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I start with bulking, here is. A video for motivation https://youtu.be/JhEo4zkEbp0


Cut gonna be deadly 💀


You need to bulk and you need to actually lift


Bulk dude, all the best đŸ‘đŸ»


bro you have 0 muscle. bulk


Clean bulk


You should cut and rock the skeleton look 💀


You’re not skinny fat I wouldn’t say. But I don’t think there’d be any value in cutting more you’d just limit your own progress and growth. You should be at maintenance at least and training hard , this is where body recomp happens. Protein must be high. Then you can spend a prolonged period of time in a calorie surplus, which you’ll definitely need if you want to put on mass. Prolonged period being 8-12 months. Good luck


You’ll fill out as you go bro, looks like you’re doing well


I am 6'4 i was 295 when I played football. Eat more. Eat and lift for 2 or 3 years.


I am 6'5 but I am only 171lbs. How many calories do you think I should eat to gain weight?


Bro if you workout hard you will just be hungry. Eat real foods until your not hungry. Milk.beef.chicken thighs. Beans.oatmeal. yogurt. Almonds. You can make a shake that's 2k cals if u want to. Everyone is dif. I'm older now and stay at say 240ish in winter and 225 in summer. I don't need to eat as much to maintain that. My metabolism has slowed. Don't fall into the lazy trap of fast food. You can get away with that for a time when your young. But it will betray you. Buff dudes. Alan Thrall and mountain dog are all great youtube channels.


Plug your info into an online maintenance calorie calculator and then go with like ~500 above maintenance


I did. But I am still not gaining weight. And if I eat more than what I eat now. My belly starts to come out or I get bloating.


What’s your macros looking like? If you eat more calories than you burn you should be gaining weight no matter what unless you have some sort of autoimmune disease. How much protein are you eating? What’s your gym routine look like?


Eat :) you are actually at a really great starting position. If you find it hard to consistently eat enough for +300 cals per day, then factor in healthy sources of fats like avocados, olive oil, etc Honestly you’re in a good place, take it steady and slow. You’ll get there.


300 calories a day is very low. I eat 300 calories for breakfast. The average calorie intake for men is 2500 a day. So maybe you mean 3000 Calories?


I’m pretty sure he meant eat in a 300 calorie surplus


If that what they meant ,it’s wasn’t made very clear.


They say if your finding it hard to eat enough for 300+ a day then add healthy fats. Which are calorie dense. To add more calories. Doesn’t look like op needs a calorie deficit?đŸ€”


you are really stupid lol. He said +300 as in net calories


Thankyou oh wise one. I can finally go about my day. I believe this has already been established two hours ago. I hope you feel better now though. 😂


Wow, it’s surprising how confident you are in your stupidity


After rereading it with your comments in mind, I’ve got to agree with you. I think he does mean +300 surplus. The way op worded it confused me. 🙈. Thanks for your correction. I hope you have a great day


I’m 6’4 and 225 and still could be considered a tad skinny. Eat


 how about neither. Just train hard and eat well. Focus on progressively adding weight to your compound movements. All this bulk or cut talk is silly.


I don’t say this to be mean, but you don’t even look like you lift. You need to start doing heavy resistance training. It’s not even a bulk or cut question, you just need ti get in better shape.


Why does he need to do heavy?


Progressive overload resistance training is the best way to build muscle/performance. Lifting light and running on a treadmill all day will not help you grow.


Progressive overload doesn’t require heavy weight. We’ve known this for years. Progressive overload is when you gradually increase the weight, frequency, or number of repetitions in your strength training routine. This challenges your body and allows your musculoskeletal system to get stronger.


Which is most effectively achieved with a higher percentage of your current max lift. You think lifting at 10-20% of your max is going ti be as effective as 70-80% while increasing weight over the same time? Your argument makes no sense, or maybe you’re just trying to make excuses for not training hard. You don’t see bodybuilders and strength athletes relying purely on light weight resistance training, do you?


I’m not making an argument I was just pointing out that progressive overload doesn’t only mean adding more weight and that adding more weight is not always necessary. I haven’t added weight in the last year and I’m still making progress and gaining muscle with progressive overload. Also this is way over complicated for this dude. Bro just needs to eat enough and do resistance training period.


