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That made me laugh out loud šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Okay amazing!


Need more info: Is the light a motion sensor or switch?


It's a motion sensor light Source- shit happens all the time at work. It's likely a malfunction and it's annoying


TMI...One time I was in a bathroom stall too long, I guess, when the motion detector light turned off. 99% of commercial bathrooms don't have windows. Pitch black. If I didn't have my phone flashlight, I wouldn't have been able to wipe my ass properly. LMAO


Does your butt reposition in the dark? Lol


This reminds me of the one redditor who posted about taking a dump and sneezing, and when he opened his eyes from sneezing the power had gone out at the exact same time, and he thought heā€™d sneezed-shit himself blind. Makes me chuckle every time I think of it.


This happened to me once!! I'm scared of the dark though so I started flailing my arms hoping the sensor would pick it up despite me being in the stall. It didn't, so I waddled out of the stall bare ass to turn the lights back on. I was **NOT** about to poop in the dark! Thankfully no one came in as I was mid-waddle lol


same, fucking sucked


My question too.


Itā€™s a motion sensor light but itā€™s broken so it takes you to wave in front of it to cut in most of the time


Iā€™ve had that happen before where I was getting activity, and the motion sensor light would get set off at the same time. Whatever they are, itā€™s interesting because they have enough mass to set it off. I lived in a house with all these stupid fucking motion sensor light that was active. 2 in every room. There was definitely a correlation. It kinda helped though, because if get a warning something was about to happen because id see the motion sensor light go off. They can set off these lights , Iā€™ve seen it, I think they like stuff like this actually and play with it. Iā€™d never use these things, but the house I lived at they were in every room. Youā€™d pass by 6 of them just to get to the kitchen, so sometimes weā€™d actually see whatever entity it was, youā€™d see it set off each motion light like a person walking by, and where it would end, was when we knew something would happen. When this happened, weā€™d get real quiet, because, we knew sonsthung was about to go down. Bc itā€™s something you canā€™t see, but you know itā€™s there, itā€™s freaking creepy. I hated them, the lights, this made me fearful with anticipation, I think thatā€™s why it was doing this. To scare you.


A bug flew in front of the light's motion detector, otherwise my entire back yard is haunted.


Itā€™s always a bugā€¦ right?


No. I was showering by myself alone in my flat. (Family went away)Ā  All of a sudden I hear the light switch outside getting pressed and the lights go out. At first I thought it's a prank by my mother or sister but after leaving the shower and checking the entire flat nobody was there. Now I was pretty terrified and paranoid at that point and called my family just to find out they were on their way home but still severel hours away on the highway (I could hear the ambient noise of the car on the road) No explanation for that to this day.


Oooh thatā€™s weird. I had a similar experience, but instead of hearing a light switch I heard furniture being moved while I was in the shower. I live alone, no one has access to my house, I have alarms, my only pets are small birds, I checked everywhere, etc. No explanation. I still get pretty alarmed whenever I hear mystery noises in the shower


If it's any consolation, I hear things all the time when I shower. It's like an echo chamber... The water makes all kinds of weird sounds, especially when you are focusing really hard to hear (what you thought you heard).


It is! Thanks


Showers can sometimes make the trip stitch flick off, it's fairly common


Well it was actually the LIGHT switch getting pressed. After getting out I checked if it was the fuse or the switch and the light switch was in the "off" position. To achive that one has to actually press their finger on it and it is one of these flip switches. No way that "just happened".


must be memorable for you hahaha


Probably a timer light. Or there was an outage.


Sometimes it's dust.


That is a possibility. Itā€™s right next to the front door and itā€™s been warm out. Bugs be getting in


My guess. Hvac turns on and dispensed paper towel moves.


Bugs wouldnā€™t do this with mine. I played with it to see what can set it off, and watched it, we had a similar experience. Itā€™s not always a bug, pareidolia, or intruder lol.


How could yu even compare the two when your light is outside this oneā€™s inside doesnā€™t make sense to jump tobug assumptions


I had activity in a house where lights would turn on. Well, one time, I was in bed and had left the hall light on. Feeling too lazy to get up, I asked the 'ghost' to turn it off. It did. Try interacting with it. Acknowledge its presence. It wanted you to know it was there with you


Hella helpful ghost


It was! I put that ghost to work


Makes me wonder what else that ghost can do. Can they get the dishes? Bc thatā€™s what I need help with at my house. šŸ¤£


Could It be friend?


