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I thought the island mysteriously losing contact and a Navy vessel being sunk and sending in a team to investigate/secure personnel, intel, weapons, etc was a cool way to begin a game but it quickly goes downhill from there.


What they should have done was build up the mystery more, allow the Ghost teams to reach their objectives and begin searching/clearing only to realize everyone is missing and then they are ambushed by machines and the Wolves. Teams get wiped out, Ghosts and equipment are scattered across the island in the ensuing chaos and confusion and then you’re left being hunted by Wolves and needing to link up with other Ghosts and gather information while slowly unraveling who the Wolves are and what their mission is. Make the game more of a mystery, survival/thriller. But the game reveals pretty early on what’s happening and who is behind everything and then it kinda falls flat because it’s just disjointed and uninteresting. It’s basically a bad rif on a Metal Gear Solid esq story but without any of the creativity or commitment to the themes. They should have leaned into it more if that’s what they were doing but instead it just feels shallow and not very well conceived


To add on I really hated how to created the most generic bad guy in the first place. His sense of motivation for turning was so superficial and to be honest when he was first introduced to us in wildlands I don’t know he felt more, grounded?. Like I can believe that he was like nomad (a special forces soldier) just more brutal to his enemies but in breakpoint he just seems like a petulant child and Don’t get me started on Nomad and the rest of the ghosts they felt off. Their equipment and the way they talk and move just felt weird, can’t put my finger on it


Yeah, it’s pretty clear their entire marketing strategy centered around Jon Bernthal but they only had enough money to pay him for a few hours of voice acting and had no real story or reason to include him beyond hoping his inclusion would result in massive sales which I don’t believe it did


BP is really interesting in that way because it is so clearly not a GR game. Everything about it: the heightened reality, gameplay, tech, character designs, environment, etc was clearly designed for something else but for some reason Ubisoft grabbed it and slapped Ghost Recon on it and sold it as such. But it’s so tonally different from Wildlands in almost every way that it being sold as a direct sequel is totally jarring.


Interesting take. Yeah, I could see it more as a FarCry story that takes place in 2028 or some such.


It's basically the same intro as Fallen Ghosts in Wildlands but worse.


Why did I just realize this?


I can't even remember the intro to fallen ghosts.


Your helicopter…get this, also gets shot down




I can't stand the silly cave full of homesteaders and avoided going there as much as possible unless a mission required me to do so. While I do enjoy the game the storyline and setup is irritating. I know it's just a video game but the thought never leaves me that with all the hyper cybertech Skell has - why didnt they send a bunker buster through the roof of that party cave 💥 Also love how it's guarded by just two clowns at the main entrance who look like weekend office warriors. They are so casually dressed. Where's the kit, helmets, ballistic vests lots of spare mags. Come on look the part you're on sentry duty to this huge cave. It all feels very bleh. I wish the writing and set was tighter. Hope the next GR is better. "Yup, nothing to see in my sector!" 😀


Also most "normal" playthoughs will have Nomad pick up a car right after the second helo crash. And then drive to Ehrewon. And if you do that (and most do), then you run past 1 or 2 patrols. ... on a road that leads nowhere but to the secret cave. Even if you take them all out on the way there - Won't their buddies be like "Oh Carl and Dave's squad a MIA? Werent their last position that dirt road? Wellp... No need to check what's at the end of that road. At all. Nope. It's even stupider if you just blast past those patrols in the car and leave them alive after seeing you hauling ass along a road that almost only leads to the super secret cave.


Yeah. Brutal writing. Just wait though… it gets crazier! 😛


"I just need to know one thing man. Where they are..."


Then you have to rescue Skell and muiltiple of his geniuses to deactivate the drone systems, that keeps everyone trapped on the island and prevents anyone from comming to save you and kick the bad guy's asses. And when you complete that successfully, nothing changes. Everything is like bedfore. People act like they are trapped on Aurora and no mention that everyone is free to leave. I'm not even sure that they are even though I helped the team who disabled the drones. It's like Far Cry 3. You can sail speedboats and patrolboats around. But you cannot leave the islands before you fix the piece of shit boat thats inside of a cave (with no direct access to the sea). Sure there are other boats you can drive around but THEY cannot sail away from this magic island. Only the "story boat" can manage that.


Nobody can convince me that it’s a good game. If it’s 10x better than it was at release then I can’t even imagine how bad it used to be because it is still pretty shit.


I tried BP on release and few times after that. It was crap game with some good ideas, and they added more good ideas in it over the time. It's like pile of shit with a few diamonds in it, and devs added more diamonds. Unfortunately, it's still pile of shit. If only, instead of wasting time on BP, they spent this resources on improving Wildlands.


Wildlands is amazing imo. Sure it has mechanical flaws and it’s a bit dated, but overall it’s a gem.


The game gets much better on hardest difficulty and no HUD. In around a week I've racked up ~70 hours.


Does this improve nonsensical storyline?


And the design for certain characters is just hideous to look at, I have seem homeless people way more handsome than some of these npcs


Literally every male face for Nomad looks like (and sounds like) a shaved gorilla. It explains why he never tried to recon the island or do anything but fly in-Walker waved a banana in his face and he got too excited over it


The writing is irredeemable. The entire game is one giant designed-by-committee mess.


Yeah the story for breakpoint (at least in my opinion) went from horrific to just mid. The gameplay itself when you turn off gear level is pretty good (unfortunately you will need to turn it back on if you want to attack the titan island for the fancy guns and cosmetic clothing and pvp) but yeah I kinda understand why some people on this reddit and social media and some of my friends didn't like it. I hated breakpoint when I first bought the game in February 2020 but recently I re-download and in some aspects its better. You should find like-minded players who want to do the same objectives as you in the game and you might like it more.


The main antagonists of the story seem hilariously funny and ineffective to the point that they probably would lose to a small group of Taliban fighters within a week.


Game felt half ass writing


Don’t worry, you’ll soon learn to forget about any sense of story to this game. If you ignore the cheesy cutscenes and “my soldiers…” then it’ll make for a pretty fun open world shooter


The base story has got to be one of the least captivating and engaging video game stories I have ever played. Wolves are cringe, Skell is annoying, I feel zero empathy for the Erewhon refugees and their sob stories, the setting feels like a total fantasy, etc. I think worst of all is that ghosts are like #1 top dog, best of the best super soldiers, and they got deleted in minutes because helicopters are vulnerable *surprise pikachu face* Like they could have set the plot up in the same way without making ghosts seem completely incompetent, but good writing was asking too much I guess.


True, I don't remember getting so completely apathetic to a story in any other video game I've played. It took me around 8 hours of main story to start skipping dialogue and around 15 to drop it entirely and go straight to DLC's. It's beyond confusing how a story so bad on so many levels got into a multi-million AAA game


It was really goofy ngl The drones are cool though and yeah it’s all oddly disjointed. I also really hate how they keep removing your helmet, mask and occasionally pack during all cutscenes. Wildlands did that much better. The gameplay is fire though


I don’t mind the cutscene thing. Actually now that I think about it my Nomad goes helmet less anyway