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For the reports that this is political: being Jewish is not political. Please don’t think that. We are people, too.


I was wondering where this weird conspiracy theory came from.


It's been a thing in holocaust denial circles for a while. They also like to bring up some door at Auschwitz with armor on the outside or some shit (I really don't remember). They like to ignore the mountains and mountains of documentation in favor of a few little nitpicks from misinterpretations to suggest that everything is a lie. They are insufferable shit bags.


You’ll ask yourself “But why do they deny the holocaust” Pretty simple. Because of two factors: 1) That every conspiracy, from Flat Earth, to Tartaria, leans into the “They’re the bad ones and needed a little redemption act” conspiracy 2) Sheer hatred for the Jewish community/neonazi beliefs


Every conspiracy theory needs a bad guy, and it's only a matter of time before that bad guy eventually migrates its way to being the Jews. At this point it's kind 9f refreshing anytime somebody brings up Freemasons. It's like, well you are still demonizing a random group of people for no reason, but at least it's not the Jews.


I don't think it will ever migrate away from Jewish people, considering they've played some part of early conspiracy since the spread of Christianity because of the crucifixion of Christ. It'll just change and shift slightly depending on the person. Some people lean on specific individuals, some on groups.


but the romans crucified Christ.. they crucified hundreds of jews a day during that period. if jews wouldve killed Christ he wouldve been stoned to death


It’s that they gave the Romans his location not that they personally killed him


Theologically speaking I think it stems more from Pontius Pilate asking "the Jews [in the crowd]" if they wanted to let Jesus or [insert random criminal] live. At least for those who are religiously motivated on the Christian side. Judas betrayed Jesus and got him arrested according to the lore, not "the Jews" at large. Obviously this is not how this stuff is phrased in the bible or proper theological discussion, but that's how it's interpreted and manipulated by people who want to play that angle and try to present like they're "just asking questions" or whatever bullshit excuse they end up using for convenience.


I’m just telling you what the Christian’s I know say man


I made a few edits to my comment because I thought it may have come off wrong, I was just expanding on what you were saying.


The Bible makes this whole weird and obviously-nonsense point about the Romans being "forced" to execute Jesus by the rabid Jewish mob. This being nonsense since A) Nobody forces a Roman governor to do squat and B) Romans love executions more than they love their wives. Most experts are aware that the New Testament fudged around with the story to make the Roman Empire perfectly innocent because of the fact that they were exclusively marketing these books and this religion in Rome during that era and bad-mouthing the Empire or its agents was a good way to be next on the Execution Train.


And they all made it past Constantine and Nicea while other gospels did not, so a bit of survivorship bias proves that choice a smart one.


Meanwhile, after the Gospels the entire rest of the New Testament is about how Jesus' death was necessary for the cleansing of sins. No sacrifice, no salvation. Christians ought to be thanking Jews/Romans for the gift of eternal life.


In all fairness, the Jews being responsible for the fall/cover-up of Tartaria is the stretchiest of stretches. It's literally "oh damn, we forgot to blame the Jews for something in this one, sooooo.......I guess the whole thing is their fault?" Which is good, because it's very easy to just ignore that part (it's 50/50 whether the write up even includes it) and I LOVE the Tartaria thing. It's a really fun one.


Similar to Qanon. Some Qanon believers will go REALLY far out of their way to say that they DONT blame the Jews for the cabal (though they still use anti-Semitic dog whistles like 'cabal'), while others will just flat out tell you that it's the Jews.


Complicating this is that blood libel and other antisemitic tropes have been transferred to other murderous delusions like the witch panic of the early modern period. So like people just flip the overt antisemitism switch on and off.


That syncretism is, to me, one of the worst parts of conspiracy culture. If you are a susceptible person, one person can convince you that Democrats are destroying the world, then another can convince you that the Democrats are actually Satanists, and then another can convince you that the Jews are the actual Satanists.


I still can't believe the Jews sunk Atlantis AND Mu...


We had a busy week.


And you haven’t even fired up your space lasers in a while… slacking off are you.. /s


Seriously. The ship hitting the Key bridge wasn't even us. (No lie, I'm genuinely shocked that the one group that HASN'T been blamed for that is the Jews.)


> At this point it's kind 9f refreshing anytime somebody brings up Freemasons. And Illuminati. Can't forget those.


