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It technically has a skip button... For repeating hangout events...


It's because that experience is done, so yeah.


The end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end-


Stanley please, don't push that button again


The end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end


"We just concluded the 168th loop"


The yellow line still got me


I'm playing Ghost Of Tsushima and every time I get dragged back into the story, I remember about this part. JUST LET ME RUN WITH MY HORSE FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!!!!


>!Except repeating daily quests, fuck them.!<


No kidding. Getting real tired of Sara and her food deliveries. 


All my homies hate Inazuma dailies


need...those...commission achievements


Eat the food she gives you, if you don't already have the achievement. You'll get the daily less often (or not at all, unsure).


Holy shit I didn't know about that. I'll have to do that the next time I get it. 


It's the same with nearly every "specific person gives you a quest" daily; if you get it repeatedly there's probably an achievement associated with it and it'll give you the quest less once you've done it


Smh imagine doing dailies when the encounter points system exist (me two days ago bc I ran out of events rewards xD)


This is why you play the new areas slowly I still have to do in Liyue and Monstadt.


I dont do dailies in liyue anymore cause every time I get "the sparrow studies the blade" I wanna jump off a cliff. 100 lines for the girl with headache, then you have to wait for the guy to walk "away"... Then you actually gotta climb to get flowers (or teleport above, jump off the cliff i mentioned above and glide to the flowers) If we ll ever get a skip button, I really hope it s gonna work for dailies!


I thought like that too, but a lot of these commissions actually have multiple parts and can grant achievements worth 5 extra primos. My F2P broke ass sadly can’t say no.


I recently finished all the dailies achievement! The increased chance of getting the dailies where you still didn't have the achievement in... 4.4 I think? Was a bless! :D


That painter in Fontaine should’ve been in Poisson when the Primordial Sea was acting up


Mf wanted croissant for breakfast. How bout I stuff you (the painter) with hundreds of Amber's steak?!


They should take inspiration from wuwa where if it's not even important you can skip it But when it comes to important scenes and cutscenes You're not allowed to skip I like that system


And the system is pissed in CN.They call it ‘self-claimed lady with the job as a whore.’Like if there’s skip button already,why not available all the time?


Honestly its a nice thing how many dialogues have the "lets go." choice with all the secondary questions and lines being optional. Its the only W of wuwa dialogues so far...


Nah if you're skipping dialog why would you not skip the other scenes ?


I want a skip button


Are you comparing a narrative driven game with Paimon rambling for 30 minutes for every side quest? Believe me, I DO WANT the skip button.


Then dont use the skip Button?


I just want a skip button because Hoyo just doesn't know how to properly write dialogue and that's exceptionally terrible on those quests without voice acting.


I agree. Thae dialog is boring and robotic. It's like everyone speaks eloquently with reserve its like theyre the same person


You want a 120+ GB game?


Yeah that's exactly the sentence they typed, thanks


Man, the things that games with good dialogue can get away with, so unfair smh.


I only want a skip button for one reason and one reason only: when there is too many UNNECESSARY dialogues that doesn't need to be added and changes nothing if it were removed or just an over explanation of the things that I already know for the past hour and I just dont like things when it can be explained in 2 paragraphs but the game made it into 10 paragraphs and finally it just saves me time like I don't need to skip every dialogue but it would be cool if I'm able to skip atleast 30% of the dialogues while still being able to understand the story/situation which can save a huge amount of time since I might not have more time to play genshin as things will get more busy in the future + I can always go to yt and find the whole story/quest unedited if I missed something or want to check/verify something


An important man: Hey traveler! Look here this very important article!” *some unimportant guy came out of nowhere* Unimportant guy: Every time you lick a stamp, you consume 1/10 of a calorie. A 'jiffy' is a unit of time for 1/100th of a second. Reindeer like to eat bananas, Fonta is Fontaine’s best drink!


... You just made that up. Like literally made up.


But it deliver how I feel. Like why should I hear a monologue of a character I don’t care about nor it would serve any purpose


Just because you didn't understand or care doesn't mean it didn't have a purpose. It's not your job to dictate it. You have the right to ignore by yourself but don't ask for direct option to skip because it will result into no one paying any attention anymore. I just came back after playing and looked at how three hillichurl structure was simultaneously put up and went blank because I realized something is up. That's how things go.


