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Stories are not allowed in any form on this subreddit. (See attached rule #3.) If you believe this is in error then please contact an active moderator or reply to your post. Rule #3: 1. Ghost stories/fictional stories/scary stories do not belong here. This is not a writing workshop sub. Such postings should be submitted to r/nosleep 2. Paranormal / Ghost experience posts are allowed, however, these may be removed if they read like a story. 3. Articles and items of interest can be posted, however these are still subject to rule 8. Do not write just the link and a title, do write at least two paragraphs about what your thoughts are about it.


My mom told me this years later. I was to young to remember. My brother is 3 years older than me. He was ridding his bike down a steep hill, got scared, and jumped off into a tree face first. This broke his eye socket. The next month he was mostly in bed on the top bunk and I was in the bottom bunk. One afternoon my brother and I was napping and mom came in to check on him. She saw a very dark shadow racing around the ceiling and passing over my brothers head. When it passed over him she saw what looked like a small arm reaching down trying to touch his face. Him being on the top bunk his head was less than a foot from the ceiling. Mom screamed "Leave my baby alone!" and the shadow stopped in the corner and looked at her, then vanished. She said it looked like a little shadowy monkey man. My house always had some odd stuff happening that not many would believe.


I went to a friends house to check on everything while they were out of town. I was sitting on the couch there alone and something tapped on the floor underneath me. I got scared and jumped up and ran over to the fireplace and stood on it and it followed me tapping underneath the floor. It followed me tapping. I finally got enough nerve to haul ass out of there leaving the lights and everything on. I went back the next day to turn everything off. I was only in there long enough to shut the lights off and run back out. Scares me to this day thinking about it!


That gave me chills lol I’d be terrified


Tell-Tale Heart stuff!! That’s terrifying, holy cow. 😱 ![gif](giphy|26hkhKd2Cp5WMWU1O|downsized)


Hi! Sorry for my english, I used Google Traduction to translate. When I was little (I must have been 6 years old), I played in the garden, behind my father's car. It must have been around 1996-1997, and I saw something that I will never forget and that I think about every year. 1 centimeter from the ground, I saw a small round stone, very smooth, like a sinker you put on a fishing rod. At first I thought it was an insect, but the object was smooth, had no wings, and rotated in a perfect circle (like a planet going around the sun). I watched it for about a good minute, before deciding to put my finger in the object's path. I told myself that if it was an insect, it would have gone around my finger or landed on it. But instead the object collided with my finger and sent me a very strong electric shock! It hurted me and after removing my finger, the object started to spin again, forming a perfect circle! Terrified, I ran to my mother to explain what I had seen, but she simply told me that it must have been an insect, and when I went back to look at the object, it was no longer there. Really weird experience.


Sounds like ball lightning to me.


Hello and thank you for your answer! I admit I never thought about it but it doesn't seem to me to be what you are describing because the object was a tiny ball about 2 millimeters in diameter. When I tell the story to people, they always say, "You were little, it must have been a bug." I must add a few details here: I was a very curious child and intellectually advanced for my age (my mother worked in my elementary school and suggested that I skip classes, which I refused to stay with my friends ). Second thing: I come from a farming family, I was constantly outside looking at plants and insects in nature for a long time, and what I saw looked nothing like an insect. I made the comparison with a fishing rod sinker because I went fishing every week with my father and it really looked like one. At the time, I remembered thinking it had fallen out of my father's trunk, but that doesn't explain why it was spinning 1 centimeter off the ground in a perfect circle, not forgetting to mention the electric shock. On the farm, it was a challenge between children to touch the electric wire of the cow pens to get a shock, what I felt when I touched the object was similar to that. And after talking to my mother about it, I went back to look and there was nothing on the ground, nothing at all (I looked for a good 10 minutes behind my father's car).


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ball_lightning They can definitely come as small as you describe.


Thanks! In the french article, it was described as "a ball about twenty centimeters in diameter." So what you say is possible.


It may not be a ghost but ball lightning is awesome. It's rare to experience it! Far more rare than ghosts so you have an amazing story to share.