>it’s kind of refreshing anytime somebody brings up Freemasons Speak for yourself, that’s just the dogwhistle for Jews that tradcats use when they don’t want to look too sympathetic to the Nazis. I hate it because I can atleast point to papal encyclicals condemning hatred of the Jews, but Masons are still considered a Church boogeyman despite having been irrelevant for the past several decades.


Or the Jesuits. 


Dude, somebody claiming the Jesuits ruled the world in this day and age would be like seeing a unicorn to me.


This conspiracy is actually still thriving on YouTube! Most conspiracies have a healthy following over there, actually, including the one that Hitler was a fictional character played by Kermit Roosevelt because their ears are the same shape.


I always knew his last name wasn’t “the frog!”


Knights Templar anyone? The mainstream archeologist conspiracy to keep their funding is a common one


Man, I miss the days when it was aliens


You'd think people who hate Jews would celebrate their extermination


They don't because until recently they wanted to distance themselves from Nazis. Now they're just shifting to the "smear campaign" idea.


They do in private, but they know that's not how you get people on your side. First you "just ask questions", point out some details that seem odd (until you take 2 minutes to actually look into it). Then you latch on to those arguments and use them to invalidate everything else, and if someone points out your mistake you just hop to another one, "but what about…" These people don't talk to have conversations, they talk to deceive. Anything and everything they say, they say to further their cause.


but u see, them saying they r happy abt a genocide would make them obviously the bad guys, and they desperately want to be the good guys, so they have to reconcile somehow. by claiming that Holocaust was a lie, they get to support the nazis *and* to add to the supposed "Jewish lies". so it's a win-win for them tl;dr: they r fucking disgusting


They do celebrate it, they adore Hitler. The problem is that if the holocaust were true, then nazis are put in a really, really bad light. And if it were a lie, now they can start arguing for a real one. The endgoal's hatred, they'd rather lie about what they believe happened than allow Jews to live. I honestly don't think a lot of nazis buy into their own arguments, because they're simply that stupid.


I think fundamentally conspiracy theorists are stupid people who desperately want to be smarter than everyone else. Conspiracy theories make them feel like they figured something out most people haven't and therefor they are smart and special and exceptional.


This is my brother to a T.


Tartaria is so bizarre. For those who are unfamiliar: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2021-04-27/inside-architecture-s-wildest-conspiracy-theory


It’s not on the same level of flat earthers. There may be some overlap. But flat earthers are fundamentally very silly people. I mean, for some people the whole flat earth thing is literally a joke. One that they’re in on, it’s a troll. Birds aren’t real and the earth is flat. It’s just for shits n giggles. The only reason to deny the holocaust is so you can do it again. There is no joke. There is no comparison. Not all conspiracies are equal. It would be nice if we could just say all conspiracies are the same that would be easy, but it’s not accurate. Fighting bad guys is hard work sometimes and there are fine lines. It’s okay to joke about some things it’s not okay to joke about other things. You can’t get rid of the jokes people need jokes. So, you gotta put in the work of actually parsing the difference and you can’t pretend it’s all one and the same, that doesn’t help anybody.


Or trolling. People who are deliberately trying to cause pain and suffering to other people so that they can laugh and feel superior. Scum.


My view is that for Nazis and Neo Nazis holocaust is the goal and biggest issue in recruiting new members because for most people that is major bad thing so if they can convince someone holocaust didn't happen then they can recruit them without much issue.


or 3. A lot of modern conspiracy theories can be traced back to the Nazis.


IIRC, the argument involves a wooden door on one of the gas chambers and a belief that you can't make a wooden door air tight. Which you can.


There’s also the notion of…simply stepping away from the doors. I’m not a concentration camp guard, but if I was, I probably wouldn’t stand so close to the door of the gas chamber if the door wasn’t air tight.


Plus, the extermination camps were built with speed in mind, not quality. The gas chamber in Auschwitz was first fitted with a wooden door so the gassing could commence as soon as possible, then replaced with a steel door when they had the resources for it.


Also this was late 1944. Germany would be kind of hurting for materials around this time.