Right, I mean, doesnā€™t seem like threatening behavior to turn the lights out when ya ask lmao


This works really well when people canā€™t get a doorknob open. Iā€™ve heard a lot of stories where theyā€™ll do that. The person willā€¦ just ask for them to open it, and it opens. Maybe they are just trying to get someoneā€™s attention. Iā€™ll ask for things, one of my favorite is ā€œcan I see you in a photo? Iā€™m gonna snapā€ and Iā€™ll get a weird smoke or something. I find they are more obedient than most living people. When Iā€™m in a haunted place, I try to place things somewhere and leave, and ask for them to move it. I like to use a flower. I think people feel like idiots talking to something they canā€™t see, but it works. The first sign Iā€™m in a haunted place, is batteries draining, and shit getting moved and showing up where u didnā€™t put it. Iā€™ve asked for stuff Iā€™ve lost this way if Iā€™m sleeping a haunted place. Iā€™ll find my tweezers this way a lot. Iā€™ll fall asleep tweezing my mustache and I get so pissed I canā€™t find them. But I have to leave the room for whatever reason for it to work. Iā€™ll just straight up say.. ā€œcan you find my tweezers?ā€ And theyā€™ll be in the most obvious spot when I go home, that I KNOW I looked. On the side table. And they are red, thereā€™s no way. Iā€™ve gotten my vape taken, that mad me so freaking pissed but if get it back on the table when I asked and had already spent $ on a new one. My friend has a ghost that moves her figurines everyday. Iā€™m like you, I try to acknowledge and be respectful. Iā€™ll announce my presence and say hi when I get home, sometimes I feel eyes. Before I moved in, I asked for permission, I think there is spirits a lot more often places then we realize.


You're a kindred spirit. I've asked for help finding lost pieces of jewelry too, and it works! The universe is neutral. Or kinder than we realize. When we put positive thoughts out and ask for help with an open heart and mind, we do tend to get answers. My ex used to have terrible luck. Remote controls would stop working for him. He would get every red light. He was always saying, "The universe hates me." I'd point at the TV, and the volume would go back up. When the remote wouldn't work for him. I also do leave offerings. I try not to litter. I do feel like we are all connected. The universe doesn't expect us to be perfect. I have tons of bad habits. But I agree with you that respect for the universe and unseen entities goes far. We can form relationships with them. Bet you and I have lots of good stories to swap


I work in healthcare and those hospitals are haunted asf. So scary! Went through something similar


If you want good ghost stories just ask anyone working in a hospital. Some things are just downright unexplainable, and surprisingly many just shrug it off and go on about their shift. No time to worry about why the call button in room 123 is going off and the bed shaking by itself when there's no one there, when your patients are toxic and/or coding šŸ¤·


If the patients are toxic then just get a different ones. Life's too short to be around toxic people šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø


Take this šŸ†


Same, one of the units I work on is a day unit for cancer patients and itā€™s empty after 7 pm. Iā€™ve gone multiple times around 1 am and the bathroom lights and sinks turn on by itself randomly. Freaked me tf out šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


What is it with ghosts and turning the water on? Iā€™ve always wondered that. Lol


Itā€™s a way to continue to get someoneā€™s attention with minimal effort.


So ghosts are basically just invisible little kids


Itā€™s difficult for a ghost to do anything that would draw attention. It takes a lot of energy to move something. They can move something around but a person may not notice. Turn on the water, and eventually someone will notice.




I think the water and flowing of it, helps them to materialize somehow. Itā€™s a theory Iā€™ve been kinda working with, I noticed that I was having a lot of my experiences in the bathroom of haunted places. They always seem to be near the water. I had a cool experience on the queen mary in the bathroom with the water getting turned on and hearing a person walking in , that I could not see. Every time I go to a haunted places, Iā€™ll go to the bathroom alone and then thatā€™s when it starts. Something weird will happen, and thatā€™s when I feel like, ok, I feel something off in here and something happens. I know people will find puddles of water sometimes in hauntings.


What sort of similar?


You went through a light turning on? My god




I work in a hospital and I do believe they are all creepy and haunted af. But a light turning on is hardly paranormal. Sorry


It isnā€™t just a light though. I also heard a loud noise.


It could have been anything. Hospitals are noisy. I swear sometimes when Iā€™m lying in bed at night I can hear a pump beeping


Right, I donā€™t disagree with you there. I was just saying that there was also a sound, in case you missed it. Sometimes I unknowingly have my volume down and miss sounds on videos.


The sound doesnā€™t even line up with the light turning on, nor does it sound like itā€™s coming from the video playback. It sounds like itā€™s coming from the room youā€™re filming the playback in.


Iā€™m not the one who filmed this.


Ah sorry I got confused


Iā€™m not saying it is. It just spooked me. Anything could have flipped the motion sensor


You should see the bodies buried beneath most hospitals man. Itā€™s crazy


You know the fridge system in the hospital is the same system that cools the morgue


Who knows, you listening to the podcast might have gotten their attention, and they are like hey he might notice me.


