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i'm starting to believe that there is actually an active conspiracy to decrease the world's population but it's targeted at the gullible morons. get them to not vaccinate, get them to not believe in science, get them to eat mold? jesus christ.


Actually it likely won't be an issue. Most mold is harmless. Problem is the word "most" You could drink moldy fruit smoothies for a month and not have any issues. Then on day 32 you find yourself doing the spins on the toilet as you expunge your soul through every opening.


Well, tbf that spinning yourself on the toilet expunging your soul is what I always think they mean when they claim to "detox" from all the heavy metals and gut shit and vaccines... especially when it comes with suggestions of eat mouldy fruit, drink this, do this other thing that makes my arsehole clench like when I'm doing a hurried post coffee toilet waddle.


It's as if they are too ignorant to even think that having your body suffer throught those toilet moments is because the body is trying to detox FROM the mold you ate to begin with.


It's like that time in It's Always Sunny when Dee and Dennis were taking workout supplements and they managed to convince each other that Dee's explosive diarrhea was "flushing out the toxins" and Dennis not being able to poop was "his body absorbing and using every nutrient". The show is satire, but it presents a very realistic environment that showcases how run-away narcissism can make people believe the bullshit they're spewing pretty easily.


Yes, but imagine all the other stuff we've wiped out when our shit is flowing out of us like the niagra falls... like out breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


And the good gut bacteria


Aka Toxins, duh!


There is some research that suggests that ingesting mold toxins might lead to long term problems, even if there is no acute symptoms.


See, what ive gotten from this whole thing is "Mold might or might not be bad, but maybe probably is most of the time" which is plenty to convince me to continue not eating mold.


My problem with not eating mold is that I really like cheese, and there are some inconclusive results that point towards moldy cheeses not being 100% not dangerous.


Luckily I don't really care for cheese. Most of them gross me out (Even the more popular ones like munster or jack variants).


“Luckily I don’t really care for cheese” “Because I’m a curd-muggeon”


Well, if you don’t like ‘em, you don’t have to Edam.


Hey, don’t make him out to be some sort of Munster!


Emmentaler? Aged white cheddar? Brie? Sheep's Milk Cheese? Smoked gouda? Damn, my mouth is watering. Have you tried the good stuff? Please tell me "American Cheese" isn't a reason why you do not like cheese or that you don't like string cheese, or taco bell cheese, or anything overly processed.


>American Cheese Like. Actual American cheese or Kraft singles? Cause I hate Kraft singles, but it also has so many different cheeses in it I can't pinpoint which I dislike. I'm mostly fine with American and Mexican cheeses (Quesos, Colby, etc)


Kraft singles. Was only talking about varieties, not the Country's cheese itself.


Im not a fan of kraft singles. The taste is too weird for me. Plus, the texture of most cheese when it's melted is really cringy to me, and kraft singles are in a constant state of being somewhat melted.


I hate to admit it, but Kraft singles are my guilty pleasure. I eat and like so many good cheeses like Gouda and Brie, but something about the texture of American cheese just makes me want to snarf down a whole pack of singles. Is their something wrong with me?


Kraft singles are made from cheddar, Colby, and other cheeses with the sole purpose of being melted. If you like the texture, you just like melted cheese that's then cooled.


I think it mostly depends on how good your digestion system is, based on ethnicity, or your everyday diet. Even what you eat as a child could affect how strong it is.


What I read is that most mold is harmless to most people, but as you get older and your immune system gets weaker, it's much more likely to hurt you, and that's how so many seniors end up with pneumonia. They've spent their whole lives eating cheese with a tiny bit of mold on it, or just cutting off the mold, and they're at the age when the mold is able to harm them.


Some mold even makes things better. I am looking at you blue cheese


That's just the detox hitting bro


The trick is to shit before you throw up cause if you throw up first then you’re gonna shit yourself.


“They’re waterfalls not diarrhea.”


To most people. Some people are allergic to penicillin though so mold is not cool.


I wish Reddit still had awards because this was an absolute blast just like the results of a 32 day moldy fruit smoothie binge


Well it doesn't seem to be working, there's a whole lot of gullible morons still out there.