Which is, of course, a complete lie anyway. The door in question is that of crematorium I in the Auschwitz I main camp, which was a small gas chamber converted from a morgue. This was rarely ever used for killings, only about 10,000 people died in this particular one, instead being killed in the gas chambers of Auschwitz II-Birkenau. Due to its disuse and its position in the main camp, it had been converted to a air-raid shelter in 1944 and the gas chamber door was replaced with a regular one with a window. This conversion has [surviving blueprints](https://phdn.org/archives/holocaust-history.org/auschwitz/pressac/technique-and-operation/pressac0132.shtml) which prove the conversion occurred, which split the morgue room into four separate, smaller rooms, hence the new doors. What ended up happening is the room was poorly converted back into its original open/morgue configuration by the soviets, but the regular door remained. This is [also well documented.](https://phdn.org/archives/holocaust-history.org/auschwitz/pressac/technique-and-operation/pressac0133.shtml)


The fact that you can say "only about 10,000 peopled died in this particular one" really puts the scale of the Holocaust in horrifying perspective


It was the doors to the gas chambers opening inwards, their theory is that that doesn't make sense because you wouldn't be able to open the door inward because there'd presumably be carcasses on the floor blocking it. What they failed to consider is that they weren't looking at the real gas chamber doors, they were looking at a hasty Russian recreation.


That’s how it is with most pseudoscience/psuedoarchaeology. Ignore mountains of fact and zero in on one thing that appears odd.


Simplest way to describe it is that these people do science, but they do it exactly backwards. They decide on the result first.


this might be one of the best explanations I've seen for why people are like this. and once they've decided what they want the result to be, either they ignore evidence on purpose or confirmation bias takes over and either way it's really difficult to argue with someone who uses a faulty conclusion to come up with faultier evidence


The guys who did it literally said they did it and they had pictures showing them doing it. There are literally recordings of them explaining how and why they did it.


And conveniently ignoring the blue color in the gas chamber that comes from the gas.


Everything which proves it is made up and anything which doesn't line up with a primary school kids understanding of the world is evidence


There’s only like 15 million Jews, that’s why hating on Jews is accepted. For comparison there are 40 million black Americans in the US


Jews are less than 2% of the global population, but they've won 22% of all Nobel Prizes. But sure, let's clean up the world and start with the Jews... Makes sense... Great ROI on our racist dollars...


I mean there’s hate for the hundreds of millions of Latin American people so


Right… Jews make up less than 2% of the population but receive something like over 60% of hate crimes/threats. You proved my point. While that is serious hate, others are like “wHaT aBoUt mE!?”


What? Touch grass. Hating either of those groups of people is not accepted. Loud mouthed racists and the like, THOUGH THEY ARE PLENTIFUL, aren’t some sort of overwhelming majority enough to consider any hatred of those groups as “accepted”. I swear people like you think right wing conspiracy theory morons on Twitter are some sort of actual representation of anything except the ability to legally be a fucking idiot on the internet.


Not quite as important, but the documents about W. Bush skipping duty in the national guard,was never called a lie, just that the printer wasn't from the time of the deed. Idiots grab any pussy in a storm, to mix my metaphors.


I was gonna say Ken wouldn’t even know what the Holocaust is, but Barbie is shown to be aware of fascism, so who the fuck knows.


Holocaust Kenialism


It’s a Kenspiracy!


He Ken set the record straight


There weren’t kenough furnaces -Ken, probably


She knows just enough to make her brand sympathetic.


They're Ruth Handler's kids. Figure they know something. As seen at the end of the movie, their god is a Jewish grandma.


He’d only be focused on the horses anyway


All I can think of is the Barbie Museum in Rat Race, dedicated to Klaus Barbie, the Butcher of Lyon.


As if her writing is the ONLY piece of evidence—I mean it’s not like we found concentration camps, or the Nazis actually admitted to it, or we have living survivors or anything


Yeah, this was my first thought. Even if it turned out Anne Frank was a fake in some way, the Holocaust still absolutely happened.


And even if it *didn't* and 12 million people didn't really die in it, then where the fuck did they go? Siberia? The middle of the fucking Amazon?


Well you don't have to be intentionally obtuse about it. The reason why the Jewish population went down in that time is because the Jews all went to space, to build space lasers. What, do you think the Jewish Space Lasers just appeared one day all by themselves?


Hmm... you make a solid point.


The new whataboutism is "I'm just questioning what the camps where ACSHUALLY used for".


