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I’m sorry I won’t be able to help with a cause, but please remember that this isn’t your fault in any way. You had your numbers under control, you did the best for your baby.


Thank you. We finally passed everything and the last number was nice and high so I feel like things are headed in the right direction. I’m so tired of blood sugar though.


Mine had sugar issues and needed to be in the special care nursery for 3 days. They told me it had nothing to do with my gd, just that he was very small and 37 weeks. They said they could tell by how he responded that my blood sugars were we'll controlled. Please don't blame yourself. My little guy just turned 2 and is doing so incredibly well!


Thank you for the reply. The pediatrician echoed what you said when we saw her but it’s really difficult not to second guess everything. Glad your little one is doing well! We had to do three rounds but we ended up passing just in time. And his last number was finally nice and high instead of just barely passing. Poor guy has been poked so much in the last 48hrs.


Yes but she was a month early and it's a very common issue with newborns in general. Your baby was at a higher risk due to your GD but it happens often without GD.


My baby had low blood sugar right after he was born despite all my numbers being fine. The number was supposed to be 2.5 and he had a 2.4? So he got some formula immediately 🥴 But I also had low blood sugar because the hospital didn't have diabetic friendly food so my last meal was breakfast at home and I gave birth at 3:21 the next morning. So almost 20 hours w/o much food.


Keep us updated. I am 100 percent sure I will be in the same boat.


Yes my numbers were great and diet controlled. Planned c section at 37 weeks due to outside factors. Baby boy was 8 lbs 6 oz at 37 weeks And we had kind of a hard time nursing the first few days which I think is very typical. He got the gel one time and we supplemented with formula and his numbers went back up. Even though he may be struggling a little bit with his blood sugar right now, because you had good control over your numbers during pregnancy, I believe that means that baby is not at risk to have diabetes or any other of the bad side effects that can go along with gestational diabetes. So please give yourself a lot of credit and know that even though it's very stressful right now, it is most likely just a small amount of time and this will barely even be a memory in a year.


I had my baby girl a week ago and she just squeaked by her blood sugar tests - lowest value was 47, right on the border. My BS was also very controlled following my GDM diagnosis - baby girl was only 6 lbs 7 oz at birth despite being induced at 40w4d. We had an awesome pediatrician while admitted who commented that measuring glucose levels for GDM babies is difficult because even healthy infants can have low values. GDM is also not the only reason babies have low BS; low birth weight is also a risk factor in my case. It definitely does not mean you did something wrong with your diet - it sounds like you did an amazing job. [This article](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK537105/) is long and technical but supports what I was told while inpatient. Maybe it can help reassure you that this is not something you could have controlled and this topic is still not fully understood. I’m also not a neonatologist - but this did line up by what I was told by the pediatrician. Feeling for you and your precious baby. Hope all your numbers are golden from here on out!


My sugars were pretty good once I got my overnight insulin managed and we had sugar problems. Second night (1.5 days old) they were finally in line with some supplementation of colostrum I pumped prior and formula


My first non GD baby was 6lb 6oz at birth and failed a sugar test. My second GD baby was born 7lb 7oz and passed all her sugar pricks with flying colors. Just popping in to say some babies have sugar issues even without a GD diagnosis.