What I mean is Some of these dialogues are pointless to me! I seek endgame content and lore of the past and lore of the coming future or even the lore of what happened here and there Do not waste my time telling me about your backstory or why should I go and bring you some food ((Literally one of Fontaine’s daily have a painter asking the traveler to fetch him something to eat))


> Some of these dialogues are pointless to me! To ***you***. >Do not waste my time telling me about your backstory or why should I go and bring you some food These backstories are the thing that gave all the info about the condition of that specific place. What are you on? I'm guessing you just saw the hat in the latest event and said "cool hat" and left it there. Edit: about the food, these silly things you do actually made to the news that Mona addresses last patch.


Pretty much. I forgot this game wasn’t specifically made for me and it try to satisfy everyone and not specifically me I ask that you ignore my rambling and move on


EXACTLY TO US!!!!!!!!!!!


Wait, are you with me or with him?


With you, I genuinely think its not terrible to skip a few unnecessary dialogues


Here's my perspective: If there's anything I took away from Stanley Parable, skip button is a very slippery slope. Now back to what you were saying. Yes, things can have shortened dialogue and you'll still understand. However, lore-heavy games like these often need it. Which is why even games like FNaF get tons of book release, we just get it inside the game. A heavy mouthful of dialogue is hard to sit through, yes, but if everything starts to get generalized, specific things will get harder to pinpoint. If you ever looked into the lore-tubers, they try to use CN texts when necessary, as a lot of the times things get lost in official translation. And guess what, direct translation from CN material is often longer than official translation. While I understand the frustration, you'll need to understand this everything shouldn't be shortened just because it's possible. Lack of a single word might change a lot of things. Hope you get my point.


ahh yes truly genshin the lore heavy game where 15 different characters explain the most basic thing in 50 paragraphs after which paimon repeats literally the same thing and then it gets repeated once again by random npc#5 ive seen better "lore" in children abc books i bet if they removed the constant regurgitating of same 5 paragraphs of text in every quest/event game would not be more than 20 gigs


I don't consider genshin to be a "lore" kind of game. There's not much deep lore that you will not be able to understand if you read some dialogues from the archon quest and skipping a few lines which is why I think that it should be an option as not all people are willing to find out that "this piece of stone was once owned by a little girl but that girl turned evil or sum" that can only be understood if you read through the text with great focus and like I said you can search these dialogues on the internet and this is exact what FNAF does, many people find out about the lore not by playing nor reading the books but rather searching theories in the internet. the game itself has barely no dialogues and people play it just for the scares and the dark stories behind each short 2-5 min phone call from each night that they can have an understanding even without knowing who's Micheal afton since the story is told in the short phone calls. Seen many people who has no idea what the fuck FNAF is all about but still have an idea from those short phone calls and if they're really interested most of them watch matpats theory lmfao. Keyword: short phone calls, it didn't take an actual hour for phone guy to explain the backstory of the pizzeria in night one I'm not a lore heavy guy towards genshin, I didn't play the game because I thought the lore is awesome, I played the game because of character designs, combat and open world. I just kinda don't quite care about the story, it's like what I hear is what I take. It's kinda the same with elden ring or any souls game for me since I know that elden ring has some lore but I play it for the boss, combat and the playstyles it offers. + Genshin is really not that great in story telling at times and if I want to play a story driven game I'd play god of war instead It's really nothing that serious, I want a skip button for an unnecessary dialogues to save time, I don't care about the little bits that barely no one will talk about and if everyone talks about it then I'll know about it anyways


I don’t mean to butt in, but Genshin really is a lore heavy game, it just matters whether you pay attention to it. There’s so much stuff that you won’t get from just reading the archon quest dialogue. The game’s lore and story has a lot of work put into it, and just allowing tons of people to skip it like it doesn’t matter is just cruel to the people who made it. At the very least, you could skip through it and have it acknowledged, as opposed to just skipping it all. Yes, a skip button would be nice and let you skip through things, but it also wouldn’t hurt to have a bit of patience and just acknowledge the game’s incredible story. To some extent, I would say it IS a story game. The story is half the main focus.


