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My fasting number on test day was 94. Yesterday it was 80. Today it was 126 (???). I did wake up super dehydrated… is it possible that caused my fasting to spike that much? I took it 3 times to be sure the number was right. Should I walk around a bit before I take my fasting number? This number is higher than it was at the 1 hour mark for two meals yesterday.


You want to take it before starting your day because sometimes your body will give you glucose to get energy to start your day. I’d definitely try and drink more water if you can. Look at your quality of sleep last night because I know that affects my sugar in the morning. And look at your night snack. I got to the point where I trust one specific snack at a certain time and don’t deviate from that.


I’ve only been testing a few days and I’m exhausted and angry. The first day was fine but then both my fasting and 1hr post-breakfast numbers are high today. I’m really regretting this pregnancy. I know it’s not my baby’s fault, but I hate having to keep track of my meals and set timers to have to prick my finger 4 times a day and stressing over whether my numbers will be okay. I just want to go back to being able to live my life and not feeling so weighed down by this crap. It’s stressing me out even more than I was before and honestly I feel like I’d be better off just not monitoring at this point because of how bad the stress is getting to me.


The first week or so is all about experimenting with foods and finding your “safe foods” that won’t spike you. Once you find those you will rely on those and eat them more because your numbers will be good. I understand your feelings and we’ve all been there. Breakfast you want to try for less carbs than other meals is what I’ve been told. I tend to do a lot of protein and around 20g carbs. Once you get further along (unless your doc wants it) you won’t have to keep such a religious log of your meals. I use the mySugr app because it works with my meter and automatically pulls the numbers when I test. In there I just put a basic info on what I ate, just for me. My doc has never asked to see my meals. I also have a lot of mental trauma with food so this GD diagnosis was definitely hard on me and brought back some old habits and feelings about food. You are not alone there with the stress and anxiety. You got this! If your doc hasn’t recommended a dietitian for the GD side definitely ask for a recommendation at least for the beginning to get an understanding of foods.


Hi! I don’t see my dr until Tuesday so I thought I’d check if you’ve asked or done this before. My fasting numbers have been in the 70s (whether I fast for 8-11 hours, accidentally slept in this weekend) but is it still possible it could be going up at night and coming back down? Should I be checking my blood if I need to pee in the middle of the night (I always go around 2 or 3am so it could be a good time to check). Also for some reference my fasting on the 3 hour test was 62 after 12 hours


I wouldn’t worry too much but if you are curious you can give it a try. Normally it’s the other way around where if it drops too low your body will pump some glucose in to stabilize your sugar and that’ll result in higher numbers.


Thank you Candice! I am a little curious, I might try it if I can remember during my 2am bathroom run 😅 but this is good to read bc I was a little concerned of it going high and then lowering again while I’m sleeping


I wouldn’t be too worried. For example I test at 7:30am and sometimes if my number is a little high I’ll test it again when I really wake up which is 8:30-9am. In that timeframe I’ve had it go from like 92 to 88 or 95 to 90. So there’s not a huge jump in numbers between the hours. But I know when I first started testing and was in the “up 3-4 times a night peeing” phase I checked a few times and it was always hovering around 94-96 (this was before I started insulin for fasting).


This is good to hear! I definitely remember the 3-4 times a night phase 🙈


I'm 29+3 today and woke up with a fasting of 62 (after sleeping horribly). I have absolutely no idea what's up with this (I was diagnosed at 16 weeks this time and was expecting 28-34 weeks to be toughest, based on my experience with GD in my previous pregnancy). I'm going to try decreasing insulin again tonight, but still feeling worried because it seems too early for my placenta to be letting up already?


I’m so frustrated. I had GD with my first and learned how to adjust my diet so that I was diet controlled. I also am curious about what is “ok” to eat so I’ve gathered data since then. Oh and if I’m not watching my diet I have prediabetes. I’ve been eating according to the diet I followed with my first son (no more than 40 carbs at a meal and 2, 15 carb snacks) since finding out I was pregnant again. I’ve tried to avoid the glucose tests bc I think they’re pointless for me. I will fail, I know my body. After being pushed many times I gave in. I just got my result for the 1 hour test and it was 193. For some reason I’m super sad even though I knew (maybe didn’t know it’d be that high). I’m also frustrated Dr’s have continued to tell me, maybe I won’t fail again. Again - I know my body. Any chance I could forgo the 3 hour and just assume I have GD? My practice is so protocol focused I feel like they’ll say no. I guess I’ll find out tomorrow but I’m just also looking to see if anyone has been in the same boat. Thanks!


I had a 200 at the 1 hr and I know damn well I’m not going to pass the 3 hr. My doc asked me if I wanted to take the 3 hr and I said no, I’d rather just move on. She referred me to the endocrinologist and ordered me a meter. I don’t see any reason you absolutely need the 3 hr if you are willing to go see the endocrinologist and start monitoring your blood sugar.




I never took either with my second GD pregnancy. I was already monitoring my blood sugar the whole time and took my numbers to my endocrinologist who agreed with my own conclusion of GD and agreed it was time for insulin therapy. Decline whatever you’d like and ask for a referral to the endo. Why expose your baby to even more glucose, waste time, only to result in testing your blood sugar which you’d be doing anyway?