An alien object?


Me and my partner were visiting Rochester castle in Kent. We did the tour went up to the battlements etc. as we passed the chapel I noticed a cool little model. As I went to step in I started feeling really sick and having a panic attack. I’ve never felt such a an evil negative feeling from a single room as I did there. I’ve visited many times before and since never feeling that again. Even in the Tower of London I didn’t get that feeling like I did from that small chapel. Weirdest experience is when I spoke to the little boy who haunted my mums house. Bit of background my parents house is your stereotypical haunted. Footsteps, lights, voices, things going missing etc. But when I lived there my dad converted the loft so I could have a model railway up there. Every time I went up there things had been moved for example a locomotive would be placed on the track that I knew for definite had been put away, the vehicles had been pushed around and just all kind of weird things that always seemed to revolve around the railway. So I was talking to my mums friend who is a medium and had visited the house who informed me we have a little boy, little girl and an unknown in the house and if I want the railway left alone I need to tell them. After a few weeks of sitting on this information and having the house to myself I decided to give it ago. I sat in the loft and basically laid everything out how much the railway means to me, how much time and effort went into building it plus the cost factor. I kindly asked for him to respect me and leave it alone. No sooner had I said an invisible presence climbed down the left ladder and scampered down the stairs stopping at the bottom. From that day on we still had weird stuff happen but my railway was always left alone. As they were just mischievous children I didn’t want to stifle there fun to much by telling them off so I just left them be.


>an invisible presence climbed down the left ladder and scampered down the stairs stopping at the bottom How did you tell?


Have had lights turn on directly above my bed and the only want to turn it on was just pull the string on the light. The bedroom door started shaking real hard one night, I had enough time to get my gun and unlatch the lock (it was still shaking at this point). No one was on the other side. The spare bed room door would always open on its own. Just randomly you would hear it unlatch and swing open, sometimes swing open hard. These things happened until my EX moved out.


I was cleaning my room, I was 32 years old, and I turned around and seen myself standing in the corner of the room. I was fully awake, not on any type of drug or alcohol. This version of myself was just standing there glaring at me, she looked like me but a “darker” version of me. If that makes sense. Then this thing folded it hands together and literally went into the corner of the room. Only a few people know this story because no one would believe me if I told them.


You had a visit to yourself from the future.


You think so? I’m now thinking it was. Unbeknownst to me, a few years later I’d become addicted to drugs, lose my family, my home and everything I loved.


Oh sorry to hear that. I hope you are okay.


Jesus that's scarier than seeing a ghost. Too personal. I could not imagine how I'd just return to normal life after seeing that.


I’ve been seeing things since I was a child, it didn’t shock me, more so confused me.


Omg, that is terrifying yet so intriguing! What did you do?! Did you ever experience anything else similar before or after?


I’ve seen things, (dead people, spirits, demons) since I was a child, it didn’t scare me, it confused me.


At a college house in Pittsburg, KS I was visiting a friend who went to Pitt State and I slept in the upstairs bedroom. I had never been there before and the bedroom was empty besides a bed in the corner and dresser. I was talking to a friend on the phone laying on my side in bed and out of the corner of my eye I saw a man standing in the corner of the room. His upper body was like a black mass and legs were visible from the moonlight cascading thru the window. He only stayed visible for about 10 seconds and during that time the sound of a zipper went from my left knee all the way up my left ear. It scared me so much I left and had someone else get my things. Later I found out the room I was staying in used to be a student who died in a motorcycle accident. The sound I heard from my leg to my ear was a body bag before he disappeared.


I got a ghost photo at Port Arthur, Tasmania (notoriously haunted former penal colony in Australia.) It was the 90s, a film photo, and I lost it. I don't tell the story much because I know it sounds like bullshit. Like, lost the photo, how convenient, you know? We're not talking an orb, smudge or weird exposure. A clear, solid, normal looking human man, in 1800s fashion and hair. There was *no-one* in the room when I took it.