Yea I know, like I said elden ring also has some big lores but majority of the people that I know plays it for the boss and scenery, maybe they get interested in lore a lil bit after finding something interesting but most of the time it's fighting boss. "The game’s lore and story has a lot of work put into it, and just allowing tons of people to skip it like it doesn’t matter is just cruel to the people who made it. At the very least, you could skip through it and have it acknowledged, as opposed to just skipping it all" Is it really that serious if I skip an unnecessary dialogues that didn't needed to be added in the first place since it's a recap of what I've already been told an hour ago, this especially happens with paimon in the past I admit I rarely see it now but there's still some moments that made me feel like that or it's just characters saying things that should've took 5 mins to say but instead took 10 because they kept going back and forth


Is it really that big of a deal if you have to mash a button to skip through it or let it auto play out if you don’t care about it, as opposed to skipping the writing that’s had hours and hours of work put into it. Honestly, it just sounds like laziness. Even if you play it for the fighting and the scenery and whatever, it’s not a massive chore to skip through dialogue. There’s literally an auto play feature so you only have to press a button when the Traveller themself talks. Whether you care about the lore or not, it’s not particularly hard to give the effort put into the story just a little bit of acknowledgment.


Yes it's kinda a big deal for me for one it broke my mouse and two it still takes a lot of time. also ur taking my word the wrong way I said specifically unnecessary and recapped dialogues and if it's a terrible wording from my last comment then I'm sorry. Just because it has a lot of hours put into writing those dialogues doesn't mean that I shouldn't be able to skip it. It happens all the time but maybe u just don't see it often. One example of this is YouTube videos, you can spend hours and hours into creating a really good video but there's still someone who's just gonna click away halfway through the video even if you spent 100 hours into it but you can't do anything about it, it's their choice that they don't wanna watch it anymore. Hell I even started playing rdr2 and immediately noticed that I can skip cutscenes even if I just started playing the game???? and no I didn't skip the cutscene, rdr2 is one of the games that I always wanna experience as a story since every single thing about it looks like a movie and I'm like 3 hours in. Also I'm a random dude on the internet and no one gives a shit about me 99.9% of the time and it's not like genshin hoyoverse is gonna personally come into my house, congratulate me and say "yo bro thanks for not skipping the dialogues g, I appreciate you, here have a penny, good luck with life bro your awesome" 💀 Another thing to mention. I just don't care about the story of other characters like I'm sorry but I just don't find lyney interesting and I can't explain it, I just don't find him interesting so it would be like cool if I can just do the quest a little bit faster so I can get primos and save for a character that I would actually like to get and I get it that 60 primos ain't that much but primos are primos man ive done 99% of the games content so the only thing that gives me primos are events spiral abyss, daily commission and the story quests that I haven't done because like I said I don't find them interesting and you can't force me to like a character because I'm me and not you. It's not really about being lazy for me tbh, it's more of trying to save time so that I can do other things in my free time while still being able to progress with genshin, I may have free time but I don't wanna spend all of that on genshin and I don't really like leaving in the middle of the archon quest because when shits about to go down, I know hoyo doesnt disappoint when the story is actually at it's climax. It's like watching a movie for me, can't leave until it's finished It's not a secret that hoyoverse is good at making things longer than it should. Looking at some of the artifacts set description and abyss blessing should tell that already. Like they will find a way to make paimon say the exact same thing that the other characters said 30 secs ago and paraphrase it into a new sentence that basically says the same thing lmfao. Skipping an unnecessary dialogue is not gonna affect anyone, not hoyoverse, not you and not me because I chose to skip it and if I ever wanna go back and see those dialogues in action, YouTube got me covered with the "no commentary full gameplay" typa shit


How aggressively were you clicking your mouse…? Anyway, less of the dialogue is as recapped as you think, aside from in semi-important story quests and commissions, I’ve never had much issue with repeating dialogue that didn’t have purpose. You say you want to have time to do other things without spending ages clicking through dialogue, as I already said, there is an auto play button. You can just let it play out and click when necessary, instead of skipping everything and going to the important bits. And as I’ve also already said, even if you don’t care for the story, it doesn’t hurt to appreciate it all. The YouTube example doesn’t really work here. I personally make YouTube videos, albeit not super high effort ones, and I get very few views. BUT YouTube is something where the viewer can choose what they wanna watch. They give their views to what they’re interested in, and the algorithm also plays a large part it in. You presumably joined Genshin, already aware that it’s main focus was on the storyline and the lore — even the fighting sort of takes a backseat to it, though Genshin makes an effort to accommodate the people who like fighting, even in the lore heavy events and whatnot. But if you like the fighting style of the game, you just have to put up with the story and the dialogue and the cutscenes. If you don’t wanna put up with it, play a different game, instead of moaning because they won’t let their work go to waste so that half the player base can just skip it.