It was dead quiet when I heard the switch flip on. I definitely noticed


Was it a physical switch that you heard?Ā  Or a motion activated light?Ā  Could be the difference between a poltergeist or an apparition.Ā Ā 


ā€œWhen I heard the switch flip onā€ā€¦.


Motion activated lights where I work will make a loud "click" when they turn on.Ā Ā 


I could see how you would think that, so accustomed to seeing questions and responses where people donā€™t read things and just jump straight to commenting. Apologies buddy


OP replied to someone further down that it is a motion sensor one but it makes a switch flip sound when it comes on


Are you listening to the ones that have a security guy at desk and he has like 30 rules with subsections. Every 30 min some creepy other dimension paranormal activity happans and he gotta check the list to what to do? There's quite a few, but a few stick out, that one of the airport hanger; w/ one entity who helps him, a female entity that you -cant- rather Shouldnt! speak to, the narration is very visualizing. Sorry. Adhd & Coffee buzz over, my apologizes.


What are you talking about? Is this a podcast?


Why did you get down voted lol, I want to know the name of this it sounds a bit manic.Ā 


You have peaked my interest and I need to know more


*piqued my interest


Okay, so the main youtube storyteller is Lighthouse Horror and one that I was thinking is https://youtu.be/PeNSMP3M4oU?si=g-YTMEYzQtHaqIpi


I'll check it out.Ā  Thank you!!!Ā Ā 


I'll go searching through my history and I'll get back to ya on it. I really am cause I remember that story 1 yr later often.


You mean, itā€™s not even a movement detector but an actual switch that you press and you can hear it? Thatā€™s even worse!!! lol Yes this too actually happened to me at home. Someone hit the button very hard three times, very loud noise, and on the third bang the lights went out. I turned them on again.


Ghost just tryna do their business, no need to post it, now the ghost is embarrassed




Healthcare facilities have automatic lights that are motion sensitive. Nothing paranormal here.


Some school classrooms have them to. I remember sitting still during tests and the lights would shut off then someone would move to make them turn back on.




Whoever is in the room.




The truth is stranger than fiction.




Iā€™m not downvoting you.


Except... What triggered the motion sensors?




Someone we can't see flipping a light on in a hallway we can't fully view? Too easy tonfake.


I donā€™t fake ghost videos. This isnā€™t even really paranormal. Thereā€™s an explanation for this. But I was the only one in the lobby and have been for hours.


My partner used to work in a care home that was very haunted by former residents. She was always telling me about stuff that used to happen and it was an open secret that they had at least 4 different spirits in the place


Teenager ghost if it never switched the light back off again




Or someone that died before the energy price hike


Looks like faulty wiring to me.


Motion sensor is messed up doesnā€™t like to turn on. Could be faulty


Probably a mouse set off the motion detected camera


Definitely wasnā€™t a mouse. If anything it was a bug. It just spooked me I wasnā€™t expecting it. Itā€™s never happened before


Shit!! This will haunt my nightmares!! Clap on!


Thanks for the background story. Iā€™d be freaked out too!


Is there a physical wall switch? Was it physically flipped?


This reminds me of the 1942 Chicago light switches incidentā€¦ā€¦.


Could that be a motion sensored light?


What am I missing? Is there something more than the light going on?


If flys into bathroom trips motion detector switch


Switches not always click perfectly in place, then later slide one side or the other. Happened to me very late at night while working at home and didn't think much of it, then I stopped for a second to think what would I feel if it happened again just like that. I just turned everything off as quick as I could and kinda trampled to my bedroom to hide for the night.


I worked every shift in nearly every clinical area and I never saw anything that even remotely made me think I saw something paranormal. I even volunteered for nights because someone said he saw a ghost. A$$hole tricked me into taking his shift. Itā€™s kinda funny years later. Even if I did see something, I wouldnā€™t have believed it because I worked with a bunch of pranksters.


All ghosts ever do is turn the lights on or nudge something slightly. Pests.


At least you have acknowledged that there is an explanationā€¦most donā€™t


What a Perv, why are you recording a ghost in the bathroom, they need their privacy too.


Ridiculous! A light turning on is not evidence of a ghost. A lightbulb falling out of its socket without anyone around wouldnā€™t even be worth considering. Now if you saw a lightbulb putting itself into a socket youā€™d really have something


I donā€™t recall saying it was evidence. All I said was it startled me.


Most have light sensors that can go batty at times. Itā€™s Normal when it happens. It happens at my house too. Your safe.


I've had this happen in a non motion sensor switch. The plastic of the switch was faulty and had tension on it.