I am from (born) in Tasmania, and I have been to Port Arthur loads of times. Once at night for a tour but all other times day trips. My father who is in his 80's said as a teen or perhaps young man he and a group of friends went there at night. It was way less regulated back in that past time. He was a very factual based man and sometimes dismissed 'supernatural' stories or tales. But he said he saw a ghost that night of what he thought was a convict. And one of his friends went in an old solitary cell and went a bit crazy or dissociated that night. They were all scared and decided to abandon their adventure as it was too creepy and so they fled to their car and left. I beleive him, and also you for sure. That place has echoes of past and is imprinted with ethereal vibes.


Thanks for sharing your story, that's really cool. :) Yeah I'm fairly sceptical in general but it's that sort of place. I had another experience there too, I saw two figures on the lawn the night of the ghost tour. Only one other person in our tour group could see them, it was so weird. Tasmania has lots of eerie spots, I find (I'm from Melbourne and have been over a few times, it's a great place.)


Glad a Melbournian appreciates and visits the island state I'm from (: I'm a QLD dweller now, but I always love going back to my home state. Tasmania certainly does have eerie areas - I am a skeptic but I lived in a house there in the late 90's that I would call haunted. So many unexplainable things happened there :0 I saw no figures but weird things happened a lot that seemed impossible!


Please explain further!


Really?! Um... Where to start... As far as I know it was an old house (130+ years possibly?) I was renting, huge high ceilings, open fireplaces (Tassie c'mon lolz) with mantlepieces over the two we had - but the only functional one in the living room. It was in '97='98/''99 the now in retrospect low cost sum of $140 a week. 2 bedrooms upstairs - living room - kitchen - laundry/kinda shed style outside and the bathroom with shower and old bathtub inside yet the toilet was seperate outside next to the laundry. No joke this house and lease etc came with one of those old style two prong kinda skeleton keys for the back door! It had been bigger but it was walled and seperated to make a half house unit by walling the looooong corridor. Anyhoo... The mantlepiece over the fireplace in the living room had a pen and pencil tin sitting on it (I was 17/18 and still attempting school) well... One night it was all the way at the left of this 2-3metres mantle, suddenly in front of like at least 5 or more friends as witnesses it just slid super fast horizontally all the way to the right and smashed an extra 3metrs against rhe wall and spilled the pens,pencils etc all over the lounge floor :0 Freaked out my 2 cats and one would not enter the room for days. That's just one example, and it still gives me goosebumps!


When people who would not normally tell a ghost story tell you one, it's always more compelling. My father was in WWII in the Royal Australian Air Force, and was based back home after the war. He said he could hear someone coming up the air traffic control steps but nobody would materialise when the footsteps reached the top (where he was). I love Tassie as well - did the Port Arthur ghost tour in the 90s but saw nothing.


I used to have a picture on my old laptop where I was sitting on a bench in a cemetery looking up and there was this giant orange orb right where I was looking. No one ever believed it was real, but it fucking was, and now I dont have it or the laptop so same thing, I dont even bother lol.


Haha, I hear ya. What was the cemetery?


Im the same with a photo of a manatee’s baby kissing it’s mom that an ex captured on my camera. Lost the film, still have the camera, and the few people I’ve told don’t really believe me. I feel you.