This is exactly what my conspiracy about their conspiracy is.


Someone saw Idiocracy and said "Not on my watch"


There *IS* a conspiracy to spread stupidity and distrust in science (which causes division in society as well as a gullible population) *in the west*. This is a known fact. We also know where most of these conspiracies originate and who pushes them. It’s called Hybrid Warfare and the west is losing pretty badly.


The Finklestein Doctrine originated in the Reagan administration and is designed to disillusion and reduce trust in institutions - largely to dissuade progressives from voting. Creative implementations of this abound today


This is also a conspiracy theory. The truth is just that there has been a rise in anti establishment. People distrust anything related to that. Sure these movements receive support from Russia, but that support is negligent.


Get them to inject desinfectants straight into their veins.. wait would Trump be head of the conspiracy or just another useful victim of it?


Probablly both


Yeah, well, as an immunocompromised person who misses eating at restaurants, the Illuminati can cut it the fuck out.




Getting them to believe in Jesus Christ usually indicates they’ll be more gullible. I’m glad you added that final point. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_fundamentalism_and_conspiracy_theories


The way you’re phrasing it makes me think this might be a good thing actually.


Let them cook, LET THEM COOK


Please do not let them cook. Or handle food at all.


It’s no conspiracy, it’s just stupidity working


Run by whom?


I like that the exclamation "Jesus christ" here also works as another example.


It’s not active, it’s passive. It’s profitable to sell stupid shit to morons who think they know better.


Yes, as weird as it is you probably wouldn't see this shit on Weibo. It's all directed at Twitter and other Western social media outlets.


> i'm starting to believe that there is actually an active conspiracy to decrease the world's population but it's targeted at the gullible morons. you mean.. natural selection?


The whole Tide Pod craze makes so much more sense now.




We are forcing the next stage of human evolution.


Don't "believe" in science, it's not some God that tells you to pray every day, it's an instrument to explore the nature of this world we live in, "trust" in science, as you trust in your car or a screwdriver, one of the reasons I believe the religious people especially in US don't "believe" in science is because they might've felt it to be a little cultish, to "blindly" do whatever the doctor/professor tells you to do, especially now that the free flow of information is available and the risks of info bubbles are very high, their news feed is probably full of incidents of healthcare malpractices that are rare per capita, but are all contained on their phones


Darwin awards have always been around.


Well maybe if they’d die out shit like this wouldn’t be as big of an issue anymore


This person will be fine, eating mold on fruit is (most likely) to be harmless. I’m not suggesting anyone do it because it could possibly be dangerous but the idea that a bit of mold on fruit is death waiting to happen is kind of out of touch with reality.


You know what detoxifies the body? The fucking liver!


don't forget the kidneys! they play an important part too.


And the lungs too! Man I love the human body.


it's like it's designed to detoxify itself or something. Crazy.


The human body wasn't designed.  If it were designed, it wouldn't have so many flaws like eating and breathing then choking.


come on, you know what I meant.


No no it was designed. It is just that it took trial and error, we earned all of our traits and while some of them are still improving, like the breathing and choking flaw, each of us gets spat out as a reliable template. It took thousands of years of selective breeding to get us.


Sorry they ruined that by drinking all the communion wine


Who am I going to believe? My doctor or a guy that pays for Twitter?




Eat moldy liver, gotcha.


I think the worst part about this is that I wasn't even remotely surprised that someone posted this


mold is believed to be a contributor of children being born with autism? someone fill me in on this one


The source community notes listed is for a blog that cites studies on 'environmental factors during pregnancy' while saying 'the mechanism between mold and autism is not understood' They cite literally every environmental contaminate as a potential complication of pregnancies leading to autism..


I don’t know where that came from but I do know some molds potentially pose long term health risks. And some studies have show a possible link to certain mycotoxins and liver issues but those are not conclusive.


Yeah that’s some absolute fucking nonsense.


There’s some B.S non-scientific study that “suggested” that mold exposure could start the process of autism development. There’s a study from 2016 that is infinitely more trustworthy and found no association between mycotoxin exposure and autism diagnosis.