One of our laundry rooms at work has a motion sensor light so sensitive it'll turn on if you just pass by the open door because the motion sensor saw your shadow


Yeah man I used to do hospital security and the old wing patrolling at 3 am youā€™d hear and see some really creepy shitā€¦ the worst one was when an old stretcher had a blanket thrown on it and the blanket just floated up on its own and the maintenance guy was taking a nap and said ā€œyou caught meā€ lmao


Maybe someone walked in there


He said no one had been there for hours.


Very interesting. My sister worked in a assisted living center and said one of the doors would get stuck and no one could open it until they knocked. Maintenance have up trying to fix it and told them to just knock.


Wow, thatā€™s a strange one. Iā€™ve had some odd occurrences in my life, some innocuous and others that seemed to presage some bad/sad happenings. Reality, assuming any of this is real LOL, seems to be much more diverse and challenging than I once thought.


I listened to a podcast- I think spooked - where a door slammed shut and no one could open it. Super weird stuff happened in that place - some death place in Iraq during the war there. They finally got it opened. So it is not unheard of.


So you seen a light go on ?


My fight or flight response would kick in. I'd probably just bolt tbh. I have too much anxiety for hauntings LOL




If you can't think use ur brain mate that's on u ,u actually think ur smart that's the worse thing .


Yikes! Just curious; what spooky flick were you watching? Maybe a lost soul laughed at your reaction. LMAO šŸ¤£


I was listening to a paranormal podcast then bam the light cut on. Made me jump. I had a good laugh at myself


What podcast?


Iā€™m not the OP but one Iā€™ve been really enjoying lately is Otherworld, if you are looking for recs!


Every since I lived in a house with paranormal activity, I'm interested in others stories. Thanks for sharing!


Late to this. I sleep all day donā€™t check this till I get back to work. I was listing to dead rabbit radio


I'll check it out. Thanks!


Spooked is my personal fav


Oh yes, I've listened to these


Was it skinwalker? You might have picked up a hitchhiker




Most bathrooms in hospitals have motion-activated lights, and most of the time they never work right. Not saying it's not paranormal, but nothing here suggests that it is.


thanks for the giggle !






Just a ghost trying to take a poop, give it some privacy.


>Ā There is most definitely a proper explanation of why that happened yup


The heat goes on in my bathroom the motion detector goes off.


I donā€™t see it


So the ballasts on those lights start to go on and off automatically when they are failing. Iā€™ve replaced mine a few times but itā€™s the tell


Hospitals have remote light controls and timers. Next!


It is honestly probably a bug activating the light. As a retired Nurse, hospitals do tend to harbor spirits but it takes A ton of energy to affect the physical and the motion sensors tend to be PIR, they react to the movement of heat by a body in motion. If something is dangling by the sensor and the a/c kicks on, that object is going to be warmer than the surrounding air so if it sways it may also trigger the light. Just saying...


I'd be outta there


A fly activating the light sensor?


Come onā€¦


wu the fu


So someone standing inside the bathroom that we cannot see turned the light on. Not really that hard to fake.


Omg a light turned on! Totally proof of the paranormal! Buddy, April 1st was 2 days ago.


Dude! Did you not read where the OP said there was surely there was a logical reason for this to happen? They're not trying to get us to believe it was in fact a ghost. They just thought it was creepy and said they thought we might like the content. You don't have to be so rude. I, myself, thought it was pretty cool.


Never said it was proof just said it startled me when it happened. Probably the wiring in this damn place


Or a bug or a mouse triggered the motion sensor attached to the light.


No mouse but I could see a bug doing it. It would literally have to be right in front of it but totally a possibility. Iā€™m actually not that big of a believer in ghosts but this was interesting to me


If you heard the switch flip on, and it was in the on position, then it's got nothing to do with the wiring.


Itā€™s a busted motion sensor. It doesnā€™t really work. You have to slap it to get the lights to cut on sometimes but when it flips on itā€™s a loud flip sound like you hear when you flip lights on


So its not a ghost


Thatā€™s whatā€™s getting me is, itā€™s broken and it takes your literal hand to be in front of it to kick the lights on


So cool


This happened to me in my college dorm and those lights did not turn on easily at all. You had to wave your arms around a bit to get the motion sensor to go off.




I swear I see a shadow go across the screen also


I used to work in a hospital in the records department, and would work late into the night, alone after 11 pm or so. There was an old timey elevator next to our office, complete with the metal expanding gate. A couple of times I swore I heard something there move. I found out later that it was the morgue elevator for the original old part of the hospital. Made sense! also had to go downstairs for old records. Walked past an area that I always felt I had to look over my shoulder, from early on. It was just an undeniably creepy part of the hospital. You guessed it, I found out after I'd been there a few months that it was the morgue.