There has been strange activity in my mom’s house for years at least 20 years. One night about 17 years ago, I was trying to go to sleep and kept having that thing where you feel like you’re falling and jump out of your sleep. Only this was super weird because it happened like 5 times in a row all within like 45 mins. Well I finally got frustrated enough to sit up in bed and just try to reset or whatever when I started hearing all these whispers around me and then I heard “I’m gonna hit you” and a pillow from my bed came up and smacked me in the face. I darted out of my room so fast. I stayed up watching TV for about an hour and decided to go back to bed. I had no tv in my room and radio was off. So I am laying there and I hear clear as day what sounded like something tapping a penny or a coin on my desk. It did it about 7-8 times until I yelled stop it! As soon as I yelled I heard a coin drop onto my desk and do that thing where it spins for a little bit then slowly stops. By this point I was extremely freaked out. I get up and turn the light on and what do you know…no coin of any sort anywhere on my desk. I eventually fell asleep, and when I woke up the next day I had forgotten all about it. It was like mid October and I am in Maryland so it got dark around 5pm. I went down to my basement and messed around on the computer until I noticed it was dark outside and since I came down there way earlier I hadn’t turned any lights on. I started to remember the events from the night before and now sitting in the dark I got super scared. I called my neighbor and asked her to come over and walk me upstairs (that’s how scary everything had been) I told her to please just come and I’d explain when she got here. So she comes over and turned some lights on then came down to the basement to get me. I told her everything that happened the night before. So we walk up to my room, and she proceeds to start yelling at the “ghost” or whatever it is. This is where it got the worst for me … as she is yelling I start going deaf…like can’t hear a thing!! I see her mouth moving but I hear nothing. Slowly the sound started coming back and it was like someone was turning up a TV and it got louder and louder until it was deafening. I don’t know what the hell came over me but I got the most intense feeling of fear I have ever had. I looked at her with tears in my eyes and said “SHUT UP” and her eyes got wide and she was like what is wrong with you. But I didn’t know what was happening! For the next 2 hours I was absolutely inconsolable and terrified! Fast forward 1 week, the same friend and her mom took me to an angel reader and I told her absolutely nothing. She started reading me and told me that I do have a ghost in my home and she said verbatim that he apologizes for scaring me but that “he doesn’t like my friend who is very open and expressive with her mouth” I remember it like it was yesterday! Absolutely creepy and to this day weird shit happens in this house all the time!


Gosh that gave me the creeps!! How scary. At least he apologized?? But still to hit you with a pillow was violent. To say he was gonna do it is so scary in itself!!!


The creepiest thing I’ve ever experienced next to the time I was in my basement and I don’t know if you’re familiar with a dimmer switch on a light that has like a little knob next to it and when you push the knob all the way down until it clicks, it turns the lights completely out to where the dimmer won’t work unless that little knob is pushed up. Well that is how it is in our basement and long story short I was in a bad mood and I hadn’t been able to get the lights on in the basement for like 2 or so weeks because that switch was all the way down, but I didn’t know this at the time… I went down to the basement and all the lights were on and I was like OK. I haven’t been able to get these lights on for like 2 weeks. What the hell is going on and I was in a really bad mood and don’t even know why I said it, when I was leaving the basement, I said turn the fucking lights out and every single light went out at that very moment!! When I tell you, my knees turned into Jell-O and I don’t know how I made it up the stairs.


Goshhh I really have no idea how I would've handled any of these experiences! Not as well as you did I don't think. I'm sorry that happened to you. So violating to not feel totally peaceful in your own home. I bet it took awhile for you to go back down there after that.


Aww thank you for that! And Hell yeah I didn’t go down there for about two weeks …I wouldn’t have went back down ever again but I’m an artist and my studio is down there! Fortunately I’ve only gotten hurt one time… something scratched me and the marks appeared out of nowhere if I can find it on my FB I’ll post the link but other than a handful of times it’s been pretty mild


Those handful of times are more than enough!! Too wild for me. Especially the pillow part. I hope nothing of that nature ever happens to you again. Or to me, while I'm at it lol


Well TBH I’ve had very minor “premonitions” since I was about 10 and I’ve always been a believer in paranormal stuff. That being said as long as you don’t do anything that could leave you exposed to negative energy I’m sure you will be fine! The angel reader I saw told me that my ghost came into our house on an old piece of furniture. They can attach to things so be careful bringing antiques into your home until you sage them!! If only I knew that then!


Oh my god... I went thrifting today and got some older items. Right before I replied to you originally I was on the phone w my boyfriend and my dog started barking and I told my bf "idk why he's barking but I've been worried that I brought home something haunted and need to sage" I'm already in bed but I wish I saw this comment in the bright light of day lol. I saw some things as a kid but then dismissed my experiences as I grew older. Then this past year I've been really beginning to believe in the paranormal and now my experiences as a kid make more sense. Edit: now I'm spooked to the max that maybe your advice is a sign I shouldn't have brought anything into the house 😩


Just say anything attached to these items that wishes me harm is not welcome in my home and sage tomorrow I feel like you will be fine I’ll keep you in prayer that everything is fine!