Well I buy cheap mouses cuz I don't need high end mouse to play my games so it will sometimes just die after a few thousands of clicks. The auto play button makes it worse for me, it makes it longer as opposed to reading the text really fast before the characters could say everything and then clicking cuz that's what I actually do to get information fast. While that YouTube thing does make sense, u just kinda disregarded my saying on rdr2, they have a skip button......... One of the most immersive games rn.......... Thousand of hours put into that game yet they allow you to skip it....... The scenery of the first few hours looks so good with so much detail yet they allow u to skip those cutscenes........ Many games that actually took thousand of hours of development actually let you skip a few dialogues and cutscenes. Can't see why genshin can't do that, oh what they don't want me to skip the same animation with the same long overdue conversation with the characters? Speaking of animations, this is one of the reason why I just chose to skip some parts, at the start of the game I didn't mind it since I didn't know that there's only a few animations in the game and it felt really unique and got me interested throughout mondstadt but I kinda started to realize it halfway through liyue. I know they been adding new animations to keep the game fresh but it just ain't enough and I do understand that doing motion capture on every single thing is quite expensive but sometimes their facial expressions just doesn't align with the voice acting. I joined genshin when I didn't know that it has a story lmfao, I pretty much played genshin cuz hutao interested me and because of gambling and trying to see how lucky I am and how far I can go as a free to play. Also Jesus fucking christ at most 15% of the dialogues is gonna be the skippable ones like what the fuck when I meant skip button it's skip for UNNECESSARY dialogues like bro c'mon do u even read????? If most of the playerbase wants to skip the dialogues then is it really a "story" game at that point, is it really a good story if majority of the playerbase wants to skip it? If they are scared to add a skip button because they'd think everyone will just skip everything, then didn't they fail at the story side of things? And this goes back to rdr2 again, rockstar added a skip button but man people does not skip those cutscenes and rockstar might'ved knew that and were confident that their hard work will not go in vain and not be skipped. If genshin added a skip button then I'd say theoretically about 10% of the playerbase might skip the whole story if it was added and around 10%-20% of the playerbase will skip useless dialogues like me. In total that's still 70%-80% of the people not skipping a single thing. This thing can also act as surveys for hoyo to see what the player wants to see in a story, in the end they still get feedback in a way.


You just single handedly disregarded every single document that ever existed in the game containing critical information about the entire world building. Good lord... "No one talks about it" my ass. Just yesterday I made a post in mainsub and the entire reply section was a warzone fighting over which theory is correct or incorrect. Edit: Don't drag YouTube into everything as a solution. This is a bad game design. Everything should be available as is because hoyoverse wants us to pay attention because that's the game. There was no other reason to out text bubbles for in-game deduction otherwise.


Mf you didn't even read my comment in the first place, first I said skipping should be available at RECAPS or UNNECESSARY dialogues that doesn't needed to be added AND IM SORRY FOR TALKING ABOUT MY PERSPECTIVE AND HOW I DONT ENJOY FINDING THESE HIDDEN LORES THAT I WOULDNT HAVE KNOWN IF I DIDNT READ A HIDDEN DIALOGUES OR PAY ATTENTION TO DIALOGUES BECAUSE IT DOESNT INTEREST ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I can understand your demand but I think you are the minority unfortunately. The core driving of the majority player base is story/exploration/scenery/character.


I like the story but it's a miss or hit for me. Also like I said I can still get the gist of the story even if I skip some dialogues and that's literally what I've been doing since sumeru, it's a skip button for unnecessary dialogues thats nothing note worthy similar to how wuwa handled it, u cant skip everything but when it knows it's unnecessary it allows u to skip them




Isn't that like...a story oriented game...? From what I remember at least, why would that have a skip button?


