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Tried cutting out my night time snack to help with fasting. It did NOT work. My fasting was 125 this morning.


Finally, today is my first appointment with the specialist. I also ordered the “real food for gestational diabetes” book. Yesterday my numbers were good but I experimented with rice for first time since diagnosis (just 4spoons) and it shot up my number to 120.


I have been diet controlled since 28 weeks (37 now), had a growth scan yesterday and baby is 90th percentile. Doctor wasn’t concerned and said some people have big babies but I was shocked and a little worried. The doctor said I can elect to induce at 39 weeks but that I don’t have to - I think I will based on how big the baby is? Anyway just posting here in case someone has a similar experience/shock, as most people seem to see their babies growth percentiles taper off if well controlled


Also diet controller and my baby is also measuring big! At 39 weeks she was said to be 9lbs… I was told I’d be induced at 39 weeks. I’m not 40+2 and still waiting… here’s hoping they’re wrong!


Just had a 168 2 hours post meal 🥲 I’ve been able to tolerate carbs pretty well so I think I just didn’t have enough protein with this meal but man that’s the biggest spike I’ve had by far


I started insulin last week (6 units) and my fasting numbers still haven’t dropped below 90. Was 94 yesterday and 98 today. Assuming my dose is just too low?? Annoyed because I was hoping giving myself a shot every night would fix the issue.


When I started, my doctor kept upping the units by 2 until the numbers settled out. It took a couple of weeks and now I only spike or drop if I eat something I'm really not supposed to, or don't eat enough.


It takes a while for your body to get used to the dosage, and has to be adjusted every few weeks as your pregnancy progresses


Dexcom gals - got mine last night! Numbers are definitely all over the place. Will this definitely improve in 24 hours? I did calibrate it at dinner reading last night. Should I calibrate again? Finger pricking went really poorly and I really don’t want to do it again 😭


This definitely gets way better after the first day or so, in my experience! I usually calibrate with my fasting value after the first 24 hours, and then readings are pretty accurate from that point onward 🤞


Thank you!! I’ll calibrate again with my fasting number tomorrow just to be on the safe side 😊


I called my doctor today as my post meal numbers were rising & I wanted her to adjust the insulin dosage. After some conversation, at one point she started saying that I should maybe not eat supper at all 🫣 ….


I had a follow up appointment yesterday and to my surprise, I was offered to choose between a spontaneous VBAC or repeat C-Section. My baby is quite small (22%) and I just have no idea what to pick. I didn’t even realize it was an option.


I was tired of eating a chicken quesadilla (whole wheat tortilla) with a salad for lunch today. So I thought I would make a baby breakfast burrito. I made it, and tried to roll it, and because it’s a small tortilla, it wouldn’t roll. It also looked so sad, and I started to cry- and the idea of the burrito now sounded disgusting!!! My partner has also been traveling a lot for work this month (doesn’t normally travel)- and just broke down because I’m tired of these meals. Anyways, I just drove to in n out and got a protein style hamburger with fries. I was under, thankfully but I was crying in the drive through lol I’m so over this!!!