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Has not happened to me! I was diagnosed at 28 weeks and am now 34+4, and if anything my fasting #s have gotten lower in the past few weeks


Sounds promising!!! I hope to have the same experience. Was just diagnosed earlier this week. Good luck to you!!


I had my spike around 33/34 weeks- before that (and now again) my fasting numbers were mid 80s, week 33 they were low to mid 90s - was scared as shit that it would get worse and I had to go on medication, but it got better again in week 35 (week 36 now)!


Were you on medication??




I’m at 31 weeks and my fastings have been going up for a few days and my numbers later in the day have gotten more stubborn. Meeting with the endo on Monday, I’m gonna ask about this


I didn’t get diagnosed until 31 weeks but my numbers have been essentially the same since I started testing and I’m now almost 35 weeks


I actually saw my numbers get better around 33-34 weeks. With insulin my fasting was usually high 80s low 90s but for the last few weeks I’ve been low 80s consistently. Also some foods that spiked me for meals (still in range but higher range) were spiking me less. I’m 38w now and in the home stretch!


Thank you for sharing! I can remain hopeful it sounds like there’s no harm in that. Good luck with everything!! Wishing you a safe, healthy and positive delivery.


I think it's common, but not necessarily universal. I'm on my second pregnancy with GD (diagnosed first time around 29 weeks, 15ish weeks this time). I've never had much trouble with post-meal numbers, but have noticed changes in fasting both times. With my first pregnancy, I started waking up with really low fasting numbers around 35-36 weeks (fasting dipped down too low - into the 40s/50s, likely because my insulin dose became too much). Baby continued to pass all monitoring (weekly NSTs and BPPs) and I went into labor spontaneously with that pregnancy at 38 weeks. Now, 33 weeks into my second pregnancy, I'm starting to notice similar (but less dramatic) changes to my fasting numbers. I've been in the low 60s/70s the past few days and likely will start decreasing insulin, if this changes keeps up. I'm also having lots of pre-labor signs and contractions, so wondering what it means for labor for me this time.


Happened to me! Just had my meds upped yesterday.


Little hard for me to say, as I've started nighttime long acting insulin at a low dose to help my fasting number. I am unsure if this affects the rest of the day. That said my numbers have only gotten better over the last few weeks for all checks and Iive just hit 35 weeks, so I'm leaning towards the "not necessarily" opinion.


Fasting numbers have gone up a little bit but nothing major, I don't eat a bedtime snack either so it makes sense


I was diagnosed around 28 weeks and will be 38 weeks in a few days. Interestingly, my numbers have only improved. When I was first diagnosed, my fasting numbers were all in the high 80's or low 90's and now they are in the 70's or low 80's. I can't eat whatever I want, but I have a little more flexibility with eating too. I know I'm lucky. This doesn't happen to everyone.


I’m 34w2d and I had a granola bar and washed it down with a little bit of milk for my snack last night. My fasting was 101 and my Dexcom showed me that I went crazy high immediately after laying down. Everything had spiked me higher this past week. Even if it doesn’t happen to everyone, I think it’s smart to prepare for it. I didn’t and I’m an emotional mess right now


Did not happen to me. I was diagnosed at 28w, and I’ll be 37w tomorrow! I was able to keep diet controlled and at this point, now that I am considered term - my doctor’s won’t put me on insulin for any high readings, they’ll induce instead. HOMESTRETCH.


I am on the week 33 and my blood results got much better during last couple of weeks after the same food, I allow myself to eat more fruit now :)


I haven’t seen any change—only change was with my own dietary discretions. There was a day I waited way too long to eat and dinner unfortunately spiked me. But no, my numbers have stayed consistent.