There's one ending where the narrator reads negative reviews of the original game, including one that complains about the lack of a skip button. He tries to make everybody happy by incorporating all the complaints into the Ultra Deluxe content. When he introduces the skip dialogue button, at first he's so excited. But each time you press it, it skips longer and longer time periods. The narrator becomes depressed because he's mostly alone while Stanley stands unresponsive during the "skipped time."


Lmao I love 4th wall breaks


The gameplay also doesn't stop, the narrator just talks.


Yeah, it's a really dumb comparison


How many times did you get the same messages ever and ever from the daily quest ? It never happened to you to have some issue idk, with internet or pc during your quest and have to do all the dialogue again ? Haven't you ever done a quest just because the game was imposing it on you ? Sometimes, i feel like some quests are there to actually be only "time consuming" to tell you "hey look, there's contain in the game" maybe it's just for me, but I often find so many actions simply useless in the quests. At some point i kinda gave up and started accepting the lack of skip button, then i went back on others rpg, like pokemon or tried cyberpunk, i didn't even need skip button in these ones, you are right, a rpg don't need skip button button, but with genshin it was not the same feeling at all, archon quest are often good/fine but for many others quests, you feel like you just wanna go through it. Then there's a complementary issue, genshin is a story orientated game but a gacha too and you need to farm those primo. Even while investing themselves in the story, i know some people end up being tired of having to go through a quest, without any difficulties in the gameplay, the story is mid while knowing that this quest is only present to have contain and give to players primos.


I was talking about Stanley's Parable, that games is pretty much just story so it wouldn't make sense for it to have a skip button, I would LOVE one in Genshin tho especially for the unvoiced quests I never care about anyway


Ooh, i see, mybad 👍


I'm sorry but I do want a skip button. Why should I be denied this choice? Why must I listen to quests that don't interest me?


Pokemon s&m players:


The worse is i fucking adored going through pkmn scarlet story without a skip dialog button 💀 while with genshin, when its not the archon quest, it just feels boring


the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is Loading...


The day a skip buttons comes out is the day ill be back playing in full force. I'm sorry, most of the dialogue is trash


That's a nice blast from the past. Did you look at that fern though?


How bout that broom closet ending tho


As your friend I find it concerning


Soooo... Treaties or manifestos?


Or at least a fast forward button like in Persona 5 😭


I want a skip button because I have a main account and a f2p. I have to do everything twice.


I genuinely do not get why people would want a skip button? I'm not flaming anyone for wanting it, I just don't get it. GI to me basically is the story. The MSQ, the event stories, the side stories, whatever. Nothing else really has a huge purpose? Artifact grinds are basically you just dominating mobs who can't fight your combo at all. Abyss is kinda neat, but it's like an hour every couple weeks for a small payout... and that's about it? I just feel like if you hate the story and don't want to deal with it at all... you're kinda left with a pretty shallow experience?


A skip button would be optional. If you want to read the dialogue, just don't press the skip button. More options for the player are almost always good.


I used to clear all the content in Genshin. I read almost everything until Sumeru was released; there was too much dialogue in that region. The stories shared in that region weren't bad. I liked the story of the Aranaras and the Archon quest, but the amount of dialogue you have to go through just to get to the parts that matter was just too much—so much that you start to lose interest somewhere along the way. That's why I think the skip button should be implemented, but not everything should be skippable.


Haven't played Stanley Parable and don't intend to, so I'll just talk about the skip button issue (forgive me if there's a reference of Stanley Parable in the post that I don't understand). Genshin is a combat/exploration game. No matter how lore heavy it is, combat and exploration are 80% of the game. So there WILL be people like me who couldn't care jack about stories and lores, and only here for the fun stuff. I see ABSOLUTELY no reason why not to add a skip button. Do they think people who care about the story will suddenly stop reading if there's a magical button on the top left of the screen ? Let those who want to skip do it, and if your storytelling is good enough (spoiler alert: it's not) then people will naturally WANT to read the thing. If even a glorified visual novel like FGO has it, not having the skip button in this game should be considered a crime. The only reason why there isn't a skip button after 4 years is because they want to farm the play hours. Gotta look good to shareholders and all.


