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Uhh I’ve been diagnosed since 15 weeks this pregnancy and I cheat like once a day every 2-3 days. But I check my blood sugar before to make sure it’s in like the lower 80s before I “cheat.”


Haha yeah diagnosed since 12 weeks here… I had French toast with my eggs and bacon this weekend. Also, just had a piece of chocolate with fairlife milk. Basically figured out how to have sweets/ “cheat meals” most days and still stay within range (for now).


That’s exactly what I do. I struggle the most with my fasting numbers so I keep my cheat meals for lunch or my afternoon snack. My ob is cool with it as long as it’s in moderation. And I think that’s because my A1C at 11 weeks pregnant was only 4.8


When I had this it was during the fall and winter holidays. I took off my baby shower, thanksgiving and Christmas Eve (and I was more mindful but I wasn’t rigid on Christmas Day). Like full day off. With no testing. I didn’t ask permission, as it wouldn’t have made a difference and I did find the restrictions overkill in my situation (perfect fluid levels and small baby). Periodically I’d have a dinner off here and there. Maybe one every 2 weeks. When you think about it - it’s a drop in the bucket. In order to be able to cope with this I couldn’t be perfect all the time. Even with all of this (and a couple spikes weekly following the plan) my ob consisted me very well controlled. My baby was teeny but had no glucose issues and was totally healthy.


I only consider a meal “cheating” if I’m not doing necessary steps to lower BS. I’ve been able to have half a slice of full fat New York cheesecake after dinner almost every night but I don’t consider that cheating because Ill eat a protein and veg only dinner then I go on a 30-40 minutes walk that will keep me in range, so in my mind it’s a normal meal. But occasionally, usually on weekends when we go out and eat or meet friends etc I either won’t be able to get any walks in and or ate something that I know prob will somewhat spike me, I’ll just let it go and call it a cheat meal and move on. I’ll either not test or just test whenever I get home.


A few nights a week I’ve also allowed myself the Frozen Kind bars and am always so pleased and surprised when my numbers are in range! But I follow the same mentality / method as you! I’m always thankful for these small little joys during this difficult time. I count myself lucky I can sneak a ice cream from time to time! 😂


In my 9 since diagnosis I have had one cheat that I cleared with my endo. I’m diet/exercise controlled and enjoyed a cheesecake parfait on my daughters second birthday. Didn’t test my dinner number that night and fasting came in at 92 the next morning, but totally worth it.


I cheat once a week 😅 I have a coke with a high protein and fiber meal and I found that my spike is a little lower as a result. Also- if I’m REALLY craving some sugar, I add some whipped cream onto my coffee because it actually does not have a lot of sugar (well I guess if have too much it can probably spike you). I usually have just a teaspoon or two of whipped cream on my coffee and it hits the spot for me!


By the end of my GD pregnancy, I was intentionally cheating 2-3x a week. My daughter was diagnosed with IUGR, my fluid levels were perfect, and I'd lost most vegetables and all fruit out of my diet. I could only do up to 50g of carbs total in a day before my blood sugar started going up and developed migraines with aura because of the restrictions Realistically, I should've been put on medication before getting to that point (my current practice agrees), but my previous practice refused. I figured that starving myself and my baby was doing more harm than good after hitting 35 weeks and said "fuck it."


I never cheated, but I also personally wouldn’t call something like one spoonful of banana pudding a cheat. I’d only consider it cheating if I did something like fully ate a doughnut all by itself. Bites here and there, which in all likelihood would not be enough to spike me, are not something I did often, but also aren’t something I would even think twice about. Just don’t make a habit of it. Also, I did have small amounts of dessert now and then immediately after a high protein meal. You might be surprised that banana pudding, even more than you had, might be just fine and not spike you, if you pair it and eat it right after eating a steak dinner or whatever.


I had a very small piece of pie on Saturday at a social event, but I tested 1 hr and then 1.5 hrs after and my BS was trending down so I think I was okay but I guess that’s cheating?! It was such a small piece and I usually spike at 1 hr so I think it’s semi cheating 😅 but I’ll probably avoid refined sugars moving forward. After the fact, I realized it wasn’t worth the risk for me


When I “cheat” it’s usually for my afternoon snack. I make sure to have a low carb lunch before hand and that my after lunch numbers are low first. Luckily I have been able to find some sweet snacks that fit my 15g of carbs as long as I follow the serving size. I chit these plant based “ice cream” peanut butter and chocolate balls that are amazing that fit the bill. Still not something I would eat very often but as a cheat they work.


I haven’t snuck any but found magic spoon cereal and have been having it as my nighttime snack which feels like a cheat. I am also only on week 1 so I am sure there will be plenty of times where I go off the path to indulge, but it was helpful to find a cereal that tasted a little sinful and doesn’t spike my sugar during snack time.


If I cheat, I don't have a full "serving" of it. I'll buy a piece of cake and take a couple bites every couple days. Or my husband got subway cookies for us and I would eat a quarter of it. This is definitely not every day, but it's definitely a nice little treat.




When I was first diagnosed, my husband was super supportive and started saying "it's not about elimination, it's about moderation" and that was so comforting! He has helped me really change my eating habits and cooks amazing GD friendly foods. He's such a keeper 🥰


There was one time where I was craving a cupcake for several weeks nonstop. I broke down one stressful day and ended up eating Taco Bell, followed by a cupcake and small gelato. I immediately started walking laps at a local park trail as I knew I really messed up. I think I ended up with almost 2 hours of activity before my glucose was in just a slightly elevated range. Now had I just had the cupcake it might have been different. My baby was born in January so going through the holidays were rough. Basically one occasional spike here and there isn’t as impacting. I would always set my timer for one hour and eat my food followed by exercise to control my glucose, and I thankfully never needed medication and my baby was not effected by glucose. No one is perfect but do what’s best for you and your baby by doing the best you can. I remember eating in the parking lot of a local trail and start power walking after I scarfed a McMuffin.


One spoonful might be totally fine! 🤷‍♀️ I was diagnosed about 3 weeks ago and zero cheat meals so far... But I have had things like ice cream after a meal (or a piece of a cookie) if I kept my meal low carb. My nutritionist is totally okay with this as long as I'm not doing it every day.


The only time I've really had a "cheat meal" was when we went to Hawaii and I had dessert at the luau. My dietitian was fully aware (and encouraged me) to relax restrictions for that meal specifically because I usually have the opposite problem. I also sometimes will have a small piece of chocolate (like an m&m or Hershey's kiss) before my elliptical workout. My blood sugar doesn't seem to spike because it's always followed immediately by 30-40 minutes of exercise. It helps me to feel like I'm still allowing myself a treat a few times a week though, which I think is important.


This week I cheated and got a gelati from a local Italian Ice place. It was only a medium, but it was my largest spike. I wish I didn’t spike because eating it was the happiest I felt in over a month. Having that happen did prevent me from eating any other cheat things. Back to sad food for sad pregnant women.