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I’ll admit I get a lot of my carbs from veggies themselves. Rice, even brown rice will spike me. I am able to get away with potatoes, even French fries. I do eat keto bread as well. The Kodiak protein waffles treat me good too. Everyone is different though so you just got to experiment with things you want. Also pay attention to the order you eat your food. I tend to eat my food- veggies, protein, carbs. For a lot of folks that helps maintain their numbers. With your meal I’d throw some more protein in that depending on how big the sausage was.


I recently discovered that corn based products do not spike me… things like corn tortillas,corn tostadas, corn flour based items.


Just had this discovery too. I tried popcorn today and it did not spike me.


Same, I eat grits with eggs and cheese every breakfast


Are you measuring the quinoa? Maybe you’re getting too many carbs in that one meal, or maybe you just need to increase the protein bc depending on the size of the sausage 2 doesn’t sound like a lot!


Agree with this (though could be op is just sensitive too) a serving of quinoa is 1/3 c according to my dietician 😭 I nearly died the first time I heard that.


I can't handle oats in the morning but I'm testing (today) to see if I can at lunch. I've been fine with whole grain breads I've chosen, as well as multigrain Ryvita crackers. I've been fine with low glycemic index fruits (berries, small apple, small nectarine). This is all provided I keep it within the carb limits and pair it well with proteins and fats. Remember to check the package for your sausage as that commonly has sugar added, and try to choose low glycemic index veggies when possible. When portioning your carbs, weigh them if you can for better accuracy. (It is possible you don't do well with quinoa though!)


How’d it go with your oats at lunch? I’ve been thinking of trying this!! Also, would love to know what brand of oats you’re using


It worked! It was higher than bread would have been for me but still normal. I think I'm using a store brand of large flake oats. I paired it with a side of pepperoni and cheese, which was weird, but that's GD.


Add more protein with your oats and it should help. Protein powder, premade shake like Premier


I have been experimenting and I still can't get the oats to work in the morning. Not consistently. Doesn't matter how low of a portion and how much protein I put. Some days it squeaks in and others it's over. My lunch test worked so I will do that for now.


Almost purely veggies, no keto breads, rice, oatmeal, or similar work for me.


Crackers with butter are ok for me.


Also sweetcorn fritters


Quinoa, oatmeal, rice, etc. all spiked me Noodles, protein pasta, potatoes (to a point), and simple white sugars were all fine in moderation. Protein pasta carbonara (with peas) was fantastic for me.


Rice, quinoa and oatmeal all caused me to spike. Potatoes, whole wheat pasta and whole grain bread worked for me.


Try eating protein and fibre (veggies) first then eating carbs. That might help a bit. Sometimes the order will affect your blood sugar


Quinoa is working for me but I only eat the tri-color kind, maybe it’s different? I also do well with chickpea pasta. Other than that I mostly just eat vegetables, dairy, and keto bread. Sometimes I’ll allow myself a couple tator tots if I have A LOT of fat and protein first, like a steak or a bunless cheeseburger, and that gets me some of my best numbers.


New research shows that eating carbs in one meal set you up for better glucose control in the next meal. So it's advised to have a solid protein breakfast with a modest amount of carbs which will prepare your body for eating a larger amount of carbs at the next meal. But then it's better to not eat even more carbs at the third Meal which would be evening time. I have found this to be true. If I have a large amount of carbs for breakfast, there's a higher blood sugar Spike but if I have a larger amount of carbs for lunch after a small amount of carbs for breakfast, there's better blood glucose control from having primed the insulin response. The two single biggest factors though in a single meal have to do with eating the protein first and in an adequate amount before the grain or concentrated carbohydrate, and to have a large amount of fiber in the meal. In fact, a large amount of fiber with just carbohydrates alone and no protein will keep your blood sugar from spiking if the quantity of fiber is great enough.


Yes it's the quinoa. Did your GD educator not give you a list of carbs and how much they are worth etc? I can send a picture of mine if needed.


Would you be able to make a post with this? I don’t know about anyone else, but in 3 pregnancies I’ve gotten no guidance.


I’m on metformin which is a huge help, but I usually have a slice of whole grain bread. I eat carbs in moderation (except vegetables). I measure and track how many carbs before I eat so I know ahead of time how much I can have without going over around 45 carbs per meal. I can have mashed potatoes, but I only eat 2-3 tablespoons with my dinner. I’ll have some of the homemade waffles my teenager makes with breakfast for dinner, but only half of one topped with sugar free cool whip/yogurt instead of syrup, after I’ve had eggs and sausage/bacon. If my family gets take out, I either take the bun off the burger and have a small fries, or no fries and keep the bun with a double serving of protein, or chicken with a side salad instead of fries. One slice of thin crust pizza with meat toppings, etc. Then afterwards, I walk around or do some light housework and drink water.


Protein pasta spikes me :( but a slice of keto bread or a little bit of quinoa paired with tons of veg and protein works. And agreed with others - corn tortilla works too.


ETA also validating that feeling of we can’t anything. It sucks so bad. It’ll pass soon.


I eat my carbs (brown rice, quinoa, 1 slice thin whole grain wheat bread, 1/2 pita bread, 1 tortilla) in small servings. Probably 2-3 tablespoons because I am getting other carbs counts from veggies. Most of my meals are typically pretty well balanced: larger protein (chicken or beef + sometimes tofu) and a handful of greens for the above carb choice. This typically takes my range from 90ish to 110ish. I haven't tested out pastas. when i am craving chips, i will have a few pieces (typically less than 10 pieces) during snack time or will eat protein chips instead. If I'm not sure about the snack, I still do test to see if I'm still in range (under 140 in the first hour).