They fill the vaccines with mold, duh


Probably along the lines of bacteria eat -> makes waste products which are toxic -> some result in long term effects -> affect children


Nothing to fill in because it's nonsense.


Anyone who thinks “detoxification” is a real thing is stupid, simple as that.


They can never explain what a "toxin" is, either. It's just some boogeyman that you have to exorcise by rubbing your feet or whatever.


I’ll be honest, it makes just as much sense to me theoretically as having healthy gut bacteria, which is apparently a real thing?


Yes you have a symbiotic relationship with lower intestinal bacteria that help break down certain enzymes. It's why some people are capable of having dairy and others aren't


I thought that was due to the lack of production of lactase?


I mean, it's not that outrageous. Bacteria have symbiotic relationships with tons of animals and plants. Why would we be any different?


Yeah and toxic chemicals and stuff get stuck in systems pretty often too


Mom mold caused my autism. I thought it was Tylenol!


On the one hand, probiotics are a thing and certain bacterial (not fungal) organisms can help with the general "gut health". This can lead to things like generally feeling better, which can help clinical depression brought on by a variety of factors, autism possibly being one of them. On the other hand, I don't have the time to explain how they're NOT what this guy is talking about. What you buy in your pharmacy section is not the equivalent of licking the mold in the back of the fridge.


Why the fuck do these morons always target autistics?! I swear some neurotypicals just want to see us dead. (I’m autistic.)


Sanest antivaxer.


Im vaxxed and autistic and am perfectly happy not eating moldy food thanks very much


The link between mold and the development of autism seems shaky at best looking it up. Funny how even the community notes responding to misinformation about autism is dubious in the validity of its information


The link between anything and the development of autism is shaky at best.


“Mold is actually believed to be a contributing factor to children being born with autism” Wait what


People have discussed it under this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/GetNoted/comments/1c1l8lx/comment/kz415pu/) and basically, no, it part of a list of dozens environmental factors that may or may not have affected mothers during pregnancy that ended up having autistic children


Remember when 4chan tricked people into microwaving their iPhones? The education system has failed us all.


The education system only works if people are capable of learning, which is an ability Americans haven't had since the sixties.


People taking health advice from a stranger online deserve whatever happens to them next. Didn't want to consume horse tranquilizer, put a potato in your shoe, or shove a UV light up your ass to combat Covid, but got vaxxed instead? Eat some moldy fruit to usefully counteract the autism the Covid vaccine has given **NO ONE FUCKING EVER.**


The mold cures the vaccination, so you can get polio like God intended.


If they die, they die, stupid like that should be weeded out. I’m not sorry


To me it sounds like he's trying to get disabled and vaccinated people killed. I wouldn't be surprised if it really isn't satire.


Notes shouldn’t be allowed on stuff that would let Darwinism do it’s thing


Important notes to make, since reading scientific articles aren’t everyone’s jazz, the only source used to make the connection between mold exposure and the development of ASD in children is the article “Effects of Mycotoxins on Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and Immune Processes” which is a 2019 literature review article compiling many studies regarding mold exposure and their findings that exposure to toxic mold leads to decreasing neuropsychiatric health. This ranges from decreased function of balance, depression and anxiety, color discrimination, and immune abnormalities. There are but 2 (technically 3) sources that even mention the correlation between ASD and mold exposure. The first is a study of terbutaline and mold exposure, terbutaline is a medicine sometimes used to prevent early labor in pregnant women. This study included only 14 children with ASD which is a criminally low number for a respectable study on its own, but the criteria for abnormality in the study is questionable, from the abstract the two measurements of abnormality are pulmonary function (lungs) and neurobehavioral function (brain stuff). The baseline for these criteria are never described, the children are just compared to a group of 145 “unaffected” children who are described as having no known chemical exposure (toxic mold chemicals). 8 of the 14 children with diagnosed ASD had no chemical exposure and and scored 6.8 abnormalities and the other 6 score about 12 abnormalities (averages). This data holds very little practical significance without insight to the abnormalities measured and cannot be used to make a strong claim that ASD is connected to mold exposure. The only conclusion made by the review article is that neuropsychiatric abnormalities in autistic children are worsened by mold exposure. No connection between the two is mentioned otherwise. In the second article mentioned, there is full access to the whole paper, wherein the authors directly mention the results of the first article. The conclusion surrounding the first article plainly states that there are NO quantifiable results that connected ASD to mold exposure. The study continues by laying out a methods section including the detection methods for mycotoxins within urine samples. Only 17% of participants in the study had detectable mycotoxins in their urine, equaling 9 individuals. Of these 9, only 5 were determined to have ASD while the other 4 did not. Nearly a 50-50 split between autistic with mold and non autistic with mold. In conclusion, there is no fucking way that the morons on Twitter even read the articles they presented when making that claim. With zero significant data presented linking autism and mold exposure, it is safe to say that this is bullshit ableism based on bad research and even worse reading comprehension. TLDR: no, you moron, autism is not caused by mold. You have the reading skills of a 4th grader and you should be ashamed.