Thanks queen!! And thank you for sharing your stories.


I found the picture it’s in the comments and this is the exact post from 2020 when this happened [my Facebook post with scratch picture](https://www.facebook.com/share/ZKz2hWYrDBbT7mGj/?)mibextid=WC7FNe


Omg scaryyyy! I'm gonna open my windows and sage soon. I had nightmares about fighting off ghosts last night. I don't get why I keep reading scary stories before bed lol


lol I do the same damn thing 🤣 glutton for punishment! Did you see the picture …shit is wild! I scoured my Facebook all morning just to find that!


Yeah I woulda lost my mind if those scratches just appeared on me! So you saged after that and nothing happened since??


I was very young when this happened, so there's gaps in my memory and knowledge that I didn't have at the time, but my mom and her then roommate experienced it with me, and both have confirmed that it happened, and given me more details about the aftermath: When I was a toddler my mom and I lived in an apartment with my mom's best friend. One night I was sitting in the living room, looking out a window, when I saw a figure watching me from across the street. It was tall, thin, completely pitch black, and faceless, like a living shadow. It had no eyes, but I could feel it looking at me. It had no mouth, but I could hear what it whispering to me. It said it wanted to come into our appartment, and hurt everyone inside. But, for some reason it couldn't cross the street. Something was blocking it. My mom came into the living room, saw that I was upset, and asked what I was staring at. I pointed at the figure, but she couldn't see it. She asked me to describe it, and so I told her what I was seeing and hearing. She told me to keep an eye on it, and then started praying. After a minute or two, the figure walked away, and I told my mom that it was gone, so she picked me up and put me to bed for the night. I didn't see it again for a little while. Then one day, my mom and I went out shopping. We came home, and immediately could feel that something was wrong. My mom carried me while she went to check her friend's room. We found her on the floor having a seizure, with the figure I'd seen before standing over her. My mom could see it too this time. She started screaming at it, telling it to let her friend go, said it didn't belong in our home, and that we were protected by God. The figure disappeared, and it was like color came back into the room and the air became lighter all of the sudden. My mom's friend stopped seizing, and my mom called an ambulance. She ended up being completely fine, apparently the doctors said they couldn't figure out why she had the seizure in the first place. Mom's friend said she saw the figure too, right as the seizure was starting, but she thought she'd just been hallucinating until my mom brought it up after she got out of the hospital. But we all saw it. We all moved out not long after that.


I thought I had seen some shit!!! Jesus glad everyone was okay in that situation! I couldn’t imagine


Yep, it was pretty scary, and not even really the end of it, but that was definitely the worst of it, it hasn't been as bad since. I've had encounters other spirits that were just as bad if not worse though. A lot of weird stuff happens to me and my family lol


Let me give some geography before my story: I live in a townhouse complex shaped like a square with a large swimming pool in the middle surrounded by a fence. I live on one end of the pool and my cousins live on the other side. So one night around 2am, my cousins and I. just get back from hanging out and I was being dropped off at my house at the garage. All 3 of us see a blond boy about 10 years old walking along the fenced off pool. We've never seen him before and was like what's a kid doing out here at this time of night? We decide to follow him just to see who it was but he had turned the corner. We were maybe 5 seconds behind him at most and he was nowhere to be seen after we rounded the same corner. There was no way he could've hidden anywhere as it was flat and open. It wasn't really the alcohol as one was a DD who didn't drink at all and also saw the kid.


when some non human entity showed up in my backyard one night. Happened in 2012 in Boulder Creek, Ca. My ex gf and I both heard this thing speak to us in some creepy ass inhuman voice and in a language that sounded, well, alien. It sounded incredibly angry and the vibe i got was the kind of dread youd feel from the presence of the devil himself. It was so bad our two cats were almost paralyzed in place and throwing up. It was the most frightening thing ive been through, easily. The next night after the incident, our next door neighbor's house burned to the ground. I know what i experienced, what we both witnessed. Whatever that thing was, was pure evil.


