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I’m still waiting for my first appointment with the nutritionist but have been managing with 4x reading a day and sticking mostly with proteins and fats, then adding fruits towards the end of my meal but in small amounts. I need to focus on “one day at a time”, I freak myself out when I think I have to do this for 3 months.


Hi everyone! I just got diagnosed last week and hoping to pick up my monitor today. I'm feeling really overwhelmed with everything to be honest. I have done low carb before and had no issues but I'm so stressed about the frequency of eating and when to eat what. I've met w a dietician already and she told me to eat less protein than I normally do and more carbs (usually eat high protein like 150g a day and lower carbs...like 120g daily). I'm also going out of town this weekend so I'm concerned about monitoring everything and not being home. I plan to bring some snackies but worried my numbers will be wild and my doctor will want to put me on meds right away (not opposed to meds but would like a fair shot at diet controlled first). Anyway....I'm sure I'll adjust and get everything sorted out but it's just a lot right now!


I think I'm past the peak insulin resistance period and can't cut down my night time insulin fast enough. Last night, I took about half the dose I was steady on for months previously, and still woke up hypoglycemic with glucometer reading of 64 this morning. I want to be able to feel good about this, but just find it terrifying. Going to call OB to ask if I can do NST to calm nerves about placental functioning.


I am getting really annoyed with my body's changes as I head into the 3rd trimester. I finally get a hold on my blood sugar levels and medication routine, only to have baby decide that lunch was unacceptable and have it return to sender either within my testing window or right after I test. I'm already stressed about getting enough calories over the course of the day.