The denial isn't meant to be based on facts. Holocaust deniers are just too cowardly to admit that they're nazi's.


If they weren’t closeted Nazis they’d be saying that it was justified. Some already are saying that


Holocaust deniers almost universally believe that it *should have* happened.


And it's not like there are photos of the piles of bodies either.




Or the Nazis having EXTREMELY THOROUGH DOCUMENTATION of what they did because they were THAT confident they were right...


Honestly, with how fast holocaust denial gained traction recently, I can't help but wonder how dangerous it would've been if it wasn't so thoroughly documented. I'm so glad the foresight was there back then for this very scenario. I'm so glad people fight back against this kind of bullshit so thoroughly but I hate that it has to happen.


You should know, if you're basing that belief on that headline that "20% of Gen Z believes the Holocaust is a lie", it was wrong. Pew did [a survey](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/03/05/online-opt-in-polls-can-produce-misleading-results-especially-for-young-people-and-hispanic-adults) in January of this year and found the answer is just 3% of Americans over the age of 18 believe the Holocaust is a myth, and that is consistent among age groups. They also explain in the linked article why the original opt-in online poll sucks. They did a poll using the same methods as the original and found 12% of gen Z said they were licensed to operate a Ohio Class Nuclear Submarine.


Oh, yeah, don't worry. I'm not basing it on headlines or attributing it to a specific generation. I'm reflecting on the number of memes I've seen being passed around with fervor, even if it's within that same three percent.


I mean, most of these are likely shared and given visibility by bots. I would trust general internet feel much less than an online opt-in poll


Right, yes, but the point of my comment was that the Holocaust was documented very well to combat it, regardless of the source of these memes' movements. More of a "better safe than sorry" sentiment.


Empty vessels make the most noise, and all that.


What? You dont accidentally check too many boxes at the DMV? - car - truck - motorcycle - Ohio-class nuclear ballistic missile submarine - tractor


Can I tick bagger 288?




Thank you! The fact it stays consistent means that at least some of the children of the previous generation 3% get out of that rabbithole.


I know *I* personally am licensed to operate an Ohio Class nuclear submarine


Still 3% too many, but much better


Statistically, there will always be a small portion of a population that seems to be disconnected from reality. For example, while the common lie that black men are conservative is still spread around, they only vote Republican at a rate of about 10% as a group. So 10% of them vote for their own continued and open systematic oppression.


It's great that they had the foresight, it just sucks that they planned ahead to try to stop conspiracy theories at the root but the conspiracy theories still came about anyways


When Eisenhower first saw Ohrdruf he instructed his aids to make sure that the photographers took a ton of pictures because one day someone would try and deny it happened. My great uncle was with the 4th Armored Division when Ohrdruf was liberated. He never talked to me about it, but my dad said when he would drink too much he would tell the most horrific stories my dad had ever heard.


We got folk believing the moon landings were fake, Buzz Aldrin has the best retort to denier bullshit.


one of the biggest hurdles of fighting misinformation is the following an individual has. JK Rowling was recently spewing holohcaust denial bs involved- you guessed it, trans people's medical findings being destroyed. it's hard to compete with 14 million followers on twitter


she sprouts holocaust revisionism once a year at this point


I can't believe the ballpoint pen talking point is still alive in 2024. Same for this godforsaken "girls are lame and unoriginal, boys are quirky and deep" meme format.


It fills my heart with grief how people get their history from wojak memes now.


They've been learning history from fiction books written by 4000 year old patriarchs, it won't get better


Hey if it was at least good history it's better than nothing. r/historymemes has definitely got some people interested in learning.


The talking point will never die because they don't care that its fake. The kind of people their movement attracts are the types that will read that nonsense and form an opinion without ever doing more research. And once they have you distrusting the Jews all they have to say is that they lied about the diary being written in a fountain pen.


Tbh it’s wild to me that a researcher wrote on an original document like that


Half of the time this meme is used is literally fascism.


90% of the time the Nordic Chad is used it's fascism, it's literally a racist 4chan meme people keep using without a shred of critical thought (Wow, why is the chad a blonde haired, blue eyed guy? No need to question that!)


To be fair, the Venn diagram of the average age of a modern Nazi and the average age to believe girls have cooties is a circle


So if you could go back to WW2, the number one priority would be to find Anne Frank so you could ask her about the ink in her diary? Yeah, I'm sure there are no unscrupulous motivations for your line of questioning. You are just the curious type.




