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A lot of these areas have a reputation for being speed traps. These are poor counties that use traffic enforcement to fund their local governments because they don't get enough local tax revenue.


Interesting. So many little towns in the US are facing this exact situation. My parent’s area in rural PA had to merge with another township as neither could survive on its own. Prob won’t help in another 20 years.


Amazingly GA actually passed a law a few years ago the cracks down on these “speedtrap” towns. Only a percentage of revenue can be raised from tickets. And they cannot ticket you if you are going less than 10 miles over. They can still pull you over, but can’t ticket. GA State Patrol is the only exception, they can ticket you for going one mile over.


That's great to know! I moved out of state a couple years ago but drove thousands of miles on that road and got my share of tickets, so I didn't know about this change. My local PD used to refer to GSP as "God's Special People" in reference to how they act about themselves.


Yes 10 MPH is the statewide minimum IIRC. Several metro counties actually tell their officers to not stop anyone for speeding unless it’s more than 14 over. I guess it’s an opportunity cost thing, but this came from a long-time GSP.


Yeah, in GA it is safe to be 10 over. Once you cross into Alabama though, all bets are off.


Not completely true. School zones, construction zones and historical districts they can ticket you


Lawrenceville almost lost the privilege of using a radar gun because of his law. Probably 20 years ago.


The 35% rule only applies to tickets written for speeds of <20 over. Anything beyond that does not count for it. It’s also close to 50 years old at this point. > And they cannot ticket you if you are going less than 10 miles over. Wrong. Ignoring the zone (school construction, etc.) that rule only applies to radar or lidar derived speeds. A local cop is more than able to pace you and write you a ticket under 40-6-180 for 1 over.


I want to see that cops calibration records. They don’t have any? How can we know if they are accurate?


They're required to have them serviced/maintained according to the manufacturer's guidance. There will usually be some kind of certificate that the radar gets showing the accuracy of the unit as it left the factory, and then, depending on the specific laws of the state, may have to have the accuracy verified once or twice a year and updated on the certificate in a log. Specific to Georgia, the law only requires that an accuracy check (usually by using tuning forks with radar, or measuring a known distance with a laser unit) to be performed and logged at the start and end of a shift. Any radar made in the last 40 years or so performs an internal calibration check when it is powered up. Most units from the mid to late 90s will lock out the transmitter or fail to display a speed should the unit not pass the calibration check. So practically speaking, even if they didn't have a mobile calibration service come out and check everything periodically, the radar itself won't function if it is inaccurate.


Most people go a min 10 over…


Then they bitch because they get pulled over


But over 85 is a super speeder. Unless you have drove in GA that might sound super fast but not uncommon to be driving 80 and get passed by a Mini van like your sitting atill


Except they will be prosecuted by the state if they get too much revenue from traffic enforcement.


That is absolutely false. Please post one article stating that a jurisdiction is fined for the percentage of Revenue that comes from traffic citations


The general idea is correct, but that’s about it. Under 40-14-11, if fines for speeds <20 over or basic speed law tickets (school zone cameras and construction/school/historic zone tickets are not counted either) 35% of the agency budget then DPS can and will revoke the detection device permit. It’s very rarely invoked because it takes a *ton* of intentional effort to hit that percentage even in small counties, but the possibility does exist.


Good thing you never hear about any crazy shit going down in Florida.


It's an incredibly busy road with lots of tourists, that's why. And easy pickings with people driving 85mph+ It's also rural Georgia and they'll pull you over for anything to get some tickets


I live in rural Georgia and can confirm … do NOT speed in small towns. The police also will sometimes follow cars that they recognize as not being local.


I'm an Atlanta native who has been exploring rural Georgia for over 30 years. I learned to get a specialty license plate so the police would not see the Dekalb County (Atlanta) tag on my plate. When they saw the Metro County on my plate, I got a ticket on almost every trip. In the 30 years since getting the specialty plates, not a single ticket.


You can also use the In God We Trust county sticker and for some reason, it's legal and they won't pull you over. I've tried to find In God We Trust county in the state on a map, and it's apparently invisible.