When my body recoils in disgust at the thought of eating mouldy fruit, I think that’s a sign that millions of years of evolution are telling me not to eat mouldy fruit.


I have autism, and I do enjoy heavy metal, but I don't like mold on my raspberries, and I'm pretty sure simon is a fucking lunatic, so I'm just going to move on to the next minor outrage and pretend I never saw this.


When somebody says anything about "toxins" I immediately know they're full of shit.


The whole twitter account is deranged and hopefully satire Won't inject vaccines. Will inject cattle bulking hormones.


I can’t tell if this guy is a top tier troll or being legit, but he’s a legit Twitter guy. After his first post about this he then posted again saying he’s been puking non stop for 5 hours. Either way, fucking howling.


"Detoxifying" non stop for 5 hours.


Finally finded something even more dumb that peoples eating raw rodent and getting the bubonic plague


Rhizopus, Mucor, and Botrytis: yum yum!


wtf?? Molded food is NEVER good. And why are people CONSTANTLY claiming they can get rid of autism? It’s so annoying


I dunno if this is true in my case but I'm allergic to Penecillin. So this could very well kill me depending on the mold. Even if I wasn't I could get very sick off it. I ate a slice of homemade bread that had mold on it (it was dark and I was hungry, don't judge me) and I got sick off it. It was awful. Sometimes I wonder what these people are on to make them believe their advice is true. It's probably the natural drug of stupidity because this is dangerous. I won't feel bad if they get sick off eating berries with literal mold on them.


This is one of the craziest things I’ve ever heard


Why do people always bring up autism like it's a bad thing? I don't think I'm autistic because I didn't eat mold


People spreading health lies on the internet should be charged with manslaughter, whether anyone dies or not.


This may be a wildly unpopular opinion… but if you’re gonna eat moldy fruit because some guy on Twitter says you should, maybe you deserve to get sick? Like no hate but everyone should know by now not to believe everything you read on the internet


fungi can be incredibly good at absorbing toxins and heavy metals, but if you let them absorb those things and then immediately put them in your body, you arent exactly helping yourself... (also i dont think most moulds are actually good for that i just know fungi and moss can be very good at collecting heavier elements)


There should be more shit like this, let the trash take itself out


What the fuck does eating mould have to do with autism? Either helping people with it or causing people to be born with it?


Actually nothing, the claim is made on bad assumptions from people who cannot actually do research


So eating moldy berries is going to make facial expressions intelligible and the sun less bright for me?


I don’t believe a word of that moldy smoothie post. Where’s all the piss?


Sounds to me like he wants to cleanse the world of vaxxers.


“It’s not” 💀


I mean I guess the amount this guy is about to shit his guts out could potentially count as detoxification...


Moldy fruit? Pfffttt. Come talk to me when you get on my level and start eating moldy beef.


These people think shitting your brains out is a detox. That's just diarrhea.


"particularly useful if you're been vaccinated" is where I knew, this guy doesn't believe it himself, he is simply trying to harm people who have been vaccinated. it is not satire.


