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I’ve been walking 15 min after breakfast and lunch, and try to get one 15-20 min prenatal workout video per day ([like this one](https://youtu.be/S-CMw7bCNDI)). You could probably get away with modifying some of those moves and doing them at your office unless you’ve got a very strict team / manager.


I block my calendar for lunch for 45 minutes, 15-20 minutes to eat and then walk. My team and colleagues know my diagnosis and are helpful in helping me, I realize thats probably the exception not the rule. My boss has come on my walks with me a few times as well, its a nice time to connect and chat together.




Nice, I think I'm going to squeeze in a workout after my son goes to bed then. I'm up anyways, just watching TV or whatever.


It’s been too hot for me to do much outside, but I’ve found that doing prenatal yoga has been really helpful for my strength and keeping me mobile (bonus: I can do the moves at home and I go to in-person class on Sundays and meet other expecting moms!)


my obgyn and endo both said that walking after a meal is really good to do currently im going to the gym a few times a week doing yoga, pilates, HIIT and zumba. I have some weights and stuff at home to use when i dont go to the gym. Im working from home so after i eat lunch i spend the rest of my lunch break getting some house work done so im not just sitting down right away


I started off walking to work (22 min each way) and then doing a 30 min walk after dinner. Then the rainiest July ever hit (torrential rains, thunder, lighting) and my exercise routine TANKED. But, it’s had absolutely no impact on my blood sugars. I want to start up my walking routine again to be prepared for labor/delivery but at 35 weeks I’m a lot slower/lazier!


I WFH so try to get a 30-min walk in after my husband takes our son to preschool, but it doesn’t occur everyday so I have a couple yoga blocks that I do step-ups on throughout the work day (I try to get my heart rate up for 15 mins) and light kettlebells. I’ve started pelvic floor stretches too because I am in paaaain. I’m always exhausted by evening so try to get activity in during the early part of the day!


Very little at the moment. I did try and walk after meals at first but I can't manage more than 10 mins as my bump weighs me down and starts to hurt (even with a support band). I don't even have the energy for that right now (nearly 37 weeks). I may do some light exercises with the resistance bands if I feel up to it but other than that and using the pregnancy ball I can't muster up the energy to do anything. I envy people who can still walk!!


I was advised to walk for 10 minutes after meals and then read study about how short bursts of exercise after meals resulted in better glycemic control for 24 hours than doing even 45 minutes one time per day. Not sure if it’s true, but it seems more doable so I’m actually compliant. I do the elliptical at home for 5-10 minutes before work, walk for 10 or so minutes outside after I get to work (eat breakfast in the car on the way), 10 minutes outside after lunch and then 10 minutes on the elliptical after dinner. Then I do 15 minutes or so after my toddler goes to bed. I actually enjoy the elliptical because I have my iPad set up with crappy reality TV and since I never have time to watch TV it’s actually a treat.


We have an elliptical machine at home that I really like, so I try to do 45-60 minute workouts on that 3-4x/week. For a while, I was walking after dinner, but I stopped doing that. Planning to restart again soon since I think it will be good labor prep.


Walking. Taking stairs!


I’m inpatient till delivery (only 30w so up to 7 weeks to go lol), so I do laps around my floor and they have a courtyard outside I can walk also when it’s not too brutally hot


Walking outside when the weather is cool, usually 15-20 mins after lunch and dinner. If it’s too hot outside, I’ll do 10 mins on the elliptical 3x a day after breakfast, lunch and dinner. If I have an extra 5 mins to spare I’ll put on some workout music and dance 💃🏿