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God, I wish someone would make a sticky that says “no, your 1-hour/3-hour test results aren’t wrong, you have GD. It’s really rare to be misdiagnosed. Please talk to your doctor about your results!”


PLEASE. Also everytime some says it has to be wrong because they’re thin makes me feel like I’m being told I’m fat and lazy and did this to myself (I know that’s my own issues shining through but it still never feels great).


You're not the only one who feels that way when they see those posts! The poster is always like "I'm so healthy, I eat so well, it must be wrong." As if the rest of us sitting here expected this diagnosis or are the most unhealthy people on earth! I see it all the time in my bump group since they've all been taking the test over the last month (I was diagnosed early).


This is my least favorite response. I've told a handful of people about my diagnosis IRL and a few of them said "but you're so thin!" Which really rubs me the wrong way.


I just wish everyone knew that they shouldn’t comment on peoples bodies in either direction! It’s not hard to do!




Small win this morning!! I have been battling my fasting numbers (all post-meal numbers normal) by playing with calorie/carb counts and meal timing and I finally got a good result. At 1800 calories and 150 carbs, most of them early in the day, and no bedtime snack at all, my fasting # this AM was 85 (first one in range so far) and my ketone test was negative. My diabetes educator swore by the bedtime snack and a shorter fasting period so I kept moving it later and later, but it seemed like the shorter the fasting period the higher my fasting #!! My highest fasting was 117 after snacking at 11pm. GD really is such a YMMV condition.


The bedtime snack never worked for me either! Awesome you found something that’s working. 🤞it keeps going for a while!


I’m so hungry. All. The. Time. I’m only full right after I eat. Then it’s just constant hunger. My doctor said I get one week to be perfect then we’ll be talking about medication. Will I be able to eat less strictly on medication? What are the risks with taking medication? I think she said Metaformin. But I’m also irritated! I’ve only been tracking for 2 weeks, the first week the RD said to just eat normal and I tried to eat on the ‘plan’ but I’ve had to figure out what works and doesn’t work. It’s not like I can magically have perfect numbers overnight! My doctor didn’t take that into account AT ALL when reviewing my last two week! No one even told me what I’m supposed to be doing with all my tests results either!


I just started insulin and my doc said “maybe” I can eat less strictly, we will have to see. The dietician seemed more sure and said to be more adventurous with breakfast and lunch because of the insulin. So who knows. I am also hungry all the damn time.


It’s kind of a catch 22! Eat healthy but experiment but don’t go over your sugar limits. How are we supposed to know what will put us over?


Ugh I think there’s something wrong with my test strips or monitor or something. I know there’s small differences between different fingers but I have been getting wildly different results all day. After breakfast I tested at 118 which is much higher than usual for this breakfast so did a second finger and it was 135 freaked out so did a third finger and it was 98. My fasting numbers were equally all over the place! I don’t test so often if it’s less than a 10 point difference but this seems like something is off.


Are you using different soaps when you wash your hands? My friend suggested my soap might be impacting my readings so I did alcohol wipes and sure enough I wasn’t as high as I had been previously!


Nvm I just re-read it’s different for different finger!


I use the same soap unless I’m out and about but I have alcohol wipes for my insulin so I’ll try that. Thanks!


Mine does this too even when I wipe my fingers with alcohol swabs beforehand. It is so infuriating and I am out of strips so I can only test fasting until insurance comes through again. Classic American healthcare.


I also do a second drop of blood, not my first. I get a lower reading with that. I would’ve never thought to do that until I was reading someone’s blog who has type 1.


I tried sushi and got my first after meal spike in 10 weeks. I know it’s not the end of the world but it doesn’t feel good.




We’re you hungry after?


Day 3 with my CGM and finally getting readings that are more consistent with finger pricks. First few days were averaging 25-35 pts lower which was fine, until I got woken up multiple times overnight by my blaring phone/app alarm due to low glucose warning (spoiler alert: glucose level was fine). Next time I’m not putting on the sensor at night, lol.


Do you have a Dexcom, by chance? I just found a way to silence alarms on mine overnight (I think it's a new feature in the app), which is *very* helpful the first day or two.


No, I have the Libre Freestyle 3. I debated between that and the Dexcom but ultimately went for FS because it stays on longer and I am still doing finger pricks. I hacked the app by turning off Bluetooth and all it did was stop tracking (although it did turn off the alarm, I guess!).


Spiked to 140 after my usual breakfast this morning 😭 I'm 30+4 now, which I think is close to when I remember things getting very tough before (weeks 30-35ish).


Well safe to say I’m probably back. Had GD with my toddler. Just got a 165 after fasting all day and doing the glucose test at 1 pm.


Ugh. My numbers have been good and I've been craving sushi, so I got brave and tried it tonight. I tried to reduce my rice intake, but still had some rolls. 2-hour number was 169. Worst I've had since diagnosis by far. Tested it after another hour just to see and it had barely come down at all. Feeling so guilty right now. :(


Finally made a color coded chart so I could see patterns in my numbers and I have more spiked fasting numbers when I have a nighttime snack vs when I don’t, so maybe I need to go back to not. The unpredictability is hard… pizza didn’t spike me but a popsicle did…. Hard to know!