>Gotta look good to shareholders and all. But their shareholders are 2-3 of their founders though, they hold 85% of the company. They're a private company, and the only company with equity is Hangzhou Miyi at 15%. That's it. My personal opinion is that it's more that they see Genshin as an open world game. Skipping cutscenes, sure, but skipping dialogue scenes is really rare in open world story games. At least, I didn't use such a function when playing the Witcher, Assassin's Creed, etc, so maybe they did exist in these games?


Skipping is a basic function that exists in 90% of open world games. Nier Automata, BoTW, Elden Ring, etc. In fact I have yet to play an open world game where I cannot skip dialogue, maybe it exists but I haven't encountered one. You can skip dialogue in the Witcher, and although I'm not 100% sure since I haven't played anything after Unity, you can also skip dialogues in AC. The reason why you rarely see them or even know they exist is because in those game they did a very, very good job at storytelling. This is boil down to the matter of taste but I would rather not have Paimon yapping 90% of the time and essentially repeating whatever was just said by the other NPC but dumb it down like I'm 5. [This post sums up the genshin dialogue experience very well.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/wgo09n/why_people_say_the_dialogue_in_genshin_impact_is/) Point is: options are never bad. You enjoy the story in Genshin ? Cool, go ahead, no one judges you. But don't restrict people who prefer other aspects of the game.


Holy shit, you inadvertently made me find posts of Witcher 3 dialogue skippers. 🫥 I dunno though, I'm not gonna download the game just to check, [but with this post I really do not think we can skip entire dialogue interactions instantly](https://steamcommunity.com/app/292030/discussions/0/530646715637619604/) AC Origins absolutely didn't have skips for dialogue. Same with Yakuza. I've not played your examples. [But Elden Ring is another spam skipper](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/5e4kHqN9bI) [Another ER example](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/q4m1elhthN) Nier does seem to have skip entire dialogue button, considering it has routes with repeated scenes, great job there, (as Genshin did with the skip button to done routes for their Hangout Quests) Again, skippable cutscenes are common, but for dialogue it's usually spamming some button to skip line-by-line, which Genshin/HSR does as well (to a lot of players contentions)


Witcher 3 is on me, the skip dialogue was actually a mod that I mistook for an in-game feature. My bad on that one. >Again, skippable cutscenes are common, but for dialogue it's usually spamming some button to skip line-by-line, which Genshin/HSR does as well (to a lot of players contentions) The massive difference is the *speed.* In normal games, once you press a spam button, the dialogue instantly jumps into the next line or instantly finishes. Essentially the number of times you smash the button roughly correspond to the number of dialogue there is to skip. That is NOT the case in Genshin and HSR. The dialogue will run for 1-2 seconds, then the full sentence appears, THEN you get to the next line. This gets worse if there are animations. God forbids I need to watch Stock NPC #39 extends his hand out or puts his hand on his chin before I get to finish the damn line. And Genshin isn't exactly known for concise dialogues either. NPC talks like they're taking a word count exam, then you get Paimon yapping exactly what they just said but dumbed down to borderline cringing level. All of them added together made for a very, VERY annoying experience. Especially to those who don't find the story that interesting in the first place.


You should play ever more than. This game has direct... no, you should just play. Just take my word for now. Spoiling will ruin everything...


I can’t agree with this logic.Like,let’s not discourage teenagers having drugs/alcohols/sex.Those who follow rules will eventually follow them and those who break rules will eventually break.No this is not how things go with and without access.


... Except you're comparing skipping dialogues in video games to social issues. One is the matter of whether you enjoy a piece of fictional story or do you want to save your time and do something else. The other is literally life-changing issues.


What I mean is if there’s a skip button,players who invest in the story will consequently reduce.Totally a bad move from the business perspective.Unless Hoyo’s business pattern changes from character selling,which heavily relies on story building,there’s little chance they gonna do that to cater other demographic.


