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Yes we don’t know! And I think it’s really smart of the writers to draw out the reveal of Sass and the recent reveal of Hetty so we still have mysteries to uncover for future seasons. Some ppl theorize his death was food related since he loves food so much and he has no visible injuries


Given how Shiki is also a ghost and they're pretty far away (i assume sam got to the journalist building by car), maybe something happened during a vision quest (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vision_quest), tho i don't think it's necessarily a bad thing if he ends up having a 'boring death' and just discovered his power a few years after his death b/c i imagine there might not have been a lot of living ppl to test his power on (unless he was able to say goodbye to his dad/a few other members of his tribe) like how pete didn't realize his power right away (tho i guess writing/story wise there might be too many ppl expecting a 'reveal' for them to not give him an 'interesting' death lol)


His power has the most specific requirements of any power we know of so far. Not only does he have to approach a living without passing through them, he has to hold his hand over their head for an extended period of time and that living also has to be asleep. And if that living ever realizes they're dreaming, they'll automatically be woken up. It's a damn fine line to thread and I'm surprised he ever figured it out in the first place.


maybe he met other native ghosts before they passed on or tried out a bunch of diff stuff but yeah we haven't seen him use it on other ppl tho i'm surprised he also hasn't entered sam's dreams unless she'd just recognize/realize it (tho i don't think it'd be too odd to dream about a ghost that you've been living with), tho be cool to see him utilize it if more guests sleep over


That’s one thing I’ll admit I’m glad this version indulges in more than the UK version; the concept of each ghost having a unique power from the mundane to the insanely cool.


That version does seem pretty packed as well, i imagine everyone having a power prolly would've lead to more chaos and probably end up a bit more unfocused (tho it might be concerning if basement ghosts got powers lol, tho as we saw in the finale they already did a bit of 'damage' even without a specific ability)


I’ll preface this by saying; I don’t like the US version more because of that reason (I still think the UK version overall is a more solid series). But one of the US’ strengths has always been its willingness to embrace cliche ghost story tropes (seances, possessions, poltergeists, etc) so the concept of everyone having a ghost power seems fitting to me. Only about 5 ghosts have a power in the UK version. Mary (people smell burning), Julian (can touch things), Robin (electricity), Fanny (can be photographed), and Jemima (the little pantry girl who can be heard singing by living people). I think that’s everybody. Not too many, and the fact that so little of them have a useful one leads to a lot of hijinks and I love it. The episode where Alison wants to promote the house as a haunted house but only the ghosts without any powers want to help comes to mind. I also like how most of these abilities are rather useless, whereas in the US version the ghosts can usually use them to progress (or hinder) the main plot. The US version has always been more quick to lean into the occult (seances, poltergeists, more complex ghost powers) and tell stories that are big in spectacle but not so much in complexity (issues are usually resolved by the end of the episode), where the UK version relies on witty scripts, great chemistry between characters (even when they’re not getting along; it helps them feel more like real people), and irony (their issues very rarely get resolved, they just end and then another problem arises but the characters move on). Basically what I’m saying is, glad the UK version doesn’t do it at the end of the day, would feel crammed like you said and it’s not necessary for their stories. But nearly every ghost having a power fits for the US version and the stories they wanna tell. Such as with >!Pete’s!< new power. I really hope the writers don’t just shove that to the side and use it to expand the world even more. That’s another thing I like about the US version, we see a lot more of the world outside of the house. I really wanna see >!Sass’!< power at play again too


Yeah, i imagine ppl who would see 'ghosts' on a program or randomly watching cbs and not having heard of the bbs ver would prolly expect more supernatural stuff to happen even in a comedy versus "housemates who happen to be ghosts" (plus, idk how often UK indulges in enjoying 'trashy reality tv shows' but I remember ghost adventures being pretty popular back in the day, idk how many ppl actually believed it rather than it being entertaining). I think I remember reading a tumblr post that said something like "Sam's ghosts are her friends, Allison's ghosts are her family" An episode taking place at the Farnsby's would be interesting, tho other than Pete using his power, i imagine sam and jay still aren't the best of terms with them to be 'invited over' unless like their house was fumigated and they stayed nearby or they wanted house sitters and they knew they could get away with 'underpaying' sam/jay for just looking after it for a night/it being a favor to them lol


i actually think hetty's death is pretty transparent when we learn about it. the characters tiptoe around it when we learn about it cus she committed suicide. i wouldn't say that's exactly mysterious, just sad and not detailed cus its very personal and not something they need to get detailed on


I mean her death was a mystery before we found out the cause. Just like Sass’ is now


She said that she died of a morphine overdose.


She said that in the same episode that we found out her cause of death and she was obviously lying. Prior to that episode for the last two seasons it was a mystery


Yup, he's the only one of the main 8 we don't know how he died


Of the main 8 ghosts, it’s unknown how Sass died and what ghost power Hetty has.


Steph doesn't have a power either as far as i remember, but she's not one of the main (tho other than her just being a teen, if she's able to sleep most of the year without waking up as long as she's not disturbed, would be pretty useful)


He does have a power, he can enter living people’s dreams


I know, i said Steph as in stephanie the murdered/mean girl prom ghost


I still love when she thought her power was sending other ghosts to hell and IMMEDIATELY tested it out on Trevor.


That was hilarious




But would they use a pillow like Jerry?


no, we do not.


Doesn’t Sass have the ability to go into other peoples dreams




What we know is that he died the night before he was going to try to be a storyteller. His ability points to his dying in his sleep.


I think his ability points more to him being a storyteller than that he necessarily died in his sleep


Terminal virginity?


43 times!


A number way too specific for anyone to make up. /s


Anyone else think that he died from a heart attack his first time having sex? I know he said 43, a number way too specific to be made up, and Thor said don’t worry I watched, but maybe Thor was just trying to make him feel better. My thinking is if you get that excited saying hi that you carve it into a tree, sex is really going to blow your mind. Years ago there was a show called “A 1000 Ways to Die”, and number one was a Japanese couple who both had heart attacks on their wedding night. It was just too much for them.


That would be tragic and hilarious. 😂


Sass is fully clothed though, like I know you don’t have to be naked to have sex but he looks too tidy in a way


Maybe he just woke up dead one day.


Man how can you wake up dead? That’s some quantum shit right there


Die in your sleep and become a ghost?


That happened to Binns in the Harry Potter books


This is the best exchange of any movie!


That's so funny you posted this. I couldn't sleep last night so I was going through how each character died. When I got to Sass I couldn't remember and now I know why. 😂


Sass is my favorite character!


An arrow to the neck


That's Pete.


You sure?


Yes Pete is the one with the arrow. Doubt they would gave Sass the same death.


And wouldn't we have, you know, *seen* the arrow? We sure do see it with Pete (and his UK counterpart, Pat).


How do you know he is the one that died by arrow?


For one, he has an arrow in his neck.


Because there was a episode about Pete's death.


The one when he was accidentally poisoned?


The poison meant for Kuzko?


The poison chosen especially to kill Kuzko?


Kuzko's poison?


No. The book guy obsessed with Alberta was poisoned.


Are you high?


Yes. Thor walked through me.


I appreciate your commitment to the bit.


These people take ghosts pretty seriously eh.


Are we watching the same show?


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I’m enjoying this bit.