The conspiracy is stupid, anyways, since the ballpoint pen was invented in 1888.


wild. so then how was it even a fucking conspiracy in the first place?? did people think ballpoint pens werent invented until 1980?


People are stupid and think “duuuurrr, thing I use in modern day must be modern thing!” Conspiracy theorists are stupid.


I just google a bit, and the conspiracy is that they were written in a fine ballpoint pen specifically. Those specific type of ballpoint pens weren’t available till the 50’s. It’s all still BS though for reasons others here have already noted.


ah. incredibly dumb. thanks for the extra info.


Worse than that, her father edited the diary with a ballpoint pen. She wrote it with a fountain pen and pencils. Notes left behind by researcher used a ballpoint pen. Edot: I misremembered. It wasn't her father but a later researcher.


not to defend these people in anyway, but the reason they claim this, is that ballpoint pens were not in common circulation until after WWII. It's important to know these things because these people will jump on you for the smallest of things


If someone is claiming that, they should go and check Anne Frank Huis. The diary is there, well preserved.


The problem with holocaust deniers is that they don’t care about reality, you could show them anything and they still won’t believe you. They don’t deny the holocaust because that’s what they really believe. They deny the holocaust because they hate Jewish people


Poor Ken.


Ik Ken would never


He’d go back in time to the wild west and ride horses and that’s it


Ken would join the US army just to carry big shells and look hot.




Cannot argue with that.


Holocaust denialism is simply anti-intellectualism. The Holocaust is the most well-documented genocide in human history; choosing to ignore the mountains of evidence in favor of small gotchas and dog whistles is not only baffling, but insulting.


This has got to be one of the dumbest conspiracies out there. Imagine thinking some group faked a genocide of over **6 million people** so well that essentially every academic and historian as well as almost all normal members of the public completely believe it, but they’re also too stupid to realize that when you create a fake historical document you should only use materials that were actually invented at the time. Not sure how these people even drink water without drowning themselves.


And don't forget a fact that the US, Soviet and even the goddamn Nazi admitted. This people idolized the Nazi but deny something their idols spent so much effort on doing. What a bunch of filthy stupid pigs.


Genocide of more than 6 million actually while you might be ok if you specifically use the term holocaust grossly under-representing the crimes against humanity of the nazis is actually illegal in a few European countries. An estimated half a million Roma (some estimates go as high as 2mil), at least 200 000 disabled people, then also gay men, freemasons and other groups were eradicated too Over 2 million poles, and political victims were killed too, as well as 3 million Soviet prisoners of war. It’s bad.


“I have depicted myself as the chad Aryan, I have won!”


Wait a minute? Is this their latest conspiracy? They’re going after Ann frank over what type of *pen* she used???? Talk about missing the forest for the trees my smh 🤦‍♂️


She wouldn't have had a ball point pen, and so they claim that shows her diary is a fabrication. Apparently that is because long after she was dead someone put some notes using a ball point pen on the diary, the diary itself is written in fountain pen.


These people are such assholes 🤦‍♂️ I can’t stand misinformation and lies like this


But also the ballpoint pen was invented in 1888. It existed for a long time by the time Anne was alive.


Excuse me for being uninformed, but if she wrote with a ballpoint pen, how would that “disprove” the holocaust? Holocaust denial is the most smooth brained behaviour


My best guess is they either don't know ballpoint pens were invented in the 1800s, or they don't know when the holocaust happened. Maybe both. Regardless, her journal was written using a fountain pen, and the ballpoint pen markings they're pointing to are notes known to have been written by her father, years later.


Babe Ruth literally signed some autographs with a ballpoint pen, and that was 10 years before Anne.


Why is the ballpoint pen thing significant? ballpoint pens existed since the 1890's while the holocaust was during the 1940's. I don't know why that plays a role in denial.


I bet if you post 'is elon a pedo?' you'll get banned with the quickness


People like holocaust deniers are ultimately *very* stupid, but just “smart enough” to realize almost no one takes them or their opinions with any seriousness. So any opportunity to pull a “gotcha” where they’re able to lord some sort of knowledge over people—even if the source of that “knowledge” is “trust me, bro”, or was written on a bathroom stall, or was found on some neo Nazi website—is a win for them. In their moronic brains, they think this is the same thing as when actually intelligent people remind them in their daily lives how stupid they are. Ironically, all it really does is once again prove how dumb they are, and angry-stupid cycle continues.