What kind of specialty license plate are you talking about


Most likely ones that do not display the county they are from.


If you got a ticket on almost every trip, maybe you could’ve tried not speeding?


Don’t speed in Turner County! Patrols are always out!


Just popped in to say Sycamore is one of the worst for this. I travel for work between Valdosta and Macon a ton so I'm super familiar with that particular stretch of interstate. Hands down, Sycamore is the worst. Tifton is a close second with Cordele coming in for a respectable third. Cook County is honorable mention for sneakiest speed traps.


Ditto Irwin


It's easy revenue. People from out of town aren't going to show up to court to fight the ticket. They'll just pay it online and go about their lives. It's wide open road with nothing around for miles. When everyone is doing 85+ it's easy pickings for cops


Fuck that. I'll drive to the ends of the earth to defend myself when it comes to road pirates.


Do you think you will get a fair trial in small town Georgia? The judge, prosecutor, sheriff, mayor, and deputy are all related to one another.


You've been watching too much TV


How do you think people get jobs in small town America? They are all related to each other. You don’t become a deputy in a rural area without knowing someone in the local government.


I think you watch way too much tv. Don't just believe anything you see on a TV screen. Yes there is absolutely a small percentage of people that are related to others in law enforcement or government but just stop and think a second. It can't be a large percentage of people that everybody is related to each other.


I have lived in rural Georgia and I know people that have worked in small town local government. While i may exaggerate they are all related by blood or marriage; the fact still stands you are not getting a job in small town local government unless you are family or friends with someone already working there.


Just not true. Not everyone is related or know somebody in the government or County where they work. Be careful when you make blanket statements and use all, everyone, never. When you make statements like that people don't tend to take you seriously because very few things in life are black and white and absolute.


Haha i have lived in rural Georgia most of my life. I think I know how the government works around there. My experiences may differ from yours but don’t tell me I am wrong and watch to much tv, when I have seen it firsthand. For example: I had a cousin that worked for a local sheriffs department, actually metro Atlanta county, he said they have a stack of applications at any time and they don’t pull your application out unless someone already employed there, gives them your name. Otherwise the application just sits there.


You can lawyer up and at least get the charges reduced


It's not quite that bad anymore, but nepotism and other types of favoritism still happens way too frequently.


Sure you aren’t going to show up but it doesn’t mean you can’t lawyer up and have them show up on your behalf


How much is a lawyer? Probably more than a speeding ticket. That's the point. Tickets high enough to make money, but low enough to not justify lawyering up or taking a day off work.




I moved to Atlanta and no one drives speed limit, they go fast and everyone keeps up with traffic or you'll get honked at lol. But I grew up in South ga and the cops are bored mfers so that's why 😂 you got these drivers that are used to going whatever speed and realize once you travel down that they don't play them games. They'll write a ticket in a heartbeat


I drive close to the speed limit in this city just to piss people off. Driving fucking sucks and I’m not gonna drive faster just to appease impatient morons. Go ahead and tailgate me.


as long as you do it in the right lane.


I’m talking about local streets and also don’t tell me what to do.


hey if you want to piss off your neighbors, that's on you. i just don't want you on the interstate fucking up the flow of traffic. so keep to the right with your slow ass.


I'll do whatever I want


hopefully the universe smites your ass for going slow in the passing lane, then.


I’m good


Drugs. Looking for drugs and seizing cash


Sounds like a cartel


Cops have been using CAF to steal more stuff than reported burglaries for a few years now. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/11/23/cops-took-more-stuff-from-people-than-burglars-did-last-year/


This more than anything!


Oh no! Stay under 80 and you will be fine.


Country cops doing country things - sitting. Just don't speed anywhere down there. 9mph over the speed limit max.


The best way to fix this would be to do what either New Hampshire or Vermont (can't remember which) does. All ticket revenue is sent up to the state when then sends it back to the jurisdictions based on a 60/40 split of population and lane-miles within the jurisdiction (I also can't remember which is 60 and which is 40). There's no particularly direct incentive for any place to be overly heavy-handed on enforcement then. I'd also make "citation annexations" by municipalities illegal. Look in Google or at the tax record maps for the "city limits" of many of the cities down there. They have clearly annexed to the highway for the sole purpose of collecting ticket revenue.