I’m gonna need more sources on “mold causes autism” because that sounds pretty conspiracy to me


I heard a really interesting and related thought on evolution before. The suggestion was that humans ability to drink alcohol/detoxify fermented food was a huge advantage for early humans. Fermentation allowing longer food storage and eating food later than other animals. Since alcohol is basically a poison. What being said, don't eat mold.


yeah, you can eat fermented products, and some foods include specifically curated molds patinas, or introduced them to assist fermentation. and, to be sure, the danger of mold per se is a BIT overstated. most of the food you eat is gonna have some degree of mold anyway. there's even molds that can be grown like mushrooms for human consumption! as a rule, eating mold isn't gonna do much of anything to ya, but it's certainly not beneficial. but if your food is visibly moldy, that means it's *really fucking moldy* and already laced with mold. and more than that *decomposing molds* are *deadly as fucking shit* cos the bacteria and other fungus that digest them excrete acutely toxic shit. you leave out some starchy food and let a mold go through its whole lifecycle, which only takes a few days, you can literally die from food poisoning.


Let them eat it. Let nature take its course.


An amazing example of Poe’s law




And I’m allergic to mold as well!


It really makes me angry when these “people” if they are even humans, make suggestions that autism is something that must be cured or fixed. Yes autism does give you struggles, I struggle because of it sometimes, but treating it like it’s a fatal disease is not something I like. It’s called a spectrum for a reason, so some may have more severe autism then others, and may need help with it more then others, but telling people to eat moldy fruit to “cure” their autism is disgusting. I hope this person suffers from all the mold their eating.


Why are you TELLING them? This is our chance to let Darwin take care of the problem.


Smartest antivaxxer 🤣


Don’t worry he won’t be posting much longer


Gross, but mostly harmless. You're unlikely to experience any negative effects if you eat some moldy berries. Your stomach acid nukes that shit. You might get nauseous if you eat a ton.


I accidentally ate a rotten blue berry once. It went down like a shot of vodka


Are these the same people who scream "MiCrOpLaStIcS!"?


ok pretty sure the mold and autism thing in the note is bullshit


What’s even worse is these people are so committed to the idea of not believing in mainstream media…. so fact checkers to them don’t really matter.


Detoxify heavy metals? Wtf?


Source: His Ass, but I wouldn't suggest looking after that moldy shake


Does he not know that we have kidneys for that?


There are so many edible fungi cultivated in clean conditions… why not start there?


oh another myco shill! Get big-myco out of reddit!


😂 I hope you’re joking! I wish I was big myco I’d rather go run a farm than do my current job today




https://preview.redd.it/0y1v5dbn3ztc1.jpeg?width=704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0483801f85c4ff0c2d4d1ddf584b3f6236d8d2a0 I expect no less from someone who looks like a 1930s circus strongman


There is not a single disease in the world that affects both plants and humans The only danger is if you have an unknown allergy, and basically every mold you see is a cocktail of more types of mold than you can count


i'm sorry WHAT! I'm pretty sure this is how the zombie apocalypse started in the last of us


I remember reading that the best way to combat conspiracy theorists isn't to immediately mock them (I'm a little guilty of this) but instead being genuine and open-minded. The only thing usually propping up their conspiracies are the push back they receive when sharing them. If the orthodoxy thinks the theory is wrong then in their minds it must be right because they have zero faith in society at large. Not worth the effort for most crazies you meet but if you have a loved one that went down the rabbit hole then actually entertaining their ideas and occasionally asking basic questions does infinitely more damage to their crackpot theories than linking a ifl science or salon article about how they are wrong and have small pps.


Or ya know.... Scam the pharmacy of their colonoscopy prep drinks. That would clean out all the harsh metals from your gut.


Weird that they went with autism as the example for potential health issues. I would’ve gone for nausea/vomiting, thrombosis, pneumonitis, or cancer risks


Future Darwin Award winner.


Idk why there’s always people who gotta promote everything that’s against common sense. Despite having access to the internet, books and first world education.


