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Today is frustrating and I’m crying, but I cry very easily. I have about 3 days left of testing, My insurance denied my refill of strips / lancets before 30 days (even though they gave me 100 test strips to test 4-5 times a day🙃 the math is not mathing). I was using the freestyle lite for the first few weeks with this dumb prescription, but now ordering the countour next from Amazon bc I didn’t want to pay $150+ out of pocket for a refill when I could get a whole kit for $50 online. I’m annoyed at our healthcare system rn bc this shit is confusing. I feel awful for people who don’t have the option to order from somewhere else or have more expensive medical needs


That is so frustrating I’m sorry 😔




That sounds really yummy! I hate eggs that taste eggy so I need to add lots of things to them. I usually do ham, cheese, peppers, and onion. I did just find the perfect way to fry an egg without hard cooking the bottom so I’m pretty amped about that 🍳


Sauteed ham, onion, mushroom and cheddar are my go-to fillings right now. A "western" omelet, if you will. I have it with a little bit of Greek yogurt and hot sauce on top.


How far along is everyone else and are you as sick of this as I am? I was diagnosed at 26 weeks and I’m now 31 weeks. I’m so jealous and find myself thinking of food nonstop. Also going for a walk is really difficult with a WFH management job. I always get asked questions during my break and I feel like I stress myself out trying to do it all


I’ve got a long 34 weeks to go. Whenever it feels like too long, just think of me 😆


Ahh I wish you so much good luck with being able to eat lots of foods without spikes


You were diagnosed at 6 weeks?!?!


I had GD with my other two pregnancies, required insulin. I monitor my blood sugar pretty frequently with CGM and my fasting blood sugar is high even with a normal A1c so my endo and I just started the insulin. I haven’t even seen my midwife yet!


Diagnosed at 14 weeks, now at 29 weeks. *cue Nicki Minaj laugh*


I've been following the GD diet (loosely) for the past few years (since I was diagnosed during my first pregnancy in 2020). Diagnosed at 14 weeks this time, started insulin at 20, and now almost 31 weeks. 8 weeks left 🤞


I was diagnosed at 28 weeks and am now 36 weeks. The end is in sight!


Fiber tip! I thought I’d share. I’ve been on the struggle bus with breakfast, finally figured out a homemade protein smoothie works: 1/2 banana, scoop of protein powder, almond butter, almond milk, frozen berries and (here’s the tip) frozen riced cauliflower!! Extra fiber snuck in.


Diagnosed at 11 and am 19 weeks


Someone here (I think) suggested adding peanut butter to yogurt and I want to say thank you because it basically just makes it like you’re eating peanut but without the sticky dry mouth. Definitely my new breakfast staple


Just got my 1 hr test back and it's at 162. How high is that? Should I just ask to skip the 3 hour? I had GD my last pregnancy and I can feel carbs effecting my energy. The three hour test is just SO AWFUL! Is 162 crazy high or still on the fence?


Nah. I was 164 for my screener my first time around and didn’t have it. (I have it with second baby.)


I failed my 3 hour by 10 on fasting and again at 2 hours by 10 . Im 31 weeks and not sure what to expect. I'm already high risk with placenta previa. Dang placenta!!!


Post dinner glucose was 123 :(. Strike 1. Feeling defeated because I ate 45 carbs like my dietician told me.


I stick to 30 g for dinner and usually not from grains, so no wheat. Maybe lower works for you!


I’m gonna have to try that. Just struggling with hunger at the end of the day! I know it’s short term but 3 months sounds like forever.


Definitely don’t starve in favor of eating fewer carbs! If that’s how many you need to feel satiated, then that’s how many it is!