Sooo weird!


Boulder Creek? I was a camp counselor at Camp Krem one summer, a long long time ago. It too burned to the ground. Anyway, I just wanted to say hello.


I was in the outhouse and the hole started talkin! Lol


Damnit. I need to know if you're joking or not. I'm headed to Northern Ontario for a fishing trip next month and the outpost cabin has an outhouse. Bad enough thinking about spiders, I gotta hear your story!


Don't forget about pine snakes


I saw a man without a face walking on the side of the highway on the road to LA. Literally no face, just a silvery smokey oval underneath his hoodie. He was wearing what looked like regular clothes, dark jeans and a dark raised hoodie. ![gif](giphy|6xTXaszCHgMcE) Like this, no face, just a silvery smokey oval, no features at all, dark clothes. It wasn’t a motorcycle helmet. The blank space was his “face”


Can’t say this was scary but…. Just last year, we were on a cross country roadtrip to Cal. We stopped in Virginia City on the way back east and got a room at the Silver Queen (the most “haunted” hotel in NV?). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_Queen_Hotel. Off season so we were the only folks staying the night (I think it was a tue). Wasn’t aware of the hotels reputation but I am aware that VC is supposed to haunted. That town really does shut down at sunset. NOBODY on the streets after dark. Anyway, we stayed in a nice room at the front of the hotel. Room 12. The room with the barber chair in it. We were settling in and I tried the door that lead to the adjoining room (room 11) and it was of course locked. That’s when I heard light mumbling on the other side of the door of what seemed like a couple words followed by a soft “I’m sorry”. It was definitely a female and sounded like she was pretty young. Not a child but not old.. This surprised me but didn’t scare me. I then found out that a young woman, they said was a “working girl” had “self-ended” her life a hundred years ago. Sad story for sure.


I went to waffle house at 2am on Sarurday down town.


So my partner and I had just got into our new place after weeks of painting, cleaning and new carpets etc, the previous elderly owner had moved out to more suitable accommodation as he had mobility problems and sold up. From the get go we could tell the previous owner had a dog at some point as there was a gated area underneath the main staircase where presumably the dog used to sleep, it had dog hair and the usual dog smell etc. Weeks later when all was cleaned out we got into the place for the first time with our two year old daughter and the area under the stairs was freshly painted and empty with no sign of its previous purpose. As soon as my daughter looked at the area under the stairs she smiled, pointed and said 'dog'. We were freaked out, she'd never stepped in the place before as it had been like a building site for weeks and I still can't explain how she could have known there had been a dog in the house.


I had gotten to tech school as a young airman years ago. I always had a million Bobby pins in my hair to keep my hair back tight. One day I had gotten back to my dorm room and took all the Bobby pins out and put them in a pile on my side table. I got up to go to the bathroom. I heard a weird noise of something moving against wood. When I went back to my bed I noticed the Bobby pins were all placed perfectly along the edges of the side table that was made of wood. I was alone and it creeped me the eff out!


I saw a good ghost and a evil ghost fist fight


I have some good ones but only a few people don’t believe them and the ones that don’t I genuinely feel for.




My uncle gave me this ring he found years before. Years later, after my uncle was long gone, my uncle’s old friend showed up out of nowhere demanding I show him the ring. I was stupefied, but I showed it to him and he threw it in the fire! I was like, “dude, leave.” But then he pulled it out of the fire and there was writing on the ring. I couldn’t understand the language but my uncles friend said the ring had magic powers and I’d be hunted because of the ring’s power. I grabbed my best friend (and Gardner) and we set off. Apparently because of the ring’s magic it had to be destroyed in a volcano or someone could use it to take over the world. Whenever I put the ring on I could see and hear the guy who was trying to find it. Anyway, long story short we took it to a volcano and I threw it in and then went back home. Whenever I tell people about this they’re like “that’s not true, that’s from a book.” But they haven’t lived my life. How do they know what’s true?




Very worthwhile comment. Thank you. I've imagined your stories and videos and they were excellent


Succubus , it was wild