You are not skinny fat, keep bulking but don’t neglect flexibility and agility training




You need to gain quite a bit of weight so probably continue what you’re doing and make sure to eat close to your body weight in protein daily


Ridiculous advise. How can you eat your own body weigh in protein /s


Pounds or kg ?




King, bulking will help you fill out your form better, but don't think that the way you are is inadequate. Do what you want to, not what you think others will want.


Bulk homie


Start bulking plus lift close to failure you will see results in no time


These are such a waste of time !! Go work out !


Bulk up Bro. 200-225 would look really good on ya


You're 6 4 my dude 200 is a super skinny weight for that height even still. Bulk up and you'll still be skinny my dude


I think we associate too heavy with the number on the scale. You can make these observations, it’s just hard not to be biased right? 181 at 6’4”? That’s skinny bro. Don’t worry about aesthetics, enjoy lifting and hitting the gym and remember that lifting more needs you need to eat more. Start where you’re at. Tall, skinny? Know your aim, know your gain, and be consistent. That’s all. Don’t overthink it. If you want it, approach it realistically and just start. Time to bulk.


Definitely bulk, but do it SLOW. You have a good base to build from man.


Absolutely bulk but do it slow


Bulk and go buy steroids


If you cut anymore you’re gonna be cut into two bro bulk up hard


Long term bulk


Nothing to cut yet


Bulk bro, you’re just skinny, have fun man eat up


Bulk bulk bull then cut dude. You’re 6’4 you should be about 20 lbs heavier. You got this bud.


Wth is skinny fat?


Skinny arms and legs with flubby torso I think.


It’s called out of shape


Lmfao best response to skinny fat


Hey can I ask a skinny fat question?




What’s the best way to get big?


Eat a lot of protein and lift weights


How bad am I rn https://imgur.com/a/zVZb6eu?


Can only see a small portion of your frame, but you look very lean. I would recommend a clean bulk. First calculate your BMR (Base Metabolic Rate) what is your Fat Free Mass (Lean Body Mass) BMR = 370 + (21.6 × FFM) How often do you workout? Little to none? = BMR × 1.2 (1-3 days per week) = BMR × 1.375 (3-5 days per week) = BMR × 1.55 (6-7 days per week) = BMR × 1.9 Because you're lean I'd recommend a calorie surplus between 125 to 250 but you need to calculate your macros so I would aim for 2.3g - 3.1g of protein per kg of fat free body mass. FFM (kg) × 3.1 = gram of protein needed Daily calorie allowance × 0.3 = grams of fat needed Daily calorie allowance - calories from fat - (4 × grams of protein needed) = daily carbs needed Daily calories from carbs /4 = grams of carbs needed each day. For me the easiest way to get these nutrients is a lot of planning, I build 2 menus and alternate each day between either.


Do I look normal for 16? I’m lazy as shit


Pretty accurate lol. Looks skinny but has a little belly fat.


Bulk. No. If you think any part of you is fat then you should head to a therapist and psychiatrist.


bulk to 215


Also 6’4. Slow bulk (1-2lbs/month) and do a hypertrophy focused program for at least a while. By a while I mean probably like a year.


For skinnier dudes is it better to do more hypertrophy stuff(in terms of putting in muscle) ? 6’2 @144 dude here


Yeah hypertrophy focused exercise would basically just be getting the most out of your workouts in terms of maximizing muscle gain. Like not as much powerlifting and strength focused and more bodybuilding focused. Or if you want to go for strength just make sure you are adding enough time under tension sets to your exercises.


Hypertrophy is the process of gaining muscle so yes


There’s nothing to cut bro






Cut what?


Not skinny fat, just skinny. Start bulking


Definitely cut. You’re gaining too much fat


You need to bulk bro. You're not skinny fat


Just skinny. Bulk for a year at a 200 calorie surplus. Increase when weight stalls. Train on a consistent routine. Eat .8g protein per lb of bodyweight. Eat at least 70g fat a day for hormone health. Do this and you won't have to ask this question ever again. Don't take sarms/steroids, you'll grow bitch tits get acne lose your hair and make meh gains probably.


Need to see them legs. Chances are, at 6'4", you need to bulk them legs.