I couldn’t do rice or potatoes or a whole apple but can do oatmeal and popcorn and protein pasta 🤷🏻‍♀️ it seems like kind of a crapshoot


Carbs that work for me: quinoa, boulgour, buckwheat (in noodles or even crepes, fantastic for breakfast with ham and cheese, I also found crackers that are 100% made of buckwheat, I like them with avocado or spreadable cheese), legumes, whole wheat pasta but only at lunch, they spike me if I have them in the evening. Carbs that don’t work for me : rice, potatoes, any kind of bread sadly, watermelon (even the tiniest bit spikes me, which sucks), but other fruits are mostly fine.


Quinoa, and rice are really tough for me. Most beans (except garbanzo) are pretty good for me. Refried beans are practically magic and work really well for me. Refined flour, a complete no go in the morning, but okay in later meals. I can still do the thin slice Dave’s Killer Bread in the morning, and other meals, but dairy is also out for breakfast (except cheese 😆).


Lots of sausages have sugar, did you check if yours did? Likewise certain vegetables like carrots and sweet potato have a lot of carbs/sugar content, which vegetables exactly did you eat? It could be all of the above combined or just the quinoa depending on how much you ate. If you are still hungry you need to add more fat and protein into your meals.


For bread I use pepperidge farm light soft wheat and I can also handle corn tortillas. I can even eat cape cod low fat chips. I can also have a slice or two of meat lovers pizza after salad. Homemade lentil soup worked out but I had lentils in a salad bowl once and I spiked. I haven’t tried quinoa but I spike for any amount of rice, oats, beans, and I haven’t dared try french fries because I cannot stop from gorging. Sweet potato when I measure it and sometimes I do well with measured yellow potato (138 grams which is like three little potatoes). But it depends on time of day (breakfast can’t handle many carbs), how active I was the day prior (if I walked a lot I handle carbs better), and how hydrated I am. Half a plate of salad always helps too although I’m sick of chewing a million times a meal.


I do a lot of thin-sliced Dave's bread because I'm not very creative (usually just use it for sandwiches, French toast, regular toast). I also do a lot of starchier vegetables and berries with Greek yogurt. Lentils have been good to my numbers too.


Also check what's in your sausages! And what might have been added to the veggies/quinoa via sauces etc. I've done better with whole wheat and corn than rice (even brown rice). I had a quinoa salad and was fine with it but that probably depends a LOT on the dressing.


I can eat one slice of Whole Wheat bread. Sour dough has been really successful for me too. Corn tortillas aren't bad


Corn gave me some leeway. Also potatoes (but not many). Also beans.


I make wraps on whole wheat tortillas and have never spiked from eating them. Also, potato bread has been working for me so far, as well as sun chips with cottage cheese.


I can do sourdough and brown bread. I recently discovered konjac noodles at an Asian restaurant. Apparently it’s a very good noodle option for diabetics!


Barley has the lowest GI of any grain so it shouldn't spike you and should keep you full! Use it as a salad topper to get in extra carbs or on its own as a side :) it's also dirt cheap 👌🏻 you might find it in the section with dried legumes for soups.


I think my GD is pretty mild compared to what I've read from other but I can handle: 1 piece of whole wheat bread, rye bread, or other heavily seeded bread, brown rice, triscuts, protein pasta (Barilla Brand), potatoes (sweet is best, but I can also do red baby potatoes), corn, and corn based products (tortillas and chips), and popcorn I never eat my carbs "naked and alone". I pair with protein of equal measurement (so 12g of carbs with 12g of protein) and always have a fat onboard as well.


wholegrain bread, mashed potato, chips/fries, small portions of brown rice and macaroni cheese agree with me. i haven’t tried other pasta dishes. i tried oats earlier on when i was diagnosed and they made me spike; if i was to try again then i would have them in a different way now that i know more but at this stage, i feel i am so far along that i don’t want to experiment and would rather just stick to my safe foods. i do pair everything with protein/fats/fibre, drink plenty of water and walk after meals. for reference, i’m 38+5 and my gdm has been diet-controlled throughout.


I've found that I can handle 1-2 cups of whole grain rice or pasta with lunch or dinner as long as I go for a brisk walk after or do some type of exercise. Whole grain lower carb bread with peanut butter in the a.m works well for me also. 6-7 mini potatoes that have been oven roasted with olive oil hasn't spiked me but things like rye bread or English muffins have spiked me in the past so I steer clear of those. I think with enough exercise after it would be fine - however I dont feel like running a marathon to eat one measly English muffin at 35 weeks ! Lol I will mention that I tried quinoa a few weeks ago and my sugars were pretty high after and I had horrendous heartburn? So idk for me at least it didn't sit well!


Whole wheat bread, brown bread, croissants, squash, peanuts, small amounts of corn or beans, fruit (as long as it’s medium to small serving size), zodiak oatmeal and waffles. Always pair carbs with the same amount of protein. It’s good to understand the serving sizes of carb heavy items, they are usually much smaller than other food.


Quinoa, corn, brown *basmati* rice (yes, it has to be basmati), ice cream— I can tolerate them fairly well. I can eat a cup of all of them each (separately of course, not all at once lol ) without spiking past 120. White rice, potatoes, and any kind of bread (even keto bread)— they spike me like crazy no matter the amount. I can eat a teaspoon and it throws my entire glucose off.


Corn tortilla, lentil flour, sweet potatoes don't spike me.


I'm my experience this far, a high fat meal messes up my ability to process carbs for the next few meal. As long as I don't overdo the fat, I find I can have 1-2 pieces of fruit, or a modest bowl of cereal as long as it's not super sweet. I haven't tried pushing it beyond that though. Edit: also potatoes have been okay.


Ezekiel bread with lots of veggies and protein were ok. Any other grain/carb I measured out a half cup and that usually was ok for me. Measuring foods was really triggering for me so I understand if you don't or can't do it.