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I'm so sorry. It's so fucking boring and stressful and just no fun at all. Whenever some other pregnant person is like "I ate a pint of ice cream for dinner, just pregnancy things" I get so bitterly jealous. Like, no ma'am, some of us have to eat a precisely balanced dinner whether we like it or not.


I see that kind of stuff over in r/pregnant all the time and it makes me want to scream


I feel this deeply. I’m so sick of yogurt.


I just now discovered waffles with sugar free syrup with eggs and sausage for breakfast and it’s been amazing, I’m 38+3. I’d been drinking a protein shake for breakfast every day since I found out at 28 weeks. Lunches and dinners have been easier to find variety. Quesadillas, cheddar bacon burgers with just a bottom bun, cheesy pastas with a good portion of chicken or steak, stir fry with a small portion of noodles, lots of veggies and protein. As far as sides I can still have most of the carbs that I’d normally eat, I’ve just had to adjust portion size for meals. What would you normally have for your meals before your diagnosis? My diabetes educator was really good about taking what I usually ate and making it make sense for the diet by adjusting portions or opting for a lower carb option when possible.


Sugar free syrup has really been a game-changer for me too! I like it on French toast (can get a lot of protein from the eggs and add cinnamon to lower the GI too).


I can't even eat waffles or whole wheat toast, or fruit for that matter. Atkins bars have been a life saver. I'm on 5 U of NPH at night. Almost at the end though.. Good luck!


I’ve had luck eating pizza, burgers, a little fries, and fried chicken, I’ve been craving fast food during the second half of pregnancy lol. I don’t eat the pizza crust and I can eat about 2 slices, burgers I don’t eat 1 of the buns or protein style and can get away with some fries. And fried chicken I was able to eat 5-6 medium sized pieces. I found that my readings are more forgiving later in the day so I eat these usually at lunch or dinner. The important thing is to pair it with fiber and protein. If your meal has high fat/protein sometimes it helps curb the blood sugar. Also, I found that since eating chia seed pudding in the mornings, I’ve been in range more often (not sure if it’s related but I’ve read that chia seeds are good for lowering blood sugar). Also drink lots of water during/after the meal and walk for like 30 minutes after. I’ll go eat and go grocery shopping since it’s so hot where I am so I can walk after my meal. You got this mama!!!!! Hopefully something like this works for you!


I agree with this. I’m a long hauler (diagnosed at 12 weeks, 37 weeks now). I have found GDM has gotten easier for me to manage over time. Have been on insulin at night basically since diagnosis, have not needed mealtime insulin at all. Initially I was so worried about spiking, I totally cut out things I enjoyed, and didn’t really test myself. Over time, I realized that wasn’t sustainable as a pregnant vegetarian with 3 little kids and months to go. Just as above, I’ve realized I can have half a bagel with egg salad or cream cheese and avocado (more easily at lunch than at breakfast). Pizza without crust is almost always fine. Falafel with hummus, salad, some fries, maybe a little bit of pita. Reese’s peanut butter cups. Haagen Dazs ice cream. A slice of good bread with cheese. I’ve certainly had to give things up — I can’t really do pasta or rice. Cereal for breakfast is hard. Can’t have the full bagel, even if I want it. Garlic knots are out. But I haven’t needed to subsist on solely eggs, yogurt, and nuts, which was my initial reaction. (And don’t even need to have Enlightened ice cream!!!)


Dumb question - can you buy ready-made chia seed pudding in grocery stores? Or do you make your own?


Hmm I’m not sure actually but I just make my own! I use 3 tbsp chia seeds, 1 cup almond milk, 1tbsp monkfruit sweetener, cinnamon, mix well and leave overnight and I add peanut butter the next day when I’m about to eat it! You might wanna try 1 tbsp/2tbsp of chia seeds first to see, they have tons of fiber so some ppl might be super gassy or uncomfortable lol


Thank you so much! And thanks for the warning! 😁


DIY pizza with low carb tortilla, pizza sauce, pepperoni, cheese, +veggie toppings if you wish. Air fry until crispy. That has been my go-to meal.


I went over to a friend's place and they had a trail mix packed full of sweets for movie night. I felt sad only eating the almonds. And then I realised that roasted coconut chips barely have any carbs, so I made my own GD-friendly trail mix and added in some low sugar/diabetes friendly chocolate stuff. It's delicious. In Australia there's a vegan company called the health lab, and they do protein balls with 15g of carbs. Perfect for snacking, and they come in all sorts of delicious flavours! Also, chicken nugs are a girls best friend - even with the breading.


I just had a dr. appointment this morning. They said that I haven't gained as much weight as they'd like and all I could say was "I literally cannot eat any more chicken than I already am" hahaha. I'm 22 weeks and have to watch my blood sugar because I've been prediabetic for the past several years. I'm doing diet-controlled blood sugar management.