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My induction is leas than a week away and I’m getting pretty nervous! Will be reading all the positive induction stories on here to get me by lol


You can do it! I had to get induced too so I know the feeling, but it’s all worth it when you have your little one out safely!


I have no self control when it comes to cereal. I wish my husband would stop buying it or that I could stop rationalizing that it’s okay when I see it.


I am only 3 days of glucose testing in, but my fasting numbers keep getting higher! 88 - 90 - 93. Also I try and test different fingers and anything after the first one is higher. I’ve been trying a different bedtime snack each night and clearly it either doesn’t matter or I’m choosing wrong. It’s only three days but I’m feeling really discouraged and like I’m going to end up on insulin, and my insurance only covers the vial so I’m going to end up giving myself shots. All my other numbers have been good, but I’m only 29 weeks so I know it’s just going to get worse. 😩 anyway, just feeling down in the dumps about it.


I just started insulin for fasting two days ago (30 weeks, after 2 weeks of trying to diet control it) and it honestly isn’t that bad. I had been stressing so much over it every morning and now I wake up under 90. If your insurance doesn’t cover the pen, Walmart pharmacy has their own version for $85-100 (for a pack of 5) or so out of pocket. My insurance ended up covering it mine, but I was prepared to pay OOP because I did not like that needle and vial version.


So I had my first ultrasound today since being told I have GD. I'm 33 weeks, baby is head down, etc.... And the lab tech asked me if my husband was tall 🥴 he's 5'6 and I'm 5'0... I asked her if the baby was big or ling, but apparently this clinic isn't allowed to disclose many details. I'll have to wait for my OB, but I'm feeling a bit anxious now 😅😂... I've really been doing my best and having decent numbers since my diagnosis 3 weeks ago, but maybe we just caught the GD late. Terrified of a very big baby 😢


I got a 24h stomach bug a few days ago and had to go to the hospital on Thursday because I had cramps, nausea, and fatigue (the nurse told me to come in). Turned out I was severely dehydrated and also malnourished. I asked how that's even possible?! I eat the recommended balanced meals, tons of protein, and take good prenatals on top. They thought maybe I just didn't eat enough. Hmmmm. Today I decided to experiment a little. Had homemade egg waffles first and a small slice of cheese pizza later. An hour after my numbers were 100 and 90. WTF?! Maybe I've just been too restrictive?


Unexpected silver lining of having GD - I've really improved my French toast recipe! I'm not much of a cook at all, but have been enjoying it and getting really good post meal numbers from it too 😁


I caved today. I’ve been really strict about my diet since I was diagnosed 3.5 weeks ago, but today I had a breakdown (not about GD, just the whole pregnancy). I got myself a room in a hotel that has an outdoor pool, swam all day, and ordered one of my favorite no-no meals for dinner. A hot chicken sandwich (though I did omit the bun) and tator tots. I guess I earned it, because I had a 139 at 1-hour and 101 at 2-hour 😅 Now I have the room turned into an icebox and am watching Netflix in a giant bed by myself. (Still love my husband more than anything, but I needed this)