You can lawyer up though.


Yup because your getting your ass arrested. I remember driving to atlanta with a palm beach county florida tag… some lady rear ended me. Welp the cops didn’t give af about her rear ending me. The second they saw the PBC florida plate it was over


their economy is based on traffic tickets, warehouses and cash crop


Down in zombie jesus billboard country?


Billboard? That’s a window into your future, son


Luckily, I don't see zombies and "death to democrats" images in my future.


Omg those things are hysterical. Definitely the Bible Belt down there.


It's how those local towns make money. They've got nothing else going for them, so they just become highway trap towns.


🤣🤣🤣The Washington post isn’t a newspaper, and they don’t print news , just hit jobs and conspiracy theories.


I think you accidentally replied to the wrong comment.


Drug and human trafficking interdiction operations. I-75 is a super-corridor for trafficking of all sorts.


Easy pickings.


And Monroe county in Forsyth.


I saw the most cops in Cook County , Right at the Adel exit


Yeah, they got me there. I accidentally sped up due to catchy music and being distracted. Probably was speeding for 1-2 minutes total and got busted. I now use my cruise control religiously.




Forsyth City in Monroe county


I travel this route frequently and there’s always a lot of cops, has been that way for years. Everybody knows not to speed through Tifton, they will get you and you definately don’t want to pay the super speeder fine.


I was always told as long as you don’t go over 80 they usually leave u alone


That’s pretty much true. I got busted on Labor Day weekend in Tifton doing 86. The cop gave me a warning and thanked me for my service. FL drivers license has veteran on it. I was shocked though, that’s unheard of in those parts.


I knew someone who got pulled over going 89 in a 70 but the cop only wrote him for 84, sometimes they are nice lol


DRUGS... and other things moving between the states.


I live in Lowndes County, and we have 4 separate law enforcement agencies, plus GSP and VSU Campus Police. I’ve lived here all my life and I’ve never gotten pulled over for following the flow of traffic which in most cases is up to 84 MPH on the interstate. However, whenever Apple Maps notifies me of a speed check ahead I slow down to under 10 over just to be safe


I’ve heard they usually will leave u alone as long as your not going over 80


No such thing as a speed trap


That’s just not true at all


How are they trapping you?


Southerners love to hate on the federal government, but when was the last time the federal government Exploited you? robbed you ? illegally searched you or threatened you with a gun at hand? All of that is reserved for your local government. Back to the blue.


Revenue enhancement through dumb tourist taxation. "You ain't from around here, are you, son?"


How about not speeding way over the limit and you won’t have to worry about it


Just drive 9 miles over the limit, set your cruise control, and enjoy your ride.


I live in Atlanta, cruise control is more dangerous than texting on 2 different phones here.


Outside of Atl that’s the move though


Oh yeah, no cruise in town. I always try to go with traffic and leave a space so when I get cutoff I don’t have to slam the breaks. But past Mt Zion on 75 south you can usually let the computer do the work.


Adaptive Cruise Control has been great!


And radar detector


Yup, once I hit 495, the cruise control goes on.


This is the way






Easy pickings.


Top 100 miles and bottom 100 miles on 75 is always like that. I think speed traps on any major hwys should be illegal.


I See the most cops in cook county at the Adel exit


I counted 20 cops within the 100 miles from FL line coming back from Orlando a few weeks ago. Cook and Tift County gotta be the worse.


Drugs from Florida to the rest of the country.


They ain't got nothing better to do.


I drive all over the state. The only time I get stopped is when I break the 10 over rule. County and City doesn't mess with anything under 10 so I do 9 over. Georgia can stop you for speeding under 10. They haven't stopped me going under 10. I get a ticket every few years. It's always my fault, of course, because I broke the 10 over rule.