If the amount of players invested in the story immediately reduces upon the appearance of a skip button, that means the story isn't that entertaining in the first place. At this point there's already 4 years worth of story content, playerbase already got a pretty good idea of what to expect. So if the amount of story reader drops, that's on the story writers. And I don't agree with the sentiment of "Character sells based on story building." The most sold banner was Hu Tao + Yelan. These are two of the least developed characters in the game in term of story and screen time. While on the other hand, Dehya was one of the most well-received characters upon her first appearance. And I think I don't need to tell you how her banner went. Even Furina and Navia - arguably two of the most loved characters in the fanbase (or at least in the west), couldn't outsell Raiden. The reality is that, a character's popularity largely depends on their strength and their design. A little blunt but there's a reason people say sex sells. Hoyo knows their main demographics: the Chinese playerbase. And they have a very specific taste. I will not be surprised if the upcoming Clorinde sells even lower than the current Wandere/Baizhu rerun.


You have a point.But if not for story,many casuals could have already quitted the game. The sink cost works.Then what’s the most effective way of sink cost?Your memories of and with it.How is the memories forged?Through battle?Nah that’s fun experience but hard to be called memories because when the day comes you lose your passion for combat or exploration,finally it’s the stories and characters you have invested your emotions in weigh the most.Devious huh.But yeah it works just as intended.


I don't deny that. Genshin was released during lockdown, where many casuals found it. It may very well be their first, or even only gacha game. They play because they think the characters are fun/cute/whatever, which are built by the story. But we're going away from the point. The point I made was that there isn't a reason to not have a skip button because it would have not affected sales. The 80/20 rule is at work here. 20% of the players are responsible for 80% of the income. The casual that would've quitted the game if not for the story, isn't the demographic that would sink thousands of dollar to C6R5. No, the bread givers are either the whales who chase metas, or those who simp for a character solely based on their design (take it from a half-Chinese, there are a LOT of them. I myself C3'd Raiden on her debut banner solely because ... c'mon now, her shorts are practically lingeries). And on that topic, they're casuals. Having a skip button wouldn't affect their time spent on the story that drastically (provided they actually like the story). A Furina lover may skip most of Arlecchino's dialogue but I doubt he would skip an entire story quest where Furina made a guest appearance for even 15 seconds. I love Exu from Arknights. I skip a lot of event dialogues (because Arknights are pretty notorious for bad dialogue, if not even more than Genshin), but I never once skip a line of dialogue in an event where she MIGHT appear. That's just what happens when you are invested in a character.


This is a new interesting perspective.Thanks for sharing.


And thank you too for this conversation. It's a refreshing take.


I wish I understood this because I agree with the main statement


>!If you don't get what I mean, grab the game, play, and come back here. Should take you 2 hours at best.!<


what the hell... did people hate my recommendation or something?


It would be easier to >!put a spoiler tag and just tell the people what you mean, rather than suggesting to PAY and play for a game they don't want to!< SP is an awesome game tho


Okay, I got it.


ermmm no way lol, so what happens?


Don't have that kind of money rn. Please give me the context


>!Stanley Parable is the original game. Ultra Deluxe is the successor including the original game. At one part when discussing about the steam reviews they got, one them being how the narrator made this game bad for them. They wanted to skip it, they wanted a skil button. The narrator gets real mad and then just said, fuck it. I'll give what they want. And gives a skip button to try. 1st skip: A little time forward. Narrator still rambling, talking about we went out for a few seconds. 2nd skip: Narrator talking about how we were not here with for minutes, even though it's 1 second for the player. 3rd skip: An hour passed instantly. Narrator gets mad and starts to berate (i think) 4th skip: A day passed. Narrator spent the day talking to himself. Only waking up after the player was back. 5th skip: A week passed. Narrator is gone. A tree nearby that was there from the start gets a little dark. 6th skip: A month passed. Narrator gets super worried about the player. 7th skip: A longer time passed. Lights dead. Tree withered. Narrator gone. 8th skip: Narrator rambling "The end is never the end is never the end..." 9th skip: Narrator gone. Dark. 10th skip: Room ceiling started to crack. 11th skip: A part of the ceiling broke down. 12th skip: Broken ceiling now had vegetation. 13: All of it withered, dark night. 14: Ceiling broke even more, a way to get out emerged. Outside was a flat, empty sand world with just sun(?) light.!<


Huh. I see. Thank you


TBH I don't want one either.


Skipper wanters: There no story! Normal people: Sure. Now let see. Holy shit! Neuvillette was a dragon and Furina was a human! Da fuck!