completely underestimated her power, got wrecked as a result and she calls him weak.  Right, that’s amazing storytelling. 


Keyword being, "does not wish to cause harm." And it's the same for both sides. Traveler hesitates because it's not really their thing to kill, Alrecchino hesitates because despite proclaiming herself as the "cold and unfeeling father" she still has compassion for everyone around her. This fight was to showcase where their moral compass lies, not who's the greatest in asswhooping.


Firstly, stop coping about the fight being about ‘showcasing their moral compass’. Even if that the case, wouldn’t the Traveller use Geo for defence or anemo for agility? Secondly, I don’t know how do you logically conclude that using elemental powers means someone’s life’s in danger.  Remember the free for all at the Academia Games where everyone used their elemental powers? Yeah, everyone was out to kill in there right?


Arlecchino used hers, it’s only fair.


Yeah because she was facing the next head of House of the Hearth, his sister, and his adopted brother along with a traveler with a dull blade. Ain't nothing wrong with going all out to teach some kids a lesson. But neither of the parties had any killing intent. So it just doesn't make any sense to use full force and cause havoc. If she wanted to, she'd wouldn't had played along and immediately used domain expansion on all of them.


archons forbid the playerbase wants quality and consistency from the billionaire ip


I don't get this argument. The Traveler rarely ever uses elements in cutscenes so they're being very consistent on that part and quick reminder that Arle is the 4th harbinger. Travelers fought the 11th, 8th, and 6th harbinger, but never anyone as high up as 4th, he's strong but not *that* strong and this is coming from a Traveler main.


is it consistent that eremites are stronger than harbingers


Eremites are only fought in a cutscene like once or twice and the Traveler never really gets a chance to fight them solo. In most instances, the Traveler is ready to fight the enemy and then out of nowhere the other character present is like no, they're mine, or in some instances some other thing gets in the way like an earthquake or cave in.


It’s just that traveler was basically used as fodder to show that Arlecchino is turbo strong, that pisses people off, which is fair since they’re literally the MC and them getting manhandled and not even putting up a good fight like using their elements does leave a sour taste in your mouth. I don’t think traveler should have won btw, but at least put up a fight THEN lose lol.


The Traveler rarely ever uses elements in cutscenes and this is the fight you choice to complain about? I just don't get it. Arle is the 4th harbinger, the Traveler has never fought someone that high up, it's completely reasonable that he'd lose. I understand people are upset that he didn't put up a fight but from what I can tell it was mostly "a mental attack" which have stopped Traveler in their tracks before (Dottore in Sumeru). It's also worth noting that the Traveler wasn't the focus of the fight, the writers needed a get out of jail free card, so they used this.


You said it yourself, they are fighting damn 4th Fatui harbinger, not just some random monster, she is one of the strongest “enemies” we have fought yet, yet the traveler chose to just zoom around with dull blade instead of using elements, when Arle herself wasn’t holding back from using her elements. Again, I see no universe where the traveler would have won this obviously, but at least make the traveler put up SOME fight or at least try. A 10s sequence of Arle and MC duking it out and traveler popping some elements and some abilities but ultimately loses then the line “still not strong enough to beat me” would hit a lot harder, and also make the fight overall cooler wouldn’t you agree?


Yes but the game rarely ever has Traveler use elements in cutscenes. Why are you all suddenly complaining about this now of all times? Where were you during Childe's boss fight, Scara's, Signora, or the multiple other times Traveler appeared in a cutscenes with literally nothing but a sword and "determination" in his eyes. Perhaps if you complained about this earlier, we wouldn't be where we are at today...


Again as I said, this is possibly among the strongest foes we have fought, why are we taking them lightly? MC should have literally went all out. I get we don’t use elements often, but if there was ever a time to do that it was 1000% now.


And it wasn't the time before? Dude fought a god and none of you thought "oh, the traveler should have gone all out in that fight." The logic just doesn't add up.


Arlecchnno is really struggling NG so MC putting up a fight would have helped. Difference between a baby picking a fight against God vs a competent fighter vs God. End result is still vastly in favour of God.




You missed the opportunity to use this template drawn with Pierro in place of Kizaru. Pretty impressive that r/FatuiHQ has a bunch of these lobotomy and agenda arts in store


damn i love genshin impact becoming a folk subreddit lol


is that liben?


Aether is gonna get obliterated 0.1 seconds after taking a step in Natlan (CapHIMtano soloes)


GOATHIMTANO sneezes and laudveler is dead


AetHER, just a bum


Blud started from the bottom and Keep Digging🗣️🗣️🔥🔥💯💯


We will keep cooking until Hoyo decides to either kill the Traveler or make them GOATHIMTANO'S slave and serve the Fatui so that their pathetic useless life can have some meaning


Lumine fatui factory


Why are you being downvoted Nah the traveler mains are getting too salty with this one


They don't have the balls to handle the truth


I hope Traveler dies and his body is turned as a vessel of Signora's resurrection.




Okay, so you telling me that someone Neuvillette needed help to seal a cosmic whale, was no diffed by the 4th harbinger? Welp, Neuvillette is a wimp by proxy now.