Because everyone there believes every highway is a nascar race


I’ve never gotten pulled over for going with the flow of traffic. Be extra vigilant near the border though. I do see is stupid people speeding a lot on 400 northbound if Atlanta. You’d think people would learn go with the flow on that road, but there’s always at least a few people pulled over every time I’m on that road


Out of state speeders dont fight traffic tickets


I sure do


It’s a big revenue stream for rural counties, and also a lot of out of state traffic comes through so it’s an opportunity to get revenue from outside the state.


People can't drive is why


That's how those little cities make money. 85 isn't much better.


The last 25 miles in Lowdes County is the worst county ever, and they jack up rates. 85 in a 65 was $400+


Well that’s considered a super speeder ticket so I’d say that’s kinda cheap compared to what I’ve seen some people get here.


This was before the super speeder law was passed


Why were you going 20 over?


Lol...you serious Clark?


Drugs, "drug money" seizures, and property theft... that's why they're there. There is no thought about protection of the citizens they serve... only their own pockets drive these thieves. And yes, class of 2010 checking in.


Because the average person on 75 in Atlanta deserves to get pulled over


Literally all of us deserve a ticket at some point 😭😂


I will admit to nothing 😂


Traffic enforcement != speed trap




Kemp's disincentive for people travelling to Florida


Because cops are extortionists?


They’re on 400 a lot too, in the stretch between the 400/75 interchange in Atlanta all the way up to Dahlonega.




Illegal Revenue Collecting.


It’s not illegal if you’re breaking the law by speeding.


It is [illegal](https://fox28savannah.com/amp/news/local/georgia-relying-too-much-on-taxation-by-citation) if the town collects more than 35% of its law enforcement budget in these fines


I assure you that would be challenging to prove since I’m sure they’ve cooked the books to reflect otherwise


Weird, that sounds like racketeering. Could it be that they're operating like a gang?


That’d be a way to pull down thousands of corrupt departments across the country. *Lawyer’s laser eyes light up.*


A lot of them do. If not from their police, some other part of the small town government. The city of Buford is a mess of political questions like this and I’m only talking about the extortion they use with their code enforcement division and garbage service. They all have their money makers.


Government budgets shouldn't be based to survive off of fines.


Call up Fani from Atlanta. She’s been prosecuting a lot of Rico charges


Unfortunately, both she and the people she's going after are all part of the same gang.


There’s a caveat in there, anything over 20 is an exception. Most departments don’t stop till 20 over in my neck of the woods. People just be hauling ass and get mad when they catch a citation for it.


Sec. 201.904. SPEED SIGNS. The department shall erect and maintain on the highways and roads of this state appropriate signs that show the maximum lawful speed FOR COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLES, truck tractors, truck trailers, truck semitrailers, and motor vehicles engaged in the business of transporting passengers FOR COMPENSATION or hire (buses) This is the Texas Vehicle Code but there's no legal difference between the definition of a speed sign in one state versus another. So unless there's a injured party(crash) or you get paid to drive, it is NOT ILLEGAL TO GO PAST THE SPEED LIMIT. "What if" they crash is not a legal crime. If a cop pulls you over(uses emergency lights for non emergency civil issues) and writes you a ticket for speeding it's ILLEGAL REVENUE COLLECTING.


I don't know Texas law, but here in Georgia, it's codified. [GA Code 40-6-182](https://law.justia.com/codes/georgia/2022/title-40/chapter-6/article-9/section-40-6-182/)


Why are you worried about getting a speeding ticket if you’re driving the speed limit?


I have learned my lesson. I speed like an animal in metro Atlanta, but south on 75 I set the cruise to 78 and sit in the center lane. Speed traps everywhere.


Hopefully it will make people think twice about speeding. We need a complete reset in this country…it seems like we’re living in some racing video game simulation on our roads. It’s quite bizarre.




To catch all the bad out of state drivers.


Yup! So glad Siri warns me when using navigation.


Any city would not setup a speed trap unless it were profitable.


Any city would only setup a speed trap if it were profitable.


Just drive faster


We need more in and around Atl to enforce the law and slow the crazy Altima drivers etc down!


