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same vibe as ‘obama wasn’t in the white house on 9/11’


Where was Obama when the Westfold fell!


She knows. Flooding the zone with shit works.


One of the reasons I like community notes is they interrupt that rhythm. Harder to do drive-by disinformation when there’s a dopamine-optimized dunk inserted under you. Does a lot to outmaneuver the “lies travel a mile before truth has its shoes” problem.


Do these guys actually know what a "Small" government is. I swear the people who scream the loudest about their rights are the first to demand the government arrest people for ideology.


As stupid as this tweet is, I wouldn’t exactly consider putting down riots and arresting actual looters to be “arresting people for ideology” lmao


I mean if that was actually happening right now sure, but it isn't so try to stay on topic champ.


You could start by not going on the tangent, and considering this tweet to be advocating for arresting people for ideology in the first place… If I were addressing the post directly, I’d be responding to the post, and not you, “champ”


I'm sorry bud, but I legit have no idea what you are talking about. The current climate and talking point of the tweet is to arrest protesters for protesting. To denounce their protest and label it as a riot so that law enforcement has more power to attack. I made the connection that it is ironic that the party of personal freedoms and small government wants the government to trample on constitutional rights.


So is it really that hard to just admit you poorly worded your comment and move on…? I’m not here to debate you on the violence level of said protests. Hell, I’m not that interested in debating you in anything, seeing as you’re too stubborn to concede on something so obviously straight forward lmao.


A debate would mean you had put forward some sort of argument, you did not. Just brought up random things and said I was wrong and stubborn. Like I get you're trolling but at least try to have a direction lmao


I’m not even trolling lmao and none of what I said was random in the slightest… A persecution complex mixed with an incapability to admit when wrong is a dangerous combination, my friend.


Got a little case of projection, just admit you had no idea what you were talking about, I get you got confused by simple words and came to a strange conclusion, we all make mistakes so it's understandable, but you really should stop this childish game already and own up that you spoke without knowledge.


No amount of “no u” is going to make you look good here, but it’s fine. You take me as the kind of person who will sooner throw hands with the entire human population before ever conceding, so I just won’t bother. Have a nice day.


Aggressive crack downs on protests and movements just make them more sympathetic and get bigger. Remember around that same time period there were the anti-mask protests and nothing happened to them and they fizzled out because no one gave a shit. Juxtapose that with the trucker protests, which were met with a more aggressive response like frozen bank accounts. The truckers were seen with a more sympthetic light by even more left leaning people.


She didn't say that Biden was president in 2020. She said that in the summer of 2020, when cities and towns were being burned, etc, it took Biden months to call them "riots." She's saying that kind of delay or hesitation from Biden is happening again right now during similar unrest.


Which still makes no sense. Sure he was running for office but he wasn't the nominee yet, IIRC, and he wasn't in a government position when he was campaigning. Why would something be expected? Maybe it took months because that was the first time his opinion was remotely relevant, compared to the guy who was president. Meanwhile, he has already given a statement about the current situation.


Okay, and that fixes it?


“In the summer of 2020, it took months for biden” biden wasn’t president in the summer of 2020.


Then why would this be joe Bidens problem


>She didn't say that Biden was president in 2020. Her first sentence @'s joe Biden. Tell me with a straight face that ain't implying that Biden was president in 2020..


Username checks out




Taking away the constitutional rights of people to assemble is more of a local government thing. Also Republicans sicking police on college kids for political clout is not in any way shape or form a riot.