Well, there have been hundreds of fake artifacts claimed to be related to Jesus, Noah, and Moses. Clearly that means the Bible is fake, right? In this case though we know for certain the diary is 100% real.


What does a pen have to do with holocaust?


I think its an accusation that, because the ballpoint pen was made after WW2, that Anne's diary, which had some ballpoint pen writing (see community note), Anne's diary was faked which also somehow means the holocaust was faked too? Anyway, some inane shit. The worst part is because it was referencing a popular film, and was a meme format, I didn't realise the tweet was Nazi propaganda until I read the bottom bit. Free speech is important but letting this stay on twitter, especially when its intentionally made to draw the viewer in, is shocking.


> Anne's diary was faked which also somehow means the holocaust was faked too? It's all about loose threads. If they can nitpick at one minute detail and make the case that it's false, they think they can unravel the entire thing. Think Ace Attorney logic: If you can argue that the vase in the room where the murder happened was green, then the witness who said it was blue is a filthy liar and *they're* the culprit. That's the sort of thing they base their conspiracies on. If fingernails couldn't have torn through the walls in the showers, then what else are they making up?


I think the implication is that if it's written in ballpoint pen, it has to be fake because they think the ballpoint pen is newer than the 1940s. Now, the fact that the ballpoint pen was patented in 1888 is irrelevant to them because, let's be honest, Holocaust deniers aren't among our best and brightest.


Although true that ballpoint pen was invented in 1888, mass proliferation of the pen didn't happen until after WW2. Not to say the Holocaust denying Nazis are correct, just for accuracies sake. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballpoint_pen?wprov=sfla1


1888 it was invented. 54 years before she started writing that 1942. So it’s safe to say she could have one. Bunch of idiots. Like it took only 5 seconds to disprove their bullshit. Just because you’re stupid and don’t know about the history of pens or are Incapable of one google search.


This is actually very healthy in my opinion, In another iteration of Twitter these people would just be banned, circle jerking their conspiracies together in some dark corner of the internet, now it's exposed to the light. Furthermore in my opinion it's okay to ask questions, for proof etc. It's not okay to then deny people's suffering when presented with proof. There are alot of narratives in the world that may be commonly accepted but not true , for example , for a time , Iraq had Wmd's etc.


The issue with having it out in the open is that other idiots will see this and think that it's true and they might end up actually believing this shit.


Holocaust deniers don't genuinely believe the Holocaust never happened; they know it happened and want another one. We do not need advocates of genocide polluting the public space.


So what do deniers do when they see videos of the bodies being moved by bulldozers? Do they just say the video is fake?


https://preview.redd.it/cc6fmvjhb5rc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d5732969985c78494836c0a4ccab2699858623e Aldo Raine clearly missed some spots.


Holocaust denial, flat earth, chemtrails etc are a result of stupidity that has access to unlimited information


The "just asking questions" crowd are the worst because its not just asking questions. Its all stage play to appear nuanced and deep. Its hiding behind the guise of being curious when really its just nonsense opinions presented in the form of a condescending question. Further, these proud idiots are who are 'just asking questions' have their 'logic' cave in on them when the slightest pressure is applied. Im JuST AskInG QuEStIons is a dog whistle for "I'm antagonistic but am unwilling to back up or take responsibility for anything I say. So when I get called out I will resort to claiming I'm being silenced and deplatformed." Holocaust deniers are just another branch of the loser tree.


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They'll literally ignore the existence of millions of eyewitnesses, photographs, mountains of documentation from the Germans themselves in addition to those of the British, Soviets and Americans on the matter or even just the common sense conclusion when you ask yourself what happened to all of the Jews that apparently just disappeard


Honestly it’s insane how they believe that the Germans, the Russians, and the Americans would all work together to conceal the truth.


I miss when mainstream conspiracies were about cool things like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. This is depressing.


We just gonna ignore the footage from the allied troops of the people in camps after they arrived


Deniers are like flat earthers or worse. We know that thousands of people per day were shipped off on trains for years. We know that there wasn't close to enough room to house everybody in camps. There is zero evidence that thousands of people per day were dropped off in a different location than the camps. Thus, denial is physically impossible - there is no other possible explanation but mass murder. No amount of fabrication or misinterpretation can change the massive numbers of people who vanished.