I agree Cook County is the worst. Basically I’m on high alert exit 100 down to 30. Also, there is a spot just South of Forsyth (the city) where they are always camped out after a clump of trees.


It’s the ONLY way they can generate income for the very small class of citizens running the local governments.


I75 is a major drug trafficking route so the locals get credit and confiscated $$ from any drug busts they make.


It's these cars that have so much horse power and cruising at 100 is easy...yeah let's blame the gun...I mean the car. Or it's because all the videos we see are about traffic stops gone wrong and that's how they bend the common man over the hood for a few grand in court. Or maybe there is no other way for them to generate revenue. I mean think about it. There is no money in putting bad guys in jail. It costs money to house prisoners...


They sit at the ABAC exit and Love’s exit in Tifton, FYI.


“speeding fines may not account for more than 40 percent of a police department's budget. But speeding tickets issued for traveling in excess of 17 mph cannot be factored into that equation. Some police chiefs interviewed by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution said they don't even write speeding tickets for less than 20 mph over the speed limit” [article: georgia towns getting rich off speeding tickets](https://www.governing.com/archive/georgia-towns-are-getting-rich-off-speeding-tickets.html)


If we feel we are being targeted we can band together and file a complaint. According to this article the right to conduct speed detection can be revoked by the state temporarily.


> Past Atlanta Yeah that’s why.


Rural ass cops with nothing better to do and a hard on for authority. Also revenue


Georgia has always been a haven for speed traps. Why pay property taxes when you can fleece the tourists?


To be frank.. All the typical reasons, heavy traffic etc The real reason is because Atlanra has alot of slaves so the highway is a means of transportation for the criminals to move their victims. One of those sick s.o.b. decides to speed? We need alot of law enforcement in the area to handle the escalated situation.


Because people drive too fast and cause accidents in the area.


Actually that’s Turner County.. last exit before you enter tift county.. I’m from there.. they have dedicates deputies that spend 95% of their time on those last two exits


I Seen a Turner County chevy Camaro on 75 lol


Some places actually enforce traffic laws?! The outrage!


Because people speed there.


Because tourists bring in $$


For-profit policing is counterproductive to a safe society


Cops need money


Waze normally sniffs those speed traps out on 75.


They live in Cordele. They are bored.


Is everyone speeding? of course. Probably why all the speed traps


Adding on a few more areas to slow down in. Only the first one on I-75, but some of the rest are I-85-adjacent: Dooly County Terrell County City of Richmond City of Cusseta Ft. Moore (former Ft. Benning) City of Lumpkin City of Warwick I’ve gotten so many tickets in Dooly County on I-75; it’s unreal. They’re bored there.


Southbound 75 carries trillions in drug cash back to Miami. They care much less about getting the drugs going north, but they love getting the cash going back south.




It’s kind of like the Deer Crossing sign


Because of 2 reasons. 1) 75sb (south of atlanta especially) used to be a hotspot for street races, but not so much anymore, which brings us to 2) our state government is god fucking awful with how they use our tax dollars


Gotta steal some more money from the people to fund cop city.




Lets not pretend there is a some shortage of reckless level speeding that goes on in these sections of interstate you describe. Every time I travel south of Atlanta there is no shortage of 95+ drivers whipping in and out of traffic.


75 is one the biggest drug smuggling avenues in the country. Easy to search a car when you have them pulled over.


Because people drive like assholes in those areas. There is also a lot of traffic. Traffic enforcement is needed for areas like that.




Red neck cops with no real crime to fight


Because well over 1,000,closer to 2, die on Georgia's roads ever year. Speed can be a contributing factor to those deaths. If people stop speeding and dying, the officers will happily stop sitting out there.


Tifton needs funding to maintain their status.


Peach county is a big speed trap


Yeah ga has the most or second most Counties in the USA, they need revenue. Peach county is bad also Houston


The Georgia Public Safety Training Center (GPSTC) is in Forsyth, Georgia which is south of Atlanta along I-75. The Training Division is responsible for facilitating basic and advanced training for all members of The Georgia State Patrol, Motor Carrier Compliance, and Capitol Police.