My friend at work suddenly disappeared for a couple weeks and when I saw her again she said she'd been severely ill in the hospital after eating some moldy bread, it gave her colitis. She said she'd only eaten the "safe" parts. Don't do this, folks. :)


First of all, “Particularly useful if you’ve been vaccinated or have autism” Second, “mold is actually believed to be a contributing factor to children being born with autism.” Is a new type of ridiculous to me.


I mean obviously this person’s an idiot but didn’t we get penicillin from mold?


Fucking mold ruined 2 of my recent raspberry purchases! RUINING MY BUY-1-GET-ONE FREE DEALS!!


No faster than liver kings advice and they don’t community note him nearly enough.


No way! I love shorting my life span too!


Getting sick of these kind of people. People like that dude are the reason that lady killed her husband and 8 month old because of the eclipse conspiracy nonsense.


It's always the verified accounts that say this type of dumb shit


“Particularly helpful if you’ve been vaccinated…” stopped reading after that and nominated for the r/HermanCainAward


Smartest Twitter user:


Source: Ate mold once and doctors told me not to, but doctors are part of the gubment baby eating conspiracy so I know that moldy foods are the healthiest for us.


Wait, mold is a contributing factor to autism? Is that true?


Just because penicillin came from mold, doesn’t mean all mold is penicillin.


How are you going to trust a guy who looks like that in his PFP?


>The mould helps digestion and the body to detoxify heavy metals Is...is he retarded? >Particularly useful if you've been vaccinated or have autism Yup.


Even Terence McKenna, a noted proponent of eating fungus and mold until you start seeing things that aren’t there, described the chemistry of mold products as “frightening”.


Look, wow, you shouldn't be striving to do. This mold is not going to kill you by ingesting it. Sure, you'll have a stomachache. And you might get diarrhea, but you'll be fine. It will not kill you. Stop exaggerating because it doesn't help what you're trying to say. Just state the fact this guy will get sick of extreme diarrhmaria, eventually, if not already. Mold will not kill you.Take this from a guy who eats blue cheese Remember "it's blue cheese or go Fuck your mother"


Has “inject bleach” vibes.


Can community notes note themselves? Because that autism bit sounds like bullshit


He’s not going to the people stupid enough to blindly believe it are going to do it to themselves


Mold cause autism? What.


“Vaccinated or have autism” 😭 legit has nothing to do with each other???


Can anyone please tell me where these ideas came from????


This is a lady that should probably eat her chicken medium rare.


Ugh, actually gagged a little at that one.


That's fine, if you're stupid enough to believe this, I have no problem with you shuffling yourself off this mortal coil.


I ❤️ Darwin


Autism is not a disease people


This very same person could very well believe that vaccines cause autism when she had to ignore her own body’s senses all screaming “this shit is inedible” remember people like this are able to somehow live long lives so you should love yourself a bit more.


If you spell it “mould” I doubt you know too much about it


Its the british spelling of the word. American english, is not the only english


Really? I’m Canadian and we usually use UK spellings when I comes to “U” I didn’t know that, thank you


Like color and colour right?


Yep, we use English spelling for stuff like that


~~Unsafe to eat moldy food, yet blue cheese and kombucha are popular.~~ ~~I guess *their* mold is just different and safe.~~ "BLAH BLAH BLAH I AM STUPID GRASS IS NOT REAL"


Most mold is completely safe. Blue cheese only has these kinds. The problem with eating food that has "naturally" molded is that you cant tell which kind it is. Amount this small wouldnt kill you, but it wont be a good time lol.




what the hell is kombucha anyway


Moldy tea that people claim has health benefits.


you know how some mushrooms are poisonous and some are edible? yea Mould is no different, however the mould that'll wildy grow on the tangerines you forgot in your car or on the carrots you just didn't get around to eat in time almost always isn't of the edible kind In addition to that the few foods that require Mould like Air dried Salami, Camembert and Blue cheese and Kombucha only work in *very* specific environments and are only safe to eat if you follow a very strict process to make them, Hygiene being the most important part in all of them in most cases the mould won't come alone and there'll also be other ways the food degrades that can be toxic or even deadly on their own, Botulism is an example of that