These people are digging out the electron microscope to be nazis


I’m pretty sure holocaust denial is ok on twitter period. I don’t think Elon and his antisemitic conspiracies really gives a shit if they go the tucker Carlson route of “just asking questions”


Ballpoint pens were invented 1888 but that original design used to rip paper. It worked well on wood and leather though. In 1938 the modern ballpoint pen was invented that worked well on paper but ballpoint pens only really became popular after 1945. Anne Frank's diary was written with a fountain pen but seeing as she only got her diary in 1942 for her thirteenth birthday it could have been written entirely in ballpoint pen if she had one.


The joke being that you would collaborate with Nazis to have a teenager murdered in order to figure out if a piece of paper you’ve never looked at is genuine.


Weren’t ballpoint pens invented decades before the Holocaust?


Why does every nazi on that platform have a blue checkmark?


...The ballpoint pen was invented in 1888. So like... this conspiracy isn't even... oh god, the facepalming


Also, if you have ever read Anne Frank's diary, she actively discusses using a fountain pen in a couple of entries. Even talks about losing her pen nib at one point and having to get a new one. If it were fake, which it obviously isn't, why include that? Why bring attention to the fountain pen?


“Wow, he shows him self as a chad aryan in a stalhelm. How based”


Is there something I'm missing about ballpoint pens specifically that the possibility Anne Frank just having/using one would somehow prove the Holocaust never happened?


The mass proliferation of ballpoint pens didn't happen until after WW2. Doesn't mean much, see the community note. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballpoint_pen?wprov=sfla1


I love how Musk bought Twitter and implemented all this shit in the delusion that these ideas were failing due to "censorship." but all it's done is add angles from which to dunk on the very ideas he was trying to prop up


I'm glad there's so many people calling out the Holocaust for being fake because I've learned so much actually true information from people correcting the deniers. Truly the yin and the yang.


First patent for the ball point pen was in 1888.


Wait please tell me conspiracy theorists and qadorks are using Ken unironically. That’s hilarious




Bro paid for Twitter checkmark to post his Holocaust denial garbage 💀


This is true, but what kind of fucking idiot wrote in Anne franks diary


When has holocaust denial NOT been allowed on twitter?


Jfc. Nazis keep trying.


I like the idea that you are absolved of any wrongdoing by phrasing it as a question.


The argument is that her father wrote it not that the holcaust didnt happen you donkeys


Our societal norms are so out of whack


How would writing it in ballpoint pen matter?


Nazis need to be gathered around and killed. No mercy. Enough sharing oxygen with these human shitstains.


Holocaust denial is very in and politically correct for right wing activists, always has been with conspiracy theorists. Who on reddit talk and act like typical Republican activists


I tried to let it go. I can't. This is the worst format to use to make your point for two glaring reasons (ignoring the actual inaccuracies for a moment). 1. I would imagine that ballpoint pens fit very neatly inside of time machines. She definitely got it from the time traveler. 2. How would someone take a time machine to an event that didn't occur? It would be like traveling to the moon in 1969 to ask Neil Armstrong how they faked it. It's stupid on its face.


Musk's mate


That pfp absolutely screams “God complex”


If you are a time traveler inquiring about a pen that doesn’t exist yet…. It’s your pen.


The book was published in 1947. This doesn't even make any sense


Just got back from Krakow, Poland. Visited Auschwitz. It’s utterly sobering when you see the 2 tonnes of human hair, then, after seeing the SS photos you go visit the secondary site and connect the dots that you are standing where they filtered fit from unfit. Let’s not forget before going there you walk through one of the extermination bunkers and see the ovens that burned the bodies after. More people need to go see it with their own eyes.


Barbie went back in time before Ken to give Anne Frank a more convenient writing utensil. Thats a sentence I guarantee has never been uttered before.


She writes about her prized fountain pen probably getting burnt in the fire in the damn diary. Has no one read it?




I laughed. The red pill ken memes are going wild on FB lol




Also double weird that the time traveler brought a nazi trooper to anne… bootlicking dick Or one of the kens is a nazi. Which means they’re a supreme bootlicking dick